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Bab 56: CHAPTER - LI

Derek began to clash weapons with the Golem who handled all the weapons perfectly, before this he had to have total concentration because if one of those weapons hit him it would be fatal for him.

In some moments he used the spear to protect himself, at some point he began to send concentrated thrusts with mana to each of the eight weapons at an incredible speed rivaling the swing of each weapon and countering it.

Derek was beginning to predict his attacks thanks to the combination of his supernatural senses, adaptability to combat and battle concentration.

The spear was beginning to change shape into a long spear, one that would separate into Nunchakus and rejoin while repeatedly colliding with a sword, hammer, spear, scimitar, and more.

Weapons aimed at Derek's vital areas were avoided by a hair and a combination of Flash Fire confusing the Golem with residual images, in total being eleven.

Determined to give his all Derek used reinforcement throughout his body feeding every cell, nerve and muscle with mana as well as activating Titanic Force, the eleven images being close imitated Derek's lunge position, further confusing the Golem who attacked the images with all his weapons.

Derek making use of the connection he had with Agumon sent his intention to the digimon who fired a small fire breath hitting the Golem's helmet who had already swung his arms and weapons making him lose sight of the original.

Derek put all his strength in his toes destroying the shoes and leaving marks on the floor accelerating with Raging Fire in a speed blow appearing almost instantly in front of the enemy.

He transferred all his mana to his right arm causing it to glow with concentrated mana rays coming out of the limb, he placed his hand on the golem's chest, active muscle control, closing his hand into a fist as he touched the Golem's chest he launched a Power Punch at maximum power emptying his Mp completely in that attack.

The metal chest as resistant as it should have been gave in to the force of Derek's fist breaking into several pieces exposing the crystal that keeps it alive.

"Now Agumon" understanding Agumon grabbed the spear as he thought a spear of energy formed at the tip, throwing it with all the force he could muster.

(Please, please don't miss) Agumon mentally requested as he watched the spear fly at the crystal in the Golem's chest hitting full force and piercing through the Golem's back falling backwards with no sign of life to the ground.

Although his mana regenerates at a perverted speed, he admitted he was lucky that the armor's metal chest gave way to that blow, because after that all his abilities were deactivated as he ran out of mana in those seconds

"Ha... ha... ha... ha, well done Agumon, perfect teamwork buddy" congratulated Derek on his knees having used so much mana.

"You saw it Derek, Agumon did well, I did it just like you told me to" jumped Agumon already at his side feeling happy to be of help.

"Yes you did perfect boy" smiled Derek, Lucy nodded in agreement already on his shoulder.

Lucy: "Are you okay Derek"

Derek : "I'm fine Lucy, the small wounds I had from colliding fists are healed, I'm just tired from using all my mana in one attack, it will take me a few minutes to be at my best"

Lucy understanding that Derek was fine nodded.

System: [ Congratulations for passing the second test and defeating the Golem: Metal Dragon Warrior]


You have obtained a ton of Mithril, Dragon Warrior blueprints.

You have gained two weapons

Combat Adaptability has gone up 1 level

Battle Concentration has gone up 1 level

Muscle Control has gone up 1 level

Concentrated Strike has gone up 2 levels

Physical Reinforcement has gone up 2 levels

Power Strike has gone up 3 levels

Agumon has gone up 8 levels.

After all the notifications Derek felt happy to see some skills level up, especially for Agumon who was covered by a small light.

"Wow, I feel stronger" said Agumon having gone up a few levels.

Derek : "I know buddy, that's what it feels like to level up."

"Level up?" asked Agumon not knowing what he was referring to.

Derek : "I'll explain after we get out of here, for now let's move on"

Without further ado Derek opened the door but instead of being greeted by stairs what he saw was a lake and in the middle of the something was an island but totally black.

Not wanting to wait for surprises he used Observe discovering that what looked like an island was not in fact an island but was the Floor Chief the Whale Catfish which was hibernating.

But a tentacle came out of the lake, Derek barely dodged it if it wasn't because he threw it aside and pushed Agumon with it, with a quick look he realized that this was the son of the Whale Catfish.

Derek : "That was close, if that tentacle managed to grab us and take us to the bottom of the lake we would have a hard time, now I have more reasons not to approach there, so we will go with ranged attacks"

He looked at Lucy on his shoulder

"Looks like it's time to test your upgrades, since our enemies are in water why don't we use that Riobot generator I shrunk and installed in your body" smiled Derek terrifyingly, Lucy nodded in complicity being also curious about her new weapons.

Lucy: "Got it."

She said and from her back came out a generator and fire cannons made with absorbent metal, sparks began to shoot out of the cannons and Bamm bolts of electrical energy shot out hitting full on the Whale Catfish's body waking him from his hibernation only to writhe from the large amount of electricity he was receiving, being in the water, that was worse but he, though not the one united affected, his son was also receiving the electrical shocks.

Derek : "Agumon let's not lag behind, we will also attack from a distance"

Derek smiled and took out his Kunais charging them with mana throwing them making them explode when they made contact with the enemy's body.

[Baby Burner]

Agumon accumulated several fire spheres in his mouth firing them all at once making the monster screech more in pain, the three did not stop launching their attacks as if they were machine guns.

Derek was the first to stop launching his kunais when he almost ran out, then it was Lucy seeing that her reactor was running out of energy.

Agumon continued for a few seconds before stopping when he ran out of mana sitting on the floor with his mouth open and his tongue out because of fatigue.

System: [ ... Congratulations on passing the third test in a unique way so to speak ]


You have gained Adult Whale Catfish meat and Child Whale Catfish meat

Agumon has gained 12 levels.

Derek : "That's because we are unique System, although I have to admit that each of these tests was specially made for me, the first test is like they wanted to test my strength, the second my fighting skills or train my fighting skills, this one would be more like my survival skills in different areas or surprise attacks, thanks to these two guys I wasn't dragged to the bottom of the lake."

Thought out loud Derek as he looked at Lucy and Agumon.

Derek : "For now let's rest while we gather energy although these tests have been a bit complicated I don't think the next one will be or maybe the real challenge will be the last test"

He commented trying to think of countermeasures or how to respond to whatever comes after this, deciding to be at his best he sat down and started meditating already having an idea of what the last test would be.

An hour passed and everyone was ready Derek went down the stairs with Lucy and Agumon being Agumon the one who was getting more nervous as they went down, until they reached the door of the last test.

System: [ The final test will be against the creator of this dungeon as I've created an death bed to guard his body in the best state becoming a Zombie Dragon ]

[ This Zombie Dragon is not so different from a Dragon before he died, his spirit was preserved with secret magical arts of the Dragon race looking for a way to revive.]

Opening the door they came upon a Dragon with four wingless limbs the size of a small building staring at them.

"Raww" growled Agumon at the sight of him as if challenging him the Dragon ignored him and focused completely on Derek as if he felt he was the strongest of the group.

Derek : "Agumon you stay here I'll concentrate on close combat, Lucy you know what you have to do"

She jumped up and stuck to the ceiling, Dragon watched all this without caring.

Wanting to know what he was up against Ikderek used [to look] at the Dragon.

*Elder Rock Dragon (Zombie)*.

A Rock Dragon of great power when it was alive, because it is now a zombie it only has 30% of the power of when it was alive, guided only by its instincts, still it should not be underestimated.

He saw the Dragon's aura which was red not to the level of Abomination which was crimson like blood itself..

Still he did not underestimate him if he could use his Slayers abilities it would be a different story..

This made him realize that he had to learn attack spells if he did not want to go through this situation again..

At this Derek did not trust and activated Titanic Strength, Hulk Muscles, Physical Reinforcement throughout his body, with his two weapons equipped.

The moment he entered the room and took a step the Dragon attacked with a stomp destroying the ground where Derek was before with rocks flying in the air, who dodged when he jumped the Dragon looked at him and shot rocks from his mouth.

Derek used the rocks that had flown in the air with Flickering Flame maximizing the displacement of its center of gravity, managing to change directions as it moved through the rocks.

At this the Dragon did not stand still and moved its tail towards Derek with force, when he saw this he infused his shield with mana activating the shield rune, causing a shield of mana to form above the metal shield absorbing most of the force of the Dragon's attack, but even so Derek was sent flying to the ground.

The zombie Dragon opened its mouth wanting to swallow Derek but a spider web courtesy of Lucy stuck to his leg preventing him from advancing, he looked at Lucy ready to throw rocks at her but a sphere of fire stopped him looking in the direction he came from he saw Agumon charging [Baby Burners] towards him.

"Roarr" roared the Dragon angry at being interrupted, Lucy kept firing webs of absorbing metal covering most of the body and then firing a 1,000 volt discharge of electricity.

"Garrara" shakily roared the Rock Dragon from the shock, but it still stretched its forelimbs and rose up on two legs and then hit the ground freeing itself from the webs on its limbs.

Derek jumped again at the moment the Dragon hit the ground, he took out the last two kunais he had left, charging them to the maximum with mana to the point that they began to break.

He threw them with all his strength towards the enemy, feeling the danger of the two Kunais that were going to his eyes he turned his body avoiding more damage.

The kunais hit his shoulder and arm creating two big explosions in those parts making his speed to be reduced.

But against all odds the Dragon's eyes glowed and stalactites emerged where Derek was who jumped a meter and used his shield to protect himself, when the stalactites collided with the shield it cracked and pushed Derek a little, something that the Dragon wanted with his injured arm attacked Derek sending him flying leaving a small trail of blood and crashing into the wall.



Derek peeled off the wall revealing three cuts from his shoulder to his torso, He used [heal] on the wounds

Derek : "Shit you're strong, I can't imagine facing you when you were alive and 100%, luckily now our stats are almost even, if you were at your best. I would never be your match, besides I've been depending a lot on my powers, I can't help thinking every second that with them it would be very easy to face you," smiled Derek madly

Derek : "But defeating you without them will be the best pleasure" he said it annoyed, feeling how his strength increased thanks to Hulk Muscles, besides smearing the spears with his blood, making use of the passive effects of his Fire Dragon Slayer magic: Hugging Blood.

As if inciting him, the Dragon crashed his face to where Derek was crashing into the wall.

Derek gave a big jump landing on his neck, stuck the spears in his neck without releasing them and with great force with Raging Fire dragged the spears leaving two cuts from the neck to the shoulder and burns, leaving him wounded then jumped leaving the Sky Piercer spear stuck in his shoulder.

But changed the shape of the butt of the spear which unfolded as if it had a rope, spun in the air, with his other spear covered with his blood and the Dragon's blood he threw it towards the enemy's eye while he roared taking him unawares, the Dragon only guided by his attempts attacked with his claws wanting to cut Derek into pieces.

Derek used his shield and charged it again with mana creating a mana shield, the hand and claws hit the shield and dragged him to the ground, he landed on his feet but still because of the size and weight of the Dragon Derek's feet were burying themselves in the ground.

Charging his free hand with mana he released a concentrated blow with all his strength causing the shield to explode along with the stored energy, pushing the Dragon's limb leaving unrecognizable that limb by the force and energy released in a single blow, Derek also was not unharmed being in the center of the explosion, the arm that held the shield was bleeding and in another direction.

Wanting to demonstrate his mastery in Adamantine Kata he used Bone Binding: It is the ultimate technique of Adamantine Kata, which uses precise and delicate muscle control to move the limbs freely even though the bones are broken or dislocated.

Looking at the spear still stuck in the eye of the enemy, determined to find a way to stop his movements for a few seconds concentrating on manipulating the mana his mana along with that of the environment and shape it he launched himself against the Dragon.

He activated Gigantism and his body grew more than four meters as well as his strength, along with muscle control manipulating the muscles of his arm, chest and back to exert greater force in his blows, Derek's fists collided with the claws of the Rock Dragon.

Bang! Bang!

Shock waves and booms could be heard as claws and fists collided, until Derek heard the most sensual and enticing sound in his mind.


System: [ Congratulations due to fulfilling specific conditions ]


You have gained the skill Mana Manipulation and Control.

*Mana Manipulation and Control: Lvl 1 (Passive) (Active).

The user can generate, shape and manipulate mana for a variety of purposes and can create objects including platforms, force fields etc.

Effect 1: Damage caused by magical abilities or spells is increased by 50%.

Effect 2: Allows you to manipulate the mana in your environment along with creating spells.

Derek smiled as he saw this, he waited for the exact moment to take distance as he kept clashing fists and claws with the Dragon or deflected the Dragon's attacks, as if tired of attacking with its claws the Rock Dragon swung its tail towards him.

Derek saw this and timed himself with the Dragon's tail the moment he touched it he propelled himself backwards crashing into the ceiling.

He pulled out his retractable claws digging into the ceiling, he concentrated fully and manipulated the mana, his mana and that of the outside making it take the form of ropes which entangled the Dragon barely able to move his head.

Derek still attached to the ceiling charged a large amount of mana along with the kinetic energy from the times he collided blows with the Dragon his mana was regenerating like crazy, blue sparks started to come out of his arm from so much energy in one spot.

The Dragon didn't stay still either a large amount of pure energy gathered in its mouth, as if they were timed they finished charging their ultimate attacks, the Rock Dragon released its breath of pure energy and Derek pushed off the ceiling with Raging Fire leaving a trail of blue energy.

He was about to collide with the Dragon's pure energy breath but Lucy who was still on the roof a few meters from where he was, shot a spider web that Derek caught swinging without losing momentum and picking up more speed, arriving is the spear stuck in his eye and hit with all his strength the back of the spear sinking it completely and flying out of the skull of the Dragon.

Even so thanks to the momentum and strength Derek's arm was buried in the eye of the Dragon releasing all the energy of the blow concentrated in his brain making half of his head explode.


(Magnificent) Derek thought he heard, what he didn't know was that this was the voice of the Dragon.

The corpse of the zombie Dragon fell to the ground without any sign of movement with half of its skull and neck missing.

Derek who still had his arm buried where the Dragon's eye should have been covered in blood, pulled his arm out of the Dragon's eyeball, only to fall backwards on the ground.

He tried to get up but all he could do was vomit blood, his left arm was in good shape, but the right one was the one that had the most damage barely managing to move it.

Lucy: "Derek, calm down, I'm here."

Shouted Lucy running towards him, once she reached him her paws changed shape to syringes with red liquids in them.

She stuck the needles with effort into Derek's skin making the potion slowly start to heal the wounds on his body, the next one to approach was Agumon.

Agumon : "Derek, are you going to be ok?" he asked innocently

Derek at this point wanted to be sarcastic but calmed down remembering that Agumon is still a newborn and knows next to nothing as he and Lucy have been controlling what he can and can't see on the internet.

"Yeah easy, it will only take me a few minutes or hours to recover with my natural regeneration rate and the help of these potions" Derek managed to get Agumon to calm down.

System: [ Congratulations user for passing all the tests spectacularly, your feats have been calculated, the experience will be distributed equally, because the host is someone who will go forward no matter the enemy he finds in his way, getting up and keep fighting ]


The Job : Berserker Dragon has been unlocked.

Up to here.

next chapter
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