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10.71% Dragon in Marvel / Chapter 5: Pimp my Crib

Bab 5: Pimp my Crib

I could get used to waking up like this!- I thought while in my Noona's embrace. 

I have a long day ahead, more like a week, I need to create my Halo, some personal items for daily use, some weaponry, a few robots to man my station, my AI, some ships just because and to gather some information about my new home. 

After some time of battling my inner demons, I gathered my resolve and, regretfully, escaped from Noona's embrace, opened a portal, and flew away to The Void while thinking about all the things I wanted to do. I felt like a kid shopping for Christmas!

Once in the void I made a planet-size barrier and started creating my Halo. Technology-wise there were a few things that I couldn't replicate, mainly the original Halo's weapons system and the teleportation array.

I should be able to create my own Guilty Spark to manage my Halo, though I will make it palm size because cute is justice; the weapons system will be replaced with my own version of it, mainly energy projectile technology that I borrowed from the other civilizations that donated their knowledge to my cause. 

I had a bit of a problem making forests grow on my Halo because I can't create life, so I guess I will have to work on that slowly, or maybe some mutant or alien could help me, like the Flora Colossi; I think those guys are almost always driven to extinction in different realities, so maybe it is not that bad of an idea to offer them some refuge in my Halo.

The soil on my Halo is the most fertile one I could make based on the agricultural records that I borrowed. So I'm pretty sure that if it's something that grows on soil it should grow on my home.

The cloaking technology I had to reinvent, I based it on my own void barriers, I'm sure not even Heimdall could peek at my home, only those cosmic entities with special standings could.

As a power source, I gathered a bunch of the free-flowing energy of the void and made The Orb, well I had no better name for it, it's a battery that could power the Halo for about 2000 years, after that I just need to come back here and recharge it, I don't think I need more energy than that, so I didn't concentrate the energy further than its natural state. As far as I know, it could be replaced by the infinity stones but I'm still unsure about how to deal with the stones of my universe.

After creating the Halo it was time to create my house, and What better house for me, the shiniest dragon, than the shiniest house? Yes! The Fortress of Solitude! I just didn't know what those kryptonian crystals were made of so I used crystal clear diamonds instead.

At the moment I have little use for personnel, that I know of, so it's best to ask the professionals, in this case, the AI that will manage the Halo, I created my palm size AI, and its body based on the original Guilty Spark. *vmmmmm*- With a low hum it came to life.

"...Initialization Completed: Hello Creator! I'm ready to serve!"

"Hello little one, your name will be Spark!"

"Acknowledged: Name registered!"

"Little Spark I gave you most of my theoretical knowledge and control over the systems of my home, are you ready to be connected to the Halo?"

"Yes creator, all systems are available and online!"

"You can call me Ar-... Master Chief; go ahead and connect to the Halo's systems and let me know if you can find any problems"- *Phew* I almost let go of such an opportunity.

"Link Established, Running Diagnostics,...15%... 59%... 80%... 100% complete, no problems found, all systems operational

"Excellent little Spark! Can you tell me how many available units you will need to keep everything running as well as a reserve in case of attacks?"

"Running calculations, answer: six units to keep everything in order and 1 for reserve"

"Alright, I will build you 7 robots with their own level of independence. Any suggestion or requests?"

"Yes Master Chief, Can you create an air force, that includes transportation and attack units?"

"No problem, I will make it after the automatas."

After talking out a few more details with Spark I started creating the new crew members of my space station, like any isekai protagonist worth their salt I also wanted my own skill from the seven capital sins, but given that I'm not the owner of a system I decided to at least name my robots Meliodas, Escanor, Merlin, Diane, Gowther, King, and Ban. Well... they don't make any honor to their counterparts and don't share any of their powers or skills.

*Sigh*- So sad, but let's not despair! Once I reach my new universe I should be able to create some metal-organic bodies for them, at least that way their appearance should match, I don't think I can do anything about their powers though... maybe if I borrow some sentinels and copy some specific mutant powers it might be possible... Why not?

"Little Spark! Open a new project and remind about it if we find some sentinels. Project Name: "Nanatsu no Taizai" Priority low."


"Excellent! I think I have everything that I might need! I reproduced and reinvented everything that I could think of so that I don't have to come back here for a long time. I got lots of different valuable metals, and devices for healing, spying, attacking, defending, transporting, and others. I think I'm ready! Let's go see Noona!"

I shrank my barrier and saved my Halo in a marble, like the ones with singularity bombs, opened a portal, and traveled to Noona's. Once I arrived I went to where I felt her presence.

"Hey, Noona! I'm ready! I think I have everything I will need here."- I showed her my marble where you could see a miniature Halo floating inside.

"Hello Aragorn, I can see that. I will open the portal to your universe but let me know if you have any problems or need help, your room here will be always available, so come visit every once in a while."

"Sure Noona! If I have a problem or need to relax I'll let you know."

Noona opened a portal to my new home and before jumping in I hugged her and kissed her cheek goodbye. 

*Vommm*- With a soft vibration I found myself in space, with a perfect view of Earth and the Moon. I cloaked myself to avoid premature detection and directed my eyes and senses to the Moon, I needed to see if I had to deal with Inhumans or not; they were either on the moon or floating in the Atlantic... I can feel minds on the moon... *sigh* and see the watcher as well. At least I found the inhumans early on.

"I think I better go say hi."- I moved to the Blue Area of the move and floated outside before de-cloaking and floating in. Then send a telepathic message.

'Hello there!'

'Hello dragon'

'Oh wow! how did you know I am a dragon?'

'I have very sharp cosmic senses.'

'All right, then. Keep your secrets.'- Said with a Gigawatt grin.

'...What secrets? That's the answer... My senses are the answer.'

'Shushh you! You keep your secrets! Ok?'

'... ... ... ok?'

'Nice! Look I just wanted to say hi since we will be neighbors from now on!'

'Are you moving to the moon?'

'No, I have a ring-like space station, I will put it between the Moon and Earth! I will probably have a housewarming party when I'm done growing some nature, so expect my invitation.'

'...Ok let me know, now I will keep with my duties so go on.'

'Sure! Bye Uatu!'

Uatu (POV)

-What the heck was that? Better to keep away from it!...

That's what I would have liked! Isn't that "ring" almost the same size as the diameter of Earth? Instead of a space station that's ring-world.

Where was he keeping that? What's going on? I MUST keep away from that! Even for one as old as myself, there's only so much I can do to keep my calm.


After setting my Halo between Earth and the Moon it was time for some hacking and some detective job!

"Little Spark, I will place a few of our satellites in orbit, once the satellite array is ready you can link with it."


After placing my satellites around Earth I went back to the main console room where I waited for the link to be established.

"Link Completed, Skynet Online, Brother Eye 100% operational"

"Hahahahaa! Yes! Success."- Skynet is a program that will take care of monitoring the internet while Brother Eye is my way of keeping track of everything "visually", not only are my satellites equipped with telescopic tech but I also equipped them with several filters, I'm pretty sure that the only thing I can't spy on are magicians and their mystic ways. 

"Little Spark start infiltrating all governmental systems but keep away from the private sector and intelligence agencies, also Wakanda, I don't want to deal with those xenophobes at the moment."- After all this is Marvel and I don't know when some uber enhanced genius is going to show up to tell on me. There might be an Ultron out there for all I know and even though I tried to technomancy-proof my Halo there's no need to test my luck, is there? 


In the meantime, I spent my attention directing my telepathic senses and eyes to Earth. The reality wasn't that terrible, just annoying.

So many variables, we have the pre-accident Fantastic Four, Doom, and the X-Men First-generation was a thing but apparently Apocalypse hasn't awakened, I found that Mr. Sinister the pedophile is already messing with innocent lives, well I found his presence all over the place, so clones... *sigh*.

I can't find Wanda but I imagine that that's because of her chaos magic. And would you look at that? John Sublime is already manipulating the humans into hating mutants. This is what I could find with just a quick scan, I don't want to be discovered if I keep my telepathic presence too long, I can keep watching like a professional voyeur with Brother eye, like my voyeur senpais Heimdall and Uatu, but not with telepathy.

Well, the good thing is that the year is 1997, so I have time to integrate into society and make a name for myself, I will have to bend light around my draconic features but we all have to make sacrifices, my shine is not for all to enjoy.

I guess this place owes all the geniuses the fact that technology is like a decade or two further than it should be. On another note, I think I will try to deal with the Jean Problem first. Is the most pertinent one at the moment.

"Task Successfully Completed Master Chief."

"Thank you little Spark! Can you get me some identification in the United States? Name: Aragorn Abner, Age: 19, orphan and a trust fund baby, spent most of his life overseas traveling. Can you also find any mansion around Salem New York for my residence? Close to Charles Xavier's mansion, not direct neighbors but close enough"

"Acknowledged: Completed"

"Great! I guess that I will take this week to look around the place and establish myself." 

A week flew by and I spent my time riding around in my black and gold Lotus C-01, the baby between a Tron motorcycle and a vintage classic, of course, modified by yours truly so I could probably outrun a jet.

Most of my time I went from my mansion to New York City to make a presence on any surveillance system that SHIELD might have. I also visited some museums to make sure that my meta-knowledge was not mistaken, it was funny seeing a picture of Logan with the howling commandos, he looked like a short Hugh Jackman. 

On my seventh night while I was sleeping I felt a burning telepathic link forcing its way into my head so I woke up screaming.

"AAAAGHHHH"- It took me some time to calm down and figure out that the only being that could force its way on my mind like that it's the Phoenix, so I'm guessing that this is its way of saying, get out of your ass and help my avatar.

*Siiiiiigh*- I exhaled, stopped fighting it, and let the link in and form, it looks like I will have to help the kid right now.

I'm not done with my investigation so I wanted to lay low for a while longer, but beggars can't be choosers. I quickly put on some pants, boots, and a white close-fitting long-sleeve shirt. 

Since I won't be able to lie in front of the little empath I guess it doesn't matter if I cloak my draconic features or not. *Sigh* Everything is out of my control but Let's break a leg!

I flew to the mansion and it looked like everyone was awakened by her sudden telepathic pulse.

I could see a bunch of little mutants crying and the adults trying to take them to bed. The professor was trying to... ?... I guess he is trying to find where the link came from. Aaaand shit! Looks like the little telepath felt me. I guess it's best to wait for her at the entrance. 

It didn't take long for the professor and the rest of the cast to come to the entrance and find me, it looked like they were not happy to see me flying over their property. I better land before anything happens.

*Flaaaash* - Too late! looks like little jerk Cyclops doesn't like me already.

(3rd POV) 

A flash of red fired from Scott and hit square on Aragorn's face, who looked not bothered at all by the impressive light work. Ororo Shouted to stop Cyclops.

"SCOTT! Stop! You don't know if he's an enemy!"

Scott closed his visor and yelled while looking wronged!

"He did something to Jean! And he looks like a Demon!"

But before anybody could say anything else, all of them except Jean started to feel uncomfortable, restricted, pressed and afraid, terrified.

Logan was the first to understand that something was wrong with the uninvited guest but Scott acted before he could warn them.

The professor tried to read Aragorn's mind, finding that there were no defenses as he could feel his mind but it was vast, like a universe, and fast very fast! He couldn't tell what was up, down, left, right, memory, thought or feelings. He couldn't take it anymore and had to get out before he lost himself in the sea of stars, Kitty had already phased through the floor to the lower levels of the mansion, Alex Summers was trying to use his powers but because of his emotional state he couldn't activate them properly.

"I can't stop it! Take Cover!"-Alex shouted in desperation. 

*BOOOOM*- The plasma of his body got out of control. Ororo, Colossus, Beast, and Logan tried to protect the kids but they could see that they were not going to make it on time.

But then the plasma flares stopped mid-air and moved towards Aragorn, who just casually dispersed them. All of the X-men and students stayed silent and just watched as the stranger's eyes flicked from red to different colors and felt the pressure recede.

"*Siiigh*... Sorry about that, I don't like people shooting me in the face as a greeting."- Scott looked between a deer caught in the headlights of a truck and an Oni full of rage, he couldn't decide if to follow his instincts or get enraged again.

"My name is Aragorn Abner, I came here because I woke up in the middle of the night and felt a telepathic link forcefully made with me."- Aragorn tried to imply his innocence.

"Are you guys going to start a fight or are we going to talk?"-Of course nobody wanted to fight the horned monster that just made them cower in fear.

The professor, who finally was able to collect himself after his trip in Aragorn's mind, tried to speak but before he could he felt the red eyes of Aragorn single him out, and felt like something was caught on his throat.

"If you try to read my mind again I will put you in orbit, Are we clear?"- Initially nobody knew what he was talking about but then they looked at where he was facing and didn't know what to think. They wanted to defend the professor but looking at how scared he was they could tell that Aragorn was not lying.

"My apologies Mr. Abner, I did it out of reflex when I saw you on my property. If it's okay with you I would like to move past our initial confrontation and move inside so that we can discuss further."- Aragorn stayed silent observing every inch of the professor's face and slowly floated to the level of the floor. And only when his eyes lost his red he said:

"Sure, lead the way!"


As soon as I said that I saw them relax and Storm, Beast, and Alex started to make sure that the students were alright. Jean noticed that Kitty was missing and asked:

"Where's is Kitty? She was here before"

"She phased through the floor earlier"-I said. She looked at me with curiosity and she felt what I could feel as well, the presence of each other's mind. After a few seconds of looking at my eyes absentmindedly, she looked a little scared of me and that was something that didn't go past Scott.

"Jean! What's going on? Did he do something to you?"- He said, once more putting everyone on edge looking in our direction. But before anybody could make a move, a move that they would certainly regret, she said:

"No! Stop it, Scott! It's just that his mind is... Big?"- She said.

'Little bird, of course, it's big! It's the mind of The Immortal Shine Dragon, it's not only big but also Shiny.'-I said telepathically to her, happily that she recognized my might. She looked at me confused before starting to laugh out loud.

"Pff..hahahahaha! What do you mean by dragon? and What does shiny have to do with a mind?"- *Humph*, Of course, you won't believe me, who would believe in dragons at this age. *Haaiz* My existence is not appreciated. Everybody is looking at me like a weirdo now. *Tch!* Lowly Dark ones! 

"*Haiz*... Never mind, you'll find out later! It's not like we can break the link or something"- I said pouting a little, before lifting my arm and shapeshifting my hand to look like my draconic shape. 

"This is what I meant, a dragon, as in D.R.A.G.O.N."-I said sarcastically.

She first looked at me with eyes as big as saucers, but then I saw the stars in her eyes, without asking for permission she grabbed my hand and started to feel my crystal scales.

Everybody else was looking at us like weirdos now, I guess misery is indeed better with company now I'm not the only weirdo, well except Scott, he is an alpha male young master edition after all; the worst combo ever.

He moved enraged towards Jean and tried to grab her away, but before he could grab her shoulder I looked back into his eyes, made him stop, and said:

"Are you her boyfriend? Brother? Husband? Father? Doctor? Legal Guardian? Owner?"-He looked at me with so much 'fury' that I could see his face getting darker, losing his hair and his left eye, while he ground his teeth.

I could hear some giggles and shushing around us. So I guess this is not a new behavior for him, *Ughhh* Most likely Nathaniel Essex did something to lover boy.

"No, he isn't! I'm Sorry Mr. Abner I got distracted by your skin, I've never seen something like this before."- Jean said to me before ignoring Scott, much to the latter's chagrin, and looking back to the mansion she said-

"Follow me, Mr. Abner."

I followed the X-Men through the mansion while the adults told the kids that woke up to go back to their beds, some of them looked at me curiously while others with suspicion. I was brought to the professor's office along with the rest of the 'grown-ups'. Everyone is awfully young in here.

"Take a seat Mr. Abner."- Said the professor before pointing me to a very expensive-looking couch. The X-Men took their seats opposite to me, on my side of the couch there were only me and Jean. Of course, Scott didn't like this one bit. 

(3r POV)

"So... I only know Jean, Kitty, and Scotts' names, you called them out loud before. What are your names?"- Aragorn.

"Ah! Where are my manners? I'm Charles Xavier but most call me Professor, These are Alex Summers, Logan, Ororo Monroe, and Piotr Rasputin; they teach here at my school. The young ones are Jean Grey, Scott Summers, and Kitty Pride, some of our students. As you can see this is a school for people with special abilities like you Mr. Abner."- Charles.

"Mmmmm... A school for mutants?"- Aragorn.

"Oh, so you knew about our kind! Yes this is a school for mutant children, to help them control their powers easily and transition to society safely."- Charles

Aragorn looked at the expressions of the people in the room and he could find pride and discontent in equal amounts. 'I guess that there are some not so blind as to ignore the truth about society'.

"So this is a school, to be honest when I felt so many young minds before, I thought that this was an orphanage."- Aragorn.

"So you're a telepath!"- Said Charles with surprise evident on his face. 'When? I didn't even feel his telepathic scan. Could it be that he scanned when I wasn't around?'

"Yes, telepathy is one of my skills. I moved in, around the neighborhood, about a week ago, and that was when I checked this place out superficially. Imagine my surprise when I felt a telepath living so close by."-Aragorn.

"Yes, Jean and I are both telepaths, which leads me to the question, How did you get linked to Jean? Your psionic presence is greater than hers you should be able to block the link, shouldn't you?"-Asked Charles trying not to show the suspicion on his face. 'Was he sent by one of my enemies? But which one? If any of them had a telepath of his stand I would have known about it before, Is this a new enemy?'

"Normally that's the case, but the one that forced the link was not her, it was the one inside of her."- When Aragorn said that everybody had different reactions, some were confused, some even more suspicious, Scott of course was angrier and the professor's hand jumped a little. He knew that there was something in Jean, something that terrified him when he saw it the first time, which was why he placed a seal on it, but according to him it shouldn't be breaking out, it wasn't possible.

"I beg your pardon Mr. Abner, but what do you mean by that?"-Charles.

"I mean the Phoenix Force, it's the only one that is psionically stronger than me."- Aragorn said as if just confirming that the sky was blue.

"Mr. Abner, What is this Phoenix Force?"-Jean said, scared about the direction that this conversation was taking.

"Ms. Grey you can call me Aragorn, with this link that we have we might as well forgo formalities between us. Can I call you Jean?"- Aragorn.

"Yes... Aragorn you can call me Jean, nice to meet you."-Jean. 'So far he hasn't lied and I can't feel any aversion from him.'

"It's nice to meet you too Jean! The Phoenix Force is one of the oldest known cosmic entities, said to predate darkness and the universe. Considered to be the spark that ignites creation and the flame that consumes it, the Phoenix perpetuates the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Its power is usually channeled through hosts that the Phoenix bonds with. In this case you!"-Said Aragorn.

Everybody else in the room went silent and didn't know what to think about this new information. On the professor's side, he just hoped that it was a lie, he didn't want to be the enemy of a being of that level of power. Jean felt scared about being told that she basically had a god inside her. Scott was ready to call his bullshit out, but Kitty came ahead of him and said:

"Cool Jean! So you are a goddess now?!"-said Kitty with a big smile on her face.

"No, Ms. Pride! She is much more than that! She is what gods are afraid of!"- Said Aragorn happy that finally someone was speaking his language. Unaware about the inner chaos he was igniting on everybody else in the room.

"Cool! But why would the Phoenix link both of you?"- Asked Kitty.

"Well... I'm not 100% sure but I think that the Phoenix determined that Jean needed my help somehow... That or she was playing a prank on me."-Said Aragorn pensively. Before looking back to Jean.

"Jean, Do you need help with anything in particular?"-Asked Aragorn.

"Mmmmm I have some problems controlling my powers but other than that I don't think so."-Jean.

"You shouldn't have many natural problems with your powers as the Avatar on the Phoenix, Do you want my help training your powers? I'm at the moment psionically stronger than you Jean."-Aragorn.

The professor didn't like this much but, What could he do? If the thing inside Jeans lashes out he doesn't think that he will be spared. 

After thinking a bit and finding out that Aragorn wasn't lying she readily accepted.

"Yes, please! I want to be able to control my powers like everybody else!"-Jean said almost pleading. 

"No problem Jean, after all, you and I will be connected until the Phoenix decides to sever the link. Helping you is helping me since I don't want anyone entering my mind through yours Jean. I will place a temporary barrier on your psyche, today is late and I want to go back to bed, I will come here around 10 am and we can start training!"-Aragorn. 'I really want to go back to bed'.

After setting a few details out Aragorn wished good night to everyone but Scott and flew back to his soft bed. 


The next chapter will be more about the establishment of Aragorn on Earth and his relationship with the rest of the X-Men.

Probably no time-skips at the moment but I will make some to speed up the story if things feel too slow for my taste. 

The meeting with the Flora Colossi will be in the future. Maybe 3 or 4 chapters later, will see!


ExistentialVoid ExistentialVoid

Thank you for reading!

I hope you guys have a good weekend!

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