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76.19% Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure / Chapter 15: Goku vs second form Frieza

Bab 15: Goku vs second form Frieza

----Namek----- Zarbon's Pov

I reached the cave location more swiftly compared to my departure for the Grand Elder's house. My ginormous ki propelled me forward at speeds even the previous me would have never guessed was possible. I was in a realm of such strength that it threatened to drown me in arrogance. But I pushed all this emerging thoughts away when I realized that I was still not even as strong as second form Frieza. Swiftly, I landed before the cave entrance which was hidden by two medium sized hills. Unless one was looking carefully no one would really notice the cave's location. I placed the Namekian child , Dende, down on the ground in a standing position. He looked at me with wariness then stated with childish curiosity "is that where Nail and -" before he could finish his question, Gohan suddenly emerged out of the cave with a tense expression but physically relaxed when he noticed me and Dende. The half-saiyan child ran toward Dende and hugged him as he exclaimed chirpily " I am so glad to meet you again Dende!"

A bright childish smile appeared on Dende's face as he replied "Me too Gohan" they both then proceeded to jump about with childish glee.

'kids, they are so innocent' I inwardly mused, then I walked toward the cave with the children conversing, following my trail. However, right before we entered, I felt some ki signatures approaching.

'most likely Krillin and Nail" I deduced "But there is another sinister ki following them... Thankfully it doesn''t feel like Frieza's... These fools don't tell me they were so happy to recover the dragon balls they got tailed.' I internally contemplated.

The children, filled with excitement, abruptly halted their play and turned their gaze towards a specific direction. Gohan, tugging on my arm, could hardly contain his enthusiasm as he exclaimed, "Hey, look! Mr. Zarbon, it seems they have returned!" I simply nodded in agreement, emitting a faint sound of assurance, "hmm hmm", confirming his observation.

Just as I finished making that sound, Nail and Krillin, abruptly landed before me. I quickly noticed four dragon balls hanging mid-air behind Nails, emitting a faint glow.

"Dende- pause- why are you here" Inquired the imposing Namekian as soon as he appeared.

"The Grand Elder unlocked my latent powers so I could assist you" Dende replied swiftly

"is he in good health?" further inquired Nail

"He is in his usual health," Dende responded with a sigh, his slug-like antennas drooping to convey his concern. I gently patted the child's head, momentarily startling him, but he allowed my touch without resistance. Gradually, he grew more at ease in my presence after our earlier flight, his tension and unease subsiding. Dende also mentioned the urgency of gathering the dragon balls before it's too late, emphasizing the need to act swiftly.

I whispered, feigning ignorance, "Can't we just him back to life?"

Nail solemnly responded, "The dragon balls, alas, are unable to revive those who have met their end through natural means."

"Why would the Dragon Balls stop working when the Grand Elder passes away?" I asked, pretending not to know even though I already did.

"Oh, that's right! I completely forgot, you're don't know how the dragon balls work," Krillin exclaimed with a thoughtful grin on his face.

"Basically, if their creator passes away, the dragon balls turn into useless stones," Krillin explained.

"And the Grand Elder is the maker of the dragon balls?" I asked with a raised brow. In response, they all nodded

"How do you guys have such knowledge? From what I know, you're not Namekians," I asked, digging deeper into the matter.

"That's because we have Dragon Balls on Earth, Mr. Zarbon," Gohan replied with a touch of excitement and a friendly tone.

"Wow, you earthlings have an incredible array of nifty stuff," I exclaimed.

"Hehe, I totally agree! Earth is teeming with all sorts of cool things," Krillin chimed in.

"Then can't we use the dragon balls on earth to revive the fallen warriors?" I began to ask, but before I could finish my statement, a mesmerizing purple-hued ki sphere suddenly materialized from the sky above. It swiftly descended upon our location, wizing through the air with topnotch speed and intensity.

Reacting instinctively, I swiftly propelled myself upward, defying gravity, and effortlessly delivered a powerful kick to send the ki sphere flying across the sky. It traced a graceful arc, moving further away from our position until it collided with the Namekian ground in a breathtaking display. The impact unleashed a colossal explosion, engulfing the surroundings in swirling smoke and dust while fierce shockwaves reverberated through the air.


Frieza emerged out of the rubbles by yelling "HYAAAAAAAAAAAH!" while he flared out his ki which exploded in a magnificent purple flame like aura all around his body. The aura pulsated with absolute power, electricity cackled around Frieza's body further emphasizing his might. every single piece of rock that were previously atop him dashed away from the dwarf sized alien, "HEH HEH HEH HOHOHOHOHO' he laughed as he looked up at the Saiyan floating mid air whom had rendered him in this sorry state.

Frieza licked the blood that tickled down from the injury he sustained from the saiyan as a wide grin formed on his features. "Never in my life have I been so excited.... You see- pause- monkey I have never truly fought anyone with my full power"

"sorry to disappoint but your bluff ain't working on me" Replied Goku with a booming voice

Frieza chortled "heh heh heh" then said "Believe what you want simian" he then paused and continued soon after " I'll let you in on a little secret since you'll die today anyway. I am a mutant from my race, blessed with a power level so high that I had to invent transformations to limit the amount of power I can output." after having said that he remained quiet to let his statement sink in, noticing that his statement did not scare Goku, he spoke with a chilling tone "But rest assured I won't make you despair immediately. I'll do so slowly as I tortu- ahem ahem- make you beg for mercy. NOW WITNESS MY SECOND FORM IN WHICH I HAVE A POWER LEVEL OF MORE THAN ONE MILLION" His voice resounded across the expense. Having said that, he screamed "HYAAAAAAAAAAAH!", his ki started skyrocketing quickly, his upper body suddenly expanded outward, his muscles rippled and became bulkier then before. His leg grew and became bigger, his neck expanded and contracted several times and his face became a more mature version of his face in the first form. To finish, his horns atop his head became bigger , protruded away and curved up like a bull's horn.

Upon his transformation being complete, Frieza was now a towering figure compared to his previous self, his ki expanded to height greater than before. He panted heavily "hah hah hah" and cracked his neck muscles

"No way! all the damage he took during our battle completely healed" Goku yelped " crap basket, he actually was telling the truth about his transformation" he continued

"now that I have transformed, you're done for" Frieza calmly stated as he looked at Goku's hovering form in the sky. "Do forgive me as I am a little rough when I become like this" Frieza said with a smile.

"I know this is supposed to be scary but my blood is pumping with excitement" Goku said gleefully

"Oh!.. it seems your simian brain does not fully comprehend your situation so how about a little greeting" Frieza mockingly uttered then suddenly dashed up toward Goku, he was moving so fast his body phased out from his previous location and reappeared before Goku. Frieza's speed completely stunned the Saiyan.

"s-s-so fast" he uttered, to which Frieza cackled a little and replied " you'll have plenty of time to be surprised later. How about you do that kaio thing you were doing earlier"

"are you so confident that you'll let me use kaioken" goku spoke

"It won't make a difference!" Frieza confidently stated

"alright no backsies now." Goku said with childish innocence then his expression suddenly became stern as he yelled "KAIOKEN TIMES TEN HAAAAAAAAH" a reddish flame like aura appeared around the saiyan as his hair temporarily stood erect as if to emphasize the sudden surge of his power.

With a roaring "HAH" Goku launched himself at Frieza , cocking his fist back enhanced with ki. He swiftly swung at Frieza's head, however The horned alien tilted his head back just out of reach. Seeing his attack missed, the Saiyan spun and threw a roundhouse kick straight at Frieza's ribs. He effortlessly blocked it with his massive forearm.

Frieza did not counterattack throughout this whole sequence, instead he arrogantly smirked and uttered " Wow that red aura trick you have is not bad. But you'll need more than that to hurt me. Let me show you the difference in our current power." Suddenly, the tyrant vanished, moving at unimaginable speed. He reappeared behind Goku with his back facing the Saiyan and smashed his right elbow straight between Goku's shoulder blades sending him flying across the sky. Goku yelped a "ARGH!" in pain but quickly rolled aside mid air as Frieza foot stomped down with a "FWEEP!" sound where his torso had been a moment ago. The Saiyan flew up into the air, extended his hand toward Frieza and fired a volley of ki blast, golden hued energy attacks ripped through the air and descended toward the horned alien with tremendous momentum.

Frieza stuck made a finger gun and used it to deflect the blasts as though he was dealing with pest that wasn't worth his time. Goku used the momentary distraction to swiftly close the distance between them and thrust his fist forward at Frieza who cocked his head to the side and barely evaded as the punch grazed the tyrant.

Upon being grazed by Goku's attack, Frieza angrily hammered Goku with a combination of punches and kicks, pummeling the Saiyan's head and body. Goku barely managed to block a few of the blows but most of the strikes made it through his defense, Frieza finished his combo with a spinning heel kick, hitting Goku in the gut, it sent the Saiyan flying away with amazing speed until he crashed into a plateau completely shattering it to rubbles. A swirling cloud of dust ascended, blanketing the entire vicinity.

Before the dust was cleared, Goku emerged from the rubbles with a fiercer reddish aura, a reddish liquid leaking from his mouth as well as his orange Gi being town to pieces in several places namely his torso. "you really did a number on me but no more playing around " Goku playfully stated then became serious.

Goku leapt up toward Frieza and his body corkscrewed through the air as he came at the tyrant like a drill, suddenly a blue beam of light erupted from his hand but instead of thrusting it toward frieza, he threw the beam away from Frieza, using it to boost his speed even further. The ingenious use of the energy attack momentarily stunned Frieza.

"TAKE THIS!" Goku yelled as he slammed his head into Frieza's gut. Frieza cried out "AARRGH" as he spit out saliva and was carried backward by Goku's terrifying momentum. The momentum sent Frieza into a mountainside, making the tyrant collapse to his hands and knees.

"You have quite the bizarre fighting style" Frieza stated as he got back up and cracked his neck muscles. Immediately after, Frieza jumped up, swiftly appeared before the Saiyan and smashed his fist into Goku's face, shattering his nose and sending him flying away, red liquid streaming down his nose. Frieza chased after Goku's flying body and was on him in an instant as he delivered a knee strike which landed on Goku's stomach completely winding him. Frieza wasn't done, He clasped his hands together and rocked Goku down with powerful force, propelling the Saiyan body down for a crash against the ground. Once more, Frieza rapidly flew after Goku's body and appeared beside him.

Goku was groggy due to Frieza onslaught. Upon witnessing the state of his opponent, Frieza bitch slapped him twice which woke him out of his stupor. "Now is no time for a nap monkey!" the tyrant gleefully said then changed the angle of his body mid flight and flew back up as he stated "I'll be waiting up for you monkey HOHOHOHOHO!"

"what's going on-" Goku said then he noticed that his body was going to collide against the ground so he yelled "OH NO!" as he attempted to no avail to reduce his momentum and recover mid air. With a resounding "boom!" his body slammed against the ground, dust rose up and covered the area, shrouding it from Frieza's sight.

"what a moron hahahaha" Frieza laughed

As Frieza was laughing, Goku suddenly surged out of the dust covered area with a burst of speed, his body a blur as he soared swiftly toward Frieza. Frieza calmly responded by swinging his long, thick muscular tail at Goku's chest. But Goku pivoted in mid air avoiding the tail, and landed a powerful blow to Frieza's face breaking the emperor's nose. The impact of the blow was so fierce it sent shockwaves through the air.

"Hehe now we're even." Goku stated then cracked his nose back into place as he continued speaking "You have a broken nose too now"


"No need to be so angry buddy!" Goku replied with a full on teeth smile.

Frieza took a deep breath to regain his composure "where are my manners... you simians really have an uncanny ability to unnerve."

Suddenly, Frieza, with a fierce look in his eyes, charged towards Goku, his form a blur of incredible speed. The air around him seemed to tremble as Frieza relentlessly closed in on the Saiyan warrior. Like a bolt of lightning, he delivered a powerful shoulder bash, sending Goku recoiling from the impact, his body struggling to maintain balance. But Frieza's assault didn't end there. With a vice-like grip, his massive hand firmly held onto Goku's hair, causing the Saiyan to wince in pain. And then, with a display of unparalleled agility, Frieza swiftly started spinning in the air, resembling a fearsome Beyblade in motion. Utilizing this momentum, the tyrant slung Goku with an incredible force, launching him like a missile towards a towering mountain below. The impact was seismic as Goku's body crashed into the rugged terrain, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape. Frieza, consumed by his relentlessness, showed no mercy to the Saiyan as he firmly pointed his finger towards him. A beam of pure energy -the Death Beam- gracefully surged through the air with astonishing speed. With unwavering precision, the beam pierced through Goku's shoulder, leaving behind a finger-sized hole as evidence of its devastating impact. Not only did it strike Goku, but the force of the beam also tore through the majestic mountain situated just behind him, leaving a tangible trace of the immense power unleashed.

"ARGH!" Goku yelped in excruciating pain, his grip tight on his left shoulder. With sheer grit, he slowly ascended into the air, his body surrounded by a vibrant, reddish aura. Gasping for breath, he mustered his strength and declared, "I won't let you get away with this." Blood spurted from his wounded shoulder, leaving a crimson trail. Undeterred, Goku was fueled by his unyielding spirit. Gathering every ounce of his power, he initiated the Kaioken TIMES TWENTY, causing the intense aura surrounding him to grow fiercer. His muscles swelled, and the strain on his arms and neck became more pronounced, bearing witness to the immense power coursing through his veins.

"NOOOO You mustn't do it Goku" the Saiyan suddenly heard a voice inside his mind

"Kaio-sama" he muttered under his harbored breath "I have no other choice. I know I am not fully ready for the twenty time multiplier but I have no choice. If I don't use this, he'll get rid of me then he'll go after my kid and my friends." Goku said inwardly

"you idiot. THAT"S exactly why I told you not to challenge him" the voice of the person named Kaio-sama replied with absolute annoyance.

"hehehe Sorry bout that Kaio-sama I just got really excited at the thought of fighting such a strong opponent." Goku said while a sheepish grin appeared on his face.

"It seems you are enjoying being roughed up. Just like I thought several years ago, you saiyans are really not right in the head. I guess a monkey will always stay a monkey." Frieza stated when he witnessed the grin.

Goku did not respond to Frieza but instead uttered in his mind "Sorry kaio sama I have to get back to fighting. This guy is no joke so I'll have to fully focus on this fight."

Kaio sighed as he stated "just hang in there for now. I'm sure help will be on the way soon"

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up Kaio-sama, but no one beside me on this planet can take care of this guy" Goku responded with a fond smile

"no one is cheering you up idiot. That man Zarbon you met earlier has gotten his power drawn out by the Namekian grand Elder. Even now as we speak his strength is slowly but steadily accruing." Kaio sama conveyed

"power draawn out what is that? and what's a namekian grand elder" goku asked slightly confused

Kaio sama exhaled in exasperation as he replied "just focus on the battle for now. I'll get in contact with him."

"Thaaank you Kaio sama." goku relayed then the connection between their mind was cut off.

Frieza chuckled as he stated " your monkey brain really seem to be liking the rough treatment."

Goku did not reply to the obvious taunt, instead he dashed at the so called emperor. He vanished from sight, reappearing behind Frieza then landed a solid punch on the alien's back, causing the tyrant to howl in pain. In retaliation, Frieza swung his arm backward with remarkable agility for his imposing size, unfortunately for him, Goku ducked underneath the arm, then promply swung his arm upward, initiating a flying uppercut with tremendous momentum. The shoryuken landed precisely on Frieza's lower jaw, shattering the bones and propelling the tyrant's body further up into the sky.

Goku, realizing that he must bring this fight to an end, cupped his hands together to the side. With a stern expression, he channeled the majority of his remaining ki into the center of his palms, feeling its raw power surge through his veins. With a fierce and resolute expression, he bellowed with all his might, "KAAAAAAA!" As he yelled, his ki materialized into a bluish orb of light, radiating with a pulsating energy. "MEEEEEEEEEE!" "HAAAAAAAAAA!" With each shout, the orb grew in size, its intensity reaching new heights."MEEEEEEEEE!" Goku's voice echoed through the namekian sky, his unwavering spirit fueling the power of his ki within the orb to even greater height. As the final shout of "HAAAAAAAAA!" escaped his lips, Goku unleashed a mighty, massive white beam of light with an azure blue hue. The beam tore through the air with unparalleled speed and ferocity, leaving a trail of awe-inspiring brilliance in its wake.

Finally, the beam reached its target with unrelenting force and precision: Frieza, who had just begun to regain his senses. The horned alien hurriedly thrusted his hands toward the energy attack, to stop the beam from engulfing his body. 'Damn it it's more powerful than me. How could this be... I completely overpowered him earlier.' he thought as he struggled with all his strength to deflect the beam away from him but to no avail.

This power struggles lasted for a few seconds before Goku exclaimed "Give up already. Hopefully you reflect on your evil deeds after death."


"We'll see whether you can survive this or not" Goku shouted

After his statement, the beam completely engulfed Frieza as he exclaimed "I'LL GET RID OF YOU I SWEAR I WILL" The energy beam exploded in a blinding light, which completely turned the surroundings white, after that a Big smoke cloud erupted and massive shockwave and tremors erupted all around the surrounding for at a least thousands of meters.

The reddish aura covering Goku subsided and he was flung away by the powerful shockwaves and winds due to the power of the Kamehameha.

-Namek- cave entrance

My favorite purple alien stood before me, in recap after I had kicked the blast away. Ginyu descended from the sky and revealed himself and boy he had seen better years. His body was battered with injuries namely his left arm and right horn were missing, he had several horrible burn marks on his face and body.

"You have betrayed Lord Frieza Zarbon" he suddenly spoke with a stern expression.

"More or less" I replied while making sure I retreated back and kept my distance just in case he tried using his infamous technique.

"HAHAHAHA" he suddenly burst out laughing then splurted out some blood from his mouth "Damn it this body is toast" he stated as he looked at me with ravenous eyes

"I'll do less talking if I were you. Goku and Vegeta really did a number on you" I mockingly stated

"Hmph, that Goku fella only took me by surprise with his weird technique which increase his power. But not to worry. After I take over your body" he stated as a purple aura flared all around his injured body.

"I don't think so" I replied

"The choice is not yours, After I take over your pathetic body, I'll quickly go to that Saiyan monkey, switch with him. Oh man I have not been so excited in a while. After taking over the Saiyan I'll rebuild the Ginyu force stronger than ever. HEH HEH HEH" he excitedly said

Out of nowhere, in the blink of an eye, a burst of dazzling light pierced through his throat, revealing a horrible sight beyond imagination. And from that surreal opening, look! My very own finger, playfully pointing at the remarkable spectacle, the hole in Ginyu's throat.

"Im-impo-sssi-ble" he muttered with difficulty

" told you I don't think so. didn't I?" I spoke with contempt and it honestly surprised me.

I then dashed in his direction, completely phasing out and appearing behind him. Then grabbed the back of his neck and quickly activated -absorption-

"Bye bye captain Ginyu enjoy Hell!" I muttered with a chilling voice

"N___O da---mn i-t Ch-a-n-g-e N-" Before he could finish, all his ki was drained and he disappeared into light particles

After that massacre, I descended gracefully towards my allies. As I approached them, I couldn't help but wear a victorious smile.

"Give me the radar, Krillin," I proclaimed confidently, eager to complete gather the rest. "I'll go fetch the remaining dragon balls."

Krillin, with a touch of worry in his voice, responded, "Sure, but please be gentle with it. Bulma will kill me if it breaks."

With a sincere smile, he continued, "Also, thanks, man, for deflecting that blast. The amount of power it had... we would have been in really bad shape if you weren't here."

Nail, expressing his gratitude, chimed in, "The earthling is right. That blast contained more power than even I have. I could have deflected it by struggling very hard. So, I would like to express my gratitude for your assistance."

Gohan, always appreciative, added his thanks, "Yeah, thanks, Mister Zarbon!"

I smiled warmly, accepting their praise. "I did what had to be done," I confidently proclaimed. With a mischievous glint in my eyes, I couldn't resist teasing young Dende.

"I don't hear any thanks from you, little Dende," I playfully stated, gently stroking his bald head.

"Nooo, not this again. Stop treating me like a child," Dende exclaimed, bawling his fists in feigned anger.

Chatting with playfulness, I responded, "But you are a child, Dende." My hand continued to caress his head to annoy him. In a sudden moment of mischief, Dende bit my hand, causing me to yelp in fake pain as I playfully scolded him, "What did you do that for?"

Amidst our playful interaction, everyone else couldn't help but burst into laughter. It was a moment of lightheartedness and joy, a brief respite from the oncoming battles we would soon face.

-Author Notes-

I'd love to hear your take on the Goku vs. Frieza showdown—writing that battle was an absolute blast! And hey, don't miss the chance to vote for Toonya's appearance; there are epic pictures in the previous chapter. I'm super stoked to get another chapter out tomorrow, but hey, let's keep those expectations in check! 😉

next chapter
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