Alternate title: Father of the Seven
"Too weaaakk!" A demonic voice taunts me as another powerful hit lands on my skull and plants me on the ground. "You are too weak."
"You are not worthy!" The demonic voice shouts in a tremor as it holds down my shaking body. I haven't seen my adversary. It's as if they are fighting me from another dimension beyond my comprehension.
Even the summoned Mahoraga is at a loss, not knowing what its meant to fight. It goes without saying that a Shikigami is only as powerful as its master. In my case, that's currently not helpful.
It feels as though my internal organs are collapsing within and blood is draining into my stomach and lungs. The invisible foe pulls me back and plants me on the wall with tremendous might.
"Too weak!" The demonic voice shouts again and manages a blow to my back. My spine absorbs the shock and it feels as though my back is going to break. "You are not worthy!"
I feel paralysed and don't think I can take anymore of this. I try my pest to even wiggle my hands and throw a slap, if not a punch, but my hands won't move. My lungs are giving out, but I don't want to collapse and become unconscious.
"I can fight!" I encourage myself, only to get crashed back into the wall and thrown off to the air. I fall violently and crash the bed, luckily not hurting the two kids lying on the side.
My mind becomes dark and foggy as if encouraging me to give up and become numb by going unconscious so as to ignore the shock.
"Too weak!" I can feel the demonic presence looking down on me. "You are no much for me, or any of the seven!"
"You are even hard to sense because your energy is measly!" It continues to belittle me. "Vague traces of Divine, but you don't even know how to use it."
"Too weak and unworthy." It says, sounding really disappointed. "You've wasted the time of I - Trigon the terrible."
"Even without reach, I can beat you up from a different dimension." Says Trigon as he grabs me by the head. "Then, I shall end your miserable existence, here and now."
"Y-you are not s-so nice, you aren't." I smile in the face of death (Death is better looking than my current state).
He no-so-gently squeezes my skull but then pauses for a moment as if in thought.
"Seven deadly sins." He hums to himself. I can feel his inter-dimensional eyes reading my body and energy. "Now they are only six because one is so, disobedient."
"But you, I could mark as a replacement for Pride." He thinks out loud.
"But you are weak, and you will die!" He doesn't let me forget that. "I'm the first demon to find you, and many more are coming for you. You are unworthy!"
"You will die!" He seems to have given up on his stray thought of recruiting me. "There's nothing to think about, I'll just end your pathetic existence here!"
He increases the pressure on my skull and the pain grows exponentially.
"You are mean!" I force the words out of my mouth, not ready to die. I have no faith in diplomacy, and don't plan on trying to use it. "I don't like you."
"It's one thing to read or watch you try to conquer the world in fiction, but it feels completely different when I'm living it as a reality." I shout amidst groans of pain seething in my head. "I don't like you and I will kill you!"
I'm starting to feel convicted as to who I should be. Fighting the Amazons made me uncertain as to who I should be. I never regarded them as villains, but they became my sworn enemies for 30 days. That not only inverted my moral compass, but also belittled my desire to be good.
But being grappled and getting crashed by this demon for no reason began to fire up a desire to fight off such evil. "No one should be subjected to torture for any reason! No one should endure suffering from others just because they think they are better, or more powerful."
"I will kiiiiiillll..." My conscious derails and I zone out for a moment, but then relapse. "I will kill you, Trigon the terrible. I will rid the world of the Seven Sins, demons and all those who dare to terrorize others, just because!"
"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh!" I shout to keep myself alive and force my heart to beat faster and skull to strengthen and be more resilient.
"Mahoraga!" I shout at the perplexed Shikigami. "Do something. Do anything! Fight with my strength. He's not invisible! You can hit him."
My increasing positivity to the situation changes the game for me and increases my spirituality, allowing me to see a windy form of the beast holding me, even if it's transparent.
Trigon doesn't get registers as a threat yet, which disallows me from being twice as powerful as him.
"It's such an inconvenience," I think as I increase my blood flow by working my heart. "Being twice as powerful instead of scaling to become consistently powerful."
"Especially if I'll be at constant war with inter-dimensional beings." I keep thinking. "I must find a way to scale my power to consistency. Even if it means starting from 0 to 4500!"
"Mahoraga!" I shout again, but from the corner of my eye, I catch it's movement. It can sense the demon now, which means it can attack and free me.
How convenient it is to have a Shikigami!
"But I have to be stronger myself!" I think as Mahoraga lands his first fist, then his second on Trigon's energy manifestation. "More capable in combat. More acquainted with my weapons!"
Pow! Pow! Pow!
Mahoraga lands a series of direct hits on Trigon's mass, pushing the demon staggering a bit and relaxing if hold on me. Trigon doesn't let go of me yet, however.
"You are still weak!" He shouts pulling his neck back and throwing his bull-headed skull with such speed and agility that Mahoraga doesn't have enough time to move aside.
Mahoraga holds of the demon's head with its arms, but even its resilience doesn't stop the floor from sinking to the bottom and leaving a massive dent on the table room's ground.
The impact allows Trigon to release me in time for me to react with vent up rage and enhanced desire to kill him.
"I need better weapons for this kinds of situations." I think as I conjure my Pistol with the 8 remaining grudges. I can only hope that they have the potential to subdue it.
I shoot the fifth grudge as I land with my back on the rubble: For the hands that dared to crash me.
May yours be crashed.
Even though he is formidable while invisible (undetected), Trigon's existence is still in a different dimension from this one. This reduces the demon's power by a leap, such that a Grudge bullet is capable of dealing damage on him.
"Use the Sword of Extermination!" I shout to Mahoraga to employ all his power until we can get rid of Trigon. My body can barely move and I'm hardly resisting the shock and desire to collapse.
Heeding the command, Mahoraga pulls out the sword and leaps to slay the demon currently dealing with crumbling hands.
Feeling that one bullet is not enough, I squeezed the trigger and shoot the sixth grudge with as much precision as I can manage in my current form.
"I hope the neighbors sleep dead and they are not aware of the current fight." I can't help but wonder about something so mundane. I don't wanna leave this place just yet. I just got in Smallville.
"I've got to learn how to erect a barrier so that I won't be found by demons so easily in the future." The thought can't help but etch into memory. "This could have been avoided."
The bullet ricochets on a shiny, metallic, plate and finds it way to Trigon, passing so closely past Mahoraga.
Simultaneously, both Mahoraga an the sixth grudge hit Trigon, subduing him and forcing him to dispell his Soul-Extension.
The sixth grudge: Scorching Tongue. Who's tongue-lashing now?
Trigon's screams scorched a part of the house as he cried in agony before running away.
"I could not be more worthy, you Piece of Sh**" I breathe in the blood trickling down my nose, sulking in my victory.
My energy feels drained and I don't think I can even walk around, but turn my head to look at a bunch of paranoid teenagers.
Two are nocked out upstairs. The one's downstairs are too fucked up to even scream at the anomaly and the crashing tops. One is lying on charred pieces of paper. He must have opened the briefcase that I came with.
"So, this is how we're gonna play this kids." I start calmly. "You don't tell anyone about this. If you do, I'll blame it on all of you."
"You came here to party and messed up my house." I faked the blame. "That's why you'll help me fix it."
"But first, you are gonna help me to walk outside and erect a barrier." I added to the freaked-out faces.
[Trigon: Images & GIFs]
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