It has been several weeks since I arrived in this dimension and not overly much has really happened as things seemed to move slow in this dimension since I didn't want things done over sub space communication, travel time for them was quite extensive on occasion.
The Enterprises current mission on Betazed ended up getting terminated by the federation admiralty as the Enterprise was ordered to meet a new delegation from the federation and was to meet them halfway between our current location and Earth.
I'm not exactly sure what Picard told them but it seemed to have them eager at the very least. I'm guessing Picard hinted, strongly, about some kind of advanced technology trade opportunities or something to people he knew high up.
I still wasn't really sure what I wanted to trade them, technologically speaking, as I simply didn't have much other than my own ship. I could let them scan it and allow them to glean of it what they can but other than that I didn't have much. A personal shield they probably couldn't reproduce and a personal scanner that is probably better than their tri-corders was basically it. I doubt they could copy my version of FTL as they simply don't have access to the correct elements. But I would at least give them the option.
When the dignitaries arrived the deals were a lot simpler than I really thought they would be. On my side, I allow them to scan my ship and had Lexa draw up blueprints to a less advanced hyper drive that simply didn't use the elements from Stargate universe. It was inefficient and a large contraption but it would work faster than their warp by a significant margin. They wouldn't be traversing the galaxy in hours like my ship could, but they would eventually be able to do it in under a year or two once they get the kinks worked out of it on their own using their own scientific Star Trek shenanigans.
Other than that the only other technology I traded was also the hand held scanner, I allowed them to take it apart and study it for a few weeks and put it back together.
While I had no ability to do squat scientifically, Lexa was fairly useful when dealing with the Star fleet scientists that came with the delegation. She had blue prints and understanding of all her systems not that she gave those to them, but it meant that she could help them understand better than they would on their own.
On the stuff I brought with me, I allowed them to copy the books and the entertainment as well as the database Lexa copied from our earth. Not to mention the saplings and seeds that I had brought as some things didn't survive their WW3.
What we managed to get in return was basically what I desired. It was a ship custom built to house the puddle jumper. There would be a place where the puddle jumper could supply the ship power directly from the ZPM and the Neutrino generator. It wouldn't be overly large but it would be as advanced as Star fleet could make it including the technology they could glean from my own ship. I mostly just wanted the bigger ship so that I had an actual room with a bed and a bathroom…. A puddle jumper can be quite cramped after all. Also storage, storage is of course an issue.
I also wanted replicators of course. Useful buggers those. They would of course have to be unlocked so I could make anything that I had blueprints to as I wouldn't be in this dimension for long anyways so it wasn't a big deal to them.
There would be normal replicators for food/drinks as well as a small industrial replicator that can replicate parts for various things as well as one larger industrial replicator that would take up a large portion of the storage bay it was contained in. That includes a database of foods/drinks already programmed in as well as the public database on basic federation technology.
The ship would only be about 80 meters long, 35 meters wide and 15 meters tall. Massive compared to a puddle jumper but nothing compared to Enterprise, in size anyways. But also big enough to carry everything I could ever want that normal ships carry including a holodeck or two.
The ship would basically be fully automated as much as possible with a few hard light projectors in areas so Lexa can get hands on if needed. It's no replacement for a crew but it works as a good stop gap. She will basically BE the ship due to the way it was designed.
I had Lexa design it similar to the defiant from DS9 even though it wasn't a thing yet. It wasn't exactly built to be a warship this time though even if it was going to be built to have strong shields as well as phasers and photon torpedos. The ship was simply to small to be an effective Capitol ship in this reality so I got more of a luxury liner of sorts.
Overall me and Lexa simply got cool gadgets and more room to spread out from our previous cramped accommodations.
It would take a couple of months most likely to complete but I wasn't overly much in a rush. It shouldn't have as many issues as the original ship it takes inspiration from as it's not as large nor as overly powered or engineered, it is merely a shell for the puddle jumper, all it needs is shields, life support and weapons as well as the other basic necessities of normal starships so Lexa could have fun with larger computers to play with as well as the hard light projectors around the ship.
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