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5.42% Different Royal Pony. / Chapter 8: The passing Childhood. A looming Threat.

Bab 8: The passing Childhood. A looming Threat.


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It is here! The New Chapter!!! Hope you like it and like always EEEENJOY!!!


Starfall often fantasized about the Cutie Mark he would receive. He always hoped that it will have something to do with magic, but he knew that Cutie Marks we're not something that you could choose consciously. They were a kind of magical construct that reacted to the subconscious of the pony and acted as an amplification of the talent that the mark depicted.

From what he learned in the books and from the knowledge of his past life, Starfall theorized that a Cutie Mark actually acted similarly to the magic of the three races.

Just like a Pegasi magic helped them in flying, earth pony magic helped them for example in physical aspects, a cutie mark guided a pony's magic to help it in the respective talent the mark depicted.

And Starfall hit a jackpot!... Maybe...

He was currently looking over his flank in the mirror, while using his Mage Sight to observe the magic of the Mark up close.

He even ignored the massive change in his magical core in favor of analyzing his Cutie Mark.

It was a beautiful purple magic circle, that contained a large number of symbols from the magic Alphabet in a geometrical pattern around a star with an eye in the center.

//pic here. remind me if it's not XD//

It was honestly the most complicated Cutie Mark he had ever seen and even Princess Celestia had to agree that his Cutie Mark was one of a kind, and it was the first time in history that a Cutie Mark contained verses of the Magic Alphabet.

Starfall was mystified over how such a complicated pattern could be so easily readable on a coat of a pony. He also had to admire the magic of the Mark. It was something primal yet so natural that a pony didn't even need to know about the magical connection with the mark as it was almost impossible to separate it...almost.

He watched with curiosity as his flank continuously changed from being marked to empty and back again, as he continued playing with the wisp connecting the magic between his magical core and the Cutie Mark. His Cutie Mark wasn't gone, he could tell that it was there but without the connection to his magic, the mark was invisible and had no effect on his being.

Making the spell that Starlight Glimmer created to take away someone's cutie mark was easier than he expected actually, but he decided not to play with it as it felt somehow wrong to meddle with primal magic...As far as he knew, he could cause another Cutie Pox epidemic if he wasn't cautious enough...

When he finally satisfied his curiosity on the topic of Cutie Marks, Starfall began a wider examination.

His magical core which used to be compressed in the middle of his chest, was now having no visible borders. It still had a central point where the magic was the strongest but it was now open to much more free manipulation. Forming the wisps of magic was now almost like lifting a hoof for Starfall and if he wanted, he could easily make his magic spread all over his body. It was a state of magic that actually reminded him of Celestia, Cadence, or some very strong earth ponies. The only thing that separates him from an Alicorn is the lack of wings, power and the fact that his magic was not in the state of constant shift and vibration that he saw in the Princesses.

He wondered whether he could become immortal if he learns how to imitate their magic...

He wanted to continue his experiments but the doors to his room burst open and an overexcited purple filly rushed inside and tackled him to the ground.

"Starfall! There you are! We need to go! Everyone is waiting!" Twilight Exclaimed confusing him.

"Waiting? For what Twily?" He asked mildly aware that she was currently straddling his waist.

"For what? Our Cute-ceañera! Have you already forgotten? *giggle* " She said in exasperation.

Starfall instantly smiled in realization. 'That's right! They were supposed to celebrate getting their Cutie Marks!' He thought with excitement and quickly upturned twilight so that he was now the one pinning her to the ground.

"Hyaa?!" She screamed as fell in the floor and blushed seeing Starfall was now the one on the top and their position felt somehow embarrassing.

"Thanks Twilight. What would have I done without you..." He said with a smile and she couldn't help but smile back at him as she looked into the beautiful purple eyes of her childhood friend.

He stepped away from her and helped her stand up on her hooves to which she responded with another shy smile.

She couldn't understand why she was acting so weirdly around him today, but she didn't give it much thought as they were already running late.

They quickly run to the courtyard of his family mansion where a party was already waiting for them.

They had a lot of fun and got a lot of presents, so all in all the event was a success.

Twilight would occasionally send him glances and blush profusely afterwards. neither of the fillies realized that but their parents were an observant bunch and neither of the fillies knew that they would receive a very educating Talk, upon their return home...


Starfall was worried when his father called him that evening for a serious talk, wondering whether he did something wrong, but he could never have expect that what awaited him was The Talk and not just a normal talk... He couldn't exactly skip the topic either and had to listen to his father talking about sex and responsibilities for all your mares...yes mares... Apparently Equestria was actually a polygamic society because of the unbalanced ratio between the Stallions and the mares! There were many Ponies chosing only a single partner but more often than not they would have to resort to a multiple partner relationship because there was at least three times as many mares as there is stallions! That's also the reason why lesbian relationships are a very common occurrence as some mares don't really have much to choose from otherwise...

That information completely shocked Starfall and not just because his father mentioned Twilight in a number of topics he emphasized.

It's not like this! She is just his childhood friend! He doesn't have such feelings towards her...or does he?...

He returned back to his room still in a daze and even the prospect of experimenting on magic wasn't so appealing for him at the moment. He didn't know that Twilight had a similar experience back at her house.

Both of them lied in their beds with the same thought passing through their heads.

'Do i really like him/her like this?...'


After receiving The Talk, the fillies were forbidden from seeing each other for a few days, supposedly to let them process this new information. Celestia knows, they needed it...

They quickly came to a similar conclusion.

They liked the other one but they won't do anything towards it as of yet because they were to young to think about this stuff anyway. Their friendship was the most important thing for them in the end and that won't change no matter what.

When the duo finally saw each other, they felt much more assured with themselves but they still blushed upon seeing the other one. Thankfully they quickly got over it and started to have fun, which in the case of Twilight And Starfall usually consisted of learning magic and talking about anything that came to their minds. They would sometimes play different games, but neither of them were really the mindless game type...

Both of them realized that magic came to them much easier than it did before the exam.

In case of Starfall, it was thanks to him breaking the core limitation, while in case of Twilight it was her newly aquired connection between her magic and her horn.

Starfall also found out that inside of Twilight there was a tiny wisp of rainbow coloured light that was probably something that remained after the Sonic Rainboom. Maybe it was some kind of magic of Harmony or the connection with the other elements... Whatever the case, it wasn't dangerous and he couldn't really examine it without spilling his secrets. He could of course have Twilight make a purple promise with him, but he was still against messing with that magic in case he did something wrong and destroyed it or something.


//Yeah not writing it lol. It's just boring school time anyway. Here-->Have a time skip to your face XD //

The time In Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns was a very rewarding experience and the tutelage they received from Celestia was extremely useful.

It was already four years since their enrollment and they were still considered the brightest students of the century.

His White Phoenix that he decided to creatively name Phoebe had already grown to her adult form which was almost a meter long from the head to the tip of her beautiful white tail with red streaks.

She really liked to cause mischief together with Philomena whenever the two ponies were studying with Celestia.

Starfall often helped Twilight caring for Spike who was really a precious little hatchling. It was so adorable when the first word he ever said to Twilight was Ma-ma. But when she hid behind Starfall from embarrassment it was His time to be embarrassed as Spike giggled adorably seeing her reaction and then while looking at Starfall intoned Da-da...

They were getting along pretty well with the other students of their class and Starfall often helped Moon Dancer with her relationship problems. Before their third year came to an end, Moon Dancer managed to become a good friend with the other girls and she was often seen with Minuette and Twinkle Shine when she wasn't trying to catch up academically to Starfall and Twilight.

Starfall had a suspicion that the three girls were now in some kind of relationship but he wasn't one to pray...

When it comes to magic, Not much really changed other than the fact that his Magic Alphabet encyclopedia was already done in around 75%. There was still many symbols that needed an interpretation but he believed that he was almost done with cataloguing every single symbol in existence. There was over seven thousand seven hundred symbols!!! That's really a lot and he needed to describe all the relationships and rules of the language so that he could deem this product finished.

It was basically his life work and he hoped that it could be recognized when he is done with it.

His Magic power also increased significantly putting him on the level of the strongest magically ponies in Canterlot according to his Mage Sight, while Twilight was still a bit behind, as she was not as proficient in training her capacity as he was.

He already told her about his ability to see magic and she almost flipped when he told her that she most likely couldn't learn it.

Of course that didn't stop her from trying and in the end she came up with a spell to share the vision with another pony. Since then she would ask Starfall to share their visions whenever she couldn't learn a spell as fast as she would have liked to. She also tried learning how to controll her inner magic but it came to her with extreme difficulty, probably because she wasn't doing it since she was a foal like he did...

Their friendship never wavered and their feeling towards each other only strengthened, resulting in a reoccurring feeling of frustration as neither of them wanted to do the first move towards something more. Starfall started to understand why Shining and Cadence were still not married despite how long they were going out. Damn! They were even living together now for Celestia's sake! And Twilight still believed that they were just roommates... Honestly her obliviousness can be so amusing sometimes...


Starfall was currently reading through a book about prophecies with a little hint of surprise.

It was only two years since he and Twilight became roommates and he was now turning seventeen years old. Apparently you become an adult upon reaching your sixteen birthday in Equestria and for some reason everyone, be it his family or even princess Celestia thought that it was the perfect idea to put the two of them under a single roof and he just couldn't refuse when even Twilight thought that this idea was the right one. That she was blushing while saying that could have been easily interpreted for what it was...

They never did anything, still continuing their illusion of being just friends, but when you live with a pretty girl under one roof, you get to have your fair share of questionable accidents. Maybe that was why everyone pushed them to live in a single flat. They wanted them to finally stop pretending and get together...Well...the plan certainly worked in a way, but he cared for Twilight too much to do something wrong...Sweet Celestia, was he always such a pussy or is that the effect of seventeen years of living in Equestria? He really needed to toughen up...

He glanced towards his workshop where his Encyclopedia of Magic Alphabet was almost finished, and he only needed a few more months to finish it. He really wanted to just go and be done with it, as he spend over twelve years on creating it, but first he needed to focus on a more pressing matter.

According to the book of prophecies Nightmare Moon is supposed to return during the next Summer Sun Celebration! And what's even worse...That's in two days!!! ...That would make Twilight only sixteen when she found the Elements in the show! She was actually barely an adult!

Starfall had a real mess in his head, trying to comprehend this information when suddenly he felt a gentle touch of a mare grazing him by his side and looking over his shoulder while snuggling to his side. Twilight was lately becoming increasingly more touchy like this, and he suspected that she was loosing patience. Seems like it was him who was stronger when it came to self control...

"Whatcha reading?" She asked as she rubbed her cheek lightly on his neck. Suddenly she looked at the book levitating in front of Starfall and opened her eyes wide.

"Hey! I was looking for this one the entire morning! Spike said that it wasn't on the shelf!". Exclaimed Twilight in agitation.

"Well...maybe because I was reading it?" He said but then his expression darkened.

"Look! I think that we might have a slight problem..." He said pointing to a fragment of the book foretelling the return of Nightmare Moon.

Twilight quickly read through the text and did a quick calculation in her head before opening her eyes in shock.

"We need to inform the princess! Where is spike!?" She shouted only to hear a loud yawn from a nearby shelf.

"...Wha- Wha's goin on?..." Muttered Spike who as it turns out fell asleep while looking for the same book that Starfall was currently reading.

"Spike! We need you to send a letter to Princess Celestia! It's very urgent!" She exclaimed and spike squinted his eyes to look around.

"What letter?" He asked, and Twilight realized that she needed to write it first...

As the Summer Sun Celebration was happening in the morning of the day after tomorrow, they still had a day to finish everything in Canterlot and visit Moon Dancer's party before departing to Ponyvile in the evening.

The reply of princess Celestia was surprisingly similar to the one in the show but the part about finding friend was only briefly mentioned. Probably because Twilight wasn't a social outcast...

But as Starfall read through the note, he realized that Celestia must have really send her there on purpose, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to send them separately so he was also included. She must really have a lot of trust in her students, or she just doesn't want to fight her sister once again when there's a slim chance of Luna's redemption...

He couldn't tell in any case, so he just went along, glad that the timeline was yet to deviate in any really serious way, but still not letting his guard down.

It was already morning by the time they reached Ponyvile and Starfall had to wake up the Sleeping Princess who was laying on his shoulder sleeping in earnest.

His gaze lingered on the outline of the village and a small smile appeared on his face while a quiet sigh escaped his lips. This was the time of great changes. This was the time to start their adventures!

next chapter
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