***On Planet Giea..
***In the Inner Outskirts of Continent 'Eclipse of the Ocean'..
***Giesha Guesthouse.. – Eleanora's Quarters..
With a mature bearing, Navi is currently sitting on the only reading chair in the room. The chair is positioned behind a table that's has piles of properly arranged books sitting on its too.
Due to his small frame, Navi cannot do much reading with books on the table and so, he holds up the book he's currently reading with his right hand as he leans back against the chair.
His posture is confident yet relaxed as he reads and occasionally flips through the pages of the book that's currently in front of his eyes.
Navi has been reading quietly and comfortably for hours on end but despite this feat, the extreme weariness in his eyes cannot be fully explained.
His orange eyes reflects a state that seems to shows that Navi has not slept for days and thus is not at all far from the truth.
Three nights ago, Navi had a terrifying nightmare in his sleep and in this nightmare, he had heard an even more terrifying and ominous voice.
The pains of the nightmare experience has been imprinted directly into Navi's seven year old mind and the trauma that comes naturally with this pain is not something he can afford to repeat.
Although his face shows none of it, Navi us utterly scared of falling asleep. Even while awake, Navi can sometimes hear the retaining echoes of that voice surfing through his mind in different tones.
'What truly is balance?!..', A voice rings in Navi's head while causing him to pause his fingers motion that sweeping against the on the edge of a page for a turnover .
Navi shakes his head as he snaps out of the daze. He knows fully well or atleast, he hopes that it is all nothing but an hallucination.
Taking a few slow deep breaths, Navi slowly calms his mind before flipping over the page he has been reading with a *Shuttle¡* sound though he does not get to refocus on his reading as a sound draws his attention o.
The sound of the door opening gets Navi a little jumpy inside though he maintain his composure. Looking up, Navi takes in the visual of thr recent arrival that comes in naturally alongside the opening doors.
. "Mom!.", Navi says with joy as all tension drains from his small body. Usually, he's a little cringe about physical contact but he can't help but run up to his mother for a hug upon seeing her arrival.
"Oh, did you really miss me that much?.", Eleanora asks with a chuckle as she holds onto her child who is hugging her legs.
Navi doesn't respond as he just holds on to her for a while more before slowly pulling off.
Bending down, Eleanora brushes Navi's silky black hair lovingly with her fingers as she asks with him with a knowing frown on her face, "Have you been reading all night long again?, You look pale."
Instead of answering, Navi just snuggles into his mom with her familiar scent bringing him some sense of stability as well as a grip on reality.
"Where have you been for six days mom?.", Navi asks calmly with a narrowed gaze that comes off cute as he pulls off his mother.
With her usual bright smile, Elenora rubs through Navi's night black hair while messing it up a bit as she says..
"Mom's sorry, Something unexpected came up.".
For some reason, Navi's feels something is somehow wrong with the situation though he soon let's it go as it does not have really matter much to him. As long as his mother is back home safe, nothing matters - or so he thinks-.
Navi dies not get to think much on the issue when Elenora distracts him with her words.
"Know how you've always been curious about the outside world?..", Elenora says while Navi raises a brow.
"..I was thinking and how about we go on our first stroll today. I have things to tell you.", Eleanora says with a flicker of an unusual emotion in her eyes that Navi fails to catch.
Navi blinks twice in confusion at Elenora's sudden approval at going outdide before a small smile creeps on his face.
He dies not know if it is the norm for others(as he has never read about upbringing of kids) but his mother has always been very protective of him stepping out of the comfort zones of her Quarters.
Navi has not ever been to the top floors of the guesthouse talkmore of seeing the sun he has always read about.
The isolation has solidified Navi's already introverted nature.
It is a little weird that his mother suddenly wants him on a stroll outside after years of isolation so the light of curiosity and excitement dies down in Navi's eyes a little as suspicion slowly creeps in.
"Why are we suddenly taking a stroll?.", Navi ask maturely while tilting his head a little as he locks eyes with his mother as if to catch answers in her expression.
"Would you rather remain indoors?.", Eleanora shoots back casually while pursing her lips as if she's already expecting and prepared for the question.
Elenora has already gotten used to her boy acting above his age and so, she've grown to master how to tip-toe around this kinds of unwanted curiosity.
Not mother and son lock eyes for a few seconds with none giving in and then the boy finally cracks.
"I'll change my clothes.", Navi says in defeat as he moves in action to his words.
Sees her son scuffle off grumpily in both excitement and defeat, Elenora chuckles lightly but then she gives a small sigh knowing that hus curiosity is always on point.
"Navïælét!.", Eleanora calls out softly in elven tongue as she slowly stands up from her crocthed down position.
Navi who's currently putting on a robe wears a weird expression as he hears his mother call a portion of his full name. This is something that Eleanora ever so rarely does.
Raising a brow, Navi looks at his mother who seems to be acting oddly as she stared back at him for a few seconds.
"Hurry up.", Eleanora finally says before calmly leaving the room while leaving Navi in confusion.
Confused, Navi looks towards the shut door for a while before continuing to put on his robes.
Something is definitely up with his mother's attitude though he knows her well enough to realise that his mother has too much secrets than for him to ponder on all of them. If she's not letting in on one more then it's probably for the best.
With this in mind, Navi finishes up dressing quickly before going out of the room only to see his mother resting her back against the walls of the hallway.
Eleanora stretches her palm out to Navi who obediently puts his own in hers as they both walk towards a simple set of wooden staircase that he has never used before.
At the end of this staircase lies a door forged from both metal and wood. With a small push, the door easily and soundlessly opens to the outside.
Two guard are behind the door in their usual armours but they barely make a flinch as Eleanora walks out. Seeing Navi,.. there is a subtle change in one if the guards expressions.
Uncaring about the statue like guards, Navi's mind was only on one thing alone.
Finally, after years of dreaming.. he's outside. For the first time since he've been born Navi finds himself outside and just the little he is seeing is already mind-blowing to his calm but young mind.
The first thing that comes to Navi mind is confirmation that the place he've been residing is actually underground, the second wonder that Navi observes is the sky.
Oh!.. The sky.
For the first time in his life, Navi looks directly at the open sky with a bit of awe in his gaze as his mind absorbs it's majesty.
"It's beautiful.", Navi whispers to himself as he stares on with a daze.
Thanks again for reading, I appreciate votes of powerstones, reviews and comments.