Unduh Aplikasi
10% Dez Bonez aren't for me [Another DROPPED fanfic] / Chapter 1: Waking up to a status screen.
Dez Bonez aren't for me [Another DROPPED fanfic] Dez Bonez aren't for me [Another DROPPED fanfic] original

Dez Bonez aren't for me [Another DROPPED fanfic]

Penulis: Wrathos

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Waking up to a status screen.

Player Name: Momonga




Skeleton Mage (15)

Elder Lich (10)

Overlord (5)

Magic Mastery (10)


Necromancer (10)

Master of Death (10)

Eclipse (5)

Master of the Mind (10)

Curse Master (10)

Enchanter (10)

Golem Creator (5)


HP: 60

MP: Exceeds Limit(100+)


PHY. DEF: 70


MAG. ATK.: 90

MAG. DEF.: 95



TOTAL :685 + Excessive MP

'T-this! Is this a dream?! No my dreams aren't this well...mathematical.'

Enter Yggdrassil <Yes> <No>

'Hell yeah!' I move my hand over yes.

<Srarting Game 3...2..1>

Whoosh I see a bunch of colors, then I noticed I'm in the room with the guild table.

'Ahhhhhhhghh' I felt his memories of the game, invade my head!

[Warning]: Players Mind Reaching unstable Levels!

[Warning]: Stabilize your thoughts or you will be ejected from the game!

[Warning] Countdown 5.....4.....3....2...1...Mind Stabalized. Countdown to disconnect Aborted.

'Haaah That hurt like a, they never really mention how bad that hurts. It's like a Migraine, while having your head in a closing vicegrib; without dying. Nevermind that I need to think!' I berated myself.


World Chat:

Dragonbane47: Last call for my world item, I'm selling it for 1000 Yen.

TrollSnapper52: Give it up noone is going to buy it the game is closing tonight!

Momonga: What's the item?

Dragonbane47: Get lost Troll, oh if it isn't Momonga-san you actually want to buy it?

Momonga: Yes by system trade of course

TrollSnapper52: Your an idiot if you buy it, I got to go anyways cya.


'If I remember right he has around 1632 Yen in his account, it was meant for the food and rent this month but hehehehe. Considering the value in the future it will be worth every cent.' I thought.

Private chat:

Dragonbane47: Great the World Item is the Seeds of the World Tree

Momonga:I see. Can you send me the effect information.

Dragonbane47: Here it is <Seeds of the World Tree>

I motion to click on the name and it pops up info.

Seeds of the World Tree

Allows the player to freely change their race, at the No Cost of experience. Lost on Death (2/3) uses.

'I see that's why hes selling it for so low, Aghh why does it have to be only two uses! Then again his elite gamer knowledge ,should help me in chosing a second class and jobs. So if it goes good I'm even more powerful then before, yes this will work just nicely'

Dragonbane47: I know what your going to say, why would you buy it ;since it only has two uses left. I don't care, get it If you want it or not.

Momonga: Ok I'll take it.

Dragonbane47: Really?


Dragonbane47 requests a world trade.


I motion to click on <Accept>

World Item Seeds of the World Tree

Allows the player to freely change their race, at the No Cost of experience. Lost on Death (2/3) uses.


1000 Yen

<Accept/Decline >

I motion to click on <Accept>

[Warning] You only have 252 Yen Left.


World Chat

Dragonbane47: He actually bought it! Hahaha Thank you Momonga-san! I'm going to the brothel tonight!


'Is it just me or all people in this world are pathetic.' I thought then immediately used the World item

Are you sure you wish to use World Item Seeds of the World Tree


I motioned to click <Yes>

[Notification] Do you will still want to receive your World Champion special races abilities , if you do you must stay within 500 of its karmic value.


I motioned to click <Yes>


Class Build

Total Level: 100

Racial level 30

Diemensional Fairy15(max level of this racial)

This race only available those ,who have a special race but changed races with a item.This race had to be one of Negative karma. This is a race that was born, with the creation of the universe. This occurred when the world tree was fully matured. The powers of the universe were fluctuating at the time. The power of Darkness tried to invaded the tree ,but eventually was pushed back. This pushback created the extremely rare race. This darkness was eventually known as space. Manifesting from both life energy and space, it is a fairy born of space and natures conciousness. Fairies are also known, to have the best magical connection and insane magical attack power.

Chronomancer 5

Fairy King 5 (Secret hidden class)

You aren't a normal breed of fairy anymore, you are a fairy king. A special breed of fairies and the superior to elder fairies, it is also the only human sized fairy breed. Your wings are big enough to allow flight.

Fairy size mode: Can transform back into a regular fairies size.

Natural Evolution 5(max level of this racial)(Legendary class game-breakingly overpowered)

Secret Racial Job . Acquirable after: Acquiring level 100 as a Diemensional fairy race, while retaining 0 Karmic value.

Allow you to impove your body, by overcharging with natural energy. Usable once a day, allow the player to increase the maximum spell; That the player can learn through reward crystals. Each plus spell/ability what the player learn cost more reward crystal

The player can learn +1 super tier spell, ability/ level from level 70.

Job level

Martial God 10

Armored mage 15

Master Enchanter 5(max level job replace enchanter 10 jobs)

Only available be whose has armored mage 15 and Martial god 10

Cosmic Mind 10(max level of this job only available for Mindslayers)

Lore:"Your brain is made of cosmic energy ,this increases its processing power to fourth diemensional levels. Just by using your five senses, you will be able to precisely understand and process how things work."

Despite its usefulness, less than 50 people took this job class in the whole game.

The main reason is the reward crystal requirement to open this job and the 100 Yaun cost.

Main use: Combat data analysis, greatly increase perception and reaction time, lower the cooldown the spells and abilities; by increase your magical connection.This also greatly increases the accuracy of information gathering abilities.

Mindslayer 15

Magical Assimilation 15(max level of this job class)

Master of Death 5(world destroyer secret job class)

If you have the Master Enchanter job at level 15. Have a maxed Unique race job and the Magic Assimilation job maxed. You can unlock the Creation Magic sub job secret class.

This Replaces Natural Evolution job class.

Only one known player has it.

Allow you to go into a magic synchronized state once/per day, the cooldown separated from the "Evolution state" also it is stackable with it.

Sage of Nature 5

Status Screen

HP 70(Exceeds limit in Natural or synchronized state)

MP 75(Exceeds limit in Natural or synchronized state)

PhyATK 90(Exceeds limit in Natural or synchronized state)

PhyDEF 75 (Exceeds limit in Natural or synchronized state)

Agility. 85(Exceeds limit in Natural or synchronized state)

MagAtk 100(Exceeds limit in Natural or synchronized state)

MagDef Exceeds limit

Resistance Exceeds limit

Special Ability 95(Exceeds limit in Natural or synchronized state)

Total 815(Exceeds limit in Natural or synchronized state)

Race job powers:

Space Manipulation: Manipulate the space around you. Allows you permanently 25% increased inventory space. Allows you to lock people from teleporting. Allows you to unlock a spacelock. Allows short distance teleportation, to as far as you can see once a day.

Mind manipulation: Manipulate minds. Allows you to control npcs 5 levels lower then you, at a max of 5. Mind sheild prevents other players from seeing your level, and allows you to alter it to look lower or higher then it actually is. also many other abilities.

Time Manipulation: Allows user to manipulate time, gaining alot of abilities based on how its manipulated.

Void Manipulation: Manipulate the Aether, a powerful, primordial element that was used to create the universe itself.This allows powers such as:

Neigh Omnipotence: because of the high level of control over both Aether and Necrotic forces, the wielder can possess vast, amount of power this can allow powerful abilities such as:

Elemental Manipulation: Control the elements around them, to degree that allow control of their environment.

Healing: Heal people.

Holy fire Manipulation/Hell- Fire Manipulation: The power to manipulate the mystical flames of hell ,and the power to manipulate holy flames; which embodies the Purifying aspect of Fire.

Reality Warping: Warp reality around you, at a level that depends on the wielders experience knowledge and connection with magic.

Resurrection: Revive deceased individuals, no matter how long.

Energy Manipulation: Conjure/Control any energies, that can empower individuals.

Telekinesis: Transcendent magical power level ability, to manipulate structures at a subatomic level.

Space-Time Manipulation: Utilize the forces of time and space ,to influence certain events.

Magical Conjuration: Create anything based on the wielder's thoughts, and knowledge to the level where you can conjure whole cities.

Shadow Dimension Manipulation: Use the power of a diemensional fairy; to access the shadow dimension. Can be used to escape or even create shadow beings like beings.

Shadow Control: Manipulate shadows themselfs in a variety of powerful ways.

Ethereal Physiology: Possess a body made of the Aether.Also known as space.

Absolute Existence: You are an immortal being that will forever exist, for as long as there is space. Allows you to cheat death for 1 hour, afterwards you will be really dead ; but only if not fully healed. This brings your health back to 25%. If killed again it will be permanent. Cooldown 1 day.

Absolute Peak Condition: Have a unlimited degree of physical/mental attributes that only a god can possess.

Creator of all things: Allows you to create any item below divine quallity.

Energy Perception: Perceive all energy energies within your Space Domain

Astral Projection: Acquire information by projecting your spirit to the places you wish. Warning ,if you think to much; you will return to your body.

Magical Healing Factor: If injured somehow, the user can heal from any injury inflicted; by using a fairies connection to magic on a cellular level.

Divine Presence: emit a divine presence or aura, that can cause supernatural suppressing effects.

Space Domain: Within a one hundred feet radius, you can control all spacial abilities. You can deny or approve of them.

Holy Fire Manipulation: manipulate holy flames, which embodies the Purifying aspect of Fire.

Hell-Fire Manipulation: Manipulate the mystical flames of hell.

Full cellular control:Allows you to change your body's shape and form. This is because if you concentrate hard enough, you can control all your cells.

Spatial-Temporal Lock: Immune to negative effects of Time and Space. Can only use once a day.

Light Element Manipulation/Dark Element Manipulation: manipulate the pure,benevolent nature/dark, destructive and consuming aspects of the elements.

Mind Flay: Scramble the mind of your enemies

Mind transfer: Transfer your knowledge to others at a cost of their experience points. Warning: Max Spell/Abilities Limits Still Apply!

[A/N I tried my best to be original ,while still going with my idea of a space being]

'Haaah! That was nerve racking! But dang! I got lucky or was it this nerdy knowledge that allowed it, I don't know. Oo.' I thought

I then went into the regular shop and bought various foods and supplies. I also decided to spend the last of my money, on the cash shop.

I found some nice items for 52 Yen, then seen a godlike item for 100 Yen!

It was the Pitcher of Endless Eggnog! I was practically salivating at the thought. I quickly bought it.

[Warning] Are you sure you wish to buy the item, you will be broke afterwards.

<Accept> <Decline>

I motioned to click on <Accept>

[Warning] Cash shop closed due to insufficient funds, acquire more to unlock the shop.

After this happened I seen a notification of Herohero comming online. A gigantic table carved of gleaming black stone sat in the center of the room, surrounded by forty one luxurious chairs.

However, most of those seats were empty.

Once, every single place had been filled, but now only two were occupied.

One of the seated people was clothed in a magnificent black academic robe, edged in violet and gold. The collar seemed excessively gaudy, but somehow it fit the overall design.

However, the exposed head looked a Black face made of space. Points of dark royal purple light glowed in its large eye sockets, then behind that head glowed a pair of white and black radiant ethereal magical wings.

The being in the other seat was not human either, merely a mass of a black, sticky substance. Its tar-like surface roiled and writhed continuously, never staying in the same shape for more than a second.

The former was an Diemensional Fairy King — the secret strongest most magically potent race. The latter was an Elder Black Ooze, which boasted the most powerful corrosive ability of the slime families.

One might encounter these slime monsters in the most difficult dungeons. The Elder Black Oozes were dreaded for their ability to degrade weapons and armor.

In YGGDRASIL, players could choose their character races from three broad groups; humanoid, demihuman and heteromorphic.

Humanoids were the basic player type and comprised humans, dwarves, wood elves, and the like. Demihumans tended to be ugly, but possessed superior attributes to humanoids. Examples of demihumans were goblins, beastmen, ogres, and so on. Finally, heteromorphic races had monstrous abilities, but despite their stats being generally higher than those of other races, they also possessed various drawbacks. There were around seven hundred playable races in total, including the advanced versions of these races.

Naturally, the Overlord and Elder Black Ooze were among the high-tier heteromorphic races that were playable.

The Diemensional Fair king — who was speaking at the moment — did not move his mouth. That was because even the most advanced DMMO-RPGs of the time, still could not overcome the technological hurdle of all. Which was properly modelling the changes on a character's face, in response to emotions and speech.

"It's really been a while, Herohero-san. Although this is the last day of YGGDRASIL, I didn't expect you to show up."

"Is that you, Momonga-san?!" Herohero-San exclaimed surprised.

"Yes I gained another world item today and changed my race with it. They truley underestimated the power of it ,in the rumours of the seeds of Yggdrasil. It allows a full race change while keeping your experience, also it even allowed me to keep my special race. Master of Death, if you want the link I could show you. I got really lucky with my choices." I said in a boasting way.

"Hmm sure I guess i could quickly see it, for old time sake." He said and then I sent him the link, with a picture of my skills and everything.

"My,My! Momonga-san you his the jackpot you are more powerful then before.....if you learn how to work the class." He complimented then tried to tease me.

"Kukukuku How right you are, but it doesn't matter as I'm a immortal master of death; right?" I asked him playfully and he chuckled.

The two of us spoke with the voices of grown men, but compared to the voice of the former, the latter's words lacked force, or perhaps it could be said that they lacked energy.

"You stopped coming online after you changed your job IRL, it's been… about what two years?"

"Ah — seems about right — wah, it's been so long… this is bad. I've been doing so much overtime recently ,that my sense of time is starting to go weird."

"That's really bad, right? Are you okay?"

"My body? Well, it's a mess. I haven't had to see a doctor yet, but I'm almost there, it's really bad. A lot of times, I feel like I want to run away from it all, but then I think about how I need money to live and then I go back to work like a whipped slave."


The Dimensional Fairy King — Momonga — lowered his head in an "I can't take it" gesture.

"That's terrible." I said.

As though following up on Momonga's comment, Herohero delivered a grim monologue, his words laced with an unimaginable reality. The two of them griped loudly about the foolishness they encountered in their working lives.

Hell the only reason I remembered this ,was because of talking with him. It made me want to kick him out of here.

Subordinates who did not know how to report, communicate, and discuss things, spreadsheets that changed by the day, scoldings by their superiors for not meeting various KPIs, working late every day until they could not go home, gaining weight because of their irregular lifestyles, and the increasing amounts of medicine they had to take every day. Herohero's grievances burst forth like a broken dam, and Momonga painstakingly lent his ear to him.

A lot of people were averse to discussing reality in a virtual world. It was fairly normal for people to not want to talk about their offline lives in a game.However, this was not so for the two of them. The guild had two conditions ,that each of its members had to fulfill. The first was that everyone had to be a working member of society. The other was that they had to play heteromorphic characters.

Because of these rules, the topics they discussed often revolved around their jobs in the real world. Any member of the guild would field these questions and, as such, the conversation between the two could be considered standard fare for the guild.

After about ten minutes, the torrent of words that flowed from Herohero dwindled to a trickle.

"…I'm sorry for making you listen to my whining. I can't complain much IRL."

'Thank goodness! You made me want to kill myself! Remembering those horrible things! I feel pity for myself like I never did before!' I started a internal monologue.

The place corresponding to Herohero's head seemed to sway, as though he were bowing in apology. Thus, when I realized this I replied:

"Don't worry about it, Herohero-san. I made you come online despite you being busy, so listening to your complaints is only expected. I'll hear you out, no matter how many you have." I said while inwardly wondering 'What was this a pity party! I cant believe people, would live in this worlds conditions! Ridiculous!'

Herohero seemed to have recovered some of his old energy, and with a somewhat more energetic laugh, he replied:

"Ah, I'm grateful for that, Momonga-san. I'm glad I could meet a friend after signing on."

"I'm very happy to hear you say that too."

'And I'll be happier to see you go!' I thought.

"…Although it's about time for me to log off."

Herohero's tentacle waggled in mid-air, as though he were operating something. Indeed, he was operating a menu.

"You're right, it is getting pretty late…"

"I'm sorry about this, Momonga-san."

'Sorry! I'm elated go ALREADY! AHH these memories are horrible! Go blob boy go ,no one likes slimes!' I thought

Momonga sighed, as though I didn't want Herohero to sense the regret in my heart. But if you could hear his thoughts, you would know it was an irritated sigh!!

"Ah — well, you do sound pretty tired. Then, you should log out soon and have a good rest."

"I'm really sorry… Momonga-san. Although, how long do you plan to stay, Guild Leader?"

'Seriously?! Go!'

"I intended to stay on ,until I was automatically logged out once the servers shut down. Since it's still a ways off, maybe someone might come by in the meantime."

"Is that so… still, I really didn't expect this place to be so well preserved."

At this moment, Momonga was grateful that he had no way to show his expressions. If he did, Herohero would probably have seen his face twist up in anger. Even now, my voice is beginning to get an angry tone. So I kept quiet, in order to suppress the anger, swelling up inside me.

"Momonga-san, you must have kept the guild going as its leader so we could come back to it at any time. Thank you very much."

"…It was a guild built by everyone, so it's my job as guildmaster to keep things going so that the members can come back at any time."

"Yes. We had fun with the game because you were our guildmaster, Momonga-san… I hope that when we meet again, it'll be in YGGDRASIL II."

"I haven't heard anything about a second game… but like you said, cough! I'd be glad if we could meet like that." I said almost saying something angrily.

"I'll look forward to it! I'm having trouble staying awake… I think I'll log off first. I'm glad I could meet you in the end. Goodnight."

'Finnally! Hallelujah! Hes gone damn these memories!' I thought ,as I was sure I'd be logged out; if I kept thinking about them. This is why I was so angry! It would all end!

"I was very happy to meet you too. Goodnight."

A smiley appeared near Herohero's head. Since characters in YGGDRASIL could not express emotions through their facial expressions, they used emoticons instead.

Momonga worked his control interface, and produced a similar smiley.

Herohero's last words were, "Let's meet up again somewhere."

—And so, the last of the two guild members to come online tonight vanished.

Silence descended once more — it was as though nobody had ever been here in the first place. Nothing was left behind.

Momonga looked at the place where Herohero had been sitting, and he muttered the words he wanted to say.

"Today's the last day of the game,Betrayers!"

I yelled in slight anger, i try to control myself but what ever god that did this.....clearly is letting the memories effect me.

I then got up and got my guild staff and started my way to the throne room ,faster then the original Momonga did. After a few corners and hallways I had a maid follow me further down.

I slowly descended the stairs, until I reached the lowest floor — the Tenth Floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

The place where I had arrived ,was a large receiving room with several figures within.

The first to enter Momonga's line of sight was a distinguished old gentleman in a butler's outfit.

His hair was pure white, even the beard and moustache near his mouth. However, the old man's back was ramrod-straight, like a sword forged of steel. His face was deeply wrinkled and gave onlookers the impression that he was a kind and gentle person, but his keen eyes were like those of an eagle sizing up its prey. We all eventually reach the throne room. I then opened the giant entrence doors and walk inside.

As I advanced through the room that seemed to absorb the sounds of my footsteps, my eye fell on the female NPC ;that stood on the side line up with the other guardians

She was the one only gothic erotic lolita Shalltear bloodfallen. I immediately pulled up her description menu and I instantly regretted it. The damn guy had video links ,inside about various promisqous sexual interactions. He had everything in the books! I removed a a hundred pages worth of the ones, I'd rather die then do! As it seemed like I didn't have the heart to remove everything. It was a damn soul combination!! 'S**t This is not going to end well for me.' I thought looking at the time frame, I quickly decide to stop there. I also put at the end will only do sexual things, if Momonga approved. I then quickly went to Albedo and changed it from 'She is a slut, to she is in love with Momonga-sama.' My eyes bulged as I wrote that automatically ,but the time was running out and it was too late to change it!

I then sat in my chair and closed my eyes.





I then opened them and felt immensive power at my finger tips!

"Kukukuku!" I laughed manically and my subordinates decide to join me.

"Kufufufu!" Albedo laughed to my side.

"We are in a new world!" I proclaimed and their eyes all widdened.

"The betrayers have left us behind and are no longer worthy to be called supreme beings! If we find them, we can give them a chance to redeem themselfs; but thats the most I can do.

For with my brilliance we will rule this world! But first Sebas!"

"Yes my lord?" He asked

"Exit the Tomb and investigate the surrounding region. If you encounter intelligent creatures, interact peacefully with them and invite them to the Tomb. Attempt to accommodate the other party as much as possible during negotiations. Do not stray more than one kilometer from the tomb and avoid unnecessary combat" I said and he nodded.

"Right away Momonga-sama." He said and was about to leave but I said "Wait, from now on I will be known as Ainz Ooal Gown, but just address me as Ainz-sama and thats an order. As it would be annoying to hear the whole name over and over. To long and not efficient, since I have used the seeds of Yggdrasil ;I have changed my race. I am now a Diemensional Fairy King Master of Space and Death! " I proclaimed.

"Kufufu, Yes I can feel your overwhelming power from here." Albedo says praising me.

"Yes, I am now more powerful then before but I have lots to learn. So I will be doing regular sparing matches with Cocytus, as I need to adjust to this new body." I said surprising them but they understood.

"I. WILL. BE. HONORED. FOR. THE. PLEASURE. TO. BATTLE. YOU. AINZ-SAMA." Cocytus said while inwardly caused me to shiver ,as his mandibles made a bee like sound. Imagine a bee that big! I am logical with my fear!

"Good, now demiurge I want you to learn through the various books in the library, what a human defines as torcher. I will not want you torchering or harming any humans, unless I permit it. I understand your thoughts why, well let me ask you this. As a Being of death and Space ,how am I supposed to create and control undead without humans reproducing. If they are all dead what use does that have. If we rule the world, that means the currency is made by us, we can make them think we are friendly and good. Treat this as an ultimate deception, they think we are doing good in their eyes. However, in the end ,they will be practically working for us; happily and for free. Remember this humans work well when happy and have goals. This makes them more productive and out of all species, if nurtured they are more imaginative. Well dwarfs too but in a crafting way, you need to use all races efficiently. Also it wouldn't be a worthy challenge for us otherwise. Ruling by an iron fist is boring also it causes discord." I said and they all nodded in more understanding, also they knew right now ;I was karmically neutral. So of course I wouldn't tolerate extremism nor anything inefficient.

"I see! As expected of the Supreme being above all others! Thank you for enlightening us with your vast wisdom!" Demiurge said.

All the others nodded at this, although Albedo didn't like the idea of being nice to humans. Even if it's for fake ,it made her skin crawl

"Now I am not telling you to be nice to all humans in one day. So for now just treat them how they treat you. If they treat you respectful and kind don't be mean to them. You may not be able to change over a day ,but the least you can do is not talk with them. If you do at least speak with decency.Understood?"

"Hai, Ainz-sama!"They all said at once.

"Good, Albedo and Shalltear I can see your competitive nature in courting me. I will not tolerate in house fighting, I am a being of immense power. I don't mind taking you both, but Albedo is properly aged." "Haah!" Albedo said to Shaltear ,but I glared at her she then felt like she was in trouble. Making Shalltear happier.

"As you know with this new body granted to me, by the world item. I have experienced all its knowledge and life experience. I'm so old, I'm sure if I was still an Overlord; I'd be a pile of dust. It's funny because its true." I said chuckling and they let out snickers, as if I said it's funny it is.

"Now back to business ,Pleiades you will head to the Ninth Floor and repel any invaders from the Eighth Floor."

"Understood, Ainz-sama."

"Begin immediately."

"Understood, my master!"

"Tell the Guardians of each Floor, with the exception of the Fourth and the Eighth Floors, to meet at the Colosseum on the Sixth Floor in an hour's time. I will contact Aura and Mare myself, so there is no need to inform them. Also since their children ,they won't be told of their masters betrayal. If asked you will however answer truthfully, as they are still respected flood guardians. We will still respect the other supreme ones for what they did ,but nothing else. As I am a very caring person and they did help us alot." I said

"Understood. Allow me to repeat the order; aside from Aura and Mare of the Sixth Floor, I am to inform all the Floor Guardians to meet one hour later at the Colosseum." Albedo said

"Correct. Go." I confirm.


Albedo swiftly departed the Throne Room, and I am finnally alone.

'Damn this brain works fast! I also think it was the best choice to react that way. As with my new intelligence it is quite possible ,for me to figure that this is real. Not to mention this feels more real then real life. Besides when all logical solutions are out the door and only a unbelievable solution is left. Then it has to be true or hold some truths to it.' I thought to myself.

I then decided to use the guild ring to teleport. As I unleashed the ring's power — the world before me instantly turned black.

Right after that, the scenery in front of me changed, and my surroundings were now a dark tunnel. At the end of the tunnel I could see what looked like a giant lowered portcullis. Within the tunnel were artificial lights.

"It worked…"

I muttered to myself, trying to get used to the fact its not a dream.

I walked down the wide and high passage, toward the portcullis ahead of me.

The stone floor amplified the sound of my footsteps, and at times I could hear echoes.

The torches that lined the tunnel flickered constantly, and as a result, the shadows they made seemed to dance. Bathed in the light of several torches, he cast several shadows at once, and it seemed as though there were multiple me's. I could control it and make it stop but I felt it be unnecessary.

I smelled something as I drew near the portcullis. I stopped and took a deep breath. It was a strong scent of earth and grass — the smell of the jungle.'Is this what no pollution smells like?Could I breath just using mana in space?'

I felt that thinking too much about such things was foolish, and put it aside. As though it sensed my approaching, the portcullis swiftly raised itself into the ceiling at just the right moment to let me through. Past the barrier, what I saw was a circular arena, surrounded on all sides by many tiers of audience seats.

The colosseum was an oval in shape, one hundred eighty meters on its long axis and one hundred fifty meters on the short axis. It was forty meters tall and modelled after the arenas of the Roman Empire.

There were「Continual Light」 spells cast everywhere, illuminating the grounds in white light, so one could observe the entire Colosseum like it was day. The audience was composed of many clay dolls — golems, in other words — which showed no sign of activity.

In this Colosseum, the intruders would be the stars of the show, while the ones watching from the VIP box would be members of Ainz Ooal Gown. The main event, of course, would be a brutal melee.

Apart from the fifteen-hundred-man invasion, every single invader had met their end here.

Momonga walked into the center of the arena, and looked into the heavens. Before him stretched a black expanse of night sky. Perhaps he might have been able to see the stars if there were no light around him.

However, this place was the Sixth Floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, so the sky here was merely a virtual imitation.

Even that imitation required a massive amount of data, but as a result the sky here could change with the time of day, even showing an actual sun with appropriate daylight effects.

I could relax himself in this virtual landscape because my heart was still human, as opposed to my Fairy like appearance. 'It seems our souls have fully combined.' I thought as all these feelings invaded me.

Part of me wanted to just wait and space out here, but the present situation denied me that luxury.

Momonga looked around — nobody was there. The twins should have been taking care of this place... I then noticed something.


After the shout, a figure leapt from the VIP box.

The figure jumped down from a height of about six storeys, somersaulted in mid-air, and landed as though it were a butterfly descending on a flower. There was no magic involved, only pure physical prowess. It negated the force of the impact with a simple flexing of the knees, and it smiled broadly.


It made a V-sign of victory.

A child of about eleven had descended from above. Her face bore a smile that was as bright as the sun. She was adorable, with the androgynous appeal of both a boy and a girl.

Her hair resembled threads of spun gold, and it grazed her shoulders. The light reflected off the strands of hair resembled an angel's halo. Her mismatched eyes, one blue, one red, seemed as eager and sparkly as a puppy's. Her ears were long, and his skin was dark. She was a Dark Elf, a species related to Forest Elves.

She wore a shirt of light leather armor, reinforced with red dragon's scales. The emblem of Ainz Ooal Gown was proudly displayed on her vest, stitched in gold onto a white background. Below that, she wore a pair of white pants, matching her vest. A necklace with a glittering golden acorn pendant hung from her neck, and she wore a pair of gloves reinforced with plates of enchanted metal.

A whip coiled across her waist and right shoulder, and there was a longbow on her back. The bowstave and grip seemed to be covered in strange decorations.

"Its me Momonga, in case you cant tell i used a world item to change my race. Your name is Aura, Right?"

I spoke the name of the Dark Elf child.

He was addressing the Guardian of the Sixth Floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, Aura Bella Fiora. She was a skirmisher who was also able to summon and tame beasts.

Aura jogged over to Momonga. Well, to her, it was a jogging pace, but she was travelling as fast as one of her beasts at full speed, rapidly closing the distance between them.Aura screeched to a halt.

Her running shoes had hihiirokane metal plates on the soles, and they threw up clouds of dust as they ground against the floor of the arena. The clouds did not touch my body; if she had planned that, then her skills must have been impressive indeed.

"Huu~" Aura was not sweating, but yet she wiped her forehead theatrically. Then, with a puppy-like smile, she greeted Momonga.

"Welcome, Momonga-sama. Welcome to the level I guard!"

The greeting was filled with the same respect that Albedo, Sebas, and the maids had for him, but for some reason it felt more intimate. To me, this intimacy allowed me to loosen up a bit more. Being too uptight and scary was quite troublesome for old momonga, who was not experienced with this sort of thing. Now their souls combined, it's just a bit unnerving.

He could not detect any hostility on Aura's face, and his 「Enemy Scan」 revealed nothing.

My line of sight left the band on his right wrist and he loosened his grip on the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown. One thing I could notice was her closeness to nature, was less then mine. Mare too has a little more connection then me, but then again hes a druid. I may be a being of nature and a sage ,but a level 100 druid outranks that.

"...Mm. I'll be intruding for a while." I said

"What're you saying, You are the master of Nazarick, the Supreme Diemensional Fairy King of Space and Death, right, Momonga-sama? There's no place you'd be intruding if you visited!"

'Hmm it seems like she has knowledge about me, from nature itself.'

"I see… speaking of which, did nature tell you about my transformation or what?" I asked and she nodded.

"Mmn I heard there was a Diemensional Fairy King nearby ,but the aura you give off gives it away. Normal fairies dont have an aura of death and the supreme ones aura." She said enlightening me.

" I see....is Mare here?" I asked although we both knew the answer. Upon hearing my question, Aura blinked in surprise, as though she had realised some great truth and turned around, shouting loudly upward:

"Momonga-sama has graced us with his presence! How rude are you going to be by not showing your face to him?"

There was movement in the shadows of the VIP box.

"Mmh I knew I sensed him." I said.

"Yes, that's right, Momonga-sama. He's really timid… Oi, jump down here now!"

An almost inaudible reply came from the VIP box. Judging by the distance between there and here, it was a miracle the other party could even hear Aura. However, that miracle was the result of the magic on Aura's necklace.

"I, I can't, Onee-chan…"

Aura took a deep breath and grabbed her head.

"He… he… Momonga-sama, he's just scared, he's definitely not trying to insult you."

As a member of society, one had to know when to speak one's heart and when to say things that were appropriate for the occasion. Momonga nodded and answered in a gentle way to put Aura at ease.

"Of course, Aura. I have never doubted your loyalty."

Aura sighed in relief, and then she became serious again before shouting angrily at the VIP box."The Supreme Being Ainz-sama has come to visit us, but you as a Floor Guardian aren't even here to meet him! You should know how disrespectful that is! If you're too scared to jump down, maybe a quick kick will substitute for courage!"

"Uuu… I'll take the stairs down…"

"How long do you want Momonga-sama to wait!? Get over here now!"

"I, I got it… e-eiii!"

Mare had gathered up his courage, but his voice still seemed unsteady. After that, a figure jumped out of the VIP box. As expected, it was a Dark Elf. This Dark Elf was particularly wobbly on his feet, completely different from how Aura had handled her landing. However, he did not seem to be hurt. He must have skillfully dissipated the force of landing with some athletic trick.

After that, he immediately began running over as quickly as he could. However, his top speed was still much slower than Aura. She must have thought so too, because she frowned and shouted:

"Hurry up!"


The child who finally arrived in front of me looked almost identical to Aura. They had to be twins, given the way they shared the same hair, the same eyes, and the same features. However, if Aura was the sun, then Mare was the moon.

He looked nervous, as though he was afraid of being scolded. I was surprised to see the stark difference between the two, in person.

"I, I'm sorry I kept you waiting, Momonga-sama…"

He nervously raised his eyes to peek at me. He wore a vest of blue dragon scales, and a small cape that was as green as jungle leaves. His clothes had the same basic white color as Aura, but a short section of flesh peeked out below his short skirt. It was short because the rest of his legs were covered in white silk stockings. He had an acorn-shaped pendant on a necklace like Aura, but his was made of silver.

Mare was much more lightly armed than Aura, with a pair of lustrous white gloves on his dainty little hands, and a gnarled black staff in his hands. He was Mare Bello Fiore. Like Aura, he was a Guardian of the Sixth Floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

I looked at them. Aura thrust her chest forward proudly, while Mare simply cowered under my gaze.

'Even Hamusuke has more courage then that.....Sigh Bukubukuchagama-san....'

I nodded several times, musing that the two of them were indeed the incarnation of his comrade's hard work.

"I'm glad to see that the two of you are healthy and energetic."

"I'm positively overflowing with energy… although it's been a bit boring recently. It would be nice if we had an intruder or two."

"I, I would rather not have to meet intruders… they, they're scary…"

After hearing Mare's words, Aura's expression changed:

"...Haa. Momonga-sama, please excuse me for a while. Mare, come with me."

"O-Oww… Nee-chan, that hurts…"

After seeing me nod slightly, Aura pinched Mare by the tip of one of his ears and dragged him away from Momonga. Then, she began whispering into Mare's ear. Even from a distance, one could tell that she was scolding him.

'Maybe she can get him to be more.....no it be better if I address them about it.'

"...Intruders, much like you, I don't want to meet them either, Mare. However, that doesn't mean I would let them have their way with nazerick." I said chuckling.

After he snapped back to reality, I realised that Mare was on his knees in front of Aura, who was hurling a torrent of abuse at him. I smiled, as the scene reminded me of the brother and sister who were his friends. I knew I couldn't change them in a day, I then sighed.

"Good grief, Mare was clearly not made by Peroroncino-san. Or is this because Bukubukuchagama-san believed that "Little brothers should listen to their big sisters"... Aura and Mare should have died once. Considering that I'm sure they dont remember it."

The invasion of fifteen-hundred people had made it down to the Eighth Floor. Which was to say, Aura and Mare should have died then.

According to YGGDRASIL's rules, death would cost a character five levels and force him to drop one of his equipped items. In other words, characters below level five would immediately disappear. Players were specially exempt from this and would not vanish, but they would be reduced to the minimum level of one. Therefore, it must be an issue with the game rules

That should be enough, don't you think?"

"Momonga-sama! But, but as a Guardian, Mare—"

"It's fine. Aura, I understand how you feel. It is only natural, that you would feel dissatisfied with his behavior. if Mare, as a Floor Guardian, said such a cowardly thing, especially if it were in my presence. However, I believe that if anyone invaded the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, you and Mare would fearlessly step forward to engage them. There is no need for scoldings ,as long as one does what is required of them when the time comes." I said what felt most natural to say.

'Gah now that I remember that's what he said, but it seems to be effective.'

I walked up to between the two of them and helped Mare up.

"And Mare, you should be grateful to your kind sister. Even if I were angry, I could not remain so, after seeing how your sister scolded you. If I was a Overlord ,who knows what my punishment would be."

Mare looked in surprise at his sister. At this moment, Aura hurriedly said:

"Eh? No, no, it's not like that. I wasn't scolding him save him from any punishment you wish to give him, Momonga-sama!"

"Aura, it's fine. However, I must tell you that I am not dissatisfied with Mare's performance as a Guardian. He has preformed wonderfully over time, and a person's behavior doesn't change in one day. To change a person's personality they must be willing and actively trying to better themselfs. This can take months or even years, considering your race; I don't know maybe centuries." I said. Making both Aura and Mare pale.

"I will see to it that he gains more confidence Momonga-sama." Aura said and Mare whinned.

"But Nee-san..." His mouth was clasped by Aura.

"I know Bukubukuchagama-San made you like this, but to better your self you need confidence. Maybe intime you will understand, you won't be rushed either. Your progress will be noted on a 10 year basis." I said and he felt a bit better about this and nodded. Aura took his hand off his mouth and bowed.

"I'm sorry for his behavior as you said it will take time."

"Think nothing of it. Hes just doing what Bukubukuchagama-San taught him. If he was here I'm sure he would accept, my changes we are trying to make. Oh and call me Ainz-sama from now on, it will help get the guilds name out there. So if anyone from the guild is out there, they will know to seek us out." I said and they both bowed and said "As you wish Ainz-sama!"

"Hm, that's right. Aura, I think you said something about being bored because there were no intruders?"

"—Ah, no, that, about that…"

After seeing Aura's fearful reaction, I reworded it.

"I do not intend to repremand you for your answer, so feel free to speak your mind."

"...Yes, a little. There's nobody around here who can spar with me for more than five minutes."

Aura touched her index fingers together before looking up hopefully to me.

As a Guardian, Aura was level one hundred. There were precious few opponents in this dungeon which could rival her. There were nine such NPCs, including Aura and Mare, as well as one other.

"I see.Then I have something to ask of you. I plan to conduct certain experiments… I'll need your help for them."

I then patted their heads. At first, the two of them did not know how to respond to that. However, when my hand left their heads, the two of them had embarrassed; yet happy looks on their faces.

Aura cheerfully replied, "Yes, I understand! Ainz-sama, leave it to me!"

I reached out a hand to quell Aura.

"Before that—"

I then gripped the floating staff in my hand.

Just like before, when he used the power of the ring, I focused on the staff. Among the many powers it possessed, I concentrated on one of the gems which decorated the staff. It was a divine class item called the Gem of the Earth, and the ability I chose—

—called forth Primal Earth Elemental

As the summoning magic took effect, A giant earth golem; that looked like rocks connected by air. In a humanoid shape, but the biggest rock was the size of a box truck. So it was a huge summon.

In the game, demihuman and heteromorphic races unlocked racial skills when they reached certain levels. An Diemensional Fairyking Master of Space and Death like Momonga had the following skills:

Create High Tier Undead two times per day, Create Mid Tier Undead six times per day, Create Low Tier Undead ten times per day,

Create High Tier Fae two times per day,

Create Mid Tier Fae six times per day,

Create Low Tier Fae ten times per day,

Negative Energy Touch,Despair Aura V (instant death), Negative Protection, Dark Soul, Black and white Halo, Wisdom of Darkness, Speak Evil Tongues, All-Speak, Ability Damage IV, Piercing Damage Resistance V, Slashing Damage Resistance V, Turn Resistance III, High Tier Physical Immunity II, High Tier Magic Immunity V, Cold, Acid, and Electrical Immunity, as well as Arcane Vision/See Invisibility.

And then there were the abilities from his class levels — Instant Death Magic Enhancement, Rite of Darkness, Natural Aura, Undead Creation, Undead Control, Undead Strengthening, Natural control, Elemental Control

Then there were the basic special qualities which all Fairy Kings possessed:

Immunity to Mind magic, poison, disease, paralysis, death, and energy drain effects.

[A/N This is because hes a natural being along with a creation of darkness and master of death]

Resistance to necromancy and biological penalties. Fairies did not need to breathe, eat, or drink if they are inside a mana rich locations. This special breed could be healed by both negative energy and positive energy. With the additional ability of Darkvision.

Of course, they had weaknesses too, like Light, Holy Vulnerability III, Bludgeoning Vulnerability V, Time magic Vulnerability II, Vulnerability to Holy Concentrated Areas III, double damage from Holy fire, and so on.

[A/N The reason hes got protection against piercing and slashing, is due to a fairies natural magical sheild. However Being hit by a sledgehammer ,would still cause knockback and the inertia would hurt.]

"...Do you want to fight it?" I ask.



After a moment of hesitation, Aura grinned innocently. Compared to a normal child's smile, hers was a little — no — the truth was that it was quite scary. In contrast, Mare's smile from the side seemed more like that of a child.

"Can I?"

"Don't worry. It'll be fine even if you defeat it."

I shrugged to indicate that it was all right. The Staff could summon one Primal Earth Elemental a day. In other words, the Staff could summon another such being after one day had passed. As such, defeating it would not be a great loss.

"Ah, I suddenly remembered that I had something urgent to do…"


A hand reached out and firmly grasped Mare's arm, not allowing him to escape. His sister had no intention of fleeing. Aura's smile stopped Mare in his tracks. Perhaps to Momonga it might have been a cute girl's smile, but to the other person present, who looked almost the same as Aura, it was anything but cute, and Mare's face froze solid as he looked on it.

She dragged Mare in front of the Primal Earth Elemental. Mare's eyes looked around, and he looked desperately to Momonga for help.

In response to his hopeful smile that blossomed delicately on my face, I simply clapped.

The flower of hope promptly wilted.

"All right, try your best, you two. Don't blame me if you get hurt."


Aura responded energetically, in contrast with Mare's nearly inaudible and despondent reply. Momonga felt that as long as Mare was around, neither of them would get hurt. Thus, by the power of the connection between himself and his summoned creature, I then ordered the Primal Earth Elemental to attack the twins.

As the amalgamation of earth that was the Primal Earth Elemental approached them, the twins met its attack; with Aura as the frontliner while Mare was the rear guard.

Aura slashed at the Primal Earth Elemental, holding her whip in both her hands, while Mare used magic to deal damage.

"Amazing to watch." I commented.

My eyes left the one-sided battle taking place before me, then began to ponder the other things I needed to investigate.

'Well I seem to remember all the spells that I can cast, which is a ridiculous amount to remember.' I mused.

I had already finished verifying that he could use and activate equipped magic items. Thus, the next things I had to check on were his other items. Scrolls, wands, and rods were particularly important. All of them were magic items that could produce a spell-like effect. Scrolls were one-use expendables, while rods and wands had charges, which they consumed to produce their effects.

The gigantic Primal Earth Elemental crumbled into nothingness, I could sense it turn back into mana. I could also feel the link I had to it fading away, like smoke on the wind.

The Primal Earth Elemental possessed extraordinary defence and stamina, but to Mare, who could mitigate its attacks. Nevermind aura who could avoid the slow attacks, as she had high agility. It was little more than a giant target.

Although Aura would still lose HP if she were attacked, Mare the druid would not permit that to occur. In fact, he had cast all sorts of buffs and debuffs to great effect during the battle.

The two of them played their roles as frontliner and rear guard perfectly, with flawless teamwork. At the same time, I could feel the reality of this battle, completely unlike those he remembered that mom-no he fought in the game. They were no longer seperate but the same person. They no longer wanted a pitiful life of being like he was. Although the true earthlings life wasn't as bad, he was anything but independent.

"Spectacular… the two of you put on a good show."

The twins smiled happily as they heard my sincere praise.

"Thank you, Ainz-sama! It's been some time since we had to work so hard!"

The two of them tried to wipe off their sweat, but right after they did, more of it beaded on their skin, rolling down their dark skin.

I silently opened his inventory, and withdrew a magic item — a Pitcher of Endless Eggnog.

In YGGDRASIL, there were statuses like hunger and thirst, but neither of those applied to the Diemensional Fairyking Momonga, at least not in nazerick. Before I entered, I made sure to buy some things from the market ;with the rest if my yuan. Also from the player in game online market, as I was not going to go without good food. When I seen the eggnog item I had to buy it! It costed me the rest if my money. I then bought other foods completely filling up my inventory fully.

"I see. Well, this was an informative experiment… thank you, Perhaps a drink is in order?"

The glass pitcher was filled with Eggnog the sweet auroma of it, with our heightened smell made us salivate. On earth i wouldn't be able to indulge in it, as much as I'd like. This is because of a bad health condition, that we seemed to share. Although two diffrent conditions they meant the same, we couldn't have too much carbs.

Aura was going to politfully decline but her senses overwhelmed her. I then took out a pair beautiful glasses, filled them with the eggnog from the Pitcher, and gave them to the twins.

"Aura, Mare, have a drink."

"Eh? But that's not good, right, you should drink first Ainz-sama…"

"Oh I am see." I directly used the pitcher to my mouth. I chugged it like no tommorow.

"I'll just get Sebas to have a maid or butler use cleaning magic on it. Kukuku I couldn't help myself."

They no longer held back and grabbed the glasses from my hand. As it would be impolite, to let me keep juggling them. Trying to hold three things at once isn't proper.



Aura and Mare's ears turned red, and they shyly, nervously reached out to take the glasses.

"Th-Thank you, Momonga-sama!"

"To, to think you would pour this nectar for us, Ainz-sama!"

"Mmh Yes but it's not nectar but eggnog, I consider it the drink of the gods. Because it tastes soo good ,but is unhealthy for humans. It can eventually kill them, if consumed too often." I said.

Aura, who had ceased her protests, took the glass in both hands and downed it in one gulp. Droplets of eggnog escaped the corner of her mouth, down the smooth curves of her pulsing throat and into the jerkin covering her chest. Mare held his cup with both hands and slowly sipped from it. The differences between them were obvious ,even in the way they drank eggnog.

"Becareful with drinking it as it will stain your clothes....well unless their enchanted against it." I mused and Aura nodded.

"Yes! Our creator Bukubukuchagama-Sama, made sure our clothes were enchanted; to be waterproof. It seems to work on all liquids." Aura commented proudly of her creator and havent been gifted something from him.

"Thanks Ainz-sama! That was delicious!" Aura said and Mare hummed in agreement "Mmh!"

I nodded as he took back the glasses, before returning them all into my pocket space.

Aura suddenly whispered, "I thought Ainz-sama would be scarier than this."

"Oh? Really? Well, if you feel that way…"

"Now is good! It's the best!"

"Then we'll leave it at that."

I was pleased by their enthusiastic demeanor, it was nostalgic.

"Ai-Ainz-sama, are we the only ones that you're nice to…?"

I was unsure how to answer Aura's muttered question. Instead, I patted her lightly on the head.As they were children and of told to the others they'd understand this.


Aura looked like a puppy that had just seen something she liked, while Mare had a jealous look on his face. Just then, a voice rang out:

"Oya, am I the first to arrive?"

The tone was archaic and formal, but the voice itself sounded like it belonged to a young person. A shadow formed over the ground, and then the shadow turned into what looked like a door, from which a person emerged.

She wore a black ball gown which looked soft to the touch. Her skirt was puffed up into a voluminous bell shape. On top of that was a bolero edged with frills, lace, and ribbons, as well as a pair of long silk gloves. Together, they covered up most of her skin.

Her skin was as pale as wax, and her looks could only be described as stunningly beautiful. Her long silver hair was tied up into a ponytail that descended from one side of her head, exposing her face. Her deep red pupils were filled with a seductive look of delight. She looked to be fourteen years old, or younger, and her innocent, youthful appearance combined the qualities of cuteness and beauty into a single whole. However, her breasts bulged proudly forward in a decidedly unchildlike manner. Which made it obvious that's it wasn't natural, she definitely had something stuffed or vampires are like that. I knew that wasn't the case and it wasnt something I should think about. I shook these thoughts from my head.

"...Weren't you told not to frivolously use 「Gate」 in Nazarick? We are warded against teleportation, after all. You should be able to walk here, so shouldn't you have come on foot, Shalltear?"

The annoyed voice came from beside Momonga. There was no trace of its previous puppy-like obedience in those cold words, only a burning hostility.

Mare was trembling by the side, and he slowly edged himself away from his sister. In truth, the speed at which the leopard called Aura had changed its spots startled me. Even though I knew it would happen, it made me shiver.

'Women are scary!' I thought.

The girl who had come here via the highest tier of teleportation magic was called Shalltear. She did not even bother looking at Aura, who was scowling at her. Instead, she swiftly advanced before me.

The bewitching scent of some kind of perfume hung around her.

"...Something stinks," Aura spat. Then, she followed up with, "Don't tell me you started rotting because you're undead?"

Perhaps she saw me reflexively raising my hand to cover my nose, but Shalltear furrowed her brows unhappily.

"Just so you know Shalltear i like flowery or natural smells not fruity ones."

"...Is that so, thank you for enlightening me Ainz-sama. Aura isn't that quite distasteful? Ainz-sama used to be undead as well." she said.

"Hah? What nonsense are you talking, Shalltear? Ainz-sama was never a mere undead being. He's was like a super undead, or a godly undead."

I was was somewhat baffled as he heard Shalltear and Mare going "Ah," and "Mm," respectively. I mean if your being insulted, you dont agree with the other party no matter what!

"But, but Nee-chan, maybe you shouldn't have said that…"

"Is, is that so? All right, then, ah, take two, then. Ahem… Don't tell me you started rotting because you're a walking corpse."

"That… er, well, that seems okay, sort of."

After agreeing with Aura's take two, Shalltear placed her slender hands on the sides of my head, as though to embrace it. A shiver went up my spine, as I remembered there was still well over 60 kinks; she had left on her description. If the soul didnt effect me ,I'd just remove it all then again there was personality mixed in.

"Ah, my master, my beloved master, the only one whom I cannot rule over…"

Her carmine lips parted, revealing a moist, slick tongue. The tongue moved like a living creature ,as Shalltear lovingly licked her lips. Her fragrant breath wafted out from her open mouth. Although she was perfectly suited for the role of an alluring seductress in all other ways, she was far too young for it.

'I am not a pedo, I dont like lolitas!' I started a mantra in my head. As this felt very uncomfortable, but as a leader I had to be strong and unaffected.

When she reached her hands out to hug me, it looked like she wanted to hang from my neck instead. However, this was too much affection for me, who's half being was not used to girls. While the other half thought they were too troublesome then their worth. Unless they were a traditional Japanese woman, he didnt like the idea of them taking his money ;without permission. He wanted to take a step back, but in the end he decided to stand his ground.

' Didnt I tell her no, do women not get what a rejection is? Is that how she really is? Does she want to r**e me?' That thought echoed endlessly in my head. However, when Momonga thought about the fact that she had been designed by his comrade Peroroncino, I got even more scared. This basically ensured she most likely had been designed, with such a personality. After all, Peroroncino loved H-games and proudly declared that they were his life.

Shalltear Bloodfallen was made by such a rotten individual. She was a "True Vampire", the Guardian of the First to Third Floors of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

At the same time, she was a girl created by an H-game aficionado and her character design was filled with nods to various H-games.

"...That's enough out of you…"

Shalltear reacted to the low growl for the first time. In a mocking tone, she told Aura, "Ara, are you still here, shorty? I couldn't see you, so I thought you were gone."

I didn't want anything to do with this, I have a strong feeling it wouldnt go well. Women aren't as logical as males and tend to be more emotionally reactive. Aura's face was twitching uncontrollably, and then Shalltear ignored her and said to Mare, "It must be pretty tough for you, having to deal with a weirdo sister like that. You'd best leave her soon, lest you become a weirdo like her."

Mare's face blanched instantly, because he knew Shalltear wanted to use him to start a fight. However, Aura simply smiled. And then—

"Shut up, fake tits."

'Yikes, that's like adding napalm to a campfire.' Ithought. .

Now that Shalltear's true nature had been revealed, she dropped the cultured act.

"Hmph, it's so obvious — damn, that is one weird chest, how many pads did you stuff in there?"


Shalltear was waving her hands in panic, as though she could disperse Aura's words with them, while she had a suitably childish expression on her face. On the other hand, Aura grinned evilly. "You packed so much in there… I bet it shifts when you run, right?"


Shalltear made a strange noise as an extended finger poked her. "I was right, wasn't I? Kukuku! Where have they gone—!? So that's why you didn't run, even though you were worried, and instead you used a 「Gate」—"

"Shut up, shorty! It's not like you have anything of your own! At least I… no, I've got a lot more to show off!"

Aura simply grinned in the face of Shalltear's desperate counterattack. A shocked Shalltear stumbled back, and reflexively covered up her chest. It was a sorry sight.

"...I'm only seventy six, and I've got lots more time to grow, unlike an undead with no future like you. Ah, how sad — you will never grow again~"

Shalltear moaned in frustration and took another step back. There was a desperate, harried look on her face, which only made Aura smile in a frightening manner.

"To think you're actually happy with that bust of yours — hmph!"

'Oh Dear.' I thought timidly.

"You shitty brat—! It's too late to regret your words now—!"

Roiling black mist boiled off Shalltear's hands. Aura readied her whip in anticipation. Momonga and Mare, watching from the side, were at a loss for words. The scene before my eyes was vaguely familiar, and I wondered if I should stop them. Peroroncino-san, who designed Shalltear, and Bukubukuchagama-san, who designed Aura and Mare, were younger brother and elder sister, and at times they would argue in a friendly manner, like what was happening now.

I recalled the forms of his former comrades in their places.

Wrathos Wrathos

Releases will be around once a week but they will be 10k words. Although most will be descriptive and talking, as he goes through the storyline. I do Hate doing this but...I need to put something; otherwise it feels unnatural. So I will try to leave some descriptions in, but only for the first appearances. The Mc found him in the hallway and had him follow.

next chapter
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Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

Membuka kunci kumpulan bab


Opsi Tampilan

Latar Belakang



Komentar pada bab

Tulis ulasan Status Membaca: C1
Gagal mengirim. Silakan coba lagi
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Stabilitas Pembaruan
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • Latar Belakang Dunia

Skor total 0.0

Ulasan berhasil diposting! Baca ulasan lebih lanjut
Pilih Power Stone
Rank NO.-- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Batu Daya
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Tip kesalahan

Laporkan penyalahgunaan

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