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61.44% Devolved: Path Of The Beast(novel is being rewritten) / Chapter 49: (Heist 3) Force

Bab 49: (Heist 3) Force

Outside the overrun castle which now laid in ruins, stood several different men and women. No, these people did not stand on the crushed pavement beneath, but were hovering in the air.

But flying was not the only thing they held in common, for everyone were currently exhaling and inhaling at a rapid pace, magnifying the exhausted energy created from this crowd of drained magicians.

The ground bellow them was filled with multiple layers of shattered bricks, and corpses belonging to those undead monsters. It wafted out a smell of rotten earth. Similar to the stench a small mountain of compost would create.

Pillars of smoke rouse up from all sides, most likely created from the lanters and the paintings which had been slammed togheter.

As the wizards witnessed all this suffering, a sense of defeat emerged in their mind. However, this did not count for all. For in the center of all these finely dressed people stood a bald man without a hair on his head. Only containing two dim purple bulbs which eyed down the destruction beneath.

'Brother Stenn. Please be safe.'

Dirum and the ones left fighting had completely finished off all the zombies. Leaving non behind. And this was made sure of by himself.

Finally, with nothing more here to do, he looked back at all the tired comrades, and a swift judgement was made.

"Everyone, retreat! Go seek treatment in the town nearby!"

However, just as he finished talking, a deafening boom was shot out from underneath the rubble covering the academy.

The crushed bricks and corpses first rattled back and forth, before suddenly being ejected up in the air like a tsunami of death.

It forced everyone to madly disperse, not giving those who wished to stay behind any chance to survive, as they were shot full of holes.

Dirum was the quickest to react, and witnessed first hand how some of his brothers and sisters over many years were turned into mincemeat by the sea of jagged rocks.


And with that, they crashed.

Michael's balled up claw hammered itself against the blue flare containing Stenn's fist. Generating an incredible amount of azure sparks which chipped themselves over his hand.

Two things happend during the moment of impact.

The first was the barrier shielding Stenn's fist shattering into dust. Exposing his thick arm covered by the black rope.

And after the barrier broke, the pair of knuckles then connected, causing Stenn's fingers to instantly transform into an immeasurable collection of scorched red shards. Shooting off into every possible direction like a package of popcorn thrown down a volcano.

This was undeniably painful. But too bad for Stenn that there was even more in store for him.

The surrounding tissue then began to rupture like a flask of champagne dropped from a tower. Making it's way up his entire forearm, and only stopping after smattering his shoulder into smoke.

As for the second phenomenon, that was the consequences Michael had to suffer.

The moment he penetrated through the blue membrane, all the flesh and muscle covering his upper limb blew off.

All the redish green mass was turned into mush, falling down on the ground behind him in the form of red snow. Only leaving him with the limp skeletal structure of his arm to dangle freely.

Luckily, although it lacked any flesh, he would be considered much better off than the wizard who was stumbling back in pain while crying in agony.


Stenn jumped around the cracked metal floor like a clown when the pain managed to register in his brain. He looked like some sort of drunken man trying to dance as he shook back and forth. Retreating away from Michael's unmoving body each time he turned.

Normally, Stenn would just use the unlimited energy reserves to stimulate the cells in his body and fully close the wound. However, this time, he found out that it proved to be an impossible task to complete.

The novice blood spell Michael had used was too much.

Blood magic is considered one of the most dangoures types of magic against any creature without an energy shield, or a powerful body. Because a master of such dark arts would always be capable of bursting any normal organ or blood vessel like a ballon struck by a needle.

It has the ability to create constructs made of stem cells, new living bodies and manipulate unprotected bacteria and life. That is, if they were moisturized and weak enough.

But although this sounded very impressive, there was one drawback.

That it was only ever truly viable for magicians holding the status of an undead, or those who held the physique of a vampire.

One single mistake during even the most simple cast would, unconditionally, destroy and cripple your body. Removing any thoughts other people may have about ever trying to further study it.

While the spell Michael had used, [Thrombocyte Molotov] was a novice one, it had some horrible side effects.

The Thrombocytes, or better known as blood plates inside your body would all be turned into a substance not differing much from napalm. And altough it may only affect a single area, the pain generated by having your nerves and flesh fried was, without a doubt, unbearable.


Puddles of boiling blood dripped down from Stenn's wound. Immidetly starting to sizzle whenever hitting the green metal.


'F** I have to get up..."

Michael forcefully brought himself to his knees. All the energy he had built up and stored seemed to have taken quite the toll. Even with his Immortal regeneration, this was not something that just fixed itself after a couple of seconds.

But as he managed to position himself in a kneeling stance, resting one of the twitching legs onto the cold floor, Stenn also seemed to regain a fraction of his previous composure.

The haggard wizard's usually toned down hair was a mess. His eyes were bloodshot and almost threatened to pop out of his head as they locked down his figure.

His muscular body trembled whenever he breathed in the encompassing dry air. Causing the black rope bound around his frame to further tighten and displaye the massive body.

The shattered arm had not regenerated, but it seemed to have stopped bleeding. Did he perhaps use every ounce of power to seal it?

Anyways, as Stenn stood there, breathing in and out like some exhausted sprinter, he uttered something under his breath.

"Do you....Have any....Last words?"

Michael heard what he said and the twisted mouth full of red teeth upwards as he mustered up his remaining strength.

"You shouldn't breath with your mouth. It ruins your jaw and facial structure over time."

Looking back at the crazed wizard, it seemed like he needed a moment to fully register what the boy said.


Stenn began to gently laugh. However, it quickly took a hard turn when the scentence sank properly in.


The man shook his head up and down. Letting the long hair sway all around the place, while white masses of froth flew in every direction. This guy had definitely gone insane.

But after a short amount of time, he stopped. Looking satisfyingly down at the boy.

"Let me tell you something, MICHAEL."

"When I first started learning about my vapour magic, I detested it. Feeling that it's power could never rival that found in other elements."

Stenn calmed more and more down as he told Michael about his backstory. It helped him regain a foothold over the situation, which further amplified the desire to continue.

"However, one day I stumbled upon a certain book containing an incredible secret.."

Michael kept looking at him with a mocking smile. But deep down, he was trying to figure out what to do.

'Should I use that? No, not yet. I still can't move.."

However, his divided attention fully rearranged itself after he heard the following words Stenn said.

"In that book I learned about something strange found within the air. A type of chemical called nitrogen!"


'What?! What the f*** kind of book did he read?!'

He noticed that Michael's eyes widened a little after he finished his sentence. Almost as if the boy understood what he meant. It sparked up a curiosity within, but was quickly thrown away. As he only wishing to kill this fool with his most powerful attack.

"After many, many years, I finally grasped how to utilize this strange compound, MICHAEL.."

His maniacal smile grew stronger, and he screamed out with all his might while stretching the remaining arm straight up.




The air in the room almost materialized as it all started swirled into the palm of his hand. Slowly building up a small blue marble resting within the azure whirlpool.

'Are you f***ing sh***ing me? Oh lord.. I didn't sign up for this f***ery!'

But no matter what he did, Michael could only watch the small fragment grow from the size of a marble, to a golf ball. Not slowing down even once.

Looking at this helped him make up his mind. And so he silently whispered something to himself while lifting up his remaining hand.

Right there on his index finger laid a small silver pattern. The storage ring he usually wore would fuse with his bones whenever transformed. Mabye Jenkins had installed this feature?

"Fuck it!"

A small yellow pill appeared in his palm. And as it came into existence, he swallowed it. Not hesitating at all.

After it entered the stomach, his core temperature abruptly rouse to a terrifying degree. Sweat and steam erupted out of his pores once again. Even the breath became visible.

Both sides of his temple seemed to tingle. No, they started form themselves into two curved spikes. Perfectly blending into the rugged black mane falling from his head.

Slowly but surely, he began to feel the power course properly. And as it did, several glowing red lines molded themselves all over his body. Like a labyrinth made up of a spider's web.

These veins were, however, only the second change. His scales and haires quickly followed after. Turning into a deep black color togheter with his now glowing yellow eyes.

After it finished, Michael felt the strength and density of every single cell in his body multiply a thousands of times over. Heightening the defensive properties of his to the level of a steel tower.

Stenn was left speechless at the transformation, and sped up the forming of the orb which had now reached the size of a basketball.

Michael tried standing up, but found out that he still struggled with every movement.

'Damn, can I only sit here?'

While trying to find a way to defend and attack now that his energy was depleted, he tried asking the system.

'Show me my status...'


Layer: King (low)

Lvl: 5/30 (level up!)

Name: Michael Frell Wiik (Switch)(Y/N)?


Race: Czar Beastlord Age:15

Health: 42% [WARNING!]

Energy: 8 / 100 000 [WARNING!]


Physique: Noble Vampire

Bloodline: Evolving Bloodline(new) (+)

Genetic Combo: none

Genetic storage: Vampire, wood elf.


Magic essence: Gold:31% Blood:40% Ice:50% Wind 40% Dark:0% Fire:0% Water:0% Earth:0%


[Battle Arts](new) (+)


[ABILITIES] (active) (+)


[ABILITIES] (passive) (+)


[Titles] (+)


'Looks like gold throttle took all my energy.. But battle art? Is it the ones I looked through yesterday? System, show me it.'


[Battle Arts]:

[Principle Of Force: 0%]


Michael looked at the translucent screen with his glowing yellow eyes. Remebering the content of the book.

'Yeah, this doesn't really help me right now... But the book talked about how to use the forces of this world to attack and defend.'

'One of the notes Jenkins left said this was fairly difficult to master. But I shouldn't have any problem in the start, as it's the easiest part.'

'The first chapter was about mass. How to not limit yourself to the weight and power you possess alone, but to use the one found in other objects.'

His body slowly healed itself while his mind wandered. And he was finally able to stand properly. Eyeing down the whirlpool of hell which had spiked up a torrent of wind. Wafting past his horns and blowing through his hair.

'I did not bother trying to understand it then, only going through the basics. But right now, there's nothing else. Even if it only increases my power by a fraction...'


Stenn looked at the demonic figure of Michael standing still while feeling the charge slowly finish.

'Even if killing you destroyes my school, there shouldn't be a problem, since I can't feel any energy coming from above.'

However, he suddenly saw Michael's body place itself in a kickin stance.


Michael felt all the muscles on his body glue themselvs to his skeleton as he readied himself.

'In the equation of force you have the object's mass calculated in. While in this technique you blend your own togheter with another medium. In that case, I should focus on the metal beneath my feet.'

His sharp toes dug into the floor. Tightening the hold he already had many times over.

'It said to imagine becoming one with medium. Fusing togheter all it's properties with my own..'

Michael then lessend the spirit pressure covering his hind leg. Timing when to fully release it.

Stenn, who stood five meters in front of him started shouting after seeing the beast gain some confidence back.


But the boy only closed his eyes and felt the solidness of the earth travel through his body while finishing up the last requirements for the battle art.


"Speed Times Strength..."


"Times Distance And Length..."


Stenn heard him chant, but blew of the words said as he lowered the table sized bomb to match Michael's height. The wind pressure generated when he moved it almost caused a storm to flare up. Throwing all kinds of rubble and dust particles around.


But Michael ignored him once again, only seeing to end it.


"Plus the power, and then demand."


"Now, Suffer the Principle Which I Command."


And simultaneously, they both attacked!


"First Principle of Force: Mass!"

"Vapor Magic: Depth Scorcher!!!"


Michael swung his prominent foot at the mad wizard, letting it expand wildly while also stretching, taking the appearance of a large truck rolling over.

The leg also seemed to also have gained a type of unbreakable aura only ever excluded from a mountain. And although it felt unreal, it was proven otherwise. As nothing could stop the hammer of flesh from pulverizing any debris which rammed into it.

Meanwhile, Stenn's sphere was shot out towards the demon. Ripping up everything that stood in it's path. Planning on hitting either Michael, or the red iceberg rocketing towards it and it's master.


In the town nearby nearby Dirum and the others had all arrived. Entering a nearby bar where they then met with those who had fled.

Several of them jumped in joy after being reunited with their families, but there were some who were left crying.

However, as Dirum frantically passed through crowd, he then stopped. Standing before his students who had all made it safely.

Nothing had changed about them, other than the worried and angered expression they all seemed to share while looking at him.

"Where is Marss? Did he not come with you?"

Non of them spoke up at the start. But after a while, Selin told him what she knew.

"He disappeared at the start. But considering his strength, there should't be a need to worry."

Dirum looked at the girl before him who currently held a heavy amount of worry behind those trademark glasses.

"It is good that you told me, Selin. But I can see that Marss is not the only one you worry for."

Her expression instantly turned sour. And she removed her gaze from his eyes and down to the shoes she wore. Tightly gripping her dress while whispering towards the teacher.

"Is...Is he also well..?"

Dirum smiled a little when he heard her. Happy that the girl still had some compassion for her parent.

"I know you blame Stenn for not being able to save her. But he is still your father, you know?"

She only grew more unwilling as he spoke. Not wanting to discuss this further.

Dirum clapped his hand over the smooth scalp. Not knowing what to do with this woman.

"Well, he went to confront the ones responsible for this mess. So there shouldn't be a need to worr..."

However, before he could finish, the ground started to tremble violently.

Panic was once again emerging from the exhausted crowd of wizards. Wishing to know why this calamity was happening on such a joyous occasion.

"Teacher, what is going on?"

Caleen walked out from a small group of well dressed girls and hurriedly asked him. Wondering if he knew anything more than her.

But before Dirum could say anything, an immeasurably powerful shockwave made it's way into the area they stayed in.

All the windows covering the bar shattered and flew away togheter with the hurricane of dirt and sand that had forcefully entered the town.

The lanters which usually lit up everything were extinguished by this sudden force. Leaving them all in the darkness created by this dust storm.

Many seconds passed, and the wave finally settled. Allowing some moonlight outside to illuminate the world once again.

Dirum, as he was the one with most responsibility, ran out of the bar to look for what the cause of this was.

"Oh no..."

The bald man fell to his knees after exiting the building. Diggin his body into the grainy sidewalk.

A giant pillar of smoke and ash was at this current moment rising up from where his beautiful school had existed for millennia. Not even allowing you to see any remains of it.

lets_get_this_rice lets_get_this_rice

Oh, hello there! Did you read this far?


Then you must be a born champion!

Go grip this world by the throat, like Michael did with those cats 40 something chapters ago! I will always root for you!

(Vote if you want more! ;)


(Heres Michael's chant btw)

"Speed Times Strength.."

"Times Distance And Length.."

"Plus the power, and then demand."

"Now, Suffer the Principle Which I Command"

"First Principle Of Force: Mass"

next chapter
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