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41.09% Destiny Forgers / Chapter 30: From Tension to Action: War's Opening Act

Bab 30: From Tension to Action: War's Opening Act

Unbeknownst to the Nisaeria government, one of their own generals had committed treason by aligning with Lieutenant Dialla's sinister plot to undermine their leadership. Falsely believing that Kothern was responsible for breaking the peace treaty and igniting the war, the Nisaeria army and its citizens were consumed by anger, seeking retribution against their supposed enemy.

Crossing the border, Captain Raynolds and his resolute soldiers chose the challenging path from the east—the very heart of Nisaeria's resistance. The Nisaeria government had strategically positioned their main forces within the Eastern District, anticipating the impending conflict. This foresight resulted in a formidable defense that met Raynolds' advancing troops as they approached the second largest city, an essential juncture on their path toward Nisaeria's capital.

"Captain, the resistance is fierce! We're struggling to make headway!" reported Sergeant Victor, concern etching his voice.

"Steady, Victor. We'll find a way to break through," Captain Raynolds replied calmly, assessing the situation for a strategic advantage.

"Sir, our forces are outmatched in terms of equipment and numbers! We can't hold out for much longer!".

"Captain, Alpha team reports that civilians have joined the fray with improvised weapons. Shall we engage them?" a soldier interjected.

"Non-lethal force only! Disarm them and concentrate on the primary enemy forces!" Raynolds commanded firmly, determined to uphold the moral high ground.

"Understood, Sir! All units, no civilian casualties! I repeat, do not harm civilians. Disarm and shift focus to the main opposition. Wait, we're receiving another communication... Yes? Go ahead..."

"This is insane… I was terrified of getting caught up in all of this," Sergeant Victor admitted, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"Victor, Is this your first time experiencing combat?!" 

"No, but it's never been like this before…"

"Captain! Sergeant! Our scouts have confirmed that we're facing N-18 units of Nisaeria!" came an urgent report.

"Are you serious?! N-18, their most elite forces?! We're in serious trouble!" Victor exclaimed, realization of the daunting challenge ahead evident in his tone.

"Sergeant Victor! If you want to make it out alive, seize your weapon and lead your squad. Follow my commands, and I'll ensure victory!" 

"Ye.. Yes, Sir!" Victor stammered, his initial uncertainty replaced by a renewed commitment to the fight.

In the face of the formidable N-18 units and the impending battle, Captain Raynolds' assurance and leadership emboldened Sergeant Victor and his men, turning apprehension into resolute determination.

"Captain, the front line is in dire straits! They're requesting permission to launch the K-2 Missile for support!"

"No, there are civilians in that area! We can't risk their lives!"

"Captain, they won't hold out much longer!" pressed the soldier.

"Victor, take command of the other team. I'm going to break through the enemy's defenses myself," Raynolds ordered, his determination unyielding.

"Sir!" Victor acknowledged, taking charge as Raynolds equipped himself with a rifle and grenades, ready to breach the enemy's front lines.

"Captain, are you serious?!" gasped some of the soldiers in disbelief.

"As serious as victory demands!" 

Armed with resolve and bravery, Raynolds joined the fray at the front line, bolstering his troops' morale with his presence and leadership. With his guidance, they managed to hold their ground, halting the advance of Nisaeria's elite N-18 units.

"Captain, we've confirmed that General Hyun is leading the N-18 units and the defense forces in this city," a report came in.

"General Hyun... A skilled warrior and a formidable leader. Stay vigilant, everyone! Once we've subdued the N-18 units, the path to victory will become clear!"


Fueled by this awareness, Raynolds and his men fought with unyielding determination, fortifying their positions and standing their ground against the relentless assault from the N-18 units. Their defense stance held firm, a testament to their unwavering commitment to the battle.

Meanwhile, General Hyun and his fellow commanders observed with growing concern as the battle reached a standstill. Their initial optimism waned as the N-18 units encountered unexpected resistance from the Kothern forces. General Hyun voiced his frustration and confusion to his commanders.

"We were making progress earlier! Why can't we push them back further?" General Hyun's voice held a note of frustration.

"They're employing a clever strategy, sir. Instead of a direct assault, they've divided their forces into smaller units and launched attacks from multiple directions," explained one of his commanders.

"General Hyun, we're struggling to pinpoint their main forces. How should we proceed with our counterattack?" another commander inquired.

"Don't let these minor setbacks rattle you! Order our troops to advance immediately. We're shifting from defense to offense. Eradicate them and leave no survivors!"

"Understood! All units, move forward and wipe out the enemy! N-18 units, your primary objective is to locate and neutralize the enemy commander!"

General Hyun's intuition was on high alert as he sensed an anomaly in the unfolding battle. He questioned the situation.

"Who could possibly be leading the Kothern forces against us?"

The Nisaeria troops swiftly executed the order, transitioning from defense to a fierce offensive assault. They advanced as a formidable unit, determined to eliminate the disruptive Kothern units that had been probing their defenses. However, as they closed in on these smaller Kothern units, the latter quickly retreated, vanishing into the landscape without a trace. Frustration gripped the Nisaeria forces as they struggled to pin down their elusive foes.

"They're running from us like cowards! Is this how Kothern's mighty military crumbles?" mocked one Nisaeria commander.

"It's a pitiful sight, isn't it? The once-great Kothern reduced to a laughingstock!" chimed in another with a taunting tone.

"We're on the brink of rewriting history, boys! Let's make this victory legendary!" added a third commander, fueled by the promise of triumph.

General Hyun couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something wasn't right. The peculiar strategy employed by the Kothern forces puzzled him.

"It doesn't add up. Why would they keep retreating like this? What's their endgame?" 

"General, they must know they're outmatched. They're using these small-scale distractions to divert our attention and give their commander an escape route." 

"So, they're stalling for time to execute an exit strategy... Keep pursuing them! And if given the chance, capture their commander alive!" 

Following General Hyun's orders, the Nisaeria forces persisted in chasing the elusive Kothern units. The Nisaeria troops remained a cohesive unit initially, but as the pursuit continued, they too began to fragment into smaller groups. Unbeknownst to them, Raynolds had deliberately led the Nisaeria troops into this fragmented state, striving to minimize civilian casualties while maintaining his ultimate aim: isolating and neutralizing the formidable N-18 units.

Raynolds' tactical prowess bore fruit as he baited the Nisaeria forces to divide and pursue. He orchestrated the Kothern forces to strike suddenly from concealed positions, catching the Nisaeria forces off guard and decimating the N-18 units before they could regroup with the larger Nisaeria army. Slowly, the tide of advantage shifted away from Nisaeria, and the Kothern forces gained the upper hand.

Raynolds and his elite squad managed to successfully isolate their most formidable adversaries. The clash intensified as gunfire echoed through the air, but both sides swiftly depleted their ammunition, leaving only cold metal and fiery determination in their hands. The realization settled in—this skirmish would be decided by the clash of blades and the strength of their fists.

"Captain, we're out of ammo!" one of Raynolds' men called out.

"They're in the same boat. Soldiers, it's time to put your melee combat skills to the test! Remember, these are Nisaeria's best fighters. Stay vigilant!"

"Yes, Sir! Charge!" the Kothern soldiers rallied, their fervor unshaken.

"They won't stand a chance against us! We're the cream of the crop! Show them the might of Nisaeria!" the leader of the N-18 unit boasted.

Engaged in a fierce melee brawl, both sides displayed masterful combat skills against their adversaries. Amidst the chaos, the N-18 leader's attention was drawn to Captain Raynolds. The leader's eyes gleamed with anticipation, eager to engage Raynolds in a life-and-death duel.

"Well, well, look who's here—Captain Raynolds! The illustrious leader of Kothern! Impressive. So, you're the one at the helm of this war?" the N-18 leader taunted.

"Given your bloodthirsty expression, I'm guessing you're more interested in sparring with me than discussing war strategies," Raynolds quipped.

"Ab-so-lutely!" The leader clenched his fist tightly, adopting a combative stance.

Raynolds locked eyes with the leader, nodding solemnly. As their gazes met, Raynolds took in the leader's muscular physique and the scars that adorned his body and face. While the leader's excitement was palpable, Raynolds maintained a steely resolve. Suddenly, as if summoned by the tension, Raynolds unleashed a powerful uppercut at the leader. The leader's reflexes kicked in, but the force behind Raynolds' punch exceeded his expectations.

A sharp bruise bloomed on the leader's hand, and his excitement gave way to anxiety. His gaze shifted to his injured hand, disbelief etched on his face. Raynolds didn't relent, striking the leader's abdomen with a forceful blow. The leader's resistance crumbled, and he coughed up a spray of blood before collapsing. With just two punches, Raynolds had incapacitated the leader of N-18.


"That's our Captain, all right!"

The Kothern soldiers seized the opportunity to subdue the distracted N-18 elites and rejoined their fellow units. Over half of the enemy forces lay defeated. The news of these losses reached General Hyun, who was aghast and enraged. He rallied his remaining troops, ordering them to retaliate against Raynolds' forces. Instead of storming the city, Raynolds directed his men to hold their positions and await the Nisaeria onslaught.

"Victor, are you still operational?" Raynolds inquired.

"Yes, we managed to eliminate the threats!" 

"Prepare to launch the K-2 missile on my command."

"But Captain, didn't you express concern for civilian casualties?" 

"That's why we moved so far from the city."

"I understand. You've earned my respect, Sir."

"Captain, incoming large group!" a soldier alerted.

"Victor, get ready."


"Stand by for my signal and... launch it now!"

The K-2 missile soared from its carrier and struck the enemy with devastating precision, causing an earth-shattering explosion that gouged a massive crater in the landscape. The overwhelming power of the missile exceeded even the Nisaeria soldiers' expectations.

"Captain... Is this the recent missile development from the National Arms Development Agency?" a soldier marveled.

"Yes, I heard it was potent, but the reality is more awe-inspiring…"

"Sir, we've confirmed total enemy annihilation. Not a single trace of them remains." 

"Well... Secure the city and apprehend General Hyun alive!" Raynolds commanded, his countenance more pensive than victorious. The formidable might of the K-2 missile had left him grappling with apprehension, even as he celebrated the vanquishing of his adversaries.

General Hyun and his fellow commanders stood in stunned disbelief as their entire force was obliterated in an instant. Their remaining troops within the city held no threat to Raynolds and his men any longer.

"General Hyun, what's our course of action now?!" one of the commanders implored.

"Damn it! Those wretched dogs!"


"We must leave immediately! Rally our forces in the capital and exact revenge upon them!"

"General, they've already encircled the city and are closing in!"

"So swiftly? There's a secret chamber in the basement. Follow me!"

The city fell to Raynolds' forces in a heartbeat. They swiftly seized the city hall, which concealed the hideout of General Hyun and his commanders. After an exhaustive search, they unearthed the hidden room, where the culprits cowered. They were brought before Raynolds, hands bound tightly.

"This is the first time I've tasted such humiliation! Damn you all, you Kothern mongrels!" General Hyun spat out angrily.

"Shut it, loser! Count yourself lucky we haven't sent you to the depths yet!" Victor retorted with fire in his eyes.

"Enough, Victor..."

"Yes, Sir..."

"Long time no see, General Hyun. If you truly care for your country and your people, I need you and your government to surrender now."

"Surrender to a pack of mutts? I'll sooner face death!"

"Very well, as you wish!" Victor produced his pistol and aimed it at General Hyun.

"Cease, Victor! Return them to Kothern's custody. Let our government decide their fate."

"Custody? Damn it..." General Hyun muttered, his face contorted with mounting anger. He summoned enough strength to wrench free from the iron shackles binding him and seized a Kothern soldier, throttling him with brute force.

"Cease fire! General Hyun, release my soldier!" Raynolds' voice boomed with stern authority.

Unyielding, General Hyun ignored the order and continued to strangle the helpless soldier, crushing the life out of him. Raynolds knew he had to intervene before more lives were lost. In an instant, he lunged at General Hyun, engaging him in a fierce exchange of blows. Each strike reverberated with raw power and honed skill.


"You treacherous cur! I'd sooner die than set foot in your wretched land!" General Hyun roared, his fury unabated.

"Cease your futile resistance; you're already defeated!" Raynolds retorted.


General Hyun's furious assault persisted, aimed squarely at Raynolds' head. Raynolds parried the onslaught with practiced ease, their fists clashing in a cacophony of blows. Amidst the relentless barrage, Raynolds' sunglasses were dislodged, revealing his striking blue eyes. General Hyun's rage gave way to disbelief as he beheld the unexpected revelation.

Raynolds' steely gaze met General Hyun's, and with a swift and powerful strike, Raynolds targeted General Hyun's throat. The impact was devastating, and General Hyun crumpled to the ground, hands clutching his injured throat. The expression etched on his face was one of excruciating pain.

Victor marveled, "Captain just punched that monster to death?!"

"Captain, are you alright?!" a soldier inquired.

"Yes... Bring these Nisaeria commanders back to Kothern. Ensure they're securely detained."

"Yes, Sir!"

"Soldiers, our next objective: the capital city!"


As the dust settled from the intense battle, Raynolds prepared to march on the capital city, knowing that the ultimate showdown awaited him there.

TsukasaFrier TsukasaFrier

This is the end of first volume of my novel. In the follow-up, there will be more exciting stories!

Thank you so much for reading my story up to this far and I really appreciate your support! Thank you!

next chapter
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