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68.18% Delia Yonce and her magical curl / Chapter 15: Desire to escape to A Home at The End of The World

Bab 15: Desire to escape to A Home at The End of The World

"No, what are you saying? I always need you," Delia said quickly, smiling at Jordan to hide her worries. "I'm just busy, trying to get my projects sorted out. It's taking longer than I thought."

"Projects?" his voice was tinged with disbelief. "You couldn't just say you had work, could you? I've seen you change, become tense somehow. Is there something wrong with your projects? Are you sure everything is okay?"

She paused and looked into his eyes. She saw genuine concern in them, and it fueled her desire to protect him from anything that might frighten him.

"Jordan, honestly, it's okay," she said, trying to sound confident. "I just... Sometimes I have a lot on my mind, and it can seem weird. I need some time to process everything."

"You're not alone," he said, disbelieving. "We always talked to each other about our problems. If something is bothering you, you can tell me. It's important!"

"I know, and I really appreciate it," she replied, feeling her heart clench with guilt. "But it's just... I don't want to worry you. There are things I can handle myself."

They walked back to Jordan's apartment. Delia took off her shoes and stepped into the familiar surroundings, cozy, filled with soft light and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. But instead of warmth, she felt a growing sense of unease.

"You can't just walk away from this," Jordan began as they sat down on the couch.

He looked determined and a little upset.

"I want to know what's going on with you. I can see how you've changed."

"Jordan, I told you," Delia replied, trying to keep her voice calm. "I've got a lot going on. I'm just a little tired. It's not that bad."

He leaned closer, his eyes sparkling with concern.

"You always evade answers. If you had any real problems, you would tell me! Why won't you share with me? I'm not the enemy."

"I'm not hiding anything important from you," Delia objected, although deep down she knew that was not entirely true. "I just have my own personal affairs, and I don't want to bother you."

"Don't bother? Delia, I'm your boyfriend! We should talk to each other. I want to help you, not watch you suffer alone!" his voice was full of passion and resentment.

Delia clenched her hands into fists, trying to contain her emotions.

"You don't understand. I can't just go and tell you everything! It's... It's too complicated."

"Complicated? You think I can't handle the difficulties? I'm here to support you, and you don't even want to let me do it!"

She sighed, trying to find words that would not hurt him.

"It's not that you can't help. It's just that some things are better left in the past. I don't want you to worry."

"You think hiding the truth is protecting me? You're really pushing me away!" his voice was quieter, but no less insistent.

Delia felt tears welling up in her eyes, but she quickly pushed them away, not wanting to show vulnerability.

"Jordan, please understand. I can handle this on my own. I need time to figure this out. I'm just not ready to open up."

He paused for a moment, his expression changing from anger to deep sadness.

"I don't want to lose you, Delia. But I can't help you if you don't let me know what's going on. I can't stay in the dark."

It was as if she realized in that moment that dragging out this secret was only making their rift worse.

"I... I'll try to be more open," she finally said, although inside she still felt like the truth would only make things worse.

Jordan nodded, but his expression remained sad.

"That's all I ask. Just be honest with me."

The room went silent, and Delia knew that despite her promises, she still couldn't tell him the truth about her life and what was happening with the Convention.

"I want things to be okay between us," she said, reaching out to take his hand. "Let's just try to make this a good time."

He relaxed a little, but Delia knew that on the one hand she was happy that she had spent time with the man she loved, but on the other hand, the threat of the Convention was bothering her. After saying goodbye to him, she left his apartment and walked forward.

The rain had become heavier, and the water pounded the pavement, creating a melancholy atmosphere. Delia crossed the park, where she always felt safe. But today, something was wrong. The sky was covered with black clouds, and the wind lifted the leaves, making the trees whisper disturbing stories. And then she noticed movement in the shadows of the trees. A moment later, a man in a black suit with an eye patch jumped out from behind a bush. They were agents of the Convention.

"Delia Yonce!" one of them shouted, aiming a gun at her.

Her heart pounded in her chest. Grabbing her communicator, She dove to the side, feeling the bullets whistling through the air. She didn't have time to think - she needed to get away from danger.

Delia ran behind a large tree, trying to find cover. She knew she was being followed, and it would be very difficult to hide. She tried to calm herself, listening to the sounds around her. Her pulse pounded in her ears and the blood boiled in her veins.

After a few minutes, when the excitement had died down a little, Delia got back on the path. She felt exhausted, but she knew she couldn't give up. On the horizon, she noticed a small arch of buildings where she assumed the team would be gathering. As she reached it, Delia heard a familiar voice calling her from behind. It was Jordan.

"Delia! Wait!" he shouted, pushing his way through the crowd of people rushing to the exit.

His face was twisted in worry, and when he finally caught up to her, she felt her heart clench.

"Are you okay?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, his eyes searching for an answer she couldn't give him.

"I'm... okay," Delia lied, trying to sound confident, but inside, her gut was knotting with fear. "It's just... it's a little complicated."

"Complicated?" Jordan repeated, his voice growing more tense. "Complicated is when you can't find your keys. But that's not what's happening to you. I can tell you're going through something more."

She avoided his gaze, unable to meet his genuine concern.

"You don't understand. I can't tell you what's going on."

"Why?!" he cried, annoyed. "You think I'm not ready to know the truth? That I can't handle this? Delia, you're not alone! We're a team! We're with you!"

His words sent a wave of guilt through her. She knew he was right, but the fear that her world would fall apart if she revealed herself was paralyzing her.

"It's not that, Jordan," she said quietly. "I just can't risk what we have. If you find out, you could become part of this... this madness. I don't want you to suffer because of my problems."

Jordan stepped back, pressing his lips together.

"But you are! And I want to help you. You know I can't just sit here and wait for things to get better. If you don't tell me, I'll worry even more. Why can't you trust me?"

She sighed, her voice barely audible.

"I trust you, but... It's dangerous. I don't know what will happen if you get too close to it. Makoto, the Convention... they'll stop at nothing."

Jordan was on edge, his anger turning to genuine concern.

"I need to know who you really are. You say you trust me, but you're isolating yourself. I don't want to be just a part of your past"I want to be a part of your future!"

Delia felt her heart waver. She knew Jordan was sincere, but how could she tell him about her insecurities, about how he could be a target? She couldn't let her problems tear apart what they'd built.

"Jordan..." she began, but his face was set in determination.

"I can't leave this like this," he said, his voice hard. "You have to understand that I'm here for you, and I won't leave even if you tell me everything."

Delia took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. She knew she couldn't go on like this for long, but it was hard to open up right now.

"Okay, I'll try," she said, her voice shaking. "But now is not the time. We need to focus on what's ahead. I just... I don't know how to explain it."

Jordan nodded, but his eyes were still troubled.

"Okay, but know that I'll be waiting," and with that he turned and headed forward, towards his house.

After catching her breath, Delia decided that a café might be a great way to escape the growing tension between her and Jordan. She chose a small, cozy establishment in the center of Lisbon, where the smell of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the aroma of baked goods. When Delia walked in, her gaze immediately stopped on Edwin, sitting at a table by the window. He looked focused, studying some documents scattered in front of him. Delia walked over and sat down opposite him, trying to hide her inner worries.

"Hello," she said with a slight smile. "How are you?"

"Hello!" Edwin responded, pushing the papers aside. "You have no idea how much I've learned about the Convention. It's like they're seriously planning on doing something big."

"Really? Tell me!" Delia asked, interested, although in reality her thoughts were still on Jordan.

Edwin began to tell her about his findings: about new agents, about unusual resource movements, about the plans of the Convention. Delia listened with great attention, but images of Jordan kept flashing in her mind " his worried face, his questions and requests for the truth.

"Are you okay?" Edwin asked, noticing her distant look. "You look a little lost."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Delia answered, trying to bring herself back to the present moment. "It's just...A lot on my mind."

Edwin nodded, but Delia knew he didn't believe her. She sighed and decided to open the curtain a little.

"You know, Jordan and I have... A complicated relationship. He wants to know more about my affairs, but I can't tell him everything."

"You shouldn't hide the truth from him," Edwin frowned. "It will only complicate things."

"I know," Delia sighed, her thoughts returning. "But if he finds out about the Convention and what's going on, he could be in danger. I can't let that happen."

Edwin looked at her, understanding her inner struggle.

"But you have to remember that you're a team. If he really cares about you, he'll be willing to take those risks."

Delia snapped out of her thoughts and looked Edwin in the eye. She knew he was right, but her fear of losing Jordan was stronger.

"I just don't know how to explain it to him," she admitted.

At that moment, her attention was drawn to the people who entered the café. They were funny clowns, but her thoughts returned to Jordan. She wondered what would have happened if she had taken the other path, if she had opened up to him instead of hiding her feelings.

"You don't have to worry about what he might find out," Edwin continued. "As long as you have a connection, anything can be discussed. But you have to be honest."

Delia nodded, but deep down she knew she couldn't let herself open up. Ultimately, she decided she needed to get back to Jordan, if only to keep him from worrying. She stood up, gathered her things, and looked at Edwin.

"Thank you for your support," she said. "I'll try to figure this out."

Edwin nodded goodbye, and Delia left the café feeling a little unsettled. Edwin's words about honesty and trust were still echoing in her mind, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something was changing. She walked through the winding streets of Lisbon, trying to process her emotions. Each step toward Jordan's apartment was difficult. Her legs felt heavy, her thoughts unclear. The images that formed in her mind were unsettling: Edwin with his confident voice, telling her to be honest, and Jordan, full of concern but with a growing concern on his face.

Delia knew that by hiding from Jordan, she was risking destroying what they had. But at the same time, she was beginning to doubt herself as she grew closer to Edwin. They had faced dangers together, made discoveries, and a friendship had been formed between them, based on trust and support. But was it just friendship? Would it be a betrayal of Jordan if she allowed herself to delve deeper into a relationship with Edwin?

She held her breath, feeling a knot of anxiety clench in her stomach. Maybe it was just stress? she wondered. But beneath the surface, there was something more brewing – a fear that her world, built on love and trust, could fall apart at any moment.

When Delia returned to Jordan's apartment, he was waiting for her on the couch with a cup of tea in his hands. He looked up, and his gaze was filled with both love and concern.

"You've been out a long time," he said, noticing her tension. "Are you okay?"

Delia smiled, trying to hide her worries.

"Yeah, just had a little chat with Edwin."

"About what?" he asked, leaning forward a little.

"Business," she answered evasively. "About the Convention and our team."

Jordan slouched, and Delia noticed how tense he was.

"You don't want to talk about it, do you?" he asked, his voice sad.

"No, it's not that," she quickly assured him. "It's just that there are things I can't talk about. I don't want you to worry."

He sighed, and Delia noticed how he tried to hide his disappointment.

"But I want to know, Delia. I want to be there for you, to help you. We have to trust each other."

Delia's heart sank. She felt that his words were sincere, but her own doubts and fears prevented her from opening up.

"I know, and I appreciate it," she answered, trying to sound convincing. "It's just... I don't want you to be a part of this."

Delia realized that her avoidance of the truth could only make things worse, and it was increasing the distance between them, even though she didn't want that to happen.

"Delia, I just want you to know that you can trust me," Jordan continued, his voice growing more insistent. "I'm not an ordinary guy from Earth. I can handle anything if you open up to me."

Anxiety washed over Delia again, and it became unbearable.

"I don't know if I can do this," she whispered, feeling tears welling up in her eyes.

Jordan, noticing her anxiety, reached out, wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close.

"Don't be afraid. I'm with you," he said quietly.

But at that moment, Delia felt her trust in Jordan warring with her fears, and this internal contradiction weighed on her like a heavy weight. She had to make a choice: stay in her comfort zone and continue to hide the truth, or take a chance and open her heart to him, even if it could destroy them.

"Jordan," she began, gathering all her strength. "I need to talk to you about what's going on. This isn't just a job... It's all very complicated."

He looked at her, his eyes full of concern and impatience.

"Delia, I've been waiting for you to open up. But you keep avoiding answers. I can't figure out what's going on!"

"I don't want you to worry," she replied, but the anxiety inside her was already starting to turn hysterical. "I don't want you to be a part of this. It could be dangerous."

"But I'm already a part of your life, Delia! And you can't just hide things from me that are bothering you. It's threatening our relationship!" Jordan said sharply, his voice loud and harsh.

Delia felt a tear roll down her face.

"I don't want this to affect us!" she nearly screamed. "But I can't explain everything! This has to do with Makoto and the Convention. I can't risk your safety!"

"And what do you think will happen if you don't tell me the truth? I can help if you just give me a chance," Jordan continued, but his voice was less confident now.

He took a deep breath, his words sounding like a reproach.

"I'm tired of your secrets. You keep everything inside all the time, like it's some kind of game. This is not a game, Delia!"

She felt his words hurt her, and a wave of despair rose up inside her.

"I don't understand why you can't just trust me!" she cried out, and the anger in her voice was real."

"Trust? How can I trust if you won't tell me what's really going on?" I can't go on like this." his eyes flashed with disappointment and he turned away, feeling betrayed.

Delia was confused, and she wanted to run away to a place where she could forget about all her worries and ignorance. A place where there was no Makoto, no Convention, no fear of losing someone she cared about. She dreamed of a kind of "Home at the End of the World" - a quiet refuge, full of warmth and safety, where they could start over, where her secrets could not harm.

"You don't understand," she said weakly, feeling her dreams slipping away. "I need time. I... I can't now."

She stood up, and silence filled the room. Jordan continued to look at her, his face expressing a mixture of displeasure and sadness. Delia felt like there was a gap between them, and it was a gap she didn't know how to fill.

"Maybe we should just take a break from each other for a while?" he said quietly, and his words sounded like a death sentence.

Delia silently left the apartment, leaving Jordan alone, and her world finally became gray and empty. She understood that she was the reason for their quarrel, and the desire to fix everything drove her to the team headquarters. When she entered the room, the team was already gathered at the round table. Edwin, noticing her dull look, came closer.

"How are you?" he asked, raising his eyebrows caringly.

"Not very well," Delia squeezed out. "We need to talk about Jordan."

Edwin nodded, realizing that she was not ready to talk about her experiences.

"Look, we all know that it is difficult, but maybe we should just tell him the truth?"

"I already tried, but it only made things worse," Delia answered with a sigh. "He does not want to hear my explanations. He thinks I don't trust him."

Meanwhile, Bugenhagen, the Convention agent, watched from the shadows, his eyes sparkling with malice. He had noticed the tension in Delia's group and decided that this was a perfect chance to exploit their vulnerability. He knew that if he could gain Delia's trust, she might give up her friends.

Bugenhagen approached her, his smile friendly but his eyes cunning.

"Hello, Delia," he said, as if they were old acquaintances. "I heard you were going through a tough time. If you need to talk, I'm always here."

Delia, vulnerable and raw from her conversation with Jordan the previous day, felt his kindness warm her.

"Thank you, Bugenhagen," she replied, feeling her guilt begin to ease a little. "This is really tough."

"You can trust me," he continued, his voice soothing, and Delia couldn't help but notice how attentively he was listening to her. "I understand what it's like to lose trust. I've been through the same thing myself. It can be awful."

next chapter
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