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27.27% Delia Yonce and her magical curl / Chapter 6: "The Sun Rainbow"

Bab 6: "The Sun Rainbow"

Finally, she found herself at the exit of the complex. She opened the doors and ran outside, feeling the cool air cool her face. At that moment, she heard horns and noise, and a feeling of freedom washed over her. As she scanned the streets of Lisbon, Delia noticed a familiar face in the crowd - it was Edwin DeForest, who was looking for her with concern.

"Delia!" he shouted when he saw her.

"Edwin!" she replied, rushing towards him. "We have to go! Makoto knows I escaped, and he has drones."

"I heard explosions," he said, catching his breath. "We need to find a safe place and come up with a plan."

Delia nodded, and they quickly walked away from the complex, feeling that their time was running out. Lisbon was bustling and picturesque, but at this moment, its beauty was eclipsed by their worries. Delia knew that they could not stay here for long. They had to find information about the "Sun Rainbow" and how it was connected to her.

"We need to find out what kind of experiment the "Sun Rainbow" was," Delia said when they finally found shelter in one of the small cafes. "I feel like it's not just a missing ship."

Edwin nodded, his face full of concentration.

"There might be more to the Convention archives than we found. If Makoto is that interested in this case, then there must be something important."

They decided to head to the library, which was where the Convention documents and records of past research were collected. It was risky, but they had no other choice. Once they arrived at the library, they began to study the records, and soon found several mentions of the "Sun Rainbow".

Delia looked through the pages that spoke of some kind of experiment being conducted on board the ship. It wasn't just any research, but a program to study new forms of energy based on her telekinesis and energy manipulation.

"Wait," Delia said, stopping at one of the pages. "It says here that they were trying to use people with special abilities to create powerful energy sources."

Edwin looked at her with concern.

"You mean they might have been researching your powers?"

Delia nodded, feeling her breathing quicken.

"It seems I'm not just an actress. They probably tracked people with similar abilities and used them in their experiments. And I'm one of them."

"But you didn't know anything about that," Edwin said, trying to calm her down. "You were just born on the Moon Base."

"Yeah, but that changes everything!" Delia exclaimed, unable to contain her emotions. "Maybe the "Sun Rainbow" didn't disappear by accident. Maybe they wanted to use it for experiments, to kidnap people with abilities like mine."

Edwin put his hand on her shoulder, looking into her eyes.

"Delia, don't let it get to you. You're stronger than they think. Your abilities don't define you. You're an actress, and that's your strength."

Delia nodded, though she felt a growing pressure, as if dark shadows from the past were filling her mind. She wasn't just an actress, she was the key to the solution. And she couldn't let Makoto use her as a pawn in his games.

Delia and Edwin continued to delve into the archives, studying old records regarding the "Sun Rainbow". In one of the dustiest folders, they found a document with a bright red stamp: "Confidential."

"Look at this!" Delia exclaimed, handing Edwin the file. "This looks promising."

Edwin opened the document with interest and began to read aloud, when his eyes suddenly widened in surprise.

"It says here that the "Sun Rainbow" was used as a prop in several sci-fi movies, and in the process they even mention that it was misused during experiments..."

Delia squinted, trying to read the text over Edwin's shoulder. He continued,

"Oh, it says here that in one of the movies, the main character, a space bunny named Zits, uses the "Sun Rainbow" as a means of intergalactic travel. The movie ends with him forgetting his chores and accidentally causing a disaster on the moon.

"A space bunny named Zits? That sounds like complete nonsense!" Delia laughed.

"And that's not all!" Edwin continued. "It also says here that the "Sun Rainbow" was in a sci-fi drama where it was used to save the planet from evil aliens. In the end, it turned out that the aliens were just trying to deliver a package of jokes."

"What nonsense!" Delia laughed. "How many people even watched this?"

Edwin nodded, continuing to read.

"It's about a comedy where a group of space alcoholics use the "Sun Rainbow" to search for "space beer." They end up forgetting why they left in the first place and have a party that lasts for years."

Delia rolled her eyes as Edwin continued reading, not noticing how his companion was quietly laughing to herself.

"And here it is! It mentions a movie where the "Sun Rainbow" becomes a key object in a battle between two planets that are fighting for the title of "The Funniest Planet in the Galaxy." And, as it turns out, the ship ended up in a comedy show where aliens cook dishes from space dumplings."

"How surreal! These movies are completely insane!" Delia exclaimed, still not believing what she was hearing.

Edwin sighed and returned to the document.

"But that's not all. The report says that many of the actors who participated in these films began to exhibit strange abilities after working with the "Sun Rainbow"."

Delia suddenly froze, realizing that all of this could be related to her.

"So they really were experimenting with energy? That means they were using me as part of their games."

Edwin nodded.

"It seems Makoto knew more about you than you thought. He could use this for his own purposes."

Delia, realizing the scale of what was happening, felt tension building up inside her.

"We need to find out where exactly these experiments were taking place. If Makoto gets to the "Sun Rainbow", he could get all of our powers."

With a sense of determination, they left the library, and the streets of Lisbon greeted them with the hubbub of conversations and noise. But Delia's thoughts were far from this living world. Her mind was full of anxious questions about how to use her powers and where they might lead.

"You know," Delia began, walking next to Edwin, "I'm realizing more and more that my powers are like two sharp blades. They can be both a blessing and a curse."

Edwin looked at her, listening carefully.

"I know what you mean," he said. "They can help people, but they can also destroy them. You're not just an actress, Delia. You have the power to change lives."

"Yes, and that power sometimes scares me," she admitted. "I never chose to be who I am. I just wanted to be a good actress, but instead I became part of something much bigger and more dangerous."

Edwin frowned, realizing how worried she was.

"Sometimes it feels like I'm just a puppet in someone else's games," Delia continued, stopping at a street lamp. "Makoto is using my power for his own purposes, and I don't know who else is trying to manipulate me. I don't want to be the one who is used for the ambitions of others."

She looked into Edwin's eyes, and he nodded, understanding her struggle.

"You're not a puppet. You control your powers. You're the only one who can decide how to use them. Even if they can be dangerous, that doesn't mean they should control you," he assured her.

Delia took a deep breath, her thoughts beginning to clear. She remembered the moment she had been able to create a protective field, when her powers had burst forth to protect others. It had been an act of destruction as well as protection.

"Perhaps this is my true power," she said, her voice less confident. "I can use them to help, not just for myself."

"Exactly!" Edwin encouraged her. "You must understand that your powers give you a choice. That can be both a burden and an opportunity. If you learn to control them, you can do something great."

Delia smiled, her heart filling with hope.

"You're right. I have to accept my nature and use my powers for good. Not let them fail me. But how? How can I resist Makoto and those who try to use me?"

Edwin thought for a moment.

"First, you need to find allies. Don't be afraid to show your powers to those who will appreciate them and use them for the right purposes."

"Allies..." Delia repeated. An idea was forming in her head. "Perhaps I should return to the philosophers. They can help me figure out how to properly use my power and find my path."

"That's a good idea. They can give you new perspectives and understand how to combine your power with the philosophical concepts of responsibility, freedom, and choice."

They continued through the streets towards an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Lisbon. The building stood in an oppressive silence, overgrown with moss and surrounded by thickets. The windows were broken and the metal structure was sagging under the pressure of time. It was here that Delia and Edwin decided to stage their final confrontation with Makoto Sugar and his minions.

"We have to be careful," Delia whispered, looking back at the ruined walls. "Makoto won't leave us alone, and I sense that he'll do anything to get me."

Edwin nodded, his expression serious. They both knew that Makoto was not only a powerful businessman, but also a man capable of cunning and manipulation.

"We have to act quickly and strategically," he said. "If we can divide his men, we'll have a chance."

They entered the dark courtyard of the factory, and suddenly one of Makoto's henchmen stepped out of the shadows, a gun flashing in his hand. Delia instantly focused her energy, creating a protective field around herself that deflected the first bullet.

"Edwin, follow me!" she screamed, heading deeper into the factory.

They ran through the rubble, and soon found themselves in a large, high-ceilinged room that had once housed assembly lines.

"We need to find Makoto," Edwin said, looking around. "He might be around here somewhere."

They hadn't even taken a few steps when sounds came from the other side of the room, and more of Makoto's guards came towards them. Delia gritted her teeth, feeling her strength building, preparing for action.

"Stay close to me!" she screamed, and her energy burst out, creating a powerful explosion that knocked the guards off their feet.

Edwin wasted no time in rushing towards one of the henchmen, engaging him in combat. Delia, feeling the adrenaline rush, continued to use her powers, sending streams of energy at those who approached.

"You think you can stop me?" Makoto's familiar voice rang out, and he appeared on the upper balcony, looking at them with a mocking look. "You will never understand that this is not a game. You are just a means to an end."

Delia raised her head, her heartbeat quickening.

"I will not let you use me!" she screamed, her voice full of determination.

Makoto grinned and waved his hand, signaling his men. At that moment, shouts were heard, and the guards rushed towards Delia and Edwin again, but Edwin threw one of the guards aside.

"Are you ready?" he asked, looking into her eyes.

"Yes," she replied, and their powers merged as if they were one.

Together, they began to attack, fusing their energies, creating bursts of light and power that reflected the darkness around them.

"You can't run from your destiny, Delia!" Makoto shouted as they began to advance.

Delia paused for a moment, her breathing quickening.

"I create my own destiny!" she replied, gathering powerful energy within herself.

She directed her powers towards Makoto, and a sparkling field appeared around him. Edwin continued to fight the guards, confidently advancing towards his comrade, when Makoto, realizing that he was losing control of the situation, began to retreat.

"You can't stop me!" he shouted, but his confidence wavered as Delia demonstrated the full extent of her powers.

"You're the one who can't stop," she said, and the next moment, her energy burst out, creating a powerful explosion that sent Makoto flying backwards, causing him to lose his balance.

The guards became helpless as Delia and Edwin combined their efforts to advance towards the finale.

"Delia!" Edwin shouted, throwing the last guard aside.

He looked at her with worry and anticipation.

"We can handle him, but only if you can use your powers!"

Delia took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment to focus. Her thoughts raced back to the moments when she first discovered her power, to the moments when she learned to control it on the Moon Base, to the laughter and joy that were part of her life.

"I'm not just an actress," she said quietly, opening her eyes and looking at Edwin.

Gathering all her energy, Delia felt a vortex of light swirl around her.

"Delia, be careful!" Edwin shouted, taking a step back.

She boldly stepped forward, turning her attention to Makoto, who was trying to recover from the blow.

"Makoto, you can't control me anymore!" Her voice was filled with determination like never before.

Delia raised her hands, and a powerful wave of energy unfolded around her. Streams of light poured out towards Makoto, forming a bright, sparkling cocoon that resembled a protective field.

"What are you doing?!" Makoto screamed as the wave of energy washed over him, forcing him to retreat.

His confidence began to crack as he realized that she wasn't just playing by his rules.

"I'm not playing," Delia said, concentrating on her abilities, creating illusions that surrounded her and made Makoto lose himself in his own fears.

With each passing second, she grew stronger, calling upon every emotion - fear, anger, hope. The light radiating from her grew stronger, and soon the room was filled with a bright glow. Makoto backed away, his eyes widening in horror.

"No, no! You can't do this!" he screamed, but Delia only smiled.

"It's not you who controls my power, it's me. I choose how to use it!" her voice was so confident that it seemed like she had become one with the energy that surrounded her.

At that moment, a stream of light quickly covered Makoto, and his attempts to manipulate reality became meaningless. Delia felt her power growing, taking the form of a bright vortex of light that began to engulf Makoto. Edwin knew that Delia was ready for this moment, and now, watching her cope with the pressure, he felt that everything would be fine.

"Delia, come on!" he encouraged her, and this word gave her strength.

As the vortex of light reached its climax, Delia raised her hands higher, and a flash of energy filled the entire factory. As if responding to her call, the light struck Makoto, causing him to hang in the air like a doll without strings.

"I choose my destiny, and you can't stop me anymore!" Delia screamed, and at that moment, a powerful roar echoed through the hall, and the walls of the factory shook, as if the buildings themselves were feeling the force of her power.

Makoto could no longer resist - his control was gone, and he was forced to face what had actually happened. Delia stood in the center of the light, filled with power, but despite all her strength and confidence, she could not predict how exactly events would unfold. Her glowing vortex of energy was powerful, but the drones Makoto had released were even more dangerous than she could have imagined.

As she activated her powers, three combat drones lurking in the shadows of the factory began to move. They were equipped with laser cannons and advanced technology that could suppress any energy flows. As Delia was distracted by Makoto, one of the drones flew past her, releasing a bright beam of light.

"Delia, watch out!" Edwin shouted, but it was too late.

The glowing vortex she had created was shattered by a powerful blow that sent her flying backwards several meters. Delia landed on the floor, barely managing to stay on her feet, and felt her powers begin to weaken.

The drones circled above her, releasing waves of energy, and she realized that while her abilities were strong, she lacked experience in actual combat. She couldn't afford to lose her focus, but getting up again was also difficult.

"Delia, focus!" Edwin reminded her, running closer. "We can handle them together!"

She looked up and saw one of the drones starting to target her. The power she had used was not controlled enough, and now that she was overcome with fear, the powerful machines were getting closer.

"I can't do this," she whispered, clenching her fists, trying to gather her strength.

"You can, Delia!" Edwin shouted, throwing a piece of debris from the destroyed wall at the drone.

The object hit its target and distracted the machine for a moment, but it did not solve the problem. Delia braced herself and tried to activate her abilities again. Energy swirled around her again, but it was not as powerful as before. The drones, as if sensing her weakness, began to attack with renewed vigor. One of them fired a powerful laser beam, and Delia barely managed to dodge it.

"We have to think of something!" she exclaimed, feeling her strength fading.

She knew she had to act fast, or their chances of survival were diminishing with each passing second. In a panic, she tried to create an illusion, hoping the drones would get lost in it. But in her moment of concentration, she hadn't taken into account that the machines were programmed to detect and suppress any energy signals.

"Edwin!" she cried. "I need your help! I can't do this alone!"

Edwin rushed to her side, helping to distract the drones. He had used everything he had, but against machines designed to combat her powers, it was not enough. One of the drones unleashed its attack, and Delia felt a wave of panicked fear wash over her.

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