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49.61% Deathworld Commando: Reborn / Chapter 129: Vol.6 Ch.122-Compromise?

Bab 129: Vol.6 Ch.122-Compromise?

I'll see you guys on October 3rd at 6-9am PST.


I ended up spending nearly seven hours at the Dragon site. It took almost four hours, with breaks excluded, just to get that thing's spinal cord separated. And…it turns out I really had done it.

My spell had slain the Dragon.

The Chaos Dragon, known as Qylrenth, was dead. As nearly a thousand people attempted to rip and salvage the carcass, his corpse lay underneath an enormous tarp. My spell had hit its mark and went straight through the back of the monster's throat, wreaking havoc on its insides and even turning most of its brain into mush.

But I knew…I was sure now that Qylrenth had done what he did on purpose, at least his final moments, that is. Perhaps it was Qylrenth's soul telling me that, or his actions at the end of his life were more clear to me now. Qylrenth somehow managed to regain his senses for a brief moment to fire off a breath attack that he didn't need to. He knew that it would leave him vulnerable and allow me to strike.

Qylrenth let me kill him.

And it took a whole lot of combination magic, mainly in the form of my Plasma spells, just to make a dent in his bones. Bowen jokingly told me he would tally up all the broken tools I used, and that was enough to make me sweat. I probably broke upwards of fifty tools, most of them Mythril and cobalt tipped, and the bill for doing something like that was probably enough to bankrupt me.

Surprisingly the Dwarven team from Krunbar seemed almost excited. It was like they enjoyed watching me break their expensive tools with never before seen magic…

I wish I could say that was the weirdest part of the day, but it was nothing compared to the odd feeling I got when I started cutting up the Dragon. I felt sick to my stomach like I was doing something wrong. Of course, it wasn't the same feeling I got when I killed a person…but it was unpleasant nonetheless.

Perhaps that's the bit of Qylrenth's soul telling me to stop cutting his body up.

Bowen confirmed that I would have first dibs on any Dragon parts that I wanted, excluding the head, of course. That King Maxwell had guaranteed me a "King's Share," whatever that means. I, of course, couldn't disagree. I may have killed the Dragon, but Luminar was footing the bill for butchering the creature. And they were protecting it, something I probably couldn't do alone.

People might start a war over killing a Dragon…but a Dragon corpse is most definitely worth fighting a war over.

"Daddy, why is everybody staring at us?" Mila asked while looking up at me, knocking me out of my train of thought.

"Because you are unbelievably cute in your new outfit. Everyone just can't get enough of you," I told her with a smile. Mila blushed and held onto me a little tighter as her tail swayed back and forth.

And although that wasn't the whole truth, it probably wasn't wrong. Mila was looking positively adorable in her new uniform. It was the same red color as our school jackets, and instead of being trimmed with gold, her's was decorated with white. Even her underneath shirt and socks were white as well.

Mila was also given a little red hat that was sort of like a beret but not entirely. She even had small holes cut out so her cheetah ears could stick through. Her hair had also begun to grow enough that it stuck out from underneath her cap like little orange tails. Bowen really had gone above and beyond for her uniform. Apparently, it was supposed to be the prototype, but I had a feeling it was a little more than that.

And, of course, everyone wasn't just staring at Mila but at Sylvia and me as well. This is the first time I've walked around inside the school with my mask off, and people were watching me with wide eyes as they mumbled to each other. Mostly about Dragon slaying or Sylvia being a confirmed Vampire now. Even a few hints of me being a mixed Elf were thrown around.

Sure, some saw me at the cafeteria or walking from the dorms, but this was different. A few students had even come up and thanked me profusely for what I did to the Dragon. One boy even broke down in tears…

Maybe Bowen was right. Perhaps this is a good thing.

"Kaladin! Wait up!" a voice called out from behind me.

I turned just in time for Ren to rush past me with a wide smile. She looked right at Mila, and I swore I could see the hearts in her eyes as Ren let out some kind of weird noise.

"You look so cute, Mila!" Ren cooed.

"Thank you…Ren…" Mila said a bit nervously.

Ren looked like she was about to ask me to hold Mila, but her face grew serious as she stared into my eyes. "We need to talk, Kaladin."

"Okay, can we wait? Class is—"

"You can speak to him after me. We have much to discuss, and we have plenty of time before class begins," Lauren said, cutting off her sister.

We really don't…it took Sylvia and Mila ages to get ready this morning.

The first princess of Luminar strutted down the hall with a beautiful smile, and her clean and pressed uniform shone in the morning sunlight. "Good morning, Kaladin. I do have a few things to bring up with you. Do you—"

Ren tugged on her sister's arm. "What are you doing? Can't you see that I'm talking with him first?"

"Oh? And? I don't believe—"

I tuned out the two sisters as I caught a shimmer moving to my right. Tsarra dropped her illusion and stood meekly in front of me. Sylvia let out a small squeal of surprise and glared at Tsarra, and Mila was too busy watching Ren and Lauren bicker.

"I…Kaladin…can I ask you a question?" Tsarrra squeaked.

"Yo, Kaladin!" Varnir said with a quick wave.

I returned his wave, and I eyed the three princesses and shrugged. "Depends on how long it's going to take me to answer."

"It's just a quick—"

I ignored Tsarra not out of rudeness but out of concern. For a moment, I felt that somebody was staring at me with the intent to kill. As if they were trying to assassinate me or something.

And that was when I heard a near silent pair of footsteps directly behind me. I flicked around to find a pair of wide hazel eyes staring at me in surprise. "Linnetia? Were you trying to sneak up on me?" I asked.

It was odd that I didn't hear her until she was nearly at arm's length. Of course, the hallways are loud right now, and these two siblings arguing with each other isn't helping, but to get so close to me regardless…this isn't the first time I've seen Linnetia do things like this, though.

Is she trained? Maybe the Paines are more than just doctors…they could be assassins. It would be the perfect cover.

She stood a little taller and scanned my face with cold discerning eyes. I had also caught this glimpse of Linnetia a few times, but I didn't really know what to make of it. I just thought it was her being serious.

"We need to talk," Linnetia said, her voice cold.

I looked behind me, and it seemed Lin had garnered everyone's attention. "I believe we are forming a line…" I grumbled.

Lin looked around me and narrowed her eyes. "No. We aren't. You and I are about to have a duel."

"What?" Sylvia choked out.

"Daddy…what's a dal?" Mila asked me.

I looked at Mila first, and although I was surprised, I knew my priorities. "Duel, the word is duel, Mila. We can practice that word tonight, and it's when two people fight each other." I sighed and eyed Lin suspiciously. "I don't mean to sound rude, but why? If this is about testing yourself against me, there is no reason for this. I don't want your spot in the class or anything like that."

"I have nothing to prove to anyone, including you. I'm simply invoking my rights as a member of Class Onward. Therefore, I challenge you to a duel. There is no getting out of this," Lin said, her voice even.

"Why is Daddy going to fight Aunt Linnetia?" Mila asked with a confused look.

Lin's serious facade melted away for just a moment as she looked fondly at Mila. But that faded as quickly as it appeared. "I could just say no. So what are you going to do? Kick me out of the school?" I said with a shrug.

Lin narrowed her cold eyes at me, and I could hear Sylvia adjust herself nervously next to me. Everyone in the hallway had stopped talking and watched our little quarrel with great interest. I spared Ren and Lauren a quick look, and the two seemed just as surprised as me.

I sighed again and shook my head. "If you give me your reason, I may agree to your terms."

Lin just continued glaring at me in cold silence. She seemed to mull over my request only for a moment. "No. I'll tell you if you beat me. Is the Dragon Slayer really going to run away from a girl?"

"Taunting me won't work, Linnnetia Paine. I have nothing to gain by besting you or letting you beat me," I told her evenly.

Lin's jaw clenched. "'Letting you beat me?' Who do you take me for? Fine, you want a reason? Consider this a favor repaid for striking at the Dragon just in time to save your life."


"Ww—w—ell…actuall—lly, he all—alreadyy…died…" Tsarra squeaked and began to shrink in on herself. The poor girl couldn't even mutter the words out as Lin seemed to stare through her very soul.

"Fine. If this is what you want, then we can fight."

Arene "Ren" Maxwell's POV

I looked around the arena for a place to sit. There were plenty of seats as it was only our class, and well…those numbers have dwindled somewhat. I debated sitting next to Varnir and Tsarra, but I didn't want to ruin their mood. There was also Sededa and Terstus, but…well…I wasn't really friends with those two, either.

I could have sat next to Sylas but being next to him during a fight that involved his sister seemed like one of the worst ways to spend my time. It's not that Sylas was a bad guy…there were just limits to how much somebody could love a sibling, and I had a bad feeling Sylas liked to go past those limits more than the average person.

There was also a limit on how much yelling I could handle from a single person.

No, before I knew it, I found myself moving towards Sylvia and Mila. Mila was absolutely adorable as she bounced around in Sylvia's lap with her darling new outfit. She looked like a dress up doll in that uniform. Speaking of dolls…she was playing with some kind of weird-looking knight doll.

Although I guess it's not that weird…I had a similar one growing up. Not that anyone is ever going to know about that. Has it really been that long…

I took a seat right next to Sylvia, and she didn't even bother turning a head towards me. "Hello, Sylvia…"

"Ren," Sylvia said curtly.

I winced at her cold turn and stared out into the empty pit. I hadn't spoken to Sylvia in what felt like ages, ever since we had our… argument. Things had grown awkward, although I hated to admit it…everything Sylvia said was 100% true.

She really was warning us in her own…weird… protective way.

And she was a Vampire. I wasn't really sure how to feel about that fact. I didn't think it changed much, really. I'd never met a Vampire, and the people I knew had barely talked about them. Most of the time, when a Vampire is mentioned, it's just some monster tale about them sneaking into your room and drinking your blood at night.

Most people either don't talk about Vampires or they just flat-out hate them. But I don't. I don't really see a reason for it. Sylvia was probably the first Vampire I've ever met or spoken to. Even in my time in The Mists, I'd never met a Vampire. I know a few diplomats have come to visit from the north of Amoth, but Father never allowed me to meet one.

So why is everyone afraid of Sylvia? She saved hundreds of people…I mean, she can be extremely rude, but that doesn't make her some kind of monster. Just annoying…sometimes.

If I was going to break down this awkward silence, I was going to have to say something to her. I knew for a fact Sylvia could just sit there in silence and ignore me forever if it came down to it. She just seemed like that kind of person.

"Sylvia, I'm sorry."

Sylvia scoffed. "For what? Sitting next to me?"

"No…for…well, not listening to you." Sylvia turned her head slightly towards me, and her one dark blue eye looked at me as if encouraging me to continue. "I…you were right. You were right about Kaladin, and I'm sorry for yelling at you."

Sylvia let out a noise that sounded like she was pleased. "Yup, I know."

And with that, she turned her attention back to Mila, who was making a funny noise with her lips.

I looked at Sylvia…hoping she would…at least say something back to me. Even accepting my apology would have been a start…

Sylvia sighed and turned her head towards me slowly. "Okay…I accept your apology," she said somewhat reluctantly.

I raised my eyebrows at her. "That didn't sound very convincing…."

She sighed again and moved her silky black and purple hair from her face. Although it was an unnecessary movement, it was still charming in a weird sort of way. I had to wonder why she continued to wear that mask… even though Sylvia was a Vampire, I still got the impression she was incredibly beautiful. Even her voice, despite its coldness, was still alluring.

"I know that. I don't completely forgive you right now. After all, I did give you a genuine warning, and you ignored me, which pissed me off. Rightfully so, might I add."

"I…can't disagree with that," I muttered.

Sylvia nodded her head in approval. "However, I don't dislike you, Ren. And I understand why you said what you said. I probably would have done the same thing in your position," she said with a shrug.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Then why are you acting like this," I said, exasperated.

Sylvia chuckled to herself. "Just put yourself in my shoes, and that becomes pretty clear, doesn't it?"


I…I understand.

"And I'm sorry about well…the other night…uh…" I trailed off, my heart beating faster in my chest.

Sylvia sighed. "Don't worry about it. He told me everything already, so I know nothing happened between you two."

Oh…what a relief. I thought she was going to kill me…

I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding, and I felt a burden was lifted off my shoulders. "But I do have one thing to thank you for, Ren," Sylvia said, her voice changing to a softer tone…she seemed…happier for some reason.

"And that is?" I asked.

"Thank you for not looking at me with hateful glares. And thank you for not calling me names behind my back," she said, her voice filled with honesty.

I looked at her in surprise, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. It's been a long time since I've heard Sylvia talk like that…that was Sylvia…and how she truly felt.

"You're welcome, although it's not like you deserve that kind of slander. You saved a lot of people… a lot of them were my friends. So thank you, Sylvia."

Sylvia hummed to herself, then scoffed. "You say that, but it seems not everyone shares that opinion," Sylvia said, not bothering to hide her annoyance as Lauren sat next to her.

Wait, why did Lauren sit on the opposite side of me? Is she purposely trying to anger Sylvia? What's even the point anymore…

I just wanted to ask Kaladin if he genuinely was leaving. I once asked him what would happen if his mask came off, and he said he would leave this city for good…and well, that happened…he also told me that…oh, god, I don't want to remember that night…

He's never going to let me live that down… he'll never be able to unsee me and…agh….

But he also told me that night he would reunite with his family soon. I'm not sure what I was going to say to him, but it would be sad if he left now. I…I don't want him just to leave all of a sudden. If he were to go, I'd probably never see him again.

Lauren gave Sylvia a side-eye. "Is there a problem?"

Sylvia scoffed again and set Mila on the ground. "Why don't you go run around the stadium for a bit? You must be bored?"

Mila didn't even blink as she sprinted off. Bounding over the steps and let out giggles all the way as she dragged her silver knight behind her. Mila had changed so much…I wonder if she feels better now that her dad is okay. She must really love him.

Lauren covered her mouth with a hand and giggled. "Sending Mila away? You must be fuming."

"Will you shut up? I'm having a conversation with your sister, and I have nothing to say to you," Sylvia cut back.

Lauren's green eyes went wide with surprise. Even I had to scoot away just a little from Sylvia's harshness. Typically even Sylvia minces her words a little. She always gave me the impression of a less refined noble…or maybe she just didn't care to be a more refined one.

So is the reason she is hiding her face because she is Vampire nobility? And Kaladin said he wasn't sure if he was High Elf nobility…but…I can't be sure.

Lauren brought a hand to her heart and looked aghast at Sylvia. "Well, that was rather rude."

Sylvia narrowed her eye at Lauren. "Rude? Do you really think I can't hear you half the time? Or do you think I'm stupid? Do you want me to get started, Princess?"

Lauren pursed her lips and stared forward. "That won't be necessary. I've come to make amends."

"Amends?" I blurted out.

Sylvia crossed a leg over her thigh in a very unladylike manner and her arms across her chest. "Amends? You've got to be kidding me. Is there anything you won't do? First Jen, now this?"

Lauren's head snapped towards Sylvia, and her jaw clenched. "Jen? What are you blabbering out? What does she have to do with this?"

Sylvia met her gaze, unflinching. "We know you've been visiting her. Is there such a thing as too low for you?"

Lauren's eyes went wide, and her arm moved swiftly. I tried to step in, but I was too late. Lauren's slap never connected.

Sylvia caught Lauren's arm with ease which only made Lauren more furious. "You don't understand a damn thing! I'm not visiting Jen for any other reason than that I want to! So what do you think I will gain by visiting a single person every few days?! The same person who can't even move or talk?!" Lauren hissed. "If I were in her position, I'd want somebody to come and talk to me whenever possible…just because Jen isn't there doesn't mean she can't hear us…you couldn't save her, and I'm not going to pretend that I can either! But at least I'm trying!"

Lauren's shouts had gained everyone's attention. It was awkward…to say the least. Even Mila was running back down the stadium to come to see what was going on.

Sylvia let go of Lauren's arm and faced away from her. "I'm sorry. I went too far."

Lauren rubbed her arm where Sylvia had grabbed it hard enough to make it red. "That's right. You did," Lauren snarled.

My sister rubbed her eyes and looked about ready to cry, but she swallowed her tears and peeked through her fingers with one eye. "Is it true…did Kaladin really help her?"

"Yes…although it was…brutal to watch, it was effective at least," Sylvia recounted.

"So it's true? Jen is going to wake up?" I asked.

Sylvia nodded her head, her purple and black hair bouncing on her shoulders. "It seems she is on the right track now. It may be a little while. Kaladin thinks one or two more sessions may be enough. We are going again tonight."

"I'll be there—"

Sylvia shook her head. "You really don't want to be there, Lauren. I'm serious. Especially if Jen is your friend. Just let him do what he has to do."

Lauren looked about, ready to yell again, but she just sighed and moved her hair from her face. "Fine, I won't. I suppose I should take your word at least once."

Sylvia grunted, and Mila made it back to her. She looked up at Sylvia with a concerned face, but Sylvia just petted her ears, and I could tell she was smiling. Sylvia's ears fluttered, and as she continued to stroke Mila. Even though the two weren't speaking…I felt like they were communicating somehow.

Her ears… are so soft and adorable…I want to pet them again…Lin's cat never let me pet it.

"Now, as I was saying before, I was rudely and wrongfully judged—"

Sylvia let out an annoyed groan and rolled her head. "Really? Did you really just say that? I'm sure the last hundred times you've begrudgingly spoken my name have been followed by some kind of insult," Sylvia spat.

Lauren brought up a finger and furrowed her brows to argue but slowly lowered it. "You have a point." Sylvia huffed to herself in response. "But this is what I wanted to talk about. I want a…I want…mmmm…I want a truce…of sorts."


I felt like Sylvia and I were both looking at Lauren in the same way. What was she on about? A truce? What are they…at…ah…I guess they are at war…in a way.

"A truce? For what? You belittling me?"

Lauren shrugged and folded her hands over her lap. "In a way, yes. It has been brought to my attention that our…conduct is bothering people. I would like to put a stop to it."

"Bothering people? Since when has that ever mattered to you? And what am I stopping? You are the aggressor in literally every situation," Sylvia growled.

"Well…that isn't really true, is it, Sylvia?" I told her gently.

Sylvia turned around, and for a moment, I thought she was going to hit me, but she slowly bounced her head from side to side. "Yeah…I guess not all the time. BUT! You are the cause…let's say 90%."

Lauren gave an approving face. "I suppose I might accept that, although those numbers may be a bit inflated. Anyways, that doesn't matter anymore. I wish to stop our bickering. At least…as often as we do…" Lauren looked around at everyone that was watching us and smiled. "And maybe not doing this in public anymore."

"Who? Why? What brought this up?" Sylvia asked hesitantly.

Mila looked confused at Sylvia, and her little face scanned the two's quarrel. She wrinkled her nose and narrowed her eyes like she was concentrating really hard. Perhaps, this conversation was moving a little too fast for her…

Lauren shrugged. "It doesn't really matter, does—"

"He brought this up. What did he say to you?" Sylvia demanded.

Lauren met Sylvia's gaze and raised an eyebrow. "He said that he wished we got along. And although I can't say we ever will, I can at least make an attempt. He also told me to apologize. Something I should have done without his…suggestion."

Oh…so Kaladin threatened her. I understand now. He usually isn't like that…but when he is…I don't ever want to go against him.

I tried so hard back then to make sure his involvement didn't get out. I lied and lied and did my absolute best…I know I failed somewhat, but I really did try. It was the only thing he's ever asked of me…

Sylvia sat there for a time in silence, so Lauren decided to fill it. "Sylvia, I am sorry for mocking you. And I apologize for not recognizing your involvement in the saving of hundreds of lives, some of those lives belonging to dear friends of mine. And from here on out…I will do my best not to…be so…pointed with you."

Sylvia turned her head slowly, and it felt like she was glaring at Lauren. She brought her head back in surprise and pointed a finger at Lauren. "You…you actually did it…didn't you? You have feelings for him now…don't you?" Sylvia asked in disbelief.

Lauren's ears turned red, and she coughed to cover her embarrassment. "I don't know what you are on about. I've always loved him."

Oh my…she just lied…is…is Sylvia, right? What did Voker do to Lauren? I mean, not that I don't understand…but—

Mila shot forward and bounced up and down in front of Lauren. "Daddy!? You love Daddy!?" she said with glee.

Lauren smiled and picked Mila up gently, and held her up. "I do!"

"I love Daddy!' Mila shouted.

Lauren placed Mila down and rubbed her ears. "Yes…I mean, who doesn't at this point? I'm starting to wonder if my father wants to marry Kaladin with how much he talks about him."

I looked over to Sylvia, and I could feel the annoyance rolling off her as she placed her masked face in her hands. She groaned and looked over at Lauren. "Didn't you learn your lesson the first time? Shouldn't you just give up?"

Lauren licked her lips and smiled. "Give up? What kind of idiot would I be to give up on him? I can try for the next century, and it would still be worth it. Perhaps he is just into older women…mmm…"

Sylvia stood up, and the two started bickering again, but this time…it was… different. I'm not sure how it was different, as the content of their argument was the same as usual, but it seemed more… light-hearted to me. Maybe I was just hallucinating.

"Do you love Daddy?" a voice called out from my side.

My heart leaped in my chest, and I barely managed to stop myself from screaming. I turned my head to find a pair of dark blue eyes watching me intently. Mila had somehow managed to get right up to me without even making a noise.

Is she that sneaky, or was I just not paying attention?

Figuring this was my chance and a way to calm my nerves, I slowly reached my hand out to scratch her ears. Thankfully, she didn't seem displeased with the idea, but her intense stare never wavered. I'm not sure where this attitude came from, but maybe Kaladin had rubbed off on his daughter more than he thought.

"I…do love your Daddy, but as friends…we are just really good friends," I told her while rubbing her ears.

Yes…that's right, we are just friends. It's probably for the best. I don't see Kaladin ever loving me…no matter how hard I try. So this is just the best choice…for both of us.

But apparently, this pleased Mila as she purred to herself and nestled her head into my hand. Her little cat ears sticking out from her tiny red hat was just too adorable to handle. This should be a crime in cuteness…

I felt like I was being glared at and caught Sylvia and my sister watching me in silence. It seems getting in between those two would be a poor idea…

I wonder….would Kaladin choose me over Lauren? Is it wrong of me to say that I think he would? Well, that's what I think anyway. Not that it's saying much. All things considered, Lauren doesn't stand much of a chance.

Mila pulled away from me, and her tail began to spin as she let out a tiny giggle. She looked into the arena, and her ears twitched with excitement. "Daddy is here!"

Oh…my…Daddy is here…

Sylvia groaned into her hands, but her ears were burning bright red. "Why…why does he refuse to wear a shirt? What is wrong with him?"

Lauren was covering her mouth and fanning her face with her other hand, and I'm sure my face was as pink as hers. "That's a whole lot of Elf…" she muttered.

Kaladin strolled into the arena wearing nothing but his school uniform's red pants, exposing his scarred chest and muscular body. His long black hair was tied behind his head, and he looked ready for a fight.

Maybe this won't be so bad…

RangerFrank RangerFrank

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