"My lady, I bring ill news." Gorgan bowed before the princess. Everyone in the throne room glared at the holy knight: all kind of attention was on him. He didn't raise his head.
The princess raised her arm. "Raise your head. What happened?" She was prepared. Even if she wasn't, she had to put up with a front.
"Daarc fell overboard. The ship has come back and that's what the captain told me." Gorgan's voice flowed freely. He was sad but he didn't let it show. Almost an entire month had passed since Daarc had left from the port of Moire.
"That BRAT!" The princess banged her fist on the handle. "I even warned him!" She looked anything but dignified. But no one could say a word and no one dared. With a long exhale she composed herself. "And? You wish to travel there and confirm?" She was annoyed, to say the least. But she knew her loyal knight, a bit too much to be exact.
And that's the end of Vol 4. Hope to see you in the next one.