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7.14% Danmachi x FNAF: Ghost in the dark age / Chapter 1: Prologue: What is Orario? [FIXED UP]
Danmachi x FNAF: Ghost in the dark age Danmachi x FNAF: Ghost in the dark age original

Danmachi x FNAF: Ghost in the dark age

Penulis: Paxkun

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Prologue: What is Orario? [FIXED UP]

Author Notes:

I bring you a new story. I never thought of doing this story, but I couldn't let go of the idea that came into my head. I thought it was going to be a short prologue, but it took longer than I thought. Also, I reread and rewrote several scenes because I was not completely convinced. In the end, I was satisfied with the results.

The idea to write a crossover like this was a bit strange. But I come to like it. I found the story of Michael Afton quite striking to the point of liking and sympathizing. And since I was recently reading about the events of Danmachi in the dark ages, this unconventional idea came to me. Also, there are a few fanfics of this.

And since FNAF is mostly alternate universes and theories, I have a lot of room for creativity. Not to mention that there aren't many accounts of the dark age except for its major events. So having Michael Afton as the lead dropped it into the dark age of Danmachi. It gives me a lot of free reins, so I have to be quite creative when creating the plot. So I will take it as a challenge to continue improving my writing.

Besides. I have never written adult content, but good first time for everything. Still, the reason I'm posting this story is so I can have interactions and be able to read your ideas that may come to mind or your opinions regarding the story.

I want to clarify that I don't speak English, so I'm working with an app to improve English grammar and a translator. I try to correct as many pronouns as I can, but I could always miss one. So I would appreciate it if you understand me.

By the way, the story takes place 1 year before the events of the Astrea Record.


When I, Michael Afton, felt myself come back to consciousness, the first thing I felt was a great exasperation, I was tired, very tired. To the point that I imagine feeling numbness in my body rotten. This should not be possible, since my body cannot perceive pain because its receptor nerves no longer work.

I didn't understand what was happening until the numbness turned into a sharp pain, the kind of pain get from electroshock. An involuntary cry of agony escaped my throat, before turning into a cough. At the same time that I involuntarily let out the cry, my body shot upright, realizing that I was lying on something hard. Probably concrete.

I opened my eyes to determine what the hell was going on, but all I could manage to catch were flashes of light that blinded me, my vision was blurry to the point that I couldn't make out anything in front of me. My mind though confused, immediately notified me that I should not have been able to open my eyes, due to Ennard ripping both of my eyeballs out of my eye sockets.

My soul involuntarily shuddered at the memory. A second later I realized I was breathing, not in a way that I used my breath to calm myself down when I got too nervous or anxious, especially when I was trying to keep robots possessed by the murderous spirits of children from destroying me, my undead body. Since they couldn't murder someone already dead.

And even though I didn't need to breathe because I was no longer alive, taking breaths I could do thanks to muscle memory, even if my lungs had collapsed and shrunk. It helps me calm down and focus on "surviving." So realizing that I could breathe, with my fucking lungs working perfectly, was kind of shocking, but mostly confusing.

As my vision began to clear I tried to remember the last thing that had happened, I was in a daze for which you can't blame me for forgetting that it was the last thing I had done before finishing, lying wherever I am now.

For a few moments, I thought until a wave of memories hit me abruptly.

Static on the restaurant speakers, My sister's voice, Fear. Then the Fire started, Static on the speakers again; Uncle Henry's voice. Relief, sadness, regret, happiness, and then peace. I can still remember the paragraph that was dedicated to my presence in the speech.

"And to you, my brave volunteer, who somehow found out that this job offer was not intended for you. Although there was an outing planned for you, I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be."

So why was I still alive? Why couldn't I finally rest?

It was supposed to end for all the trapped souls that had wandered desolately. That included me. I had nothing left, I had nothing. I was alone, hiding in the shadows.

So why does my soul refuse to leave the world of the living? Is it the price of my sins? Was I cursed to wander for eternity without ever being able to find peace?

A wave of anger washed over my soul. Not just any anger, it was unbridled anger. Which I could rarely feel as a spirit. I knew that I had to be careful with these types of negative emotions, especially strong and unstable emotions. I don't want the wounds on my body to start secreting tar or black dust. More commonly called AGONY.

My fists clenched hard enough to dig my nails into my skin and pierce them. Feeling the thick liquid, I froze. Unbridled anger was replaced with confusion, fear, anxiety, and restlessness. My mind seemed to catch on that something was wrong.

I blinked several times to get my vision completely clear before looking at my palm, the moment I looked at my hand, I froze in disbelief and shock.

The hand was previously rotten purple, as well as being rough and stiff. It was normal skin color now, but a little too pale, plus the feeling is soft and smooth. The liquid ran and fell into my soft palm. It was blood. Which I was pretty sure I shouldn't have after my entire body stopped producing it the moment I died from the Scooper. Being my blood gradually replaced by black tar.

Although, I didn't have much AGONY inside my body, because I never liked using the substance, to begin with, the feeling that AGONY exudes. It is wrong in many ways. It is corrupt and twisted, in a way that if you don't learn to control it, it can indirectly control you.

An explanation to which I have desperately clung, to find a reason why Elizabeth my sister had killed me, by removing my visors, in addition to breaking the entire sternum on my chest, only to use my corpse as a puppet. The AGONY along with the corrupted AI of Circus Baby. They managed to twist Elizabeth's kind but bossy soul and personality. And although it has nothing to do with Elizabeth. This is only proof, of the theory of corruption. Since the missing children who were killed by my father, not counting Charlie. They lost themselves in bloodlust and revenge, killing all the night guards that appeared.

It was only because of my intervention that they did not manage to kill more people. And that was because I thought I could find my father at the pizzeria so I could make him pay for his crimes.

Shaking my head to force myself out of my thoughts, I stood shakily on my legs using my hands to support myself on the brick wall that was close to where I woke up a few seconds ago.

My head looked up at the clear sky with a few clouds in the way. I used my tongue to try and get rid of the dryness that was occurring in my mouth, even though I couldn't do anything about my damn dry throat. My hand indirectly moved up to my face to touch my cheek like I have many times since I became a fucking zombie.

The texture I was familiar with on my Undead body was different from what I felt right now, my new skin feeling soft and supple, compared to the scratchy, semi-flexible cheek I had before. That's not to mention the stitching I've done so the teeth won't show because Ennard broke the skin on my cheek with his wires when he mouthed out of my body.

A shaky breath escaped from my body. I was still tormented by nightmares from that night.

I checked my entire body to see if it possessed an active illusionary disk. I didn't find anything, and when I was looking for my eye I detected a mask that was on the ground. It was the white bear mask that was inspired by Freddy. With which I hid my face. Since I would rather cover my entire Undead body with clothes than use the same illusionary disks my father used to torture Evan with nightmares. The sick of my father even put cameras in my little brother's room just to see how Evan reacted to the illusions.

Gods, how I disliked my father's actions. If only my father didn't have a twisted and sick mind, then maybe the Afton family would have been happy. But I guess that was just a dream because the Afton Family was cursed and will always remain cursed.

I picked up the mask quickly. I wanted to put it on my face, but I stopped myself. Something didn't feel right in this place, where he wanted this could feel the gloom and ominousness in the air. A different feeling, but so similar to what I've gotten used to when working at Fazbear Entertainment, Inc. I looked towards the exit of the alley I was in and began to leave with cautious steps. My instincts were on high alert. I didn't want to get a surprise attack.

I can feel my stomach turn threatening to expel something. My heart starts pounding to the point where I'm going to explode. When I'm about to walk out of the alley, I just poke my head out of curiosity and tense my body muscles in case something dangerous happens. When nothing happens I leave the alley.

It didn't seem like there was anyone in the streets where I was, curiosity took over my heart (which was working again pumping blood throughout my body) and I tried to look for any sign of life while looking at the houses and the area around me.

Everything seemed so... old, like from an ancient time. More specifically medieval times. I would expect myself to notice this right away, being someone who was born in the 60s started my teens in the '80s, and was able to see technology develop until 2023.

While walking towards a place where I thought I heard voices, I stopped briefly to look at myself in the window of a house, it was my face before it was ruined by the decomposition and the damage that the Funtime caused to my body. I frowned when I noted that I still looked too much like my father. Although now, my eyes were not silvery blue. Its were a deep, unnatural purple. The color and brightness of my eyes made me uncomfortable. I made myself seem almost inhuman looking if you looked deep enough into my eyes.

I didn't understand how I had come back to life, but there had to be a reason for what was happening to me. I could only pray that it wasn't my father again, but knowing the fate of the Aftons, my hopes were pretty low.

An exasperated sigh escaped my lips, whatever the reason my SOUL had refused to rest, I just hoped I could finish it quickly, I was tired of continuing to live when I had no goal beyond freeing the souls of the missing children and my siblings Evan Afton and Elizabeth Afton, as well as making my father pay for his crimes.

As far as Michael was concerned the souls of his siblings, Charlie's soul, and the souls of the missing children, Gabriel, Susie, Jeremy, Fritz, and Cassidy were released. And if I was lucky my father's soul was burning in hell.

Even so, I couldn't get rid of the feeling of stomach upset, besides that, my Soul could feel the gloomy atmosphere of this place, to the point that the hairs on my forearms were standing on end as if I were Spiderman. It's not like he can become a superhero, not with the sins I had committed.

I couldn't avoid a self-deprecating laugh at the absurd comparison that my brain made. As I kept walking I could see that most of the people were taking refuge in their homes. Almost like... almost like people did the day Ennard left my body.

When they left my corpse to rot on the sidewalk while they escaped through the sewers. If it weren't for the Remnant of the Funtimes (especially the one about my sister Elizabeth). Which did not let me die, otherwise that same day I could have rested in peace.

I couldn't help but run a hand through my long hair (I'd let it grow so I could distinguish myself from William, gods I hate being compared to him) as I clucked in frustration. At times like these, I would start chewing all the gum I could. Since this is a habit that I have not let die since I began my adolescence.

But to my bad luck, which I was getting used to having in my life. I didn't have any gum with me, nor did I have any of the weapons with which I defended myself against the killer robots, the Taser at full power, the flashlight, and a metal bat were something I always clung to. Now I had none of my tools and I felt naked and vulnerable. The tools I put aside when the fire started to spread in the pizzeria and Taser I lost in my fight against Molten Freddy.

As I kept walking I looked at the tall tower that seemed to be in the center of the city. It was tall, but I wasn't impressed, when you live in countries like the United States where tall towers like that abound, there isn't much to be impressed by, I wasn't in a good mood since I didn't know what happened to me.

I hope Old Man Consequences has a reasonable explanation for what is happening to me. Because this place looked like a fucking maze. I was 100% sure that I had seen that utility pole twice. And I couldn't ask anyone, because the people outside looked at me suspiciously and others didn't look kindly at me, as if they were planning to rob me.

Not that there were many, since almost all the people were in hiding. I kept walking for what seemed like hours (when it was minutes) before I stopped wide-eyed as I watched a mother and her daughter walk into what looked like her home.

Were those tails and ears of cats? Just to make sure I ran my hands over my eyes several times before looking at them again. I have seen many strange things, killer robots, shadows made by AGONY that make you hallucinate, Golden Freddy's teleportation, killer living toys, and cursed objects. But I never saw someone special to mother and daughter have ears or tails that looked very real and not some kind of cosplay.

I shouldn't have been surprised, but I couldn't help but be surprised and I see my fidget. While my brain made a damn connection with everything I've seen. The old houses, the old clothes that people wore, the air was not completely polluted and the light poles did not have any type of cable. It seemed like...it seemed like...

As if I had traveled to the past, and not only the past, but also to a fantasy world to begin with, like those books I read just to find out which of my brothers would have liked it better.

I didn't know how long I stared at the door through which the mother and cat girl had entered. But I knew that my spiritual aura was beginning to be felt in the air. Anyone close enough could feel my AGONY and anguish.

Was this some sick joke on the world? Or was it hell and it made my mind hallucinate everything? I couldn't quite comprehend what was going on, if this was hell, then why would I have to hallucinate this kind of scenario? I've never been too interested in these kinds of books, I just read them for a reason other than liking me.

I could feel my body shaking with anger and frustration. If this wasn't hell or a hallucination of some kind. So, my mind can't think of what would be the reason for ending up in some fantasy place.

"HELP!! Someone, please help--!! Hmm!"

The cry for help snapped me out of my spiritual frenzy, my instincts kicking in, my muscles tensing before I ran in the direction I heard the cry for help before it cut off abruptly. Instinctively I put the mask over my face and did my best not to bump into my new body which is much less rigid and more flexible.

I kept running before entering an alley, one of many that seemed to be in this maze-like place. I stopped abruptly looking at the three men, two of them were holding a child who can't be older than 8 years old and the other bigger and more intimidating man was glaring at the men holding the child.

The three men, sensing my presence, stopped what they were doing to look directly at me.

"You'd better leave that kid alone" I spoke with a soft but firm voice.

The bigger man glared at me and clicked his tongue before looking at his minions "If you idiots had caught that kid without making a sound, then this idiot wouldn't have come close" The man stopped looking at his minions, before taking a step in front of me with an intimidating look "I'll give you a chance to get the hell out kid and forget you ever saw this if you don't want to suffer serious consequences"

I clenched my teeth in frustration, it was obvious these guys weren't going to give up no matter what I found out about them, if being in a medieval world was any indication of what I had seen then threatening them with the police wasn't going to work, Furthermore, I did not know if there was a police force or how good the police were in this place.

So I was probably alone in this situation and the kid who was about to be kidnapped by three men, of whom I was sure had no good intentions with the kid, so I was the only thing that would stand in the way of the cruel fate that awaited the underage boy.

I couldn't leave him if I wanted my conscience not to feel more guilty than I already did. I couldn't let any more kids get hurt, not after I couldn't do anything to stop my dad from hurting who knows how many kids. My guilt would not allow me to turn a blind eye to a situation like this.

I also knew that my AGONY would not be satisfied if I got out of the way of these evil men. I could feel my soul shuddering with the thirst for revenge that I had craved since I had died.

"I said leave the boy alone, I won't do it again," I said in a venomous whisper, my voice coming out hoarse, unnatural, and shaky. Even I could feel the waves of anger and hate coming out of them.

The man's two minions flinched at my voice and the anger I sent out in it, but the big man didn't flinch, instead giving me a wary look before smirking. "Either you're a brave guy or you're just a stupid idiot who's plagued by his rage. I'll tell you, we occupy guys like you in our forces, if you join us we can give this guy some neglect you say, child, what do you think guy?"

That comment only served to infuriate me "I'd rather die again than be like you. You're the kind of person I hate the most"

If the big man caught my slip, then he didn't show it. Instead, he shrugged before tensing his muscles and looking at me with a gleam of sadistic glee. "Too bad then, I guess I can have some fun with you before I kill you."

Before I could prepare to do anything, my survival instincts screamed for me to get out of the way. But it was too late, even if I had reacted in time my body wouldn't have been able to move so fast.

Before I can blink. The criminal leader removed the 15-foot distance in a second. Managing to stay in front of my body. Although my body unconsciously tried to dodge the attack, I was too slow.

The man hit me below the sternum. I could hear a sickening crack before feeling like a truck hit me hard, my eyes widened under my hidden mask at the agony, shock, and disbelief I felt. My feet lifted off the ground and I began to feel my body go flying from the impact. Until it stopped abruptly when my back hit a wall of one of the houses.

My body forced me to spit out blood, which filled the mask that covered my face. I could feel the blood that spilled from my mouth, it stained my face. Before I feel my face slammed into the ground.

I was stunned for a few minutes while a sharp pain ran through my stomach, I also tried to recover the air that was forced out of me. Tears stung my eyes making my vision blurry.

Although I did not know how I could know it, I can describe that the heat that I felt in the damaged part of my body was my AGONY trying to repair all the damage that this man had done to me with a single blow. This guy was not normal so trying to fight him without my "spiritual powers" as I called them would be foolish.

"You know, that was quite disappointing for your bravery, I thought you were a level 1 rookie adventurer, but now I know that you're just a foolish civilian wishing to play the hero, with a foolish sense of justice." I could hear the man sigh in disappointment "And I thought I was going to have fun breaking you, but you just turned out to be a cockroach that needs to be squashed." The man paused briefly "Take the child away I'm going to finish this quickly because I overestimated this guy we caused a commotion, probably some of the Familias will check out this place soon, so we have to leave quickly"

With trembling hands and legs, I slowly rose to my feet while with my right hand, I was holding where the psycho bastard had hit me, I raised my head to look at the big man who was getting closer and closer to my body—a badly injured who was desperately trying to make amends for the damage done.

I couldn't let these bastards get away with kidnapping that child, so even though I didn't like using that substance, right now I needed to use it to defeat this man who far surpassed human strength, that kind of power. in such a man. I couldn't help but feel a chill all over my body.

From what the man said, there was a police force that kept order and if those men were stealthily doing their illegal work, it meant that they couldn't fight them despite the supernatural strength just shown to me by this man.

That left two options, either the police force would overwhelm them with numbers to the point that they would be forced to leave the child behind to escape, or the police force in this place were people far stronger than these malicious men, so they couldn't figure it out. in luxury to fight them.

I did not know, if even fighting with my AGONY, I could against them. But now I knew I didn't need to win, I just needed to delay them long enough for the police force to arrive on the scene and apprehend them. It was not an easy task, nor a simple one, but... When were the tasks or objectives that I had in my life easy? Never.

I willingly let AGONY start coursing through my entire body (basically unleashing all the frenzy and negative feelings that souls get from dying horrifyingly and cruelly), but I would have to be careful not to lose myself in the bloodlust as they had made the other spirits.

When I was looking for my father, I was able to discover that if you could dominate AGONY (Strong negative feelings, which accumulate in a living or inanimate object, in this case, my human body) you could acquire supernatural abilities to a certain extent, as was the case from Golden Freddy and it teleportation or its power to control people's dreams, or as in the case of Puppet and her ability to give "gifts".

When I discovered my supernatural ability, I was quite scared by how strong and dangerous it could be. Unfortunately, I didn't work much with spirits, since they could repel me to a certain extent, so I didn't use it too much, only to the point of "dominating" it, if I can call something that comes naturally to you like breathing dominance.

"I won't let you... take the kid," my voice emerged, distorted and inhuman, almost like a robot on a killing spree. "I won't say it again... get away... from that kid!!!" The last sentence, uttered with my inhuman voice, fueled by the rage coursing through my AGONY, carried a foreboding and malevolent vibe. When I locked eyes with the three men, they froze in their tracks.




Only one of the henchmen was able to express his fear, the other was unable to utter a word because of the waves of bloodlust and malice that the Man in a White Bear mask was expelling.

"What the hell are you?" The criminal leader did not freeze in fear but in caution, but the abrupt change on the part of the meddler took the leader of the criminal mission by surprise, the feelings that that guy who thought he was a hero gave off, put his level 2 adventurer instincts into overdrive. maximum alert.

The sockets of the bear mask that covered the guy's eyes with black lenses now glowed with an inhuman and malicious purple tone. That together with the smile on the mask and the malicious feelings that the boy emitted. He gave the criminal mission leader a chill all over him. Wanting to end the ominous feeling that the boy produced. The level 2 criminal adventurer moved.


But before he could rip his head off with his hidden blade. A pressure hit him hard forcing him to his knees. The force of the pressure was so much that he caused cracks in the ground because his Level 2 adventurer's stamina prevented him from getting injured.

The minions who were Level 1 Adventurers weren't so lucky. Both of them were forced to let go of the child as the invisible force hit them hard. Their bodies fell hard to the ground at an awkward and extremely painful angle.

The criminal leader looked in surprise at the nosy boy who had raised a hand in his direction. Did the civilian have magic? That wouldn't be weird if he was an elf, but because of his ears, he could tell that he was a human. The criminal leader gritted his teeth in anger and frustration, just as lucky for this meddlesome bastard. He could tell that this boy didn't even have a skirt from how weakly he resisted before a show of force from a low-powered level 2, if he had hit him with all my strength I probably would have killed him.

Now the criminal leader of the mission that Evilus had entrusted to him could fail. He didn't know why the evil organization wanted to kidnap children, but he didn't care what Evilus did with those fucking brats. The criminal leader tried to stand up using all the strength of a level 2 adventurer that he possessed, but when he was about to get up, he could only feel that the invisible force increased the weight that it exerted on him forcing him to prostrate, his forearms and knees were the only things. that prevented his face from hitting the floor hard.

Damn magic, the criminal leader thought. Worst of all, the criminal leader didn't hear any kind of chant, not even a short one like most prodigies had or like people who read a grimoire. Although he cast long spells, he could also cast short ones. The criminal leader could tell that this boy would be very dangerous if he was allowed to stay alive.

He had to kill him so he wouldn't become a nuisance in the future. He only had to wait for his mind to exhaust himself before delivering the fatal blow. Because even though the criminal leader didn't move, the guy with the mask didn't either, it was just a matter of time.


I could feel my hands tremble as I tried to hold them back. The invisible force exerted on the larger man was twice as strong as the force I exerted on the thugs accompanying him.

Gravity check.

That was what I had called my supernatural ability. Although it couldn't affect the gravity of the world, it could affect the gravity of the bodies that occupy a space in the world. It didn't matter if it was a living being or a non-living something like an object, if it was in my spiritual range, then I could affect the body's gravity, either increasing or decreasing it.

The only problem is that the more bodies or strength I exert, the more AGONIA I need to use, therefore it means that I have to release all the negative feelings that my spirit has, unbridled rage, resentment, hatred, and deep sadness are the feelings that but they feed my AGONY.

AGONY is something I am very careful and wary of even though I can easily control my supernatural ability. If I'm not careful with this spiritual substance, it can escape me and inject negative feelings into targets. Like Golden Freddy did with the Toys. Especially the RAGE that could turn into a harmless object, one of a malevolent and aggressive nature.

Not to mention that it can negatively affect my ability to think and turn me into nothing more than a wild animal with an unbridled thirst for blood. That is why I had to maintain a balance in my AGONY and not exceed myself to the point that my AGONY dominates me.

I winced in discomfort, I wasn't used to using AGONY, on a living body. Also, I'm not supposed to be able to use my AGONY if I'm alive. But, I guess that the Remnant (will I still have if I'm alive?) who keeps (kept?) my soul tied to my body, is the one who should keep AGONY (it may also be that my AGONY joined my soul)

Do not try to exert more pressure, something told me not to. I didn't know if my new body could handle it if I exerted more AGONY to my ability to increase its power, but I didn't want to find out what would happen if my body couldn't handle the AGONY. It was not my Undead body that I could exert as much AGONY on as I pleased.

I could feel that a sticky liquid was beginning to escape from my eyes, I clenched my teeth at how hot it felt, even the smell it emanated was unpleasant (in these moments I wish my smell would not come back). I couldn't identify the scent of the substance escaping my eyes, but I was able to make a guess.

AGONY. It meant that I was getting close to the limit, if I didn't cut it, the AGONY could start to escape from my body. I didn't know what state my new body was in, but I knew that the agony could open my scars to escape the excess that I poured into my body. If this body had no openings to get out, it could create new openings, like a piece of clothing would do when it is stretched too much and breaks.

But what terrified me the most was that someone would discover what AGONIA is and how to use it. Since anyone can create AGONY. Knowing about the existence of AGONY is difficult and learning to use it is even more difficult. I don't want any more cases of "living" objects to happen. Like the Funtime or the Toys.

I could go on and kill criminals at the cost of my health. But... I don't think I can kill someone, not after what I did to Evan. I still had nightmares about it, not counting how many tears I'd shed.

I knew that each time I became more insensitive I began to feel a stronger and stronger feeling of emptiness and I feared that if I were to kill someone, I would begin to behave like vengeful spirits or worse, I would become like my father.

The hesitation within me briefly ended all the negative feelings that I was unconsciously expelling, that brief moment of hesitation and the loss of the AGONY that enabled my supernatural ability made the ability stop working for a few seconds.

Those seconds that I gave away were enough for the criminal leader to suddenly get up and close the distance. My survival instincts kicked in against my will again and instead of increasing the gravity weight of the criminal leader, I removed all gravity from him. I also had to lean my body back as far as I could without touching the wall behind my back to prevent the blade from piercing my skull.

The criminal leader widened his eyes as his feet cleared the ground as he approached me, even though his balance was thrown, he attempted to pierce my skull with his hidden blade. Due to the inhuman speed at which he was going and the criminal leader's abrupt loss of gravity, he went at a higher speed and he could not prevent his body from crashing against the wall that was already damaged by the shock from before.

The wall broke without resistance, and the small house trembled, looking like it was going to collapse, but managing to resist. Although I was sure that the house would need to be repaired or it would collapse sooner or later.

I took several steps back to a distance that could be called safe but with the speed of this criminal man. Not entirely sure, as I waited for any movement from the larger man I glanced over my shoulder to see the minions stand up and draw knives.

The tension grew even more when the big man came out through the big hole in the wall. As he gave me an expression that screamed bloody murder. "I was going to let your death be quick and painless you fucking bastard, now I'm going to enjoy hearing you scream"

I didn't answer, I just glared at him. I was not afraid of dying, certainly, that was a goal I was looking for to be able to rest in peace and reunite with my siblings. But if I had to die I was going to do it my way, not because of some fucking psycho bastard.

But before either of us could make a move. A new voice made its presence known to it.

"Ara-ara. What do we have here?"

next chapter
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