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40.74% Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA's Powers / Chapter 33: Chapter 27: Dragon Valley 2

Bab 33: Chapter 27: Dragon Valley 2



Devoid of sensation.

The realm of unconsciousness.

A place many find themselves in. Most...in lieu of unfortunate situations that caused their arrival at such a place. And in light of the string of misfortune placed upon Bell. He, too, found himself in the realm of unconsciousness.

But his mental landscape of lost awareness was not the void that many encounters... but a field of white sand... an endless clear sky... an expanse of endless weapons... and a great black sphere that overlooks it all.


A calming gale washed over the landscape, conveying the sense of calm its user is experiencing.

For this land was not of natural creation. A world inside one's mind, forged and created through an intensely refined and defined desire. A magecraft that lies at the pinnacle of all bounded fields. An art stolen from arcane demons and repurposed for humans to use.

「Reality Marble」

"I always find myself in UBW whenever I go to sleep...Emiya Shirou only got a few glimpses of it whenever he slept...and archer made it his home after his contract to Alaya...I wonder what makes my situation different from theirs?..."

Bell mindlessly talked to himself as he lay on the white sands of his unique iteration of Unlimited Blade Works. He would use his time in this reality marble to either practice his swordsmanship or projection while sleeping... or just sleep.

"Sleeping inside a dream produced when I'm sleeping. Training in UBW doesn't seem to diminish my brain's recovery of stamina... but resting after thinking or doing nothing here really is the best."

"I don't know if it's some placebo effect..."

Bell spoke as he stood up from lying on the ground, growing tired of resting when his thoughts kept haunting him from peaceful rest.

He turned his eyes skyward. Peering deeply into the great black sphere, which lay magnanimously high in the sky.

"...Ars Almadel Salomonis... it's still weird to see that here..."

Bell naturally recognized the destructive noble phantasm of the former grand caster Solomon. Its sheer power was able to raze the Earth clean in an instant, setting off a chain of events that threatened the foundation of human history in its entirety.

"But it's just similar in appearance to that noble phantasm. If I had that power, it would be extremely easy to solve most of my major problems... I wonder what the dungeon would do if I point such a noble phantasm straight down from the first floor..."

Bell began walking as he thought idly, randomly projecting weapons onto his hands like he was playing with a fidget toy.

A holy sword forged from the inner sea of the world. Chains forming a spear that awoke the breath of the stars. A barrel that measured life and inflicted death.

But they were merely hollow replicas of the mighty weapons conjured from Bell's memories.

"I hope the demi-spirits arent this world's equivalent of dead apostles...I already confirmed Gaia is somehow linked to the dungeon, and Alaya to my reincarnation and powers...if the demi-spirits somehow gain immunity to weapons of mortals...I'll have to start research on projecting divine constructs..."

Bell would use his idyllic time in his reality marble to think about contingencies for the worst-case scenario. Being reborn into vanilla-Danmachi was already troublesome enough with the insane time period that the author wanted Bell to kill the last great monster... but Fate just adds a whole other mess he has to deal with.

"Please...please no alien conquerors... please don't tell me there's a beast just wandering around...and please no type-ORT who is secretly sleeping within the planet..."

Bell slowly began to fall into the fears he could come up with from his memories. But before he could fall even further, a soothing tone began to ring out through his reality.

𝘓𝘶 𝘓𝘶𝘶 𝘓𝘶𝘓𝘶𝘓𝘶𝘓𝘶 𝘓𝘶𝘓𝘶𝘓𝘶 𝘓𝘶𝘓𝘶𝘓𝘶 𝘓𝘶𝘓𝘶𝘓𝘶 𝘓𝘶 𝘓𝘶𝘶...


Bell began to focus his senses to mesh with his reality marble. He felt the presence of no intruders. He felt no interference with his inner world.

"That means... it's from outside the reality marble... someone singing to me?"

Bell was familiar with such a sensation...it would come when his senses in the real world began to take over... when he was about to wake up.

The mental landscape around Bell began to crumble away. Being faded into a white that overtook all his senses. Painting over everything Bell saw and felt...until...it was no more.




'Where...am I?...'

Bell aroused from his slumber. His body was aching in pain, but his mind was relatively fine.

'Gh... I guess I overdid myself back then...my Avalon self-regeneration usually takes a whole night for me to recover from such injuries...so has it only been a few hours since I?...'

But Bell was cut from his thoughts as something entered into recognition from his vision. A beauty of blue hair stood above him, closing her eyes gently, humming the melodic tune he had heard from within his reality marble.

"Lu...Hm? Oh, you're awake..."

Artemis made eye contact with Bell, noticing his slight movements when he had awakened. She looked down at him with a neutral but gentle face.

"Are you alright? Any abnormalities?"

Artemis asked softly. Curiosity is apparent on her face. But Bell remained silent, his mind processing numerous thoughts at that moment. Most of them were of the shocked variety.

'Artemis?... I didn't expect them to find me... luckily, I was able to meet them, but...what's with my luck? it's fluctuating between E and A so quickly...'

Before Bell prolonged the silence by pondering too long on his thoughts, he quickly replied to the goddess who was looking upon him.

"I'm quite alright dear goddess. I assume you have helped me when I was rendered unconscious?"

Bell spoke in a calm cadence, surprising the goddess slightly.

"Yes. I and my familia tended to you when you fell, but we did nothing more than keep your body safe from monsters. You possess quite...fascinating abilities..."

Artemis said with a glint of interest in her eyes. The gods and goddesses of Orario mainly descended for amusement and interest. For the goddess Artemis, she fascinated herself with training chaste hunters and witnessing the valor a mortal is capable of.

'So she's seen it...my projection and Avalon...'

Bell thought to himself as Artemis spoke what she had said.

'It can't be helped. if anything...it will allow me to get closer to Artemis if she finds me fascinating enough to approach'

But before Bell continued his thoughts, Artemis had cut him off.

"You're quite calm for finding yourself in a place you don't know...why is that?"

Artemis asked in curiosity, but Bell noticed the slight hints of wariness on her expression. Speaking promptly to alleviate those concerns as soon as possible.

"I'm quite adept at reading expressions and moods dear goddess...a skill I've unfortunately only developed in recent times..."

Bell said as he reminisced on his experiences with Medea with that false positive, and the numerous women he has to keep track of to not fall into being a hyperdense protagonist rivaling a black hole...something he feels he has already failed.

"I've had my fair share of encounters with malice...and you exude no such behavior, dear goddess...and even if you did..."

Bell's eyes began to glow faintly as he spoke with Artemis.

"I'm quite certain I would turn out just fine"

Seeing the confidence of a capable warrior in Bell. One not developed out of hubris nor foolishness. Artemis smiled lightly at the mortal who traveled a similar path to her own.

"You impress me Gray Ghost. After what my familia's children have told me about you, I expected no less of such a response"

Bell was momentarily taken by surprise at Artemis knowing his identity.

"You know who I am?..."

"Your reputation extends beyond Orario Gray Ghost. My vice-captain is apparently quite fond of your antics in the dungeon city"

Artemis spoke with a light small on her face. Her divinity and experience made her know that the figure in front of her was no criminal nor scum.

'Artemis' vice captain?...outside of Arethusa and Lante, not much is known about the Artemis familia's members...I wonder if it's someone new'

Bell thought as he rose from his laying position into a sitting one atop the collapsible bed he rested on.

"I'm surprised I'm known outside of Orario, and I'm honored that a member of your familia recognized me...how did she recognize me? I could've been any person with full-plate armor..."

Bell asked in curiosity.

"Well...aside from your renowned appearance of gray armor. As per what my vice-captain told me, your unique weaponry of numerous chained swords is quite distinguishing. It's quite an unorthodox form of equipment"

Hearing what Artemis spoke, Bell was able to accept how he would've been recognized.

'So I'm known outside of Orario...Rakia will no doubt learn about me after Welf's kidnappers were detained and deported...the more people that know about my persona, the better'

Artemis then spoke to Bell.

"Would you care to join me and familia for dinner? Your injuries appear to have been tended to, but no doubt you must be famished"

Bell eagerly accepted the offer. His constant physical exertion that day made his stomach growl loudly.

"I'll gladly accept. I hope I'm not tampering too much with your familia's supplies. Lady?.."

Bell spoke as he feigned ignorance about the goddess' identity.

"Artemis. It's nice to make your acquaintance Gray Ghost"

Artemis spoke with a smile on her face. Extending her hand to the vigilante.

"As am I, Lady Artemis"

Bell shook her hand. Genuinely ecstatic at their encounter, and hoped that much more comes from it.




Amidst the backdrop of a deep lush forest, covered in the starlight of night.

a crowd gathers around a cacophony of flames. Campfires that heated the numerous meals the group was eating.

The Artemis familia were merrily indulging in their dinner, their stupor was broken by the appearance of their goddess exiting one of their many tents...alongside an imposing figure with dark gray armor.

"Lady Artemis!"

Many voices from the familia called out to the goddess in joy.

Though their familia was one that was built upon strictly maintained order, it was not to the point that the goddess and her children maintained a professional distance at all times, only during battles or important meetings.

"And...the Gray Ghost..."

Lante slowly spoke as the others greeted Artemis. Stunned slightly by the atmosphere being exuded by the figure.


Arethusa, Atalante, and the veterans of the familia began to examine the Gray Ghost with interest. Wanting to examine the warrior who had caused such havoc and destruction against the wyverns.

"I'm pleased to know that you're all well. Though it may be abrupt, I have invited the Gray Ghost to join in our meal. I hope none of you would mind"

Artemis spoke with calm. Though she personally invited the Gray Ghost to join them, she wasn't a goddess who was inconsiderate of her children's opinions.

'The children don't interact much with men due to my policy...I hope they aren't completely repulsed by the presence of-'

As Artemis was considering the possible ramifications her rules of being chaste might entail, her thoughts were cut off by a resounding agreement from a majority of the familia.

"We don't mind Lady Artemis!"


Artemis was taken off guard by the sudden shout of her children. Partly glad that her children haven't grown into misandrists...partly concerned that they were so quick to agree...

'Though our familia requires us to be chaste...many of us are quite interested in romance Lady Artemis...'

Rethusa thought as she recognized the expression of her goddess. The familia captain was well aware of the familia's regular gossip talk, so she simply relented at the chaste familia being filled with romanticists.

"Though I'm sure you're well aware of who I am, I will introduce myself for formalities sake. I'm the Gray Ghost, and for personal reasons, I wish for my true identity to remain anonymous"

"I would like to thank you all for taking me in while I was unconscious, and for graciously accepting my intrusion into your familia's meal time"

Bell spoke as he did a curt bow to express his gratitude, an action that captured the attention of the all-female familia.

"Don't think much about it Gray! Come in and get yourself a bowl! The stew is quite delicious, and share some of your stories with us!"

Lante approached him with a jovial attitude. Quickly entering his personal space to tug on his arm and drag him into the group's campfire.

The half-elf was quite adept at naturally drawing people in.

'Blue hair...and shorter elvish ears...a half-elf...Lante?'

Bell wondered in his mind as to the identity of the person pulling him. The half-elf Lante was never given an illustration that showcased her appearance, but from observing the features of the person in front of him, Bell concluded it was Lante.

'There's a variety of races in the familia...I can even see Rethusa in the back...along with...?!-'

Bell was continuing his observations but was left shocked as his eyes landed on a cat girl.

'Atalante?...so this is another fate element this world has...'

Bell slowly thought as he looked over the cat-girl once more. Her striking appearance which matched his memories of his past life was all the confirmation he needed.

'I wonder if she'll be like Medea and differ from her Fate counterpart? Has she slain a monster like the Calydonian boar?... I should ask if she has ever met a man named Jason...'

Bell thought to himself at the differences that might've been made to Atalanta in this world...unaware that the Medea he thought was different...was slowly turning into the witch of betrayal he was familiar with.

"So! You're the Gray Ghost right?"

Lante spoke with excitement and curiosity. Bell had already sat himself amongst the familia. A bowl of stew held in his hands.

The familia eagerly awaited Bell's response alongside the eager half-elf, having grown curious after all the stories Lante had learned about him.

"Yes. I am the Gray Ghost. Did you just want the confirmation from me?"

Hearing that the Gray Ghost was receptive to her questioning, Lante then continued with her interrogation.

"It's nothing like that. Just checking if you're fine with me asking. You give off a brooding atmosphere y'know?"

Lante lightly joked, followed by the visible and silent nods of her familia mates.

The dark gray armor and mask did not exude the most approachable atmosphere, so it was quite a surprise to them that the Gray Ghost was an amicable individual.

"I usually am only like that for criminals or enemies...would you want me to be dark and broody?"

Hearing the proposal of the Gray Ghost, Lante immediately replied to quickly refuse it.

"No! I'm already tired of Atalanta! I don't want another overly serious person in my-"


But before Lante could finish with her jab at the cat girl...the sound of a crushed rock rang throughout the gathering...

"Lante?...what did I say about how I treat you?..."

Atalanta spoke with an eerie smile on her face...pebbles being visible under her feet...along with signs of cracks on the ground.


Lante's jovial cheer immediately diminished under the gaze of her friend, something which brought laughter to her familia and clarity to Bell.

'So she's generally the same person from what I can see...I just hope I'm not forced to abandon a child in the future then...'

Scenes of Atalanta's outburst from one of the many shows he watched in the past began to play in his mind...it was not a scene he would wish to partake in.




The night waned on as Bell continued to speak of his experiences as the Gray Ghost to the Artemis familia.

Stories of the criminals he took down, the people he had saved, the things he had learned, and many more.

Feelings of laughter, awe, and curiosity were exchanged greatly.

But among this sharing of experiences, Rethusa began to think to herself about the Gray Ghost's appearance. Something Atalante who was sitting beside her was doing as well.

'We can already cross off the notion that he's a criminal. Lady Artemis couldn't detect a hint of malice towards her or the familia. So what would lead the vigilante of Orario...to travel all the way here to the boonies?... perhaps he wants to explore the Dragon Valley?...'

Arethusa deeply pondered.

Though he had already grown comfortable among the familia, exuding neither malice nor perversion, something that was common for the men who had perchance upon their group.

Despite all of the banter they had, she remained cautious of the vigilante.

'It's a bit of a harsh decision considering he has been accepted by Lady Artemis and the familia...'

But such was the duty of a familia captain. They should always prioritize the well-being of their familia above all else...even if it meant doing rather unpleasant acts.

'My decisions affect the livelihood of my goddess and familia members...'

Atalante followed the same train of thought but saw herself as more of a caretaker of the familia rather than a captain.

'I wonder if the captain will do it...or will it be me?'

Rethusa and Atalante exchanged gazes, clearly communicating in silence with each other. Soon they concluded.

'It will have to be me then...'

Atalante sighed lightly. She was given the task of playing devil's advocate on many occasions for the familia. A role she willingly undertook to allow her familia an advantage in negotiations or talks.

'It's always best for me to do it...so that if things go south, a higher-up can rebuke me and calm things down...'

Such skills were developed among Arethusa and Atalante to manage their familia for so long.

Falna may have equalized the attainment of strength, but prejudices were still widespread and believed. Especially in a medieval-esque world.

"Hey. Gray Ghost"

Atalante spoke up to the vigilante. Drawing his attention almost instantly along with those of her familia.

Lante recognized the look on Atalante's face, supplemented with that of Rethusa's

'...𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩...do they have to be such downers?...the mood is going to be ruined...'

As the vice-captain, she was aware of the existence and necessities of such tactics...but as a person who preferred light-hearted joy over heavy seriousness whenever possible, she quite disliked whenever they were employed.

"What exactly are you here for?"

Atalante spoke with a serious tone. Something which made the familia quiet down. Lante and Artemis appeared troubled and Rethusa gazed clearly at the Gray Ghost.

"It's not regular that someone would travel this far north. So why exactly did you leave Orario for this place?"

Lante spoke up, not wanting the Gray Ghost to be too offended by her friend's bluntness.

"I'm sorry about Atalante, Gray Ghost...she means well...she's just...a bit-"

But before she could continue any longer, she was cut off.

"It's alright. I understand. Given the particular nature of your familia and our current location, it would only be natural to remain suspicious of me"

Lante awkwardly quieted down after Bell's response. Artemis, Arethusa, and the other familia members were relieved a scene wouldn't be made. Atalante simply continued to stare at Bell, with less apprehension this time.

"The reason I left was simple...I have knowledge of troubles outside of Orario that I simply cannot ignore...events that may threaten the continent if left unchecked..."

Bell spoke with seriousness. None of his amicable nature was present any longer.

The Artemis familia listened attentively to what the vigilante had possibly learned to urge him outside of the dungeon city.

Artemis meanwhile felt she knew where this was headed...something she wished wasn't true...

"A great monster is slowly rousing from its slumber...a slumber produced when numerous spirits attempted to seal it away...the seal wasn't perfect...and so the monster rouses once more to wreak havoc upon Gekai...the monster Antares...who is sealed in the depths of the Elsos ruins..."

In an instant, a chill of realization ran down the spines of the Artemis familia.

The destination of their journey...was the lair of a great monster.

Arethusa and Lante immediately turned their heads to their goddess, seeking confirmation...and the goddess simply spoke in reluctance.

"I never knew it was a great monster...but I have been feeling premonitions of unease towards the Elsos ruins...I thought it would be nothing more than a false feeling..."

Artemis spoke with a hint of sadness for hiding the truth from her familia whom she trusted.

Arethusa took over the conversation immediately, wishing to ask the Gray Ghost for more information.

"Gray Ghost...I assume you have more information on this monster?...Antares?"

Bell simply replied.


"The great monster Antares is a black scorpion possessing a humanoid body. Black covering its body with traces of red. A monster by appearance and its nature."

"It possesses immense strength and magic which make it enough of a threat as is...but there are two defining traits which raise it to a level of its own"

"First is its ability to spawn a brood of smaller scorpions. On their own, they are not much. But they can be reproduced en mass. And should it live long enough...it can adapt and evolve into a higher being"

"Forests will be left dead in its wake. Villages and cities burned to the ground. An army of endless monsters..."

The scene that Bell had painted with his words already left the familia in fear of Antares. They knew full well what sheer numbers can achieve in battle...but Bell wasn't finished.

"But...that is the lesser of the two evils... its most frightening trait...is its ability to consume gods...and utilize their Arcanum for its use"

Fear...can drive people to deny reality itself...but in the face of such absurdities...it's sometimes more comforting to do so.

"Impossible! How the hell can such a monster exist?!"

Atalante spoke out with anger. Such a thing...such a claim...how could it be allowed to be born?

"I completely understand your reaction...but as impossible as it may seem, I full-heartedly believe the source of my information..."

'I've watched this in a movie about this world after all...'

Bell thought to himself. He couldn't exactly source his past life as a reliable reference.

"Believe it or not, this is what I've left Orario to do. To slay the monster Antares"

Bell's blue eyes began to glow under his mask and hood, appearing as a blue haze to the Artemis familia. His resoluteness being conveyed clearly.

"If it is nothing more than a hoax, then I would be plenty happy...but your goddess has corroborated my suspicions with an unexplainable fear that is mystic in nature. I don't take Lady Artemis as the hysterical type..."

"So what will you do now?...you all have told me that your current journey is for the Elsos ruins...knowing the possibility of what may be ahead...will you all press on?"

Bell's question was met with silence.

'Not that I can blame them...'

But it was a silence he didn't condemn nor shame.

The Artemis familia's untimely death in the movie was in large part attributed to their lack of information on Antares.

'They were the worst possible match-up for the monster. Having their goddess within arms reach of a monster that consumes gods...it wasn't shown, but I assume the familia was burdened with having to defend their goddess...'

The capable Hermes familia with the level four Asfi struggled to keep the monster in check, so it would prove even more of a challenge to the mostly level two familia who had to defend their goddess as well.

'But with me around...they now know what they were about to get themselves into...Atalante may have been an unexpected addition, but I highly doubt she would sway the odds much...'

Bell continued to ponder as he looked upon the familia...awaiting their choice...


Artemis remained silent...she was not taken over by fear...she was taken over by immense guilt.

'I...almost led my familia to doom...'

The goddess didn't concern herself with the matter of being consumed and having her Arcanum stolen...she was greatly shocked by it...feared what would happen...but the idea that her children's blood may have been on her hands... the feeling took over her in an instant.

'I always believed that a deity must be a solitary figure of strength...uncompromising...unyielding...it's what led me to be so firm in my beliefs...it's what led to me believing I should do everything myself...'

Deities send their children into battle without instructing much. Artemis joined by their side in the fray.

Familia captains would generally arrange most affairs. Artemis would involve herself in those affairs alongside Rethusa.

'I believed it to be my responsibility...as a goddess tending to the brief flickering flames that were my familia children...'

Because of a foreign feeling. Because of something she refused to share with her familia.

'Because of my arrogance...'

Because of her pride.

'I...almost marched my children to their deaths...'

Artemis was left unknowing of what to do. Her entire mantra and philosophy almost lead to the loss of the most precious group of people in her eons of existence as a goddess.

But though she was wallowing in sadness, she was not one to simply lay in self-pity.

'I have to be better...I have to...its...the only way I can ensure...nothing like this happens again...'

Artemis' resolve to nurture her familia preceded any sadness she would experience.

So long as she was responsible for the lives entrusted into her hands...

'So long as they're under my care...I cannot simply afford to do such a thing...'

Her will was tempered for a long time. She was not a person easily taken down by such a possible tragedy.

Though gods like Hermes and his friends were more playful in their perversion, she had to often deal with extreme deities who wished to do unsavory acts and bastardize the virginities of victimized gods and goddesses alike.

'Improve upon what I lack...I would need to...change...'

Change. It was something she was unfamiliar with.

The gods and goddesses, upon their conception, are mainly defined by the authorities they possessed.

The goddess Ishtar will always seek pleasure and vanity. The god Ouranos will always seek order and governance. The goddess Loki will always seek to scheme and trick.

'And I...will always seek...for purity...and solitary strength...'

Artemis governed over the moon, the hunt, and chastity. Her authority over the moon and the hunt naturally made her seek to accomplish everything through her own strength. Independence from all else is what defined her personality the most.

'Can I...even change?...is such a thing even possible for a goddess like me?...'

Artemis doubted that such a thing was possible. Throughout her entire life, not once has she seen a god or goddess reformed from their predisposed nature.

'There was that one goddess that caused a ruckus before with a change in personality...she wasn't really keen on me intruding in her affairs...Valfreyja?...I don't quite remember....'

She tried to recall the faintest memory that fitted what she sought...but the fact it was blurry in her memories went to show how rare such an occurrence was.

'It wasn't even a change from their authority from what I can remember...merely a different aspect of it...'

Dependence. Such a concept went against every authority the goddess possessed.

'I did rely on my children for minor matters...but what I want...is complete reliance on another...'

To many, such a problem of mentality would seem easily resolvable. But to deities it's major. They are living embodiments of their authority. To go against it is to go against your entire purpose of existence.

As the Artemis familia held silent in contemplation. As Bell awaited their decision while warmed by the campfire. Artemis began to quietly recall her past. Closing her eyes as the world remained silent around her.

'...Aphrodite...she told me about how...love can change anyone?...'

Artemis began to recall her meeting with the goddess of beauty days prior. It was a conversation she had with the goddess numerous times. A memory she had subconsciously forgotten due to not heeding her words at all.

But in the face of finding a way to improve herself by going against her nature...she recalled Aphrodite's words.

'Love...I remembered Athena saying she didn't pay much attention to it...other than the fact it was a mysterious additive force...something that can achieve the impossible'

But such an occurrence was rarely documented for the goddess of knowledge to even research about, so she promptly threw it away from her mind. Artemis too did the same.

'Aphrodite kept telling me that I was missing out in life because of it...even my familia...Arethusa and Lante believed in what Aphrodite said...'

Artemis recalled the ruckus her encounter with Aphrodite stirred within her familia. Talks of love and romance began to spring about. Eventually causing the goddess of chastity to question why they were so enamored by it...

'Love...can it be the key to what I'm looking for?...'

Artemis concluded such a possibility. She would normally refuse to believe such a thing was possible...but the current situation has led her to consider it...as well as the existence of something conceptually linked to her.

「Orion Arrow: They Who Pierce」

A divine construct that she can manifest in spite of the limitation on Arcanum imposed by Ouranos.

The strongest arrow ever to be constructed in the heavens. Capable of slaying divine existences.

'The Orion Arrow...supposedly it should be held by my partner...a soul of innocence that can intertwine with mine...'

Artemis knew the destiny held within her divine construct, but she simply believed it to be false with her disposition.

'I'm fated to meet an archer who can wield the arrow...and my love with that archer...may allow me to go against my nature...to improve...to ensure I cannot repeat this mistake once more...'

It was a plausible scenario...but one the goddess didn't particularly like...

'So I'll have to wait for my Orion to appear...before I can even start to change?...'

Having her improvement hinged on another person...it was something most people wouldn't be comfortable with...and it was something especially uncomfortable for Artemis.

But Artemis knew it was something she would have to accept. For the sake of the lives entrusted into her responsibility...if relying on another is what will keep them safe in the future...

'Then I'll do it...I just hope it doesn't take too long...for me to meet my Orion...'

Artemis concluded her ponderings. She then turned her eyes to her familia. Seeing them continue to wallow in contemplation, she didn't blame them. It was a matter of life and death after all.

'I raised them to pursue righteousness. But I also raised them to be trained warriors, not simple fools who rush in with only ideals...'

Artemis made sure each of her huntresses weighed each situation with their capability. A deadweight with good intentions is still a deadweight.

The goddess simply accepted their silence. Then she turned her eyes to the figure that had helped avoid their untimely demise.

'The Gray Ghost...I wonder if it was fate for us to meet here?...'

Artemis knew very well that the concepts of fate and destiny were present in the world.

Meeting a prominent figure who held such important knowledge...it would be right to assume it was too good to be true.

'But he possessed neither malice nor cruel intention in his demeanor and soul'

Artemis trusted the vigilante after observing his soul. It was clear to her as a deity that such was the truth.

Only a god or goddess too drunk on vain matters would disregard such an ability and fall prey to malicious mortals...Dolos sneezed as he was being tortured by various gods and goddesses of justice for his crimes.

'Regardless of how the Gray Ghost encountered us...it was a blessing that he did...I wonder what I should do to repay him?...'

Artemis wanted to thank the mysterious mortal for allowing her to see the error in her ways. It was an action that was significant for the immortal goddess.

But as she thought about how to repay him...another stray thought entered her mind.

'Could...Gray Ghost...be my Orion?...'

A fated encounter. One that was significant in its occurrence. One that would derail destiny should it not occur. It was a natural thing to assume...but it was a thought Artemis discarded.

'It's not possible...Orion was described as an innocent soul...Gray Ghost...from what I can observe...is far from innocent...'

Artemis couldn't observe the colors of souls easily, only being able to trace a faint image. But the little she saw was enough for the goddess.

'Black and white...the color of sin...and the color of purity... a righteous desire held with the realities of the world...Gray Ghost...is far from innocent'

But such a thing wasn't scorned by Artemis. She knew full well the necessities of such measures. She herself had committed such acts when faced with criminals like rapists.

Sympathized as she did with the Gray Ghost...but sympathy wasn't enough to change her fated person.

'An innocent soul...just how can I be fated to such a person? would they not be too naive to take action amidst atrocity?...it simply doesn't make sense...'

Artemis was confused at how her destiny was laid out. She could not imagine herself with such a person...but she simply relented. She was too unknowing of the ways of love to make a comment herself.

'I simply don't get romance...'




After a few moments of silence, the Artemis familia turned to their captain, all wearing an expression that Rethusa understood completely.

Rethusa then walked near to the Gray Ghost and posed a question to him.

"This monster...Antares...the seal on it was defective...causing it to awake once more right?"

Bell replied.

"Yes. The seal failed to keep the monster in an eternal slumber...and it threatens to escape its enclosure due to that failure..."

Hearing this...the resolve of the Artemis familia was finally solidified.

"Then we will continue with our journey to the Elsos ruins"

Arethusa declared with conviction. None of the members of the familia verbally or appeared to reject this.

They all faced death...and they all moved forward.

"If the seal breaks and Antares is allowed to roam free. Countless innocents will be lost. Our inaction will be the cause of death for hundreds and possibly thousands..."

"We are too far to call for help from prominent familias in Orario. We possess no mounts like young dragons that will allow us to travel such a distance with ease...so we either make a stand here...or watch as numerous cities and villages are razed to the ground..."

Arethusa looked around towards her fellow familia members. They remained determined.

Arethusa looked towards her goddess. A smile was shown on her face. She was proud of the children she had raised.

"Gray Ghost...if we were to join forces...what is the likelihood of our success?..."

Such a thing needed to be known. If complete subjugation was out of the picture, delaying tactics may be employed to halt the escaping of Antares while others will be sent for help.

The answer would determine the general outline of the strategy to be used.


Bell remained quiet as he pondered on the question.

'Antares hasn't consumed Artemis, so I won't have to worry about the arcanum arrows...the brood has probably not manifested to the extent shown in the movies...so there won't be a mob of regenerating scorpions to worry about..."

To Bell, the situation was ideal...but there was one key factor that made him doubt attaining victory...

'But I don't have the capabilities to wield the Orion Arrow...'

The Orion Arrow was the key deciding factor that allowed Antares to be slain in the movie.

It was a divine construct that ignored the power difference between the great monster and the cast...its the only weapon that succeeded where even a level four like Asfi failed to accomplish.

'The original Bell used 「Argonaut」to empower the Orion Arrow and strike Antares with it...I'm sure I can accomplish a similar feat with my 「Reinforcement」magecraft...but would I even be able to wield the arrow in the first place...'

Bell knew he didn't possess an innocent soul, but it was an impressive one that caught the eye of Freya. But unique it may...innocence was the most important consideration in this situation.

'Ais was described as having an impressive soul by Freya's standards, but even she wasn't able to wield the Orion Arrow...'

Bereft of the victory condition shown in the movie...but facing an opponent that is much weaker in comparison...

"...It will be hard-fought...but the possibility of victory is within reach"

Bell felt as though that slaying Antares was possible.

'If I remember correctly, Artemis should be capable of wielding the arrow herself. It will be much weaker, but it's still a divine killing weapon'

'I just need to coordinate with the Artemis familia to keep her safe and allow her to strike...if we do that...victory is ours'

Hearing the declaration of the Gray Ghost. Arethusa nodded as she extended her hand toward the vigilante.

"Gray Ghost. May we join you in your journey to fell Antares?"

Seeing the conviction in Rethusa's eyes, Bell happily accepted.

"I look forward to our cooperation. Artemis familia captain"

Hearing the alliance being made, Arethusa promptly shouted out orders to the rest of the familia.

"Everyone! Prepare all rations for our journey into the Dragon Valley tomorrow! We will continue our journey to the Elsos ruins! Perform a brief check-up then immediately rest up for tomorrow. Am I clear?"

The familia replied with discipline.

"Yes, Captain!"

All the women began to move about the encampment to perform their duties. Most wore serious expressions. Some smiled at the adventure that awaited them.

"Sorry for the instigation from Atalante, Gray Ghost. She did it under my orders so..."

Arethusa spoke to the Gray Ghost to apologize but was cut off.

"Don't think too much of it Arethusa. I completely understand that it was necessary"

Hearing that it wasn't taken with offense, Arethusa smiled that the Gray Ghost was understanding of her position as the familia captain.

As the two were talking, Artemis simply continued with a smile.

The gathering of unlikely allies. Set against the looming threat of a monster that dwarfed their strengths individually...but could be overcome through their cooperation.

The journey has been sealed. There was no more turning back.

「This is nothing more than a comedy! Through the union of mortals...we can achieve a feat that will leave the gods in shock and laughter! HAHAHAHAHA」

The laughter of a man from an age long past resounded in silence throughout the scene. His voice belied calculated confidence beneath a veneer of tomfoolery.

The world looked upon the scene in shock at the similarity it had to an event long ago.

The first comedy.

The beginning of the age of heroes.

A fool's journey to save a princess from a vile bull...the clown's march...the birth of the hero of the dawn...

A story passed down through the ages has recreated itself once more..."The Fate of Hero"





High in the mountains.

The air was barely filling the lungs. The cold struck against the body with no remorse.

White, white, and even more white. The freezing snow covered all that could be seen.

One of the three great unexplored frontiers. The nest of beasts. The chasm of demise.

The Dragon Valley.

"Lante! Bring your squad to reinforce the rear lines!"

"On it!"


Amidst the scene of snow...a battle was taking place.

"Atalante! Lady Artemis! We will cover for you, so take position against the wyverns and infant dragons!"

Arethusa shouted as Atalante and Artemis heeded her commands. They deftly positioned themselves to have a clear shot at the numerous foes they were facing.

It had been a week since Bell and the Artemis familia allied themselves to take down Antares.

They quickly entered the Dragon Valley in order to arrive at their destination.

Though the group was merely navigating the outskirts of the valley, it was already situated quite high and possessed numerous foes.

Due to being an area that the touch of mortals and the divine failed to reach. Numerous dragonic surface monsters began to congregate here.

Growing stronger as they hunted each other in a bid for survival.


Numerous arrows lodged themselves into the bodies of the wyverns and infant dragons. Piercing them deeply in vital areas. The signs of ashen decay began to occur around their bodies.


The battle raged on for a few more minutes...until it was finally over.

The crowd of monsters thinned to the point that the remaining survivors began to escape to preserve their lives.

"phew...that was a workout..."

Bell spoke as he pulled his chained blades out of a decaying wyvern. Only to then be thanked by the members of the Artemis familia that were around him.

"Thanks for the assist, Gray!"

The huntresses shouted as they began to assist their members that took some minor damage from the battle, alongside collecting the magic stones.

'I still find it hard to believe that I'm not weirded out being stuck in a group of only women...don't tell me its because I'm a mix of Bell and Emiya-'

Bell jokingly thought as he began to help out in the post-battle operations as well.

He had been fighting alongside the Artemis familia as they traversed the Dragon Valley. Something he was eager to do to learn how to fight in a group.

'Atalante complimented me on my teamwork...Lante says she rarely gives out compliments...so I must be doing good'

Bell had quickly picked up on how to fight as a group. Using his structural grasp to get a rough estimation of every member's fighting styles and general characteristics in battle. A technique he was learning after his battle with the Goliath.

The group's journey through the outskirts of the Dragon Valley was almost over. The navigator of the Artemis familia said it was half a day's walk left until they reach the forest bordering the Elsos Ruins.

'It's almost time...I've already familiarized myself with fighting alongside the familia...and I've already gone over strategies with Rethusa and Artemis...'

Bell gripped his chained swords tightly.

'It's time for me to hunt a scorpion'




Authors Note:

Thanks for reading the chapter!


As I said in the comments of the previous chapters, I'm going back to school. It's been a bit hectic so I wasn't given a lot of time to write.

Hell, I'm writing this while waiting to answer my college entrance test HAHAHAHA.

Hope you don't mind that this upload schedule might be regular for a bit. It's my last semester before graduation, so lessons will be quick and hard.

The next chapter will be Bell and the Artemis familia versus Antares. Expect a long fight scene and some power development for Bell.

That will be all. Thank you again for supporting this fanfic!

next chapter
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