Unduh Aplikasi
100% Danmachi: Knight and Justice / Chapter 8: Chapter 7: What is Justice? and Jaune's Potential

Bab 8: Chapter 7: What is Justice? and Jaune's Potential

Jaune had bid farewell to the Astraea Familia girls a few moments ago. Those girls were quite pleasant, and he suspected they trusted each other more than he could imagine.


God Ellen hadn't uttered a word as he continued guiding Jaune through Orario. The Astraea Familia girls continued to glare at God, especially Ryuu and Kaguya, but Alise's reassuring presence seemed to ease the tension.


Before Jaune could leave, he had to accept the gratitude of several people who detained him for a few moments. He was glad these people were healed of any injuries. After several greetings and introducing himself to those who asked his name, Jaune could finally depart to follow God Ellen.


The walk was silent; no words were exchanged. Jaune could see that God Ellen was lost in thought, and he briefly wondered why he seemed so serious. Or at least, that's the aura God Ellen emanated.


After a few minutes of observing his surroundings keenly, Jaune realized they had reached the destination where God Ellen planned to talk to him.


It was an abandoned-looking church. Jaune said nothing as God Ellen opened the door and entered without hesitation. Jaune raised an eyebrow but decided not to question it before following suit.


God Ellen sat on one of the available chairs inside the abandoned church, secluded and away from any prying ears. He gestured to the empty seat. "Sit and get comfortable. We'll be talking for a minute, and comfort is a great enjoyment for conversation. Unfortunately, I can't offer anything to drink," Ellen commented, giving Jaune an innocent smile and indicating the dusty interior of the abandoned building.


Jaune stood for a moment before sighing heavily. "Fine. Not necessary, but I appreciate the effort," he said before sitting down. Then, Jaune looked at God Ellen seriously. "So... what do you want to talk about?"


The black-clad god opened his eyes, looking at Jaune curiously. He thought for a few minutes before speaking. "As I said, I'm curious about you and interested in understanding your perspective and getting to know more about you. It's not every day you see someone confront Arachnia in battle and survive the encounter."


"Despite that, I couldn't stop her," Jaune admitted.


"You didn't," God Ellen agreed. "But surviving is an achievement in itself. Anyway, I'm curious about something. Do you mind if I ask?"


Jaune shook his head. If he had a problem talking to this god, he wouldn't have agreed to meet him privately. "No, go ahead."


"How long have you been an adventurer? I hadn't seen you in the city until now, and given that you kept company with a high-level adventurer, I can assume you started at a young age, considering how challenging it is to level up outside of Orario."


Jaune smiled amusedly at the god's assumptions. He briefly wondered if he should answer vaguely and let God Ellen draw his own conclusions before dismissing that thought. It wouldn't make sense since his adventurer level would be available for everyone once he registered at the Guild.


Because, due to Evilu's attacks, it was mandatory to keep a record of people entering the dungeon, and not to mention he couldn't exchange any magical stones for Orario's money.


He shook his head. "Actually, I just arrived in Orario a few hours ago. I received my Falna from Lady Day after that." Jaune finished with an innocent smile, mirroring the one God Ellen had given him earlier.


"Do you mean you just got a Falna, and you're already fighting someone like Arachnia?" Ellen was dumbfounded by the surprising revelation.


"Yeah?" Jaune responded. "She was killing innocent people. Someone had to stop her."


Ellen looked at him, surprised, especially because the god sensed no lie from Jaune. "I didn't detect any falsehood from you," the god blinked.


Jaune raised an eyebrow. "Why would I lie? I know gods can detect if a mortal is telling the truth or a lie."


God Ellen frowned. "I don't mean to offend you, but it's a bit hard to believe despite your truthfulness. A Level 1 wouldn't stand a chance against a Level 5. Even if what you claim is true, I'm surprised you're still alive and in one piece, especially against someone as ruthless as Arachnia."


"You can believe it or not, but it's the truth," Jaune said, furrowing his brow as he recalled his recent battle with the psychotic woman. "Despite my recent level, I'm stronger than I look," Jaune said while briefly entertaining dark thoughts about his weakness before dismissing it.


"Even Level 4 adventurers could easily die against a Level 5. And Arachnia is not someone to be underestimated or taken lightly," God Ellen said seriously.


Jaune was genuinely puzzled because a one-level difference was something that could decide between life and death for an adventurer, but for Jaune, even if it had been the case, "Honestly, I didn't know who Arachnia was before today, so I didn't know her level. But even if I had known her level, I still would have fought her."


"But why? Why would you risk your life to defend people from a bunch of crazies like that?" Ellen questioned with a furrowed brow. "They could have easily killed you."


"Because people were in danger. They needed help, and I was there."


"So your initial response was to jump and fight her? No self-preservation?"


"It's not the first time this has happened..." Jaune chuckled bitterly under his breath, recalling his battle against Tyrian and Cinder in Mistral. He hadn't even thought about self-preservation then. With Tyrian, it was because Ruby was in danger, and he wasn't going to stand idly by even if Tyrian was much stronger than him at that time.


"Arachnia isn't the only cruel person I've fought," Jaune grimaced at the memory of Cinder. "It was only because I had teammates supporting me along the way that I haven't died... I wasn't as strong as I am now back then, you know? I was way behind my teammates. Sure, I made progress thanks to my team's help, but even then…it wasn't enough. When the time came…I was pretty much useless. I couldn't help anyone."

God Ellen frowned. "Teammates, you say?" Ellen didn't want to be entirely insensitive to Jaune, so he asked an unspoken question.


Understanding what the black-haired god was referring to, Jaune answered, "Only one of them. Nora and Ren are fine, but Pyrrha... she died because I was weak. I couldn't do anything to save her, even if I had tried. I probably would have died with her."


"I see," Ellen said nothing for a few moments before speaking again. "So... even after all that, why keep going? Why keep fighting?" The god wanted to know what motivated him to continue despite being unhelpful in a horrific situation if Jaune's sad look was any indication. What kept him going despite losing a teammate in battle and knowing how weak he was, making him susceptible to death at any moment?


"At first, I really wanted to give up, but my teammates were going to keep putting themselves in danger, and I couldn't abandon them... besides, being a hero like my ancestors... it's something I've always wanted to be in my life." Jaune said hesitantly after a few seconds of thought, and even though what he said was true, the main motivation was his anger towards Cinder. He really wanted to kill her, and even now, he still desires to do so.


Ellen raised an eyebrow. At first, he could understand Jaune not wanting his surviving teammates to end up the same way as the girl Pyrrha, who seemed to be important to him. But as cruel as it might sound on his part if he couldn't help that girl, how was he going to help the others? Most likely, he would drag his surviving teammates to death. On the other hand, the hero's lineage.


God Ellen squinted at Jaune. He didn't resemble anyone considered a hero in Gekai from what the god had heard, and if truly one of Jaune's main motivations was to live up to his lineage, then it would be quite disappointing. "Aren't you afraid of being a burden to your surviving teammates, and your recklessness towards danger could lead them to death?"


Jaune closed his eyes as he felt guilty remembering the events of Heaven Academy and how he caused Weiss to be almost killed. "It is, and to be honest, the fear still lingers, but now I know they'll always have my back, and I'll always have theirs. So, we can't let ourselves be paralyzed by fear, even if there's a threat that one of us might die."


God Ellen raised an eyebrow. "But I don't see any of them with you, despite you speaking highly of them."


Jaune frowned at God Ellen's insinuation. "We were forced to separate due to very unfortunate circumstances, but if they could, they would be fighting with me without leaving my side."


He still didn't know why Nora hadn't returned with reinforcements, but he was certain that Nora, Ren, and Oscar would never leave him in such a way. Something must have happened with the portals, but Jaune still didn't know what went wrong.


God Ellen sweated at the look Jaune gave him, so he raised his hands in a sign of surrender. "Ah. Just curious, no need to get upset."


Jaune sighed still annoyed, but he didn't want to make the conversation uncomfortable or tense. "Fine, but I don't appreciate you insinuating anything bad about my friends."


Ellen pretended to laugh nervously. "Sure. Let's continue then... You spoke about a lineage... so is that your reason for wielding a sword? To honor and live up to a family legacy? Sounds kind of…hollow if you ask me."


"Well, not exactly. I grew up hearing stories about my family—how they were warriors and heroes who saved others. It's not the idea of this heroic image that caught me. But it was the idea of helping people." Jaune explained while looking at his boots on the ground with a thoughtful gaze.


"Even if it wasn't reciprocated? Some people can be quite ungrateful, you know." Ellen told him with a dark smile.


"No matter. If I can fight, if I can save, even if just one person, then that's enough for me." Jaune didn't hesitate with his goals.


"Do you risk your life, even to save another's?" Ellen frowned.


"That life can have a family and loved ones to return to. Knowing that they'll see them again safe and sound... that feeling of tranquility, of knowing you've protected something precious, is worth it for me. Because they are what matters." Jaune smiled with self-deprecation. Call it naive or call it foolish, but that's who Jaune was, and he just hoped Pyrrha and Penny would be proud of him.


His self-depreciative statement caused Ellen to deadpan. "But what if that person dies right after you died to protect them? Seems kind of pointless if you ask me."


"Maybe. Or maybe that life could grow and achieve something great. You never know, but that doesn't matter. You should weigh lives on a scale like that. Each one is equally valuable. We don't know how things will unfold... But sometimes... you just have to have faith that things will turn out fine." Jaune shrugged.


"...I see," Ellen hummed thoughtfully as the words sank in. "That's an interesting way to look at things, Jaune. Since we're on the topic of heroism... what does Justice mean to you?"


The blonde was taken aback by the question. Now that he thought about it, he had never reconsidered a philosophical question like that. He never thought about the meaning of it really; now that he thought about it, he just did things because it was the right thing to do and because he liked doing them. Not for something as representative as justice.


Jaune furrowed his brow, thinking carefully about the question. Even his thoughts wondered if something like that existed; the fall of Beacon and Atlas wasn't fair. Pyrrha's death wasn't fair; being forced to kill Penny wasn't fair.


But life was more than what was fair or unfair. And the meaning of justice could be more complex than most people think about it. "I guess if you had asked me what justice is a few years ago, my opinion would be that justice would be defeating the bad guy and saving the innocent, as that's the general idea of what most people think. But now... I think the meaning of justice is much more complicated than that, and thinking that way would just be, somewhat naive."


"Oh? How so?" God Ellen raised an eyebrow, genuinely intrigued by what Jaune was saying.


"Because the world is never black and white. It's very easy for people to have a mindset of 'we are good, they are bad' and finish it. But people are more complex than that." His eyes closed as he took a deep breath, shuddering. Memories of Atlas and Mantle flooded his mind. The Grimm he fought, the lives he helped... the lives lost...


"...I've seen a man sacrifice an entire kingdom and its people for the cause of trying to buy time to defeat a great evil. He thought of himself as a hero in his plan to save the world at the cost of countless lives. That's not justice." Jaune frowned with sadness; what happened with General Ironwood was really regrettable and something that could have been avoided... maybe if he had been more assertive than just hitting RWBY and not hiding anything from Ironwood, then things might have been different.


But he knew that the blame didn't only fall on the girls but also him. For not realizing that things were going wrong, for being so foolish and letting his guard down knowing that there was a possibility that Cinder might have survived, but now there's no point in crying over spilled milk.


Jaune would just have to live with the consequences of his actions and move forward.


"Why wouldn't it be? If, in the end, evil were defeated, wouldn't those sacrifices have been worthwhile?"


"No. Because this man would have kept throwing more lives at the problem, justifying that everything was for the end result, even though he didn't even know how to defeat the evil permanently. He was desperate and didn't even know what he was doing. He would have kept doing it until there was nothing left... and all those lives would have been lost for nothing."


"Now seriously... sounds like he was fighting a losing battle and went insane." Ellen raised an eyebrow, now curious about who the person Jaune was talking about.


"...yeah." Jaune nodded. In hindsight, that's what it seemed like. The same with Ozpin. Then he shook his head. "But I'm getting off on a tangent. I guess for me, Justice is following your own moral compass. Believing and acting on what you think is right. For me, helping people when they're down, giving them genuine hope and push to fight and move forward, reviving their spirit... that's something beautiful. And if I can help protect that and help make it happen... then that's enough for me."


"That sounds like it." The God hummed with a slight smile before falling into a frown. "However, what if you encounter an Evil that will try to ruin those lives and kill them?"


Immediately, images of Cinder Fall, her gloating, her laughter, her taunts... that monster came to the forefront of his mind. Unconsciously, his face twisted into a grimace of fury, something that Ellen quickly noticed.


"I would fight to defeat it permanently and make sure it never hurts anyone again." He replied without missing a beat.


"But what if you're not strong enough to defeat this Evil?"


"Then I would work to become stronger." Memories passed through his mind. Pyrrha, Atlas, Penny... "Even if I can't be strong enough to defeat her, I refuse to give up. I would look for other ways to eliminate her, even if my sacrifice is needed to stop her... then I would do it. As long as it kills her." Jaune made a disgusted face; of course, he didn't want to die, and there was still a lot he had planned to do, dying meant he was going to hurt Ren and Nora, and Jaune didn't want to do that.


So Jaune would do everything in his power to kill Cinder and survive. And with Cinder unable to harm more innocent people, then Jaune and his friends could look for a way to end the threat that Salem faces.


The Divine figure pursed his lips. "That sounds…kind of personal. Like pure hate."

"If you know just how many lives she ruined, including those you loved…you'd feel the same."

"Sounds a bit more like vengeance to me. Is this person really warranted of such hate? What if she was forced to commit such heinous crimes out of desperation?"


"It doesn't matter what reasons they may have had. It does not excuse tearing apart peaceful kingdoms and enacting mass slaughter all for the sake of power that she believes she's entitled to. Because when people die…that's it." Memories of a red-haired Invincible Girl flashed through his mind. Their meeting, their training sessions, their dance…the kiss… He shut his eyes to keep the building tears at bay. "There's no going back from that. They're gone."


"So, that's what justice means to you? Power? Killing or dying? Are the winners the righteous ones?" Ellen asked with a raised eyebrow and a mocking smile.


"No." Jaune refuted with clarity, revealing his clear eyes to him, something that surprised God. "But I've learned that ideals don't mean much unless you have the strength to back it up; to have the strength to protect others. Like I said, nothing is black and white. It's not simply ideals, not simply power, but a healthy balance of the two. For me, I just fight for what I believe in."


"And would you really die to uphold your ideals?" Ellen wanted to know the young knight's determination.


Jaune frowned. "I really don't want to die, but if it's to uphold my ideals and do what's right, knowing that many people can be saved, then... I would die content." He said sincerely. It's what Penny did. If she could, then... he would have to.


Jaune stared at the silent deity, who had closed his eyes as if assimilating the words Jaune had told him. "I see. Well, thanks for telling me, Jaune. It's been... quite enlightening."


Jaune tilted his head with a raised eyebrow, wondering what could be important in the conversation they had. He shook his head; Jaune hoped that the conversation they had really helped the god to understand mortals like him a little more.


"Uh, sure. Well... if there's nothing else. Then I'll go look for Lady Day, as I have some important matters with her," Jaune commented, thinking about the implications of being part of a Familia of a goddess he had never met. Despite this implication, Jaune wasn't worried, even with the brief contact they had. Jaune knows that the goddess Day is kind. "It was... a pleasure talking to you, Lord Ellen." He waved as he prepared to leave the chapel.


"You too. Have a good day and take care." The god with closed eyes greeted him with a cheerful smile. Then the god remembered something. "Oh, one more thing. Jaune." Ellen walked to a part of the building before grabbing something, which Jaune was sure wasn't there, but maybe Jaune missed it. "Here. I told you I'd reward you, didn't I? So, here it is, all yours."


Jaune blinked, genuinely surprised he had forgotten about that. So, he took the offering before smiling gratefully. "Thanks. Now, see you later." With that, he started to walk away.


As soon as the knight was out of sight, the deity dropped the façade. His eyes, once closed, opened to reveal sharp gray irises. "What an interesting boy... so much potential too... yes, yes, I think this can work."


His fingers interlaced as his mind ran through possibilities and scenarios. He would have to make adjustments to his plans, but for a light like Jaune Arc to be part of them, everything would be worth it.


"So... what do you two think?" Ellen asked the shadows. Silence reigned for a moment before two figures emerged into the light.


The one on the left was a tall man, dressed in black armor and a maroon cape over his shoulders. He had hair of the same color, combed backward. The upper half of his face was plagued with crisscrossed scars, but his gray eyes maintained their light and functionality.


The one on the right was a young woman in her twenties. Her long silver hair cascaded down to her mid-back. She wore a black gothic dress with a silver lining. Her shoulders and upper chest were exposed, showing a generous neckline, and a silver necklace adorned with a green gem hung from her neck. Her eyes were closed.


They didn't say a word, but both had heard the words of the blonde knight.





Dia was worried about the new and only member of her Familia as she helped as many people as possible in the chaos that had ensued. She wondered how much harm Evilus could have caused to innocent people. They were the only ones she knew who would do something cruel like attacking a charity event to cause chaos and destruction.


"Thank you, Kami-sama," said a teenager she had helped. He was a boy who couldn't be more than 12 years old, who had been injured by the disorder of a panicked crowd when the explosions caused by Evilus began.


Dia smiled at the boy reassuringly. "It's nothing, child." She checked him to see if he was really injured, but could only see minor wounds and dust on his body. Fortunately, the people around him seemed calmer than they had been at the time of the attack.


Members of the Ganesha Familia and the Loki Familia, with the help of the Astraea Familia, managed to restore order. Even though the attack had already stopped, Dia couldn't help but worry about all the people who were injured, especially those children who were too young and innocent.


Dia then looked at the teenage boy she had helped. "Well, child," she gave him an honest smile. "I would prefer to help you until you get to the shelter safe and sound, but I'm worried about Jaune. He's a new member of my Familia, and he went to help closer to the attack."


"Ah." The boy nodded before giving the goddess a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Kami-sama, I can find the shelter perfectly." Then he gave her a thumbs up and a grateful smile. "Thanks for the help and stay safe." He said, bidding her farewell before trotting toward the shelter that the Ganesha Familia had built for people to take refuge from any danger and where people could go to heal their wounds.


Dia returned the friendly greeting while smiling with relief. Once they separated, she began to head in the direction where the main explosions had occurred intending to find her new son.


She could only hope that Jaune was fine and hadn't been hurt. The only reason she was sure he hadn't died was that she could feel their divine bond, although there was a strange moment in that bond where it strengthened and became much stronger. She didn't know if that was normal, and she had no other bond to compare it to.


Maybe she should ask Astraea how she feels about bonds with her Familia.


Dia nodded to herself, once they managed to find Jaune and tell him about his situation and his new home with her in the orphanage. Then... she could seek some advice from Astraea for her new Familia (since she wasn't well-informed beyond the basics, she hadn't been planning to form a Familia, not with the situation in Orario), and casually mention the bond.


And now that Dia thought about it, she briefly wondered how the boy Luan was, whom Jaune and she had helped find his mother. They had separated when the attack began, and she was busy giving her divine grace to the blonde knight.


She just hoped Jaune wasn't injured.


The nerves and the slight stress she felt reached Dia. Even though she didn't know Jaune personally beyond a few minutes, she could tell from Jaune that he was a good person, even without her blessing. Not to mention the great potential she glimpsed in Jaune, even momentarily. It was something that left her awestruck because, despite not having another member besides Jaune, Dia knew that Jaune had not one, not two, but four abilities at the beginning of a blessing as a level 1, which was very abnormal. And that's without adding that he managed to obtain two magic slots and the developed ability. She knew that if the gods found out about this, Jaune would be highly coveted by all.


Not to mention what Evilus would do when he found out about Jaune's great potential. She shuddered at just the thought. She didn't want her new son to end up dead because of cruel and evil mortals. Maybe she didn't want to create a Familia for that very reason, but now that Jaune was under her Familia, she would do everything possible to protect him and give him the warmest welcome.


The blonde knight had been through a lot, she knew. Even if she hadn't taken more than a brief look at his life, the look of sadness emanating from his eyes told her. Dia wasn't going to interfere if he didn't want her to, but she would be there for him every moment she remained in Gekai.


"Dia." A female voice called her, dripping with surprise. She immediately recognized the voice.


"Astraea." She was also surprised by the unexpected encounter, but knowing the goddess of justice. Dia shouldn't have been so surprised since she was one of the benevolent goddesses she was friends with and could trust. So, it was a logical conclusion that Astraea would come out to help people if you knew her attitude.


Astraea was a beautiful woman with long walnut-brown hair that gathered behind her head in a dignified manner, along with deep indigo eyes reminiscent of a sea of stars. Her attire consisted of a simple kirtle and a long skirt.


Astraea smiled friendly and somewhat comforting to find her friend. "Helping people again, as always, Dia." It was something she could identify with, despite having her Arcanum sealed and could easily be killed by any cruel mortal who wasn't afraid to kill gods, they still risked their lives (to some extent) for other people without any fear.


"I do what I can." She smiled shyly in a friendly manner. "Although, I was actually at the event when the attack started."


Astraea frowned at that, more concerned about the bold moves that Evilus had provoked against innocent people in Orario. "Did you encounter any members of Evilus?" She was worried about the possibility, and although she was relieved because her friend wasn't hurt, nor was she injured by Evilus's attack.


Astraea wanted to know if she now had to be much more careful when helping people because until now, no member of Evilus would have dared to harm a god, at least in Orario. But she wouldn't rule out the possibility that they had killed gods outside of Orario.


"No." Dia shook her head. "I wasn't near the attack, so I didn't encounter any members of Evilus, but even if I had. I was with my new son at that moment, so there was no real danger."


That surprised Astraea. "You formed a Familia?" Then she smiled. "That's good. I know you usually are cautious when helping people, but now that you have a member to protect you, it brings me more relief." She said sincerely. "And what's he like? When did you decide to give him your blessing?"


"In reality, I hadn't planned to form a Familia, at least not yet. Everything happened unexpectedly and spontaneously. I met Jaune today before the attack began; he was helping a child who got lost from his mother among the crowds at the event. I was planning to help the child before Jaune beat me to it."

Astraea smiled; at least the boy Dia had recruited seemed like a good person. "Sometimes unexpected situations are what capture the attention of a person you wouldn't normally notice. Some of my Familia members weren't something I had planned; it was more of a spur-of-the-moment thing." Then she looked around before furrowing her brow. "And where is he? Was he hurt by Evilus's attack?" She asked with concern.


Dia gave her a tense smile before shaking her head. "I actually don't know. He went straight to fight Evilus, and I truly fear he might have been injured in the battle." Even if Dia managed to glimpse part of Jaune's strength in the battle against those monsters filled with malice and darkness, against that horrible scorpion man and the human woman with monstrous parts implemented in her body.


She was still worried about Jaune's safety because she really didn't know how strong her son was, as she couldn't see Jaune's history very clearly. "Although I still feel the connection with Jaune, so he must be alive."


Astraea placed a reassuring hand on Dia. "If that's true, he likely met up with the girls. Besides, even if he got hurt, I can tell Ryuu and Maryuu to heal him. We can even have him see Dea Saint if necessary."


Dia blinked gratefully. "I... really appreciate that. I can pay you if needed." She showed her assets, but she was still shy about only receiving without giving anything in return. But she knew Astraea, so she knew she wouldn't accept anything in return.


"Oh no. You won't owe me anything." Astraea looked at Dia seriously. "It's the least I can do for a friend like you, Dia." Astraea wasn't doing it for any reward but just to ease her friend. She added, "...but if you want to thank me, we can have a chat where we can knit together while sipping tea."


Dia gave her a playful smile before nodding. "I'd love to do that. I'll also take the opportunity to ask some things if you don't mind."


Astraea tilted her head curiously but nodded. She didn't mind helping Dia at all, so she would do her best to assist her.


Dia was also a bit worried about Jaune's recklessness. He was about to fight adventurers without any blessing. She hadn't noticed anything different about Jaune from an ordinary person. It wasn't until the attack started that his entire aura changed radically to the point of catching her off guard.


She didn't know if Jaune was blessed by a god's grace, so she asked to make sure he had it. Only to be surprised when he gave her a negative answer. Dia initially thought he was a level 1 rookie adventurer, but when his aura changed, she was no longer sure, she felt that Jaune could at least defend himself against most members of Evilus.


Despite that, Dia couldn't just stand by. Not after the look she managed to glimpse in his eyes. Someone willing to sacrifice themselves for others. Someone with enough determination not to back down, not even against an overwhelming enemy.


That's why she made the spontaneous decision to bless him. Dia didn't know how much her blessing helped, but considering that Jaune was still alive after all this disastrous situation, she was relieved that her instinct had been right.


But what shocked Dia was Jaune's great potential. She knew Jaune would be a person who would tip the scales in favor of Orario. And not just in the battle against Evilus, but he would be a very important person even after Evilus left Orario. She could feel it in her gut.


Dia looked into the distance, specifically where the main battle had taken place, with a hint of concern on her face, but despite that, she trusted Jaune's experience not to be gravely injured. A part of her blamed herself for not being faster in blessing him; maybe if she had been quicker, she could have at least told him about his magical abilities.


Even with her eyes closed, she could still see Jaune's abilities perfectly. And despite having analyzed them before, she was still constantly amazed.


Jaune was someone...



Jaune Arc

Race: Remnant Human.

Familia: Día.

Level 1.

Strength: I0

Endurance: I0

Dexterity: I0

Agility: I0

Magic: I0

Control de Aura: F



Arcenciel Record: The user can employ the Semblance of a person with whom they've had an emotional attachment, as long as this person has either perished or holds a strong affection for the user.


Aura: It is the manifestation of the soul. The user can project their soul onto the world, both for defense and offense. Unlocking another person's aura is possible using the user's personal mantra.


Semblance Soul Amplification (Evolution): The user can amplify the SOUL of the person(s) and/or themselves. The amplified SOUL enhances the state of the affected. The degree of improvement depends on the user's emotions.


Arc's Wrath: The user gains resistance to magic-based attacks. Resistance increases with the strength of feelings of anger. Immunity to mental attacks.



Bouclier Éternelle: Short incantation magic. The user manifests an impenetrable protective barrier shaped like their emblem. The range and duration of the barrier depend on the user's focused intent. Activation Chant: Rampart.


Le Chevalier: Short incantation magic. Offensive magic. A powerful burst of fire that pursues and diminishes all malevolence. Damage is inflicted only on recipients deemed evil by the user. Magic is nullified in malicious uses. Activation Chant: Ignite.



...truly amazing, and who she was sure would change everything.


Timeline - 4 Days until the Great Feud.







Note of Author: Before explaining to give the information I want to read if students have any idea about what can be Jaune's personal chant to unlock other people's aura. I can think of a few, but I would really like to hear your opinions.


I also want to thank the Daemon of Wrath. You may not know him, but he is a person on FFT.net who helped me write the conversation and most of the ideas came from him. So I'm really grateful for that. If it wasn't for him it might have taken longer to update the story, but I can say that we finally concluded the food event battle.


Information about Jaune's abilities and magic.


Arcenciel Record (Rainbow Registry): The color of the user's aura changes to the color of the rainbow representing the colors of all the people from whom he can obtain the Semblance. And Arceciel is French for rainbow. It refers to the fact that all the people who have fallen will always be on his mind and carrying the hopes and beliefs on his shoulders and that he has to become stronger for the people he has left.


Semblance: His Semblance evolved due to his will to improve and the improvement received by the blessing of a god.


Arc's Wrath: Represents the grudge and hatred that Jaune has against Cinder.


Bouclier Éternelle (Eternal Shield): This can symbolize Jaune's desire to protect and save other people. It shows that he is more of a shield that protects the lives of those around him than a sword that cuts through corruption and darkness. "Protect" has always been a more difficult task than "destroy".


Le Chevalier (The Knight): This could symbolize Jaune's self-sacrifice for the greater good or others, possibly referring to the martyr complex he developed after Pyrrha's death, as shown during his confrontation with Cinder in Volume 5. The color of the flames is blue and makes a reference to his JNPR team color (the Juniper color of the Berries).


PDT: Both magics were based on Jeanne Arc de Fate. Her noble phantasms are Luminosité Eternelle and La Pucelle. One alludes to her protective banner and the other alludes to sacrifice for the use of the attack. The magics came to me when I was talking in the comments with a guest on ao3 and the Arceciel Record was previously going to be called Remnant Record, but the same user told me that Arceciel represented the rainbow in French. And the magic of Wrath came to me looking at your idea and the name of the last one. So I want to thank you.


Then there will be only a few more things to do before we reach the dark and decisive battle.

next chapter
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