Unduh Aplikasi
33.33% Cyberpunk 2077: Doom / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Coffin Nails

Bab 7: Chapter 7: Coffin Nails

Date: 17th of June, 2075

Location: America - Night City - Santo Domingo - Bioware Industries

POV: Omniscient

"Halt." An imposing figure alerted, his voice deep yet crisp. The man's eyes were crimson red, his arms oil/chromatic. Wearing a white suit with gold chains around his neck he seemed to lack any apparent weaponry. His partner also baring the same aesthetic and weaponry. Though appearances were often deceiving as under the man metallic arms were cannons. His enhanced body full of deadly equipment.

"I've come to complete your boss's commission," Victor explained sending the man files, the latter then shocked at the sudden appearance of it. The speed and sight of foreign files could only be managed either by chipping in via a Neurological-network or brute forcing via quick-hacking. Each method easily being detected.

"I apologise, the boss is upstairs waiting," The bodyguard accepted, the other guard confused at the ease of entry. Walking past the two, Victor overheard their murmurs.

"The fuck was that…"

"Fuckers got a Netrunner on the dial and a good one at that…"

"What do you mean?"

"He passed through my security in seconds…"

"So you're just gonna let him in?"

"Trust me on this one."

Walking into the building he was greeted by a high-end aesthetic lounge. Clean, tidy and most importantly obnoxious. In the middle sat a receptionist wearing metallic plating for a face. Her eyes were pure white with her lethal capabilities even more so the bodyguards in front. With blades for legs, she made a sharp scraping noise when moving around. The obvious attempt to intimidate Victor, useless.

"Your boss?" Victor asked, his hand in his pockets as he talked. His posture lowered to be closer to the ground. The receptionist's eyes glaring at the overbearing figure now just meet his eyes, as while Victor stood at 6ft4 the receptionist stood at a height of 5ft4.

"Right this way, sir," She motioned, her voice slightly stuttering as Victor's head never wavered when staring at the facade she attempted to show. Walking ever so slowly he was then greeted to an elevator, the receptionist pressing the highest floor - the 8th floor. A mysterious symbol on it.

"I wish you the best of luck, doctor," She emphasised, the elevator abruptly shutting before heading straight down, the 8th floor showing a negative number of 100. The elevator then arrived to the basement. A metal door showcasing a number of scientists.

"Fuck they opened the elevator!" A scientist screamed as he blitzed for the elevator. His legs then exploding from gunfire, the open bone splintering about, the blood splattered with the gunk of flesh posted to the floor. Crawling towards Victor he begged for help, his hands reaching up for help. With desperation in his eyes, his skin seemed thin, his eyes bloodshot red with his teeth rotting. His cybernetics useless to save him in such a situation.

Victor confused at the situation walked in, unbothered. Ignoring the future corpse he saw guards wearing armoured hazmat suits. Armed with Rostović Kolac a Russian precision rifle they surveyed the scientists with a keen eye.

Seeing the number of papers he wondered just what the hell was going on. On the walls were lists of chemical structures and formulas. A loud banging from a container. The glass translucent enough for figures to be seen but with an opaqueness that halted any clear details. Hearing the large constant bangs the scientists continued to scramble for answers.

Walking towards one of the scientists he decided to ask. The sudden doctor's appointment turned into a murder mystery, the information needed to uncover the locked to pure old tech such as paper. Besides the container was large metal door that opened vertically.

"What exactly is happening here?" Victor inquired, his aesthetic unconventional to the standard doctors and scientists present. As compared to them he seemed more like a mob boss/pimp, the Neokitsch style apparent.

"I don't know, they suddenly led us here saying we'd be researching biological advances. They promised we'd get 1'500'000 eddies each if we helped them bring his kid back… Shit went south from there." The scientist explained. Victor deciding to dig further scanned his body.

[SCAN RESULTS: Dr Nozbrane]

[AFFILIATION: University of Night City]



CYBERWARE: Synthetic Skin, Double heart, Dual lungs, Reinforced Bone structure, Neurological link


'Weak.' Victor thought as he started to study the papers. The results were truly peculiar. A large crystal hypothesised to bring the dead back to life via extraterrestrial energy. The energy was fascinating as it reminded him of his own powers. Powers one would deem unnatural. Looking at the composition of the crystal, it was made of an unknown element. Seeing the formation of the crystal and how it would tap into an individual's brain the crystal would raise the person into a puppet. While the body remained in a decayed state, it was temporarily slowed with its motor functions fully operational. Hearing the loud bangs he knew just from the info that the noises were most likely produced by the ghouls or zombies. Looking at the map of the facility they were quite literally the last stand, the only thing stopping the ghouls from reaching the surface, the elevator, ten of the original doors halting the crystals' influence.

"Intresting… Very interesting…" Victor mumbled smiling, his hands merely tapping the papers satisfied. Seeing the bundle bloodied and ripped he wondered where the rest was.

"Where's the rest?" Victor asked.

"Where else," A voice answered through the comms. Its voice was sly and sinister to the ear. Almost tempting the others it quickly jumped at the opportunity to rial the new scientist. Victor hearing the voice echo knew that it was beyond the metal doors, the tint of curiosity piquing his mind. With the loud bangs on the door gone it seemed as if the voice controlled the ghouls.

"Interesting, so the knowledge of this crystal… Is beyond these doors?" Victor asked. The guards surveying him, now aiming towards him.

"Indeed mage, the knowledge you seek is beyond these doors. Free me and my power is yours!" It sneered.

"Hmph, as if I have the need for such filth." Victor chipped, his head turned to face the other scientists. Feeling disrespected the voice shook with rage, its booming voice shaking the facility.

"I will enjoy as I watch you submit to me," The voice continued. Its presence now gone as the noise of loud bangs continued to resume. The force at which they struck now louder and harder.

"I don't believe that was wise," An older gentleman voiced walking towards Victor. Scanning the man he noticed that the information was quite strange. The configuration altered yet unchanging to his current systems.


[AFFILIATION: University of Night City]





"Interesting use of technology child but I find your use of gifts quite… Underwhelming." Dr Abel voiced, his hands conjuring a flash of bourbon.

"I don't believe in magic old man," Victor ignored, to him there were many who claimed to know but none could show.

"You don't believe me?" The old man asked smiling.

"Magic is the ignorance of an unknown science. Those possibilities are now welded open by science. Flight once known only for birds are opened to us "mortals". The sky is filled with such birds. Even this so-called crystal is nothing but a configuration of failed experiments and a foreign element."

"If it were not for your blood I would have pronounced you as an intelligent mortal… Yet your blood screams more. Do you not know why you are blessed with such abilities?" The old man asked intrigued by Victor.

"Explain," Victor questioned, an altered executioner now in his hand. Holding it, it pulsed with power, a neon mist emitting from its barrel.

"A fine creation but even an acolyte can tell it wasn't made by normal means. In fact, each individual piece was not built but created," Dr Abel noted, his own brows raised as he slowly started to realise what was in Victors' hand.

"Impossible… Your weapon… Only a master could forge such an artifact… For an initiate to be possible of this… No, surely not, " Dr Abel muttered amazed.

"Initiate?" Victor questioned.

"Why of course, you're an initiate. A beginner of the arcane. I must inquire who taught you? To create such an artifact is truly impressive," Dr Abel acknowledged.

"None, I'm self-taught now enlighten me," Victor stated, a new conclusion coming to his mind. While his beliefs remained true the man had quickly identified that his weapon wasn't just a product of science but also arcane in nature. Arcane as in an unknown science, while he was blessed fundamentally the world was built on truths, science a medium to which brought understanding. 'Magic' was merely a cop-out introduced by old inquisitors of a forgotten time to scare the masses.

'Perhaps there are more like me out there… It would be best to remove them,' Victor thought as he lowered his weapon. Dr Abel squinted his eyes and then started to smile further.

"Impressive even your armour, to be possible to do this much… truly impeccable." He continued. To which Victor silently scoffed, what he used was merely blue(rare) in nature he had already created items that were stronger. While the blue variant was impressive they were quite lacklustre compared to his epics'(purple).

"Tell me… Are there more such as yourself?" Victor inquired.

"Many yet few. As you can tell… Our world is dying, mages derive power from the world and with the continuous culling of our land. We are but few in numbers. Compared to the 8 billion humans I hypothesize we are but a mere 10 million. With many scattered around the world unaware of such gifts I do not believe our world will flourish."

"In a world where "Science" exists, what use is magic?" Victor questioned, as while his so-called magic was practical they were only used to enhance his own technological prowess.

Victor only ever acknowledged "Binding" as the only supernatural ability that he processed. A hypothesis was that it was similar to a system of conduits - the main supplier himself, the other circuits a result of his energy transferring to their 'soul'. The transferred energy affecting their neurological systems to command obedience and absolute loyalty. Though even then how was such unknown power coming from? Energy could not be created or destroyed so where exactly was this untapped energy enriched from?

"It is not important for its use but a duty for what it could bring. Every sorcerer is capable of greatness and damnation. Have you not wondered why our world is cursed? Why do wars plague mankind? Where our skin and bones have been perverted beyond belief? Where the line between beast and mankind blurs? These are the results of mages, not science. Science is but a cheap understanding of the world, true thought comes from the soul, not the mind." Dr Abel voiced, a mystical force twirling his hands. Shocking a view of the universe stars glistened in his hands.

"Humans will always greed over prosperity, it is in our nature. To thrive and conquer is a story told in old. Such things were always destined. Science is what propelled mankind from stones to iron. Our legacy has surpassed those before us, none before us could ever stand to us. We have become so powerful that our greatest enemy is ourselves." Victor snapped.

"Your views are a result of humans and their exact thinking. Their terminology limits your imagination. While it has served to bless them, a mage conjures through thoughts. You are not human. When god made humans he made so in their image. Mages are the closest things to his grace. We are gods walking amongst men," Dr Abel

"So you are stating that the world's issues stem from a great conspiracy? Are you mad?"

"Why of course? This escalation of dread is but the beginning of the end. The hidden forces are starting to move and judgement day will fall. You will need to pick a side mage. Whether it is with us or against us. We cannot afford failure, the very existence of the world holds in the balance," The old man spoke once more, his eyes glowing a deep blue.

"Fuck your balance Old man," Victor swore, the revolver in his hand twirling with vigour as the bright blast blew the mage back. The surge only slightly staggering him. Victor amazed by the old man's durability went in for a second blast - the voltage higher in the fourth gear.

"I did not wish to combat you, child. We will speak again at another time. For now, suffer." Dr Abel spoke as his hand telekinetically swiped at the door tearing it open. The casual swipe leaving an excentric number of ghouls blitzing through.

"I wished we had ended on better terms," Dr Abel spoke before dropping dead, the blue-hued eyes of the man gone.

"How unfortunate! That Master Mage was your only chance of survival," The sinister voice laughed. Victor hearing his voice now understood that their seemed to not only a secret society of so-called wizards but that there truly was a great conspiracy.

"You underestimate my power," Victor spat as he pulled two executioners Mk II from his wares. Changing the aesthetic from the usual crimson red and gold they were instead bulkier with the colours changed to purple and black. With a neon purple hue, the power was only slightly underpowered from the original. Its barrels half a metre long with the thickness of a brick.

"Grah!" The endless hoard roared as their high-pitch screams bled through the ears of the mobs around him. Seeing them get jumped and eaten, the ghouls quickly overwhelmed the guards. Unbothered to save them Victor continued forward each blast ridding him of a wave of ghouls. The undead was then quickly pushed back, the speed to which Victor moved astonishing to the normal eye. With speeds that forced the average person to concentrate he cleaned the horde of 10'000 to 100. Continuing to push to the final room, he was met with the crystal. The origin of the voice. The room holding the crystal in the air was surrounded by numerous wires and other technological study tools. The room itself half a football field. Tubes of corpses around the crystal with wires in their bodies.

The bodies alarmed by Victor rushed out to eat him. Their bodies quickly left into dust. The next few simply kicked in the head and turned into paste.

"This is rubbish, suffer the wrath of my champion!" He spoke as a great undead arose from the corpses.

"System code 423 analysis mode," Victor spoke as he watched the undead slowly form. With light grey skin it had piercing green neon eyes. Standing at 400cm it bour two large swords the size of two vans, chains dangling from its forearms. Packing muscles with unprecedented vigour, it screamed my name.

"Is that all?" Victor thought, to which the behemoth suddenly stabbed itself with its blades. Ancient runes beamed with power as it suddenly grabbed a machine on the side. A metallic visor shone over its eyes, two steel horns emerging from its skull alongside shoulder canons. Its two forearms now turned into double canons. With its guts exploding it spilled over to Victor, the liquids quickly covered by a forcefield. Seeing its exposed ribcage, Victor could only cringe at the scene.

"Now what is that…" Victor murmured absolutely confused at the amalgamation of technology and undead magic. Studying and analysing its movements and runic arrangements it looked to be Latin in origin. Some unknown symbols were new to even himself.

"Your words ring true young mage and for that I thank you. For your soul shall be mine. Your flesh shall be an excellent puppet." He thanked him coldly. Feeling the energy wrap around his forcefield he buckled under the pressure.

Victor Swapping his dual executioners for a great sword he dashed forward. The blade neutralising the blast just by being near it.

"Impossible!" The voice spat frustrated. Victor's prowess starting to agitate him.

[Facade] Epic

Sword type: Greatsword


Smile - When battling a ranged foe they will be stunned for half a second when struck

Serious - Increase damage and attack speed by 10x when attacking

Sad - Increase defence and vitality by 10x when defending

Forced engagement - All projectiles fired in a 100m distance are negated - the user is unable to use projectiles no matter the sort

Soul bind - Locked to the user - will be destroyed upon death

Item description:

Forged by a powerful mortal, its powers are on par with a demi-god. Tired of the rangers of his time he created the ultimate bain for any such foe. Powerful against any swordsmen and even greater strength against rangers.

Still sprinting, his boots propelled him higher, the blade to which he struck the behemoth furthered his elbow thrusters the speed to which it dragged enhanced. The increased speed cutting the behemoth's head off with slash marks all over its' abdomen, back and arms. Falling to the ground the behemoth growled, its body continuing to fire at Victor. The effect obvious. Continuing to slash Victor found it impossible to stop its almost limitless endurance. While his slashes kept the ghoul at bay it did not stop it's regrowth as it grew almost on par with his stuns. The Ghoul Champion easily able to reform and continue to fight screamed. Its whole body even when burnt to mist returned as if it was nothing.

"Tch, your mesely weapon even if powerful cannot banish my creation. Your efforts are worth nothing, my champion will rise even from nothing." The voice jested. Victor hearing the word banish thought of a way to conjure a solution. Quickly jumping off the ghoul champion's head he shot at the crystal above only to find it do nothing.

"Hahahaha, do you think this is some sort of fantasy setting? Why would a damn rock hold my power." The voice laughed.

"Halt your advances foul creature for the light shall blind you!" A voice projected from behind Victor. Turning to face the figure it was an armoured male alongside a cleric female. The paladin wearing plated steel held a lightsaber of some kind with yellow light. A neon yellow emitted from his visor.

Jumping to the sky his foot he himself was equipped with thrusters just like Victor. Joining Victor he fought alongside him. The light sabre slashing the behemoth. The blade unlike Victors' struggled to enter the Champion but left permanent damage. The attacked part not healing. The cleric quickly raising her hands to the sky and slammed them down. A heavy force slammed onto the behemoth. Crushed to the floor, the paladin grabbed a box from his waist and opened it to reveal a pocket space similar to his. The only difference was the size smaller.

"Ah yes, the light how lovely of you to enter uninvited, always tempering with our plans. Do you not understand that we should be working together? The humans are a plague!" He spat.

"Yet here we are. If we were to lower to your standard we'd be just as horrible as them. Gods do not lower their standards to ants. We are better so we should act as such. Enough foolery, quickly fuck off," The cleric spat throwing up hands signs. The combination of hand signs slowly burning the ghoul's body away.

"You fucking whore, when I reach you I'll ensure that those milkers are put to good use," He huffed.

"The ghouls have been banished Selina," The paladin spoke burning the corpses. A flame thrower by his back as his hands seemed to wave it around the pieces of ghoul around.

"As it seems Saint Vaskil," Selina spoke before turning to face Victor who seemed to be scrounging through the research papers of the previous. A trump of theories and hypotheses burnt and affirmed by them.

"We have a survivor… Should we neutralise him?" The paladin spoke seeing Victor. Unable how to proceed he turned to face her.

"Negative… I've never heard of a corpo or seen like this in our books. It's best we caution or selves… You've seen the damage he did to that behemoth… We need answers of our own," The cleric voiced approaching Victor. His total attention on the number boards and posted notes on the wall.

"Facininating…. This explains a lot," He murmured, his own scanners compiling the number of data in front of him.

"Ahem… We are members of The Light, may we ask who you are?" The cleric first spoke, her hands by her back as she looked at the man. Standing at 6ft4 with a large and bulky frame that even when hidden under layers of clothes was still apparent. His height towering over her compatriot.

"Oh, but that's what I should be asking…" Victor voiced turning to them. The golden and khaki aesthetic turning to one of black and purple.

"I've never come across your people before even the church is under my systems… Yet you and all of this… What exactly is going on?" Victor inquired.

"Welcome to the world of the arcane, we represent Gods light in all his glory." She explained. Victor deciding to scan her wondered if her actual data would appear or if she too had a fake i.d like Dr Abel. The man was somehow capable of giving his systems blanks and knowing his own systems the man was a true ghost. His own images never appearing on any sort of known database. The use of old tech such as paper and boards an obvious sign of going incognito.

[SCAN RESULTS: Selina Vonrad]

[AFFILIATION: The church - the light *newly aquired]



CYBERWARE: Smart weapon link, modified kyroshi optics mk III, enhanced kidney, enhanced liver, enhanced bone structure, synthetic lungs, Von Doom enhanced brain processor, VTEC?

WEAPONRY: Bible, Dagger, Sword

[SCAN RESULTS: Saint Vaskil Asdomas]

[AFFILIATION: The church - the light *newly aquired]



CYBERWARE: CYBERWARE: Smart weapon link, modified kyroshi optics mk III, enhanced kidney, enhanced liver, enhanced bone structure, synthetic lungs, Von Doom enhanced brain processor, VTEC?

WEAPONRY: Flame Thrower, Sword

"Hmm, you can call me Vince a mercenary new to Night city just what was that abomination?" Victor lied as he didn't know if his own parents were entangled in such a secret society. 'Does Arasaka know? Does my parents know? The fact they remained undetected in a world with no privacy… What is truly hidden under the crimson veil of this world,' Victor thought stroking his helmet's chin.

"That mage would be Alucard of the Khaos Brigade, a Master Mage capable of 5th - 6th tier magic. While I would offer you more knowledge to be quite honest my partner and I here need to be elsewhere take this pendant and go to these coordinates you'll be able to shop there. Until we meet again corpo," She spoke, walking away. Speaking through telepathy the two members of the light argued.

{ Why leave the initiate alone? Surely a person of such power could be put to good use in our order? } Saint Vaskil questioned.

{ The man is lying and any mortal able to imitate such power

Seeing them disappear in the distance Victor decided to start his own research. The data he acquired had given him a whole new set of questions. The crimson veil soon to be uncovered.

Date: 18th of June, 2075

Location: America - Night City - Watson - Doom clerk

POV: David Martinez

"Fuck I'm bored can I go do something?" I spat, the boredom of doing homework stabbing my eyes. Just reading the text had me dreaded, how the boss ever did it in his youth was otherworldly.

"Welp the doc did say you only had to get your studies in order by noon…" Jackie smiled, his head gesturing to the door.

"Mah man," I smiled before Jackie stopped me. His hands firm yet gentle. His eyes gazing at mine.

"You got iron, choom?" He questioned, his hands slowly letting go awaiting my answer.

"Always," I grinned, raising my hand I revealed a tiny metallic box dangling from my waist. A chain connected to my belt strap. When clicked the thing would expand to my preferred weapon. One-click for a modified pistol and two for a short sword. The weapon my pet project to study from Victor.

Slicking my hair back and wearing the docs' old purple jacket I swaggered away feeling fly as fuck. Shit was finally looking good mom, I'm gonna make it. Checking myself in the mirror before leaving I never would have thought I'd be here. The reflection of myself significantly changed from my younger self. Slightly taller, slightly musclier with my whole aesthetic changed I felt new. Fresh.

Looking at the whole map of Night city I wondered what I'd do. Back in the day I'd usually play a few sports with a few friends of mine but… Times have changed. I couldn't go back to that. There wasn't any point. They all abandoned me when I went to Arasaka High, with the bastards there always looking down at me. I had no one from my past… Feeling cold I decided to grab something to eat. A proper meal for a proper person. With my newfound weekly pay of 2000 eddies, I decided to see what I could buy to eat. The usual burger meal is eleven eddies... Time for fine dining!

Scouring the net I eventually landed on a burger joint near the city centre. I had only ever been there once and it was only for my mother's job. Seeing the place be rated 8.5/10 it had to be good. The prices were apparently affordable. Descending how to get there I used what every other Night city citizen took, the bus. Hopping in, I quickly paid for my fair and my way there. The voice and cluster of noises from others quickly halted as I left an earbud in for my music. Apparent news of a gang war rising again, New World Order finally starting its push against the Maelstrom. Good thing too, I'd rather see the smurfs then those demon dolls.

Those guys always gave me the creeps. To abandon their humanity was something I'd never thought possible. Their ideas of the flesh being one of weakness. Something I once thought was true until I met the doc.

Reaching the place I saw an amalgamation of individuals. Taking a seat I first scanned the area for any possible hostels. My eyes gazing about before landing on… a small petite girl who was highly augmented. Her augments while not as lethal as the others stood out for it's uniqueness.

"Hey fuck face like me or something?" She spouted, from afar causing me to slightly look away. Fucking rookie mistake, never look at the target directly after scanning. Pull the data screen away…. Fucking hell David! Just look at the menu… Look at the menu.

"Hello, there sir may I help you with anything today?" The waiter asked.

"Um, could I get a burger with fries?" I ordered the thought of looking at a stranger for too long something I wanted to quickly forget. It was always weird being able to see data when looking around. Even the waiter's name was on the system. Just how far was the doc's network?

"No worries, any drinks or desserts?"

"Ah just a lemonade please I hate fizz," I answered before waiting silently. A sudden figure appeared in front of me.

"You know if you wanted to ask me out you could've." The petite female engaged walking up. Seeing her in person she looked… really cute. But I couldn't let my horniness get the best of me. The constant lessons Victor taught brought back.

Never let your heart affect your thoughts much less your dick, is what he would always say. Something I would now attempt to instil in my heart.

"What's the matter handsome? Scared?" She hummed.

"Hey, um… It was my bad okay? I didn't mean to stare for so long it's just i've never seen someone look so different," He fumbled his words obviously wavering her off.

"Hmm, thanks…" She muttered standing up.

"I uh didn't mean it like that… I think you look cute," I smiled attempting to atleast not agitate her. Paused she eventually walked away. Awkwardly waiting once more I was met with my meal.

"Enjoy your meal," The waiter stated.

"Ah you too," I thanked. My words finally registering… Fuck three fumbles in a row David! How can I be cool as Victor… Downing my refreshment I felt the coolness drown through throat. The vibrant taste nutrioning me. It felt good to taste something that wasn't 100%. In a world where you could be anything, it was hard me to diphor what was truth. Feeling the flavour of the burger burst into my mouth I felt each individual part combine to form a beautiful combination of flavours. Even chips the chips were crispy with the cuts slightly thick to ensure a soft inside.

I havn't eaten this well… In a while…

Destroying my meal I decided to go for a walk. The scenery always different in variation yet remaining the same. Gang shootings, the local NYPD bustling about with some druggies and sex addicts enyoing their fix on the street. Such was Night city I guess. Coming across a group of Vallintinos I decided to walk the other way, my obvious actions altering them. Yet they remained still uncaring for it. Which was to be expected Valintino's were highly teriotrial but didn't care if you were a civie. Some pushed some didnt'. They still had a few morals unlike the few that roamed.

"Oi shit head move out the way," A sixth gang street member pushed. Their bodies armed to the teeth with what seemed to be Militech gear. Deciding to ignore it, I moved away and ignored it. Gang fights were something I had to avoid. It's be shitty of me to drag the doc into my mess.

"You bloody asshole!" A 6th street gang member screamed as he unloaded hell. The noise of gunpowder and shells immediantly ringing my ears.

As expected…

Feeling my body tense slightly I steeled myself and continued to walk forward. Each step somewhat rigid. These fucking gangs… If only they weren't around… Perhaps… Maybe… My mom would still be here. Standing still I quickly equipped my arms. My back pocket holding another two cubes. The second one to cover my identity.

Activating WARP

Your identity will be WARPED

Clicking the second cube thrice it turned into a helmet. The item covering my entire head - unlike the idiotic superheroes that only covered half their face I would learn from them. With both a EMP-like jammer that warped my figure I also carred a physical means of blocking my face. These items like my weapon cube was created by Victor.

Running to the scene of the gang members I immediately went at it. My weapon first turning into a short sword. The tip of blade ramming into the spine of a 6th street gang member. Slicing upwards I used his corpse as sheild. My short-sword then quickly switching to a pistol the first bullet going through my meat sheild head ending him.

Dashing from cover to cover I unleashed hell as my bullet slide through the sockets of the gang members, the 6th street members taking the blunt of my fury first. With the valentino's gaining ground I quickly jumped to them.

"Thanks for the asis-," One tried to voice before I quickly ended him too. A gang member no matter the height still deserved to die. Guilty by affiliation!

Slicing the puta's throat, I jabbed another gang members face, the action staggering him. Shooting him in the heart I darted my weapon back and forth to my enemies. Each pull of the trigger killing them as while my weapon was weak in terms of over damage it's peirce was impeccable. A small dint to their heart an easy fix to my problems. Moving from target to target I ended all their lives. Seeing the destruction caused I remained paaused. My heart thumping to the silence as only the sound of construction and vehicles moved about. Closing my eyes I quickly thought of Victors words.

Once you kill, there is no longer going back, only getting better…

"Now who would you?" A voice suddenly announced behind me. Turning to face the figure I was kicked back the man wearing an all silver armour. A dark mist surround him as he appeared. His helmet having two horns that curled forward. A dark cape behind his back as he seemed to carry a utility belt. A large sharp M on his chest similar to a car sticker. Standing at 6ft1 he was almost similar stature as the doctor except that the man before him seemed more technologically advanced. With his armour crazier than he'd ever seen. Scanning him I was met with blanks except his name.

"Nah who the fuck are you," I spat fustrated. Who the hell was he? Almost teleporting behind me I couldn't even tell that he disappeared, the blur that was him knocking me to the floor.

"I state the questions here punk." The man furthered a large m shape boomerang appearing in my neck.

"Now, I'll ask again. Who are you?" He ushered, his foot stomped on my head as he continued to press me. Eying him, my will never wavered.

"Kill me, if you dare…" I spat, before he lifted me to the air smashed my mask off my face. Landing on the ground I stared at him. His fist about to go only for it pause at my face.

"You're only a kid…" He realised shocked, his hands slowly releasing me allowing me to escape his clutches. Sending a kick to his gut he immediately stopped it with a wave of his hands. The blow re-dirceted leaving me to stagger back.

"Get out of here, I'll let you go since you're merely a child. You still have to time to grow. Leave, this city doesn't need more murderers much less a child killer," He continued.

"I ain't leaving here Murk face. This is my home," He quipped, the short sword in my turning into a pistol.

"Intresting technology kid, who'd you steal it off?" He asked.

"I was gifted it shit head, now die!" I spat before shooting him. The whole clip emptied into him, the latter doing nothing.

".4 calibre with enough force to peirce through steel. Impressive… for a toy," He voiced knocking the weapon away from me. Seeing hsi fist attempt to knock me I weaved, my punch missing him. The man now appearing a metre away.

"You're smart kid, and a persistant one at that. Why don't you join me? I know theres a reason why you killed those gang members." He delved.

"Sorry but I ain't planning on joining some random. Those gang members deserved it, this city… It would've been better if it weren't for those fuckers." I spat exausted. The constant barrage of punches from the man leaving me bruised.

"And I woulda agree… This city… It needs justice. I feel that rage within you and I can help it. Carve into something right. Killing wont do anything but become apart fo the problem…" He voiced.

Fighting degenergy with degenercy wont work

Victors words starting to ring true. Unable to counter his point due to my fatigue I sat down eyes closed. The man still looking over me.

"This city it needs help, join me in this crusade and we can make the world a better place!" He voiced, his arms raised into the air as if to act like messiah.

"You're deranged…" I voiced. This guy was crazy, maybe he was right at certain point but the man was a madam. Killing ensured that the bad guy didn't get back up and fight, putting them in jail as Victor said would only lead them to coming back out and re-offending. Perhaps there was good but such a process wasn't worth it. Perhaps Night city did need the Judges. The world wasn't as clear as it was.

"You'd be right," A feminen voice agreed, a sudden crimson shadow appeared fighting Murk man. Her strikes precise and lethal, the sound of split air thundering through.

"Hoh, a sandavistan? Let's see if it can keep up with mine." She smiled as her ebony skin glissened before disappearing. Murkman now in the air was constantly rocked back and forth, her punches supposedly keeping him in the air. Pushing back the man almost seemed to release a limitter. Both figures now combatting eachother.

"Why are you protecting the kid? You his mother?" Murk man inquired as he started to gain some ground over the mysterious woman. The burst of attacks of eachother trading blows only appearing in blurs with the sudden pauses only the time I could see them. Just what in the hell was going on. I only wanted to kill some gang members not battle these weirdos.

"No, this has nothing to do with the kid and all about you Murk man. You stole something you shouldn't have," She continued, her punches looking like bricks to a skull. One of her strikes missing Murkman and slamming into the ground. The concrete floor shattering leaving a small fist sized hole in the ground.

"We'll meet again next time," Murk man voiced before disappearing. The sight aggiatating the women.

"Fucking pussy… Ah, now what to do with you…You know I don't like leaving witnesses," She muttered before turning to face me. Her hands in the motion of a pistol as she aimed at me. While the act seemed childish it felt real, my heart dropping at her actions. A slight chill rising over my skin as I hyperventelated. Was I gonna die?

"No witnesses…" She murmered before lowering her hands.

"Wait a minute… Unauthroised?" She muttered shocked. Stabbing me with what seemed to be a needle I quickly felt the fatigue disappear, my wounds disapearing alongside it.

"Tch… Lucky bastard…" She voiced disapearing. Sitting there I could only bonder just what in the fuck just happened. Who was that man? Who was that women? Why didn't she kill me? And what did she mean I was a lucky bastard? What the hell is going on?

next chapter
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