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0.64% Crimson Rebellion / Chapter 1: Kill the Wolves
Crimson Rebellion Crimson Rebellion original

Crimson Rebellion

Penulis: Atmanium_studios

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Kill the Wolves

Year: 1019

The sun had just finished setting over the horizon. The evening sky shifted from a mix of hues combining orange, yellow, and pink to the darker blue hues that come with the approaching dusk. In a commercial zone located within the streets of the mighty Imperial Capital, a lone merchant was finishing up his business and closing up shop for the day.

Two hooded figures just loaded up the last of some crates on the back of a horse-drawn wagon in front of a certain business. Once the task was completed, one of them passed along a sack containing silver and gold pieces.

"Thank you for your patronage, I do hope these items help with your noble cause nishishi..." the man chuckled with a devious laugh. Without a word uttered from the clients, they rode off with the goods.

"Now then, this oughta keep the wife off my damn back for a while so I can finally hit the bar for once," the man with greasy-looking hair and a chubby body murmured to himself before walking with the sack in hand to his residence.

"Good heavens, this bag has quite a bit of weight to it. Thankfully I live just around the corner. Time to take my usual shortcut."

The greedy male carried the bag down the nearest alleyway. The smell held its usual wretched odor as the mix of human feces and piss combined with the pungent smell of rotten food and other forms of garbage blended to craft a wondrous aroma of the atmosphere that compiled the lifestyle of the Capital City. It was the kind of ruthless world where money and power mattered. The upper class lived like kings while the people suffered under the thumb of the government and the cruel reality of a minuscule income. Regardless, if one knew the right people or dabble in certain kinds of business then one could live comfortably.

"That's the sad reality of things is it not? Which is exactly why smuggling is such a lucrative business," chuckled the male as he waded through the musk of the seemingly never-ending alley.

The male whistled to himself to pass the time of the lengthy walk while carrying his heavy load. He closed his eyes to engross his mind in his nifty little tune as he approached the next street. The dimly lit area was gradually coming into view; however, something had sent a chill down the merchant's spine causing him to immediately open one eye, interrupting his train of thought.

"It…suddenly feels colder than usual, there must be a storm coming," he said softly to himself, feeling his nerves becoming uneasy.

"I'll just hurry on then…y-yeah."

The merchant briskly jogged as the sounds of his transaction jostled around in the bag on his shoulder. As he came to the opening of an alley he had been traversing, a shadow dropped down from above, and a sharp pain cut across his back causing him to trip and stumble to the ground. His blood had been splattered along the walls.

"Gyaah?!!" he yelled in agony. At that moment he felt something warm pouring down from over his shoulder. The radiance of the street lights up ahead gradually leaked into the back area, allowing him to see the horror.

"W-What is this?! This is…blood?! MY BLOOD?! HELP! HELP ME!" he screamed out loud.

"No one's coming to save you, trust me," a voice called out from behind the individual in the distant darkness.

"W-Who's there?!" the merchant called out.

An old blinking light fixture overhead began to spark as a current of electricity coursed through it allowing a portion of the narrow pathway to be illuminated. This also gave the merchant the ability to see his attacker albeit it was only a hazy visual at best. The creeping silhouette was armed with two scythes as he slowly walked toward the wounded man.

"W-Wait…please! I'm just a humble merchant with a family. There's money in that sack over there, so I can pay you!"

The inconsistent lighting revealed the assailant to be a young boy about 13 years of age. He had tanned skin that could be described as a caramel or peanut butter color and ominous, ruby-red eyes. Moreover, he had spikey jet-black hair with a singular white streak going across his bangs. His sickle blades dripped with fresh blood as the rattling chains from the handles echoed impending doom for the target.

"Your family has already paid its price. And so shall you," the ghostlike individual responded.

At that moment, the smoke from the building next to the alley began to leak out from the windows along with the blood-chilling screams of a woman and her child.



Hearing the cries of his family, the merchant felt the sting of tears leaking down his face as he looked up towards the burning complex.

"N-NO…NO, NO, NO! MY FAMILY!" he cried out in anguish, "WHY, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!"

"Smuggling weapons to the Rebels is a treasonous offense to the empire. Their blood is on your hands because of your greed. Consider that mercy compared to what the Imperials would have done to them. Now you must be executed," the assassin spoke.

"You took my family from me, surely that's enough! Please, I-I'll turn in everything I know to the government. Spare me!" the trembling fool continued to beg as piss ran down his legs mixing with the blood and sweat rolling off of his body.

"Never show mercy to the enemy, for you never know when they shall rise again to strike."

In the next moment, the male lifted his arms in the air and threw the scythes at the merchant before dragging them across in an X-shape. A fountain of blood spurted into the air as the man's head rolled over the ground. As the geyser of crimson filled the alleyway, the assailant pulled his blades back to his hand.

"Mission accomplished," the youth mumbled to himself. As the blazing inferno began to escalate and consume the area, he scaled the untouched building on his left in a matter of seconds before darting across the rooftops to escape the area. Pedestrians were thrown into a panic and the local guards arrived onto the scene; however, the male did not even bother looking back as he disappeared like a phantom in the night.


Navigating through the jungle of the complex architecture that compiled the Capital was a rather tedious feat. From columns and irrigation canals taken from the era of the Greeks to the complex trapezoidal, temple-like bamboo constructs taken from the Asiatic feudal eras. The nature of the structures varied from building to building as the boy maneuvered from some of the ritzier upper-class neighborhoods to the lower-class slums that the poor or working-class owned.

The Capital of Sin, as it was colloquially known, was a place that did not hesitate in showcasing the difference between the haves and the have-nots. As criminals, drug dealers, and other members of the nightlife came out to play, any decent person with half a brain knew to stay inside. Even the soldiers who were supposed to protect these people were no better than the street thugs that wandered around here. Nevertheless, the young assassin just kept pressing forward. About a minute or so had passed before the little killer escaped the area successfully.

After exiting the city, he navigated the forest dashing from treetop to treetop. He could have taken the little trails to get to his destination; however, the night had its own den of horrors taking the shape of Danger Beasts which he would like to avoid altogether. These predators came in all varieties of shapes and sizes were great for hunting and also served as excellent training dummies, but he wanted to make his traveling swift.

Time seemed to drag on and on as the moon continued to rise. The time was currently around 9:30 at night. After making his way through about 50 miles of dense forestry, the young man came to the edge of the jungle and into an open clearing in the plains. From here, he traveled another 5 miles or so before reaching his destination.

"Home sweet home," he spoke softly.

The area before him was seemingly empty, devoid of all life. He clasped his hands together forming a hand sign with his index and middle fingers on both hands pointed up in the air.


Space distorted before his eyes, shattering like glass and unveiling a small opening that allowed him to pass through. On the other side was an entire village composed of numerous wooden huts and tents alongside other commodities clustered together. Inside, the hustle and bustle of the occupants within the settlement filled the male's ears he proceeded to move inside.

To his left, he could see children training with wooden weapons to practice their martial arts, all under the watchful eye of their parents. On his right, blacksmiths were busy working in their huts forging new steel blades and armor plating for the armory. Whether it was day or night, this village was always busy doing something to keep up with the duties they were assigned.

The boy continued his solitary march deeper into the encampment. As he passed by, several other youths around his age turned their gaze toward him in admiration. Others of the female variety admired him from a different standpoint. The disciplined adults bowed their heads in reverence to him in honor of his status within the clan and so on. Regardless, the male continued to march on unaffected by the gazes that were cast over his smaller stature.

"Raizo, wait up!" a voice called out echoing the name of the assassin. This caused the scythe wielder to stop in place before turning to look.

In the immediate distance, a girl with medium-length, dark blue hair and aqua eyes with cream-colored skin came into view. She wore a long, black, robe-like dress in the style of a priestess with a red and white collar around the neck. She had an energetic and upbeat smile on her face whilst she waved at the young man in question.

"Hey Assana, what's up?" he addressed her with an informal tone and a brief smile. In response, the girl merely raised a singular finger after she hunched over to catch her breath. It seemed that running full speed in her heavier attire was quite a nuisance.

"Did you just make it back? How did it go? You are unhurt, right?" she harangued him question after question looking into his eyes.

"E-Easy…I'm fine. The mission went as smoothly as can be expected. I just need to get my gear cleaned off," the male spoke whilst patting the sickles latched onto his back.

"Did you get my present all dirty?" she inquired with a raised eyebrow all the while placing her hands on her hips. She then glanced over at the two swords hitched to his sides.

"No! Not at all! I told you that I would never use your blades unless I had to. I just prefer to keep them on me as a good luck charm," he answered carefully before rubbing the blades in question.

"So what, are they not good enough?" her face churned with a pouting expression.

"N-No, they are just too special to be used on killing low lives," he began, "And besides…I do love your gift, but I just don't want to ruin their beauty."

"Hmph, fine I suppose that is an acceptable answer. But you better put them to work when the time comes. I put a lot of thought into their craft."

"Right, right, I understand…don't worry."

Assana smiled softly at the boy as her cheeks reddened a little bit. The girl clasped her hands together nervously as she felt the need to say something, anything before losing Raizo's attention.

"Hey, Raizo…I-…"

"Raizo, darling~ It's about time you returned!" another female called out suddenly ambushing the boy by latching onto him from behind and pressing her chest firmly against him.

"H-Hey?!" he yelped at that moment before turning his head over his shoulder. Knowing the identity of the woman, the priestess was extremely displeased.

"Jeez Yuki, nothing spells attention whore more than the way you are acting!" she declared.

The female in question released her hold on the boy before stepping out from behind the youth. She was a girl of about 14 years of age, only a year older than Raizo and Assana. She wore a loose black vest that greatly exposed her cleavage and that cut off above her abdomen, the girl's attire was certainly risqué, to say the least. Further, she wore a tight dark crimson miniskirt with white knee-high boots. A quiver and bow could be seen strapped onto her back. With pale blue hair, grayish-silver eyes, and lightly tanned skin, the promiscuous girl only cocked her head to the side with a smug grin on her face.

"What's the matter, cousin? Are you jealous?" she taunted with a stout chuckle.

"How can I be jealous of a woman who dresses like a harlot?!" the obscured female retorted. Yuki merely looked down at herself for a moment.

"At least I have a body to show. I bet a guy doesn't even know you're a female underneath all that~"

"I wear a dress for Heaven's sake. Your logic makes no sense, moron!"

"Good grief, what am I in the middle of right now?" Raizo sighed heavily whilst shaking his head.

In that next instant, another person came up and patted him on the shoulders.

"Well, well, you can't even handle two women arguing in front of you? You'll never be able to lead the clan if you can't deal with this much. Guess I'll have to show you what a real leader is like," a male's voice resonated within Raizo's ears.

"Oh great…it is you," the red-eyed child responded in a deadened tone of voice brushing the other young man off.

The new presence among the group was a young, emerald-eyed man with silver hair that draped over his shoulders. He had pale skin and sported a shinobi's black outfit with crimson plates along his forearms and femurs tied by white threading. The male was also 14 years old and was about half a foot taller than the scythe user.

"Aquilo, just because my mother taught you how to wield a spear doesn't mean you're going to be leading the clan," Raizo criticized.

"We shall see, but I'm just here to let you know that the possibility still exists. It would be rather amusing to see you bowing before me," grinned the sly teenager.

"Yeah, over my dead body," the black & white-haired youth expressed bluntly.

"Careful with your words, you know that in our line of work that can happen very easily.

"And you also know that arrogance and ambitiousness can lead to a man's downfall, Aquilo…"

"Hey, fellas, instead of fighting over something as dull as birthrights and pride…why not fight over me?" Yuki chimed in out of the blue.

"Yuki, now you are truly living up to the harlot atmosphere around you. I cannot believe that we are related," Assana criticized with a saddened expression.

"Now, now we should all be striving to get along, right? We're the future of the Order as it were," Aquilo spoke up using his charisma to diffuse everything.

"You two really are alike. You both stir up unnecessary confrontations then try to play innocent after the damage is done. I'm wasting my time here," Raizo asserted before turning away from the group to walk off.

"R-Raizo, please have a good rest. You should not overexert yourself," Assana added out of concern.

"Relax, Assana. I'll get plenty of rest after I report in, don't worry. Good night."

"Yeah…good night…" she uttered, clutching her hands to her chest.

"Night Raizo~~" Yuki called out.

"Good luck, kid," Aquilo remarked dismissively.

After a brisk walk deeper into the settlement, Raizo stood before a massive tent that had a circumferential distance of 50 feet while being 30 feet in height. Constructed similarly to the structure of a circus, the black-shrouded dwelling held an insignia of a white wolf howling within a crimson circle that represented the moon. Above the symbol were words written in the archaic language of the land that translated to: "We repay sins with blood."

The youth then passed through the threshold to head inside. Within the massive space was a small rack where two katana and seven crimson lances rested on the far left. To the side was another rack holding up the black and red armor of a samurai. On the right was a small shrine that paid tribute to the great spirits of the ancestors overseen by a stone engraving of a legendary wolf spirit of old. At the head of the tent sat two individuals side by side.

The first individual was a man who had a strong build and wore a white kosode over his muscular torso with a black hakama covering his legs. Draped over these threads was a dark crimson haori with the logo of the Blood Wolves on his back. Being in his mid-40s, he had lightly tanned skin, dark, scarlet orange eyes, and raven black hair bound into a ponytail going down his back.

The second individual was a woman of unparalleled beauty and a refined, mature nature about her. She had long, pristine white hair, primrose-colored eyes, and alabaster skin. She sported a light red kimono with white lotuses blooming from black vines all over the silken fabric. With a crimson sash tied around her waist, one could see that she possessed a voluptuous figure. Her angel-like appearance made it hard to believe that she was a woman in her late 30s to early 40s, let alone the mother of the boy who walked in the room. Nevertheless, she sat there with a peaceful expression beside the man who was her husband.

"Raizo Arashi, reporting in," the boy said as he kneeled before the two as a formal assassin.

"Raise your head son, you may speak freely," uttered the man's deep voice.

"Thank you, Father. It is good to be home," the boy responded, raising himself upright before sitting on his knees.

"I trust that your trip was not too harsh on you. Venturing into that wretched city is not for the faint of heart," stated the child's mother in a concerned tone of voice.

"Hestia, do not baby our son. He has been training incessantly for missions like this. He has seen much worse," his father reacted.

"Even so Raiden, it is my duty as his mother to be concerned about my child's well-being."

"Mother, I assure you my trip went well. As my father has said, I have trained tirelessly for the missions bestowed upon me as well as completed a fair share of complicated assignments as is. It is my duty as an assassin of the Blood Wolves to carry out my duty with total accuracy and extreme precision. As such, I report that the weapons smuggler that was marked for us has been eliminated. Neither he nor his family or anyone born of his seed shall aid in the threat against the mighty empire anymore," the youth stated in kind.

Silence permeated the room at that moment as Raiden and Hestia merely turned to each other, their faces turning grim upon hearing the words of the child. A mark that has been taken care of is normally a deed that is of proper news when it comes to being a member of the clan. As a legion of ruthless assassins, such was their duty. They never asked questions or objected to the targets they were assigned. They hunt and they kill, no more and no less. However, in these times with the civil war raging on, there has been a shift in the paradigm of things that has forged the foundation of their way of life. Sensing something was off the young teen merely tilted his head.

"Is there an anomaly in my report? Was I not supposed to kill this man and eliminate his family as per the details of the contract?"

"No, you did well Son. As a growing assassin trained to take the mantle along with our code upon your shoulders, you have done well; however, these times are proving difficult. To put it bluntly, those bureaucratic corrupt bastards in the Capital have yet another one of their 'targets' to no longer worry about," Raiden gritted his teeth in frustration.

"Father, we have sworn to serve the Empire for generations. Is it wise to speak of our benefactors in such a way?" Raizo questioned.

"The Empire that our ancestors fought so hard to help bring together and swore to protect is no longer the same kingdom it once was. It is a cesspool ruled by men with hidden agendas and ambitions designed to exploit the people cast underneath its shadow while trampling over innocent lives all at the same time. Though we may be the demons of the night, we work in the darkness to serve the light. Yet what is the point of such service if the light seems to have been lost?" the man vocalized strongly. Raizo could only frown at this.

"With all due respect, are we not honor-bound by our code to continue serving the Empire? Regardless of the circumstances, our ancestors made an oath that has lasted for generations. Our word is our law. Surely we cannot simply cast aside our traditions because of the folly of politics?" pleaded the red-eyed youth much to the dismay of his father.

"Raizo, though it pleases me to know that you understand our law, our history was built upon bloodshed for the sake of peace and to be a sword in the darkness to safeguard that peace. We cannot turn a blind eye to this oppression."

"But Father, this is a betrayal of the highest caliber is it not? Just the consideration of this train of thought is enough to shame our Order for many years to come. We will become oath breakers and centuries of our sacred law will be destroyed. Besides, who would even bother to stand with us on this? Who would trust a legion of assassins such as us?"

"Enough Raizo, this is not a decision for you to make nor is it a concern of yours at this time."

"If I am to lead our clan one day, then this is as every bit of a concern of mine as it is of yours!"

"You forget your place, boy!" Raiden shouted before standing up in anger.

"You may be a prominent figure who'll lead this clan one day, but you are nonetheless a child ignorant of the way the world works. You have had your say and now you are dismissed."


"BEGONE FROM MY SIGHT! Lest you wish to incite my anger any further…"

"As you wish, Father…"

Raizo bowed his head before standing up from his position and walking away thus exiting the tent. Watching him walk away, the woman who remained quiet during the debate had taken a chance to speak.

"You see? Even your own son sees the folly in your thinking, Raiden," Hestia spat out allowing her displeasure to show.

"I shall not heed the words of a boy still wet behind the ears when it comes to life experiences, Hestia. As a mother, I would expect you to control that boy when he started getting out of line," Raiden responded in kind.

"And for what? He is only speaking his truth. Though I can understand the sentiment of wanting to rebel against the Empire, it is much too soon to make a move. We have no allies to back us. Yes, our fame and reputation precede us, but our numbers do not constitute a significant threat against an entire kingdom. Why do you not understand this and allow me to contact the other Orders within the Conclave?"

"The Conclave has not stood together as a single, indomitable fist since the initial founding of all the Orders. Of whom can we call upon? The White Tigers are nothing but a bunch of low-life mercenaries who spend their days pillaging the border between the Empire and the Alexandria Desert. The Iron Monkeys are nomadic and are seldom in the same place in their pursuit of enlightenment. The Amethyst Lotus seeks only to defend as per their chivalric code and refuse to wage war unless absolutely necessary. Thus that leaves us with our closest allies out of the bunch, the Jade Dragons. There has not been a word from them ever since their princess, Adena, went on that rampage a few years ago. Even the arrangement we had with them has been seemingly voided too. Five different clans within the Conclave founded around the same time sworn to fight alongside one another should the time comes for it, yet none of them share relations with one another."

"If you trusted me with negotiations, such distance in the relations between the clans would not be an issue. But no, you wish to be bullheaded and try to force everything to your will. Do you forget that I am technically the leader of this clan and that you took my last name, Raiden Ikazuchi-Arashi?" Hestia showed her claws for once, breaking the veil of her elegant demeanor.

"No, you seem to remind me that at every chance you get. However, you forget that women are not allowed to lead the clan hence why your father wedded us together."

"Yes and I thought I made it clear that we would be working as one for the future of our clan. Instead, you decide to pursue a path that may very well lead us to destruction without consulting me first. You never listen to me."

"So you would have me listen to that child since your words do not reach me? Is that what you are saying? Like that boy, you too forget your place, you ignorant and foolish woman. How do you expect me to trust you? Every time I look at our son, I feel shaken," Raiden ranted as he got up and walked to the other side of the tent.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Hestia remarked with a suspicious tone.

"You know exactly what it means."

"Well then, since you wish to press forward on this foolish endeavor, have you given thought of an ally to take up arms with us in this struggle?"

"Yes, I have."


After a brief yet surely appreciated length of time to rest, Raizo awoke to greet a sky that was yet to be penetrated by the coming of the morning sun. The time was about 4 o'clock in the morning. The entire encampment was still bustling with noise though it had died down due to some people taking a rest. The boy had ventured from his tent and went down to the river that was located just about 50 paces away from the settlement. It was here that the youth elected to bathe to scrub off the smell of sweat and blood from last night's assignment.

Taking five minutes to himself, he wiped his body down using a small cloth and scented oils before grabbing a set of fresh linens to don for the day. Sporting a short-sleeved black kosode with the black trousers from a shinobi's outfit layered by a white haori, the red-eyed male gathered his dirty clothing and examined them.

"Should I wash them out again or just get rid of them?" he asked himself before leaning in for closer observation.

"Eck…they smell like that damn alley. Better to have these burned."

Tossing them to the side, he then brought his two pairs of weapons. He grabbed the two short swords with black and white handles encased in dark crimson scabbards and unsheathed them to check their integrity. As the light of the sky was still illuminated by the moon, their luster shimmered brilliantly. Sharp enough to cleave the air, untainted by blood or fingerprints, the swords still had their purity since the day he was presented with them by the priestess.

"Truly works of art. I rue the day in which I have to stain them," he whispered before tucking them back in their sheaths.

From here, he took hold of the pair of sickles. The hooked blades crafted for reaping had traces of dried blood from last night's assignment. The rods with interlocking mechanisms and chains attached had hints of grime from repeated use; however, it was nothing that could not be wiped away. As such, he took hold of the cloth he used before and dipped it into the coolness of the water before draining it. He then proceeded to wipe off the sickles carefully so that he would not cut himself and intimately enough to leave no blemish behind. After another few minutes passed, he grabbed a solitary stone that was conveniently sitting nearby. Upon inspection of the surface of it, he found it suitable enough to sharpen his blades.

Another 15 minutes or so had passed before he finished up with his tasks. He hitched his weapons to his sides and on his lower back before gathering everything else he had with him to walk back toward the camp. Crossing the area, he happened upon a small fire going inside a steel drum in which he discarded his old clothing and washcloth as well as the empty jars of oils. From here, he continued through the camp.

The forges were already at full steam as the blacksmiths immediately got to work once more. The hammering of steel against molten steel and the resulting heat from the process was greater in sound than normal. As Raizo observed them from afar, he could see that there were twice as many workers by the forge. This was unheard of unless an arduous mission was handed down and a large number of assassins needed to be dispatched.

Glancing to the other side of the encampment, he saw other members of his clan beginning the regimen of the day. There was a hotbed of coal laid out about 20 feet in length and 5 feet in width. A relay was conducted as trainees were made to walk across the bed as quickly as possible without leaving any evidence of footprints on the surface. Anyone who failed this task was made to run it again and again until they got it right. The key was to understand how to balance the distribution of weight between the legs and the feet. One had to maintain their center of gravity and concentrate it at a certain point to allow for rapid movement.

Another training area was focused on a type of weight-lifting. Trainees had stones tied to their legs and along their arms and were forced to run around the campgrounds. This was in an effort to build muscle as well as strength and endurance. Raizo recalled running that exercise as well as the previous one at a younger age. Being the successor to the clan head, he was thrust into this life early and cultivated to become a prodigy. Nevertheless, all of this activity going on at once made him feel as if some massive conflict was approaching. Trying to alleviate those concerns, he continued to walk along until he came to another particular area.

A wooden structure was constructed in a remote area of the campsite. The building was more rectangular with a dark brown, trapezoidal pyramid serving as its rooftop. In front of the building was a group of people gathered at the steps with a small stone well gathered behind it. In front of the crowd was a lone female with a soothing expression on her face. Her lovely features exuded an aura of love and peace despite being a part of one of the deadliest clans in the land.

"My brothers and sisters, though we may be the swords in the night destined for a life of bloodshed, we must not forget why we do what we do. For centuries our code was to lurk in the darkness to serve the light; even with all the chaos of these trying times, that purpose remains true. Our hands may be saturated in blood, but we must never lose sight of what our ancestors fought for and what their hopes were for the generations to come.

This world is being thrust into chaos once more. Our era is beginning the cycle of oppression and despair that once consumed the various lands during the Dark Ages of human history. The nations that our ancestors had fought and bled for are straying back onto the forsaken paths that spread misery once before. We, as the descendants of those who once sacrificed their liberties for the sake of something greater, must not give in to this atmosphere of self-destruction. We must preserve the values and integrity that our forefathers passed down to us. For that is our duty as survivors.

The All-Mother watches over us all, and the Obsidian Wolf—one of the seven great spirits that serve her—shall protect us in her name. As long as we remain vigilant and steadfast, the sins that we are bathing in may yet be forgiven one day. However, we must come together and prepare to make a stand. We are in the age of a new revolution. The time has come for the beasts of the night to bear their fangs once more. Remember our words: We repay sins with blood.

Though some may perceive that our code restricts whom we raise our blades to, we must not forget that no one is safe from our judgment even if it is those we swore our swords to. If they stray from the path that goes against our code, it is our sacred right to rebel."

Assana Demiyah preached this sermon to all those present. Hearing these words for himself, Raizo could only surmise one thing.

The flames of rebellion against the Empire are already circulating through the rest of the camp. So Father is truly set upon waging war against the Imperials?

"May your hearts not be dismayed by these words, and your souls discern the truth for yourselves. Peace be upon you all and may you never hesitate in the face of adversity," the young girl spoke with a dismissing tone.

The crowd that gathered had bowed in reverence before gradually dispersing from the area. Raizo stepped forward receiving some bows here and there from his fellow clan members to which he silently nodded back. As his eyes locked with Assana's, the girl could only relinquish a smile of delight. In a matter of seconds, the two teens were left alone to speak.

"I was not expecting to see you here, Raizo. I suppose you were able to see my work firsthand. I trust my words did not offend," she expressed with a concerned tone.

"Not at all, I thought your speech was eloquent and well-crafted," he responded.

"They came from the heart. My visions of a great conflict consuming the land have been plaguing me in my sleep. In addition, words of what Raiden-sama is planning reached my ears not too long ago. Though, I suppose you must have only found out recently due to being on a mission."

"Yes, Father spoke about it in his unique way last night. I opposed the matter."

"I see…I figured you would. After all, you stay true to the code in the strictest fashion due to the responsibility placed upon you."

"I suppose that is one facet of it."

"Raizo, are you sure you listened to my words fully? I mean truly listened?"

"Of course I did. I know the history of our ancestors and what their experiences were like due to the texts of our recorded history. However, our duty as assassins…and the oath we swore, how can we be expected to betray our traditions?"

"Raizo…do you not trust in she who watches over us, and our guardian who safeguards the spirits of our forefathers?"

"Honestly speaking Assana, the idea of a higher power is something that is lost on me. How can I believe in any sort of god with all the horrors I've seen? People pray to some god all the time, yet I've never seen a miracle or anything that could convince me otherwise. If the gods do exist, then I am sure they have forsaken humanity. We are a lost cause left to fend for ourselves in a world that is way too small for us all. Look at what we do and the wars being fought. There are no winners because everyone loses. Death and destruction consume the land, stop for a certain time, and then one deed starts it all over again. We live in a world where the cycle of hatred is never-ending."

"You sound as though you have given up on humanity."

"Humanity exists only as a sentient species, but as a concept, it is lost."

Assana grew quiet at that moment. She zoned out as her aqua eyes entered a haze. Her mind was taken elsewhere as she was assaulted with visions.

A great fire consumed a village whilst thousands of people lay dead.

A mysterious illumination taking the form of chasms of electricity bears down upon a lone warrior as the mark of angel wings covers his back.

Crimson eyes filled with vengeance are cast upon countless adversaries.

The next vision came in the form of four other individuals standing alongside this lightning user as they faced beings greater than this world could ever come to understand. Hordes of warriors led by ambitious individuals, beasts that threaten to devour all life, and spawns belched from the bowels of hell were all just pieces of obstacles that were to come. These five warriors would stand against these challenges and become something greater than anyone could ever imagine.

"Assana…" the voice of Raizo called out, but the girl did not respond.

"Assana, can you hear me?"

The girl continued to dream, seeing a woman much like herself except with shorter hair standing beside three other figures as they watched over the cosmos. She could not understand it, but she continued to dream.


"Huh? What is it? Where am I?" she answered, snapping out of her dream.

"You're still at the temple. You just went quiet, is everything okay?" asked the boy in a worried tone.

"Oh, Raizo…I see. I just had a vision…a series of them rather," she muttered before rubbing her head.

"Here, take a seat for a minute," he suggested before guiding her to sit down on the stairs of the temple.

"I'll grab you some water," he added but the girl grasped his arm gently.

"Wait, you need to hear what I have to say."

"Um…okay," he said before sitting next to her.

"Listen to me, Raizo Arashi. You will come into a great power soon, one of which is born due to circumstance. However, with this strength comes heartache. You are going to experience a series of hardships in your life, some of which may crush your very soul. But do not fret for you shall not be alone. You will encounter new allies, those unlike any of the people in this world. They shall fight beside you, laugh with you, cry with you, and pull you out of your darkest days. They will not only become your trusted comrades, but they shall also become your family. Do not be dismayed by the ways of this world for everything shall change. As destiny is made flesh, the truth shall come to light and the fate of life will be changed forever."

The red-eyed youth held a dumbfounded expression upon his face. He did not know what to make of the girl's words. Her speech was filled with concepts that he was completely ignorant of.

I'm just a mere assassin, what does destiny have to do with anything?

Just as he was about to express his doubts, someone blew a horn which meant that there was an intruder on the grounds. Looking in the distance, Raizo saw most of the clansmen moving around to check out what was going on. As a result, the youth grew curious himself and forced the thoughts he had over the girl's words to the back of his mind.

"It seems like today is going to be eventful," he said before standing up.

"Indeed. But heed my words, Raizo, your entire life is about to change," Assana spoke.

"I…I understand," he answered meekly.

"Regardless of what lies ahead, I'm always with you," she smiled warmly.

With that, the two parted ways as Raizo sought to investigate the source of all the commotion.


"My Lord, we've captured an intruder," a masked member of the Blood Wolves reported.

"Excellent, then I take it that everything was as according to plan?" Raiden inquired.

"Yes my Lord, all preparations were followed through successfully," the assassin noted.

"Then bring him in."

The attendant bowed in respect before making his exit. Not even five minutes had passed before a man clad in a tan military uniform with emerald green eyes and sandy blonde hair was brought before Raiden and Hestia. His arms were tied behind his back and his legs were bound.

"So glad you could join us," spoke the imposing figure as he cast his gaze upon the prisoner.

Meanwhile, Raizo had stealthily maneuvered across the grounds where he witnessed his clansmen bring in someone before his parents. He did not recognize the man due to the unfamiliarity he had with that particular uniform. Unsure of what was going on, the boy got closer to the tent as much as he possibly could without triggering his parents' keen senses so he could overhear what was going on. Given the way the scouts brought this stranger in, there must have been some importance to him.

Intruders or persons of interest with high value were usually ambushed if they made it through the forest located just beyond the hidden grounds of the encampment. They would be knocked out using a special blend of pixie dust or just from sudden blunt-force trauma. A hood would be placed over their faces to prevent them from finding out the location of the hideout of the clan before being brought to the clan leader to decide their fates.

Raizo went to listen in and he heard a few muffled words. The first was a rank and a name: Lieutenant Commander Fujitora. The second was a faction affiliation: Revolutionary Army. Then there was another word, a word that he wished was not something birthed into reality. With his strong views about his father's current state of thinking combined with the words that Assana said during her sermon, this was the last word he wanted to hear—Alliance.

Father…don't do this…

He could not hear much else, but he surmised the topic of discussion at hand from those phrases. His father was determined to march the Order of the Blood Wolves to the southernmost part of the land to join up with the Revolutionary Army. Thus, the oath they swore and the faith they kept in the Empire would be thrown away. Whomever the snake that was in that tent with his parents was, they were weaving a web of lies that his father was foolish enough to fall for. Feeling uncertain, Raizo just backed away from the location and dashed a few paces away to gather his thoughts.

Why… just why? I don't understand this at all. We're assassins, tools to be used by our masters and discarded. We are forged in darkness and to darkness we shall be laid to rest. So why…

"Well, well, if it isn't my troublesome little grandson," a haughty voice called out from behind the boy as he wandered aimlessly through the night between the forest of tents.

"Grandfather?" Raizo tilted his head with a surprised tone upon turning around to see the man in question.

An imposing muscular giant about 7 feet tall, it was incredulous to believe that the gentleman was in his early 70s. The man had light brown skin, orange-yellow eyes, a full head of black hair, and a full beard that hung about 3 inches down his face. Clad in a black karate gi with a red belt tied around his waist, he wore a white haori over his shoulders. The man with the boisterous attitude and deep, bellowing voice stood there with his arms folded. He was Raiden's father; Kenshirou Ikazuchi.

He was one of the most influential elders that sat on the Council. An accomplished martial artist and master swordsman that has seen his fair share of conflict in his day, age never slowed Kenshirou down. He trained almost every single one of the assassins fighting for the Blood Wolves in the current and previous generations. The belief that knowledge was true power was what made him a figurehead that everyone looked up to. His wisdom and prestige made him one of the ideal figures others aspired to be. However, the mantle of respect and admiration that he was placed upon was something he never allowed to inflate his ego.

"It seems like you've gotten adequate rest after your mission. I trust you are not neglecting your training between missions, right?" the imposing figure asked with a grin.

"No, of course not, I make sure to train in between missions so I can use what you taught me in the field. Though..." Raizo responded before his voice trailed off. Kenshirou's smile then faded as he became concerned.

"What's wrong my boy? You seem troubled."

"I…suppose so…"

"Raizo, you remember what I told you before right? A heavy heart can dull a man's blade. You must have a clear conscience to wield a sword. Talk to me."

"Well…have you heard of what Father is intending to do? In regards to our clan and the relationship with the Empire that is. Being one of the Council members and all…"

The muscular elder sighed as he leaned down to pat his grandson on the shoulder. He knew exactly what the youth was speaking of. Being the young prodigy and the weight of responsibility that is placed upon him, Kenshirou could only guess what the child was currently feeling.

"Yes, I have heard of it. It is quite a daring undertaking, to say the least, the likes of which may forever change how we move forward as an Order. In fact, it may even alter our influence within the Conclave."

"Then, surely you must be against this. We have our code, the principles that bind us to our way of life. Politics has never played an influence on us until now."

"Wrong," Kenshirou bluntly responded whilst lightly flicking his grandson on the forehead.

"Political beliefs are what gave rise to the Conclave, to begin with. Before the formation of the Orders, our ancestors came from different walks of life. They came together to rise against the oppression of the dark times. From the people who abused their power to even the likes of the gods themselves. A unified stage of power is what brought peace to the land, yes; however, we live in times where the ideals and goals that our ancestors bled for are under attack. As their descendants, we must correct the path that the Empire has strayed from. That is why your Father is set upon rebellion."

"But…our law…does it mean that everything I have learned so far is only a situational truth?"

"No, our code carries weight. However, the interpretation is probably different. You're still young Raizo, you are naïve and inexperienced. Yes, you show adequate promise, but the world is far greater than you can possibly imagine. One day you will come to understand this fact," the elder expressed, placing both hands on the boy's shoulders.

"I see…" the red-eyed male responded quietly.

"Why don't you express how you feel to your father? It may ease that heavy heart of yours. Remember, emotions can cloud your judgment. Whatever you have to say, you need to get it off your chest no matter what. Otherwise, the feelings in your chest will drag you down and hinder you in the long run," Kenshirou advised.

"Yes, Grandfather, I understand."

"Good, now run along. And don't forget about your training later!"

"Yes sir!" Raizo reaffirmed before he headed back towards his parents' tent.

A few minutes passed before the youth arrived at his destination. Along the way, he saw the stranger that was escorted into the campsite walking away towards the exit as if nothing was wrong. He also saw Aquilo stopping the man and exchanging a few words, but the youth just ignored it and went inside.

"Mother, Father, pardon the intrusion. I was concerned over the intruder alert earlier…" he was explaining before his father cut him off.

"You needn't worry about that. The person turned out to be a guest that will help us move forward with our plans. He was a figure of influence within the Revolutionary Army," Raiden explained while standing in the corner observing his armor.

"A high-ranking officer to be exact," Hestia added whilst standing before the shrine on the other side of the tent.

There was a clear divide in the atmosphere between the husband and wife. As they each moved back to their seats to converse with their child, Raizo sensed that something was off. Rather than read into it, the youth just sat before them.

"Father, can someone from the Revolutionary Army be truly trusted? We have thwarted their plans and supply chains at the request of the Empire at every opportunity. Surely it would not be easy to broker some arrangement between our factions," the boy expressed his doubt.

"In times of war, the side that is at a significant disadvantage will take any possible opportunity to turn the tides in their favor over their enemy. Just by our name alone will drastically affect the overall morale of both sides in this conflict and may cause a dynamic shift in the atmosphere of the nation."

"So…you are truly pursuing this…"

"Indeed. In the end, it is for the greater good. It is better that we take advantage of this sooner rather than later."

"Father…this…this still does not feel right. Nothing good will come of this. Can we not attempt extensive negotiations before moving forward? The word of one man cannot outweigh the security of our Order's guaranteed survival by shifting alliances."


"Father, we cannot be hasty with this. The preservation of our very livelihood is at stake. This is not just a contract for us to carry out. We are dealing with the idea of a full-scale war. Are we truly equipped for this?"

"That's enough…"


"I SAID ENOUGH!" Raiden screamed aloud before rising to his feet. This sight was an immediate déjà vu of what occurred a few hours ago.

"I am sick of being questioned by a naïve child who is completely and utterly inexperienced in the ways of this world. You may be the chosen successor, but I am your leader. I am the one who makes the decisions that decide the fate of this clan, not you! You are just an amateur assassin that is just beginning to wade in the blood of his enemies. Do not think you are more experienced than me."

"You call me a child, yet you are making rash decisions that will effectively destroy our way of life just for your own benefit. What of the hundreds of other warriors out there who are preparing for war? We are the swords of the night, not soldiers that wade onto the battlefield."

"You ungrateful little bastard…" Raiden seethed with anger.

"How dare you?!" Hestia rose up at the moment stepping toward her husband.

The man who towered around the same height as his father slapped the woman who was merely half a foot shorter than he was across her face. The blow was hard enough to knock her down onto the floor stunning her instantly.

"Be silent, whore!"

Seeing that action caused Raizo to draw his scythes from behind his back and crouch down. In that stance he rushed to attack his old man, his crimson eyes filled with resentment and killing intent. The youth dashed forward with his arms raised in an X-shape seeking to behead the taller man. However, Raiden merely adjusted his stance and threw a singular punch that was driven straight to the boy's abdomen thus sending him flying back across the ground of the settlement. The man then snapped his fingers as two guards came rushing in.

"I suppose I should be proud of you for making such a quick decision based purely on reflexes. Though, your unchecked emotions make you easy to predict. Raising your hand to your leader is an offense punishable by death, but I suppose I brought that upon myself for my own emotions. Therefore, I shall let you off lightly. You will spend a decent amount of time inside the archive with our ancient histories. You will be given food and water 3 times a day and a chamber pot to use. I would take that time to study our history and reflect on your actions," Raiden explained, and then he adjusted his gaze to the two masked men in the room.

"Take my son to the vault where he is to serve out his punishment pending further instruction."

The boy was writhing in pain. He could only gaze at his mother who was barely starting to recover from the strength of that vicious slap across her face. Holding onto his scythes, the child stared at his father with seething disgust unable to utter any words. He cursed the man with every fiber of his being in that singular moment. The guards tore his hooked blades away from him before grabbing him up by the arms. Then they dragged the youth out of the room.

"Y-You're a true son of a bitch, you know that? You will suffer a fate more gruesome and cruel than any you have ever inflicted upon another soul. I hope you realize this," Hestia cursed while sitting up and rubbing her cheek.

"If you say so, but if that is how you feel then I suppose you should have used your chance to run away when you had it. You chose this life thinking you would take control of your birthright. This is the life you have made for yourself and for that boy," Raiden uttered.

"I swear the day you pass from this world will give me no greater joy."

With those cruel words, Raiden grew silent.


About 250 feet away from the main encampment of the Blood Wolves was a small hillside. Built into the land formation was a structure using natural stone and wood to create an upside-down parabola shape. Four porthole windows were cut out on the side that was exposed for entry with a massive circular threshold configured like a vault opening. Obscured by the grass and moss growing along its surface, this location served as a hidden storage building.

Behind the entrance was a cavern-like space that was illuminated by dimly lit lanterns. Along the tens of hundreds of shelves contained within were tons of scrolls and texts that contained the ancient histories of the Conclave and the storied legacy of the Blood Wolves. On top of this, various treasures of priceless value had been stored here. From various weapons of assassins long past to armors and robes worn by past clan heads.

Among these items was an urn placed upon a mantle enshrined against the back wall where the banner of the clan emblem hung. Isolated from all over valuables within this facility, the container housed something that was both a gift and a curse to the clan. It was one of the 48 legendary weapons known as a Teigu crafted by the magic of the First Emperor. Like its cousins, this item held special powers that would give its intended user insurmountable abilities; however, no one has been able to master it.

In this fabled hall of treasures, Raizo was brought inside to be confined. As his escorts left him to wallow in his pain from that ridiculous blow to both his body and his pride, the youth merely stared off into space whilst lying on the ground with his blades beside him. His mind became consumed with thoughts mixed with frustration, sorrow, and anger.

The face of the youth's father ran through his mind along with a wave of animosity. Raizo felt a significant distance from the man for as long as he could remember. He could never really explain their relationship, but it was less of father and son and more of a caretaker and patient. Even that idea was something that begged for greater clarity.

It was difficult to describe. He had an attachment to Raiden as far as matters concerning the clan were addressed. Such details included understanding the code, physical training, as well as understanding the practices and skills necessary to become an assassin. Outside of that, they lacked a personal connection. His mother served as a mentor who instructed her student on how to grow and survive in this world; yet, she also had the kind and nurturing side of a mother whose warmth had eclipsed the rays of the sun. There was a specific word for this—love. Raizo felt the concept of love strongest with his mother; he could not say the same about his father.

As far as an idealistic male figure in his life, the youth felt that most with his grandfather. That man was the only male in his life that he could honestly admit encapsulated the ideas of a proper father.

The sight of his mother being slapped across her face replayed in his memory. That horrific act of violence that he never would have expected to see from that man kept replaying over and over again.

If only I was stronger…if only I was faster, I could have killed him.

That thought had stirred in him like wildfire igniting a feeling of hatred. That, however, was not the only feeling that burned within him. There was something else, something much more heart-wrenching. That feeling was sorrow. It wasn't something that he was akin to feeling. After all, he trained to shut off his emotions by suppressing them and restricting how much they affected his actions. Consequently, this was one of those times when those suppressed feelings tried to bubble over simultaneously.

"Crying won't solve anything. It would only prove my frustration at my weakness," he uttered softly whilst pushing himself up off the dusty flooring.

Suddenly he felt a chill run down his spine. He did not understand where it came from, but it reverberated throughout his entire nervous system.

"What the hell was that?" he asked while peering around the room.

That chill he received was not an ordinary sensation. It was not one born of fear or anxiety. Instead, it was as if something was reaching out to him. It was like a calling or a rallying cry to something he did not know about. Turning his head, he traced his eyes along the path being carved out by his instinct. Eventually, his eyes happened upon the urn.

The chill creeping through his bones sent off warning flags. Part of him felt tempted to investigate the object before him, yet his instincts told him to stay away. With a strong shake of his head, the boy turned his face away from the bizarre pedestal to focus on something else. Observing the shelves before him, he casually stood up fighting through the stinging sensation of the hit he suffered. Upon that, he walked towards one of the cases.

"Let's see here…The Origin of the Conclave, The First Great War, The Age of Gods, Edge of the World: Mercury, Alexandria and Neveir, The Chronicles of the Blood Wolves. So much history has been recorded from the times of our ancestors. Generations of first-person accounts of experiences from around the world, yet one rash decision may reduce all of this to nothing more than words on a page," the distraught teen sighed with a heavy tone of voice.

His crimson irises continued to scan the numerous texts that not only included tales of history; there were documents and scrolls containing personal diaries of assassins in the past, strategies and battle records, and even some texts from those who served today. For example, there was a lesson book on the martial arts and sword styles that belonged to the Ikazuchi family written by none other than his grandfather. In addition, there was a book written by his mother about her understanding of Teigu and its functions. Both were tempting to read, yet there was something more important that called to him.

"Absolute Blade Trance…what on Earth?"

The title of the book was relatively difficult to read. It was as if someone tried to alter the words by erasing certain characters from the phrase. As the boy opened the cover of the leather book, he began to flip through the pages one after the other to understand what was present. Like the title, the translated text had been altered as well; however, many of the main points were still understandable, especially with the pictures drawn in.

"These are…sword techniques of some kind. They're more than just a fighting style or techniques; it's a set of principles."

Raizo flipped through to the end of the book and then started all over again. He slowed down his reading pace and began to read as much as he could translate in an effort to comprehend it.

"To wield a sword, one must become it…" he read aloud.

The male continued to read along until his eyes grew sore. This punishment that he had to endure may have had a silver lining after all. Continuing with his thirst for knowledge, he insisted on reading as much as he could. As he allowed his mind to soak up the text present on the pages before him, his crimson eyes drifted over towards that urn on the pedestal once again.

"No…I'm sure I was just imagining things," he said, ignoring his nerves in order to continue his research thus passing the time in isolation whilst absorbing new knowledge.


Time passed along outside of the hidden chambers going into the mid-afternoon hours. During Raizo's confinement, the activities of the Blood Wolves never ceased. They continued with their daily activities as assassins out in the field were being recalled to prepare for the execution of the relocation plan. Raiden was walking around the grounds observing the progress of his clansmen as if nothing happened to disrupt his night.

Alone inside her tent sat the distant beauty that was Raizo's mother. Her eyes were hazy from exhaustion due to what her husband did to her only a couple of hours before. Inside her chest beat the volatile mixture of trauma, anger, and heartache. She combed her long train of immaculate hair like she was sifting through a web of confusion racked with pain. The muddled thoughts of what she was going to do next were foggy and ambiguous. As a result, she was just staring into space soaking in her loneliness.

"Pardon the intrusion, Lady Hestia," a female voice echoed from the room as the silhouette of a priestess came into view. The innocent voice of the girl caused the woman to turn her head to investigate.

"Oh Assana, it is you. Apologies, I was not expecting visitors. I must look like a mess right now," the woman spoke up in a somber tone.

"No Lady Hestia, that is certainly not the case. You are a radiant beauty that every girl aspires to be within our Order."

"Please Assana, you may dispense with the formalities."

"As you wish then; however, is there something wrong?"

"Many things are wrong…in this world, in this life…even in this very encampment. If only I knew how to fix it."

"Perhaps a bath would offer clarity. I could have one prepared for you if you prefer?"

"No Assana, that is quite alright. I only need a change of clothing and scented oils. I shall head down by the river to bathe. Might I trouble you to accompany me?"

"Without a doubt, I shall do so."

Assana went over and helped Hestia grab the items she needed. The woman wrapped herself up in something temporary, that being a white kimono, while pointing at the items she needed the girl to grab. With the items in hand, the two traveled down to the river where they had privacy to resume their time together.

"Is it true that Raizo is being confined to the library? I heard rumors floating around the camp," the girl asked out of worry.

"Yes…my son and husband had quite the heated exchange of words last night," the white-haired female nodded as she peeled away the kimono from her body.

As her alabaster skin came into view, various areas along her shoulders, neck, and sides were covered in bruises and scars. The blemishes were evidence of her abuse last night at the hands of Raiden, capitalized by the swelling that appeared on her cheek which had been obscured by her hair until now. Assana bore witness to all of these harsh markings and could only gasp in horror.

"Lady Hestia, these injuries…how did-…"

"I'm fine," she began, "This is all just a part of my punishment. This is what I get for foolishly believing that a man would actually listen to me. All of these marks are just stepping stones along my path. Though these scars may wound my body and wear on me mentally, they cannot break my spirit," she declared with a hollow tone of voice.

"But...Lord Raiden…did this to you? Your own husband? I…I don't…" the priestess pursued with exasperation.

"Listen to me, Assana. These wounds are superficial compared to what is to come. Nothing good will come of this arrangement that my foolish husband insists upon, especially since the Revolutionary Army is going to be involved. I can feel it…all I can feel is a foreboding sense of darkness that something is coming….and soon. We do not have much time. Grab some ink and paper, I need you to write something down for me."

"But I don't think…"

"Check my kimono."

Assana sifted through the dress item and found a small brush with a tiny scroll secreted away along with a tiny jar of ink. With the items in place, she nodded at her mistress dutifully.

"I trust you are going to find a way to see Raizo tonight?"

"Well, I was thinking of using an excuse to return some books to the library tonight or convince someone to let me deliver his meal to him."

"Good, then I need you to write down everything that I am going to say and deliver it to him firsthand."

"I understand."

Dutifully, the blue-haired female took note of Hestia's words without any further delay. The context of what was being written tore at the girl's heart causing tears to well up in her eyes, yet she fought them back with every fiber of her being. Even though she knew the conditions of this letter would be circumstantial at best, the priestess felt that she would be delivering these words during a gruesome moment. This only proved that the prophecy she passed onto the boy in question would indeed come to pass starting tonight.


The day came and went almost in a flash. Regardless of the time, the Blood Wolves had their orders and would soon begin their daring expedition across the land. Many warriors had been taking rest due to moving about in shifts with their fellow clansmen in preparation for what was to come. Armors and weapons were forged; medicines were packed up, and storage containers were loaded. Everything was going according to plan for the moment.

It was a quiet night, the innumerable count of stars glittered the heavens as not a single cloud in sight dared to bypass their gaze upon the Earth. The air was deathly still, only a trickle of a breeze wafted over the plains like a gently placed kiss on the cheek. The moon had risen over the horizon in all its fullness. Close enough to feel like one could throw a lasso around it and pull it in, the reddish hue of its luster radiated an omen that something was about to happen.

Outside of the barrier, a lone figure wearing a black hooded cloak had appeared. Clasping their hands together, this individual invited the incantation to release the barrier around the entire encampment. The air that appeared over the settlement had numerous fractures spread all over it like a spider's web before shattering like raining petals of glass. Behind the figure responsible for this was a legion of Imperial soldiers numbering about 20,000 in all.

Half of the soldiers were the most ruthless and cunning legion within the Empire led by one of the two strongest military officers of the entire kingdom. The other half was an organized coalition of other notable officers assigned to this mission. These men that behaved more like beasts were equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry designed by the top engineers within the Capital. They had the latest military-grade rifles, cannons, siege weapons, and whatever else was deemed necessary for their objective—to completely eradicate the Order of the Blood Wolves.

One of the cannons stationed atop the cliffs overlooking the valley had released a shell upon the encampment. Instantly the round of ammunition blew away one of the tents as well as the 10 to 15 warriors gathered around it. It was at this moment that every possible alarm that could be sounded off within the encampment was set ablaze to raise awareness of the invasion.

The Order of the Blood Wolves was a clan that boasted a population of at least 5,000 members. The assassins may have been the most savage killers in all the land trained for a wide variety of tasks that dealt with bloodshed; however, this was a situation where even their fame would be truly put to the test. They were outmanned and outgunned by a 4-to-1 margin. To say that this would be a hopeless struggle was certainly an understatement.

"So this is the notoriously hidden settlement of the deadliest batch of individuals to serve the Empire? How…weak and unsatisfying," a certain military officer on horseback criticized.

She had cruel, ice-blue eyes and long hair that matched in color. The woman sported a white military uniform that tightly adhered to her curvature, long black sleeves along her arms, white knee-high boots, and a black scarf wrapped around her neck. She held a silver rapier hitched to her belt behind her back with a wicked grin on her face. The female officer was as ruthless as they came with a bloody track record to her name. Though she was considered young for her position, the woman delivered unprecedented results when it came to military campaigns. Her name was Esdeath.

"Looking at this place just turns my stomach. Go forth and devour these pathetic puppies who would dare defy the Emperor. Indulge and destroy to your heart's content!"

Meanwhile, Raiden was stirred to action donning his red and black samurai armor ready for battle. He looked at the woman in the tent who was just sitting idly by with an emotionless expression. That blank stare only served to agitate him. He knew something was going on in her head, but he just couldn't figure out what it was.

"I bet you would love to say 'I told you so' at this moment. Whatever is going on right now is the consequence of my decision, is that not correct? You may have that distant look upon your face, but I know your heart. Make no mistake, we will endure this. Nothing will change that," he declared.

"My Lord, the enemy is closing in!" a guard uttered as he rushed into the tent. The words of the subordinate caused the man to turn away from his wife.

"Gather everyone able-bodied and prepare to mount a defense. Women and children should move to the back of the encampment as fast as possible. Also, bring a few men to guard my wife along with that priestess," he ordered.

"Understood, but what of your son, Sir?"

"Given where he is, he'll be fine. Leave him."

"A-As you command, My Lord."

With that, the armored leader exited the tent.

Fires raged on consuming the housing structures in the encampment. The sound of bullets being discharged in rapid succession filled the skies. Corpses turned to Swiss cheese littered the grounds as crimson pools of blood mixed with entrails began to saturate the soil underneath.

The Imperial Army descended like a plague and washed over the territory of the assassins like violent tides crashing against the shoreline. As the invasion carried on, the assassins began to counterattack using their superior skills and tactics. They ambushed soldiers who navigated unsuspectingly through the grounds leaping out of the shadows to disembowel their foes. Slitting throats, decapitations, hacking off limbs, and tricking the soldiers into shooting their own allies were all various methods of guerilla warfare that the Blood Wolves were putting into practice. If this was going to be the last night of the clan, they would not go down without a fight.

In the midst of all this chaos, one man was taking his stand with a smile of delight across his face. He grabbed soldiers up left and right and crushed their skulls in his hand before using their bodies like baseball bats to knock away the oncoming rush of attackers. He stepped through the crowds and beat down anyone who dared to rush him, knocking aside bullets with his fists. The old man moved like he was in his early 20s weaving through the hailstorm at ease.

"Come on Imperials, surely you can do better than this! Coming into our home without offering a proper challenge is rude in itself. Children put up a better fight than you lot," boasted Kenshirou Ikazuchi.

The taunting tone he elected to voice was only a cover to stave his growing rage at the audacity of this attack. The visage of his fellow clansmen lying lifeless in the dirt butchered like animals burned within his mind. Each and every slain individual was a person he had trained at some point in his life. The losses were staggering. He watched many of these adults grow up being the eldest in the clan. The knowledge he imparted upon them was meant to be passed on to the next generation and the one after that. At some point when his life came to an end, they would be the ones to bury him not the other way around. His heart was being ripped from his chest right before his eyes. As a result, all he could do was fight back to prevent any further loss of life.

"Come on then!"

The elder rushed forward throwing his fists wildly with rage. One soldier ran towards him with a bayonet attached to his rifle attempting to stab the giant head-on. Kenshirou merely swatted the weapon away before bending down to deliver a swift uppercut that split the man in half at the waist. Another attempted to do the same thing by attacking from behind. However, the martial artist merely spun his left leg behind him and kicked the head of the soldier off causing it to fly at an incredible speed which killed another soldier firing his gun in the distance.

This raw display of power only escalated as the bodies of the Imperials dropped faster than the number of Blood Wolves being slaughtered. The assassins who were struggling to survive the onslaught saw their elder tearing up the battlefield within the village. The morale amongst the killers of the night increased as a result.

"Since you're so fond of your toys," he cried out, swiping one of the larger weapons on the ground.

"Why don't you have a taste of it firsthand?"

The man squeezed the trigger as baseball-sized slugs were regurgitated from the barrel of the device. As the metal projectiles were discharged into the air, they landed on the ground at the feet of the coming invaders and detonated one after the other. Body parts and giblets rained down across the encampment as the mighty giant made use of the weapon dubbed a grenade launcher.

Kenshirou discharged every possible shell loaded into the weapon before tossing it aside. As he sought to pursue his rampage against the invaders, multiple soldiers tried to converge on his location. The man could only smirk confidently bracing himself to create further bloodshed; however, something unexpected occurred.

A shadow seemingly came out of nowhere as the soldiers suddenly found their arms and legs hacked off. Their cries of agony filled the air before their last breaths were taken. In that blur of motion, one man had taken them all out with a few swings of his sword.

"I see that you are having fun, Father," Raiden spoke before standing side by side with the man.

The armored warrior only stood at the upper part of Kenshirou's chest. Shaking the blood off his blade, the leader of the Blood Wolves made his debut on the battlefield.

"Good to see you finally join me, boy. It seems like the plan to abandon the Empire was ousted before we even had a chance to move," the elder observed.

"That bastard of an officer I spoke with probably sold us out," the leader of the clan proposed.

"Indeed, the man could have potentially lied about a deal given the state of duress he was in going off of what you told the council; however, there is another likely possibility."

"What is that Father?"

"We were betrayed by one of our own."

"Impossible! Who among us would benefit from selling out their clan?"

"I don't know the answer, my boy. There are a multitude of motivators one could consider: greed, spite, envy, hate, cowardice, and so on. Regardless, it is the most likely scenario. The barrier surrounding the encampment being dispelled is enough proof as it is. If that isn't enough, look at the subjugation force sent our way. We only have 5,000 members in the clan, yet the enemy outnumbers us by at least quadruple the amount."

"Your wisdom is eternally valued even in times of crisis, Father. Despite the obstacle that is before us, all we can do now is stand and fight."

Raiden turned to the clan members who had mobilized behind him. The assassins had armed themselves with whatever they could get their hands on and donned any armor that they could find. Hundreds must have died so far, but there were still thousands remaining to take a stand against the horde before them. In recognition of this, the strong leader raised his blade in the sky.

"It is time for we who walk in the shadows to emerge from the darkness like demons of the Underworld. Like lambs being led to slaughter, the sheep have come into the wolves' den. Let this night be a festival of blood where we feast on our fill! For our fallen brothers and sisters, for our families who have been taken from us, for the ancestors who watch over us—Blood Wolves, let your howls resonate through the night!" he declared.

A booming battle cry circulated through the encampment as their morale soared into the skies. It was around this time that the next wave of attackers came rushing toward the village. With their iron will glistening like the steel they carried, the Order of the Blood Wolves was determined to make their stand.

"CHARGE!" cried out their fearless leader to which the assassins obeyed.

The phantom-like warriors pounced on their oncoming assailants. The splatter of blood and gore decorated the grounds and the stench of death consumed the air. The death toll increased with each passing second as the conflict intensified. Kenshirou stampeded through the enemies as if they were just insects to be stomped upon, his noble fists bodying people left and right.

As for Raiden, he nobly cut down his foes in a brilliant display of swordwork. He had two soldiers rushing towards him with bayonets out. Standing still whilst holding his katana in front of him, he focused his mind on perceiving the movement of his foes. Analyzing the angle of their oncoming attacks, he leaned forward to respond accordingly.

The first blade came in towards Raiden's left side. With a fluid motion, he stepped forward and batted the weapon down with the pommel of his sword. In a smooth curve that followed suit, the trained swordsman allowed his body to follow through and decapitate the first assailant. The second attacker came in from the right. Turning on his heel by 90 degrees, the leader of the Blood Wolves swung his blade down and chopped the rifle in half. With a rapid readjustment of his hands, he swung the blade upward as if using a bat and sliced his other adversary from navel to nose.

From there, it was a matter of fancy footwork and well-timed attacks that allowed the samurai to cut down the targets one after the other. In conjunction with these movements, Kenshirou displayed similar movement speed with his martial arts. As the display of work continued, the assassins began to repel the attack slowly but surely.

"Truly amazing, they just don't know when to lie down and die like the dogs they are," Esdeath sighed with annoyance as she witnessed the entire action taking place.

"My soldiers being shaken because a few men know how to deflect bullets with swords shows a lack of discipline which ultimately falls on me. I've had enough of this farce. I shall end it myself," the blue-haired general declared whilst forcing her mount to move forward onto the scene.

During that time, the battles continued to rage on and on as the Blood Wolves were gradually gaining ground over the Imperial Army. They had managed to confine the advancement of the enemy into one area causing them to bottleneck right into their den of containment. As the morale amongst the assassins continued to rise, the atmosphere suddenly dipped in temperature.

The heat generated from all the fighting and the fires raging in the background had stifled before the might of a sudden cold wind. Such a sensation had been completely unnatural for the particular time of year and somewhat difficult to grasp given the region they were in.

"Take cover! Projectiles inb-blarggh!!!..." one of the voices cried out before being silenced by a spike of ice.

A downpour of giant shards of ice bombarded the camp where the assassins had gathered together to fight back. Hundreds upon hundreds of these extremely sharp objects assailed the largely unprotected warriors thus tearing their ranks asunder. Their numbers began to drop almost instantaneously at that moment, though Raiden and Kenshirou miraculously survived—but this was no coincidence.

"Your time has come to an end. I applaud you for the fierce resistance, but you should consider yourselves effectively defeated now that I am here," Esdeath declared emerging onto the scene on her steed.

"Well, well, the arrogance of a youngster never ceases to amaze me. Sorry sweetheart, but I've lived for almost a century and I've never given up on anything in my life," Kenshirou declared.

"Father, be careful. This one is a Teigu user," Raiden cautioned upon taking notice of a strange mark on the woman's chest.

"Oho…the Capital decided to send one of those after us eh? It seems that we have been taken as a serious threat," chuckled the old man.

"You're irritating me more than I'd like to admit. Take your long-deserved rest," Esdeath cruelly declared.

"Your words don't mean shi-…hngh?!" coughed the fighter.

"Father, no!" Raiden gasped.

The fearsome warrior and eldest leader of the clan suddenly found himself impaled by hundreds of needlelike crimson icicles. The blood that the pillar of might had stepped on was turned into a frozen death trap courtesy of the woman's unique abilities. Faster than any man present could react; these spikes had penetrated through the elder's sturdy body with ease. Severing major arteries, stabbing through vital organs and weakening the integrity of the skeletal structure. The strongest man of the Blood Wolves, the most noteworthy and completely invincible Kenshirou Ikazuchi had been punctured like needles stabbed into a pincushion. The male's consciousness was beginning to fade, yet he still stood proudly. His grin had hardly faded as he stared at the battlefield with joy.

"In water…we are born, but in fire…we die…"

Another round of ice spikes impaled the body of the dying man upon Esdeath's invocation. Then she caused a drill to appear and hurled it straight through the abdomen of the old man.

"Be lost to the pages of history, you disgusting relic."

The world seemingly grew silent as the remaining Blood Wolves watched the horrifying display unfold before their eyes. No words could be uttered at that moment. The lifeless body of Kenshirou Ikazuchi collapsed in slow motion in the eyes of the assassins who had the unfortunate luck of bearing witness to this. A legend had fallen.

"FATHER!!!" Raiden yelled with anger and sorrow intertwined together. As he turned his gaze toward the general, all which burned within his eyes was seething hatred.

The samurai rushed forward blindly consumed by pure, unadulterated rage. With his blade drawn, he charged the woman on horseback determined to kill her.

"Ah yes, you're the leader. I suppose I will need you alive," Esdeath decided before snapping her fingers. At that moment, ice enraptured the armored swordsman starting from the legs.

"That anger of yours will make moving you tiresome to deal with. Therefore, a small flesh wound will be in order."

Snapping her fingers once again, the ice that captured the body of the man morphed and impaled his feet then shot through his forearms. Taking care not to strike any vital arteries or blood vessels, the general used her powers to render him unable to fight. Frozen in place, Raiden could only stare at the blue-haired devil with hate.

"All units forward and clean up the mess. Bring me anyone that looks important. You may do as you like with whoever else you find so long as they do not live to see another day," the woman announced her orders.

From there, the soldiers were given the freedom to rampage as they saw fit.


Assana had been hiding with Hestia in the tent alongside anyone else who was unable to fight. The sounds of battle carried out fiercely for a time before dying down. This gave everyone a sense of pause as the vibe of uncertainty washed over all of those present.

"Were you able to pass on the letter?" the white-haired woman asked.

"Unfortunately no, I was just about to visit him when the attack originally occurred. If we make it through this night, I swear I will do so one way or another," the girl responded.

"Where is your cousin?"

"I am not sure. I have not seen her at all. Last I recalled she was sent on a mission. I do not know whether she returned when the recall order was given or not either."

Disturbing the atmosphere of chatter, gunshots raged in the air once again. Blood-curdling screams echoed out as well as the nauseating scent of burning flesh and blood poured into the tent. Just as the people inside tried to keep themselves calm—the Imperials discovered the location and busted through. Women and children cried out in terror. Some tried to fight but were gunned down almost instantly. Others were dragged away one after the other.

"Come on," Hestia urged, grabbing the hand of the priestess and running out the back of the structure by slicing open the tarp using a dagger she had on her person.

"Though it is unfortunate to leave our people behind, we have to escape and contact the other clans within the Conclave. Only then can we have a fighting chance against the Empire."

"Lady Hestia, where are we running to?"

"I'm taking a long way around to the library. I won't leave my son."

"Over there, get them!" a soldier called out spotting the two females.

"Shoot them down!" another soldier ordered.

"Mistress, watch out!"

At that moment, a burst of bullets was discharged from the rifles of the small batch of soldiers that had spotted the two women. The young girl pushed the taller beauty out of the way and used her body to shield the maiden. Her blood sprayed in the air as she took every projectile that was fired their way. Crashing to the ground, Hestia slowly turned only to ultimately see life fading from Assana's eyes.

"Assana, no, no, you cannot die here. Why did you protect me?" the panicking female whimpered with tears in her eyes.

"Ahh…you have to live…Lady Hestia. You too…play an important part…in the prophecy…" she muttered.

"Prophecy, what? No, nonsense, you cannot die, I refuse to acknowledge this."

"Relax…Mistress….this is only the beginning."

As Hestia held the body of the girl in her lap, the soldiers ran over and aimed.

"Hey wait a minute, she looks like one of those important types the general told us to capture," the first soldier was saying.

"Tch damn…it would make sense given how that girl took a bullet for her. Damn shame, I was thinkin' we could pass this sweet ass around before endin' her," the second soldier determined.

"Relax; there are plenty of warm ones getting passed around. You'll get your rocks off before the end of the night."

"Aight bitch, hold still. You're comin' with us. Fuckin' traitors…"

The grief the woman felt was too much at that moment as she did not even resist. The soldiers bound her wrists and dragged her along with them back to the grounds of the burning village for transport.

Esdeath arranged for a wagon to be brought forward for all of the prisoners that she wanted. Raiden being the VIP was locked up first before anyone else that was captured was rallied in. Some of the village elders were captured as well as their attendants who served as scribes for the secret histories. Lastly, Hestia was arraigned as well. Seeing the female, the general couldn't help but be curious.

"I was not expecting to find a rare flower of sorts amidst this shit hole. Given your features, I'd have to guess and say that you were that man's wife. Your looks must have some form of influence so I'm sure the Prime Minister will want you for his personal amusement."

Hestia did not even react to the words of the woman before she was loaded up. As the cruel general took another gaze at the chaos that consumed the settlement, she couldn't help but relinquish a wicked grin. More gunfire echoed in the air as the fires spread faster and faster. Possessing the instinct to know that the job was done, she jumped up on her horse once again.

"Move out."


The secret library that was hidden away from the chaos that took place was constructed to be soundproof on the inside. This was because studying these texts would allow readers to get in a trance with their cultures and the "noise" of the outside world served as too much of a distraction. Hence, Raizo did not realize what was occurring outside.

For the most part, Raizo had slept soundly for much of the day. He studied the 'Absolute Blade Trance' book for most of the night then passed out. When he awoke, the chaos of the night had begun, but he was still studying whilst waiting on his next meal. In that next second, a strange smell filled his nose.

"I hope whatever I'm brought to eat is just edible. I'm way overdue on my dinner right now…hell, I think my restriction is over too now that I think about it," he pondered to himself.

Feeling a weird vibe come over him, the youth elected to venture out and find the answers he sought. As he reached for the entrance and opened the door, the stench of death and the smoke from fires filled his nose at the same time causing him to gag. When he stared out into the distance, he could see the inferno coming from his village. As a result, the boy took off to investigate.

What awaited his eyes was not for the faint of heart. The various tents scattered about the camp were torn to shreds and consumed by fire. Corpses of his fellow clansmen littered the immediate area along with dismembered bodies of Imperial soldiers.

"What the hell is the Empire doing here? No…wait, you can't tell me that…oh no," Raizo analyzed, immediately thinking of the situation he discussed with his father.

The boy persisted through the camp to find survivors, but the death toll was beyond catastrophic. All he could see were dead assassins and a few Imperials mixed in between. He continued to walk ahead recognizing some of the faces that now remained lifeless on the ground. Many of the assassins had perished whilst putting up a fight as their bloody blades and armor told the story of that much. The children were butchered as well seeing as how they were gutted and carved apart by bullets and knife wounds. A few of the other women had their clothes torn off exposing their naked flesh left in different kinds of positions suggesting they were treated as tools for relief before being discarded. Raizo continued to wade through this madness unsure of what to do.

The boy ran over to his parent's tent and peeked inside only to find it much worse. He took a quick peek again and was about to leave when he saw the gaping hole in the back of the structure. This gave him some hope.

As he ran around the sheeted building, he saw that the torn fabric indicated that more than one person escaped.

"If Mother was one of them, then-…" the youth spoke his thoughts before he sensed something, someone calling his name.

He followed his gut and came upon yet another horrific sight, Assana's bullet-ridden body.

"Not you too, Assana…please…you can't. Don't leave me like this….I have no one else," he pleaded with a sad tone of voice.

"Rai-…zo….is that you?" asked the voice of the weak female.

"Yeah…I got out of my confinement to investigate, but….I…I wasn't expecting this."

"Rai-…zo…listen, y-you have to…take this…" the girl stammered as she reached into her pocket to hand the letter to the youth.

"Assana, you have to save your strength. S-Surely we can find a way to heal you yeah?"

"Raizo…" she stammered as she pushed the paper into the boy's possession.

"You have to…live on…for all our sake…for my sake. I wish I had more time to tell you things. But…my time has come…as has the time of the Blood Wolves…"

"Assana, please don't…don't say these things. I…I can't handle this alone. Don't leave me behind," the boy began to break as tears welled up in his eyes.

"I'll…always be with you, Raizo. I'll always be watching over you…after all, I love you," she confessed with a weak smile, her eyes growing dark.

"Live…and survive, Raizo Arashi…and remember…the prophecy shall be fulfilled."

"Assana…hey…Assana…please…" he stammered whilst holding her hand. However, the girl had already taken her final breath and closed her eyes. At that moment, life faded from her body completely.

The youth took a look around him. Everything that he ever knew, everything that he ever loved was being burned away. For the first time in his life, Raizo Arashi felt truly helpless. The sting of his tears streamed down his face rapidly. He slowly stood up on his feet, his tearful gaze wandering over the body of the girl. In his hand, he held the letter which drew his focus. He pulled out a folded piece of paper and opened it up to read it.

"To My Son,

If you are reading this then I believe it is under the worst possible case scenario: the Order of the Blood Wolves has been systematically eliminated. Your instincts served you well over Raiden's decision. It cost him the lives of everyone we have ever known. You may be feeling alone right now and for that, I am sorry. If only I had the chance to tell you the truth about your life, if only I made a certain choice years ago…none of this would have happened. I failed you and I may never have a chance to make it up to you.

Do not let this tragedy destroy you. Now is the time for you to rise up and fight more than ever. I will try to do my best to survive, but in the meantime, I need you to be strong. To that end, there is something that I want you to use for the coming journey. It is a supernatural weapon that has been passed down from generation to generation. In the secret library stored inside of an urn is the blood of a dragon that our ancestors slew for the First Emperor once upon a time. Take a hold of it and ingest it. Master the power that comes with it and unleash vengeance upon the Empire and all those who betrayed us. That is my final mission for you.

Regardless of whether our paths shall cross again, just know that I always love you. You are my greatest creation, my pride and joy made flesh upon this world. Nothing could ever bring me greater joy than being your mother.

Love you son and farewell,


The words on the piece of paper resonated deeply within the heart and mind of the male. The more time passed, the greater the impact of this tragedy sank in. He wanted to scream and cry out in agony over this, but he had to act on the words his mother left him.

Arriving inside the dimly illuminated cavern, Raizo immediately ran over to the pedestal that he had seen earlier. The chilling nerve crept up and down his spine once again as he drew closer and closer to the urn. Before it was a transcription giving a brief overview of what it was.

"Here lies the blood of the divine dragon slain by the First Pack. Cultivated into an Extract Teigu by the magic of the First Emperor, this power was a gift to the Order of the Blood Wolves. Many have tried to ingest it and every person has failed, death being their only result. Any who would seek to consume this blood, your fate shall be sealed if deemed unworthy. Ask yourself if the risk is truly necessary before laying down your life. Only those consumed with despair can survive."

Upon reading this, the male wanted to pause and reconsider; however, his body had already reached forward to grab the urn and remove its lid. Inside, the dark crimson pool of liquid awaited. Sparks of electricity fluttered out of the container, a warning to stave off nosy individuals who did not realize what they were getting into. Ignoring this phenomenon, the young child began to drink the contents down to the last drop.

A barrage of pain then assailed the vessel of the teenager in that next moment. Like a tsunami bulldozing through the shabby construction of a small oceanic town, wave after wave of mind-numbing sensations pierced through his body. It was as if every cell within every orifice of his being had been punctured by blades. Yet the child gritted his teeth to stave off the need to cry out in desperation.

The skin on his back began to boil as the symbols of two angelic wings burned onto the flesh beneath his clothing. Spirals of azure lightning circulated his body as his heart rate amplified from the gruesome treatment. He stumbled around even more until he was back outside once again. The night sky overhead darkened with the appearance of storm clouds rotating over the area. A bombarding series of thunderclaps echoed through the heavens as the radiance around the child was discharged over the area. It was then that the voice of an unknown being rang in his ears.

[You, the one who experienced the path of untold sorrow, I commend you for not collapsing to your knees before the power ingratiated in your bones. Your struggle has not been in vain.]

"Whoever you are…matters not to me. All I desire is your power…every ounce of strength you possess, give it to me so I can have my revenge!" Raizo grunted whilst adapting to the strange sequence of events.

[I see. Very well, Raizo Arashi—I shall bestow upon you the sum of my strength. Become a Red-Eyed Wolf who thirsts for revenge. Wield the power of Indra's Judgment to your heart's content. May your enemies be reduced to ash and your wrath strike true to the heavens!]

As the spectacular show reached its end, the male was then stripped of the pain that had assaulted him. He felt a new kind of strength flowing through his body, one that he never could have imagined feeling before. As the child peered around his surroundings, such a display could not erase his harsh reality. The fraternity of assassins was no more; he was the last of the Blood Wolves. This cruel truth had sunk into the depths of his heart causing him to unleash his raw emotions in the form of an unyielding cry of torment. The resonating cry poured out into the sky that night reverberating through the skies like a lone wolf howling at the moon.

next chapter
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