/ Urban / Contract Marriage – Military Husband x CEO Wife

Contract Marriage – Military Husband x CEO Wife Orisinil

Contract Marriage – Military Husband x CEO Wife

Urban 74 Bab 262.8K Dilihat
Penulis: Summer_Daze

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Top Ten August WPC Winner!

Update Schedule: M-F

It was supposed to be a simple contract marriage between the two of them.

He could avoid being tied to a vicious woman who had been pursuing him since birth.

She could gain external support to overcome her illegitimate status and become the heir apparent and CEO of the Valentine conglomerate.

It was a relationship where they were supposed to use each other.

But now-

“Commander, your wife is having a private dinner with the CEO of a technology company. During the dinner, he held her hands and tried touching her waist.”

“Directly leak their company secrets and sink their stocks.” An angry voice replied.

“Commander, the Co-CEO of a startup company sent a room worth of roses to your wife’s office.”

“It seems he no longer wants to live. Directly buy out the other shares and oust him from his position. Go and order enough roses to fill up every room in her office. Fly them in if you need to.”

When he got home.

“Wife, why are you angry? Should I rub your feet? Help you take a bath?”

“Why are you interfering with me? Wasn’t this supposed to be a contract marriage?” his wife coyly asked him.

The man suddenly picked her up and carried her up the stairs while giving her a devilish smile.

“Yes, we are. I’m contracted to love, protect, and cherish you. Let me show you how much.”

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. redwitch02
    redwitch02 Berpartisipasi 2642
  2. Summer_Daze
    Summer_Daze Berpartisipasi 2213
  3. Hannatu_Datukun
    Hannatu_Datukun Berpartisipasi 964


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    Ok, so by cover alone I tentatively started reading and was prepared to drop this like a hot potato as soon as the Ml went toxic. But surprise surprise he didn't. He's *gasp* a Good Guy, and she *even bigger gasp* has her own agency that has nothing to do with his peen. It's such a fun read. A NO melodrama angsty romance that leaves you smiling. Dear Author, what a good job you've done. Gold star to you.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    This is a submission for the August Writing Contest so please vote and add to collections ^^. This is my attempt at a light hearted piece of work with deeper undertones. As always I love my story but i am always open to feedback and constructive criticism.

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    The story is good and interesting but it would be nicer if more chapters are updated everyday. It is tiring to wait for the next chapters for a long time. We would end up not continue reading this book and will not be interested to continue reading anymore

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    We need more more and more You Summerdaze have way with words Celeste is so different but she is trying to stay resilient and strong for her and her grandpa and Richard is just this alpha male with a Big heart can't wait for their love life

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    This book is very, very new so this review is based only on the first few chapters. First off, I LOVE the contrast between the ML and FL’s personalities. Their interactions feel so natural and fun to read and I can already tell how much fun I will have reading their story. Can’t wait to read this journey, Author!!

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    LV 15 Badge

    Please write more! I love the story!! The characters are great and human. Mix of action and romance.

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    Here you go. ( )

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    Penulis Summer_Daze