/ Eastern / Consuming Earths, Devouring Skies

Consuming Earths, Devouring Skies Orisinil

Consuming Earths, Devouring Skies

Eastern 448 Bab 7.9M Dilihat
Penulis: KevinAscending

4.55 (328 peringkat)

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In the myriad realms, legends rise and fall in the countless eras.

Yan Zaizen, a frail youth with an unfortunate history, meets one of these legends. Will this change his common destiny to something greater?

The story of a boy that just wants a peacefully lavish life with money, amazing food, and a beautiful woman to love.

The story of the heavens that laughs at this.


  1. Naltaris
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  2. DXK41
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  3. xXLordKhaosXx13
    xXLordKhaosXx13 Berpartisipasi 3263


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    I was originally going to be brief, but this god damn 140 character requirement. Anyhow, thank you all for reading. I sincerely hope you enjoy as I, the author, and you, the reader, traverse this path.

    Lihat 214 balasan

    I love this story! It is like a typical Xianxia, but with a few twists to make it more enjoyable for a western audience. It has far less filler, with chapter 82 correlating to around chapter 400 in a typical Xianxia, and the world seems relatively well thought out, it is clear that there are more details about the world that aren't being told to avoid an overly large info dump, but it doesn't feel like the Author ever pulls things out of his ass. There are a few downsides typical to web novels, the grammar is pretty good but not professional quality by any means, and the characters aren't really well fleshed out (still better than a typical web novel). Ultimately I would recommend this story to anyone who likes Xianxia stories, as it feels like a well-executed no-fluff Xianxia with a western twist.

    Lihat 4 balasan
    LV 15 Badge

    I've read quite a lot of original novel either on Webnovel or royalroadl, and this one really got good prospect. Without much spoiler we can see there is a feeble and quite stupid MC at first with a mentality that in quite sure a lot of readers won't like, but because of his meeting with that legend and the adventures that follow, the MC experience a growth in a lot of lacking area and become in the end a MC that I'm sure every reader like to follow. I've read till the latest chapter (111 at review time) and I'm quite surprised at how well done the characters design is, it is extremely rare in original novels to see a flawless design like that 👌. My only regret is that the world background is too complex to understand right now, I guess the more the story unveil the more we will understand about it, but for the details given until now, I must say I'm totally lost 😵. But it doesn't matter as all the good points totally outweigh this one. Anyway, author really talented 👌 I sincerely hope to see more from him 👏.

    Lihat 6 balasan

    Let me start by saying that every other review on this novel is skewed and pathetic. None of them are impactful or meaningful in any way. Most of them are people saying "good novel" "I love it" "it's so good!", no one ever bothers to go into depth about why it's good, and there is a reason for that. It's not good. When we first start reading the novel, we're introduced to some Immortal/God type character, he's cold-hearted, ruthless and calculating. The type of character you'd expect to find in an action movie flick, kind of like if Jason Bourne met with Bruce Willis. He really had that kind of badass attitude. It saddens me to tell you that we do not get to keep him. The author kills him off in the very stereotypical way with these cultivation trope novels. There is always some form of conflict happening otherwise the plot wouldn't move forward in the beginning. The main character we end up with is a whiny, sniveling, perverted, NTR-magnet with no actual "character". The entire time during our first introduction with this character all we see them do is whine and complain about how crapy their life is. The character moves forward and happens to stumble upon his "plot armor" which is all so very stereotypical of these cultivation novels. I'm not gonna complain about it at this point because, since when did originality matter in writing? The MC then proceeds to basically pat himself on the back by saying how amazingly awesome he is and how this was all preordained or some other nonsense. Words cannot describe my emotions as I'm reading these first 5 chapters. The character is absolute trash. Whines about how bad his life is, finds plot armor he didn't work for, calls it destiny and then proceeds to take credit for said destiny by saying he deserved it all along. Calling it self-delusion isn't enough at this point. This shows lack of effort, lack of creativity, lack of planning or even forethought on the Authors part. However, at this point, I still give the Author the benefit of the doubt, he might be able to pull this utter garbage out somehow if he's a talented enough writer and, the fact that he has over 200 chapters published on an original novel would support that idea. I was utterly wrong. I skipped ahead to the most previous updated chapter which was 255 at the time. What I found was the exact same whiny, perverted, arrogant, antagonistic, trash main character that was at chapter 5. What this tells me is that there was absolutely zero emotional or mental growth from the main character in 250 entire chapters. I think to myself that maybe I missed something, so I decide to look at the comments for the first few chapters and low and behold, I find an entire community uprising in the comment section. Scores of readers are begging the author to rewrite his novel and get rid of the horrible and trash main character that he has. This still isn't enough for me though. So I go back and pick a random chapter out of his novel and read it. What I find is not only the same horrendous main character, but I also find that every single side character in the story acts in the same exact manner as the main character. They all lack a moral compass even for a cultivation genre which is known for its ruthless storylines. What this all sums up into are a few very obvious facts. The Author does not listen to his readers. The Author does not understand or care enough to learn how to write a character with morals. And this entire novel is basically a 12-year-olds wish-fulfillment fantasy. I am under the assumption that this entire novel is a joke and the author wrote it for the specific reason of seeing exactly how far he could push the envelope.

    Lihat 50 balasan
    LV 4 Badge

    My large saber is again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again unable to endure the thirst! I like this novel!!

    Lihat 64 balasan

    I love this story ... don't drop it early because you are disappointed that Ezekel isn't the MC .. I almost dropped it myself at that moment...In the first chaps the Mc is completely retarded. .... Goddammit i am addicted to this story .. Author for fucks sake post all the chaps for the day at the same time don't make me refresh the page every 5 minutes....

    Lihat 8 balasan
    LV 12 Badge

    This book has been a surprise for me. It's one of the books I look forward to getting an update on every day. My only complaint is that as of this writing there are only forty chapters! That's just impatience created from a fun story. Keep up the good work!

    Lihat 5 balasan

    One of the best Web Novels I have had the privilege of reading. I am hooked but thankfully the author has a very generous release schedule . Even though its the authors first web novel it reads really well and the quality keeps improving as the story progresses. I have high hopes that this novel will prove as a good example that English authors can also create top notch webnovels and one day be translated to Chinese :D

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Kevin, please. You hath ascended the mortal writing stratus and become exhalted in the realms. You have written the best... The best... Original Novel on this site. The BEST!! Your writing skill is beyond the heavens!!

    Membuka SPOILER
    Lihat 0 balasan
    LV 12 Badge

    Have not read yet ,not a single chap. But 14chap/week got me. Thx for this,i can kill some time with this . 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters

    Lihat 7 balasan

    First off please DONT BELIEVE the people giving this novel horrible reviews for the below reasons. The number one complaint I've been seeing is that this mc is a *****, horny, and greedy idiot who constantly get schemed against. I can garintee you that either a.) The only read the beginning, or b.) They skimmed through the later chapters without any kind of in depth reading. The mc in this novel does begin the story as a spoiled, *****, and sheltered kid who doesn't understand how the world works. He gets tricked, kidnapped, enslaved and damn neer killed within a short period of time. Throughout this he whines and complains like any other normal kid would under the circumstances. He lusts after woman and is to ***** to prevent anyone from scheming against him. He isn't like your normal reincarnated/ transmigrated mc who remains calm, cool, and collected in all situations while having trump cards and backup plans. No, instead we get to see this annoying little brat grow and mature through trial after trial that gradually shapes him into a strong, competent, and intelligent young man. He still has his short comings, as it isn't like he learns all the mysteries of the world immediately, but he learns from his mistakes and grows as a very young cultivator. If there was a flaw to point out it would be in his greed for food and resources, however, I see it as more of a funny personality quirk that is similar (but not quite as bad) to the mc from novels like Overgeared and Legendary Moonlight Sculpter at their later stages. It never gets to out hand but is included for some comic relief here and there. I don't know about you but I'm tired of the stereotypical, scheming, all knowing and over powered protagonists that never seems to experience any growth of change in their character. This mc starts out very unpolished but gradually changes overtime due to the people he meets and situations he is unwilling thrust into. He is even presented with several deeper moral dilemmas that go beyond the typical "kill all my enemies" creed that most mc follow. No matter how he changes, however, he stays determined to never lose that part of him that was a warm and kind child. Another complaint is his power not being more than only consuming stuff and supplying him energy. Like being able to inherit memories of whatever he consumed. This is really a non issue because this author places allot of attention on the MC's growth in maturity and in his knowledge/awareness of the outside world. If he could inherit memories the mc would automatically know everything and would run contrary to the authors intentions of the MC's growth and discovery of the mysterious world he lives in. His cheat is powerful enough as it is. If it was any more op he would really on it to much, especially in the earlier parts of the novel. So does this novel have it's problems? Yes it does. Sometimes stuff seems happens out of no where and the battle scenes could use some work. The typical unavoidable tropes that accompany the genre are also present. There are a number of things to complain about but nothing so big that it takes away from ones overall enjoyment of the novel. I especially like how the author mixes Eastern and Western cultures, myths and religious figures into the story by way of multiple universes. Not to mention a great love interest that is unexpected but endearing (granted, it is annoying he does need to save her later but she's still a great character). This is a suprisingly good novel, however, I realise that it's not for everyone. It can be polarizing due to the nature of the mc but if you can get past the that it can be a great read.

    Lihat 2 balasan
    LV 14 Badge

    This is by far the best cultivation novel you can find. I can safely say that i have read almost all cultivation novels worth speaking about and this is miles ahead of them all. Save me some cake!

    Lihat 3 balasan
    LV 15 Badge

    REALLY REALLY fun read. I read all of the available chapters in one night and could not take my eyes away. Great progression speed. great characters, great world building. I would recommend everyone give the book a try. WELL worth your time.

    Lihat 0 balasan
    LV 4 Badge

    I love this book, it's amazing! Can be funny, but with serious parts when need. MC is a bit thick at the start, but grows more mature as the book goes along (most of the time). Great detail in fights and world building. Highly recommend

    Lihat 0 balasan

    So far, as I have seen, this is the absolute most complete web novel that was released in english as an original. Kevin Ascending has a penchant for writing that allows the readers imagination to build the world for themselves. The primary focus, in my opinion, that catches my attention is the story arcs. Super action packed and easy to digest.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    A very good novel. I enjoy it so far, and the enemies aren't the typical ones we see in other xianxia, they are different and seem to have a bit more to them. I won't say much about the MC, but if you can't handle a character that takes time to develop then this novel might frustrate you. But if you like seeing a character that takes time to flourish, then this novel is definitely for you. The updates are frequent which is a big plus for all on this platform. And I have to say this, I'm seriously wondering how "Legend of the Perfect Emperor" can have more power stones than this one; now don't get me wrong, I'm not dissing LotPE, but the updates are just so much better here.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    The story was interesting with its elements of comedy, shamelessness, and the growth of the MC. However, the story starts to proceed in a direction where a lot of women are bound to regret their choices of whether it's scheming or misunderstanding the MC. It gets to a point where women (imo) are toxic and they make the readers feel like they're trash. I like to read comments for this novel since it's a new novel, but the comment section can get toxic with the way women are dealing with their situation towards the MC. Anyway, it's a story that I was enjoying until the repetitiveness of the toxicity of how women are placed in the story (I'm hoping for the better as I try to continue the story).

    Lihat 2 balasan

    At long last my seclusion has finished. i wonder if the exp sect is still around. good to see this amazing work still has updates. Unfortunately, its looks like its not appreciated enough like in the old days.

    Membuka SPOILER
    Lihat 0 balasan

    Although the main character is a bit of a disappointment in the beginning, the growth he experiences within the first 60 chapters forges him into a determined smart and likable person.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Im back. Gonna read this again. What's up |・ω・`) (〃 ω 〃) (/ω\) (^///^) (*/∇\*)キャ (*´∀`*)えへへ (˶′◡‵˶) ゚.+:。(〃ω〃)゚.+:。 キャァ♪ (〃▽〃)ポッ (//∇//(//∇//(//∇//) テレテレ (/∇\*)…Reaaaally? ・:*:・(*/////∇/////*)・:*:・ Oh you~☆(*´∀`)σ)))))*3゚),・´.、 (つω・*)o(〃・ω・〃)o ・:*:・(●´Д`●)・:*:・ (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ ( ͡°⁄ ⁄ ͜⁄ ⁄ʖ⁄ ⁄ ͡°) ( ͡☉⁄ ⁄ ͜⁄ ͜ʖ̫⁄ ⁄ ͡☉) ‧⁺( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ◡ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )⁺‧ (*ノωノ)キャー (つ∀<●)゚+.キャァ♪ モジ(((UωU` *)(* ´UωU)))モジ ドキドキ(゚∀゚*)(*゚∀゚)ドキドキ もじ(´pq`*)三(*´pq`)もじ (∩゚∀`∩)キャ―!!!! キャッ♪o((〃∇〃o))((o〃∇〃))oキャッ♪

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    Penulis KevinAscending