/ Teen / Clair de lune

Clair de lune Orisinil

Clair de lune

Teen 13 Bab 12.7K Dilihat
Penulis: Unknowniden

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Mia's been living in the orphanage for years now, with only her friend, Vin, to call family. Until an unfortunate event took him away from her and the only light in her life faded away.

One day, he appeared in her dream. But was he really the Vin she used to know...?


  1. Unknowniden
    Unknowniden Berpartisipasi 2
  2. Jonan
    Jonan Berpartisipasi 1
  3. mohina17
    mohina17 Berpartisipasi 1

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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  • Latar Belakang Dunia

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HI! We're the creator of "Clair de lune" Thank you everyone for your support, Comments and feedback! We've read your comment and really appreciated it!

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The story have a potential! The way author describe is just amazing and realistic! Im looking forward to see more of it! Hope it's update more soon! Can't wait!

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Amazing piece of work! I thoroughly enjoy this so far and i can’t wait to see the character development and how the story unfolds. Keep up the great work!

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L'histoire est plutôt originale avec des personnages très attachants. J'ai vraiment été accroché par cette histoire deux amis vécus ensemble, leur relation plutôt platonique que romantique. Il y a bien-sûr de l'émotion! préparez-vous des mouchoirs.

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interesting, i hope they update more. The story kinda slowburn and i like it. [img=recommend] I like how the writer describe things, they're so realistic and so good.

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开头打动人心,叙述自然生动,具有真情实感,激起读者读下去的欲望。对于景色的描写,语言简练而准确,联想则为触景生情,情景自然融合,通过丰富人物的语言和动作,衬托出人物的思想品质。 作者充分运用动静结合的写法,并辅以比喻、拟人等手法。使用一些精妙词语的使用,无形中为文章增添了不少情趣。期待故事发展………

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Penulis Unknowniden