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91.66% Chaldeas | [FGO Waifu Catalogue Isekai] / Chapter 11: Revelations

Bab 11: Revelations

A lull of silence falls over the area as Hancock looks towards where Ramiel stood moments ago. Things were not meant to go this way. Heracles was supposed to be in the cavern that holds the Grail, not wandering the flaming city. More importantly however, the shadow shouldn't exist in the singularity. While the singularity is a failed Fuyuki Grail War, the shadow was never mentioned in the source material according to Ramiel. If there's such a difference in the first singularity, what does that say for the others?

As these thoughts cycle through Hancock's head, Medusa slowly approaches her. "Master. It isn't wise to stay here." says the servant, shaking Hancock from her thoughts.

"You're right, we need to regroup." says Hancock as she wipes a tear from her eye. "Ramiel will be fine." she adds as if to reassure herself.

While Angra Mainyu has a curse for every human in the world who has ever blamed someone or something else for their sins rather than accepting responsibility, Ramiel is not from this world. He'll still be somewhat affected, but he should be able to fight it off. At least that's what she hopes.

"Let's go, Medusa." says Hancock as she rushes towards the others to regroup with Medusa following closely behind her.


Darkness, that is all that surrounds him wherever he decides to look. Even with him making use of the full potential of his vampiric abilities, there is nothing to see but darkness. Standing in this void of darkness, Ramiel can't help but wonder how exactly will Angra Mainyu affect him, after all he's not from this world and devouring him should be near impossible.

"Yo." says a familiar voice from behind him.

Turning around, Ramiel finds himself none other than himself. From the pitch black eyes with golden slit pupils, to the vampire fangs, and even the red vein-like lines that course throughout his body which is now covered in a lightning aura, the doppelganger looks exactly like him. The only difference is the trail of blood that dribbles down from his lips to his chin and the arrogant smirk on his face.

"What exactly are you supposed to be?" asks Ramiel.

"What, you can't figure it out?" asks the doppleganger with a sneer.

"Is this supposed to be the part where I face my sins?" replies Ramiel with a mocking grin that quickly slides off his face. "No, this is something different. You're the manifestation of my vampire side aren't you." confidently says Ramiel despite structuring his statement like a question.

"Ding ding ding, give the idiot his prize." confirms the doppleganger with a round of applause.

"So, what are you here for? Are you supposed to convince me to hand over control to Angra Mainyu and let him devour me?" asks Ramiel as he leisurely places his hands in his pockets.

"Give him control? Of course not." replies the vampire with a scoff. "No, you're supposed to stop denying my existence and accept what you are now." he says.

"I refuse." responds Ramiel without a second thought.

"Why? Because you're ashamed of the darkness that comes with it?" asks the doppleganger, causing Ramiel to frown.

"What are you…nevermind." says Ramiel as the frown disappears from his face. "I'm not afraid of the darkness that comes with it to be honest. Remember what I did to those cultists back home?" he asks, grinning.

"How could I forget. It was the only time where you and I were in harmony." replies the vampire with a chuckle. "The sound of their anguished screams was like music to our ears, and the feeling of their bones being crushed into dust was quite cathartic. However, the best part of that entire night was the sweet taste of their blood as their lives and souls were drained from their bodies and devoured by us." says the vampire with such glee that he misses the slight narrowing of Ramiel's eyes.

Turning away from his vampire self with a shake of his head, Ramiel releases a slight chuckle. "How ridiculous." he says before turning around and plunging an arm into his doppleganger's chest.

"What are you doing?" questions the vampire through his pained screams.

"You should have never come here, Angra." says Ramiel with a fanged grin dripping in bloodlust.

"How?" asks Angra Mainyu as his visage changes from Ramiel into his actual appearance.

"Not only do I not owe an explanation, but there are so many reasons why; I could be here all day." he replies. "However, since I'm in a good mood, I'll give you a few reasons.." he says as wraps his other hand around Angra Mainyu's throat.

"The first reason that let me know is simple, I dealt with the baggage of turning into a vampire a long time ago. So for my vampiric side to manifest itself is quite suspicious.

Second, there is no 'darkness' that comes from accepting one's vampiric side. That 'darkness' that you feel is merely my emotions heightened to incomprehensible levels and because the names of quite a few 'evil' goddesses were invoked in the creation of vampires. Naturally that gives us an 'evil' feel while making us weak to weapons with anti-evil properties.

Third, the entire 'vampire side' thing is complete bullshit. My vampire side doesn't have a manifestation, and the only reason it seems that way is because I've compartalised my soul into three. One for when I wanna pay homage to my vampire heritage, one to deal with the baggage that comes with having the heart of a massive overpowered dragon into my body, and that last one is for me to slowly merge those other two into one.

Those three parts aren't different parts of me, they are me. The vampire, the dragon, and the human are me, not manifestations of my different heritages." explains Ramiel as his grip on Angra Mainyu tightens.

"Why are you telling me this?" asks Angra Mainyu.

"Hmmm, I just needed to buy myself some time." he answers just as Angra Mainyu feels something invade his being.

"Needed to buy time? What… what are you doing?" questions All the World's Evils as he tries and fails to find what Ramiel is doing.

"Ahhh, that's right, you don't know how different I am from this world's vampires." casually says Ramiel as if he were talking about the weather. "First off, the type of vampire that I am doesn't require blood to survive. Rather we simply need magical energy and blood is just one of the most convenient ways to get it. In addition to that we have an innate understanding of magical energy and how to manipulate it to accomplish things most magic users wouldn't even dream of.

Why is this important? Well, the soul is another convenient way of getting magical energy because there's more of it there compared to blood. Because of this not only can we devour souls, but we can also manipulate it. It's how we turn humans and other species into vampires. Do you understand where I'm going with this? Nod once if you understand" says Ramiel.

Rather than answer Angra Mainyu merely glares at him.

"Now I'm sure you're wondering how you, a being conceptually more powerful than me, can possibly be taken control of by me. The answer is simply to be honest, you entered my soul in an attempt to devour me and use my body as your vessel. Unfortunately for you, similar to the vampires of this world, my soul is a marble phantasm, or at least something very similar to one. Now be a good little 'god', and let me devour you!" exclaims Ramiel as the darkness that previously surrounded them quickly retreats back into Angra Mainyu before Ramiel bites him in the jugular.


How long has it been since it started, how long has it been since she was forced to experience that day over and over again with no end in sight, and how long has it been since she's decided that self mutilation would be better than killing her sister and Shirou? She honestly doesn't know. To Sakura Matou it feels like an eternity ago that she chose to mutilate her soul instead of letting herself become Angra Mainyu's vessel and killing the people important to her. Ever since then she has been forced to experience the same day over and over again on a loop.

Her day would begin at her senpai's house. She would prepare breakfast for Fujimura-sensei, Rin and Shirou while he oversleeps in his shed from another night of overworking. Fujimura-sensei and her sister would arrive just as she finishes up before walking to the shed and waking up her senpai. Breakfast would be a lively affair as usual as her sensei teases her and Shirou for being like a married couple, an action that would make her blush endlessly, while Rin lifelessly eats her food like a walking dead.

Following breakfast, they'd walk to school together where they would have a peaceful and uneventful day. She and senpai would go to the archery club together before separating to attend their respective classes afterwards. They would meet up on the roof at lunchtime to eat together and the rest of the day would go on in a similar manner until they leave the school together. Like this their peaceful day would draw near an end.

Unfortunately however, like everything else in her life, the good time would not last. Her day which had been full of joy and peace would violently come to an end as Zouken assaults them with his worms. Like always, her senpai would try to be a hero only to be violently injured by the disgusting worms. Her and Rin would try to save him, but with Zouken's help Shinji would capture her and her sister to subject them to the worst of his violations as Shirou helplessly watches on. Like this, her day which had been the best day of her life would quickly become the worst. She would die there, on the street, beaten, battered, naked, and violated only to wake up again in Shirou's house to experience it again, and no matter how much she tries she can't change it.

By now she's resigned herself to her fate, if this is the price that she has to pay for her sister and Shirou to be safe then so be it. She only wishes that they weren't part of this nightmare that she's forced to experience.

As those thoughts race through her head, Sakura stops walking as she comes in front of an intersection, causing 'Shirou' and 'Rin' to call out to her.

"---akura. Sakura!" calls out Rin's voice, shaking her from her thoughts.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." replies Sakura even as she anticipates Rin's response.

"Geez, what's wrong with you today? You've been pretty mindless throughout the entire day." replies Rin with her hands on her hips, an action that Sakura has seen her do countless times by now. Based on her previous experience, if they don't cross the street in a minute Zouken and Shinji will attack them right where they stand.

"Sorry, I'm just really happy right now. Even though I know what comes next I can't help myself." she answers with a sincere smile that quickly turns brittle as the thought of what is to come crosses her mind.

"What are you talking about? We're just going to go home and have dinner together before going to sleep." replies Rin with a frown before she approaches her sister and places the back of her hand on her forehead. "Are you sick today?" she asks.

"Nee-san, I'm fine." replies Sakura as she gently removes Rin's hand from her forehead. "Just know that despite everything, I love you. Both of you." she says with closed eyes as the buzzing of Zouken's bugs reaches them, alerting Rin and Shirou to the coming danger.

While Rin and Shirou prepare themselves for the conflict, Sakura merely stands there as she awaits her fate. She waits, and waits, and waits, only for it to never come. Taking a chance, she opens her eyes, expecting the worst, only to see the entire world frozen.

"Honestly, what a shitty thing to make someone experience this." says an unknown voice from her back, startling her.

Turning around she comes face to face with a man who is obviously of mixed heritage and is clearly inhuman judging by his pitch black eyes, golden slit pupils, and fangs. "Who…who are you?" she asks as she regains her bearing.

"Hmmm, to be honest no matter how I introduce myself you wouldn't recognise me." says the man. "For now I'm just the guy who hates these worms almost as much as you." he says as he nods towards Zouken's bugs.

"You shouldn't be here." she tells him as she frantically looks back towards Zouken, expecting him to start moving again any second.

"Don't worry I'm here to help you." he answers casually. "Self mutilation of the body and soul, pretty impressive and extreme measures to take to stop Angra from fully manifesting and using you as a vessel. Respect." says the man with an impressed whistle as he looks around.

"If you know about that then you should know that if I'm fixed then he's going to manifest and senpai and nee-san will die. Please leave." she says.

Turning his eyes away from their surroundings and looking at her, the man regards her with a mournful look "That's right, you don't know." he says sympathetically. "Shirou and Rin are dead. Angra Mainyu's flames somehow engulfed Fuyuki, killing everyone." says the man, causing her to swallow the lump in her throat.

"That's not true." she answers with a cracking voice that ruins the image of confidence that she had been trying to portray. "Senpai and nee-san are alive. I stopped him from manifesting. That's why he's punishing me with this nightmare!" she says, screaming by the end of her sentence as she desperately rejects the stranger's words.

"It's not fair, I know." says the stranger. "Unfortunately you were never going to win, not in this timeline." he says gently, his words going unheard by Sakura as horror fills her being. "I wish that I could bring them back for you, but unfortunately there isn't even a body left. For now rest, when you wake up things will be better." he says before he snaps his fingers and the world goes white.


Like the first time, the shadow had arrived on the battlefield unannounced in an attempt to devour them all. Unlike the first time however, the shadow had stopped as quickly as it had begun to attack and remained motionless where it appeared. While the others fought Saber Alter and quickly defeated her, Hancock and Medusa had remained alert near the shadow in case it began to move once again only for nothing to happen even as the battle between Saber Alter and the others quickly neared its end.

Just as she begins to despair however, the shadow begins to quickly grow, causing her and Medusa to prepare for battle. Just as it seems that it will explode, the shadow deflates as quickly as it had inflated before sucking itself inwards as if devouring itself. As the shadow begins to completely disappear, it leaves behind none other than Ramiel, looking no worse for wear and holding an unconscious, naked, teenager in his arms.

The girl is no older than 17 with violet hair, styled with a red-pink ribbon on the left side. Based on what Ramiel has told them of the Fuyuki Grail War, she should be Sakura, and despite her sad experiences Hancock currently cares more about Ramiel's well being.

Approaching him, Hancock can't help the smile that appears on her face. "You're back." she says as she pulls him into a tight embrace despite the sound of battle still going on in the background.

"I'm back." he answers as he reciprocates her hug.

Separating from one another, Hancock finally regards the child with more than a glance and feels a pang in her heart at the thought of another young woman suffering needlessly.

"Let me take her." says Hancock as she gently lifts Sakura from Ramiel's arms. "Is she going to be ok?" she asks.

"She should be fine eventually. I placed her in a coma that will help her resolve her trauma." Ramiel answers as he watches Tsunade smash a fist against Saber Alter's chest, shattering her armor and driving her through the cratered ground.

Stepping away from the defeated servant, Tsunade nods towards Ramiel as she sees him approach.

"No matter how fate changes, I face the same end when I'm alone." says Saber Alter from her position on the ground.

"What's that supposed to mean?" asks Cu Chulainn as he appears next to Tsunade. "Do you know something?"

"Eventually, you will come to know, Ireland's Child of Light. Grand Order…" replies Saber Alter as she begins to disappear into golden flecks of light, causing Olga to gasp. "…And the battle over the Holy Grail has just begun."

"Hey, wait! What do you mean by…" exclaims Cu as Artoria completely disappears, leaving behind a glowing golden crystal, while his body starts to break down into golden light.

Turning towards Olga and Mash, Cu offers them a smile "I'm leaving the rest to you. Just make sure to summon me as a Lancer next time." he says before completely disappearing.

"Saber and Caster, they're completely gone." says Mash as she looks at the spot where Cu stood. "Did we win?" she asks just as Tsunade's watch begins to beep.

"Everyone, well done." congratulates Doctor Roman through the watch. "It seems that I can't get any visuals where you are, so I can't see your happy faces. Director, now we don't have to worry about Singularity F." he says as he addresses a pensive Olga.

"Grand Order. How did the servant know that name?" whispers Olga to herself.

"Director." calls out Ramiel, bringing her and Mash's attention to him.

"Senpai, you're ok!" exclaims Mash with a smile.

"Well done everyone." says Olga as a white, furry little creature hops on Mash's shoulder.

Before anyone can answer her, a slow clap draws everyone's attention towards the roof of the cavern.

"My, I never thought that you would all reach this far." says the voice of Lev Lainur, also known as Professor Lev, a high ranking member of the Chaldea Security Organisation, and a man who has been missing ever since the explosion in Chaldea. "This is an unforeseen element of the project that goes beyond what my tolerance allows." he says as everyone's eyes turn toward him.

"Professor Lev?" wonders Mash out loud, unaware of the tense atmosphere that befalls the remaining members of Chaldea's masters.

"Lev…Lev!" calls out an excited Olga as she begins to run towards him only for Ramiel to grab her by the arm and pull her back. "What are you doing?! Let go of me this instant" commands Olga.

"Don't just blindly run off on your own when something is obviously wrong." replies Ramiel as he glares at Lev.

"Olga, it seems that you've also had a rough time." says Lev, seemingly unbothered by Ramiel's lack of trust towards him.

"Yes, that's exactly right." responds Olga as her attention turns back towards Lev. "With all the unexpected events, I thought that I would go crazy. Now that you're we'll get through it somehow, right?" she asks.

"Of course. I'm just furious with all these unexpected events." replies Lev with barely restrained rage. "Romani, I told you to come to the control room right away. And you, Olga, I planted the bomb under your feet. I can't believe you're still alive, well not completely alive. Right now your body is on the threshold between life and death. It's why you were able to Rayshift despite your complete lack of aptitude. Just a small push will be enough to kill your physical body causing your consciousness to cease to exist as soon as you return to Chaldea."

"I'll cease to exist?" repeats a horrified Olga.

"However, that's too miserable to think about. You dedicated your life to Chaldea, so the least I can show you is what is going on." says Lev as he summons the golden crystal left by Saber Alter to his hand. Absorbing the crystal, Lev snaps his fingers and opens a hole into space-time that allows those present to see the control room in Chaldea and witness the state of CHALDEAS.

"Wh-what is that? It's not real. Is it?" questions Olga as she looks at the orange CHALDEAS globe representing the current state of humanity. "That's just a virtual image, right, Lev?" she asks.

"No. It's the real thing." says Ramiel before Lev can answer.

"That's right. I linked space-time together for you. You see, with the Holy Grail, even this is possible." confirms Lev. "So take a good look, scion of the Animusphere family. This is the state of your family's lunacy." he says with a flourish as he telekinetically pulls Olga into the air.

Attempting to stop her from being taken by Lev, Ramiel is also pulled into the air by the imposter. Before he can get far however, four chains wrap around his body courtesy of Hancock and Medusa as they try to pull him and Olga back down

"Resistance is futile." says Lev as the strength of the pull increases. "Once you come into contact with CHALDEAS you will be split apart on a molecular level. You will experience living infinite death." he says.

"Tch, you talk way too damn much." says Ramiel as he grabs hold of Olga by her jacket and throws her towards CHALDEAS, momentarily shocking Lev.

As Olga's spirit passes through the rift in space-time, Konan flies into the air with her wings, catches her, and quickly flies out of the control room.

"You again." says Lev with a frown as he stops pulling Ramiel, allowing him to fall back down to the ground.. "First the bomb, then during the Singularity, and now even when I act directly you interfere. The 48th master potential, I turned a blind eye to you because you are merely an above average magus." he says before taking a deep breath.

"Why do humans always want to avoid the course of fate that is chosen for them? Allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Lev Lainur Flauros. I am the charge of 2016 tasked to dispose of your human race. Are you listening, Doctor Roman." says Lev. "As fellow students who studied magecraft together, I will give you some final advice.

The future has not disappeared. It has been incinerated.Chaldea is probably being protected by the magnetic field of CHALDEAS, but I'm sure the outside world is currently meeting the same fate as Fuyuki.

Humanity will not perish from becoming an evolutionary dead end, nor will you be destroyed after engaging in a war with different races, rather from your meaninglessness, and your incompetence, and because you have lost the favor of our king. You'll burn away like useless trash with no trace left behind!" exclaims Lev as the cavern begins to shake. "And so, farewell Romani, Mash, and you remaining masters." he says as the cavern begins to fall apart.

"The Singularity's reached its limit." says Ramiel as Lev closes the hole in space-time and leaves. "Doctor Roman, the space is unstable. Please activate the Rayshift." asks Ramiel.

"Right. However, the cavern might collapse around you first. Anyway, it can still be salvaged if…" "Shut up and just do it." interrupts Raven just as the ground beneath their feet shatters and they begin to fall.

"Roman, if you don't activate the Rayshift now I will pound your head through a goddamn wall!" screams Tsunade right as the Rayshift activates and they are transported back to Chaldea.


AN: Here it is, the end of Singularity F. As usual, tell me what you guys think, and if you have any questions, ask me in the comments.

Servant_Ambrosius Servant_Ambrosius

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