/ Eastern / Building the Strongest Harem with Potential Value Scanner

Building the Strongest Harem with Potential Value Scanner Orisinil

Building the Strongest Harem with Potential Value Scanner

Eastern 17 Bab 66.7K Dilihat
Penulis: Nine_Clouds

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--- Prologue ---
Primal Qi World. 
Everyone cultivated Primal Qi and aimed to be the best in this world. They raced against each other to become legendary Primal God who could blow of a mountain range into smithereens and travel into the starry sky.
Only those with strength could survive in such a world. 
Glory, rich, legacy, longevity, beauty, you name it. 
Yup, this is your typical classic cultivation world. 
Now, Watch, how our Protagonist Sun Yi, built the Strongest Harem with his Potential Value Scanner!
Hello, this is NIne_Clouds.
This story is my second original story. It is cultivation story, which I'm very familiar with and loves ever since become author.
English is not my first language, but I'll try to make this story enjoyable for everyone.
Peace out~!

General Audiences


  1. BlackoutSavage
    BlackoutSavage Berpartisipasi 24
  2. Draj_D_EDGE
    Draj_D_EDGE Berpartisipasi 22
  3. aasulya_My
    aasulya_My Berpartisipasi 12

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai


  • Kualitas Terjemahan
  • Stabilitas Pembaruan
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • Latar Belakang Dunia

Bagikan pikiran Anda dengan orang lain

Tulis ulasan

i love you new fic author just like the others hope to read more chapter soon

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10/10 of my favorite fanfic authors, the cultivation genre is my favorite●■●■●■●■■●■●■●●■■●■●■●■●■■●■●■●■●●■●■●■●■■●■●■■●■●■●■●●●■●■■●■●■●●■■●■●■●■●■●■●■●■●■●■●■●■●■●■

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Penulis Nine_Clouds