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73.33% Brightest Doom / Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Bab 22: Chapter 22

Brightest Doom

Chapter 22

By: BigTofu

Vincent Doom


As the light of the morning came through the canopy of the rainforest, it found me out in the center of the compound. The fight had been over for about four hours now. With the battle being over, I had my company split into multiple teams to get on a rotation. One team would gather the body, while another team would run security. The last team would go around and gather the cocaine and money along with the files.

Once the battle had wound down, I had taken Damian to the side and we went back over the battle plans. We analyzed what went wrong and what could have been done better. Once the lesson was over, the boy surprised me by taking the initiative to start the count.

He had been at that for a good while now, but I was sure that he didn't know about the surprise that I had in store for him once he was done. That was alright, most kids his age wouldn't know what to do with twenty million dollars in their pockets anyway.

Motion at the corner of my eye drew my gaze and my ire quickly vanished as one of my assassins brought forth the real trophy of this little adventure. The God of Cocaine's Skull, cleaned, preserved, and ready for one thing and one thing only, to be my wine goblet.

It was one thing to defeat your enemies, another to take their women, but the ultimate rush was to defeat them and use their skulls as your drinking goblet. The battle swift, the death of my foes even swifter, but drinking wine from their skull was an experience like no other.

"Yes!" I hissed, my gaze locked on the skull. Sitting upon my throne, I waited for the approaching ninja to kneel before accepting the offered skull. With a twitch of my finger, the skull floated out of my ninja's hand to come and hover before me.

Across the skull's surface were little markings that I knew could only come from the Source. Something within the unique writing spoke to me. Yet I ignored that for now, hoping later experimentation would yield more knowledge. With a gesture, the skull rotated so that I could take in its finer details. Some gold and some platinum were inlaid around its surface.

My finger traced over some of the finer details. As I completed my examination, I motioned for my other attendant to step forward. The skull of Snowflame tilted slightly so that my attendant could pour the wine. It was a fine vintage, beautifully aged, and would go perfectly with the rising sun. My cold gaze was cast far and wide over the proceedings as I sat upon my throne. With a hand underneath my chin, I sighed at the sight of sixteen billion dollars worth of uncut cocaine being weighed with another half-billion dollars in cash not ten feet away.

Taking in the surroundings, I had an idle thought that might be worth pursuing. Columbia might pay handsomely for someone to take care of their problems with the nearly untouchable entrenched cartels. It was obvious that America had little motivation to buck the status quo all that much, especially as they continued to milk this country for as much as it could. All the back and forth was a nice smokescreen for their black CIA accounts.

Enjoying a sip of wine, I savored this moment in time. My lovely moment in time was only briefly interrupted by the wings of a moth as it flew by. A twitch of the brow ignited the insect as I went back to enjoying my time.

Hmm, maybe I could get them to pay me with a few hundred thousand acres of the rainforest. Pamela might like that as a birthday gift. Languidly swirling the wine within my skull goblet, the thought of how to bring Pamela into the public eye floated through my mind. Maybe we should capitalize on her ability to command the green and feed families in Africa.

Yes, Doom foresees this as a nice way to bring her back into the proverbial light. I then made a mental note for her not being allowed to leave her man-eating plants out to roam. I believe that would be a lovely compromise for both Pamela and Columbia, yes, and a teleporter station.

Bruce hadn't even secured the blueprints on those, not only did his company have a copy, but so did the WatchTower. And like the control freak that he was, the teleporters were secretly patented under Wayne Enterprises using multiple shell companies.

He at least earned my respect since he did spread out the various components in his myriad patents and only somebody with the actual blueprints might be able to truly see the whole picture for what it was. Then again, this was the DC Universe, there were an untold numbers of geniuses out there that might have already figured it out. And if they did, then they would still be feeding Wayne money to get the parts while also feeding Batman information on who was smart enough to recognize the truth and would want to own such a thing.

The man was a chess grandmaster and he played the game properly, with the right mindset. Unfortunately, I arrived with out of context knowledge, allowing me to understand just how he was able to know so much. Hmmm, I wonder what the public would say if they learned that Wayne bugged all of his tech, just like Luthor did.

No, that would be too easy, that would also give them a reason to check for my own backdoors into their systems. Maybe I shouldn't poke that neanderthal; he could be an interesting challenge since he has been battling Ras for such a long time.

The smile that crossed my face was pure predator, yet it was hidden from the world behind my full mask. A mental nudge was all it took to set my wine goblet floating into the air. With a wave of my hand, Zelda appeared and I looked over the mother box, the first few things I noticed was how responsive she had become.

From what I could tell, the charge was just shy of ninety percent, but that was alright with all of the unique features that were unlocked and awaiting my command. A mental nudge brought up the galaxy map and I held my breath at the grandeur of the stars.

The map spanned ten feet around me taking up the entire area with nothing but planets and the stars they orbited. In comparison, I felt so small, so insignificant, so useless in the face of actual proof that I was but a single grain of sand. A grain of sand that would only be washed away with the tide of either time or by the next big bad.

My fist clenched at my side as anger threatened to overtake my reasoning, but my will was firm as I cast my gaze onto the star charts once again. A command brought the scale of the map down to a more manageable size and as I reviewed the options laid out before me. Damian decided he wanted to appear at my elbow, as if I didn't see him sneak behind my throne five minutes ago, cheeky brat.

Relaxing on the throne, I motioned for Damian to come closer and take a look at the star chart. The sparkle in his eyes was the thing that I wanted to cultivate within him. As he played with the star chart zooming in on planets, then having Zelda give him a quick rundown of the available information, I took a few seconds to erect a throne at my side for someone of his size.

Damian didn't even notice as he did a hop back and sat on the mini throne made for him. Sigh, of course, the kid didn't even check his back; we will have to drill that into him at a later date once he reaches an older age.

With a wave of my hand, I summoned back the mother box from his hand then made a hand motion towards the veritable mountain of money. "You have performed admirably tonight. Fifty million of that is yours." I said while noticing how his eyes widened. "No, you may not spend it all on treats."

Damian instantly deflated, but he would be alright. The boy had just received the largest allowance in his life since I was certain that he barely received anything before. His life was very hard before I came along after all.

A little bit of silence descended between us. I noticed how he fidgeted in his seat as he kept looking towards the pile of cash. I knew that he wasn't aware of what currency actually was since all he was allowed to do was use smaller bills that were snuck to him. Talia wasn't aware, but I was at least trying to get the kid to at least act like a kid when he had moments to relax.

His shoulders were already burdened with so many things, so I took it as a duty to inject some fun into the boy's life. I guess that was also around the same time that the female ninjas that were on his guard detail started to give off the big sister aura vibes. The kid was already a shota in a lot of their eyes which said something about their taste. Lucky for him, his room was upgraded with some cutting-edge security so no one would be eating a defenseless shota while I was around. That should buy him a few years to grow up at least.

Just the thought of an older Damian gave me an interesting idea that I decided to act upon. With a motion of my hand, my goblet of wine floated down towards Damian as I motioned for him to take a drink. Yes, I believe eight is a nice age to try his first alcoholic beverage.

All young men must pass such a milestone and would be another great bonding experience that we could look back upon once he is old enough. Yet, just to make sure, I decided that he needed a little advice.

"Don't let your mother know that I have allowed you to drink from my goblet," I said to him at my side as I cast my gaze upon the horizon.

The smile that was on Damian's face vanished as he nodded his head at me, "Yes sir."

"Good, now drink some of the wine, then hand me my goblet back." I grunted as I just waved him on to drink. The look on his face from getting his first taste of wine was priceless and caused me to let out a nice loud belly laugh at his reaction.

With a chuckle, I leaned over and gave Damian two good pats on the back before taking my wine goblet back before he could spill any. With a shake of my head, I leaned back onto my throne and enjoyed my wine with the rising sun.

Time slowly ticked by as Damian and I sat enjoying the morning as those around us finished the cleanup. As the morning flowed along, I slowly coordinated the next step in my plans to bring this planet to Utopia.

Raising a hand, I motioned for one of my assistants to come over.

"Once we have left, sweep the area of all its trails," I said to my assistant as they knelt on the floor.

The ninja held a hand over his heart in supplication before speaking. "Your will shall be done, Lord Doom."

With a gesture of the hand, I sent them on their way. "Good, now go about your task."

With that dismissal, the ninja shunshin from their kneeling location and I had to take pride in their use of chi. Ras was a fool to not have shared such things with his die-hard loyalists. Then again the man was also happy to hoard the knowledge that he had collected over the years.

A check with the local spymaster showed the president of Columbia had an hour open in his schedule and would soon be arriving at his office. As I read more of the intel gathered, I smiled at how easy this would be. The man had a family who died while also surviving two assassination attempts on his life. All by flukes of course, but that also made him a high roller for some of Luthor's toys which I had access to through Mercy.

With an errant flick of the wrist, I had a message sent off to my little spy in Luthor's graces before gathering myself and my entourage. Leaving things behind in very capable hands; that was of course loyal to me and my goals, we all piled into the hovercraft and took to the skies.

As we flew out from over the forest and along the coast before heading inland towards the city, I noticed how Damian was again restless in his seat so I waved him away and allowed him to rush over to one of the large windows. The kid was stuck there for the rest of the flight which lasted another ten minutes.

The stealth jet landed outside the capital and I tasked two of my ninjas to show Damian around so he could explore. They were of course given orders not to kill anyone since this was one of the few times that he would be outside without proper supervision.

Lucky for the populous, I had actually put world languages as part of his curriculum in his schooling. That wouldn't change even as we moved over to a more social type of schooling. Talia was up in arms about him leaving homeschooling to attend private schools, but the boy needed social skills and friends in his life that were around his age. It didn't help that the ninjas didn't have kids or that the few kids that were around kissed his ass since he would one day lead them all.

"Thanks!" Damian yelled excitedly as he hugged me around the waist, then he was gone the next instant. I shook my head as I watched the kid take to the roofs of some buildings before his armor retracted into his ninja gear.

Sigh, he will have to learn eventually, even if today wasn't the day. Turning away from Damian's departure, I gave my cape one badass swish before straightening my back and proceeding down from my stealth shuttle.

Walking to the ledge of the Colombian capital building, I floated down with grandeur, the doors to the president's balcony opening for me upon my arrival. Floating into the office, I flicked a hand at the guards stripping them of weapons as I looked at the president behind his desk. My ninjas took positions behind the guards catching them upon release. After all, it would be a shame to stain this office with blood on my first visit.

"Doom has decided to grace your country since its beauty has caught his eye. This bargain is not for you or any politician but to preserve the nature your people have barely been able to preserve," I spoke bombastically with a grand gesture towards the forest in the distance. "I have deemed that the Columbian people have suffered enough under such meager leadership, but I refuse to take such a role that is clearly beneath me.

"Enough of this you, you," The President of Columbia began but was silenced with a raised hand.

"This is not a bargain for you, it's a bargain that will have those Americans you call gringos seeth with envy over such a grand accomplishment," I spoke, my voice echoing through the room as my voice synthesizer did its job. "Doom shall provide super-powered assistance in ridding your country of its drug problem and you shall pay for such services by allowing my Pamela to venture unopposed among your rainforests."

The president huffed and puffed before narrowing his eyes at me, "And if you can't?"

"Doom has already begun, you may call your General at the Search Block, he should have already received the proceeds from removing Snowflame this morning," I said dismissively as I revealed that one of Colombia's top five most wanted was already dead.

"You performed an unsanctioned operation on Columbian soil?" The president seethed, but once again he was dismissed with a wave. The assistant behind me moved with grace and perfect timing handing me a certain goblet of wine.

"Doom does what he must, and that creature was a nuisance to all," I replied with a dismissive wave of the hand before enjoying my wine.

The president was starting to turn red as he sat there watching me with one hand behind my back holding my cape in the perfect position. The other hand was of course bringing the goblet to my mouth port in the armor. "What in the world is that thing?"

"To the victor goes the spoils of course," I replied with dismissal in my voice. The president started to turn a very interesting shade of white as he watched me drink from my skull-themed goblet. Hmm, I guess he wasn't as stupid as I first believed him to be. "Now, about this offer to help your nation, my assistants will bring you a contract in writing. You may keep all of the confiscated drugs, but everything of monetary value shall be split evenly. It would be a shame to gain another goblet so soon: after all, I just received this one."

The president of Colombia in return started to nod his head in a very nice rendition of a truck's bobblehead figurine. He was still turning different shades, but it was clear that he understood that I was taking command.

"Good, my assistants will provide communications and weaponry," I replied to his nod before turning around. Pamela will be arriving soon with Ivy and Talia. Selena had gone radio silent, but of course, I already knew that she was out shopping.

After all, I knew my woman and that silent alarm protecting Columbia's largest cat jewel collection had her name all over it. Hmm, If I wasn't mistaken, Columbia and Brazil had a few interesting fem-fatales to offer Harley and her Roller Derby. If Harley's scribbled note yesterday morning was to be believed, the first set of tryouts would be opening soon.

Yes, I do believe that Harley would like such an adventure; especially if I ask her to wear that nice little pirate piece she bought last week.


Lois Lane

Daily Planet Reporter

Leaning back in her chair in her corner office, Lois flowed across the keyboard before her while she kept one eye on the clock. For some reason, it was slowly ticking down and the article on Sterling's latest acquisition wasn't really doing it for her.

What was doing it for Lois was the surprise deliveries that had arrived for her during her lunch hour. From Pamela, she had received a special lipstick that would work on her farmboy's biology and from Harley she had received a few fluffy cuffs. Lois had to hide that one before that skank Cat Grant was able to see what she had.

Then the real interesting thing had arrived with a cat picture on the top of the box. When Lois opened it she had no idea what she was looking at, honestly. Luckily, Selena had decided to send the package with lube and a manual.

Even now at her desk, Lois couldn't get the toy out of her mind. She wanted to look up what a prostate tickler was, but also didn't want to leave proof of her searching for such items. The manual clearly stated what it was for and from the material she felt on the device, it was also clear that Selena had really sprung for the good stuff; but still.

Lois really couldn't help it since her curiosity was really getting to her. Finishing up with her last interview notation, she sent the article over to Perry before looking over her computer's monitor. It was times like these that she really enjoyed snatching the corner office when it came up for dibs. Granted she did use three months' pay to bribe Mitch to let her know before everyone else, but that was how the game was played in the office. Even if she didn't like to admit it, her father did teach her well on how to deal with office politics.

An easy glance around made sure that no one was actually paying attention to her office as Lois stretched with her hands going about her head. Then with a great big theatrical sigh, she deflated into her seat behind the monitor hiding away from everyone else outside of her office.

Slipping her phone off of her desk, Lois looked around once more before opening her lower draw. Opening the bottom box that she'd received today during mail call, she took a quick picture before closing the box and then the drawer once more.

Typing in the Tickle Master 9000 into the browser, Lois waited with bated breath as the little hour circle thingy did its business. The images that appeared sent her face towards a shade of scarlet that would worry any doctors around to see her. Hell, there was even a list of reviewers by women who used this on their men and men who used the Tickle Master 9000 during their own sessions.

Okay, now Lois' interest had peaked to such levels that she spent the next half an hour doing research, of course. That was until the alarm she had set went off, sending such a fright through her system that she leaked a little. Startled, Lois looked around with wide eyes in panic before locating the producer of such a racket.

On her desktop, her Outlook was open and the calendar reminder was beeping. She had a thing with Clark happening in the next hour. Eyes wide, she closed out everything on her phone to send a text to Clark while grabbing her things.


{I hope you took my advice Smallville and hydrated today.}


[Of course, drinking some water right now; will finish cleaning up this earthquake soon. Still on for dinner tonight?]


{Don't be late, Smallville, or my bite might be a little harder this time.}


[Maybe I want an extra nip or two.]


{Careful Smallville, you might be writing checks you might not be able to cash.}


[Alright, I will raise you your favorite dish from that place in China. Pretty sure that I can cash that one easily.]


{Well, if you are late, you might not make it in time to peel me out of that purple number you were eyeing in victorias.}


[? you got it?]


{You're just gonna have to pick up the speed and come find out Smallville.}

With a smirk on her lips, Lois dropped the cellphone into her bag before pulling the boxes out and stashing them away in her purse. With one final glance around her office, Lois dashed out as the ping from the elevator reached her ears, another reason why she loved her office. It came with a perfect view of not only the stairs, but also the elevators.

Things like that were important when you lived in a city like Metropolis. Sure, Superman could swoop in and save the day, but nothing ever said that having A clear heads up of anyone arriving was a bad thing. Another thing that she didn't want to tell her father that he was right about. There was no such thing as cheating if it kept you alive to fight another day.

He might be a paranoid ass hat that was right some of the time; but that doesn't mean she had to let him know it.

Pushing those thoughts out of her mind, Lois smiled at a few co-workers before getting into the elevator. Pulling her phone out once more, she fired off a quick text to her favorite cabby, James. Since most reporters tip well, a few cabbies liked to stay in the area of the Daily Planet, but James was the only one that she found that didn't mind driving into some of the more dangerous parts of the city.

With confirmation that her text message was sent, Lois put her phone away and tried not to bounce on the balls of her feet from excitement. The elevator pinged once more and Lois was already out past the double doors, her stride strong with a clear purpose. Anyone who noticed her moved out of her way as they knew that such a walk would bring upon them the wrath of Lois Lane if they dared to interpret her.

Two blasts of the horn drew her attention and Lois was already at the side of her favorite cabby,

"Just, take me home James, mamma's got plans."

James looked around before he pulled off, "Want me to wait on Master Kent?"

Lois shook her head as she closed the cab door. "Not tonight,"

James gave her a solid nod of the head before pulling the cab out and into the afternoon's traffic. Leaning back in her seat, Lois idly ran a hand over her purse protectively thinking about the things to come. Like always the drive was quick and came with minor issues. It was moments like these that Lois enjoyed the fact that James had modified his cab to help it not be destroyed in any of what he called Supervillian foolishness.

Letting out a sigh at yet another person's paranoia turning out to be correct, Lois then smiled at the sight of her apartment building at the end of the block. When James had pulled the cab in front of her apartment, Lois was already out and leaving a nice tip behind her.

"Keep the change, night James." Was Lois' parting shot as she flew through the double doors of her building. Up the elevator and then through the double lock on her door, Lois checked the time on the clock over the stove as she was already stripping for a shower.

Okay, with her shirt off, Lois noted that she still had time so heading over to the stove. She took the all-natural lube that Ivy had packaged for her out of her purse with all the other various items. Turning the stove onto the low setting, she filled a pot with some water before putting it on the top of the burner before then sitting the bottle of lube inside.

Leaving the cork inside of the wooden bottle, Lois then checked once more to be certain that it was on low before dashing off towards her shower. Taking a good hour to make sure that she had cleaned every part of herself whole also washing her hair.

During her shower, Lois had made sure to use some of the natural oils that she knew Clark liked a lot since they didn't play havoc on his super senses while still keeping her smelling fresh. With a towel around her waist, Lois dashed back into the kitchen to shut off the stove before heading back into her bedroom. Placing a band around her hair, she then went about getting herself prepared.

Forty minutes later, reality found Lois Lane with her hair properly brushed and fluffed with the smell of lavender gently wafting from her. Standing in front of the mirror, Lois checked to make sure that everything was in place.

The lube had been taken out of the hot water and placed within arms reach, same with the other toys and interesting bits the girls had sent her. Walking over to the nice stand, Lois smiled as she noticed her side profile on the window as she checked over the red sun lamp and made sure that it was ready and linked to the control in her hand.

Okay, maybe she didn't know about all that she was looking at, but the quick rundown about the arc reactor that Karen had given her looked to be operating properly. And wasn't that a trip, learning that Karen Starr, of all people, was Power Girl. Hell, finding out that egotistical maniac, Doom, was also able to survive being entwined with more than one super-powered being. Then again, maybe she shouldn't complain since she was definitely profiting from being their friends.

Sigh, at least he wasn't pursuing her man like the other two that she knew off. Lucky for her, she had already told Clark that if spent more than a few hours playing with either Bruce or Luthor without supervision, then he would find himself eating a kryptonite spiced food. He at least took her warning to heart.

She honestly did get how his two largest rivals wanted his attention which completely flew over Clark's head. If only she could team him up with Martian Manhunter or ShaZam, at least they wouldn't have her worrying about Clark vanishing one day to only appear in some creepy cellar as they tried to milk his bodily fluids. That was her job and she wasn't about to give it away to two old men who couldnt find it in themselves to admit they might have the hots for another member of the same sex.

Then again, they were not her responsibility, Clark was and if he kept playing his cards right, maybe their child. Pushing those thoughts away as her lower lips moisten, Lois placed the red solar lamp back down before then pulling out the lipstick Ivy had given her. The warnings were clear that whoever this was applied to must hydrate which she had been doing all day, but that didn't stop her from swallowing one of the small clear pills that was also sent along.

As she thought about Clark taking her warning about such things, Lois heard the distant sound of a sonic boom. Ohh, looks like Smallville was almost here. Looking down at the two cuffs, Lois picked them up as she activated the red solar lamp. Walking away from the bedside table, Lois then checked the two cuffs that she already placed on the two hooks at the foot of the bed.

As Lois made her way towards the door to the bedroom, she heard Clark open the door to their shared apartment. Smirking since she knew that he wasn't even aware that his powers would be inert in a few seconds. Lois took up a side profile pose at the foot of the bed with her arms up like a Vegas showgirl as Clark pushed the door open.

The carry case that he had in his hands was ignored as it fell, Lois preened under his stunned look as she then did a nice slow spin so that he could of course witness the back. She had put in plenty of work on the stairmaster and it would be a shame if her legs and ass were not fully appreciated.

Turning back around, she found him in only his boxers with an erection that threatened to rip his boxers apart.

Lois lowered her hand and made a come here gesture to Clark, "You like what you see Smallville?"

"Ohh Lois…" Clark breathed as he took half a step forward.

Lois shifted her position so that the bed was not only at her back, but also for what was about to happen next. "Then come and get it, big boy." Lois purred at him.

He moved in for a kiss but was not prepared for the hand that gripped his wrist, the hip that tucked into his side, nor was he ready for that same hip to toss him over as if he was a sack of potatoes. The thought that this wasn't right flashed through his mind, but it was far too late as he came crashing down onto the bed.

Before he could recover, which he found strange, a set of pink fluff cuffs wrapped around both wrists. Then Lois spun around and did the same to his legs, as his brain finally registered everything. Clark came to the sudden realization that no, he could not just break free because somehow. He no longer had any of his impressive strength.

Panic flared in his gut as he looked up at Lois with wide eyes, did someone break the unwritten rules as Doom had called them. Those thoughts came unbidden to his mind and were chased away with the kiss that took his breath away.

"Who?" Clark tried to get out but that was stopped as a finger was pressed to his lips. Fear crept down his spine as he feared that some shapeshifter had taken on the face of his girlfriend.

With wide eyes, Clark looked down at his chest with surprise at the moist spot trailed down to his boxers which had somehow found their way to hang off only one leg. He honestly didn't know when that had happened but all of those thoughts were smashed when the shapeshifter with Lois' face started to speak once more.

Lois rotated her hips a little as she felt the head of Clark's dick spread her labia a little as she teased him with an evil grin upon her face. "Ohh Clark, you don't even know what you are about to be in for tonight. I hope you have hydrated because I'm about to rock your world."

Ohh she had to admit it to herself as she saw the panicked look on Clark's face below her, she liked having the power in this relationship. And he was about to find out why he made the right choice in picking her over Bruce and Luthor.

She could already feel the precum leaking out from his tip, but what he said next brought her up short.

"You won't get away with this, I will get out and I will rescue Lois." Clark growled back as he tried once more to break the handcuffs.

"What? " She asked, confused, and it must have shown in her voice since he also looked confused.

"You're a shapeshifter obviously, trying to extract Kryptonian DNA?" Clark said but it sounded far too much like a question to her ears.

With a laugh, Lois pushed herself back some to let his crown split some more as she answered with a chuckle, "If any hussy dares call you Smallville other than me, you best sleep with one eye open."

Clark blinked some, but she could already see the red working its way down his neck. "Lois?"

"Yeah, Smallville it's me," Lois purred as she pushed back some more. Clark tried to hide it but there was no stopping that hiss of pleasure from escaping his lips. "Don't you worry, I don't mind playing a big bad supervillain."

"Lois whaa, this is," Clark breathed heavily trying to blink away the pleasure.

Clenching the crown of his dick with her inner muscles, Lois slowly worked her hips up and down as she leaned forward to look Clark in the eyes. "Hmm, yes Clark, please use your words." Lois kept this going until Clark had finally mustered the strength to speak properly one more time.

With a flushed face, Clark bit his lower lip but asked the question she could see in his eyes anyway. "What did you do to me?"

"Ohhh, honey that list goes on and on," Lois replied, her hips slowly going up and down as she made sure to tease him relentlessly. "It could be the special lipstick that I applied with a kiss." She whispered before slowly raking her nails down his chest. Only to stop and tease a nipple before kissing it. "It could be the red solar lamp that took your powers away from you. Or it could be the other multitude of things that will happen tonight now that you are at my mercy." To punctuate that point, her flesh slapped against Clarks as she sheathed him completely inside of her.

Ohh she would never get tired of this full feeling, never at all, and he was hers all hers with no interruptions. That was the deal with Diana and the others after all.

For Clark time was a blur as this was the first time that he could ever remember being this weak, but that was also the issue. Kryptonite did not make him weak, it was like poison to his system. This meant that all of his strength was still there but he couldn't use it due to his body hurting from the radiation the rock produced.

This was different on a level that he had never experienced before in his life. His strength was gone, as if none of it was there at all. From what he could gather during it all, Lois had somehow found a way to bring him down to baseline human so that they could finally have sex like any normal couple. This was an amazing idea and proved why she was the one, and he loved her for it, but honestly, he was not prepared for all that she had planned.

That lipstick alone was setting his nerves on fire as they flared, not with pain, but with pleasure; and he barely kept himself from ejaculating half the time. Then every time Lois realized that he was holding back, she would do an extra little thing with her hips or nibble on a part of his body and Clark felt ashamed to admit it, but there was no stopping his releases from firing off like a firehouse. At least this time they didn't need to aim out the window so that he didn't accidentally kill Lois.

Something was beeping that caused Lois to shift from where she was between his legs to glare at the bed night stand. On the nightstand was his WatchTower communicator and now he really didn't know what to say.

Swallowing his saliva, Clark watched as she popped his dick out of her mouth only to have one hand slowly stroke him while the other fondled his balls. Even as he breathed hard from the pleasure, he could still hear the low whisper of what she said.

"I clearly told Diana to take you off tonight's rotation," Lois muttered before sighing and picking up the communicator and placing it in her ear. With a tap, Clark watched with wide eyes as Lois laid down the law. "Superman is not going to be available for the rest of the night at least, do not call back unless it's the end of the world," Lois growled even as her other hand stroked him up and down forcing Clark to bite his lower lip or have whoever it was on that line hear him moan out loud. "Don't you give me that, I know for a fact that you have more than enough firepower up there." Lois hissed "Then do your job or find out how good I am at mine."

Clark watched as Lois went silent, never taking the hand she was using to stroke him away. He had to hold in another whimper of pleasure as she leaned over to run her tongue across his crown. Then before he knew it, Lois was already saying bye to whoever was on the line before throwing the communicator to the side.

Looking down at Clark, Lois gave him a sensual grin as he didn't notice the toy that she had picked up along with the communicator. Ohh she was loving every minute of him being brought down to human levels. Really, dating Superman was amazing, but the sex was lackluster, to say the least, but now she had the most powerful man between her legs. She was going to make sure that he had eyes for no one else but her.

Blowing some cool air onto the crown of his dick, Lois smiled as she felt him curl his toes.

"Lo…" Clark never had the chance to finish that sentence as Lois brought her month down and completely swallowed his dick whole. Lois felt the tightening of his balls in one hand which was perfect for what she planned to do next.

Lois knew that Clark was just on the edge but was trying to keep himself at bay. Yet, she was ready for that as Lois prided herself in her oral skills. She had not only positioned herself so that she could have maximum control over his dick, but so that he had no control over his hips. Humming one of her many written papers, Lois gave Clark's balls a massage with one hand while applying lube with the other to the Tickle Master 9000.

When the night had started Lois had ridden him to completion before then sucking him to completion which surprised the farm boy, but what can she say. She was honestly waiting all day for this and her fears of not actually having a good sex life while dating Superman were all gone now that she had him where she wanted him. Clark never suspected anything as the spit from her deep throat was used to massage his balls before spreading over his anus. She had already done this three other times tonight which had relaxed him alot.

Unfortunately for him, Lois was also using the lube provided by Pamela so his puckered star gave no resistance as she pushed the prostate tickler into place. Clark's hips bucked upwards from the surprise invader, but her nose was already at his pubes with her lips forming a vacuum seal. Nothing leaked out as Clark was forced to shoot his load straight down her throat.

Clark came and came; refusing to stop as the sensory overload pushed his body into overdrive. Soon her stomach felt very full and Lois had to admit that maybe she had tried to swallow more than she could stomach. With a slurping noise, she allowed Clark's hips back down to rest while also getting a small shot of cream to hit her chin.

With the remote in hand, Lois turned it down from low vibration which finally allowed Clark to taper off his little display of trying to fill an Olympic pool with his baby butter.

Tossing one leg over his waist, Lois turned Clark's face towards hers only to notice the dazed look he was sporting. His chest was heaving from his exhaustion and she felt a little bad.

With a sigh, Lois slid off Clark's chest before going out to get them a pitcher of water. Walking back into the room, she poured a cup before downing it and then offering one to Clark which vanished with a swiftness. Of course, he didn't take her advice about hydrating, this calls for some punishment.

Flicking the switch on the Tickle Master 9000 to low, Lois smirked as Clark's dick twitched before shooting back up hard enough to break concrete. The first thing she noticed was how Clark's hips were shifting from side to side, then the second was the flush creeping up his face. The third was that he was leaking precum all over the place.

With a smile, she offered Clark another cup of water before putting the glass down to the side. Once she was certain things were still working properly, Lois tossed a leg over Clark's waist, held his dick in one hand then ran lube over it with the other, just to be safe. They have been at this for awhile after all.

Clark's eyes went wide, his breathing hitched a little "Lois, please..."

She leaned forward running her hands through Clark's hair, "I told you to hydrate did I not?"

Clark hissed as Lois slowly lowered her hips. "Yes…."

"But you didn't listen." Lois sighed as Clark bottomed out inside of her.

"Lois?" Clark's mouth worked a little before his lips were stolen.

Lois was still leaned over with her hands grabbing at his hair. Her hips were moving with a swirl as she rode him ragged. Leaning back so that Clark had a full view of her chest. Lois gave him a look that Clark didn't want to admit aroused him. She then brought up the remote to the Tickle Master 9000. Clark's eyes widened as he saw her finger shifted to the high setting.

His words were lost as a spike of pleasure shot through him, but he still heard Lois as he was forced to cum. "You are gonna learn, Clark, you are going to learn today.

Authors Notes:

Well, looks like Superman will be discovering a new part of himself as Lois pulls a dommy mommy.

Let me know what you guys think about the chapter.

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