Unduh Aplikasi
93.33% Bloodless FANFIC / Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Clan Heiress Arc: Two

Bab 42: Chapter 42: Clan Heiress Arc: Two

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

As I had just rolled through a fire the night before, it is no surprise that I woke up in Konoha General. My first impression of being awake, is the fact that the heart monitors are beeping. Well, at least I'm still alive...that has to count for something right?

"I thought you were a Doton User." A fake and overly cheerful voice announces. The voice sounds vaguely Kakashi like, but it has to be a bad dream because Kakashi never visits hospitals to begin with, and I am definitely in one. Nevertheless, it would be useless to open my eyes and check.

"I learned a second element." I mumble, and wriggle deeper into the hospital sheets that smell like bleach.

"The overeager puppy needs to slow down before she kills herself." Again, this voice sounds a lot like Kakashi. I am not an overeager puppy, Idiot Scarecrow.

My eyes snap open. I'm about ready to yell at him, but his face is less than an inch away from mine. What the hell? I sit up, our foreheads bang together and I scream loud enough to wake the dead.

Kakashi falls off the bed and ends up like a starfish on the floor. I'm not sure if he's doing it because of the theatrics or if he was actually shocked by my impromptu forehead bump. Knowing him, it's probably because he wants to be dramatic.

"HANA!" Kaa-san bursts through the door and I can see the exact moment that she spies Kakashi because she goes from worried to furious in under a second flat. "You." She growls, and advances on the poor starfish on the floor. "Why. Are. You. Here."

Kakashi peels himself off of the floor with surprising alacrity. "Oh look at the time! I'm two hours late for a meeting with the Hokage!" And then he promptly flees out the open window.

Kaa-san gives me a decidedly unimpressed look. "Why do you even know anything about him to begin with?"

I wince. "I fed him hangover cure at one point and now we keep getting impromptu meetings?" I venture, but really that's not exactly the extent of our relationship at all. I made him food, on multiple occasions. He's been surprisingly kind, on other occasions. He provided training tips...they were all irritatingly done but they did happen.

And now he's following me around, asking strange questions, and visiting me in hospitals. He is actually a fungus.

Kaa-san sighs and rubs her face with her hands. "I suppose you would not agree to never talk to him again?" She asks.

"No." I reply. "I wouldn't."

She sits down in the perfectly usable chair by my bedside that Kakashi had not used. He had preferred to perch on the railing of all things. "Fine. But Hatake's got mental problems. You'll want to be careful interacting with him." Kaa-san looks like she had't slept at all last night, and not even her vibrant mascara can cover the very salient bruises under her eyes. "That and he's going to get himself killed one of these days. Please don't think it won't ever happen."

I wince. Well technically, Kaa-san...Kakashi manages to survive pretty well. Mostly. The details are hazy, but I did read in some online article that he lived until the end of the series. He does technically survive that long. I do not delude myself into thinking that I would have any impact at all about whether or not Hatake Kakashi pulled himself through life under his rain cloud of misery disguised as fake cheer.

She stretches and lays her head down on my bedside table. "I'm proud of what you did last night." She ruffles my hair, and smiles, soft and slow. "You put those rumors to rest once and for all."

I smile back at her. "Uncle Kegawa wanted to discredit your choices. He wanted to discredit Tou-san. I couldn't let him do it."

She gets up and kisses my forehead. "Kai-baka would be proud of you, Sprout."

And there are tears in my eyes that refuse to go away no matter how many times I blink. Tou-san would? I hope he would.

And when Kaa-san opens the door the rest of the clan is there with gifts and loud voices and music and laughter. And there are the Triplets, Ni limping, Ichi with a bitten ear, and San with a scratch over his eye. Their preening though, suggests that I should have seen their opponent, a classic, you should have seen the other guy. I laugh and they break into doggy chuckles.

And Kiba, a very sorry Kiba, who vows that he's never ever going to be mean to Neechan ever again for the rest of forever.

I laugh and pat his back. "Let's make sure we get an awesome puppy."

Kaa-san bops him on the head. "You're still grounded until the end of the week, Kiba."

He takes it without protest. "Yes, Kaa-san."

Cousin Shin steps forward, something of an apology in his eyes. "I-" He stops and sighs. "It was wrong of me to say that you were only half Inuzuka." He stares down at his hands for a moment, but then he has the grace to lift his head. "I do not excuse myself, Hana-hime." And then he's kneeling by my bedside. "I committed slander against your father, and were he still alive he'd be father of the pack."

I thread my hands through his hair, and accept his submission. "You will never do so again." I say, and I truly hope that he won't or else I would have to find some way to discipline him and despite how he'd acted yesterday I didn't want to hurt more of my family. Is it so wrong to want acceptance from them?

"I will not." He agrees. "Inuzuka Kaito has raised a pack mother. He is an elder of our pack."

It's the two sisters of Cousin Kotsuzui that step forward next, Kihaku and Kosha. "We're sorry we were bystanders." They bow once, in perfect unison, and sit down one on either side of Cousin Shin. "And we wanted to say that we would have fought you had your victory been indecisive."

"Would have?" I ask them.

They grin, cheeky smiles and dimples dancing across their chin. "Neechan said that you fought well, and what Neechan says we believe." So Cousin Kotsuzui's woken up then.

"She'll be fine?" I do have to wonder if she was alright. I had pinned her in the flames last night, and while I am sure she didn't die, I don't know how she is, really.

"Neechan's made of stern stuff." One of the girls reply. Seeing my unspoken query, "I'm Kosha, the youngest." she adds. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Hana-hime."

"Tell me about our family." It is not strange that they'd be accepting now, that I think about it. I'd never really reached out to them before, preferring to spend time with the relatives that I already knew since childhood.

Cousin Kihaku tilts her head to the side. "Who would you like to know about?"

"Everyone I don't know about." I reply.

A glimmer of shock flits across her features. "I didn't know that you wanted to know about all of us."

"Why wouldn't I want to know about everyone?" Now that they were offering, I wanted to know everything about everyone. Not one of them had ever told me about themselves before.

"But you never came outside to play with us." Cousin Shin props his heads on his hands. "No offense, Hana-hime, but you never did come out." I never offered to play with them? Why would it matter?

"We waited a long time." Cousin Kosha sighs. "We thought you might have needed time, but you went outside the compound after you learned how to walk and you never did come to play." They thought I wasn't interested. They thought I didn't care to get to know them.

I had been an oddly deliberate child, and back when I was three or so I had been more interested in reading about chakra or history or trying to hide from Danzo and moaning about my life in Konoha than wondering what games my cousins were playing. I'd spent so much time with the Triplets and Kaa-san and Tou-san and I'd never introduced myself to them.

"I didn't know that I was invited." I say at last, because I truly didn't know that there'd been a standing invitation for me to come and join them that I'd been ignoring. All these years I thought they didn't accept me, they were thinking I didn't accept them.

Cousin Kihaku looks horrified. "And we never asked." She turns to Cousin Kosha. "We thought Hana-hime was being standoffish because she wanted to spend time with her parents all the time, or spend time by herself, but we never asked."

"Oh no." Cousin Shin buries his face in his hands. "We got everything wrong." Well that sums up our pretty kettle of fish alright.

We got everything wrong.

"So I like tempura, origami and wrestling." Cousin Kosha settles back with her arms wrapped around her knees. "Neechan loves pocky and playing the flute."

"My little brothers, Kidate and Shizen like to play ball." Cousin Shin gestures towards two little boys who were whispering with Kiba in a corner. "My imouto is still very little, I'm not sure what she'll like. I'm fond of the flute as well, we have a music section in the evenings on Saturdays, if you'd like to come?"

I sigh. "I don't play an instrument yet, but I'd like to come sometime." He nods and says nothing further.

"And I love karaoke, tending my bonsai trees, and drumming." Cousin Kihaku flips over so that she's lying on her back. "Tou-san likes to play poker with our more distant cousins, and smoke cigars in the evenings."

"And my Tou-san likes calligraphy and painting." Cousin Shin adds. "He's rather quiet and meek to be honest. Not sure why Kaa-san likes him so much."

It sounds like the rhythms of a family that I'd never learned. But I will learn. I will learn all about them, so they never think that I'm an outsider ever again. I had not thought that what I'd thought to be a rather lackluster greeting was simply them trying to give me the space that I'd been projecting that I'd wanted.

Now that I ask, they are willing to tell me so many little details about everyone that I hadn't thought to ask or know about. We talked. We laughed. And I shared information about myself as well.

"I like to drink tea with Sensei and the boys. I learned how to apply makeup from Kiho-baachan. I want to join the Military Police, and I'm very fond of puppies." I drum my fingers along the edge of the hospital mattress. "I like to read, and learn about chakra theory."

"Hmmm..." Cousin Kosha leans forwards. "That means you've learned your chakra nature already, right? Which one do you have?"

"Doton and Raiton." I reply.

"Oh that's special." Cousin Shin sighs and leans back. "None of us have two affinities. We're mostly Doton users." He nudges Cousin Kihaku. "Except for this one here, she's a Katon user."

Cousin Kihaku smacks him on the shoulder. "Oh hush, you."

It's my uncles that come in next, and at the sight of them, my cousins sigh. "Well, we'll see you later." Cousin Kosha calls. "Make sure to come down to our music session sometime soon, alright?"

I nod back. "I'll try."

Uncle Teiru fades into the background even as he walks forwards, as if he's walking in Uncle Kegawa's shadow.

"You'll be leading the clan." Uncle Kegawa says, finally after staring at me very hard. "And I don't like it much."

"What Niisan meant to say," Uncle Teiru ventures rather timidly. "Is that he is upset that you've scarred Kotsu-chan's face and not your own." Her face is scarred?

"I didn't mean for that to occur, Uncle." I comment. You were the one who concocted the mad plan to begin with. You cannot possibly blame me for the outcome.

"I am well aware." His lips twitch. "I can however be upset with both you and Tsu-chan." So it's back to Tsu-chan then, when it was Little Tsume before.

He turns and leaves.

Uncle Teiru stays behind. "Are you alright, Hana-hime?" There's something timid about Uncle Teiru, something hesitant. Not as if he is afraid of the world beyond his doorstep, but something else. I think back to Cousin Shin's words. He's rather quiet and meek to be honest. It wasn't an overstatement.

"I will be soon." I respond and for a moment I think I see a small relieved smile on his lips before it disappears.

"Please forgive Niisan." He whispers, and bows to me as if this is perfectly normal. "He was very close with your Kaa-san before she eloped with Kaito-san, and there were some harsh words exchanged between parties during the official wedding. The slate isn't clean between them, and it seems you've inherited their struggle." I hadn't know that before either, but Kaa-san had to have been close to the pack at some point in her life. The pack is a tight knit group for the most part, and Kaa-san had been born daughter of a clan head.

Today is a day of revelations it would seem. And really, Kaa-san isn't so very different from Uncle Kegawa in terms of personality. I suppose it's why they've held a grudge with each other for over a decade.

"I'll attempt to." I offer.

And he looks even more relieved now. "That's good. That's good. Give it your best shot please." And then he too is gone.

And since our clan conflict is, for the most part, settled-all besides Uncle Kegawa who is unsurprisingly, not a big fan of me-I turn my attention back to Koma-senpai, and it is for that reason that I head down to Toku's house in the compound the day after I'm released from the hospital.

It is Haya-senpai that greets me with tea and mochi out on a dais by the courtyard. "Tokuma-kun isn't home right now, Hana-chan."

"I know." I reply with a sip of my tea. "I'm here to talk to Koma-senpai." Or, well, I'm here to figure out what is going on with Koma-senpai.

Haya-senpai sets her tea cup down, and carefully daubs her lips with a handkerchief. She makes me feel ungainly by comparison, but it's not her fault. She was raised with grace in mind. I grew up wrestling with the Triplets. "Koma-niisan is speaking to Hideya-sama."

"Who's that?" I'd never heard of Hyuga Hideya, and I have no idea why Koma-senpai would care to speak to him.

"Elder Hideya is Hiashi-sama's Chichi-ue." Haya-senpai says carefully. "He is the former clan head of the Hyuga, and he deserves great respect."

Is Haya-senpai afraid of Hyuga Hideya? "Oh, I see."

There's something lurking in the depths of Haya-senpai's lilac eyes. "Koma-niisan has confessed that he is afraid." She says at last. "And if he is afraid, I am as well."

I lay my hand over hers. "I'm sure it will be fine." I do not know that, but Haya-senpai has never been afraid before.

A scream rises through the still air. Haya-senpai's Byakugan is active in the space of a moment without a single hand sign. Then Toku was right. His sister is the strong one. "Niichan." She whispers, her eyes fixed on something happening deep within the house.

She's rising from the table a moment later, mannerisms lost and throw to the wayside a moment later. A lady does not run in her kimono, but she is running now. "Niichan!"

I follow her, half a beat behind, tea forgotten.

Haya-senpai throws herself through a doorway as she slides the screen open hastily. "Please, Hideya-sama! He is my only twin." There's a sob in her voice, and I still can't see what's happening.

I rush forward. The scene I find in the doorway has me frozen in my tracks.

Koma-senpai is kneeling on the floor, sweat beading on his forehead, which he has never kept covered. The seal is glowing. There's a line of blood trickling down the corner of his mouth and dripping off his chin onto the tatami mat. He's bitten through his bottom lip. His hands are clenched. Haya-senpai kneels in front of him, her eyes filling with tears. "Please, Hideya-sama, Niisan did not mean to offend."

The old man in front of them has his hands underneath the table. Hyuga Hiashi and another woman sits next to them. There's tea on the table.

And all three of them do not have seals on their foreheads. Main House. Branch House.

On the other side are Hideta-san and Reichiru-san. They are frozen. Main House. Branch House.

A family cut apart by birth order. Main House. Branch House.

"Step aside, girl." Hideya rumbles. "Step aside."

Haya-senpai shakes her head. "He is my brother. Please, spare him. I'll do anything. Please."

Koma-senpai sets a hand on her shoulder, and speaks despite the fact that he looks ready to fall over. "Haya, step aside."

"No!" And a second scream rises into the air. I cannot step forward. I cannot watch Koma-senpai's face crumple as he cradles Haya-senpai. I cannot watch. I cannot see. Why? What did he do that was so wrong?

I sway, and I see red.

Teacups shatter against the floor, and I'm standing in front of that table, with three members of what have to be the worst people in the human race. Hinata is the offspring of these three? It is a mercy that she survived to age fifteen. It is a wondrous miracle that she lived past age five.

"What are you doing?" I do not entirely realize that I'm the one who says this. "What do you think you're doing, Hyuga-sama?"

Hideya-sama's expression shifts from bored to furious. "Who do you think you are to question the Hyuga, little girl?"

I bare my teeth. "I am a queen, and they are my pack." I'd been acknowledged as such. I will grow up to be the ruling queen of the pack. I had earned that right by fire.

He raises a hand as if to strike me, but it does not descend.

"Go on." I smile at him, a grin with every last one of my fangless teeth. "Go on. Strike me, Hyuga-sama, I dare you. You will not live to see the sunrise." I take a step forward. "The pack hunts in the dark." And I'm burning bridges, burning, burning, burning, but I do not care. "I will be the Queen Mother of the Inuzuka, and when I am the first one I am hunting is you."

It will probably give Kaa-san a headache and a half to deal with these Hyugas now that I've opened my mouth, now that I've dared the most senior member of their clan face to face, but Hyuga Hideya is no Kami, and I have talked back to gods.

"You have no business here, girl." Hideya sets down his hand. "Get out."

I turn to Hiashi, Hyuga Hiashi who is as still as stone. "You lost a twin, Hyuga-sama." I jerk my head in the direction of Koma-senpai and Haya-senpai. "They are twins who love each other far more than you ever loved your brother." I slam my hands on the table before him. "You let your brother die, Hyuga-sama. Think about the cross you carry." I do not spare the woman at the table another glance. She is not worthy of the attention.

Koma-senpai's eyes are closed when I turn back to him, but it does not mean that he cannot see. "Please, Hana-chan. Don't make this harder."

I don't understand. I do not understand, until I do. I've talked back to both the former clan head, and the current clan head. I have doomed them further. They cannot hurt me, but they can hurt Koma-senpai, they can hurt Haya-senpai, and Hideta-san, and Reichiru-san, and Toku. Kami. The thought brings me to my knees.

"I will be merciful." Hideya rises. "All five of you will remain within the protection of the Hyuga Clan." He turns to go. "I trust you understand your duty, boy."

Koma-senpai nods, his eyes still closed. "I understand."

Hideya glances over his shoulder at the scene in the room. "And Hideta, discipline your children. All three of them are disappointments." He sneers dismissively. "Your elder boy was the only point of pride you could scrap together, and he's proven disobedient at last." Haya-senpai is a medic, and she became a medic after she lost teammates. Toku is an infiltration specialist, and he does not act like a Hyuga ought. And now Koma-senpai has disobeyed orders and asked that the clan help him.

I did not know that the Hyuga Clan considered them disappointing.

Hideta-san bows his head. "As you command, Hideya-sama." And it does not feel as though he would ever be able to raise his head or straighten his shoulders ever again. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Hyuga Hiashi is the next to rise. He sets a hand on the arm of the woman I assume to be his wife. "I will have to speak to your Haha-ue, Inuzuka Hana." They sweep from the room together.

The thought of Kaa-san doesn't scare me the slightest, but I'd made such a mess of things. Why didn't I keep my mouth shut? They might have been willing to hear Koma-senpai out if I didn't say anything.

How could I watch him like that though? How? Koma-senpai has always been strong, stronger than me. He'd been as proud as a mountain, to have seen him reduced today, to have seen him punished like chattel...I couldn't watch.

I glare at the doorway where the three Main House Hyugas had passed. You have earned my wrath. One day you'll get the Karma you've been spreading.

I help Hideta-san and Reichiru-san remove Koma-senpai and Haya-senpai from the floor, and guide them back to their rooms. "I'm sorry." I whisper.

Reichiru-san turns back to me with tired eyes. "Don't stop coming, Hana-chan." She runs the back of her hand down my tear stained cheek. "Hideya-sama will forgive us when Koma-kun serves Elder Shimura." And I can see how much she does not want this, but there's no choice is there? "Please don't stop coming, Toku loves you so." That makes me feel worse.

There's no choice at all. And perhaps this is my fault.

Koma-senpai had asked me what to do, and I gave him what I had the freedom to do.

He did not have that freedom.

Kaa-san is waiting for me by the gate when I arrive home. "Do you want to tell me why Hyuga Hiashi of all people showed up at the clan head meeting today furious with the conduct of my daughter?" Her face is a freezing Arctic winter.

"The Hyugas are enslaving their own family members." I respond. "That's not how family works!"

"That's not how our family works." Kaa-san sighs, and runs a hand through her long and wild hair. "You can't just go around screaming at clan heads and former clan heads, Hana."

"They were wrong." And I can still see Koma-senpai's face twisting with such agonizing pain, still see Haya-senpai trying to shield her elder brother. "They were punishing someone because they asked a basic question." And freedom is a basic human right. The freedom to choose is what gave each person their own fate. Hyuga Hiashi hadn't even flinched when his father took that away from his own relatives.

"They were not wrong!" Kaa-san leans forwards and holds my shoulders, pinning me with a furious look. "You cannot question what goes on inside other people's clans, Hana!"

"They were!" I scream back and pull myself away from Kaa-san's grasp. "They were wrong, and you're just too afraid to deny it." And then I turn and flee towards my favorite training field. Why doesn't Kaa-san do anything? Why is she yelling at me when I know that I shouldn't have done it? I could not stand aside even if it ruins our relations with the Hyugas.

But there are still tears in my eyes. Hot, stinging tears. Why doesn't Kaa-san think that it's wrong?

I punch the training post, and the top half of it smokes. Had it been a person it would be electrocuted to the point of just twitching on the ground. Raiton is destructive enough when I'm just pointing chakra at things and watching them sizzle.

I suppose adding Doton would cause it to explode rather violently as the two chakra natures fought each other for control of the jutsu.

But I don't want to think about the theory of chakra natures and combination chakra natures right now. I want to forget about everything that Kaa-san has said about accepting the inner workings of other people's clans as things you can't change. I don't want to think at all.

I punch the post again, and it smokes even more violently than before. I can hardly see it through the tears. I punch it again.

And again, and again, and again.


I turn around to find Gai of all people standing in his Nice Guy Pose complete with the sunset and the white ping off his teeth. "I'm not feeling particularly youthful." I reply. "I'm not sure I want to be youthful."

He gasps. "THat IS NevEr tHE ANSWER YOUTHFUL BLOSSOM OF SPRINGTIME!" He sits down on the top of an adjacent training post. "YOU MUST NEVER GIVE UP YOUR YOUTH!"

"I watched someone I loved like a brother get tortured by his family members today." I state flatly. "And then I stuck my big mouth in it and made it all worse." I glance up and Gai, and then punch my training post again. "I don't feel youthful in the slightest."

"Everyone makes mistakes." He says at a normal volume.

I'm so shocked I stop punching. "What?"

"EVeryOne mAKES MISTAKES, YOUTHFUL BLOSSOM!" He responds. "And you can't help that."

Could Gai be serious without being Gai-like? Is it even possible? "I don't have to feel good about it." I respond and sit down on the ground in front of his training post. "Why are you here, Gai-san?"

He smiles and gives me a thumbs up. "I AM HERE TO CONGRATULATE YOU ON MAKING A NEW FRIEND!"

Wait. Is he talking about himself? Is he my new friend? "Bwah?"


What. WHAT? Kakashi? He's a troll though, and he never wants any friends. "I think you're reading too much into it, Gai-san. Kakashi-san doesn't like me much at all." Or, well, he shouldn't. The last time we met about a week ago I hit his forehead with mine and screamed at the sight of him. And the time before that I told him he wasn't wonderful and I was busy...

Oh dear. That doesn't sound good now that I think about it.

"No. No." Gai waves his hands around. "You are a very good friend of his." I'm getting the feeling that the more serious Gai is, the quieter he gets. "He likes you a great deal."

"Prove it." I cross my arms over my chest. "I don't feel like Kakashi-san likes me much at all."

Gai considers it. "HE BOUGHT A SECOND CHAIR JUST FOR YOU!" He announces.

"He bought a second chair because people actually started to visit his apartment." I respond. At least, that's why I assume that Hatake Kakashi has a second chair.

"No he said that there was a puppy who would want a chair when I asked." Gai nods to himself as if this makes the most perfect sense in the world. "He was adamant that only the puppy was supposed to sit in it."

Kakashi...bought another chair for his apartment because he expected me to sit in it? This somehow just made me feel worse. I've been neglecting him for two whole months now.

I brush off my shorts and stand up. "Thank you for reminding me, Gai-san." I bow in his direction, because that is only polite and I am not devoid of manners. "I will endeavor to mend my relationship with Kakashi-san."


I doubt that, Gai-san. I doubt that very much.

A.N. So in this chapter we get a sort of meeting between Tsume and Kakashi, a look into the mindsets of the other Inuzukas, Hana realizing that she'd actually turned down countless invitations to get to know them better, and more hints regarding the very controversial Kaito. (He's the linchpin to so many things despite being so very dead.) And Hyuga family drama. So much Hyuga drama that it goes through the ceiling. (I don't hate Hyugas. They are simply very archaic and this causes problems.) Tsume and Hana have a disagreement and Hana realizes that perhaps she made a few mistakes regarding Kakashi.

Thank you to LadyScatty (I realized that you write in French when writing your own work, is that your native tongue? Because you've been doing a phenomenal job of writing your reviews in English. And yes, we get some more insight into the many Inuzukas and a bit more Kakashi this chapter.), WhiteFang001 (Yep! Hana the Heiress. Hana-hime is officially a thing now after about 40 chapters.), Missfroogy (I believe Kiba was attempting not to get crushed by the crowd while worrying his little heart out.), Chi-chan (Welcome to Bloodless! I'm so glad you like it!), Sis (I fixed it. It's better now.), rickrossed (Hana does love her mother quite a lot. And yes, all of the Inuzukas and ,weirdly enough, Kakashi speak to dogs.), CannibalisticApple (Thank you so much for recommending, and I'm glad you liked the headcanon.) and Estarc (Well now we know a little more from their perspective. Tsume was rather defensive of her family back when Hana was much younger, and Kaito didn't understand a lot of what was going on, and Hana was happily oblivious. They interpreted it differently, but they're moving back to understanding now. Perhaps the decade long feud will end.), and ninetytwochairsonetable (Hana used to have short hair...until she got mistaken for Rin by Kakashi.) for reviewing!

And everyone else who favorited and followed.


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