Unduh Aplikasi
98.48% Bleach: Threads of Fate / Chapter 130: [Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 130: The Bitter Victory

Bab 130: [Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 130: The Bitter Victory

Yato found himself engulfed in a realm of profound darkness, a void where the boundaries of reality seemed to dissolve. The only light came from thousands of thin, crimson beams that streaked across the sky like veins of energy, casting an eerie red glow on the ground below. The surface beneath him, as if made of polished obsidian, mirrored these beams, creating a disorienting maze of reflections and shadows that seemed to stretch into infinity.

He lay with his head resting in the lap of Ōkagetsu, the spirit of his zanpakutō. Her presence was both comforting and unnerving, a dichotomy reflected in her appearance. Her expression was serene, almost maternal, as she cradled Yato's head with hands that radiated a soft, black flame. The dark fire, though menacing in appearance, exuded warmth that seeped into Yato's very soul, easing the pain that wracked his body.

Ōkagetsu's eyes, however, had changed. The turquoise hue that once filled them had been replaced with a more ominous look. The sclera of her eyes was now an abyssal black, with irises glowing a vivid, blood-red. Despite this unsettling transformation, her gaze was gentle, filled with a kind of deep, unwavering affection as she watched over him.

Yato stirred, his consciousness slowly returning. The first thing he saw as he opened his eyes was Ōkagetsu's altered visage. He glanced briefly at the crimson beams crisscrossing the sky, their patterns shifting like some kind of celestial web. Recognizing the familiar yet strange environment, he closed his eyes again, realizing he was in the inner world of his Fullbring.

"Is my situation that bad?" he asked, his voice hoarse but steady, a hint of concern creeping into his usually calm demeanor.

Before Ōkagetsu could respond, another presence made itself known. The red cat Cheshire, a manifestation of his Fullbring, materialized in front of him with a languid stretch, its crimson fur glowing faintly in the dark surroundings.

"It's not that bad," Cheshire said, its tone nonchalant yet slightly teasing. "Let's just say you're getting a variety of treatments."

"What do you mean?" Yato asked, opening his eyes again, this time focusing on the feline spirit.

"Cheshire is handling the internal damage," Ōkagetsu explained, her voice carrying a soft, melodic quality that was at odds with the ominous atmosphere. "I'm healing you with Kuroihoshu…" She paused, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "And adding a little extra."

"Extra?" Yato raised an eyebrow, opening one eye fully to look up at her, noting once again the unnatural red glow in her eyes.

"As you might have noticed," Ōkagetsu continued, her smile widening, "I'm also amplifying your Hollow powers to speed up your regeneration."

This revelation didn't shock Yato. Ōkagetsu was a reflection of his powers, his soul, and even his own personality. When he had embraced his Hollow side to create a hybrid soul, it was inevitable that this change would affect his zanpakutō as well. But a question lingered in his mind. If his Hollow powers had already altered his soul, why hadn't he noticed any changes in his zanpakutō when using his Shikai?

Sensing his confusion, Ōkagetsu chuckled softly, her laughter echoing through the void like the chime of distant bells. "Did you forget? A zanpakutō consists of both a sword and a sheath."

Yato's eyes widened in realization, and with a resigned sigh, he brought his hand to his face in a gesture of exasperation, a facepalm that only drew more laughter from Ōkagetsu and Cheshire.

As the echoes of their amusement subsided, Cheshire, still chuckling, added, "By the way, Inoue is also healing you from the outside." The cat paused, wiping a mock tear from its eye with one of its paws. "It won't be long before you're back on your feet… but there's one small detail."

Yato sensed a hint of mischief in Cheshire's tone and remained silent, waiting for the feline to continue.

"All your friends saw that little condition of yours," Cheshire said with a grin, its sharp teeth gleaming in the crimson light. "You know, the one where you look like a mannequin that's falling apart."

Yato groaned, the weight of the situation settling in as he let out a long, weary sigh. "Damn it…"

He knew what Cheshire meant. His friends, had witnessed the cracks that spread across his skin like a breaking porcelain doll.

Ōkagetsu, sensing his distress, gently stroked his hair, her expression softening with a maternal warmth that contrasted sharply with the ominous surroundings of their inner world. "They'll understand, Yato. They're your comrades, after all." she reassured him, her voice soothing yet tinged with an underlying seriousness.

Yato, however, wasn't convinced. "It's not them I'm worried about…" he murmured, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and concern. He let out another sigh, the thoughts swirling in his mind too complex and layered to untangle easily.


Meanwhile, back in the physical world, the battle against the Bounts raged on with unrelenting intensity.

Gō Koga stood at a distance, his arms crossed over his chest, observing the battles with a calculated calm. His eyes, sharp and discerning, took in every detail of the unfolding battle. Despite the ferocity of the combat, there was a certain detachment in his demeanor, as if he were merely an observer rather than a participant.

The Quincy, maintained his distance as he fought, his sharp eyes locked onto Mabashi and the myriad clones of Ritz that swarmed the battlefield. Though his powers were not what they once were, Ishida's skill and precision were undiminished. He loosed arrow after arrow, each one a beam of concentrated Reishi, aiming for the weakened Mabashi and his Doll.

The Ritz clones, though numerous, were fragile shadows of their original form. Uryū's arrows, though weaker than before, were enough to pierce through them, disintegrating the clones into nothingness. Mabashi, already worn down and desperate, struggled to maintain control over his Doll, and it was clear that the battle was taking its toll on him. The frustration in Mabashi's eyes was evident as he realized he was slowly being cornered.

Elsewhere, Rukia and Chad faced their own set of challenges. The creatures summoned by Ugaki were relentless, proliferating at an alarming rate. Each time one was cut down, another seemed to take its place, their numbers never dwindling. But it wasn't just their quantity that was the problem. Something more sinister lurked in the shadows. A larger, more formidable creature, a twisted monstrosity born of Ugaki's Doll, Gesell, would strike from the darkness, its attacks swift and merciless.

Rukia's Sode no Shirayuki danced through the air, the blade glinting with an ethereal light as she tried to keep the horde at bay. Her movements were graceful but filled with purpose, every swing of her blade calculated to fend off the seemingly endless onslaught. Chad, beside her, used his immense strength to pulverize the creatures that came too close, his right fist crashing down with earth-shattering force. Despite their efforts, the constant barrage from the shadows kept them on edge, always alert for the next attack.

Tatsuki, on the other hand, was locked in a fierce close-quarters battle with Yoshi. The Bount had merged with her Doll, Nieder, using the Happonjin form that coated her right arm in a fearsome armor, enhancing her strength and resilience. But despite her power, Yoshi was struggling. The arrows Uryū had shot earlier had wounded her, their effects lingering and sapping her energy. Tatsuki, with her martial prowess and relentless spirit, pressed the attack, forcing Yoshi into a defensive stance.

Yoshi's frustration grew with every passing moment. Her Doll's armor was strong, but Tatsuki's relentless assault left her little room to breathe. Yoshi was forced to rely on the defensive capabilities of her Doll, using its armored form to block and parry, but this only added to her frustration. She wanted to strike back, to unleash the full power of her Happonjin form, but Tatsuki's unyielding offense made that nearly impossible.

And then there was Ichigo, who continued his battle against Kariya, the leader of the Bounts. The two clashed with a ferocity that shook the very ground beneath them. Ichigo's Tensa Zangetsu struck out again and again, each swing carrying the weight of his determination and anger. But Kariya, despite the deep cut that marred his chest, remained eerily calm. His movements were precise, almost effortless, as he parried Ichigo's attacks with practiced ease.

There was a strange serenity in Kariya's demeanor, as if he was merely going through the motions of the fight. His eyes, sharp and calculating, never left Ichigo, and there was a slight, almost imperceptible smile on his lips. It was as if he knew something Ichigo did not, a hidden truth that gave him a confidence that bordered on arrogance.

As the battle raged on, Gō Koga's gaze shifted subtly, his attention drawn to Kariya. He could sense it. The culmination of their leader's plan was near. Despite the brutal methods and the countless sacrifices, Koga could see the logic in Kariya's actions. The man had never lost sight of his goal, never wavered in his determination to secure a future for their kind, the Bounts. And now, that future was within reach.

For a brief moment, Koga allowed himself to feel a sense of relief. Amidst the chaos and the bloodshed, there was a sliver of hope. Kariya's plan, as ruthless as it was, had always been about more than just survival. It was about ensuring that the Bounts would no longer have to live in the shadows, hunted and despised. It was about carving out a place for them in a world that had long since forsaken them.

Koga's sharp eyes remained fixed on Kariya, who stood at the center of the battlefield like a calm eye within a storm. That ever-present smile, subtle yet enigmatic, never left Kariya's face. There was a calmness in him, an unshakable confidence that seemed to suggest he had already foreseen everything that was unfolding. Koga couldn't help but reflect on the irony of Kariya's ambitions.

'To think that for us to live in peace…we…' Koga mused silently, but he never finished the thought. His mind was abruptly pulled back to the present by a sharp, unsettling sound.

His gaze shifted sharply toward the source, and his heart sank at the sight that greeted him. Mabashi, one of the more volatile and unpredictable Bounts, was visibly frustrated. His Doll, Ritz, wasn't performing as expected, and it was clear from Mabashi's growing agitation that his grip on the situation was slipping. Ugaki, on the other hand, seemed even more unhinged, his desperation driving him to command his Doll with a frantic, disorganized fury.

The scene struck a painful chord in Koga. All reminded him of someone he had once called a friend. The memory surfaced unbidden, a whisper of a time when things were different.

"Cain…" Koga muttered under his breath, the name lingering in the air like a ghost. But before he could delve deeper into the memory, his attention was snapped back to the present by Ugaki's panicked shout.

"Finish them off, Gesell!" Ugaki's voice was tinged with desperation as he commanded his Doll, and from the shadows, Gesell emerged in its true, monstrous form. The creature was a towering golem, its body a mass of pitch-black stone, seemingly hewn from the darkest abyss. It lacked eyes, giving it an even more sinister appearance, and its wide, exposed teeth jutted out from where lips should have been, a grotesque grin that sent chills down the spine of anyone who looked upon it.

Gesell's sheer size made it a formidable opponent, but also a slow one. Rukia and Chad, standing their ground, managed to evade its lumbering strikes with a combination of speed and precision. Chad, his Brazo Derecha de Gigante crackling with reiatsu, unleashed a devastating blast of energy that slammed into Gesell's face. The creature staggered, letting out a guttural roar of pain as Rukia darted in with her Sode no Shirayuki, slicing through its tough exterior with a series of swift, icy strikes.

But then, something changed. Instead of retaliating against its attackers, Gesell suddenly turned on Ugaki, its massive hands closing around the Bount with crushing force. Ugaki's eyes widened in shock, his face twisting in confusion and terror as his own creation betrayed him.

"What the—?!" Rukia's voice was filled with disbelief as she watched the impossible scene unfold. Everyone on the battlefield, Bount and Shinigami alike, paused in stunned silence, their attention riveted on the bizarre betrayal. It was a moment of surreal horror, watching a Doll turn against its master.

Not far from the battle, another shocking development was taking place. Mabashi, after being relentlessly pelted by Uryū's arrows, was already on the verge of collapse. His Doll, Ritz, which had been dutifully multiplying and attacking the Quincy, suddenly veered off course. The countless tiny Ritz clones, instead of focusing on their target, swarmed Mabashi himself.

"What are you doing?! Ritz?!" Mabashi's voice was a mix of panic and fury as he threw himself to the ground, trying in vain to escape the onslaught of his own Dolls. They crawled over him, biting and clawing, their high-pitched voices mocking him even as they tore at his flesh. "You're supposed to kill them, you idiot!!" he screamed, his voice breaking with desperation.

"As you wish!" the chorus of Ritz voices responded in eerie unison, but their assault on Mabashi only intensified. The sight was grotesque, almost too surreal to believe. Another Doll turning on its master, devouring him from within.

Throughout this twisted turn of events, only two figures remained unperturbed: Kariya and Gō Koga. While everyone else was consumed by shock or confusion, the two Bounts exchanged a silent understanding. To them, this was no surprise.

Kariya watched with a calm, almost detached expression as Mabashi and Ugaki were torn apart by their own Dolls. 

Ugaki struggled against Gesell's crushing grip, his body convulsing with pain as he tried to pry the massive stone fingers from around his torso. "Gesell! Stop this!" he pleaded, but his Doll only squeezed tighter, its monstrous grin widening in a grotesque parody of satisfaction.

Nearby, Mabashi's screams echoed as Ritz continued to tear into him. His eyes were wild with terror and disbelief. "Ritz! I command you! Obey me!" he howled, but the swarm of Ritz clones only grew more frenzied, their tiny voices laughing maniacally as they shredded him piece by piece.

As Mabashi's body fell lifeless to the ground, both him and Ritz vanished in a puff of smoke, the twisted laughter of the Dolls hanging in the air like a lingering ghost. Simultaneously, Gesell squeezed once more, and with a sickening crunch, Ugaki's body went limp, his life extinguished as his Doll crumbled into dust just like Ugaki himself.

A stunned silence fell over the battlefield. All eyes turned to Kariya, who stood with an unnerving calm amidst the carnage. Ichigo, breathing heavily, stared at him, disbelief and anger boiling in his veins. "W-Why would their Dolls turn on them like that?" he demanded, his grip on Tensa Zangetsu tightening.

Kariya tilted his head slightly, regarding Ichigo with an almost amused expression. "Do you not understand, Ichigo Kurosaki?" he asked, his voice smooth and devoid of any emotion. "A Doll is a reflection of its master's soul. They are born from us, shaped by our desires, our fears, our strengths, and our weaknesses. In many ways, they are like our children."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. Ichigo's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on his zanpakutō, but he didn't speak. Rukia, Tatsuki, Inoue, Chad, and Uryū, their faces filled with a mix of confusion and anger, also listened intently.

Kariya continued, his tone almost paternal, as if lecturing a group of errant children. "Children have their moments of rebellion, don't they? They challenge their parents, test boundaries. And sometimes, when pushed to the brink, they strike out, unable to control the emotions that rage within them." He sighed. "When a Doll turns on its master, it is because they are forced to confront a truth about themselves they cannot accept. A truth so deeply entwined with their existence that it becomes their undoing."

His eyes softened slightly, though the coldness never left them entirely. "When a child dies, a part of the parent dies with them. The bond is severed, leaving a wound that never truly heals. And the opposite is also true... when the parent dies, the child is left adrift, broken."

Ichigo's face hardened as he thought about his own mother, her death still a raw wound in his heart. Inoue's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she remembered her brother, Sora. Chad's gaze fell to the ground, recalling his grandfather. Uryū's expression was stoic, but his clenched fists betrayed the turmoil inside as he thought of his mother and grandfather.

Kariya's words cut deep, striking at the core of their experiences and losses. He had touched on a universal truth, one that resonated with each of them in different ways. "We all lose something," Kariya said softly, his voice now tinged with a strange, almost melancholic wisdom. "And that loss shapes us, sometimes into something unrecognizable. It is the crucible of our existence, the fire that forges our souls."

Rukia's thoughts turned to Kaien Shiba, her former mentor. His death had been a defining moment in her life, a painful lesson about the burden of being a Shinigami. She remembered the guilt, the sorrow, and the way his loss had left an indelible mark on her soul. The mention of such bonds reminded her of Yato, still inside Inoue's shield, slowly waking up.

As if on cue, Yato stirred, his eyes fluttering open. He blinked, taking in the sight of Inoue's protective shield surrounding him and the Mod-Souls close by along with Nemu. For a moment, confusion clouded his gaze, but it quickly gave way to a clarity born of understanding. He noticed Rukia looking at him, her expression one of concern mixed with curiosity.

Rukia, her mind still reeling from Kariya's words, found herself wondering about Yato. He had always been a mystery, a teenager who carried himself with a quiet strength but rarely spoke of his past. She had never heard him mention his parents, never seen him mourn them. Did he, too, carry the weight of loss? Had he suffered the way they all had?

But there was something different about him. He didn't seem to be burdened by the same pain, the same lingering sorrow that they all felt. It was as if he had made peace with it long ago, or perhaps had never allowed himself to feel it in the first place. And that unsettled her.

Tatsuki's heart pounded as she listened to Kariya's words, each one a sharp reminder of the fractures in her past. She wasn't like Ichigo or the others, who had lost someone close to them in recent years. But there was something in Kariya's speech about loss, about change, that resonated deeply with her, stirring memories she'd buried long ago.

She remembered a time when she and Ichigo were just kids, before everything had changed. Back then, Ichigo was different. A carefree, smiling boy who brightened up her days. But the death of his mother had shattered that boy, molding him into the serious, battle-hardened young man he was now. Tatsuki hadn't lost a parent like Ichigo had, but she felt she had lost something just as precious. The boy she used to know.

That carefree, innocent version of Ichigo had vanished, leaving behind someone she barely recognized. And for the first time, Tatsuki realized that this loss had quietly haunted her all these years, a shadow she couldn't escape, no matter how much she tried to push it aside.

She clenched her fists, feeling a sharp pain in her chest, both emotional and physical. It was then she noticed Yoshi, the Bount she was fighting, smirking at her. In the brief moment of distraction, Yoshi had seized the opportunity to strike. The jian blade, a manifestation of Yoshi's Doll, had pierced through Tatsuki's chest.

A gasp of pain escaped Tatsuki's lips as she stumbled back, clutching at the wound. Blood seeped through her fingers, staining her uniform. The pain was immense, but it was the cold, mocking laughter from Yoshi that sent a jolt of anger through her.

"You see, I don't care about Kariya's grand plans or his sentimental drivel," Yoshi hissed, her voice dripping with disdain. "All I want is a good fight, a real fight, one where I can push myself to the limit. And now that we're both hurt, we can finally fight on equal terms. Let's see which one of us will be left standing at the end."

Tatsuki's vision blurred for a moment, the pain threatening to overwhelm her. But then, something within her snapped. All the frustration, the anger at losing the Ichigo she once knew, the pain of being powerless in a world where battles raged around her, erupted like a volcano. Her reiatsu flared, wild and unstable, as her body began to glow with an intense aura.

Yoshi's eyes widened, her grin faltering as she sensed the shift in Tatsuki's energy. The air around them crackled with electricity as Tatsuki's power surged out of control, her emotions fueling her strength. She could feel herself slipping, her mind teetering on the edge of madness as the power coursed through her, threatening to consume her entirely.

But Tatsuki didn't care. If Yoshi wanted a fight to the death, then she would give it to her. She would pour all her rage, her sorrow, her longing into this one final stand. If she was going to lose herself in this battle, so be it.



Ichigo and Inoue's voices rang out in unison, their cries filled with panic as they saw the blue scales beginning to spread across Tatsuki's face. Her teeth sharpened, her nails lengthened into claws, and her eyes glinted with a primal fury. The transformation was unsettling, a clear sign that Tatsuki was losing herself to the overwhelming power within her.

Yoshi's grin widened, her eyes alight with a maniacal glee. "Yes! That's it! Show me your true power, girl!" she shouted, raising her blade, eager to meet this new, fearsome opponent.

Ichigo attempted to rush to Tatsuki's side, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and desperation. But before he could reach her, Kariya intervened, unleashing a powerful gust of wind that sent Ichigo crashing into a nearby wall. The impact left him dazed, and as he struggled to regain his footing, he felt a familiar darkness creeping over him.

Inoue's eyes widened with fear. "We have to do something!" She started to move forward, but Ririn grabbed her arm.

"Wait!" Ririn's voice was firm but laced with urgency. "If you step in now, you might get caught in the crossfire. We need to find a way to stop her without getting ourselves killed."

'Ichigo and Tatsuki losing control, Rukia is injured…Nemu is a kid...' Yato thought, his mind racing as he surveyed the battlefield. He instinctively brought his hand to his face, feeling for the strange crack that had spread across his skin earlier. It seemed to have disappeared, but his spiritual energy was still dangerously low. 'I'm not doing so well myself… damn it…'

Yato struggled to push himself up from the ground as Inoue's shield dissipated. His limbs felt heavy and uncooperative, and he stumbled forward, nearly collapsing again. Noba, quick on his feet, caught him just in time, providing a steady support with his arm. Yato felt a small hand gripping his leg and looked down to see a child-sized Nemu, her eyes serious and filled with concern.

"Do not strain yourself, Yasakani-sama," the small Nemu advised, her voice still carrying that familiar stoic tone despite her diminutive form.

As Yato tried to steady his breathing, the air crackled with energy. "Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō!" Rukia's voice echoed. She extended her index finger towards Tatsuki, her eyes focused with determination. A spark of yellow energy ignited at her fingertip, quickly expanding into six thin, wide beams of light that slammed into Tatsuki's midsection. The beams locked her in place, restricting her movements.

Tatsuki gritted her teeth, muscles straining against the bonds of the Kidō. Her body trembled with effort, trying to break free, but Rukia wasn't finished yet. She sprinted towards Tatsuki, her expression set in steely resolve, chanting the next incantation under her breath. "Bakudō #63. Sajō Sabaku!"

From Rukia's outstretched hands, a thick rope of yellow energy coiled outwards, its brilliant light cutting through the dark battlefield. It wrapped around Tatsuki, further immobilizing her in a vice-like grip. Tatsuki struggled, her reiatsu flaring wildly, but the combined binding spells held her fast, anchoring her to the spot.

Across from them, Yoshi's eyes gleamed with excitement. Seeing Tatsuki restrained just a few feet away, she couldn't hide the predatory grin that spread across her face. She shifted her stance, and her Doll, Nieder, swiftly transformed back into its offensive form. Yoshi readied herself to strike, the anticipation of landing a decisive blow fueling her adrenaline.

But just as she lunged forward, a flash of movement caught her eye. Uryū Ishida appeared between her and Tatsuki, his Quincy bow aimed directly at her. The energy gathered at his fingertips was immense, the bow itself vibrating from the sheer amount of reishi he was channeling into his arrow. Ishida's face was set with fierce determination, his eyes reflecting the intensity of his resolve.

Without a moment's hesitation, Ishida released the arrow. The reishi-formed projectile shot forth at point-blank range, blazing a trail of blue light as it cut through the air. The arrow pierced through Yoshi's chest with a sharp, resounding impact, leaving a gaping hole where her heart should have been. The force of the blast sent shockwaves through her body, causing her to stagger backward.

"Damn… heh… at least one of you has the guts… to do what needs to be done..." Yoshi gasped, a twisted smile forming on her lips as she struggled to stay upright. Her voice was weak but laced with a strange sense of satisfaction. "It was fun…" she murmured, her words barely audible as her body began to disintegrate. Her form crumbled into ash, and Nieder, her Doll, dissolved into nothingness alongside her.

With Yoshi's death, Rukia quickly moved in front of Tatsuki, raising her palm toward the girl's frenzied face. As she muttered a Kidō spell under her breath, black petals began to materialize and flutter down in front of Tatsuki. The petals seemed to dance in the air, their descent slow and mesmerizing, a stark contrast to the chaotic battlefield around them. Tatsuki's eyes widened in confusion and then slowly drooped as the spell took hold. The tension in her muscles eased, and her frenzied breathing slowed. Gradually, she sank to her knees, consciousness slipping away under the influence of the Kidō.

"Tatsuki-chan!" Inoue cried, rushing over to her fallen friend. Her voice was laced with worry, as she activated her Sōten Kisshun around both Rukia and Tatsuki.

"What just happened?" Kurōdo asked, his face a mix of shock and confusion as he watched Tatsuki's abrupt collapse. He couldn't understand how Rukia had managed to subdue her so effectively without a physical blow.

"I don't know!" Kon exclaimed, equally bewildered. His eyes darted between Rukia and Tatsuki, trying to piece together what had unfolded.

"Hakufuku," Nemu said matter-of-factly, her voice calm and analytical. "It's a Kidō spell used to induce sleep or unconsciousness in the target. One of many Kidō spells employed to incapacitate opponents without causing them harm."

While this exchange unfolded, Ichigo continued his fierce struggle against Kariya. His breathing was ragged, and his movements had become erratic as his inner Hollow began to assert more control. Kariya's calm demeanor and precise strikes only seemed to aggravate Ichigo further, and his frustration was evident in the wildness of his attacks.

"What's the matter, Ichigo Kurosaki?" Kariya asked, his voice smooth and almost taunting. He effortlessly dodged another one of Ichigo's swings, watching as the substitute Shinigami staggered from his own momentum. "If you lack the resolve to do what must be done, perhaps letting your Hollow take over is your best option at this point." Kariya's words were sharp, and his expression showed a mix of disdain and pity as he sent Ichigo flying back with a powerful blow.

Ichigo crashed into the ground, skidding to a halt, dust swirling around him. As he lay there, gasping for breath, the Hollow mask began to form over the left side of his face, bone-white and sinister. His eyes gleamed with a dangerous light, and a twisted grin spread across his lips. The Hollow's influence was taking over, and a dark, guttural laugh escaped from his throat as he pushed himself up, ready to charge again.

Watching from a distance, Gō Koga and Kariya exchanged a quick glance. They didn't need words to communicate. Their silent understanding spoke volumes. Koga began to walk toward the group of young fighters, his Doll, Dalk, slinking beside him with a languid grace.

"Looks like the little show is about to come to an end~," Dalk purred, her voice dripping with amusement. "I was just starting to enjoy all the attention~." Her eyes glittered mischievously, but Koga ignored her playful taunts. His focus was entirely on the task at hand.

As Koga approached, Chad tensed, his fists clenching at his sides, ready to defend his friends. But he quickly noticed that Koga's demeanor had shifted. The hostility that had been so palpable just moments before seemed to have dissipated. Koga's expression was neutral, almost contemplative, and Chad hesitated, uncertain of what to expect.

Meanwhile, Ichigo, now partially overtaken by his Hollow side, lunged at Kariya with renewed ferocity. His movements were erratic but powerful, driven by the Hollow's malevolent energy. He swung Tensa Zangetsu with reckless abandon, laughter bubbling up from his distorted voice as he unleashed a vicious barrage of attacks.

Kariya, unfazed by the sudden escalation, calmly raised his right hand. "Zeig Dich, Messer!" he commanded. In an instant, a metallic sword hilt formed around his right hand, its design reminiscent of the Bount emblem. From the hilt, a long, thin, and pointed blade of wind materialized, crackling with barely contained energy.

Ichigo's laughter grew louder as he prepared to unleash a powerful attack. With a swift motion, he channeled his Hollow-enhanced reiatsu into Tensa Zangetsu, releasing a black Getsuga Tenshō. The black energy wave tore through the air, surging toward Kariya with destructive force.

Kariya's eyes narrowed as he concentrated, the blade of wind in his hand beginning to vibrate with intensity. As the Getsuga Tenshō approached, the blade started generating static electricity through the friction of the atmosphere, condensing it into a crackling blade of lightning. With a swift motion, Kariya swung Messer, releasing a massive blast of electricity that collided head-on with Ichigo's attack.

The clash of energies was explosive, a blinding flash of light erupting from the point of impact. The ground trembled beneath them, and the force of the collision sent shockwaves rippling through the air. Lightning crackled and arced across the battlefield, intertwining with the dark energy of the Getsuga Tenshō.

Yato's expression was a mix of worry and calculation. The battlefield was a maelstrom of energy, fear, and uncertainty, yet his thoughts were already moving beyond the immediate crisis. He knew the Bounts were desperate to reach the Soul Society, but with only two of them remaining, Yato found himself reconsidering the situation. 'Perhaps it would be easier to let them go and leave this problem for the Shinigami to handle…' he mused silently.

Rukia and Tatsuki were both wounded, Tatsuki lying unconscious next to Rukia, who was visibly exhausted inside Inoue's Sōten Kisshun shield. Ichigo, under the influence of his inner Hollow, was no longer fighting with clarity or purpose. Instead, his attacks were wild and unpredictable, a dangerous liability rather than an asset. The artifact that Nemu had given to Ishida to temporarily restore his Quincy powers was visibly flickering, its instability evident. 

'At this rate, the only ones left to fight are Chad, Inoue, and the Mod-souls…' Yato thought, his mind racing as he tried to formulate a plan.

As Yato considered his options, he tried to summon his red threads, hoping to form a barrier or some sort of defense to buy them time. But before he could fully focus, he noticed Gō Koga approaching, his demeanor calm and almost reflective, a stark contrast to the tension hanging in the air.

"Children…" Koga began, his voice low and resonant, commanding attention despite the turmoil around them. Dalk, his Doll, moved with fluid grace, her metallic form wrapping around him from behind like a protective shadow. "Allow me to tell you a story…" he continued, his tone carrying a weight of history and sorrow that drew everyone's attention. Even the sounds of battle seemed to fade as he spoke.

"A long time ago," Koga continued, "we Bounts were created by the selfish desires of the Shinigami, an experiment born from their relentless pursuit of eternal life." His voice grew bitter, the years of pain and resentment evident in his tone. "As the experiment failed, it tampered with the cycle of reincarnation, pulling a number of souls out of their destined path and into this world as Bounts. We were never meant to exist, and because of that, we were born into suffering," Koga explained, his voice resonating with a deep sadness. He looked around, his eyes distant, as if he was staring back into the memories that haunted him.

"We lived in the shadows, constantly on the move, hiding from those who feared us and those who sought to use us. Over the centuries, we watched wars rage and blood spill. We witnessed countless battles, saw nations rise and fall, but there was no place for us in any of them. We were outsiders, eternally drifting, eternally surviving."

His gaze shifted to the sky, the overcast clouds above reflecting the storm brewing within his heart. "We lost friends, family… every Bount that I knew from those early days is gone now. Some were killed by Shinigami who saw us as abominations, others perished in battles trying to protect the few places we dared to call home. The rest… they lost themselves, unable to bear the curse of immortality we never asked for."

Koga's voice wavered for a moment as he continued, "We stopped believing in a peaceful life, resigned ourselves to the idea that our existence was a mistake, a curse that could never be undone. We believed there was no future for us, only an endless struggle to survive in a world that would never accept us."

As he spoke, his hand clenched into a fist, the metal of Dalk's form tightening around him as if in response to his turmoil. "But then, one day, Kariya-sama brought me a young Bount named Cain. He was reckless, impulsive... so much like I was when I was younger. Kariya-sama said he was to stay with me, to learn from me, to find a better way to live. At first, I was reluctant. I didn't want the responsibility. I didn't think I had anything to teach him other than bitterness and resentment."

Koga's eyes softened slightly, a rare glimpse of a different emotion breaking through his stoic exterior. "But Cain… he had a spirit about him. Even in those dark times, he was full of life, full of questions. Living a simple life in the countryside, away from the conflict, he began to grow, to mature. He learned to appreciate the quiet moments, the beauty of the world around him. For a while, I dared to hope that maybe, just maybe, there was a way for us to find peace."

A heavy silence fell over the battlefield as Koga's voice dropped to a whisper, burdened with grief. "But his impulsiveness… it was his undoing. He wanted to prove himself, to show that he could control his power without needing guidance. He tried to summon his Doll without the proper training, without understanding the bond that was necessary. His Doll turned on him, a manifestation of his own inner turmoil and fear. I tried to save him, but…"

Koga's voice broke, and he closed his eyes, as if trying to shut out the memory. "It was too late. Cain was consumed by his own power. His Doll killed him… and in that moment, I lost not just a student, but the last bit of hope I had that we could find another way."

"If that's true," Ishida began, his voice steady but probing, "then why did you follow Kariya? Was it really to seek salvation in the Hueco Mundo? To gain more power?"

Koga's expression remained calm, but there was a hint of a knowing smile on his lips. He glanced at Ishida, then at the others, his gaze finally settling on Yato, who had been listening intently, his own thoughts racing. "Hueco Mundo? You're mistaken." Koga replied, his voice carrying an air of quiet certainty. "Kariya never had any interest in Hueco Mundo, nor did he desire more power. That was never his goal."

Before Koga could offer more explanations, the battlefield erupted with tension. Ichigo and Kariya stood on opposite ends, both visibly wounded from their last explosive clash. Ichigo's breath was ragged, his body hunched over as he struggled to maintain control over the Hollow within him. Across from him, Kariya appeared worse for wear, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. Blood dripped from a deep cut across his forehead, and his shirt was torn and scorched from the heat of their reiatsu clash.

Ichigo, sensing an opportunity, readied himself for another attack. His eyes burned with intensity as he lifted his zanpakutō, but just as he was about to launch forward, his body suddenly seized. His hand shot up to his face, gripping the half-formed Hollow mask that had appeared. 

"Damn it! What are you doing?" Ichigo yelled, his voice a mix of his own and the guttural, twisted tone of his inner Hollow. The duality of his voice sent a chill through everyone present, their eyes widening in fear and confusion. "We were about to kill him! Stop getting in my way!" he bellowed, the struggle evident as his muscles tensed against the dark energy trying to take over.

His friends watched, their expressions ranging from concern to horror, as Ichigo wrestled with himself. The mask continued to form and dissolve in a flickering dance of black reiatsu and white bone, until with a primal roar, Ichigo tore it from his face. The mask disintegrated in a burst of dark energy, scattering into the wind like ashes.

Ichigo panted heavily, the struggle clearly having taken a toll on him. "That guy never stops interfering…" he muttered under his breath, his voice back to normal, though tinged with frustration and weariness. His eyes returned to their usual sharp focus. He glanced over at his friends, and his expression softened just slightly. 

Kariya, watching from across the field, seemed almost disappointed as he saw Ichigo regain control. His smile faded, replaced by a contemplative frown, as if considering the implications of Ichigo's continued resistance.

In a swift movement, Ichigo blurred over to his friends, his zanpakutō still held tightly in his grip, but his stance more relaxed now that he was back in control. 

"Are you okay?" Chad asked, his deep voice carrying a mixture of concern and relief.

"More or less…" Ichigo replied, his tone gruff but with a hint of reassurance. He looked at each of them, his eyes briefly lingering on Tatsuki, who was still unconscious but safe in Inoue's protective healing shield. "Anyway…" he continued, turning his focus back to the Bounts. "What the hell do you guys want?"

Koga and Kariya exchanged a knowing glance, a silent communication passing between them. Koga's expression softened as he turned to face his companion. His eyes were filled with a mix of regret and resolve, as if he had come to terms with a decision he had long been dreading.

Without a word, Koga placed a firm hand on Kariya's shoulder. "I'm going ahead," he said quietly, his voice filled with a kind of solemn finality. Before anyone could react, Dalk, Koga's Doll, tightened her embrace around him. Her metallic form shimmered in the dim light, and from her body, numerous stakes suddenly emerged, piercing through Koga's torso with a sickening sound.

Everyone gasped, their eyes widening in shock as they watched the scene unfold. Koga's body shuddered for a moment, his eyes meeting Kariya's one last time with a look of understanding and acceptance.

"I'm sorry for this~~" Dalk's voice murmured, strangely gentle despite the violence of her actions. Her tone carried a mournful echo as she and Koga began to disintegrate into ash, their forms fading away on the wind.

Kariya stood still, his face serene as he watched his friend disappear. "Have a safe journey, my friend…" he whispered, a faint smile crossing his lips. There was no anger, no sorrow, just a quiet acknowledgment of what had been lost and what still remained to be done.

The battlefield fell silent, the air heavy with disbelief and confusion. Yato, who had been watching from the sidelines, felt his heart clench at the unexpected turn of events. He had known the Bounts were desperate, but he hadn't expected such a self-sacrificial move. 'What the hell was this dude thinking?' he wondered, his mind racing as he tried to piece together the implications of Koga's actions.

Kariya's eyes remained fixed on the spot where Koga had stood moments before, his expression a mixture of contemplation and calm resolve. He took a deep breath, turning his attention back to Ichigo and his friends. The silence that had fallen over the battlefield was almost suffocating, filled with the weight of Koga's sacrifice and the confusion it had left behind.

Finally, breaking the tense stillness, Kariya spoke, his voice surprisingly gentle. "Koga's death… it wasn't in vain. It was part of the plan, a necessary step toward understanding the truth about our existence."

Ichigo's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on his zanpakutō. "What are you talking about? Why would he do that? What kind of plan involves getting yourself killed?"

Kariya glanced at Ichigo, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You want to know why, Ichigo Kurosaki? Why we, the Bounts, have endured so much, why we've been willing to sacrifice everything?" His eyes darkened with a mix of sorrow and determination. "Let me continue Koga's story."

Everyone watched intently as Kariya began to speak, his voice carrying over the stillness like a somber melody. "After Cain's death, I too fell into despair. I believed that perhaps our existence truly was a curse, that we were meant to suffer eternally. But then, fifteen years after that tragic day, something changed. During my travels, I encountered someone who looked exactly like Cain. At first, I thought it was just a coincidence...a trick of the mind, a ghost of the past."

Kariya paused, his gaze distant as he recalled the moment that had altered his perspective. "But it wasn't just once. Over time, I began to see more of them...Bounts who had died long ago, their faces reborn into new lives as ordinary humans. With the help of Ichinose, I managed to infiltrate the Soul Society," Kariya continued, his voice growing firmer as he spoke. "Once there, I searched for records, anything that could explain what I had seen. And that's when I discovered something that changed everything. Buried deep in the archives, hidden away from the knowledge of most Shinigami, I found the answer."

He paused, letting the gravity of his words sink in. "There was a way for Bounts to return to being human. But for that to happen, they needed to die... The anomaly in our souls," Kariya explained, "the very thing that makes us Bounts, is tied to our immortal existence. When a Bount dies, that anomaly is erased. Their soul returns to the cycle of reincarnation, and they are reborn as a simple human, free from the curse of immortality."

Ichigo, Chad, Inoue, Rukia, Nemu and the mod-souls exchanged confused glances. The idea seemed impossible, but they could see from the intensity in Kariya's eyes that he believed it to be true.

Yato's eyes widened in shock, the implications of Kariya's words slowly sinking in. "Wait… you're saying that Bounts who die can come back to life as humans?"

"Yes...but..." Kariya continued, his tone taking on a reflective quality, "I knew that if I simply told the Bounts to accept their fate, to face death as a release from their cursed existence, many would refuse. The idea of giving up their powers, their immortality, was something most could never accept."

Rukia's eyes widened as the pieces started to fall into place. "So you gave them a false purpose. You convinced them to fight, to seek vengeance, as a way to lead them to their end."

As the heavy silence settled over the battlefield, Ishida, struggling to process the revelations and the gravity of the situation, finally broke the quiet. "What about Yoshino-san?"

Kariya's face, usually so composed, contorted with a pained expression. He closed his eyes for a moment, as if summoning the strength to confront the memories. "Yoshino…" he began, his voice cracking slightly. "I couldn't bear the thought of sending her into battle, of forcing her into a life of endless conflict. She was… different."

He paused, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air. "I loved Yoshino. Even after everything, despite my actions and the path I chose, I couldn't bring myself to see her suffer, to see her lose what little peace she had left. I knew the truth about the Bounts' curse. I knew what it would mean for her, for anyone who was caught in this cycle of suffering."

Kariya's gaze was distant, as if he was looking through the veil of time and memory. "Rather than see her become an empty shell, watching the world move on while she remained trapped in this endless struggle, I made the hardest decision of my life. I ended her life myself."

Ishida's expression was torn between outrage and compassion.

Kariya's eyes met Ishida's, and for the first time, he allowed the full depth of his emotions to surface. "Did she ever tell you what she desired...?"

Ishida swallowed hard, his own emotions swirling as he recalled his time with Yoshino. "She did," he said quietly. "She told me she wished to die. She wanted to escape the suffering, the endless pain. She wanted to be free from it all."

Tatsuki gradually regained consciousness, the fog of unconsciousness lifting from her mind. Her injuries had healed, and her reiatsu was subdued, leaving her feeling strangely serene. She blinked several times, taking in her surroundings. Her friends were gathered around her, their faces etched with concern and exhaustion. Kariya was the only Bount present, his presence a stark reminder of the conflict that still loomed.

Tatsuki's throat felt dry as she tried to speak, but no words came out. The scene before her was a tableau of mixed emotions and unspoken tension. Just as she opened her mouth to ask what had happened, Yato, who had been silently observing from the sidelines, finally broke his silence. His voice wavered with a mix of empathy and resignation, tinged with an underlying sadness.

"So, you made the ultimate sacrifice for her. Was that really fair to her?" Yato's words cut through the silence, each syllable heavy with the weight of his emotions. His gaze, fixed on Kariya, was filled with a deep, personal disappointment.

Rukia, standing nearby, noticed Yato's emotional collapse. For the first time, she saw him grappling with his feelings, his usual stoicism shattered by the raw pain of the situation. His normally composed demeanor had crumbled, revealing a vulnerability that was both unexpected and deeply affecting.

Kariya turned his gaze toward Yato, his expression marred by a flicker of bitterness. "Fair? Life isn't fair, Yato Yasakani. It's harsh and unforgiving. When you live as long as I have, that reality becomes more apparent." His voice held a resigned edge, reflecting the harsh truths he had come to accept. "I did what I thought was right under the circumstances. Yoshino found the peace she longed for, and I was willing to bear the weight of that decision myself, no matter the cost."

Yato's face twisted with a turmoil of emotions. He turned his head in various directions, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to clear his mind, but the discomfort remained. The Bounts he had previously known from the anime were a far cry from the complex, troubled beings he faced now. The stark difference between his expectations and reality left him disoriented. The thought of what he might have done in Kariya's place plagued him, and the burden of the Bounts' reality weighed heavily on his conscience. Overwhelmed, he felt a desperate urge to escape, to leave and hide his turmoil from everyone. He turned to walk away, hoping to find solace in solitude.

"Yasakani-sama?" The small, childlike figure of Nemu called out to him, her voice tinged with concern. Her usually stoic expression was now laced with confusion, not understanding why Yato seemed so deeply troubled. She reached out to him, her small hand touching his arm gently, trying to offer comfort and understanding.

Yato stopped in his tracks, feeling the gentle touch of Nemu's hand. Her innocent concern cut through his despair, grounding him in the present. He looked down at her, his eyes reflecting the storm of emotions he was struggling to contain. For a moment, the weight of the world seemed to lift slightly as he focused on the earnestness in her eyes.

"I just…" Yato began, his voice cracking. 

Yato quickly averted his eyes, unable to hold her gaze. He was too afraid of what he might see there. Understanding, pity, or worse, a mirror to his own despair. He felt overwhelmed by the intensity of his emotions, his mind a chaotic storm of confusion and regret. Just as he turned away, he felt a firm but gentle hand rest on his shoulder. It was Tatsuki, her eyes wide with concern, her touch steady and reassuring. The simple gesture spoke volumes; she was there for him, just as he had been there for her so many others.

But it wasn't just Tatsuki. Ichigo, Chad, Inoue, and Ishida were all watching him, their expressions filled with concern and a shared sense of solidarity. Each of them was marked by battle, their clothes torn and stained, their faces bearing the lines of exhaustion and determination. Yet, in that moment, their focus was entirely on Yato. The realization that they were all looking to him, that they were witnessing his vulnerability, made his chest tighten. A lump formed in his throat, and before he could stop himself, a few tears began to escape, rolling down his cheeks. He tried to turn away, to hide his face, but the effort was futile.

Kariya watched this unfolding interaction with a faint, contemplative smile. His expression was inscrutable, a mix of understanding and a hint of something else, perhaps regret or a resigned acceptance of the inevitable. His eyes shifted across the group, absorbing the weight of their collective struggle, their confusion, and the raw emotions laid bare before him.

Before Yato or anyone else could speak, Kariya's voice broke through the heavy silence, calm and steady, yet carrying a certain gravity. "Before I depart... allow me to be perfectly honest with all of you who have shown hesitation during our conflict." He paused, his words hanging in the air, almost tangible. "There is something you don't yet understand about battles…"

He took a deep breath, his gaze drifting momentarily as if searching for the right words, or perhaps the right memory. "The fight never ends. When you defeat a strong enemy, an even stronger opponent will emerge. And when you defeat them, yet another, even more formidable, will take their place." His voice grew quieter, almost reflective, as he continued. "If you do not have the inner resolve to endure this endless struggle, you will eventually succumb. But it doesn't end there… The battle always continues elsewhere, fought by others. It's an endless cycle."

Kariya's eyes were distant now, as if he were gazing far beyond the present moment, seeing into the endless horizon of battles yet to come. "And it's not just limited to the existence of one person on the physical plane. As long as people and souls exist, there will be disputes. And because of these disputes, there will be fights. These fights will last for all eternity, whether they are physical conflicts or battles within one's own soul."

"Young ones... be strong..." Kariya's voice was calm, almost serene, as he spoke his final words. A powerful gust of wind began to swirl around him, picking up speed and intensity, as if the very air itself was mourning his departure. Everyone's attention snapped to the Bount, who now stood at the center of a spiraling vortex of energy.

His expression was peaceful, a faint, almost wistful smile playing on his lips. It was a stark contrast to the chaos around him, as if he had found some inner tranquility amidst the storm. His eyes were closed, and his face, which had always carried the weight of many battles and losses, now appeared unburdened and at peace. In a voice barely above a whisper, he spoke a single name, "Yoshino..."

As the name left his lips, the wind around him intensified, howling like a mournful cry that echoed through the battlefield. The powerful current seemed to embrace him, lifting his body slightly off the ground. Dust and debris were whipped into the air, forming a thick, swirling mist that began to obscure Kariya from view.

For a brief moment, the wind seemed to carry a thousand memories, the essence of a life filled with struggle, pain, and fleeting moments of joy. Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the wind exploded outward in a brilliant burst of energy, sending shockwaves through the air. The ground trembled underfoot, and the force of it knocked everyone back a step. When the dust finally settled, Kariya was gone. Not a trace of him remained, not even ashes. It was as if he had never been there at all.

The silence that followed was deafening. The only sound was the soft rustle of leaves in the aftermath of the wind. The reality of what had just occurred began to sink in for everyone present. Kariya, the last of the Bounts, had chosen to end his life on his own terms, just as his comrades had before him.

Everyone, including the mod-souls, stood in a loose circle around where Kariya had once stood, each lost in their own thoughts. The weight of their exhaustion bore down on them heavily, not just from the physical strain of the battle but from the emotional toll it had taken. The realization that their fight against the Bounts was finally over should have brought relief. They had saved the city; they had protected the people they cared about. And yet, none of them felt victorious.

Instead, there was a profound emptiness, a hollow echo where triumph should have been. They had won, yes, but at what cost? The faces of their enemies, filled with desperation and a desire for something more than the hand fate had dealt them, lingered in their minds. The Bounts had not been mere monsters; they had been souls searching for a place in the world, much like themselves.

As they stood there, looking at the empty space where Kariya had once been, a collective understanding passed between them. They may have been battered and bruised, but they were still standing. And as long as they were, they would continue to fight for the things they believed in, even if it meant facing an endless cycle of battles.

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