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5.55% Bio-Mechanical Monster / Chapter 1: Kane
Bio-Mechanical Monster Bio-Mechanical Monster original

Bio-Mechanical Monster

Penulis: Monkey_Godking

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Kane

A young man looked at himself in the mirror before sighing heavily. He had jet black hair, a slightly pale face that was sunken in, with heavy bags under his eyes. His build was scrawny and he had a black eye. He grabbed his clothes and put them on before tying his shoes and walking out the door, slinging a school bag over his shoulders on the way out.

He lived in a shitty apartment and went to school, all of this being paid for with the money his mother left him after she died. He never knew who his father was and as far as he was concerned, he had no father. His mother did whatever she could to provide for him and let them both live a stable life, she saved money for him after every paycheck, leaving just enough to live.

Month after month, year after year. Without any help whatsoever. What father? What relatives? Nothing, helped her. Even the young man himself didn't do anything, what could he do? He only got a job when he realized what was going on, but by then it was too late.

They were poor and his mother got cancer. Without the money for treatment, along with her refusing to take from the savings she'd built up, she died. Not even in a hospital, but in her own house.

The young man stood outside the door and sighed, looking at the sky. His name was Kane Spietato, a highschool student, living in New York. When he found his mother's body, he was devastated. He used all the money he accumulated himself to buy a beautiful tombstone for his mother and bury her in a cemetery.

It had been 4 years since she died.

He visited her every day for the first 2 years... Then the bullying started, he visited less and less until he only went once a year on the day she died. Coincidentally, today was that day.

He took his gaze back and walked off to school, he was too poor to afford a bike or even the bus. It was around an hour walk to school everyday, regardless of rain, snow, or sunshine, Kane would walk the same path every morning and afternoon.

He didn't even know why he started getting bullied, it was always a different reason. Somedays it was just because, somedays it was because he didn't have a family, somedays it was because he tried to hide from them. They weren't verbal bullies, Kane got beat up everyday.

He always saw the signs in the halls 'Tell a teacher', he would scoff, what good would that do? He skips out on a beating that day but the next day it's even worse. After the first few times Kane tried to get help the teachers finally called the parents of the bullies, but when they came in, Kane was made out to be the bad guy, with the teachers even agreeing.

Help is always somewhere? What a joke.

Kane wasn't hopeful for them to stop because he knew they wouldn't. He could only hope that the beatings were lesser everyday. Don't misunderstand, Kane wanted to do something about it, but the fact was he just couldn't.

He was born weak because of the conditions his mother gave birth to him in. Even if he trained everyday, he wouldn't get any stronger. It was a problem with his body, not his mind.

Kane was actually terribly smart, a genius even. He surmised that, that was also one of the reasons he got beat everyday.

While stuck in his thoughts, he arrived at the school.

He looked up with a blank face and muttered "Must've been a muscle memory thing.." he hadn't even been paying attention to where he was going but his body instinctively went to the school. Which was almost hell on Earth for Kane, the only reason he still went was because of his mother. He didn't want to disappoint her, she worked so hard to send him here and even if he had to suffer everyday, he would still come.

With that, Kane walked into the school and straight to his class. He found it odd nobody came up to him today, perhaps they are showing mercy because of his mother's death date? Kane chuckled in his mind, the day that happened was the day pigs flew.

Kane sat in his seat and minded his own business, looking out the window. Nobody ever helped him why would he care about anyone other than himself? These days, it was becoming even tougher to care about anything, he self-diagnosed himself as depressed and moved on. He theorized it would take a miracle for him to have any drive to do anything ever again.

And so another boring day of learning things he already knew passed.

Kane was suspicious that nobody bothered him at all today. It was making him nervous. Especially when a pretty girl smiled at him, he felt something was off. So he didn't go back home, instead he went to the cemetery, when he got there he laughed hopelessly.

Sure enough, there was a group of bullies waiting for him at the cemetery gates.

Kane knew he was right. So they were planning this all along. He immediately turned around and ran, just his weak legs and poor stamina could only take him so far. He was caught by the bullied and thrown in front of their leader.

Kane was covered in mud and looked up at the boy in front of him. His name was Keith Randall, standing a full foot taller than Kane with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was muscular and somewhat handsome. Keith pressed a foot on Kane's head and sneered "Thought we let you off today, Kaney boy? Just because it's a special day for you we decided to give you a present!"

Keith kicked Kane in the stomach, sending him rolling in the mud and holding onto himself as he sucked in air. Keith grinned and picked Kane up by his collar saying "Do you like it? That was just the gift wrapping. Now you have to open the box!" as he punched Kane in the stomach, curling him like a shrimp.

Keith grabbed his head and said "Now look inside!" as he kneed Kane in the face. Kane fell to the ground and spat out blood, no teeth though, Keith's knee had hit his nose rather than his mouth.

Keith spat on Kane and kicked him to the rest of the group before saying "Happy anniversary to you." the group of bullies started kicking Kane on the ground. Kane held his head and curled up to protect himself when he heard someone say "Stop!"

Kane opened his eyes and was startled seeing the girl who had smiled at him before. His brain found it strange but his emotions thought otherwise. To Kane she was an angel at this moment and his eyes lit up with hope, ignoring the warning signals flying off in his brain.

Keith clicked his tongue and left with the group as he said "You're lucky today, loser." the girl ran up to Kane and said "Are you okay?" Kane got up and smiled a bit as he said "Yeah. Thanks." the girl smiled and said "No problem~ I'm Cassandra! What's your name?"

Kane blushed a bit, ignoring the 'illogical!' warnings in his mind, as he said "Kane.." Cassandra looked around and said "Why are you here?" Kane sighed and said "It's my mother's death date anniversary.. I came to bring her flowers but.." he rumbled through his schoolbag and pulled out a bouquet of destroyed flowers and continued "But I didn't foresee this happening so.."

Cassandra smiled and said "I'm sure she wouldn't mind~ I'll go with you if you want." Kane was stunned and teared up as he nodded, maybe his luck was turning around after all. He put his backpack back on before holding the flowers and walking through the cemetery.

Cassandra and Kane talked a bit while walking side by side. Anybody who saw them would think they were a couple, Kane also thought this as well. His brain had practically been sounding alarms the whole time but he ignored them and continued his fantasy, it could be seen that Cassandra left quite the shadow in his heart.

The duo arrived at the grave and Kane bent over to leave the flowers as he said softly "Hey mom.. Sorry I'm late, I got caught up in something." he paused and sat in the mud as he added "I brought a friend!"

He looked over to see Cassandra sneering at him, Kane finally listened to his alarms and his eyes lost all their light as Cassandra said "Me? A friend? With a loser like you?" she raised her voice and said "I found it!"

Keith and the rest walked out from their hiding spot and Cassandra ran up to Keith and smiled sweetly "Did I do a good job, baby?" Keith kissed her and grinned "Excellent job!" he smacked her ass and she blushed.

Keith walked up to Kane and grabbed his hair as he jerked Kane's head to his face and said "You thought you were getting off easy today? Fat chance, loser." he threw Kane to the ground and said "Destroy it!"

Kane panicked and said "No! Please!" Keith kicked him and said "Shut up!" the group all took out sledgehammers and smashed Kane's Mother's tombstone. Keith grabbed Kane's head and forced him to watch as he laughed.

Kane had tears in his eyes as he watched the tombstone, he used all his money to pay for, crumble under the hammer strikes. Cassandra stepped in and ripped the flowers up before stomping on them with a cruel smile.

Kane lost it and waved his arm back before biting into Keith's hand, causing Keith to let go and curse as Kane swung at the people destroying his mother's grave. Naturally, he had no fighting experience and missed.

He pushed Cassandra away and shoved her to the ground. Keith recovered and tackled Kane to the ground before swinging his fists into Kane's sides saying "Trash! You bit me!" the rest of the group dropped their hammers and ran over before joining in, following their boss.

Cassandra shrieked "And you dirtied my clothes! Beat him harder!" as she kicked Kane in the face.

Kane covered his face with his hands and arms, cushioning the blows as Keith and the rest brutalized him.

After a few minutes

Keith got up and said "Stop, you'll kill him. Wait till next time." before spitting on Kane and saying "Let's go." he wrapped his arm around Cassandra's waist and grinned "Don't worry babe. I'll buy you some new ones." Cassandra smiled sweetly "Okay~"

Keith laughed as he left, dropping "See you tomorrow, loser!" the rest of the group not even bothering to pick up their sledgehammers as they walked away.

Kane dropped his hands and crawled over to the shattered tombstone, trying to put it together while shedding hot tears as he said "Mom, I'm sorry! I'll put everything back.." he put all the pieces together but they just crumbled again. Needless to say the tombstone was destroyed.

Kane didn't have enough money to buy a new one either and without a tombstone, her grave will be replaced. Obviously, this was the worst possible outcome. All that ran through his mind was why. Why him? What did he do to deserve this? He never bothered anybody, he always minded his own business.

Kane grit his teeth as he kept putting the tombstone together fruitlessly, craving revenge. Kane let his suppressed desire for revenge explode, all he wanted to do was give them what he got. His hot tears fell from his eyes and onto the grave.

A light flashed under him and a seed sprouted into a small stalk.

Kane looked down and under his eyes the stalk got bigger until a fruit with swirls appeared. Kane was distraught but it didn't mean he was an idiot. Obviously, this was some sort of magic. Fruits don't have swirls AND seeds down germinate within seconds.

Contrary to his thought process, Kane didn't hesitate to bite into the fruit. He had nothing to lose anyway. Preparing himself for death but magical item, he swallowed the fruit while ignoring the horrible taste. But the death never came, what did come however was a rush of information.

Electromagnetic fruit! Capable of controlling the electromagnetic forces of your own body and controlling metal to make giant arms.

Kane saw a man with red hair forming giant metal arms, made from a myriad of different metals that surrounded him. The red haired man swung and used the arm just like his own, flawlessly. Kane also saw his arm turn black and he dodged something without even seeing it. The final thing Kane saw was a wave of sorts oscillating from the red man's body.

With the images came 3 names and two training methods. Armament Haki, Observation Haki, and Conqueror's Haki. Strangely there were only training methods for Armament and Observation.

Kane's vision returned to the real world and he looked at his, stick-like, arms. A purple arc of electricity crackled over them and the sledgehammer heads flew towards him. Kane lifted his arms to protect his head but the hammer heads just stuck to his arms and formed slightly bigger arms.

Kane moved his fingers and the metal arms reacted in accordance. Kane was curious and 'willed' himself to use full power. A bunch of metal bars and fences flew through the air and the metals only got bigger. Kane gasped and muttered "I'm a mutant now?"

Kane knew about mutants because he hung around the library a lot, he liked to read, it was free, and Keith and his gang knew where he lived. Kane once read a book on mutants and how they have incredible powers but they seemed to have all disappeared.

Kane looked at the grave and closed his eyes, the metal arms became more fine and less clunky. Kane reached out and put the tombstone back together before squeezing it with the metal arms, crushing the different parts together and making them stay together.

Kane let out a breath and made a small smile, it was good enough for now. He would get a new one soon. Kane looked at his metal arms and frowned, he couldn't just walk around with them like this, but he couldn't just drop them here either.

Kane walked to an empty plot and cancelled his powers, dropping all the metal on the ground before running back to his mother's grave and making sure the tombstone was still there. He let out a breath of relief that it was and said "Thank you mom. I miss you." he wanted to touch the tombstone just stopped his hand before crying and growling "I'll get them! I'll make them suffer! And I'll fix your tombstone, I promise!"

He stood up and wiped his eyes before leaving the cemetery, a ruthless purple light flashing by his eyes as he left.

The next morning

Kane woke up and left the house. He was on a mission today, Keith and the rest will pay for what they did.

Kane went to where Keith and his gang usually hang out and found them there with Cassandra. Kane looked around seeing no one near nor any cameras around, there was a lot of metal however. Kane grinned, it was almost an insane grin. The only thing in his mind was revenge, nothing else.

Keith looked over at Kane and sneered "Back for more? No problem, seems like that whore of a mother of yours raised a good dog." The group laughed and Kane grinded his teeth as he said "You'll pay today Keith. You'll all pay!"

Kane spread out his hands and a purple electric arc crackled on his arms. The surrounding metal flew through the air and formed giant metal arms, Kane grinned crazily and said "Time for revenge, Keith." before he swatted an arm and hit the group, sending them flying against a wall of the alley.

It was no contest. Keith and the rest were just ordinary people, Kane was a mutant now. They were like helpless babies in front of him.

Keith was scared out of his mind as he saw a giant fist approaching him, he grabbed Cassandra and threw her in front of him. She screamed and got punched instead, flying a few feet in the air before rolling around on the ground with several broken bones.

Kane didn't care at all and grabbed at the, running, Keith. Kane caught him with his metal hand and brought him closer. Kane grinned as he looked at Keith and said "Do you regret it?" Keith snapped "Let me go! You don't want to mess with me! You little shit! I'll kill you!"

Kane sneered and said "Whatever Enjoy the rest of your life eating from a straw!" as he clenched his fist and loud cracking louds were heard along with a loud screech of pain. Kane dropped Keith to the ground and said "Who's the trash now?"

Kane grabbed Cassandra and said "Hey you. Feels good to ruin something important to someone else eh? How about I try?" Cassandra turned white and Kane moved his giant metal fingers to her face before using a sharp end to make long scars across her face.

He dropped her to the ground and sneered "Maybe with plastic surgery, you'll look like an ordinary person." he snorted and the metal fell to the ground as he walked towards Keith. He really wanted to kill them for a split second before he calmed down, he got his revenge. He didn't need to go that far. He was finally free from the constant torment.

He bent down and took Keith's wallet, taking out all the money before throwing the wall in Keith's face saying "Mental trauma fees. You wouldn't mind would you?" he chuckled and patted Keith's cheek before walking away laughing happily.

Leaving a tragedy behind him.

Kane went to class for the rest of the day with a happy smile on his face, not even thinking about crippling Keith completely or ruining Cassandra's face. As far as he was concerned they deserved it, plus he left them alive, that was mercy enough.

Obviously, Kane snapped a little here.

In reality, Kane knew he was thinking the wrong things. He decided that, he would leave it at that and just forget about the whole thing. After all, he was just a normal person! He got what he wanted now he could live the rest of his life without obstacles, maybe even save a few people! Kane was still a 16 year old boy! Of course he dreamed of being a super hero, just like everybody else!

Kane was excited after deciding his path in life. He walked right to a payphone and called the tombstone making company.

After a pleasant call he walked to the store and immediately had another tombstone made, even better than the last!

After settling his Mother's grave's affairs he went back home, picking up groceries on the way. He chuckled to himself, Keith had quite a lot of money on him!

(Author's Note)

HELLO AND WELCOME! This is my new book, if you haven't guessed yet, it's in the marvel Universe buuuuut not any of the Marvel universes you've seen before. The number I chose for it was Earth-111145 (If you can guess why that number, I will give you a prize! Probably a shoutout!)

Don't worry about the Devil Fruit, it's not his only power as you may have guessed. BUT it is in fact Kid's fruit! ALSO! This won't be like Saiyan in Marvel! There will be comic book elements mixed in with the MCU elements and I want it to be really big, which means that Thanos is getting a power up, the Infinity Stones are getting a power up, Celestials, Symbiotes, Mutants, Fantastic 4, almost everything! Well except for inhumans because fuck inhumans.

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

Twins of the Sea -Remastered (Completed)

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

My Hero Academia: Quirkless (Going to be Re-Written)

One Piece: Price of Freedom (Going to be Re-Written)

One Piece: Shadow King (Going to be Re-Written)

Another Dragonball Adventure (Completely Dropped)


https://www.pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking (Remove the . between Pat and reon)

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