Unduh Aplikasi
100% Ben Jen 10 / Chapter 57: Chapter 1: Ben and Jen 10 Return: Part 1

Bab 57: Chapter 1: Ben and Jen 10 Return: Part 1

In a dark cavern decorated with walls and floors of multiple colors of red, purple, brown and blue and tendril-like designs, an alien figure walked into a room and bowed a projection of his master. He had brown skin on his main body and torso that ended in black arms and legs that had two toes and his heel stretched out like a third toe and his fingers stretched out into claws. The center of his chest showed a series of purple tendrils that stretched up onto a squid-like head with a single green-eye with a slitted pupil and a visible brain at the top.

His master was a white humanoid alien with black hands and feet, a purple face with four red eyes on his face along with other eyes on their chest. His back extended four orange moth-like wings and he had a red and purple marking on his chest as if to indicate his heart.

"You may speak to me, half-breed vermin."

"Gratitude, master. For months now, someone has been leaking the details of our secret operations to the authorities," the half-breed said. "I have new information of interest. We have found the source of the leak."

He then held out a silver projector that showed a hologram of a familiar Plumber in a red Hawaiian shirt.

"His name is Max Tennyson. We've had trouble with him before."

"Then this will be the final time he troubles us. Destroy him."

"At once, master."

Meanwhile, in Bellwood, California, a soccer match was going on as the crowd went wild along with the high school cheerleaders who did all sorts of jumps and cheers.

"Lean to the left! Lean to the right! Go, go, Cannons, fight, fight, fight! GO CANNONS!" they shouted as they tossed each other up in the air, doing flips and tricks for the crowd.

Among the cheerleaders was a now fifteen-year-old Jen Tennyson. She had grown taller to about 5'6" and had a nice slender, yet completely toned figure. Her hips had swelled to about a 7 inches in diameter and her hair had grown longer to about her waist in length and she kept it brushed into a nice low ponytail. And the most definitive feature was that due to hitting puberty about 2 years ago, she had developed small B-cup breasts.

The score was 2-1 in favor of the green team to the red side.

An older Cash Murray in a red jersey was running along the field, avoiding the players in green jerseys and dribbling the ball between his feet as the crowd went wild on the left side for his team.

He tumbled and jumped around the players in green surrounding him as he ran towards the goal. Soon, Cash became trapped in between three players on the green side.

"Pass it to me!" his friend J.T. said, jumping up and down. "Pass it to me!"

Ben looked to see 23 seconds left on the clock. He could still tie the game.

"Come on! I'm open!"

Cash immediately kicked the ball to J.T. who began running towards the goal.

Standing firmly in the goal was a fifteen-year-old Ben Tennyson and he smirked. He, like his sister, had grown to about 5'6" and his once messy hair was now slicked back into a fine comb.

J.T. kicked the ball as hard as he could, only for Ben to leap up and catch the ball like it was nothing.

The crowd and cheerleaders immediately burst into applause as the clock ticked to zero.

In particular, smiling and applauding was an Asian girl in a pink sweater with a black undershirt and a white skirt and sneakers with black hair styled into a bowl cut.

The crowd lifted Ben up as he smiled.

"Alright, Ben! Way to go!" the players all said as the cheerleaders gathered.

"Okay, ladies. Great work today," said Jasmine, the captain. "Simone, Casey, more swagger. And Jen, I could use a tiny bit more energy from you next week."

Jen sighed as the group dispersed.

"I've got enough energy to last for days, Jasmine," she sighed.

"I thought you were pretty good out there," said one of the players who walked behind her and she shot back and looked at him closely.

He had a pretty strong build and had spiky black hair, bright brown eyes and after changing out of his uniform, he wore a red T-Shirt with a red Omni-Team logo (obvious Omni-Twin merchandise) and had green pants and sneakers as well as a wristwatch.

"Whoa," Jen said. "Sorry, I didn't see you there. I'm Jennifer Tennyson. But you can just call me Jen."

"I've heard of you before my family moved here from Columbus. I'm Justin," he said. "Justin Weatherspool."

"Nice to meet you," Jen said. "Sorry, I gotta go meet my brother. We're meeting with our grandpa soon."

"Great to meet you too," he said as Jen smiled and left.

Meanwhile, Ben unhooked his bike and looked at the golden medal around his neck that read MVP.

He looked up to see the Asian girl from before in front of him.

"Oh, uh, hi," he said. "I'm sorry. I wasn't showing off. I mean, I was going to show the medal to my Grandpa... I guess that is showing off."

The girl only smiled at him. "It's okay. I understand."

"Ben Tennyson. Hi."

"Julie Yamamoto," she said. "I know who you and your sister are. That was a great game. And she's a great cheerleader."

"Thanks," Jen said as she walked over and undid her bike as well. "We really do have to go though. See you tomorrow, Julie?"

"Okay," Julie said, winking at Ben. "Bye!"

The twins rode off on their bikes, taking in the sights of their town as they raced off to find the Rust Bucket that was rebuilt about 3 1/2 years ago..

"Not much has happened in the last four years, eh sis?" Ben asked.

"Not really. It's so boring," she said as she looked at her bare wrist. "What I wouldn't give to be a superhero again. Even if it was just for one day, I would be satisfied."

They rode into the trailer park before finding the Rust Bucket and they immediately parked their bikes and Jen breathed in the air of the mobile home.

"Ah. Sweet memories."

The twins looked around as Jen looked down to see she was still in her cheerleading outfit. "Man, we need to go home. I don't really look good in skirts."

Ben chuckled and knocked on the door.

"Grandpa Max? Open up, it's Ben and Jen."

Little did the twins know, a certain cloaked figure in a top hat was lurking at them in the bushes.

Jen peeked through the blinds to see no one inside the RV. She shrugged as she picked up a rock by the tree and turned it over to find a key. She took the key out and unlocked the door before she and her brother walked inside the deserted mobile home.

"Hello?" she asked. "Grandpa?"

The twins looked to see discarded Hawaiian shirts and gear on the floor.

Ben heard a pounding as he looked to Jen.

"Wait here," he said with her nodding.

He walked over to the restroom and slid the door open, finding nothing inside of it.

He closed the door and Jen eeped as she found one of the aliens from the intro behind her brother and he swept down and shot his tentacles at him and he tumbled out of the way, slapping his wrist, only for nothing to happen.

"Oh man! That's right! We got the watches off almost 4 years ago!" he said.

Jen shouted out as she dodged the purple tentacles and she shouted out and enveloped her hands in pink energy.

"We don't need the Omnitrixes to kick your butt!"

The alien reared his tentacles back in and swept its claws at Ben, who blocked it with a book and he gave a strong kick to smash him in the leg as Jen blasted at him with her energy blasts that knocked him back.

Ben ducked under the table, which the alien pulled away with his powerful claws. He ran away as Jen nodded to him and whispered a spell on herself that turned her invisible.

The alien looked to his left and saw a black shoe. He moved in to investigate, only to find that the shoe was discarded. He felt a tap on his shoulder as Ben held a fire extinguisher in his hands as Jen reappeared.

"Peek-a-boo!" Ben shouted as he blasted the fire extinguisher at the alien that sent him flying back as Jen blasted her energy waves at him, sending him crashing out the windshield.

"Okay," Jen said as she and her brother looked around the R.V. "Whatever that thing was, it was looking for something."

"Yeah, but what?"

Ben walked up and flipped a few switches on the dashboard, which caused the clock in the corner to adjust itself and move out, revealing a secret component.

"Hello," Jen said as she and Ben walked in and picked up the silver projector in the compartment.

A hologram appeared, revealing Max.

"Hello, Ben. Jen."

"Grandpa," the twins said to themselves.

"What's gong-" Ben said.

"I left this recording where I knew only you two would find it. I'm in a bit of a situation, but it's nothing that I can't handle. Certainly nothing for the two of you to worry about. There's renewed alien activity on Earth. I'm investigating it."

The hologram disappeared only to reappear again.

"Oh, and don't worry about the Omnitrixes, either. I have them and they're completely safe. They'll never get their hands on them. Say hello to your cousins, Gwen and Becky and your good friend Allison for me. Max out."

The hologram deactivated and the twins looked to each other.

"What does he mean he has the Omnitrixes?" Ben asked.

"I know," Jen said. "We have them hiding at home."

The twins hurriedly rode their bikes up to their house and burst into the house, running past their mother who was doing the dishes.

"Ben, Jen! No running in the house!" Sandra called.

"Sorry, mom!" Jen shouted.

They ran past the now five-year-old Emma's room and she looked on at them, wondering what was going on.

She wore a purple shirt with a pink and white unicorn on the front and blue shots and white shoes that fit her tiny feet.

She stood up from playing with her hand-me-down dolls from her older sister and followed them into the attic.

The twins ran into Ben's room and said younger twin tossed the laundry aside, searching for the box.

"Grandpa says he has the Omnitrixes, but I know that they're here."

He then took out his special box and removed some of the contents to reveal the green and pink alien watches from it.

Jen nodded. "Just as we thought."

"What are you trying to tell us, Grandpa?" he asked.

"We need to go see Gwen and Becky," Jen said as they pocketed the Omnitrixes and walked off as Emma followed them.

"Hey, Ben, Jen?" Emma asked. "Where are you guys going?"

"Emma," Ben said, leaning down to her level. "Your sister and I are going to go see your cousins Gwen and Becky."

"Okay. See you guys later," Emma said as Jen rubbed her head and they ran off.

At the Bellwood Recreational Center, a karate match was going on as two familiar figures stood in front of each other, prepping for their sparring match.

One was a fifteen-year-old Gwen Tennyson with her red hair pulled back into a high ponytail and the other was her twin sister Rebecca, Becky for short, who had her black hair brushed back to her waist in two pigtails. Both had grown considerably to about 5'8" tall and had developed small B-cup breasts from puberty. Both were wearing white gis and had black belts, both signalling their mastery in karate.

"Ready," the sensei began as the two sisters bowed to each other in respect before taking their fighting poses. "Hajime! Fight!"

Becky and Gwen then gave out punches and kicks, which were immediately blocked by the other and this continued on for about a minute, the two equally matched in strength and speed before Gwen grabbed Becky's arm and gave her a toss onto the mat.

"Point! Victory!" the sensei said as Gwen smiled to her sister and helped her up before they bowed to each other.

The applause died down as they found their cousins among the crowd, clapping.

Ben now wore a black shirt, blue jeans and a green jacket with white stripes and the number 10 on it, and black and white Converse-style shoes. His sister had a sleeveless pink shirt wish a 10 on the center, white shorts, and purple sneakers.

"So how's our favorite cousins?" Ben asked.

"Ben, Jen," Becky said as the two ran up and hugged them.

"We're still undefeated except against each other," Gwen smiled.

"Okay, compliments means that you two want something from us."

Jen nodded, getting a serious face.

"We've got a problem. We need advice."

"Alright. Let us change," Becky said as they left for the locker rooms.

Night had fallen and Jen was playing games on her phone as Ben fell asleep on the bleachers.

The doors opened up and Gwen and Ben walked in to see Ben drooling while he slept. Ben opened his eyes to see his cousins standing before him as Jen stood up.

Gwen wore a white shirt under a dark blue sweater, black stockings under a black mini skirt, and black high heels. Her hair had also grown longer and was down to her waist. Becky had a red T-shirt that had a tiger symbol on him, cut up black sweat jeans, short steel-toe boots and a bracelet around her left wrist.

"Well, that's attractive," Gwen said to Ben as he stood up and swallowed his drool.

"I'm awake, I'm awake," Ben said as Jen put her phone away.

"You guys still have your hero watches that the Louds gave us five years ago?" Jen said.

"Sure do," Becky said as they pulled them out. "Never leave the house without them. You never know what's gonna happen."

"So," Jen said to Gwen. "How is it keeping your tats from the rents?"

"It's not easy. Had a few close calls with the illusion spell. Now on to why you guys are here. What is it?" Gwen asked the twins. "You needed help?"

"Actually, we said we needed advice," Ben said as he and his sister showed the Omnitrixes.

The sisters gasped as they sat down and the twins showed Grandpa Max's hologram.

"...Oh, don't worry about the Omnitrixes either. I have them and they're completely safe, they'll never find them. Say hello to your cousins Gwen and Becky for me and your friend Allison for me. Max out."

The hologram deactivated and the sisters looked to the twins.

"Grandpa doesn't have the Omnitrixes. You two do." Gwen said.

"Yeah,' Ben said. "He's sending us some kind of message."

"Maybe he wants us to put them back on again?" Jen suggested.

"He always told you guys that that was your choice," Becky said, laying a hand on her shoulder. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to."

"The world has been wondering where the Omni-Team has been for the last four years," Ben said, feeling his bare wrist. "We used to love the Omnitrixes."

"It made us feel special," Jen confirmed.

"Ally and Scarlett told you kids that it was never the watches that were special," Gwen said. "It was you."

The twins smiled as Becky got down off the bleachers.

"You guys earned the chance to have a normal life. You deserve it. If you guys put those things back on, that's pretty much it for normal. We may never get them off again."

"But if Grandpa needs our help-" Ben began.

"He said he didn't," Gwen said. "Remember how much trouble we had getting them off the last time?"

The doors suddenly opened and the cloaked figure from the trailer park appeared in the hallway light.

"The Omnitrixes aren't yours. Give them up."

"Not happening, dude!" Jen said as Gwen and Becky slipped their watches out of their wrists and pressed them to transform into Lucky Girl and Huntress.

Lucky Girl's outfit was now more slender form-fitting, hugging her body in all the right places. Her sleeves were cut off, revealing her tattoos proudly. She had a blue utility belt with a cat icon on it and she had tall boots on her feet that had a small heel and gloves that reached her mid-arm. Her mask also had longer cat ears and accentuated her beauty.

Huntress held her now completely metal Plumber-grade spear and had other weapons in a silver utility belt around her waist, accentuating her now leopard-like hunting pelt that revealed the right side of her torso while covering her breasts and her footwraps were firmly around her feet. She also had golden bands around her wrists and she no longer wore her mask, but instead kept her hair more wild and covered her right eye to conceal her identity.

"Wow. Loving the new suits," Ben smiled to his cousins.

"Really? We've been making improvements to the old ones," Lucky Girl said.

"Run!" Jen said as she fired out pink energy blasts that hit the figure in the chest before they sprinted off to the exit.

They made their way there and Ben pushed down on the door, but it was unfortunately jammed.

"Give them to me, now."

"Or what?" Jen asked, threateningly.

"Or... this!" the figure removed the mask from his face, revealing him to be an fishlike alien creature. He had mauve-colored skin and yellow eyes with black, slit-like pupils. His neck was covered with long black gills on either side. He wears a white armored suit with a domed helmet filled with a water-like liquid.

"Ew, fishface," Huntress groaned. "So creepy."

She pulled her bow out of her belt pouch and unfolded it as she reached into her side quiver and pulled out an arrow and aimed it, avoiding a blast from him as she fired her arrow, which he dodged.

"Don't make me use this thing on you."

"Who's making you?" Jen asked as Lucky Girl created pink energy platforms beneath her feet and walked upwards with a glare.

"Not fishface here, that's for sure," she said, enveloping her hands in energy.

He blasted at Jen as she swiped her energy fists upwards to block the blaster shots and they both blasted their energy discs at him, that he shatterd with a swipe.

Lucky Girl then fired out a solidified beam of magic towards the alien and caught him upwards in her grip, holding him in the air.

"You are getting really good at using my powers," Jen smirked.

"I've learned from the best," Lucky Girl smiled to her cousin as the group glared at the intruder.

"We want answers right now," Ben said. "Or else-"

"You'll what?"

"I don't know," he admitted. "We'll overfeed you."

"Really, dude?" Huntress asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Do I look like somebody to joke with? I'm a duly deputized agent of the Plumbers, an intergalactic law enforcement organization."

"We know what the Plumbers are," Jen said. "Our Grandpa Max used to be a Plumber."

"Max as in Max... Tennyson?"

"Yeah..." Ben said.

"He was helping me out on a case but he went missing."

"We're looking for him," Lucky Girl said.

"Wait. He's your grandfather? You're the legendary Ben and Jen Tennyson? The Omni-Twins?"

"The two and only," Jen said proudly.

"I thought you were just two kids who snuck the message from the Rust Bucket. I'm Magister Labrid."

"Wow, a Magister?" Jen asked, impressed. "We know the Plumbers were reinstated into business a little over four years ago."

"My apologies. If you get me out of this, maybe we can find your grandfather together."

"Agreed," Ben said as he nodded to Lucky Girl, who let him go.

The twins looked at the Omnitrixes firmly in their hands and looked to each other.

"Are you sure?" Lucky Girl asked.

Ben and Jen nodded and slapped the Omnitrixes onto their left wrists, fastening them, this time for good.

"We're sure," Jen confirmed. "But there's one more that we need for the Omni-Team to get back together."

"And we know where she is," Huntress nodded.

In a small two-floor apartment in the town, loud grunting was heard in the basement as several movie posters lined the room and heavy metal music played over the speakers as a young woman was working out in the room.

An 18-year-old Allison Levin was working on the weight bench in her workout room that held a treadmill, freeweights, a pilate machine, a rowing machine and a movie screen and DVD player.

Allison now had her hair down to about her waist in no ponytail whatsoever. She was also completely jacked with muscles from extensive workouts from the past five years with no trace of fat on her body whatsoever and she also sported a nice set of washboard six-pack abs. She had her ears pierced with black piercings and she had grown to about 6'1" and had C-Cup breasts. She was currently in a black training bra and shorts and wore heavy steel-toe combat boots on her feet along with her three bracelets on her left wrist along with her hero watch on her right.

She shouted out in pain as every muscle ached from the workout. She finally groaned as she set the weight onto the bench and walked up to take a nice hot shower.

Once she got out and got dressed into her form-fitting T-shirt with a short-sleeved studded vest and black cargo pants with extra pockets and set off to her kitchen to work on her dish, she saw someone knock on her door.

She put down her chef's knife and walked to her front door to see her old friends from a few years ago and her eyes widened.

"Guys?" she asked, her voice sounding surprisingly light and feminine despite her tough as nails exterior.

"Hey, Allison," Jen said as Allison let her friends in and they sat down in her living room as she came in. "What's cooking?"

"Just by mother's boeuf bourguignon," Allison said as she got out five bowls and dished the stew into them, serving their friends.

"This is amazing," Ben said, savoring the taste.

"I'm the sous chef at one of the best restaurants in town," Allison said. "My cooking has to be on point. So now on to why you're here?"

"We want to get the Omni-Team back together again," Jen said, showing off her and her brother's Omnitrix arms.

"You put them back on?"

"We had to. There's something going on and it concerns Grandpa Max," Ben said as Gwen and Becky nodded. "And I know Matter Girl's been doing some solo vigilantism on the streets."

"Nothing gets past you, Ben. Life hasn't been the same since you guys decided to retire," Allison chuckled as Huntress smiled.

"Loving that bod," she said as Allison smirked and flexed.

"I work out at least three hours a day. Sometimes on the streets," she said. "You guys may have retired, but I chose not to."

"We're coming out of retirement," Jen said. "Grandpa Max is missing and we're going to find him. But we need all of the Omni-Team to do it. Are you in, Ally?"

"Oh, Jenny," Allison said with a smile as she put her bowl down and collected the empty bowls from her friends. "You guys already know the answer is yes. I haven't forgotten what I said to you in San Francisco five years ago."

"Good. Now, on to the train yard Labrid was informed of."

"Who's Labrid?" Allison asked as she grabbed her bike helmet and the keys to her motorcycle as the group exited and she turned everything off and locked the door behind her.

In the trainyard, Labrid and the now re-assembled Omni-Team were hiding behind a crate as they saw a business deal getting set up and they looked to each other nervously.

"So... what are we doing here?" Gwen asked.

"Stakeout," Labrid explained. "According to a tip from your grandfather, the Forever Knights, a group of criminals who-"

"Trade in alien technology, yeah, we know," Ben said.

"We've gone up against them many times in the past," Jen said.

"They're supposed to show up here tonight to receive a shipment of illegal alien tech."

"Yeah," Becky said. "But who do they get it from?"

"They're obviously the scummiest of the scum," Allison said, slamming her fist into her hand.

"I don't know. Max was going to tell me but he disappeared."

They all heard some motors running towards them and they gulped.

"Duck," Labrid said as they all ducked down.

Some trucks pulled up, unawares of the heroes witnessing them and then a green muscle car with black stripes pulled up to them and the door opened and out stepped a familiar figure to the heroes. He was a tall and muscular young man, almost as tough as Allison. His eyes lacked the black marks (as his body fully recovered from and stopped absorbing energy). He wore a tight black T-shirt over a grey long sleeve shirt, blue pants, and black combat shoes. His black hair was styled into a choppy mullet.

"No way," Allison whispered as her eyes go wide at the sight of the young man.

"What?" Labrid asked.

"I don't believe it. It's Kevin," Gwen realized.

"You know him?"

"Kevin Levin," Jen explained as Ben nodded.

"He's my little brother," Allison said, energy sparking at her fingers. "We have the same powers."

"We fought him all the time when we were kids," Ben said. "And Ally here took the right side and joined us."

"He ended up trapped in the Null Void," Becky added. "It's like an alien jail that exists in an alternate dimension."

"But how did he get out?" Jen asked. "And how is he not mutated?"

The red cloaked figures, obviously the Forever Knights, approached Kevin and handed him a briefcase and he smirked to them.

"What are you doing now, Kev?" Allison asked her little brother silently.

Kevin opened the briefcase and saw several stacks of dollars.

"Money's here," he said.

He turned to the other workers who took down some cases from the truck and Kevin opened a case to reveal some kin of blaster.

"Well your brother's the one brokering the deal."

"That-that is just... my brother," Allison sighed.

"You did say it was illegal."

"As promised, four dozen factory-new laser lances. Ether-point energy module, antennae focus emitter. It's good for 35 minutes of continuous fire at point-six terrawatts. Is that good?"

Kevin pointed a lance at an empty crate and blasted out the energy towards an empty crate and blasted out, causing the crate to melt for a few seconds before it exploded.

"Those lances are Level V technology! Planet Earth only has Level II!" Labrid gasped as the team suited up, except for the twins, who were still trying to figure the watches out.

Matter Girl's new suit showed off her absolutely buff figure, including her six pack and biceps since her shirt was now sleeveless and had her silver studded combat boots in place and black fingerless gloves and her black mask with silver framing was in place on her face as she glared.

"What happened to the whisper?" Ben asked.

The Omni-Team, led by Labrid, slid down the slope to confront the workers as they crated the lances into the other truck.

"Hands above your heads, air breathers!" Labrid shouted, holding up his badge. "By authority of the Plumbers, you're all busted!"

The workers, removed their masks, revealing them to be the same kind of aliens that Ben and Jen had fought before.

"Ugh, so creepy," Lucky Girl said, mimicking her sister's words.

"I know, right?" Ben asked as they backed up and Labrid aimed his blaster at the group.

"Back away!"

He blasted away at the ground, creating a wall of flames that blocked the team, causing the aliens to walk away in fear.

"Now what?" Huntress asked.

"You two stand off."

"Um, I don't think so," Ben glared.

"The other guys are behind us..." Jen said as they turned around to see the Forever Knights kick their cloaks off and put on their silver helmets and glared at our heroes as they brought out their laser lances and aimed at the group.

They turned around to see the aliens behind them approach.

"We are toast," Matter Girl deadpanned.

"No we're not," Ben said as he and Jen activated the cores.

"I've been waiting a long time to say this again: IT'S HERO TIME!" Ben and Jen shouted as they slammed the cores down... only for nothing to happen. The watches just glowed blue in the center and they gulped in fear.

"This is not happening," Jen said.

"Ben!" Lucky Girl groaned.

"Watch!" Ben groaned back in the same tone.

The aliens and Forever Knights approached with them and Lucky Girls' eyes and tattoos glowed white as Matter Girl prepared her scythe arms and she glared towards the creatures as Huntress aimed her bow outwards and Labrid aimed his blaster.

"Guys, seriously," Matter Girl said.

"Working on it!" Jen shouted. "This is a really bad time for a reboot."

"We've got nothing," Ben said, his and his sister's watches not responding to anything.

"Luckily, we do," Huntress said as she aimed an arrow outwards that nailed a creature in the chest as her sister blasted her energy blasts outwards, blasting the knights away.

Labrid blasted at the alien creatures that approached him as Matter Girl ran in and nailed them with hammer arms as she clanged them together.

"Alright, who's next?!"

The Knights fired their laser lances as Jen and Lucky Girl quickly blocked the blasts with their force fields that kept on shattering no matter how many were put up.

An alien suddenly popped up behind Ben and he ran away, grabbing Jen's arm as they broke off into a run and left the others behind.

"Oh sure. Run away like cowards! Very heroic!" Matter Girl shouted sarcastically.

Suddenly an alien popped up behind her and hocked up some kind of green slime that stuck to her skin and cocooned her where she stood.

"Of course."

The same happened to Labrid and the heroine sisters as they were stuck to the ground in front of them.

Ben and Jen ran across the warehouse area and avoided the slime blasts as Jen sent out her pink energy blasts after him, missing each time and Jen flipped over a box with her brother as the alien ran after them.

The alien looked around for the hidden twins before he was suddenly pinned under some girders and Ben clapped his hands off.

"Oops," he said, sarcasm evident in his voice.

Ben and Jen looked to see Lucky Girl and Huntress get slimed by the aliens as the Forever Knights blew through Lucky Girl's force fields.

"Come on! Work already!" Jen said.

The Omnitrixes then let out a beeping sound and suddenly glowed green and pink before they shrunk down to more of a wristwatch size and were completely green and pink with a smaller ring and the Omnitrix symbols rested on the faceplates.

"Okay, that's a new one," Ben said as they looked at where the buttons rested and pressed the familiar one and were suddenly coated in their Omni-Suits, now adjusted to fit their more mature figures, specifically Jen's breasts as they looked through the visors as Ben generated a sword from his gauntlet and blasted out a green energy blast from his wrists. "Glad to see some things never change."

They adjusted the faceplates, that now showed holograms of ten new alien forms for each of them.

"I don't recognize any of these guys, bro," Jen said. "Although under the circumstances, this one looks pretty good!"

They both slammed the Omnitrixes down and were both encapsulated in a sphere of green and pink energy as they both hunched over as their orms shifted. Ben's skeletal structure morphed to fit his specific form as chlorophyll filled his veins instead of blood and his body grew more plant like and he grew orange frills on his sides and had a flame like flame-like head. The green Omnitrix symbol rested on his chest.

Jen was a fox-like alien with red-orange fur down to white ends of her front paw-hands and bottom paws. She had a long bushy tail that ended in a white tip, giving it a flame design that wagged with every movement. She had pointy fox ears at the top of her head and a long fox muzzle. She wore a pink leotard-like suit with the pink Omnitrix on her chest.

"Swampfire!" Ben shouted in a nasally voice.

"Firefox!" Jen shouted in a light Australian accent.

"Ew, what's that smell?" Swampfire asked before he sniffed his armpit and Firefox groaned, her tail wrapping around her leg.

"P.U., bro. I think that's you," she said, tapping her paw on the ground.

"Whatever," Swampfire said as he and Firefox ran into the battle to see the aliens surrounding their allies.

"Get away from our friends, buggers!" Firefox shouted as she gave a strong right hook to one as her brother gave a hard kick to another with his vine-like foot.

She then ran in and unsheathed her sharp black claws, running out to her friends, slicing through the slime on each of them before shaking it off.

"Thanks, Jen," Huntress said.

"It's Firefox."

The aliens panicked and ran for the truck, quickly filing into it and trying to drive off before Swampfire grabbed a girder with his intense strength and slammed it into the truck, sending it crashing onto its side.

"I forgot how much fun this was," Swampfire said.

"I know, right?" Firefox asked as some lasers blasted through Swampfire's form and passed through him.

"Hey! Cut it out! That tickles!"

The others were shocked as everything passed through the plant alien's body.

The Forever Knights kept up the onslaught of lasers that kept on passing through Swampfire. He took off to run and a laser suddenly took his arm off.


"Ben!" Matter Girl gasped.

Suddenly, a vine shot out of the severed arm and reattached itself to his socket as the plant growth sealed up.

"You guys are in so much trouble!" Firefox grinned as she and her brother set off and wrecked the knights with their intense strength as Firefox generated two flames from her palms and blasted them out towards a knight, sending him flying back into a crate that fell down on top of him.

Once all the knights were taken care of, Kevin suddenly jumped in and faced the twins with a smile.

"Hey, Tennysons!"

"What do you want, Kevin?" Swampfire asked.

"Let's see. You two trapped me in the Null Void for all those years."

"You did that to yourself, mate," Firefox said. "You earned it."

"And you ruined my deal today. I'm thinking I want some revenge."

He then knelt down to the train tracks and absorbed the metal, coating his entire body.

"I've been practicing and I'm almost at my big sis' level when it comes to my powers. Since I can absorb anything, I've got more than enough power to take it."

"Aw, our little Kevin is all grown up!" Swampfire mocked.

Kevin growled and ran forwards, burying his fist in Swampfire's stomach, only to break through and the male twin glare and slammed him in the head with both of his hands as Firefox ran up and slammed him in the head with her tail into the crates and he groaned.

As this was happening, the group witnessed the aliens and Forever Knights loading the last of the lances into the red truck and also walked away with money.

Kevin lifted up the crate with his immense strength and shouted out as he tossed it on top of Swampfire, flattening him as he smirked.

"And that's what happens when you mess with me!"

Firefox stood back, tapping her paw as she enveloped her hands in flame and stepped towards the Osmosian.

"What's the matter? Not upset that I crushed your brother?"

"Not really, mate," Firefox said as vines suddenly grew from the ground around Kevin and they shifted around to form Swampfire.

"Hey, what?"

"Peek-a-boo!" Swampfire said as he dual punched Kevin in the face before Firefox dealt two flaming punches to the gut and then spun around and knocked him back with her powerful tail.

Kevin tried using the last of his strength to pick up a large train car and he tried to throw it at the heroes, but they both shot out two flame jets at it that caused it to explode. He was blown back and then fell unconscious as his armor dissolved around him.

Kevin came to a few minutes later as his eyes shifted to his old enemies, his sister and the Plumber in front of him as the Omnitrixes timed out and Ben and Jen deactivated their Omni-Suits.

"Hey, bro. How was the Null Void?" Allison asked, crossing her muscular arms.

"Hi, Ally," Kevin said, rubbing his head. "Been keeping yourself healthy the past five years, eh?"

"I could say the same aobut you."

He then looked down and noticed that his hands were bound by energy cuffs empowered by Jen and Gwen's magic.

"Energy cuffs. You can't escape," Labrid explained. "There's nothing there to absorb."

"They used me as a test subject to make sure that I couldn't escape them, which means neither can you."

Jen turned to Gwen and pointed at her hair. "You've still got some of that stuff in your hair."

Gwen looked at her right side and saw nothing wrong.

"Other side," Kevin explained.

Gwen felt her hair then and groaned at the green slime that was still on it.

"Man, I need a shower when we get home."

"It's time that we had a talk, sister to brother," Allison said as she sat down beside him. "Ever since Dad died, I promised that I would take care of you. I don't care how many times we had to stop you in the past. You're my brother and nothing will ever change that. So you can hate me and my friends all you want, but it doesn't mean that I love you any less. I'll always love you because you're my own flesh and blood."

"...I love you too," Kevin admitted with a sigh.

"Now onto more serious matters," Labrid said, showing a laser lance. "These weapons run on ether point energy cells, a dangerous technology way too advanced for humans. They shouldn't even be on this planet at all."

"So, how is that my problem?" Kevin asked as Becky pointed her spear at him just to threaten him.

"While we were fighting, the Forever Knights got away with a crate full of those lances. You set up the deal with them, you're the one responsible for this, Kevin."

"And as such, you're going to tell me where they are," Labrid said.

"Kevin," Allison said, putting a hand on her younger brother's shoulder. "Tons of innocent people could get hurt. I know that you don't want that on your conscience."

Kevin's expression softened as Gwen nodded to him.

"Please help us. Just this once," Gwen begged. "Then, we'll never bother you again."

"You're in a lot of trouble, son. I'm giving you a chance to help yourself here."

"You don't have to convince me," Kevin smiled, standing up. "Those guys ran off before I got paid. I'm happy to help find those deadbeats."

Allison smiled and hugged her brother, seemingly out of character for someone with such a rough exterior as her.

"Thanks, Kevin. I knew there was good in you."

She turned to Labrid.

"From here on out, he's my responsibility as his older sister. I'm the only family he's got right now."

"Very well."

Later, Kevin was driving his car with Gwen in the front seat, the twins, Becky and Labrid stuffed into the back and Allison driving her motorcycle side-by-side with him. Kevin was tracking the Knight's castle on his GPS.

"Still think I should drive," Labrid said.

"Nobody drives the car but me and that's final!"

"You were telling us about the aliens, Labrid," Becky said. "When I was in the Null Void, I never encountered anything like them."

"I don't know anything about the ones we fought today. I've never met that kind before."

Ben and Jen, meanwhile, scrolled through their new catalog of aliens in their Omnitrixes.

"They're not in here either. Not that we know how to work these things anymore," Jen said.

"Maybe after you get your license, Jenny," Kevin smirked.

"Who won our fight again? Oh, that's right. Us!" Ben said.

"There's been a lot of alien activity on Earth lately. Don't know why," Labrid said. "Your grandfather thought that whatever was causing the weapons deal was going to lead us to whatever was causing the interest. Now he's missing."

"Knowing Grandpa Max, he's probably at a restaurant enjoying a roasted cockroach salad," Gwen suggested as Jen sat back in her chair. "It's a wonder that all that weird food didn't kill him."

"He's not dead!" Jen shouted out in anger. "Stop making jokes about him!"

Allison and Kevin both pulled the car over onto the dirt road and Kevin glared at Ben.

"Don't talk to her like that. She's your cousin!" Kevin threatened.

"We'll talk to her any way we-"

He stopped. Both he and his sister bowed their heads with a sigh.

"You're right, Kevin," Jen said. "Sorry, Gwen."

"I know you're worried about Grandpa," Gwen said, laying a hand on her cousin's lap.

"We all are," Allison confirmed from outside.

"I just wish he was here," Ben said. "He would know what to do. He always knows what to do."

"Well he ain't," Labrid said. "You two are the ones with the Omnitrixes. You're going to have to figure out how to get things done on your own."

Kevin and Allison restarted their vehicles and continued driving onto the back road and arrived at the castle, Allison removing her helmet and putting the kickstand down on her bike.

"We're here," Kevin said.

"Subtle," Ben chuckled. "Nobody would think to look for knights in here."

"You didn't," Kevin said as Allison chuckled.

"How do we get in?" Labrid asked.

"Gwen, Jen, do your thing," Becky said.

Gwen and Jen stood in front of the drawbridge and then shot out their energy beams that grabbed the drawbridge and lowered it down to their level so they could cross the moat.

Gwen's Fire Charm tattoo glowed and she lit up a fireball as Jen lit up a light and shined on the dark castle as the team walked in, uncertain.

"There's no one here," Allison said. "You sure this is the right place, bro?"

"There's a hidden door. Keep looking," Kevin said.

He looked over to see some jewels on a stand and he started putting them into his pocket before Jen cleared her throat and tapped her foot, unhappy.

"Maybe you should've brought a shopping cart, Kev'" she said.

Ben looked around at a knight's armor on a rack.

"I don't like this."

He then gasped when he backed into another set of armor and he jumped back at it fell to the ground all around him.

"Ben, be quiet!" Gwen shout-whispered to him.

"Sorry, guess I'm just a little-"

He stopped when he saw the other's faces and his jaw dropped as he saw a giant dragon creature looming before him and his team and growled at them.


The team then suited up, ready for battle.

next chapter
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