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58.82% Aspirations - A Powerful Harry Potter / Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Bab 10: Chapter 10

When Harry stirred awake the next morning, it was in an empty bed. Eyes blearily looking about, he searched for his companion who was nowhere to be found. Sighing, he closed his eyes and made himself comfortable in the bed.

He did not know how much time had passed when the soft creak of the door woke him up from his slumber. He glanced over and found Madam Rosemerta, or Rosie as she had asked him to call her, waltzing in with her usual barmaid outfit on.

"Seems I wore you out quite a bit last night, Mr. Potter," she teased as she leaned down, displaying her cleavage as her bountiful tits dangled enticingly inside the loose dress she always wore. "Don't worry, you were not bad yourself. I can't recall ever feeling so sore after a night with someone."

Harry gave her a mirthful smile as he slowly pushed himself up on his elbows, sitting against the headrest.

"What time is it?"

"Eleven," the busty barmaid replied, to his surprise. "What? You gotta go or something?"

"No, it's just… I didn't expect it to be this late," he replied, earning a smirk from her. "Guess I should thank this Champion thing… can come and go whenever I want."

"And no classes either," she chuckled. "You know how to take advantage of situations, don't you?"

"Hey, I'm not a fool to turn away a privilege," Harry replied, scoffing.

"Nah, a fool you aren't," she added sultrily. "I recall you taking quite an advantage of the privilege I gave you last night."

"As great an experience it was, I hope you've not forgotten your end of the bargain," Harry reminded her. "Info on Skeeter, if you please."

Rosie pouted as she sat on the bed right beside him, staring him down.

"Come on, Harry, do we really need to talk business first thing in the morning? You sure you'd rather not do something else?" She asked coyly, glancing down at the morning wood he was sporting.

As tempting an idea as it was, Harry resisted. He grabbed hold of the hand that was slowly descending to grab his prick.

"Info on Skeeter Rosie, if you please," he said firmly. "Once you fulfil your end of the bargain, we can decide on what we'd like to do next."

Sighing, she pulled her hand back and Harry released her.

"Rita and I were in the same year at Hogwarts," she said, to his surprise. "What? You couldn't tell?"

Now that Harry thought about it, they did look the same age.

"Go on," he urged, listening.

"Even when we were at Hogwarts, Rita loved gossip. She had a knack of making people talk, you know? Nothing nefarious, just regular stuff that happens around the castle."

"You mean the rumor mill," he intoned.

"She was heavily involved, yes," Rosie nodded. "We were never close friends, but we weren't acquaintances either. Just friends would be apt, I guess. We sometimes sat together in classes, during meals, compared notes, the usual shit. Even back then, I could tell she would be a massive hit in the journalism business, although I'd expected her to go for Witch Weekly considering how much involved she was in the sordid affairs of boys and girls around the castle."

"Nothing better to do with her time?" Harry asked in a derisive tone. He disliked those who gossiped about other people's love lives.

"She's free to do whatever she likes, I guess," Rosie shrugged. "We graduated, I worked a minimum-wage job in this pub for a few years while she joined the Prophet. The previous owner died and left me with this pub and I was set. The same couldn't be said about her though."

"Let me guess, she found the real journalism a lot more challenging than that gossip peddling she used to do at Hogwarts," Harry chuckled.

"I guess it'd be more apt to say she didn't find her interests being fulfilled in that role," Rosie mused. "At Hogwarts, she used to feel this thrill whenever she uncovered a secret."

Harry failed to understand how someone could find any sort of thrill in that, but he refrained from commenting. He had no idea how that bint's mind worked and he was in no mood to find out either.

"She used to write for back pages. Unassuming articles that were more often a miss rather than a hit, until it all suddenly changed," Rosie said softly. "The war was on the horizon, and she somehow discovered a scoop of the highest order. Apparently, Millicent Bagnold had been embezzling ministry funds to fill her coffers, and she wrote a stinging article. Lo and behold, the woman was derided among the masses and an investigation followed. She resigned a few months later."

"Seems Skeeter's been hard at destroying careers for quite a while now," Harry mused aloud.

"The Bagnold incident gave Rita the push she needed, and it did not take long for her to become the Prophet's biggest star. So much that she was the one called to cover the ministerial trials after the war ended," Rosie informed him.

"All that is well and good, Rosie, but Skeeter's history doesn't matter to me," Harry said. "What do you know about her? How does she get the news? What is she hiding?"

Rosie smirked at his impatience.

"Rita was never an exceptional student, but she was a dab hand at Transfiguration. Even McGonagall used to praise her talents in her subject. It was back when we were in our NEWTs that I found her reading up on something that, if I'm being honest, isn't very common," she continued. "Rita was studying how to be an animagus."

Harry's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he wondered what the woman was getting at.

"It just so happens that I found her behind my pub once as she transformed into her animagus form and followed after our dear minister. This was what? Five or so years ago, I guess?"

"You're saying she has an animagus form that lets her stay hidden so she can scoop out info without anyone knowing about it?" Harry asked with a small frown as he pondered on it. Based on the circumstances surrounding Hagrid's article, it made sense considering he and Katie were the only ones in the vicinity if he didn't count Madam Maxime.

Rosie merely smiled.

"Go on, I wanna see what you come up with," she urged, making Harry glance at her with pursed lips.

"It's not possible to be a magical creature as your animagus, so I guess her form must be something that can hide easily. A small creature, maybe? Or something that can hide in the grass, like a snake perhaps? A reptile, amphibian, or insect. That's all I can think of."

"Well, one of them is right," Rosie teased, earning an exasperated look from the young man. "And that's all the information I'm giving you, for the price I got last night."

Surprised, Harry stared at her smirking face.

"What? You asked me for information on her. I told you she's an animagus and she uses her form to spy on people. I even confirmed that she's either a reptile, an amphibian, or an insect. That was a bonus for the most wonderful shag of my life. You want more? We can discuss the payment," she shrugged unrepentantly, smirking.

Harry let out a deep sigh as he leaned back and regarded her.

"Aw, come on, Harry," she pouted. "Don't act as if you don't love this mode of payment. You're hurting this poor lady here who wants to shag you rotten."

Despite the frustration he was feeling, Harry could not help but find a little amusement in this situation.

"I could've never thought you'd be such a wanton slut, Rosie. That's all," he remarked, and the woman puffed her chest out in pride.

"A lady has needs, my dear, and when the customer is the most desirable young man around, a lady knows the opportunity she has," she replied.

"The hat should've placed you in Slytherin," he retorted, furthering her amusement.

In only a few hours, Harry's opinion of the barmaid had changed drastically, for he had come to realize she was not the airheaded fucktoy many regarded her as. Instead, she had a shrewd mind and knew how to get what she wanted.

He would have resisted her much more, but when given such a splendorous opportunity, there was no way he would reject it. Information on Rita Skeeter might be something he was interested in, but the means of obtaining it was no less pleasurable.

"Alright then," he sighed. "I want to know every dirt you have on Rita Skeeter or anyone else you think I might be interested in."

"I can get you a few exclusives, for the right price, of course," she smirked. "A promise would be a good place to start with."

Harry's brows furrowed and he gazed at her suspiciously, earning an eye roll from her.

"Oh come on, Harry, you should know by now you'd be very happy to pay this price that I'm asking," she remarked. "I can tell how much you want me as well, stud."

Harry shrugged. What she had just said was true, after all.

"A repeat of last night?" He asked as he regarded her.

Rosie stared at him, smirking, and to his visible confusion, she got off the bed and stared him down.

"I'd like you to come back tonight after I close the pub. We can discuss it once you arrive," she told him and before he could say anything, she turned around to walk away. "Oh, and feel free to use the bathroom before you go back. I've got customers to tend to. Brunch is on the house, so come out when you're ready."

Harry could only stare at her as she walked out of the room and shut the door behind her.


"That fucking minx…" Harry whispered under his breath as he walked through the double doors that led to the Entrance Hall of Hogwarts. It was almost time for lunch by the time he arrived back in the castle and as he looked around, he saw several students walking toward the Great Hall.

A few of the students happened to glance over at him and he saw how their eyes widened slightly in wonder at the sight of him.

'Will never get used to that,' he thought to himself in amusement as he resumed walking.

He had had brunch not even an hour ago and he was in no way famished. As such, he made his way over toward the Grand Staircase. A little practice in the Room of Requirement sounded like a nice idea. He needed to get accustomed to casting spells underwater, and the room could be simulated to replicate the environment.

He still was undecided on what he should do about breathing underwater. He had already discarded the idea of using the Bubblehead Charm. Its comparative lack of durability aside, his movement would be restricted considerably. He needed something that could help him traverse through the lake with relative ease.

The idea of using scuba gear crossed his mind but he had no idea how the judges would… well… judge it. They might as well give him a big, fat zero for using muggle equipment in a wizarding tournament.

'Maybe the library has a few books on the subject,' he thought.

"There is he!"

Harry whirled around abruptly at the shout, only to relax when he saw who it was.

"You guys sure know how to jumpscare someone," he muttered.

The twins grinned unabashedly as they came closer.

"You are a hard man to find these days, Harrykins," Fred slung an arm over his shoulder.

"Ain't it? Haven't seen you since the Yule night, mate. Where you been?" George mimicked his twin.

"Around," Harry replied as they resumed walking ahead. "What's up?"

"Ah, nothing much. The usual, y'know? Matter of fact, got some news for ya."

Intrigued, Harry glanced from one twin to the other who exchanged amused glances.

"Remember the prick from Yule night?"

Harry did not need any further description to know who the twins were talking about. He did indeed wonder what they had done to him but it had somehow skipped his mind.

"I hope you two took care of him?" he asked expectantly.

If the wicked grins on the twins' faces were anything to go by, the lad had not gone unscathed.

"Last we heard, he'd been on the shitter."

"Been at it since the night, we hear."

"Good," Harry smirked. "The prick deserves worse, but I'm sure that's a good start. You two made sure he didn't see you, right? The last thing we want is for him to escalate this matter with the staff."

"As if the dumbass can say anything that won't backfire on him," Fred scoffed.

Sighing, Harry replied, "No he doesn't, but if it escalates, Bones' name would come up. I don't think she'd want to be in the spotlight."

"Ah, point. Don't worry, he didn't know it was us or anyone else from Hogwarts. For all he knows, he ate a bit too much grease."

Harry nodded.

"Thanks for taking care of it, guys," he stepped out of their grasp and turned around. "You know, I could use a bit of your innovation."

Curious, the twins stared at him.

'Might as well,' Harry thought.

"If you could hypothetically develop something that could help someone move underwater for at least an hour with as much fluidity as possible, I reckon you could have that someone's gratitude," he smirked.

"Is that so?"

"What would we do with gratitude, I wonder, Gred?"

"Something else… say, a favor for a future prank perhaps… now that sounds like a better proposal I reckon, eh?"

Harry chuckled.

"Get to it and if this certain someone likes it well enough, you might have gotten yourselves a deal," he replied and with a wave, he turned around to walk away.

"The Black Lake, Forge?"

"Aye, Gred. Ya know what it means, don't'cha?"

The twins exchanged a conspiratorial smirk as they turned around and walked away. A bet on where the second task would be held sounded like a really nice idea to earn some quick gold.


The Hogwarts library was devoid of students when Harry arrived. With classes going on, the only company he had was Madam Pince who gave him his usual hawk-eyed stare as he walked in.

Harry gave her a respectful nod and made his way over to one of the tables in the corner of the library.

He thought about the topics he wanted to research and quickly procured the book required.

Aquatic Magical Flora and Fauna from the British Isles was the perfect book in his opinion to aid him in this little endeavor. He wanted to learn what creatures he could expect to encounter under the Black Lake.

'At least if they don't bring any unknown ones,' he thought and started to peruse through it.

Most of the creatures listed therein were ones he was already familiar with, some more closely than he would've liked. He turned the page after reading up on the Grindylows, making sure to check if he'd missed anything else about the creatures that could clue him into why they aggressively attacked him when he ventured into the lake.

To his puzzlement, however, he could find nothing that could give him an insight into their unusual behavior, and it made certain suspicions rise in his mind.

'They won't be making it too easy for us. Could they have already done something to the creatures to make them more aggressive toward humans, maybe?'

Harry had no idea, but that was the best guess he had so far. If his hunch did turn out to be true, then he definitely needed a better option than the Bubblehead Charm.

He trusted the twins to be able to come up with something. Their resourcefulness aside, those two were geniuses at what they did, and he was confident in their ability. However, that did not mean he could slack off on his preparations. The second book he had procured detailed elemental spells, and Harry started to peruse through it.

Even if he didn't find anything that could help him move underwater, at least he would learn some useful elemental spells. It was a win-win in either case.


As the class ended, a certain redhead quietly packed her books in her bag and slung it over her shoulder. Without giving her companion another glance, she turned around and exited the classroom. She did not pay any heed to the sigh she heard from behind her and walked away.

It had been like this ever since the Yule night. After what she had gone through, she was royally pissed with Hannah. Her best friend had come to know what had transpired the next day and to say she was terribly apologetic was an understatement. She had expressed how very sorry she was for pushing that boy on her numerous times, but Susan did not feel like she was in the mood to forgive her friend anytime soon.

She knew Hannah was not at fault here, but the wound was too fresh and her anger at the situation and everyone connected to it was high on her mind, and as such, she had been ignoring Hannah and everything she had to say. Her company during classes and meals was the best she was going to get from her.

It had come as a surprise to every student at Hogwarts when they had not been given the Yule Holidays off to visit their families. Instead, classes had resumed to make up for the distractions the tournament was causing. Susan did not know whose idea it was but like many, she was not a fan either.

If only she could somehow skip the classes and spend a little while in peace…

She turned the corner and made her way into the library. Snape had not been in a nice mood lately and as such, their Potions homework was quite surmountable. She wanted to get started on it right away.

Walking toward the shelves under the watchful hawk-eyed stare of Madam Pince, she picked up the texts she felt she might need and looked around. The library was almost empty save for a few seats that were occupied by who she recognized were OWL and NEWT students, with a few foreigners indulging in the vast expanse of knowledge the legendary library of Hogwarts offered.

She had come to like the peace lately, and it was no surprise that she chose to venture deeper for some privacy. It was when she reached the corner that was usually hidden from the direct view of the masses that she spotted him.

Her feet stilled for a moment as she stared at none other than Harry Potter who was occupied with a couple of thick tomes that she scarcely recognized.

Her thoughts had been occupied by the Hogwarts champion ever since he had saved her from her predicament during the Ball. While she was immensely grateful for what he had done for her, a part of her could not help but feel embarrassed that she had found herself in a situation that needed her to be saved by someone in the first place.

She did not know him too well, having only shared a few classes with him over the years, and the only bit she heard of him came from the mouths of others which, she had long realized, were to be taken with a grain of salt. She had no clue what kind of a person he truly was, and she could not deny that she was curious about him. He had saved her and was understanding of her plight in the aftermath of it all, and it surely made her feel he was a good person.

Susan had wanted to approach him to express her gratitude, but a few things held her back. This was the first time she had seen him after that night, and her hesitation also proved to be a hindrance. Even now, she could feel herself thinking whether she should really disturb him.

To her fortune or misfortune, she wasn't sure, the choice was taken out of her hands when he looked up and his eyes found hers.

Susan felt her breath get knocked out of her lungs and her feet rooted to the spot. Wide-eyed, she stared at Harry Potter who stared back at her in slight surprise. His surprise gave way to understanding and he gave her a small smile in greeting.

He gestured for her to take the empty seat opposite him and that shook her out of her stupor. As if on autopilot, Susan slowly walked toward the table he was sitting on and slid into the seat, gently placing her books and her bag on the table in front of her.

"How are you doing?" His voice was gentle and full of understanding, and it seemed to relax her quite a bit. She nodded slowly, finding it a bit hard to form words.

"I-I'm doing w-well, you?"

He overlooked her obvious stutter and smiled gently.

"I'm pretty fine myself. Busy with tournament stuff, as you might guess," he gestured toward the pair of books laid open in front of him and Susan glanced at them.

"Elemental spells? You can cast those?" She asked curiously, earning a nod.

"A few are draining on my magic but I feel I'm improving quite nicely. They're not that hard once you know how to approach them," he replied. "Although a few are quite volatile."

Susan nodded absently, staring down.

"Listen Miss Bones," Harry began.

"Susan," the redhead interrupted, making him pause. She glanced up and met his eyes. "You can call me Susan. That's the least you deserve after what you did for me."

Harry stared at her in silence for a moment.

"Alright. Susan it is then. But you also have to call me Harry from now on," he replied. Susan nodded in agreement.

"What do you have over there?" He asked, glancing at the books she had deposited on the table.

"Potions homework," she replied. "Snape's been in a foul mood lately."

"When is he not?" Harry chuckled. Susan glanced at him and smiled.

"That too. As you know all too well, he loves to take it out on students," she said, and Harry was sure she was teasing him slightly.

"And now that I'm not attending his classes, you all are enjoying my share of shit," Harry replied in amusement. "I'd like to say I'm sorry but I'd be lying."

Susan shook her head mirthfully at his remark. Oddly, she was feeling at perfect ease in his company. She had thought it was daunting, but now that she was here, she discovered she felt more comfortable right now than she'd felt in even her own skin ever since that Yule night.

Perhaps it was because he was the one who had saved her, but his company soothed her, and she craved more of it.

Harry did not say anything further, and when she glanced up, she saw him reading his book. Taking inspiration, she laid out her materials and started to work on her Potions assignment. The atmosphere was one of calm.

Harry kept taking surreptitious glances at her while they were at their respective duties. He could see the hints of fatigue and lack of sleep in her overall demeanor. From the way her face looked to her posture, it all screamed a severe case of disturbance that was the direct result of the unsolicited encounter with that lad from Durmstrang.

The twins had done their bit with him, but there was no way his punishment was over.

As Harry took in her state, it made him feel even more shitty. What he was going to do was even worse. He had, in fact, already started. He knew he needed to take it slow so that he didn't overwhelm her, and simply being there for her was the way to go. However, the fact that he was working on this fucked-up plan to manipulate her just so he could take advantage of her position filled him with shame and regret once again.

The sliver of doubt… the voice of reason inside him… the one that told him it was wrong… that he should not do this to her… it was loud. However, whenever that voice reared its head, the thoughts of his godfather and what he had been suffering would dwarf everything. The shitty choice of doing what was right and what was needed kept tearing him inside.

He saw her glance up at him and smiled gently, feeling shittier as he did so.

'I'm a fucking hypocrite.'


It was more than two hours later when Harry deemed it enough reading. He shut the book more audibly than intended, disturbing Susan from her quiet study session.

"Ah sorry," he said apologetically. "I didn't mean to disturb you."

"You're going?" She asked, and Harry did not miss the hint of disappointment in her voice.

"Yeah," he smiled gently. "I've read more than enough for today. What about you?"

Susan glanced back at her assignment which, Harry noticed, didn't seem done.

"You keep at it. I'll be bouncing now," he said as he flicked his wand, depositing the books back to where he had procured them from. "I'll be seeing you around, Susan."

Susan nodded and watched him slip out of the seat. As he made to walk past her, she did not know what came over her as she reached out and took hold of his arm.

Harry came to an abrupt pause and glanced at where she was holding onto him. Susan immediately released her hold, as if burned.

"Sorry, it's just… I wanted to say something to you," she said softly.

Harry buried his thoughts and gave her a welcoming smile.

"Thank you," she whispered, her eyes boring into his. "For what you did that other night. If you hadn't…"

Harry gently reached out and placed his hand on hers, squeezing softly.

"I just happened to notice and did what anyone would've done. You don't need to thank me," he said softly.

Susan closed her eyes firmly and nodded.

"Can I join you in library sometimes? It's just…"

"I understand," Harry said with a small smile. "I don't mind. You can find me here if I'm in the library."

Susan nodded with a small smile, and with a parting squeeze, Harry pulled his hand away and walked toward the exit, his lips pursed.

'I'm such a piece of shit.'


Rosie was in the middle of rearranging the furniture of her pub after closure when she heard the sound of the door opening. She looked over and a sultry smirk crossed over her face when she saw who it was.

"Well, well, if it isn't my favorite man in the world," she said coyly as he approached her. "My dear Harry, you're right on time. If you'd head in, I'd be right over."

Harry gave her words no heed and strode toward her, and before she could say anything, he grabbed her firmly by the ass and slammed his lips against hers.

Rosie moaned in approval at his domineering behavior and returned the kiss eagerly. She pushed herself firmly against him, grinding against the obvious hard-on he was sporting, and moaning in approval when he reached down and grabbed her ass over her skirt.

"You seem a bit too eager," she gasped breathlessly as she pulled back, only for him to slam his lips back against her in a demanding kiss. His fingers dug into her supple ass and as he pulled, she eagerly jumped, wrapping her legs around his waist. Her core, already damp and ready for him, gyrated erotically against his erection as he started walking.

Rosie belatedly flicked her wand and locked the pub, putting out the lamps as they emerged into her room. She squealed in delight when he threw her on the bed where she bounced as she lay on her back, staring at him with wild lust in her eyes.

"Oh Merlin, you are more than too eager. You look like you'd devour me," she said, watching with growing arousal as he took off his clothes one by one in no time. Her eyes feasted on his athletic build as her toes curled.

Like a beast, Harry pounced on her. He grabbed her top and violently ripped it off her. Her large, voluptuous tits spilled out, bouncing on her chest, and he reached down, grabbing hold of her long skirt and pulling it off her. He threw her clothes somewhere behind him and climbed on top of her.

Rosie eagerly grabbed his cock and positioned it for penetration.

"I've got no fucking clue what's got into you, but you better fuck me good if you want that info," she told him.

Harry merely grunted as he pushed forward, sliding past her wet lips and slamming the entirety of his length deep inside her in one firm push.

"Ugghhh… Merlin… aaahhh…" she moaned.

Harry leaned entirely over her and pressed down, burying his face in her neck as he held her firmly by the ass. He pulled back slowly, feeling his massive rod slithering against her tight walls, and shoved it back inside her with another powerful thrust.

"Ahh yess…" she moaned in pleasure. "Fuck me."

Harry built up a rhythm, increasing the pace of his thrusts. His strokes were already hard and deep, and in no time, Rosie was rocking under him as he fucked her hard and fast. Each slam inside her drew a loud moan of pleasure from the blonde, and every sound he heard, from her moans to the slick sound of his cock sliding in and out of her pussy to the claps of their skin, was music to his ears.

His thrusts grew rougher and more forceful, and her cries grew feverish in excitement. She was clawing onto his back, fingernails digging into his skin hard enough to draw blood, but both were so lost in their carnal fucking that pain didn't even register. All that mattered was the pleasure both could derive from each other.

Harry planted his elbows on the bed and lifted himself above her. His wild eyes stared deep into hers and he slammed his lips against hers in a passionate kiss. Rosie moaned in approval and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. They continued to kiss heatedly as Harry kept plunging his hard prick into her hot, snug depths.

"Ahh Merlin!" Rosie broke the kiss and cried out. "Almost there! Ahh fuck me! Keep fucking me, Harryyy!"

Harry redoubled his efforts, furiously fucking her like a machine. His thrusts grew wilder and more forceful. Rosie cried in elation and unwrapped her legs from around his waist. She planted her legs on the bed and began to thrust upward, meeting him. His fingers threaded through hers and kept her pinned to the bed. She grinned at him lustfully and kept slamming her pussy against him.

Suddenly, her entire body spasmed as her face contorted in sheer bliss. Her mouth half open in a silent scream, her back arched as she started to shiver.

"Aaahhhhh yesssss! Harrryyyy!"

Seeing her orgasm crash over her triggered his climax as well, and with a grunt, Harry exploded inside her violently. Shot after shot of his hot, thick seed splattered her insides, and Harry breathed harshly as her pussy walls squeezed his rock-hard prick, milking him for all he was worth.

Shaking and trembling in the aftermath of their violent orgasms, Harry and Rosie lay with him on his back and her body draped over his. One hand cupped and caressed her naked arse while the other stroked her sweaty back. Meanwhile, Rosie had her head on his chest, her eyes shut in contentment, as she caressed the side of his neck.

"Thanks," Harry whispered. "I needed that."

Rosie shook her head, indicating there was nothing he needed to thank her for.

"A beetle," she replied softly. "Rita's animagus form is a beetle."

Sighing, Harry pulled her close and draped the duvet over their naked bodies as the lamps went out.


Check out patreon.com/TheBlackEarl for early access and more of my work. Chapters 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 are already up.

Thanks for reading.

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