Unduh Aplikasi
25% ash x lillie / Chapter 1: chapter 1
ash x lillie ash x lillie original

ash x lillie

Penulis: Jake_Zick

© WebNovel

Bab 1: chapter 1

It was the most romantic day of the year: Valentine's day. This year Ash was in the Alola region still trying to become a pokemon master after a very close loss at the Kalos league due to Alain and his Charizard. When he got to the Alola region months after he enrolled in school to help him further go along the path he wanted. As he was doing so he met 3 females:

lillie . lillie  was a blue haired, blue eyed girl. She was the first one Ash met when he came to the Alola region. He was riding a Sharpedo and she was fishing when they met. He then properly met her the next day at school and went to her house the day they were going to fish for class. He met her younger sisters Harper and Sarah who teased lillie  about being Ash's girlfriend to which lillie  blushed furiously but for Ash he knew that he liked her from the moment they met.

So naturally when he remembered that Valentine's day was coming up he decided to do something for her. He didn't attend school that day. He handed Professor Kukui a note to give to her while he stayed behind to plan everything.

"Alola everyone!" Kukui greeted everyone.

"Alola!" the class replied in unison.

"Before we begin, lillie ."


"I have this note for you. You can read it during lunch."

lillie  nodded as Kukui handed her the note with everyone else looking on teasing her with ohs, to which she blushed furiously. She thanked him and then he headed back to the front of the class to begin that days lesson.

Later that day at lunch...

"So lillie , you going to read that note?" Mallow teased.

"Yeah, I wanna know who sent it." lana teased as well.


"Can you guys keep it down? I'm trying to study over here!" the small orange hair Sophocles yelled at them.

The girls glared at him to which he then hid under his desk for the remainder of lunch.

"You know I'm curious too, go on lillie  open it and read it to us." the black and red headed Kiawe said as he finished attending to his Turtonator.

lillie  blushed deeply red as she unfolded the note and began to read it.

"lillie ... meet me on the beach outside the professor's house at 7 and wear something nice AND NO BATHING SUIT underneath. - Ash."

Everyone gasped in collective shock. They wondered what Ash was up to by asking lillie  to meet him tonight. lillie  stood there confused wondering what he was planning while lana and Mallow giggled knowing what the occasion was for this to happen. The lunch bell then sounded signalling the end of lunch.

7 pm that same day...

lillie  was dressed in a long white dress with a blue collar thanks to their insistence. She was going to wear her swimsuit underneath but Lillie, Mallow and her sisters threw the swimsuit into the laundry room and locked the door to which lillie  sighed. She was also wearing a pair of blue slight heeled shoes, a silver bracelet and a black purse. She looked for Ash on the beach to which she only found a table with a note on it. she picked up the note and read it.

"Close your eyes."

lillie  closed her eyes and waited. She didn't know what was coming next. At that moment she started to her the song of Meloetta began to play. She then felt the presence of someone behind her, she opened her eyes to reveal Ash.

"Ash.. what's going on? Why did you ask me to meet you hear like this?"


Ash grinned as he stepped forward to her and began to kiss lillie  right on the lips. At first she was shocked and appalled that Ash was kissing her without a warning or explillie tion but longer the kiss went the more she found herself enjoying it. She felt his tongue inside her mouth as her peach lip glossed lips continued smack his lips. After 5 minutes of straight kissing they broke apart.

"lillie ... ever since we first met I've felt this really special connection to you. At first I thought if I didn't think about it that it would go away but it didn't: It just made me think about it more and how much you mean to me since I've been here. I knew today on Valentine's day I needed to say this to you and for myself as well."

lillie  was at the point of tears, she knew what was coming next.

"Ash, what are you saying?"

"I love you lillie . I always have and I always will."

lillie  started to cry tears of happiness.

"I love you too Ash."

The two of them began to kiss again as the moonlight shined down on them with Meloetta's song in the background playing and the water pokemon in distance singing along and unknowing to lillie  her own Popplio managed to make a heart shaped bubble signifying it's trainers new love

Professor Kukui's House! Ash's Room!)

Ash Sat in his Room think over the day. After his run in with the girl lillie  Ash has been thinking about her for whole day. Even when he was eating all he could think about was her. Which was very unusual because usually all Ash could think about was food when he was eating.

Pikachu sat there looking up at him with concern in his eyes. Ash say this. "Don't worry buddy I'm fine. Just very deep in thought!" He said as he spoke to the mouse Pokémon.

After that Ash got up and got down from his room and went to the door to go out and train with Riolu. Pikachu raced after him.

Just as Ash opened the Door Professor Kukui appeared! "Alola Ash! Heading out for some training?" Kukui asked Ash! "Yep. I just need to clear my head." Ash said as he walked past Kukui with Pikachu following just behind!

Once out side as pulled a pokeball out of his pocket and then it up releasing his Riolu. Once Riolu was out he ran over to as and Jumped up on him! Ash laughed. "Good to see you to Riolu! Now let get to work!" Ash said as Riolu nodded in agreement!

Riolu got in a fighting stance and Ash got ready to go! " Riolu, use Iron Tail!" He shouted!

(lillie 's House!)

lillie  was sitting on the couch in her living room watching tv but her mind was else where. She was think about the boy that she had run into while she was out fishing.

When she had seen him she felt something weird stirring in her body. She had felt a felling that she had never felt before!

Unbeknownst to her, the feeling that she was feeling was love. A feeling long dormant with the only affection she showed aimed toward her family! This though was not a family love it was pure love for a person. Something she had never felt before. But she still didn't know that.

She sat there, a blank expression upon her face as she looked at the screen, just aimlessly flicking through the different channels. Suddenly out of nowhere her to young sisters Harper and Sarah appeared out of nowhere behind lillie  on either side!

"Hey Sis! What ya doing!" They both shouted together! The scared the hell out of lillie  as she jumped up out of fright. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YE NOT TO DO THAT!" She shouted at the 2! The just laughed as they ran around sad sat on the couch either side of lillie .

They looked at her while lillie  just sat back and sighed! "What up Sis! And why is you face all red?" They two asked! "My face ain't going red!" She said! "Yes it is! OMG! You like a boy!" They both said. And just like that lillie  was off the couch and chased them around the house until the two made it to their room. lillie  just sighed as she made her way to her room! She couldn't like Ash. She didn't even know! But could she. lillie  decided to just try and forget it and go to sleep! "I don't like Ash! He's just a friend!" She whispered to herself as she drifted off to sleep!

(Back at Kukui House!)

Kukui was busy reading a book when he noticed the time! It was almost 11 o'clock in the evening! Kukui then slowly got up! Being careful not to wake Rockruff and went toward the door to tell Ash to come in and to go to bed!

Once outside Kukui saw as and Riolu training while Pikachu sat on Ash's shoulder. "Ash it time for bed! It your first day of school tomorrow!" Kiawe shouted down to Ash! "Okay! Riolu return!" Ash said as he called Riolu back and he then made his way in!

Once inside Kukui locked the door and went to his room while Ash went to his! Once up there ash collapsed onto his bed! And in seconds he was gone. Pikachu just sighed and went and turned off the light before laying down on Ash and going to sleep!

(Ash's Dream!)

Ash was running, running as fast as he could through the town. He rounded a bend and then he say something. It was the blue hair goddess lillie ! Ash was stunned at how she looked as the sun came down around her!

He slowly walked up to her! His mind racing think what he would say to her! "Hey Ash!" She suddenly said! "H...e...y!" Ash said nervously. She then put out he hand and just as Ash took it there was a bright light!

(Dream End!)

Ash woke in a cold sweet! He bolted up send Pikachu flying out of his room! As looked at the clock! It was 7am! Ash quick got a bearing on his room when suddenly he noticed something unusual! His penis was hard! Once Ash discovered this he rush out of the room. Down the ladder, past an angry Pikachu and into the bathroom.

Pikachu just looked at his trainer in confusion. He'd seen Ash acting strange before but never like this!

(Later that Day!At the Pokémon School)

"Okay class! We have a new student for our final year! Please give a warm welcome to Ash Ketchum!"

lillie  head flew up out of her book. There was no way that this was the same Ash she had met the other day! She look up toward the door and suddenly had the same fellow again! It was the same Ash she had met yesterday! The one that had made her feel all those strange feelings!

Ash was shocked As well. As soon as he had stepped into the room he had seen her! lillie ! They one that had made him feel all those strange feelings and his body act strangely.

"Ash there is seat free next to lillie !" Professor Kukui said to Ash! lillie  looked shocked as Ash slowly walked down to the the table and took his seat next to lillie ! "Hello Again!" He said. "Hi" lillie  said back! This wana going to be a tuff and strange year for them. But one full of love and passion!

(Other side of the Room)

Mallow sat looking at Ash! She had lust in her eyes! "Oh he's so hot!" She said! "What?" Ask Kiawe. Mallow looked up in shock! "Oh nothing Kiawe! Just looking at the new lad!" She said!

Kiawe just sighed and went back to his work! "I'm so going to have him!" Mallow said to herself! Kiawe just look at her whit a perplexed look! "Okay Mallow but remember to use protection!" Kiawe said casually! Mallow went red as she realised she had said it allowed! Oh well she thought! Her new goal for the year was to get Ash in her Bed!

(Lunchtime! Later that day!)

Ash was sitting by himself at a lunch table outside! Since it was his first day he didn't really know anybody! He was sitting there eating his lunch when someone sat down across from him!

Ash looked it! The person who had sat across from him was a girl with green hair! "Hi I'm Mallow! Nice to meet you Ash!" She said in a cherry and friendly way! Ash just smiled! "Hello Mallow!" Ash said! After that another person came up to him!

He took a seat beside Mallow! He was a older trainer, maybe 17! "Alola Ash! My name is Kiawe!" He said! Ash greeted him with a smile and a handshake! "Alola Kiawe! Just then lanawalked over!

"Hey Ash! My nam is Lillie!" She said! "Alola Lille!" Said Ash! Just then Pikachu jumped up on the table and lillie 

screamed and turned pale! "Sorry Pikachu! Lillie is a small bit... afraid of Pokémon"! Kiawe said!

Lille looked at him with an angry expression but then explained to Ash her fear! After that they just stayed chatting.

But all the while just around the corner was lillie ! She was eating on her own! After spending the whole morning sitting beside Ash she needed some time to sort through her feelings! She had never felt like this! Ash was making her body feel all these weird thing!

Like when she woke up this morning! During the night she had a really weird dream about Ash and when she woke up she was wet down around her private parts! Her panties and pjama pants were soaked through!

"Oh Ash! What have you done to me!" She whispered to herself! As she walked off to her secret place just outside the school grounds to eat her lunch.

(Later on in the Afternoon/Last Class)

Professor Kukui was busy talking to the class about the different looks of some Pokemon in the Alola Region! Like how Raichu in the Alola Region is also a physic type and can how it can use its trail to glide around! He was also going about many other Pokémon but not everybody in the class were paying attention!

Ash and lillie  were both taking down what Kukui was putting up on the white board, but they weren't really paying attention to what he was saying. Kiawe was just sitting there listening to Kukui but was not taking anything down.

And Mallow was on her phone. She was on a website where she had bought some of her previous toys and condoms and live for the other guys she has done it with. She had even bought a strap on for when she was with a girl. They last person she had fooled was actually with Lillie.

lanahad wanted to see what it was like to be with a girl and Mallow had eagerly agreed to help her with that urge! And she had to say. Even though it was Lillie's first time she could eat pussy very well!

She giggled at the memory. She had to ask lana if she wanted to experiment again! Suddenly She heard the bell went ofg scaring the hell out of most of the people in the Class!

"I had a felling that most of you weren't paying attention!" Kukui laughed! They class then started to pack up there gear but when Ash went to put his books in his bag he found a big surprise! Sleeping in his bag was a Rowlet! Ash called over the Professor but just as he got their the Rowlet awoke and flew and landed in front of Ash!

Rowlet looked at Ash turning his face sideways! (Like the way he dose in the Anime) Ash laughed as did most of the class that were left. Ash then pulled out a pokeball. "Rowlet would you like to journey with me?" Ash asked it. Rowlet looked up at Ash and the flew up and tapped his head on the Pokeball and went into it.

"All Right! I caught a Rowlet!" Ash shouted

(And he did his usual thing with Pikachu when he caught a Pokémon, in the Amine!)

Everyone congratulated Ash and then the Classroom cleared out. Ash looked around but he could see lillie . He was just about to leave when a spotted that lillie  had forgotten her book! "Ash you coming?" Asked Kukui!

Ash looked at him! "I'll make my own way home! I need to do something first!" Ash said! "Okay but don't be back to late!" Kukui said! And with that Ash set off to Find lillie 's house!

(lillie 's House)

lillie  was sitting down in her bedroom! She was just thinking about the whole day! House Ash got seated beside her and how she was feeling all these strange things in her body! She was sitting there until Harper came into her room!

"Sis your boooyyyfriend is here!" She said! lillie  was suddenly up and bolted to the door and there he was! Ash Ketchum!

"Hi Ash!" She said! "Hi lillie ! You left your book in class!" Said Ash! lillie  was shocked she hadn't realised she'd forgotten her book! "Thanks Ash!" She said! "Your Welcome! Anyway I got to go! Bye." He said as he walked off waving! "Bye Ash!" lillie  said as Ash walked away.

She closed the door and went into her room and locked the door! She lay down on her bed and but her book in her bag when something dropped out! It was a note!

"Hey lillie !

lillie ! Listen your a very nice person and I would really like to be your friend but I want to talk to you 2morrow! In private!

Your Friend hopefully!


lillie  could believe it! Ash wanted to be her friend but also wanted to talk to her in private! She lay on her bed holding the note! "Oh Ash! What has happened to me!" She wispered to herself as she drifted off to sleep!

A Dense Love! Ch3

Hanging Out!

(Professor Kukui's House! Ash's Room!)

Ash sat in his room thinking. He still couldn't believe what he had done! He had asked lillie  if she wanted to hang out tomorrow, sort of! Ash went over in his mind what he had written in his note.

He was still unsure if he should have even given it to her. He was so confused. Even since he had met lillie  all these feelings had been stirring up in his body. He'd been friends with load of girls but none of the ever made him feel like he felt about lillie .

When she was around all he wanted to was be right beside her. When she wasn't there all he could think about was her, and how he wanted to see her. Ash had no idea what this was.

"I need help." Ash said to himself. "Maybe I could ask Mom! No she'd probably make a big deal out of it!" Ash sighed to himself as he tried to think who he could talk to about this situation he was in!

Then it hit him. He could Ask Professor Kukui. Ash decided he was the best person to Ask, but decided not to talk to him until tomorrow. After when he had talked to lillie .

After that Ash lay down in his bed and dosed off to sleep. Pikachu by his head. Hoping that he wouldn't get thrown from the room again!

(Ash Dreams!)

Ash was sitting in room! There was nothing special about this room! It was just another standard Pokemon Centre Room! Just like ones Ash has stayed in before during his journeys with all of his friends.

But as he looked around the room he began to notice a few thing that are not in a room at the Pokémon centre! There was huge tv and probably the most noticeable was the fact that the was just a singular double bed instead of a couple of singe beds!

Ash went and sat down on the bed and that was when he realised that he was only wear in underwear.

Ash started to Panick as he searched the room looking for his clothes but all he found was a tuxedo and a wedding dress as white as the Alolan Vulpix. As picked it up and looked at it! Wonder why these two thing where in this room!

Suddenly the bathroom door opened! Ash looked at it wondering who it was that would come out of the bathroom! But no one did. They door just sat there, ash didn't know what to do. Dose he wait for someone, dose he go over! He just didn't know.

Then he herd a noise he stood up slowly and quietly started to walk to the bathroom! He inched closer and closer and finally he reached the door. He slowly rounded and looked into the bathroom.

What he saw shocked him! There was lillie  in the shower naked, shoved up against the wall making out with Ash. Ash just stood there looking at the scene. There he was making out with lillie  both of them naked!

He watched the scene unable to turn away! "Never leave me lillie !" Ash said in what sound like a moan but Ash couldn't be sure. "Oh Ash that's just it! You never know! I might leave you! Or I mightn't. Depends on what you offer." lillie  said back! Ash replied simply with a tear that streamed down his eye!

(Dream End)

"Nooooooooooo!" Ash screamed as he jolted up! Pikachu whom had somehow wound up on Ash's head went flying out of the room Again!

Ash was panting hard! He kept replaying the whole dream over and over again in his mind! "What do these dreams mean!" Ash whispered to himself. Then he noticed, he has the same problem that he had the other morning. And with that he rushed down the leader, past a very angry Pikachu and started to the bathroom running past a visibly worried Professor Kukui.

"What wrong Ash? Are u okay!" He Asked Ash! "I'm grand! Can't talk!" Ash said said as he rushed into the bathroom. Kukui looked to wards Pikachu and asked him if he knew what was wrong with Ash, Pikachu just shrugged.

(lillie 's House!)

lillie  had woken in a cold sweat! She was panting hard and her heart was beating hard! She had just had a very weird dream! She had dreamt of her and Ash!

They were in a Pokémon centre, but there was only one double bed and there was a tuxedo and wedding dress on the floor.

Then she had gone into the bathroom and say her and Ash making out naked in the shower! She had asked Ash if he would never leave her and had replied that he might but mightn't!

lillie  did know what to make of the dream! She got up and decided to ready for School but when she got up she realised that her private parts were all wet! "Oh Ash! What have you done to me!" She said to herself!

(Lunch at the Pokémon School)

Ash was sitting by himself outside eating his Lunch. After the dream that he had last night he was really confused. But what confused him more was when he woke up the past two days. Each morning after those dreams about lillie  his penis would be hard, and Ash didn't have a clue why.

Likewise lillie  was having the same problem. After her strange dream last night she had spent most of the morning thinking about what it could mean! She had never felt like that before.

She'd read over the note again and again and she had the same weird feeling for Ash each time. Even when her sister had come into her room and teased her as if she was going on a date with Ash.

Now lillie  was just sitting buy herself as far away from Ash as possible. Whenever she was near him her insides were set alight. She just sat eating her sandwich slowly.

(At a different table)

Mallow was sitting down on her phone ordering some stuff! She was with Kiawe and lanaboth of whom were just chatting while eating. Mallow finally paid for her stuff and set it for delivery today. Which to her was really handy.

"So Mallow, what were u up to tonight? Asked Kiawe. Mallow looked at him suspiciously! "Oh nothing much, just relaxing and enjoying myself, with my new toy!" She said. "Okay!" Said Kiawe as he went back to his Lunch. Mallow suddenly went red as realised what she had said!

Then lanaspoke. "Mallow can we talk in Private?" Sh asked. "Sure thing!"replied Mallow and they went off to a quite place at the side of the school. "So what's up?" Mallow asked? "Could help me agin like you did a few weeks ago Mallow. I'd like to experiment again?" lanareplied trying to hide her red checks!

Mallow just smiled. "Sure thing Lille! I've got some great new toys plus a special one just for you. Come over to my place after school!" She said and with that they went back to their table.

Mallow sat there for a few minutes and ate and sandwich before she went over and sat beside Ash! "Hey Ash!" She said as she slid her hand onto Ash's leg. "Hey Mallow!" Ash said, then suddenly Mallow moved her hand onto Ash cock. He gasped as she groped it. Suddenly they bell rang and Ash stood up and said "See you in class Mallow!" And he walked away while Mallow cursed herself.

Once back in class Ash took his seat beside lillie . "Hey" they both said as they tried to hide their red faces.

"Ash" lillie  said. "Follow my after school, okay?" She said as she put her hand on Ash's. Ash just nodded. Then Professor Kukui walked in and then both Ash and lana at the same time both asked to use the bathroom!

(Later After School)

Ash was following lillie  like she had asked him too after lunch. She still couldn't believe it, she and Ash were going to be hanging out alone!

Ash was thinking the exact same thing. Never did he think that lillie  would actually agree to hang out with him. His heart was pounding as was lillie 's as she led him to her secret place just outside the school.

They jumped the fence and then walked a small bit into the forest. lillie  the stopped. "Ash promise me you will never show anyone this. Okay?" "Okay!" Ash agreed! And with that they climbed the tree. Once they were about halfway up lillie  opened up a door disguised but tree branches and leaves. And she led Ash into her special place.

Ash was amazed with the place. There was a box full of drinks, a bed and 2 chair, along with a window that looked out to the sea but was still very well hidden by the trees.

lillie  gestured to Ash to sit down while she got two bottles of water out of the box. She then went over and gave one to Ash while Pikachu and Poplio went out side to play.

lillie  took. The seat across from Ash. They sat there in silence for about 30 minutes before Anybody spoke. "Soooooo" said Ash, "How are you?" He asked trying to break this silence. lillie  looked at him, debating weather on not to respond.

Ash looked at her. Wondering if he shouldn't have spoken first! "I'm good!" lillie  replied. Ash looked at her. Surprised that she had responded.

"Okay, cool." Replied Ash. lillie  looked at him. A smile on her face. "Ash? Are we friends?" She asked. Ash looked her surprised. "Yes! I'm very happy to have a friend like you." Ash replied which made lillie  blush a small bit.

"Thanks Ash. I'm glad your my friend." lillie  replied as she looked away trying to hide her blush. Ash smiled also trying to hide his blush.

They spent the rest of the day just talking and laughing about life. Ash told her all about his past adventures through all the regions and lillie  told Ash all about her life in Alola.

They were having a great time but they still both had the same fella they had when they were around each other. Only now it was more intense.

Suddenly Ash noticed the time. It was 10 o'clock. They both got up but before that Ash and lillie  traded numbers so they could stay in contact. Ash smiled as they parted ways and Made their way to their homes.

(lillie 's House)

lillie  walked through her front door. She hadn't even closed it and her sister where in front of Her! "How was you date with Ash!" They both chimed out! lillie  went red and started chasing them around the house shouting at them telling them to shut up!

Yet again she was unable to catch them. lillie  decided to just go to her room. She sat on her bed just thinking, thinking about Ash! She tough about their afternoon she had spent with him.

"I need help! I'll talk to my mom tomorrow about these weird feelings I've been having!" She whispered to herself.

(Professor Kukui House! Ash's Room)

Ash had just gotten home. He went straight up to his room and lay down on his bed! He thought about his day with lillie . After spending the whole afternoon hanging out with her his feelings felt even weirder for her!

He decided to sleep on it and he would talk with Professor Kukui tomorrow. Pikachu lay down across away from Ash! Not wanting to get thrown from the room again. "Good night buddy!" Ash said as he drifted off to sleep!

(Professor Kukui's House)

Ash was sitting down on the couch in Professor Kukui's living room. He was waiting for Kukui to come in as Ash had asked to speak with him about something that had been bothering him.

Kukui had agreed and told Ash to go wait in the sitting room. After about ten minutes Professor Kukui arrived. He walked over towards Ash before taking a seat across from him. Ash sat there for a few minutes unsure what to say when Kukui spoke. "Ash I might not know you long but I will tell you something. I recognise when someone is in Love!"

Ash looked at Kukui puzzled. He wasn't in love was he? "Look Ash simply tell me when this crush on lillie  began!" He asked Ash. Ash being Ash looked at him in a bit of shock. He didn't love lillie , did he! "I don't know what is wrong with me Professor. I've never felt like before for anyone. When I'm away from her all I can think about is her. When I'm with her she is the only person I want to stay and be with. And since I've met her my body has been acting weird." Ash said as Kukui looked on intriguingly.

"How has your body been acting differently Ash?" Asked Kukui. Ash just looked at him. A bit embarrassed but eventually summoned up the courage to tell him! "When I've been around her my penis has gotten very hard! And I've been dreaming about it. I've dreamt about her with both of us naked and not naked. And still every morning a wake up and me penis is rock hard." Ash finished as Kukui sat there smiling!

He got up and walked over to a drawer before opening it up and pulling out the box before returning to his chair across from Ash! "Ash what your feeling is love. A very deep and sexual love for lillie . Here takes these. They are condoms. You'll know when to use them. Also I'm going away for about a week Ash so you'll have the house to yourself, and you can also bring your friends over. Just keep the house clean and don't do it in my room! Okay Ash?" Asked The Professor "Okay said Ash!"

After that Kukui told Ash there would be no school for a week as the first week is an introduction week and not the real start of the school year. And after that Kukui got his bag and left for his trip leaving Ash alone.

He decided to send a text to lillie  and invite her over. They need to talk!

(lillie 's House)

lillie  was sitting down talking with Hobbs . And lone behold Hobbs  had seen it as well. That her daughter was in love with Ash Ketchum. They spent the afternoon talking about the woman's body and about all lillie 's new feelings.

Hobbs  even gave her a dildo and told her that if she ever needs a sexual release to just use this, or Ash if they become a couple. lillie  blushed mad when Hobbs  said this. After this talk lillie  went to her room to think about what her mom had told her! She was madly in love with Ash. A love that Hobbs  said would last forever. Just then lillie  got a text from Ash asking her to come over. She didn't even hesitate for a minute as she rushed out of the House to Ash's house! Hobbs  just smiled! "Ah young Love!"

(Kukui's House)

Ash was sitting up in his room. He was watching tv just trying to pass the time and to try to think of anything other than lillie . He was aimlessly switching between channels when he Heard someone knocking on the door.

Ash got up as fast as he could falling over Pikachu and down out of his bedroom. Ash quickly recomposed himself and rushed to the door. He opened it and there she was! The blue haired goddess that was lillie . Ash was certain now. He was in Love with lillie . But something he never expected to happen happened. lillie  grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into a kiss. Ash being in shock froze as he was unaware what to do but soon melted into the kiss.

They moved into the sitting room after Ash closed the door. Their passionate kiss continued as Ash pulled her down onto the couch. lillie  then nibbles on Ash's lip asking for access. As if out of instinct Ash parted his lips and let lillie 's tongue slip into his mouth while his slipped into hers.

They stayed like this for ten minutes until both teens had to part for air. "I love lillie !" Ash said panting! "I love you too Ash!" Said lillie  as the two cuddled up on the couch pulling a blanket over themselves as they settled in watching tv before drifting off to sleep

Ash was wondering along a path through a forest walk on the sea front. He had left Pikachu back at the house as all he wanted was some alone time to think. Think about how he wanted his relationship with lillie  to go. But Ash knew he had one problem. He had no idea who to please lillie .

He wanted to give her an amazing time. To make their relationship as spicy and as fun as possible. Ash knew though that this was a very hard thing to do, to give his girl friend a great time but keep the relationship exciting. But that is a very hard thing to do when you can only fool around with the same person for the rest of your life.

As Ash was walking home he took out his phone and called up lillie ! He told her about how they would keep their relationship spicy. How they could fuck who ever they wanted but they would only ever date each other! lillie  loved the idea saying that she had something similar in mind. After that Ash invited her over to his place say she was going to have an amazing night! And she didn't doubt him for a minute! And with that Ash hung up and started running home

lillie  was sitting in her room with Pikachu and Popplio when Ash had called. She was minding the Pikachu because Ash had asked her to mind him for a small bit.

She was just relaxing on her. Ed watch the two when the call came in. She was confused as to why Ash was calling her but she paid it no head and answered it. She greats Ash with a usual friendly Alola. But she never expected to hear what Ash was going to say!

He spoke of how he was speaking to Mallow and how she had given him the idea that they would date each other but would be allowed to fool around with anyone that they wanted too. lillie  was shocked at this but eagerly agreed. She spoke of how she always would like to try somethings with a girl and maybe an orgy!

Ash laughed as he told her that Mallow said that she would help her with that if she ever wanted to experiment. lillie  laughed as she said she'd have to calm her and take her up on it! Ash then told her to get over to his place. Telling her that tonight was going to be a night she wouldn't never forget! As soon as Ash had said it lillie  was out the door rushing to Ash's house while they said goodbye and hung up! lillie  smiled to herself as she pelted down the road!

Hobbs  just smiled as she was cooking. "Those two are gonna have some fun! I wouldn't mind a few Gran kids!" She said to herself as she finished what she was cooking before putting it onto a plate!


lillie  was running along the route to Ash's house! She had never run as fast in her life, then again she had never felt like this for someone before! She thought back to the day she met Ash and smiled! She already knew what he hid used his shirt, and she just couldn't wait to see what he was packing down below.

She soon reached the finals obstacle in her way to reaching Ash! The hill up to the house! lillie  stood for a minute to catch her breath! She knew that he would be the and she had to get to him! So lillie  took of running! She had never ran so hard before and was almost out of energy about half way up! But then she just thought about Ash and the prize that waited for her when she reached the house! And with that she got her second wind and continued running up the hill! She was just at the top when she ran into someone!

lillie  got up and she was mad! Flames basically coming out her ears! She was so mad she was ready to kill the person that was stopping her from reaching her Ash! She was about to start shouting at the person when suddenly he got up! It was Ash! lillie 's fury died in an instinct as she jumped on Ash and engaged with him a rough and passionate kiss. Ash a little shocked at first melted into the kiss. The kiss grow more passionate as Ash nibbled on lillie 's lip asking for permission to enter! lillie  could only oblige him as she parted her lips to allow him entry as the two intensified the all ready very passionate kiss even more.

Ash started clawing at lillie 's clothes trying to get the off as fast as he could! lillie  too was trying to close the distance between her and Ash as she basically shredded Ash's clothes! Ash finally giving up on removing her clothes intact just ripped them off too leaving the two in just there underwear and panties! Surprisingly lillie  hadn't worn a bra! Ash really didn't mind this as the two parted for air! In these brief seconds apart the two ripped the underwear off and started their make out session again!

After five minutes lillie  broke the kiss! "Take me Ash!" she moaned as she positioned herself over Ash's giant rod! Ash smiled and captured her lips again as he entered her! He tight wall clinging to his rod as she slipped down breaking lillie  harem. lillie  cried out in pain and Ash give her a minute to adjust! Then Ash started to move in and out slowly building up speed! They were both moaning allowed as the fucked in the wet mud outside Kukui's House! After about a half an hour later of different positions Ash shouted that has was going to cum. lillie  said she was too and that they should finish together! And with that Ash picked up speed and edged the both closer to clilillie ! Soon both teens moaned allowed as Ash dumped his seed deep in lillie !

Ash fell down beside lillie ! He cock coated in his and lillie 's cum as lillie 's pussy was dripping with his cum! Suddenly the two teens started to laugh! The lay had just made love in wet mud and were basically covered in head to toe in mud! The both got up and went inside to get washed up! The night was still young!

(Hidden in bushes at Ash's place!)

"Click"! Went the camera as Mallow stopped recording and put it away! "Oh I can't wait too show lanathis! I think I might put this up on !" She said to herself as she rushed off to show Lillie! Tonight would be a good night for her!.

Once she got to Lillie's house she plugged the camera into the camera and quickly uploaded in on her account with her other three videos of her doing it with lana and her dad? She smiled as she deleted the browser history and went to bead

the next  Day ash found the pokemon called nebi And he found Out that it likes star candy

 So he and Lillie both went to the store and he said can I have 50 bags of star candy and the cashier said sure  then they went back to Kukui's house And he said there is someone here that wants to talk with you ash and you to Lillie said way would they want to talk with me they went inside  and and Lillie's mom saw her and said how's my baby girl doing she head behind ash and her  mom said what's wrong ash said she does not like it when you call her baby girl so please stop or I will have to take out my legendary pokemon and force you to stop then he told lillie to go up to my loft and you can stay there till you're ready to talk to your mom so she did she stayed there for 5 minutes then she came down and her mom saw her with a pokemon and she said  When did you learn to to touch pokemon  She said it is all thanks to my boyfriend here And her mom said so ash is your boyfriend what legendary pokemon does he have well if you want to see I can show you then he took out entei's pokeball and said entei come on out he did ash said i have to feed my new pokemon that i found today and took out nebi and feed it some star candy they saw him eat some to and said what is that you are eating ash said star candy it is nebi's favorite food than nebi started to cry so ash sang this song to it and it went like this 

Take me back

Where monsters roam

The place that vampires

All call home

Where the werewolves sweetly croon

Under the Transylvanian Moon he got a call from his mom and he answered it like this you got the pokemon master please say way you are calling she said bonnie was missing you he said tell her i well be their in 5 minutes she said ok he asked lillie if she wanted to come to kanto with me for the night and she said yes  he told nebi to take them to kanto  in a flash of light they were gone they got to his house then went inside and told his mom to call bonnie  she did she said what do you need she said i have a surprise for you then  ash came out of the kitchen and bonnie ran to him he picked her up and said how have you been pumpkin she said fine then lillie said how is this ash said my adopted daughter bonnie and bonnie said how is this ash said she is my girlfriend lillie  he said i have to go to the store and took out nebi and said take me to the store and he was gone bonnie said what happened to my dad and lillie said he teleported  Then he came back from the store and said we will be here for the night but then me and Lillie have to go back to alola he got a vision of were Lillie's dad was and went to her and said we well be here for a week because I have a place to go and you can stay in my room tell I get back and he left 2 days later he got to were Lillie's dad was and said do you now this girl he said yes it is my daughter he said she misses you if you won't I can take you to her he said ok then took out nebi and said take us to Pallet Town they were gone he went in and saw that his mom was the only one who was up ash said can my friend come in she said yes he did she said how is he Ash said he is Lillie's long lost dad Ash made breakfast lillie was up ash said lillie I got you a surprise and said now her dad came in Ash said this is your dad then he said I well be out side traning with my Pokemon and left The next day they went back to Alola then told Lusamine that they had a surprise for her and said now he came in she ran and hugged him and said we're did you find him Ash said in Kanto she said thank you and is there anything I can do for you he said I have a few people coming in 2 months and they need a place to stay she said they can stay here Then he asked Lily to marry him and she said yes I well marry you

next chapter
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