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38.66% As a Lucifer in DxD / Chapter 25: Demons Secret- The World Tree

Bab 25: Demons Secret- The World Tree

Third person POV

3 months had passed by since Cain had taken Grayfia on the date in london. After that Grayfia was even more enthusiastic in her work and her devotion towards him also increased. The bond between the three maids had also incresed due to them having something to talk about their lord which is common to all three of them.

In this time period Cain made lot of tours in the demon world and destroyed hundreds of their towns and settlements. But not once had the leaders appeared. He had hoped that they will appear so he can get a good fight but till now the leaders were absent.

Cain had put this time in increasing his arsenal of abilities before he used Darklight only to create chains, weapons and huge spears but he realised he had been only using it superficially.

Darklight can be imbued in pretty much anything. It can be combined with all the elements increasing their abilities to a whole another level. It can be molded in semi liquid form to create pure beams which eradicate everything in it's way.

Currently Cain was in the Demon world testing out the Darklight beam or 'Demonic beam' as he had named it. The poor demons were made into test subjects by Cain. Due to the demons not having any long distance communications, the news of someone destroying their towns is not known by many.

In the hundreds of towns destroyed by Cain only few of them had prepared countermeasure although it hadn't done anything to impede the Lucifer heir.

Cain stood at the east portion of this wall and strched out his palm and started concentrating Darklight in semi liquid form. He created a sphere and tried to launch it as a beam.

He failed "Damn why can't I figure it out."

While Cain was thinking about the reason of his failure the sphere made contact with the wall and detonated.


The entire eastern portion of the wall alongwith half of the town was blown up by that sphere. Two cries of the demons rang out cursing Cain.

"You monster how can you do this?"

"Shut up! I am thinking of something wait there patiently. Jesus, a devil can't even think peacefully what a demonic bastard. "

The sudden retort from Cain made the demon stagger. Cain's word made them think that they were in the wrong.

But he pushed through it and attacked Cain. But Cain simply slapped him making him roll over and die due to his entire skull being fractured.

"I figured it out! I always think light as a wave not something solid or liquid making me miss out on the imagination and devil magic is all about it."

"But light is also a particle so it can have semi liquid state two. Damn I was stuck because of basic physics."

Yes Cain was correct light can behave as a liquid under certain conditions for a fraction of seconds not for long times but the imagination magic of devil kind offsets that problem allowing light to bend and spiral through objects as a liquid.

"This allows me to do so much more. I can now mold Darklight in any way and into anything. Previously I was restricted to solid and sharp edged weapons. The potential of Darklight is limitless."

Cain happy with his increase in skill wasted no time in making use of it. He flew high up in the sky and reached the clouds. He made the clouds full of darklight and made it rain.

The scene that happened was like hellfire started falling from the sky. The Darklight corrupted their thoughts, corroded their skins and sanity making them feel true despair. Truly it was something only a ruler of hell can do.

"Holy shit this is too op of an AOE ability, better not use it on some crowdy area."

Despite masscring millions of demons in the past few months Cain showed no remorse staying true to his devility and showing why his title is Lucifer.

Cain decide to go and destroy more cities today as a celebration of gaining more insight on Darklight when he felt two auras comparable to his own coming towards himself at tremendous speed.

"So the leaders finally decide to see who is the one masscring the demons huh!"

The two demons whi arrived were vastly different than the other demons Cain had seen thus far.

One of the demons had a sickly thin twig like black body with orange lines instead of white and had 6 horns on his head. The clothing was same except that he had a hunger filled insane look in his eyes.

The other one though was a female demon with a voluptuous body with pink lines on it and 4 horns on the head. She had heart shaped eyes and was excluding a very seductive aura.

'Well I know for a fact that the pink is Luxuria.'

"Oye Gula this guy is mine to suck dry don't interfere."

'Hmm so the other one is gluttony I guess.'

"Hey handsome guy wanna have a night with this pretty girl."

"Well I tend to follow a rule of no thots."

With that Cain took out his scythe and swung it towards Luxuria. She managed to dodge the scythe albeit a bit awkwardly. Seeing that Gula said

"You bimbo this guy is the one who is killing the demons. Prepare to teleport us to the sacred tree. He is very strong."

'Looks like the gluttony is going to buy time but too bad I am going this quickly by combining liquid Darkilght with the scythe.'

"You see outsider I eat all the time and store up my energy and when I fight I realese all my energy."

Saying that the demon swelled up to a impressive size towering Cain as to assert dominance but he forgot that Cain has the alpha gene.

(AN:- I didn't what I just wrote just bear with it.)

Cain wanted to test the new power of Darklight so he coated his hands with liquid form of it and punched at the stomach of the demon. What happened surprised both Cain and the demons.

The punch and passed through Gula's stomach like it was paper. The demon king was only able to react when he felt blood coming out of his mouth. Seeing that he felt alarmed, the strength of the outsider is too high.

In reality Cain was at the same level as the other two but Darklight made it seem so that he dwarfed them in power.

Seeing that Luxuria was scared.

'Oh my! This handsome guy I was trying suck is a monster in disguise I need to run away.'

The demon queen activated the magic she was preparing creating a big flash and when the flash disappeared nobody was left there.

Somewhere in the Demon world a huge all encompassing tree stood. Its branches covered the sky and its roots the land. It gave of a red shine and all its leaves where continuously changing its colour between te seven rainbow colors. Its trunk was wide enough that it will take days to circle it even when flying at high speeds.

On the tree hanged a single fruit which looked like a globe. The fruit was of rainbow color and looked like it wasn't ripe yet.

Near the tree three being suddenly appeared out of thin air. One of them had a gaping hole in his stomach while the other was sweating very much and was pale.

On the other hand Cain was doing fine other than being a little disoriented at the forced sudden teleportation. The first thing he felt that

'I can feel my energy increasing passively when staying here. What is this place?'

Cain ignored that and focused on the two demon leaders infront of him. He planned to eliminate them quickly before more of the demon leaders appear making it more difficult for him.

Cain realised all of his aura and created chains of Darklight to bind the demons.

The demons evaded the chains not knowing that it will continue to chase them. Gula already lethally damaged, was caught by the chains making him immobile.

Luxuria was a ranged attacker she created a barrier to temporarily avoid the chains and started to chant a spell.

'These guys need to chant what a useless spell system.'

Cain ignored Luxuria and swung his scythe at Gula. The hole in his stomach combined with Darklight corroding him from both inside and outside made him unable to resist.

Gula's head flew in the sky. Just like that one of the leaders of the Demon world died. The dead body fell near the tree with some of it's blood getting in contact with the roots above the ground.

Three tree shook and its branches opened revealing a hollow inside. Both Cain and Luxuria were surprised. But soon after that a branch from the tree appeared pierced the body of Gula and stated sucking its blood. In a few moments the dead body was shriveled like it had been dead for months.

Luxuria was scared but she steeled herself and went towards the hollow portion but alas she was not a good close combat fighter a branch from the tree cam from behind and pierced her brain directly. This made her fall from her flight.

Instant death and just like before all the blood was sucked by the tree. Cain was now wary of the tree but he also felt that the tree was something special. He hadn't seen any tree like this, he had only heard about the fabled Yggdrasil in the records which was in the Nordic pantheon.

If his hunch was right this was a world tree something capable of creating an entire pantheon if used correctly by the person who has it. 'I need to take it, it is crucial to my future plans.'

Making up his mind Cain also tried to get inside the hollow portion but was met with fierce resistance but he was experienced and knew what to expect he expertly doged the branches and managed to reach inside the tree.

"What a waste I was planning on taming Luxuria and making her the sole leader of this world under my control. But she is dead can't do shit about that."

"But if this really is the world tree then this is far more important than a single world."

Cain was thinking and came at two possibilities

First, the world tree was not known by the demons and they thought of it as just a special tree and this is the first time it absorbed blood like this.Or,

Second the demons knew about the tree and what it is and they did some blood sacrifice to make it grow and create fruits.

Now Cain can just wait till the fruit matures and pluck it and eat it, get a seed from it and plant it in the underworld. That is if the demons don't know about the world tree.

As Cain was thinking about what to do. The tree closed its trunk and went back to normal except the two dead demons lying at the ground near the tree.

Cain was not alarmed he can still travel back using the dimensional gap, instead this provided him a safe house in this world a place where he can come and plan his stuff.

Just a little time later the other 5 leaders appeared near the tree. Cain sensed the other and was surprised that all of them were stronger than him in energy reserves.

'My decision to come inside was good I can't fight these many strong people at once not knowing about their abilities.'

Outside the tree the five demons all were astonished. The one who looked the most calm said in a authoritative tone clearing that he was the leader among the seven demon leaders.

Cain had increased his sense by infusing them with demonic energy to hear whats going on outside.

"Looks like the world fruit is almost ripe."

The demon with 7 horns and violet tattoos said

His statement was affirmed by the others by a sinole nod.

"This time Gula and Luxuria were the sacrifices."

"As the two were leaders no more sacrifices are required right Superbia?"

The demon with 5 horns and green tatoes asked

The reply was "Indeed."

But Cain had other plans he modified his voice using magic to sound old and mysterious and spoke with a booming voice to seem like it was coming from the entire tree.

"Demons I need more sacrifices this much will not do."

All the demons present were startled.

"What the world tree spoke?"

"Has it gained sentience after all this time?:

But Cain spoke again "This time the world fruit is extremely potent it needs more energy to ripe."

Superbia stood still for a moment and did some internal thinking and spoke "Fine. How much demons sacrifice is required."

Cain smirked seeing that the demons had fallen for his trap. Cain continued pressing on his advantage "A lot, keep on sacrificing everyday a towns worth of demons and within a few decades the fruit will be ripened."

"Dont be ridiculous you damn piece of wood. It will make the entire race extinct."

The demon with 3 horns and red tattoos said angrily but Superbia raised his hand "Calm down Invidia. It is possible but what will the fruit do?"

" It will provide unlimited energy and endless potential to whomever gets a bite of it."

Cain was exaggerating the fruit to entice the demons but surprisingly Superbia agreed and said "Every year I will come to check the progress of the ripening If it is not as you speak I will uproot you."

The tone of Superbia was Prideful, not even giving respect to a world tree thought Cain. But Cain continued his charade and said.

"Fine demon you can check it yourself. Now I must conserve my energy. I will only speak on agreed day annually.

Seeing that the negotiations have been completed the demon leader went back and Cain was laughing his ass off inside the tree. Just like this using his wit and demons lack of knowledge he managed to get them to lower there numbers as well as increase the speed of ripening of the world fruit.

Cain also left a branch of the world tree coated in his demonic energy to serve as a beacon as he needed to teleport here from now on. On the other hand he felt that from just staying inside the world tree he got passively stronger. This was due the fact that this world tree was of dark nature.

"With this discovery my way to get stronger and my plans for the underworld became even easier than before."

AN:- Bonus chapter at 150 power stones. After this 3 or 4 chapters and the devil civil war starts.

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