Unduh Aplikasi
1.47% Arknights: Purpose and Will / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Asmodeus Enterprise

Bab 2: Chapter 2: Asmodeus Enterprise

After processing the papers for adoption, Ash looked like he was dead while Emma was hugging him tightly. "So you're our son now Ash, call me mama~" Emma squeezed him and he wondered why Terrans were so strong.

"Ahh, that's impossible isn't it auntie?" Ash replied without any spirit and Adele tapped her mother on the back with a pout. "Mother, can't you see that Ash is getting uncomfortable!?"

"You're going to strangle the boy honey." Hans deadpanned at his wife and Ash yelled in his mind to tell her off. "Yes, I am going to turn blue." Ash sighed and Emma released him begrudgingly.

"Mou, you have to call me mama later okay?" Emma chided him and huffed. He broke into a cold sweat and thought of where is the justice in the world. 'The director just threw me at them. No background checks, he didn't even ask me if I would like to be adopted...'

"We're gonna have a lot of fun Ash, let's get along well okay?" Adele smiled at him sweetly and she was really excited to spend time with him together.

"I guess, well. This is the consequence of my own actions." Ash smiled at Adele, but his lips were twitching. "Very good, I made a good decision. You two will really get along." Emma looked at them softly.

"Adele doesn't have friends, so we're counting on you Ash." Hans put his trust in him and he thought that was quite heavy. "I already promised uncle, don't worry. I'll take good care of Adele." Ash patted her on the head and she closed her eyes, enjoying her head getting stroked softly.

"See, they already have such a good connection with each other. He'll be calling me mama in no time." Emma had a smug look on her face and he groaned.

"Well, let's go back to the house first. Ash, you got everything you need?" Hans asked him to fetch all his belongings from the orphanage and he went to have a talk with the director.

He informed him to get the necessary solution from his company that will prop up soon and he'll take care of the garden in the backyard for now. Carefully taking his equipment in the makeshift shed, Ash went back to the Naumann household.

"Here, this will be your room. Put your belongings there on the table." Hans helped him with his belongings and he raised a brow at its weight. It was dense and heavy, he took a look and found out that a microscope was there.

"A microscope? Are you researching about something Ash?" Hans got intrigued at that, a microscope wasn't cheap after all. And even if he had money now, it was still a huge buy. Especially because of his age where at most, children would buy candy or snacks.

"Yeah, I'm researching about biology. But as you can see, I'm lacking the necessary equipment. I was actually going to turn a part of the warehouse I'll buy as my lab." Ash shrugged, but he quickly changed the plan. If you don't adapt to change, you won't win anything big.

"I see... What branch of biology exactly? Botany?" Hans assumed because he researched about the ideal nutrients needed to grow plants without soil.

"Not really, I'm more interested in genetics, physiology, and anatomy." Ash replied and he thought that with his own operation now, he'll be able to expand more aggressively. Thinking of striking a deal with penguin logistics to be his personal delivery team.

They did a great job in the earlier shipment after all. And he had a feeling that they can handle more cargo.

"Is that so? Then why not just build your own personal lab here? Me and Emma will get the necessary equipment needed for the research in your topic of interests." Hans suggested and Ash nodded with a smile.

"Thank you very much uncle! I'll just wire the money to you once you tell me the price okay? Here's a list of what I need for now." Ash started writing the necessary tools, equipment, and machines for genetic experiments and research.

"This is a lot..." Hans checked it out and wondered how did he advance to that level of knowledge in the field he was researching in.

"For science, right?" Ash smirked at him and Hans got a bit worried about him. He was too smart for his own good, it was eerie. "You sure you don't need any people to teach you unlike Adele, Ash?" Hans thought of making him bond more with his daughter through classes together.

"Uncle, thank you very much for the offer. But I think I'm good, I really like to do it by myself you see? Don't worry, Adele is safe and sound with me. We'll be partners in the future after all." He assured the man.

"Okay, I believe you." Hans nodded at him and could tell that he at least doesn't have any hidden intent for the young Adele. "Oh, if you're talking about a little lesson. Then how about arts and a specialist in Originium?"

Ash thought about it and he has no idea about arts and Originium. If the man is offering, why not accept it gratefully?

"Ohh that huh. A caster is probably difficult... Though Originium specialist can be a bit more manageable." Hans froze for a bit. Majority of casters in Terra were infected. So that's a no go unless a special negative pressure room is needed when they use their arts.

Because Oripathy might spread, the possibility is low. But there is no cure to it, so it was a no brainer to not take the chance at all. While Originium researchers are few and far between. They are either already in a private lab or they're infected by researching Originium by ignoring safety hazards.

"I can send you some papers about Originium. I can't promise the other two." Hans shrugged and Ash deflated a bit. "I guess that would be hard with Oripathy huh?"

"So you already know, I like your guts. That means you probably have a way to prevent being infected?" Hans squinted his eyes and Ash shrugged. "It's still experimental, but I do have something in mind."

Ash smirked and had an idea upon seeing his cells being coated by his energy. Oripathy results in being infused by Originium particles, and it was said that people all over the world has some concentration in their body.

It only exacerbates when the concentration gets too high, like heavy metal poisoning. So he thought of a material that was similar to bags that were used for dry aging. A semi permeable membrane that will block Originium particles.

But it was still breathable and it will stick to the skin of the person who is using it. Like a thin hazmat suit, though he needed to have a bit more proficiency in arts or his energy manipulation to create it.

"Interesting, that will be really good you know? Every government in the world will gobble it up. And it might even ease the tension between infected and non-infected. Catastrophes and Originium rich areas can be investigated more with that kind of tool too." Hans thought about its uses and was amazed that he could even think of a way to at least stop infections.

"That's right, pretty neat right? But it's in the back burner for now, unless I learn more about Originium and other things." He shrugged and Hans sighed. "Alright, I'll get the equipment faster." Hans snorted as Ash was indirectly rushing him.

"Thanks uncle, I think we'll have a really nice dynamic." Ash waved him goodbye and Hans rolled his eyes, leaving him to his own devices.

"Now, now... There's a pretty large basement in this house. I guess I can make a sturdy training room to test more dangerous things. And my lab would be at the basement too. At least the authorities won't be able to see it. They might have too many questions." Ash was pleased with his new home.

"Hey, Ash. How are you liking your room?" Adele dropped by and she smiled sweetly at him. "Pretty good, pretty good. I think I'm going to enjoy it here, though I won't call auntie Emma mom though. I'm already too old for that." He shrugged and Adele chuckled.

"Sorry about mom, she's a bit too spirited sometimes. Maybe she just found you cute? Or exotic? Your black sclera and eyes are really unique after all." Adele observed him for something that her mother might find pleasing.

"Well, we've all got eccentric traits. I won't fault your mom for it." Ash winced as he remembered her hugging him with a bear hug back when the director approved the adoption.

"Then let's go have dinner? It's probably done by now." Adele pulled him towards the dining room and they had a pretty rambunctious supper.


After contacting the builders that will get his new warehouse up and running for the mass production of crops. Ash decided to send another letter to penguin logistics and strike up a pretty large deal.

Penguin logistics were pretty new in the business too, so it will be a big help for their company. So Ash thought that their boss would at least meet up with him in Leithanien because they already had experience in shipping his products to Victoria.

"Now, I guess I should continue my routine for now?" He went to the abandoned part of the city in order to practice his arts and energy manipulation again.

Nowadays, he could feel some particulate matter in the air. And when he first felt it, he pulled some energy from it and it was quite strong. Making him confirm that it was most likely micro Originium that was floating in the air.

He was sure that was the reason that all people in the world have at least a little of Originium particulate matter in their bloodstream. Like plastics breaking down in the ocean and resulting in microplastic being found in the water.

But it was basically harmless. Though in his case, he could manipulate arts from out of nowhere without an arts unit. It can be a pretty nice surprise for would be attackers.

"Let me check if I can at least absorb the energy of Originium. It might be higher tier than normal energy in the surroundings." Ash concentrated and pulled the energy from micro Originium in the air.

But when it entered his body, it resulted in a throbbing pain in his chest. "F-fuck. That's not good." He clutched his chest and saw a sudden rise in his energy. But there was just one problem, absorbing it hurts like a bitch.

"W-why? Other types don't really have an effect, but arts really suck ass." He breathed deeply and the pain was starting to subside. It wasn't a feasible option of recharging himself if it hurt that badly.

"Is it compatibility? Or just the natural effect of the energy needed to use arts?" He checked his body for Originium particles just to be sure. But it didn't really infect him, leading him to believe that Oripathy comes from pure Originium poisoning. But people's deaths might be because of the energy in the mineral.

"And when they use arts extensively, they get stronger with more progression of the oripathy. This needs more research later." Ash pieced it together and theorized that the mineral isn't the problem. The energy inside them that leads to enhanced arts is the real cause of fatalities.

A lot of people aren't resistant to it too. There are reports that only a minor part of the infected populace has good originium adaptability. "I guess I need to find a test subject that has high resistance to it. I think that mine is crap." He frowned and bumped it up in his mental list.

While he was trying to be a masochist and absorb bits and pieces of magic which he calls from originium. He received a message from Adele. "Sweet, my equipment just arrived?" He ran towards the house immediately.

He thought of increasing the capabilities of his physical body with his serum that is still half complete. Maybe it would give him more resistance to originium.

Arriving at the house, he was panting and sweating. "Is it here? Where is it Adele?" He saw his cute friend with goat horns waiting for him at the front door of the house.

"Mom and dad let the deliverers install it in the basement, it's fully functional now. I messaged you when it was done." She chuckled and he smiled. "You know me too well, I would have been disappointed if I had to wait for hours before it's functional."

"Yeah, I'm your best friend after all." She had a smug smile on her face and he just agreed, praising her for her greatness.

"Ready?" Adele asked him and she opened the door when he nodded. He was pleased with what he saw next because it looked like a really high tech lab. Though he frowned when he remembered that he was in debt right now to Hans and Emma.

Because the equipment he needed were far more expensive than he thought. "It's okay, I'll earn it quickly when penguin logistics strike a deal with me." He breathed in deeply and calmed himself.

"Like it?" He heard Emma from behind and he nodded. "Very much so." He smiled at the new and fresh equipment. Unlike the lab he worked for earlier which didn't want to replace them yet.

Now he understood why, because these machines and other crap cost an arm and a leg. "Emma expedited the delivery of these you know? Gonna cost you extra, accompanied by the installment." Hans chuckled at his frown.

"Thanks auntie, uncle." Ash nodded at them and he was already expecting it, but Emma still caught him with a bear hug and he cursed his slowness.

"All for you sweetie, you don't need to pay us back if you call me mama~" Emma whispered to him like the devil. Giving him a sweet deal that he won't need to be in debt. "Thank you for the offer auntie, but I will pay you back as promised."

Ash smiled as his eyes twitched, holding strong against the temptation. "Too bad Emma, I guess he resisted your little scheme." Hans chuckled with Adele and Emma clicked her tongue.

"It's just two syllables, why are you so against it?" Emma pouted at him and Ash sighed. "Please spare me from your antics auntie, I'll give you a hug though." He compromised and hugged her softly.

"Un, that would be enough." Emma relented and they left him alone to play with his new lab. "Hey, what are you going to research about Ash?" Adele looked at the equipment curiously.

"I'm going to make myself really strong, be immune to originium." He smiled and Adele was shocked. "Really? But people have been researching about it for years. It will be really difficult you know?"

He smirked at her and snorted. "Humans need challenge to grow Adele. That's how they have stayed alive to this day. Even though infection is rampant, catastrophes destroy the lands. And everything except the mega cities is bleak. They still continue on, I'm sure there are people out there that brave the wilderness like chads."

"Hmm, statistically. That is correct, there's a non zero chance that people are out there that aren't in the mega cities at all." Adele thought about it and she had an idea.

"I know what I'm gonna research about Ash!" She gave a beaming smile. "Hmm? What is it? Sure did put you in a good mood."

"I want to research about catastrophes, how to predict them, how to know what disaster would come, and hopefully. How to stop them entirely in their tracks." Adele thought that would be her field of expertise.

"Isn't your field even harder than mine?" He chuckled and she agreed. "But as you said, challenges are what would help us to grow. I guess we both aim high?" Adele laughed and he snorted.

"I guess I'm rubbing off on you? That's a great goal Adele, I actually have no idea if that's possible. And thinking of just tackling it and specializing in that is admirable." He patted her head and she gigled.

"Of course, I'm gonna be the best researcher that the whole world will know my name." She announced confidently with a cute guts pose. "I'm sure they would." He smiled and she pouted at him.

"You sound like you don't believe me?" Adele glared at him and he shrugged. "I do, I do. But I'm just feeling bad, because I'll be well known first before you." He teased her and she started to chase him around.


A few weeks after he received his equipment, he was starting to make progress again in his serum. And he skipped to using his own cells for the experiments.

"Ugh, damn it. My cells are really resistant to the treatments..." Ash ruffled his hair due to frustration.

He researched about what kind of race he was in Terra. But the closest thing he found that could describe him is that he was a Sarkaz.

The quintessential demon race of Terra. But there was a problem, he wasn't like them at all. First of all, his unique eyes weren't seen in any recorded Sarkaz.

Second, his horn that's starting to grow doesn't match with Sarkaz horns which are symmetrical.

His other horn started on his cheek and crawled up to his forehead. And it was beginning to grow, it was shorter than the one on the left.

Ash then discovered another race with horns, the Oni. But he was still too unique, his body would glow whenever he used arts. The long horn on his left forehead would pulse like it was alive and the right one leaked orange energy like it was ethereal.

He then read about the special races. The normal ones were called ancients, but the rare ones were better, stronger, faster, more durable. Than the ancients by a large margin.

It was the race that were the ruling monarchs of Terra before they relinquished it to the ancients, the elders.

And he suspected that he was one. A pretty powerful one too, because if he really is of an elder race that's related to the Sarkaz or Oni.

He'd be a demon of the highest caliber in Terra. And he has to hide his use of arts carefully. Because people might suspect that he was of the elder race.

"Ahhh! I guess life never would make things easier." Ash yelled, annoyed at the special make up of his body.

He was sure that at least he would be able to increase his ATP production and have large amounts of stamina like his trials in mice cells. But it also failed and didn't work on him at all.

"Hah, I'm frustrated and annoyed. Let's make more money." Ash found out that music is really popular in Leithanien.

They actually combine arts with music and they're obsessed with it just like the country's German inspiration. "Though they're not obsessed with bread. I think that's a much better choice."

Ash thought of the music from his old world and chose a suitable classical musician, someone German of course, Beethoven.

So he went out of his lab and noticed it was almost lunch time. "I guess I can cook some curry for Adele, auntie and uncle are away as usual for work."

He made his way to the kitchen and greeted the maids and cooks. "I'm going to test something, I'll make a meal for myself and Adele, okay?"

Taking out a Ziploc bag from his pocket, it was a spice mix for curry that he painstakingly recreated for ease of use.

Curry was versatile, any meat can be used for it. You can add tons of vegetables to it for extra vitamins and minerals. It was especially flavorful and had an appetizing aroma.

In his freaky super efficient mind, it was the ultimate meal to get your macro and micronutrients.

After cooking some curry, he served it himself at their dining table and Adele was already drooling at her seat.

"Ash, what was that? It smells unique, but also really appetizing!" Adele was waiting impatiently and he chuckled.

"That dear, is curry. And it goes really well, with hot rice that's just been cooked." He also cooked some rice from his indoor farm.

Adele's eyes shone when she saw the brown curry and the white rice that were half and half on the plate.

"Eat some, it's beef curry." Ash smiled at her and started eating his meal quickly. He was a growing boy after all.

And he noticed that the amount of food he was eating was at least 20 percent of his body weight. It was absurd, his body is a furnace that burns through calories even when the only exercise he does is some radio calisthenics.

He watched Adele eat really well and he had an unconscious smile on his face. "Like it?"

The girl nodded at him with a beaming smile and he was satisfied with that. "Adele, we have instruments in the house right?"

Ash asked to be sure, but majority of upper class families like the Naumann was sure to have some musical instruments.

"Un, we mainly have strings and a percussion." Adele informed him and was curious on what he was planning with them.

"So violas, violins, guitars and the like. And the percussion one is a piano?" He deduced the string instrument family and she nodded with a smile.

"Correct, you really are smart aren't you? Is your brain analyzing every piece of information that gets in it?" She raised a brow at how his mind works.

"It's a habit, and if you're curious on what I'm gonna do about them. I'm having trouble in my research, so I decided to make more money. Rob the upper and middle class of their sweet Lungmen dollars." Ash nodded sagely.

Having too much money isn't a problem, especially in a place like Terra. Money makes the world go round. And there are tons of mercenaries and companies in the world that would like the handsome pay.

"Really? You can even play instruments? I'm good at the violin, but that's about it." Adele remembered her playing the violin.

"Ohh? Then you'd have to show me later. I'm going to compose something, then sell it to everyone. I assure you, we'll be rich. The Naumann will be the capitalist overlords of Leithanien."

The girl just chuckled at his antics, but she didn't know that he was dead serious. Leithanien would be the first country in his control.

He was quickly pulled by Adele into the music room and she excitedly wanted to see how he would play.

Picking the versatile piano, he began with that and played moonlight sonata because it was one of the pieces of Beethoven that he has memorized.

His memory wasn't eidetic and perfectly photographic. But he does have a ridiculously good one.

"Wow... Is that one of your compositions? That will surely be popular here in Leithanien..." Adele had stars in her eyes and was looking forward to his other works.

"It's just a hobby Adele. Though a very profitable hobby that is. We'll take in their LMD like stealing candy from a baby." He made a money sign and Adele nodded.

"Un, let's be capitalist overlords." She smiled at him and remembered his words earlier. The girl hasn't of course studied politics and economy. So she didn't know what that means.

He smiled wryly and thought that he should be careful on what he says when together with her. It would probably stick with her and it would be an unconscious mannerism.

Ash then first perfected his skills with the instrument and would record the performance later.

He had a meeting with some top dogs in penguin logistics after all.


"Texas, do you really think this meeting will be beneficial to penguin logistics?" A penguin that was wearing hip hop themed clothes and was carrying a handgun like a thug questioned his subordinate. (pic)

"We got the report from the agent we sent here a few weeks ago boss. This client is a genius mastermind that penguin logistics won't be able to beat." A thin woman with wolf ears and a tail, a Lupo. Replied with seriousness and steel in her voice. (pic)

"Hoh? What's crackin'? Is this individual really a god in cookin'? Then we should meet and greet the playah, let him cook and be good fellas." The penguin started rapping.

"Boss emperor... You should take this seriously. He's just a kid, but he's already manipulating the market and reliance of Leithanien towards his product." Texas chided her boss.

"How bad can it be? Come on and let's see. What this kid is made out of and hear his plea." Emperor excitedly waddled to the meeting place.

Texas face palmed and was questioning her life choices. "Fine, if this is a trap. Don't blame me for abandoning you. You're immortal anyways."

They arrived at a peaceful and elegant cafe and Texas asked for their potential business partner.

"Miss Texas and Mister Emperor? Asmodeus is waiting for you in his private booth, please follow me." The receptionist walked in front of them and the two followed.

With Texas sniffing the air carefully and her ears twitching from time to time. Checking if there are any traps of the sort.

The receptionist arrived at the private room and opened the door. With Texas and Emperor seeing a young child that had his eyes closed wait for them.

"Well met, Texas, Emperor. Thank you for coming all the way here from Lungmen. It must have been quite the journey." Ash opened his eyes and smiled at them.

'This kid's not normal...' Emperor just stared at him through his shades and could feel something off.

"Yes, nice to meet you too. So you called us out here because you have quote. *A delicious offer that PL will very much like to accept.*" Texas raised a brow.

She was also ready to draw her sword at any second and use her arts. Asmodeus just had that look in his beautiful, but scary eyes that he's analyzing you like you were data. A set of information for him to understand.

And it made Texas' skin crawl. The Lupo woman was once a mafioso, Asmodeus reminded her of the mafia godmother who wiped out the Texas clan in Siracusa because of their attempt in a rebellion.

"Yes, as you know. Penguin logistics has already worked with me before, what I would like to do next. Is for your company to deliver for me in all corners of the world." Ash smirked, it was imperative to have a tight grip on the governments.

Terra's political climate was highly unstable. And he would also like to support Adele in trying to stop catastrophes, thus, infections and oripathy. Infected are ostracized from the public. They very much live in poverty and high crime rate areas.

Providing cheap or even free food for them will not only increase lifespans, it would decrease infection rates that will continue the cycle of hate between the two groups. The non-infected and infected.

Stabilizing the political unrest to at least just small tension where the government wants to leave the infected along would be ideal in order for him to continue his research with Adele in peace.

"Deliver produce all over the world huh? You do know that's quite impossible?" Emperor shook his head. The mega cities around the globe roam around regularly, the deliverers and couriers will need to roam around to find them and perishables will wilt and rot.

"Well, don't count it out. You can still continue delivering my products to nearby countries like Siracusa, Victoria, Laterano, and Kazdel. And because your HQ is in Lungmen. You can deliver to Yan and Ursus easily." Asmodeus smirked.

Leithanien was basically at the center of the mega continent they were on. Only the country of Victoria is more in the center as their neighbor.

Victoria, the Britain of Terra, Laterano, was like the US. But not because it's a melting pot of culture or anything. They just really love guns, their locals were angels with guns. Kazdel is an unstable country where Sarkaz, the quintessential demons live.

Ursus is basically Russia, and true to its commie inspiration. The infected there were treated harshly like they were gay. And Russia is really allergic to the gay. So he hoped that if penguin logistics penetrate Ursus through Lungmen, he will receive overwhelming support to his company.

And governments can't complain. Even if they stipulate that he is supporting the infected with his cheap prices. They will never be able to fault him, because everyone can buy it at that price. And he already requested penguin logistics to drop off the first shipments near the infected so the government can't snatch it away from them.

"Tch, commie bastards." They heard him grumble and the two raised a brow at him. "Ahem, so about the other places that are far away. Because my products are perishable right?" Ash smiled at them and he was about to show them a game changer.

He slid over some blueprints towards them. Emperor and Texas skimmed through it a bit before they furrowed their brows immediately. "Helicopters?" The two were shocked.

"Umu, this is still in the works. But this is the next step for Asmodeus enterprise. This, is the Chinook. Max take off weight from the ground is 20 tons, a heavy lift helicopter that can travel 300 miles per hour." Ash had a calm and confident smile on his face.

"Won't this use up tons of originium for fuel? How are you going to make a profit from this?" Emperor was having doubts. He'll be operating at a loss, and he doesn't look like the type to do it at the goodness of his heart.

"Well, who says it uses originium as fuel?" He had a smug smirk on his face and the two were confused. He was already developing a suitable biofuel that is much more efficient than normal aviation fuel used on planes and choppers.

Terra seemed to be at an era that is in ww1 of his previous world. Meaning there are tons of food waste still that comes from the middle class to upper class areas. Especially in Leithanien, in which there are a lot of rich snobs.

And with increased food supply because of him, there are even more. Disguising his company as a disposal one too that specializes in food wastes. He can turn it into fuel at massive quantities, especially with the help of his energy manipulation.

"So... You would be loaning us these helicopters... That can carry at least twenty tons of cargo, that can fly at 300 miles per hour?" Texas was incredibly suspicious of that. The chopper that he'll be loaning to them is going to be extremely valuable.

For example, in war. These things could help in logistics massively. Troops can be loaded in it and dropped off at places with extreme efficiency. Texas feels like they're making a deal with the devil.

"Why so anxious big sis Texas? It's basically free real estate, no?" Ash smirked and she gulped anxiously. Emperor had ties with some big wigs in a lot of places, because Asmodeus managed to dig up some information on them in his research.

Many years ago, centuries even. A penguin was once a really popular musician in Leithanien. And with just a little bit of piecing and mental math. He made a hypothesis that the boss of penguin logistics is most likely a long lived species.

And if that penguin was out there, creating a company for commerce. And as well travelled as that musician in Leithanien years ago. That individual would have tons of connections. Not to mention that he also heard of monster siren records.

It was based in Columbia with the main producer being a penguin as rumors. The country was also a US inspired country that basically confirmed it in Asmodeus' mind. Right at first sight, it is already a done deal. The thug penguin, Emperor. Is the birdie he was just looking for.

He got them in their sights and they were offered something that they simply cannot refuse with how profitable it was. But Emperor was apprehensive of course. If Asmodeus enterprise strikes this deal with PL. Then they would be very, very reliant on his heavy lift choppers.

"How do we know that it won't result in you just using penguin logistics as your scapegoat when something goes awry? This is basically using us to do the heavy lifting and we can't refuse because on paper, it's so easy and convenient." Emperor stated with suspicion in his voice.

"Oh, Emperor. You truly wound me. How can such an innocent young kid like me with hopes and dreams for world peace plot schemes like that against you?" Asmodeus wistfully mused and Texas' eyes twitched.

'Innocent? You're definitely a mastermind that is really dangerous to have business with.' Texas squinted her eyes. "Well, jokes aside. That's pretty easy Emperor, because I want to have business with you. I like your little saying, you can deliver anything everywhere." He shrugged.

"If you don't want to, I can contact the mafioso of Siracusa you know? They'd gobble this up so easily, isn't that right? Big sis Texas? They have more connections, more political power, more influence. But I like penguin logistics, that's all. And there's no doubt that Asmodeus enterprise will be a hegemony that no nation could oppose in time." Ash interlaced his fingers together and smiled.

"So you can either leave now and be left in the dust forever. Or accept and ride the tsunami that my company would create. It's already set in stone, Victoria has been accepting tons of produce from us. And the others would want a piece of the pie soon. Leithanien's food supply is already in the palm of my hands." Ash chuckled and the two winced.

When they arrived in Leithanien, they checked out the market and his produce dominated everything. The agricultural backlash was handled by the overseers of Leithanien and accepted his reasoning that it would lead to economic prosperity if all are full. With promises of taxes when he goes international as well.

"With a snap of my fingers, Leithanien's populace would starve to death just like that." Ash snapped his fingers and Texas broke into a cold sweat. 'This kid is already a looming shadow all throughout Leithanien...'

Texas got nervous and she couldn't help but take some pocky from her pocket because she was trying to stop smoking. He's got an iron grip on Leithanien already and he was just a teen.

"Is that a threat?" Emperor won't back down though and Ash shook his head. "No, I just think that working with a cool penguin is interesting. Can't you feel it? I really want to work with you guys." Ash laughed and Emperor sighed.

In his thousands of years of existence, he could tell that was really what he wanted. He was a supervillain sure, but without malicious intent. Because in their research, his company tend to give a lot to the infected.

And there were no reports of taking advantage of their gratitude too from the spies they sent before going. There's no holes on him, on paper. Ash was a child genius that helped Leithanien tremendously with dirt cheap, high quality food.

But Emperor and Texas now knew that he was a capitalist overlord that is quickly tightening his grip towards other countries with them as his conduit. Emperor then laughed and Texas looked at her boss with a meaningful look.

"You know what, I like you too. Someone that helps infected is bound to be a necessary thing here. Just one more thing, what do you really want?" Emperor was interested in his goal.

"I want to research in peace, the politics all over the world is too troublesome. So I'll just have a tight noose on them and they'll all realize it a bit too late. Then I'll become basically untouchable, I just want to research originium and arts in peace after all." Ash shrugged.

"Guhaha! You don't do things half-assed that's for sure. Okay, let's sign the contract." Emperor nodded at him and Ash let them read the contract and its clauses.

Texas and Emperor approving, the penguin co-signed with him and it was basically done now. With Ash going to build the choppers in Leithania himself by abusing his telekinesis and energy manipulation to weld metal perfectly.

Penguin logistics will fetch them later and just continue their delivery operations for now in the nearby countries.

"Nice doing business with you, Emperor, big sis Texas. Call me if you need something okay? I'm a bit of a scientist myself so I might be able to make something useful." Ash waved them goodbye.

"Boss... That kid's terrifying, he's most likely similar to you guys." Texas insinuated that he was a special breed and Emperor nodded. "For millennia, I haven't seen an Oni or Sarkaz that looks like that. He must be an elder, so he's not only fucking smart as hell, he'll be super powerful too."

"Based on your experience, to what extent?" Texas curiously asked and sighed, eating another pocky from the stressful encounter. "I have no idea, he's still a kid. But he said he's researching arts right? With his intellect and drive... He'll most likely go much farther than the witch king."

Texas went wide eyed and gasped. "Even more so than the greatest arts user in recorded history?" She was simply dumbfounded. "Yeah, that kid has a similar feel to the Feranmuts. The gods of Yan from ancient times."


After having a meeting with Emperor and Texas, Ash was back at the Naumann household and he sat on the couch. "Hah, being a villainous overlord is tiring. I can't lose my way, I need to focus more on my research."

While he was relaxing on the couch, Adele appeared and hugged him from behind. "Ash, did the deal go well?" He told her that he'll meet with the top of penguin logistics for a deal.

"Yeah, come here. How about you? Enjoy your lessons?" Ash lifted her up and sat her between his legs, patting her head for some healing.

"Un, it was pretty informative. I believe I'm getting closer and closer to the level of my parents. And then I'll surpass them of course, I'll be the best catastrophe researcher in existence." Adele looked at him with childish confidence.

"Of course, you have to aim high. The sky is the limit." Ash patted her head again and she giggled while she closed her eyes.

"What do you want for dinner? Want to have some hotpot?" Ash was getting hungry and hotpot is another one of his perfect dishes that can be filled with everything the body needs while being easy and convenient.

"Sure, I love your hotpot. Mom and dad are going to go home tonight, let's surprise them with it." Adele suggested and they patiently waited for Emma and Hans.

And after a few hours, with Ash enriching the soup as he ate some beef while dipping it inside. The couple arrived and they were exhausted of course, researchers always have chronic sleep deprivation and exhaustion.

"Hmm? What's that smell?" Emma smelled the spices and meaty smell from the hotpot. "It seems the kids waited for us." Hans had a slight smile on his face and they went to the dining room.

"Mom, dad, come on! What're you waiting for, this is Ash's special hotpot you know?" Adele pulled them to have a seat and Ash prepared a bowl of rice for them and started cooking up the ingredients.

"Have a meal before you sleep auntie, uncle. This is a celebration from us you know? My company's going to go international after all." Ash had a smug look on his face.

Emma would bear hug him for the cute smugness wafting off him. But she was too tired and hungry, the couple slowly eating their meal.

"Thanks kids, it was very good." Hans thanked them and Emma gave them a weak smile. "Go on and sleep, you're gonna need it." Ash sighed and thought of his previous life.

'So this is how I was back then? Not really a surprise that I croaked from my sleep.' He raised his hands and gave them a boost by physically augmenting them with energy. Ash then nodded, thinking they would be fully refreshed when they wake up later.

Adele yawned and she too was sleepy after eating. "I'll talk to them tomorrow about my studies." She had a longing look on her face and Ash thought this was exactly the reason why other people will be a hindrance to your goals.

But he can't seem to hate it, he started to understand that someone waiting for you and spending time with them is pleasant. Another complex human being that you respect or like being in your vicinity even if they're occupied by something has a reassuring feeling to it.

"Come on Adele, let's get you to bed." Ash patted her head and held her hand, leading the sleepy girl with a dopy face on right now to her bedroom.

"Goodnight Ash, see you tomorrow~" Adele yawned one last time and entered her room. "Yeah, see you again tomorrow." He smiled at her and he was in deep thought as he took a bath and plopped down to his bed.

"Is this what the voice mentioned? Am I enjoying my life? It is pretty fun to see Adele continue with her studies and watch her grow up. Auntie, even though she's annoyingly clingy isn't unpleasant. Uncle's a pretty chill dude. I guess I don't mind about being in the Naumann household." He smiled and closed his eyes.


With his contract and partnership to penguin logistics, Ash didn't really have to think of both money and the business. With his choppers built, and a shit ton of fuel in storage at couple of warehouses.

Ash had the peace of mind to continue his more annoying work, how to manipulate his body to be at the peak of physical athleticism and strength.

"Hmmm, I'm not having any results still. Maybe I should look at this in another way?" Ash thought of originium. Due to his guess that he's an elder, he thought of using originium for his experiments.

And with penguin logistics living up to their motto, they were able to get him some originite prime. Pure specimens of originium that is like enriched uranium. Super energetic and dangerous to the people.

"Hmm, good thing I was able to make this." After extensive research, Ash was able to make a skin tight membrane that keeps out originium with a sturdy carbon nanotube base that catches particulate matter in the nanometer level.

It was extremely troublesome to make for now and expensive as well. Because he doesn't have a machine to automate it. So he was creating it by hand, making the material, then manipulating it with his powers in order to create a suit that prevents particulate in getting to him.

"Okay, let's test this then." Ash now suited up and ready to roll, he opened up a thick case made of metal and laid eyes on the originite prime that was inside. Carefully taking a small sample of it, he infused it to a group of his cells and observed the changes.

"Huh, so it really acts like heavy metal poisoning huh?" He was eagerly watching his first experiment with originium through his microscope.

His cells were undergoing apoptosis, programmed cell death from the intense poisoning from the material. So it was concluded that it is highly toxic. "Okay, next... What are the effects of its energy?"

The base originite prime was his control in the experiment. And it was time to be a bit more adventurous, so with concentration. He took out the energy from a fresh piece of originite.

And in front of him were two new samples of his cells. One got infused by the spent originite, while the other was given the energy that was extracted.

"As expected... magic from originite disrupts cellular function leading to cell death. While the material itself just causes damage and it is plain heavy metal poisoning akin to lead or mercury." Ash quickly wrote his findings and was happy that he was correct in his assumption.

"So next is, how will I be able to use this? A conduit like a wand is lame, I'm not a wizard. But I don't know how to use weapons too, what to do..." Ash was thinking of using arts to its full potential.

It is the best source of energy in the world, it was simply too efficient for him like there was a lock on other sources to nerf his power. "Should I go at it like an idiot and just continue to build a resistance to it?"

He looked at a file in his computer called project endure and it was a success. But it took too much time and effort, not to mention the pain. And he has to ramp it up bit by bit. He has no courage to try absorbing energy from originite prime right now. Especially when he saw how fast his cells died to it.

"Hah, it's called project endure for a reason. I can't even deaden my nerves, it still hurts while my nerves are numb." He sighed heavily and carried a piece of originite prime while encasing it in his anti-oripathy membrane.

Gritting his teeth and immediately regretting it already, he felt like his body was burning from the corrosive energy of originium that was akin to searing his soul.

"Ugh, this is gonna suck." He groaned on the couch at the living room and Adele saw him being lethargic. "Are you sick Ash? What's wrong?" Adele looked at him with worry and thought he must be ill.

"Not really Adele, just a bit under the weather you know?" He forced a smile on his face. "You've got to take care of yourself you know? Mom and dad will scold you if you get sick. They even told you to be the man of the house while they're on an expedition."

Adele chided him and he snorted. "I am doing my job, even if their money doesn't come anymore. I can provide for us without any worries. My bank account is swimming in LMD." Ash groaned again from the pain. It was like acid was flowing in his veins.

"Are you sure? I don't need to take you to the hospital?" Adele patted him all over to check for what's wrong. "No, no. I'm fine, just let me rest for a bit yeah?"

Adele decided it was time for her to be the big sister after learning that she was a year older than him. Patting his head, he put it on her lap and started humming.

"Hmmm, that feels kinda nice." Ash mumbled and closed his eyes in order to relax. Adele smiled at him, thinking it was a pretty rare time in which he was vulnerable.

Checking out his horns that have grown spectacularly, she poked it and was quite intrigued at what was with their soft glow whenever she catches him asleep. (pic)

She was also starting to get drowsy, Ash was leaking a relaxing aura subconsciously with his powers because he was having his masochistic training to gain more energy for magic.

"I guess I was being a bit too enthusiastic in reading about catastrophes and its environmental effects." Adele yawned and she relaxed, leaning onto the couch. Her eyes closing while Asmodeus was on her lap.


Thank you for reading everyone, ciao.

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