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37.7% Apprehension: Part Two / Chapter 23: Virgin White

Bab 23: Virgin White

Alex led Allie to his truck. She stumbled slightly, so he picked her up, cradled him in her arms, and walked her the rest of the way.

She buried her face into his neck, taking in his scent. "You are and have always been such a gentleman, Alexander Alvarez, and didn't you do this the last time we left this bar? And I was a little wobbly, and why did we break up?"

"Because you didn't want me to be a mall cop," he said.

"Oh yeah, that's right."

He helped her into his truck.

"Oh, you got a new truck. I like it."

"Well, it has been a while since you've taken a ride with me," he said.

"Oh, I think I am definitely taking more than one ride with you this evening," she muttered.

He smiled. Even though Allie thought she was talking at a reasonable tone, she wasn't.

"What is this?"

"It's a truck."

"I see you still aren't funny," she said with a smile.

"It is a Silverado 1500. I call the color virgin white."

"HAHA! You in a virgin white truck would be like me wearing a white wedding dress," she said.

"It doesn't matter because you will never wear a wedding dress."


They began to drive back to his house.

"How can you afford such a nice ride? I still have my Malibu. Twenty-four more payments, and it's all mine."

She blew a raspberry.

He smiled and let out a small laugh. "I got my rank back. I got my money back. I just wish I got you back."

She started playing with her fingers. She spoke softly.

"You know Alex, it wasn't that terrible when I found the ring," she said. "I did stay for eight glorious months afterward."

"Happiest time of my life. Except for the first day I met you," he asked.

Allie looked at him. His thick, dark eyebrows curtained his hooded, downturned-shaped, dark brown eyes. They were highly seductive. His nose was perfect, his lips supple. The top lip was slightly larger than the bottom. His five o'clock shadow had started to grow in. He boasted large biceps and muscular forearms. She could see his veins popping as he gripped the wheel. He was beautiful and exotic.

"You know Alex, you are looking pretty tasty nowadays," she said.

She saw the pink rush to his light brown-skinned cheeks.

"You are not looking too bad nowadays either, Cara Mia."

"We would have made some hella cute babies, ya know."

He didn't know what to say. So many things ran through his mind.

"You're right. We would have."

"If we could have," she said.

"Would you have?"

"It would have taken a miracle, and we both know my take on miracles."

Alex said nothing. Better to just drop the conversation.

"How long has it been, Alex? How long since we were forced apart?" she asked.

"It has been two years, six months, and eighteen days," he said.

"Yeah, but who's counting." She pursed her lips, and he saw a smile in her eyes.

He laughed. "I just made that up. But it has been close to two and a half years. Two and a half excruciatingly long years. Truth is, he had been counting.

"Wow, has it been that long?"

"Yes, it has. Trust me, I remember every day since that last morning we kissed goodbye in my driveway. If I hadn't lost my rank, I would be a sergeant by now, and we could be together. I wish they just took my FTO. I wish Gilmore kept her—"

He stopped short.

"If Gilmore kept her, what? What does she have to do with… Son. Of. A. Bitch. It was fucking Gilmore? Gilmore is who turned us in? Why? Why did she do that?"

Alex could see how her anger was building.

"Cara Mia, it's the past. It doesn't matter now. What's done is done," he said. "We can never get that back."

"Alex. She ruined our lives. Why?"

He took a deep breath.

"You have to promise me you won't kill her."

"Of course, I won't kill her," she said.

"Let me rephrase. You have to promise me you won't lay a finger on her. You won't even lay eyes on her."

"Damn it. Fine. I won't do anything to her."

"She wanted my job."

"I'm sorry. What do you mean she wanted your job?" Allie asked.

"She thought that if she turned me in, I would lose my FTO, and she would take my place. She never expected me to lose my rank and then be given the choice to resign my FTO."

"Well, now I'm glad you didn't give it up. What a fucking bitch. She single-handedly destroyed our lives and our future. I am just supposed to let it go?"

"Yes, Elsa. Let it go," he said. "What has been done can not be undone."

"I can undo her ability to walk."

He took in a deep breath. "What would our future have been like, Cara Mia? Where did you see us going?"

"To the chapel, and we're going to get married," she sang. "Seriously, by now, we would have been married. No kids, but married, but maybe kids. We would have made the cutest babies."

"So you really would have married me? If we just had more time together?"

"I would have even worn the white dress."

"OK. You can kill her if you want to," Alex said, laughing.

"That first day we met, do you remember what I did when we were driving home together?" she asked.

"How can I forget? I think about that very often."

She unbuckled her seat belt and leaned over. She undid his button and took down his zipper. He lifted his hips upward so she could slide his jeans down just enough to release his erection.

"Allie, I am not sure this is a clever idea. I haven't had a blow job on the go in a long time."

"Well, that's disappointing for you. Does that mean you think I should stop?" she asked.

"I mean, it would only be fair since I just licked you clean in the bar, right?"

"As great as that was, I am going to do a far better job on you."

"I DON'T mind if you do, not that I like hearing I did a subpar job," he asked.

"Oh, you didn't do a subpar job, but one of us has to be better than the other one, and I want it to be me."

"Well, I don't mind if you are as long as I get another try."

He moved the steering wheel to its highest position, and she put her head in his lap.

"OK, Alex prepared to be drained. You'll be lucky if you can step out of this truck when I'm done because I'm about to make your knees weak," she said.

She licked the underside of him right under the head. She teased him with slow licks up and down the shaft for several seconds. She finally put her mouth around his head and started to suck, slowly bobbing her head gently. She could hear his breathing getting heavier, and she knew he was deeply enjoying himself. He gently put his hand on the back of her head.

She stopped for just a second.

"Alex, when you feel close to coming, don't worry, I'll just swallow."

The simple sentence made him grow rock-hard. He felt like titanium wrapped in cashmere.

"Oh, shit, that is the hottest thing I have heard in a long time," he said.

He began to move his hips up and down, and she swirled her tongue wildly around the underside of the head. It drove him mad. He had started to sweat. He kept groaning and letting out moans of pleasure. She became firmer with her sucking. She made noises of enjoyment as she filled her mouth with him. She swished him inside her cheeks, getting as deep into her throat as possible while breathing deeply in and out of her nose. She was buried in his lap. His groans were getting louder, and his breathing more staggered. He began to draw his hips closer to her. She knew that his orgasm was imminent. He pulled the truck over to the side of the road and threw it in park.

"Oh my God, Allie, I can't hold it much longer!"

He put his head on the headrest. His eyes rolled back. She sucked him faster and moaned as she prepared to finish him off. Her pace grew intense, and with each trip down, she slurped and sucked. She could feel him shaking.

"HOLY FUCK!" he shouted.

The contractions began, and his erection flexed. Allie focused on the tip of his shaft, and then the explosion came. The amount that exploded from him told her it had built up for a long time. She swallowed and gulped; it was almost too much for her cum dribbled out of the corners of her mouth. She didn't mind; she knew his orgasm was intense, and that was all she cared about. He quivered with involuntary spasms. She kept him in her mouth until he had grown soft. His breathing was hard. He was lucky he pulled off the road. She rested her head on his lap and stayed there until they arrived at his house. When he parked the truck in his driveway, she sat up.

"Alex, I need to feel you from the inside. I'm wet, and my clit is aching."

"Yeah, I get it, and I will give you anything you need," he said.

He got out of the truck. They kissed, and he picked her up, unlocked the door, and carried her inside. He put her down, and she stripped right in the middle of the kitchen. She aggressively pulled his shirt off. He unbuttoned his jeans, and she pulled them and his boxer briefs down. He kicked them off to the side. They kissed. It was passionate and firm. It was familiar to them both. They dropped to their knees, and she ended up on her back. The clay stone felt cold. It was a pleasing feeling. It was so hot in the truck. He sucked on her nipple, and she gently bit his shoulder.

He ran his cock in between her hips getting himself slick and stroking her clit.

"Fuck, Cara Mia. God, I missed you so fucking much."

"Now, Alex. Please, I can't take it anymore."

He shoved himself into her. She wrapped her legs around him, pinning his body against her. They moved their hips like two waves crashing together. It was a familiar rhythmic movement. He began to move faster. She pulled him down by the neck and pressed his muscular chest to hers, crushing her breasts between them.

"Why won't you just let me love you again?" he whispered.

"Why won't you just let me orgasm again?" she replied.

He put his hand behind her head and brought his mouth to hers. They kissed, and the kiss was filled with clandestine emotions.

He placed his forehead on hers like they used to do. "I still love you," he said.

"I know. I can feel it whenever you're close to me."

She was intently looking into his eyes, and they continued the rhythm back and forth.

She then put her head back and yelled in pleasure so loud it was almost as if she had to dislocate her jaw to get the sound out. She shouted his name; it echoed through the kitchen.

He pulled his shoulder blades together and came violently inside of her. He collapsed on top of her in an exhausted heap.

"Oh my God, that is just as good as I remember," she said.

"Better, that was intense. Please tell me we can do this again. Perhaps tomorrow after I cook that paella you love so much."

He winced because he was sure he knew the answer, and it would greatly disappoint him.

She looked at him. "I'm sorry, but this was a one-night-only offer regardless of our history."

"If I remember correctly, that one night we had turned into hundreds of one nights."

"Nice try Corporal Vasquez."

She smiled at him.

Her smile made him melt like it always has.

They both got dressed.

"Well, where do we go from here?" he asked.

"Well, will you take me back home? I'll take an Uber to work tomorrow, then I'll pick up my car."

"Are you sure you just don't want to stay? And I can take you to work in the morning," he said.

Allie thought about it. "Ok, but no cuddling."

"If you don't want it, I won't do it."

"Well… maybe just a little bit of cuddling, but I need to sleep," she said.

He looked at her. He loved this woman, even after all these years.

"Whatever you want, Alexsandra."

He led her to the bedroom even though she knew exactly where it was; he undressed down to his boxer briefs and handed her an oversized shirt. She stripped naked and put it on.

"This is my favorite shirt," she said. "I wore it the very first night we were together."

"I haven't worn it since you left. I remember you tried to steal it from me many times," he said.

"Why didn't you let me?"

"Because Allie, you had already taken my heart. I couldn't bear for you to take anything more from me."

"Alex, I am so sorry, but I did it in your best interest. I did have powerful feelings for you; you are incredibly special to me, but you know that," she said. "If we had broken up before we were married, I couldn't live with our relationship tanking your career."

"Like I told you then, that was my choice. I would have to live with the consequences of my decision. Instead, I had to live with the consequences of yours."

"And you don't think I did too. A piece of me died that Alex. Can we please just go to bed? I don't need to think about this. There is just so much confusion in my life right now."

"OK, I will do anything you want me to if it keeps you happy," Alex said.

"Then let me lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat. I want to fall asleep to its peaceful rhythm."

"I can do that."

They lay down, and she nestled up against him and put her head on his chest.

"A heartbeat is the most beautiful sound," she said.

"I want one more kiss," he said, worried that it was really going to be the last time he would kiss her again.

Allie looked at him. "That was amazing before," she said.

"Yeah, it was."

"If we maybe do it again, will you… do it to me?"

"What do you want me to--- oh. That."

"Yeah, that," she said, nodding her head.

"Of course I will. As many times as you want."

They began kissing aggressively while Alex peeled her panties off.

He gave her a few licks to make her wet.

"Are you ready, Cara Mia?" he asked.

"Yes, Mi Vida."

Alex entered her slowly this time. He spread her legs wide until he had them pinned to the bed. He kept slowly going back and forth in long strokes. He did that for a while, knowing he was driving her utterly crazy, we wetness trickling out of her pussy hole.

"Holy fucking shit Alex. I forgot how this felt," she said in a heavy moan.

He started to move faster. He could feel her trying to pull her legs together. Alex spread his legs wide, pinning her legs down with his knees. He took her hands and held them above her head. She started to squirm with frustrated pleasure. God, she wants to come.

"I'm going to stop."

"What? No."

"Then beg me to keep going," he said.

He stopped.

"Please don't stop. I am so close. Don't deny me of your pleasure."

"Stop what?" he asked.

"Fucking me. Don't Stop fucking me, Alex."

"I missed hearing you talk dirty to me."

He started up again slowly.

"Faster, I need to fuck me faster," she begged.

"Faster? You want me to fuck you faster?"

She nodded her head.

"Please. Please, Alex, dear God, please."

He started slow again. She whimpered. Then he started pounding himself into her.

"Oh yes! Ahh. Fuuuck. Yes," she said as she let out a breath.

She was just about to come, and he stopped for a second time.

"No, Alex. Please stop torturing me! Don't fucking stop. Please."

He smiled. Trust me, all of this edging is going to give you one of the best fucking orgasms you will ever experience. Finally, he started up again.

"Yes, just like that. Right there," Allie said. His dick rubbed against her G-spot. Please, God, don't you dare stop!"

"Don't worry, Cara Mia, it's time for you to come all over my cock and for me to paint your walls with my cum.

He pounded her cunt so hard the headboard made loud bangs against the wall.

He felt her soak him. "Oh God, Allie. Yes. Come all over me."

He came again, releasing her legs and her wrists.

She brought her legs together and wrapped them around his waist. She held him there.

"Allie, it's time for me to pull out."

"I don't want you to," Allie whined.

"Then let's get back together. I have my rank back. I can give up my FTO. I am two retirements away from making sergeant."

She released her legs.

"No," she said.

He laid back down, and she put her head back on his chest. "Why?"

"Alex. Please don't make me regret doing this," she said.

"I'm sorry. I got a little carried away. I've waited for over two years for this to happen."

"I know. I am fairly sure I just took advantage of you. Do you feel like I just took advantage of you?" Allie asked.

Alex didn't say anything. He just stared at the ceiling.

She picked herself up on her elbow and looked at him. "Alex? Please answer the question."

She saw a tear come from his eye and trickle down his cheek.

"I still have the ring, you know. I pull it out and look at it every now and then."

"Alex, did I just take advantage of your feelings for me?"

Again, he ignored her question. "Say it just once. I want to hear it again so I can remember how it sounds. I know you won't mean it," Alex begged.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Allie, I don't want to die without hearing your voice say I love you one last time," Alex said.

She knew damn well she shouldn't. Malibu was right. She was fucking with his head by doing this in the first place. They couldn't be together after tonight, and she wasn't sure she would if she could. Her mind drifted to Dean numerous times over the evening.

"I love you, Alex," she said with sincerity.

"I have been waiting for years to hear those words again."

He kissed her on the cheek. She lay back down and put her head on his chest.

"I do mean it. I can't go backward. I am not the Allie from two and a half years ago."

"Yeah, I kind of noticed when you let me do what I did in the middle of the crowded bar."

"I need to sleep, Mi Vida. I can already tell tomorrow is going to be rough."

She fell asleep to the rhythmic thump.

He didn't fall asleep right away. He knew in the morning, this would be another page in their history. He just lay there listening to her breath. He took in the scent of her hair. He felt the softness of her skin. It brought back memories and feelings he had tried to release from his heart and mind.

He started to tear up. He swallowed hard, trying to get the lump in his throat to go away.

When he woke in the morning, he turned over. He wanted to see her face. He had longed for her face to be the first thing he looked upon in the morning again. He was disappointed. She was gone. She had gotten up before he woke and took an Uber back to her car.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye."

He got out of bed. He made his way to the bathroom. Something caught his eye. It was blue, partially under his bed. He reached down and picked up what he realized were her blue panties. She must have left them there in her hasty getaway.

Well, he thought, now I have a reason to see her.

She woke at first light. Sliding carefully out of bed, she searched the floor for her clothes. She started picking them up, and he began to stir. She snuck out quietly and went downstairs to dress.

"Fuck, where the hell are my panties," she whispered.

She looked at the stairs.

"Nope. I am not chancing him waking up. I don't need it and don't want to hear it. I may cave."

She got dressed in the kitchen sans underwear. Her head was pounding. She did, however, remember every detail about last night, except where she put her panties.

next chapter
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