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93.75% An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction) / Chapter 89: Chapter 88: Guardians Debut I

Bab 89: Chapter 88: Guardians Debut I

(3rd Person: POV)

Lying on the ground unconscious within his lab in what remained of Grayburn college Dr. Samuel Sterns had several wounds all across his body.

[Insert Image of Samuel Sterns Here]

The worst being a large gash across his head.

Which was about to have Bruce Banners Gamma irradiated blood drip into it.

But just before that could happen Kurt and Emma teleported into the room, and Kurt moved Sterns out of the way with a push just in time.

When it did Sterns stirred awake.

"What?" He said. Blinking several times as his mind focused and his thoughts became clearer.

"Greetings Dr. Sterns. My name is Khione and this is my associate Nightcrawler." Emma began. "I know have had a rather tough day, not to mention we are pressed for time so I'll make this as quick as possible. Meaning you better pay attention. At the moment the man you injected Banners' blood into has become a monster that is raging across Harlem. My allies are working to stop him, which they will definitely succeed in doing, but due to your actions in creating him you will definitely be arrested and taken under the control of the government. But if you come with me and my associate that will not happen. Our employer will give you resources and keep you safe from the governments reach. All he asks is that you become a member of his cause. A cause that seeks to change this world we call home. That is all I have to say Dr. Sterns. Now the choice is yours. And you better hurry. Our offer expires in five minutes." Emma spoke.

"I'll go with you." Sterns immediately replied.

Since he definitely didn't like the sound of prison or working for the government for the rest of his life.

"A very wise decision doctor." Emma said. "Now then, quickly gather anything of importance. Time is of the essence." She said.

Stern nodded.

He then got up and began gathering any materials he deemed important.

As he did Emma used her telepathic powers to keep away any unwanted guests.

This went on for five minutes before Sterns was ready.

"Okay. I've collected all I need." He spoke.

"Very good. Nightcrawler." Emma said.

"Yes." Kurt replied.

He then grabbed hold of both Emma and Sterns and teleported them out of his lab/office onto a roof near the college.

Which he did only to drop Emma off.

After doing so Kurt teleported once more, to take Sterns to the Command Center.

Successfully completing the Guardians covert actions in regards to the operation.

With that taken care of Emma went to join the public action of the operation.


[Several minutes before, at the exact same time Emma and Kurt were dealing with Stern]


Releasing a loud roar Abomination walked down the streets of Harlem. His feet leaving imprints in the ground with every step he took.

"Hulk! Come out!" Abomination shouted.

Seeing this from the chopper they were currently riding in Bruce, Betty, and even general Ross could not believe their eyes.

"Blonsky. You idiot." Ross spoke. He then brought his radio up to his mouth and activated it. "To all soldiers, begin immediate subjugation of Emil Blonsky." He ordered.

Hearing this over their radios the soldiers under Ross's command began to carry out the generals orders.

Raising their M16 assault rifles in the direction of Blonsky the soldiers opened fire without any hesitation.

But their bullets did nothing to their target.

The bullets simply bounced off Blonsky new exoskeleton and didn't bother him in the slightest.

Except for irritation.

"Enough!" Blonsky shouted.

He then roared again and charged at the soldiers shooting at him.

Seeing this the soldiers became scared, but stood their ground and continued firing at Blonsky.

Yet no matter what their assault didn't injure him, or slow him down at all.

Upon realizing this the soldiers in Blonsky path knew they were about to die.

However just before Blonsky reached them Warpath flew down from the sky and landed a kick with his left foot directly into Blonskys' face.

This caused him to stumble and even fall face first into the ground.

Seeing this the soldiers became stunned.

That is until Warpath turned to face them. A stern expression on his face. "Leave, now." He said.

"No way." A soldier immediately replied.

"Yeah. We're members of the United States military. Running away is not what we do." Another soldier spoke up.

"I see. So you would rather die needlessly then?" Roman asked, in his Sentinel persona, floating down and landing on the ground. "Because if you keep trying to take on that Abomination that is exactly what will happen." He said. "You, proud men and women who chose to serve your country, dying simply due to the machinations of one man. A man who is currently fleeing the battlefield instead of standing with you. Tell me, is that really the kind of man you soldiers signed up to follow?"

Hearing Sentinels words the bravery of the soldiers slightly faltered. Some of them even showing fear on their faces.

"Don't listen to him men." Ross voice suddenly came from all the soldiers radioes.

"He's nothing but a vigilante who takes the law into his own hands. He knows nothing of honor or discipline. He also has no business interfering in a military operation. So along with Blonsky I order you to stop Sentinel and his ally." He ordered.

Hearing this the soldiers then looked at Sentinel and Warpath.

But before they could make any decisions about the orders Ross had just given them Blonsky picked himself up off the ground and then punched it hard with one of his fists.

The punch sending a shockwave through the ground that began tearing apart the street itself along with the sidewalks and any vehicles in the vicinity.

In no time at all the shockwave reached the soldiers who began falling and flailing about.

That is until Sentinel and Warpath both ascended into the air and began evacuating the soldiers from the area.

As for any civilians they were being handled by Sunspot, Starfire, and Spiderman.

While Blink created portals around the area, and sent any flying debris to several deserted areas around New York City.

Working together seemledsly, thanks to the hellish training regimen Roman enforced upon them, the Guardians were getting the job done.

A fact people were noticing.

Some were even using their phones to videotape the Guardians exploits and uploading it to YouTube and the like.

Putting down a woman who he had carried away from the danger zone Roman suddenly received a telepathic communication from Emma.

'It is done. Sterns and his research have been secured.' She spoke.

'Good.' Roman replied. 'Now focus on evacuatiion and crowd control with Domino's team.' Roman spoke.

Since they needed it.

Especially since Laura was using her claws to threaten people to leave the area. Even if they didn't want to.

Roman could only put a wry smile on his face upon learning this.

Seems he would have to give a Laura some more lessons of communication.

But that is for a later date.

After dropping off his latest rescue Roman retook to the skies and headed back to the battlefield.

Where Abomination was closing in on the chopper carrying Bruce.

"Step on dammit!" Ross cried. Seeing Abomination get closer and closer.

"I'm giving her all she's got general." The captain replied.

Yet Blonsky continued to close the distance.

Seeing this Bruce made a decision.

He would once more become the Hulk.

Turning to Betty he gave her a deep kiss. Then pulled back. "Betty, I love you." He said.

"What? Bruce what are you saying?" Betty asked.

But upon seeing the look in Bruce's eyes she got her answer.

"Wait Bruce. No!" Betty shouted.

But Bruce had already made up his mind.

Jumping up from his seat he moved to the copter door and then opened it.

Then before anyone could grab hold of him Bruce jumped out of it.

Beginning to plummet towards the ground.

Hoping the surge of adrenaline would re-awaken the Hulk.

It was just a theory mind you. But a good one.

Which Bruce now realized might be wrong.

Since he still didn't become Hulk as he got closer and closer to the ground.

Until finally Bruce slammed into it.

Creating a small crater when he did.

"No!!!!" Betty cried.

But she wasn't crying for long.

Since a minute after Bruce slammed into the ground his eyes shot open and his body began to transform.

Until eventually he got up, now as the Hulk.

(A/N: The Hulks form is that of Edward Nortons by the way.)

Seeing this Abomination grinned.

While Hulk simply eyed him and roared.

"Hulk smash!" Hulk cried.

He then started heading in Blonsky direction.

Initiating a battle between titans.

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