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66.29% Amalgam Darth Vader/Snape(HP, Star Wars)(In process of being rewrite!) / Chapter 57: Chapter 54: Quidditch match

Bab 57: Chapter 54: Quidditch match

-Hogwarts, November 4, 1976

Three days had passed since the visit to Hogsmeade...

And the whole magical community was still talking about what had happened on November 1st.

Every newspaper was talking about the events of that day.

It was mentioned as:

"Followers of the Dark Lord, calling themselves death eaters along with a group of nearly a thousand Dementors and 9 Giants, attacked and devastated the village of Hogsmeade when Hogwarts 3rd to 7th-year students were there."

Actually, it was fortunate that no students were killed, but there was a large number of people hospitalised and several even ended up in St Mungo's hospital.

Naturally, this news alarmed everyone in the magical community, especially the part of the Dementors that were supposed to be in Azkaban...

In fact, since the current Minister Harold Minchum had taken up his position, he had placed even more Dementors around Azkaban...

This now generated a lot of doubt, speculation, and great fear in everyone.

But the attack on Hogsmeade was not the only one that day, there was also mention of attacks on various villages by death eaters, werewolves, and other followers of the Dark Lord.

Other important news was about the Aurors who failed to respond in time on the day of these incidents.

It was revealed that the day all this happened most of the Aurors were at the post-Halloween party held by the Malfoy's...

It seems that Abraxas Malfoy took the initiative to invite and receive most of the members of Magical Law Enforcement...

The Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement had to take all the consequences of what happened and he was even expelled from his position and Bartemius Crouch Senior was put in his place.

There has also been a lot of suspicion about Abraxas Malfoy and his family during these days, but no one has been able to prove anything.

In short, the Malfoy's remained unpunished and the Aurors took all the blame.

But the most important news that made the newspapers were none of these:

It turns out that everything that happened on that day was just collateral damage, as the Dark Lord's followers had other targets...

They attacked both the current Minister Harold Minchum and the former Minister Eugenia Jenkins who was Minister of Magic from 1968 to 1975.

It was a relief for the entire magical community to know that the Minister of Magic Minchum survived and was fine.

However, the former Minister Jenkins was not so lucky and she and her entire family were completely wiped out.

All this was a before and after for Britain and the Dark Lord since never before happened something of such a large scale as this...

That day was known as the beginning of Voldemort's rise to power.

It was also reported in the newspapers that a figure in black with a sword supposedly appeared and single-handedly wiped out 8 giants in Hogsmeade, and as unbelievable as this was to the magical community it was reported by over 100 Hogwarts students of 6th and 7th year who saw this happening in person.

Currently, Hogwarts students are still talking about it and everyone wants to know who this person is, but no one has any idea who it could be...

Well..., Hermione and Draco had their suspicions, but they weren't present when all this happened so they couldn't be sure, but from the descriptions that Lily and Alice gave them, they came to think that this person could be Severus.

But so far the two of them didn't have time to talk about it with him, besides, they had their own secrets regarding that day.

Anyway, today, November 4th, four days after Halloween, in one of the classrooms at Hogwarts, the sixth-year Hufflepuff and Slytherin students had finished their Charms lessons and were getting up to leave the classroom.

A few minutes later, in the midst of the large crowd of students leaving class, Severus heard a familiar female voice call out to him.

"Hey, Sev, over here!" a young witch shouted unscrupulously, oblivious to the many stares from the students irritated by her loud shout.

Turning to his right, Severus identified the person shouting at him and the other witch standing next to him, unlike the first one this young witch seemed very embarrassed by her companion's behaviour, but despite this, she maintained a firm posture and a serious look as if she wanted to ignore the fact that the person next to her was shouting.

"Pandora?" asked Severus a little surprised by her sudden shout calling him "Sev".

After the Hogsmeade incident, he and Pandora hadn't been in much contact these days, so he was a little surprised by her sudden shout.

Well, the truth was that most of the houses had been excluding the Slytherins after what had happened, everyone had their speculations about how they were the least affected and the most prepared to escape the situation in Hogsmeade...

There were many rumours and outright lies pointed against them, of course, there were also many truths disguised as rumours, but as there was no proof, nothing could be done to the Slytherin...

But that didn't matter at Hogwarts, since just knowing that they had something to do with everything that happened was enough to make everyone look askance at the snakes.

"Pan - dy!" spelled Pandora with a cute pout as she approached him along with Amelia Bones.

"Severus," Amelia greeted.

"Amelia how's everything going?" asked Severus completely ignoring Pandora's complaints for him to call her Pandy.

"Fine, still trying to process everything that happened, but better, And you?" said Amelia with a faint smile of amusement as she watched him ignore Pandora while she continued pouting.

"Same as always... although things have been pretty annoying in Slytherin lately."

" I can imagine..." nodded Amelia sympathetically, she already knew that many of those who supported the Dark Lord must be pleased with the recent events and many others frightened, worse it was for the inocent snakes with the constant angry glares from the students of 3 other houses.

" What about Ravenclaw, how is everything?" asked Severus curiously.

" Ravenclaw is a very organised house and we all try to talk and solve any problems as quickly as possible by cooperating with each other" replied Amelia proudly.

"Hey you two, did a torposoplo get in you?" asked Pandora confused to see that they had ignored her.

" One what?" asked Amelia not understanding what she was referring to.

"A torposoplo. They're invisible. They float around, get in your ears and dull your brain. I thought that might be why you don't listen to me," explained Pandora.

"In that case, we wouldn't be able to talk to each other either, Pandora," replied Severus with a smile, he already knew about the torposoplos, in fact, it was Pandora who told him about them.

"Oh true, then why won't you listen to me?"

"I heard you from the beginning, but as I told you before, no matter how much you insist I won't call you Pandy" Severus replied lightly.

"Well... you practically just did" smiled Pandora.

"She's right about that," said Amelia amused, she couldn't believe that Severus would actually fall for such a basic trick.

Severus just sighed and shook his head.

"Uh-oh I was already forgetting Sev," Pandora said suddenly.

"Do you want to go with us to the stands to watch the first Quidditch match of the season between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor today?" she asked him excitedly, though Pandora was more excited about going with friends than the match.

Unlike Amelia who was excited for the match, after all, she is a huge Quidditch fan and a good player.

"Sure, I was thinking to go watch it anyway, who are you backing to win?"

"Most in Ravenclaw are supporting Hufflepuff in today's match, although Gryffindor have clearly a better team and are probably going to win" Amelia answered truthfully.

"We support Hufflepuff, why?" asked Pandora cluelessly.

"Because in the last few years Gryffindor has been going on a really good winning streak, if Hufflepuff wins, Ravenclaw has a better chance this year" clarified Amelia.

"Ohhh, so that' s the reason..., but Sev's cousins aren't in Gryffindor?" asked Pandora looking at Severus along with Amelia.

"True, would it bother you..." Amelia started to speak but Severus interrupted her.

"That's not a problem, it doesn't matter to me who wins, let the best one win," smiled Severus making them both nod in agreement.

Later that day, Severus was in one of the stands overlooking the large Quidditch pitch, and next to him was Amelia and Pandora as well as other Ravenclaw's who mostly went to Potions with him so they already had a 'good relationship'.

Actually, Olivia Greengrass had also invited Severus to watch the match with her usual group in Slytherin, but as he had already made plans, he had to politely decline.

To Severus' surprise, despite what had happened in Hogsmeade all the students now in the stands seemed to have forgotten about it and were excited for the match.

However, turning his attention away from that, Severus focused his attention on the playground.

The playground was all wooden, with a lot of huge bleachers filled with students and some teachers, these were decorated with pictures of mostly Hufflepuff House and some Gryffindor, as they were the two teams participating in this first match.

And inside the pitch, there are three large high hoops at each end of the pitch.

Finally, both teams entered and the Gryffindor captain, James Potter, did some exaggerated, flashy, and funny moves in the air as he flew his broom to entertain the crowd, earning him a standing ovation from the stands of his house, there were even students from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw clapping and cheering.

Once the game was about to start, both teams found themselves with 7 players from each side flying on their broomsticks, facing each other as they awaited the start of the long awaited match.

Before the game began the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor captains shook hands as usual.

"Now, I want a good clean game, all of you...Brooms up, ready..." blew the referee's whistle to finally start the game.

"And so begins the first quidditch match of the season! Hufflepuff versus Gryffindor!" the match commentator was heard to say to all the stands.

"The quaffle is immediately caught by Gryffindor..., let's see what new tricks they bring us this year" the commentator continued to narrate the match.

"Great play by James Potter and Sirius Black, Gryffindor scores and gets 10 points!"

Instantly there was cheering and clapping in the Gryffindor stands.



"Close, very close, but Hufflepuff fails!" said the commentator again.

Grunts from the Hufflepuff students filled the pitch, as did cheers from the students on the red and gold team.

"And again GRYFFINDOR POINT! Potter has scored again after skillfully dodging two of the Hufflepuff players, it looks like the Hufflepuff team is falling terribly before the strong Gryffindor offense!" the commentator continued to narrate under the piercing gaze of many Hufflepuff students and the applause/cheers of the Gryffindors.





A large crowd of students could be heard cheering the game style of Potter and the other Gryffindor players.

"Amazing, to think he can do all that in the air!" commented Amelia rather impressed.

Pandora and Severus who were standing next to her just looked at her for a few seconds.

It was then that Amelia froze.

Amelia knew instantly that she was probably saying something out of line, even though Severus acted very calm and partial all the time, she knew that he and Potter had a troubled history, so complimenting a person he hated wasn't very polite, especially when it was her and Pandora who invited him to watch the match with the two of them.

"This... Severus..."

"Actually, he moves quite well," Severus nodded lightly, he could now easily admit that Potter was an excellent chaser, though he doubted he was better than him now...

Too bad Severus wasn't on the Quidditch team, although with his limited past skill it was understandable.

Amelia took a sigh and smiled a little as she saw that Severus actually seemed sincere when he said those words and also didn't seem annoyed.

'He' 's so interesting...' Amelia thought, but she pushed those thoughts out of her mind and focused on the match again.

"Oops, that had to hurt the Hufflepuff keeper!" said the commentator.

"The Gryffindor chasers keep scoring on the Hufflepuff guard and they don't seem to be planning to show any mercy on them" narrated the commentator the bad situation of the yellow and black team, as cheers and applause could be heard in the Gryffindor stands and the wails of the Hufflepuff students.

The match continued with a one-sided massacre by Gryffindor that ended in a disastrous defeat for Hufflepuff.

" That must have certainly hurt the Puffs," said Pandora.

"Yes, it was a terrible defeat, but it can always be worse," nodded Amelia.

"Amelia is right, although I don't think the Hufflepuffs feel the same way," said Severus gesturing to some of the students crying and frustrated by the result.

" Pity..." commented Pandora, looking at the Hufflepuffs as if she wanted to console them.

"There's nothing they can do about it now, just try to improve," replied Amelia.

"By the way, Ravenclaw's match against Slytherin is next, I hope you don't look like that if Slytherin loses" joked Amelia to raise their spirits a bit.

"I'm not part of the team," Severus replied lightly.

"But you're still a Slytherin," Amelia added.

"Yeah, but it won't really be me who loses if that happens"

"Excuses," commented Amelia.

"Do you think we'll win?" asked Pandora.

"It's going to be a great victory on our part, we're fully prepared for the match," commented Amelia proud of the Ravenclaw team and their strategies.

Pandora nodded with a smile as the three continued walking back to the castle.

And that was how the first Quidditch match of the season ended, with Gryffindor victorious thanks to an impressive James Potter and Hufflepuff defeated by a poor keeper.


Well my dear readers,

It is not in my plans to make Severus a Quidditch player,

but I'm not excluding the idea either,

It wouldn't alter the story too much if it happens,

So I'll leave it up to you to decide,

Vote as usual with a +1 in the paragraph and repeated votes will be deleted.

{Join the Quidditch team}

{Not to join}

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