More and more people dealt with real estate, and Baron was rushing to get hands on it.
"Got it!" He yelled as he bought another property. "Why is there a purchase limit for the commercial areas though?"
Angelo looked over his panel and pointed at a text. "Didn't you see the number? There's only ten at most per building type."
"Eyyy…" Baron mumbled, disappointed. However, this wasn't bad, as he shouldn't be putting all his eggs in one basket, anyway.
"Anyway, 3 months is waived, I will start my business now!"
More and more people arrived at the Village Center and more and more pings and cha-chings sounded in her ears.
She frowned, as much as she liked the sound, it was much too distracting. She changed the notifications and now allowed for money-related things 50 gold or above.
As she perused the panel, she saw that Sheila and Harold had bought one commercial building each using Baron's payment.
Thanks for reading guys! Don't forget to vote ~
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