Preparation for yet another war had begun and stricter rules for those going out were implemented. There were also a number of changes witnessed within the territory itself that both relieved and worried the citizens.
One of these changes was the sudden appearance of sentries in the middle of the territory, located in more sensitive locations in the territory.
These were the minimum level 5 walls and their sentries, specially designed and could be used as hang-out places during times of peace. For example, they added seating areas, potted plants, and some motifs.
They would also not look like watch towers but would look like aesthetic features of the territory, which was great if they wanted to be underestimated.
The appearances of the sentries baffled many people who came to watch their construction. They would never tire of the magical sight, though their stomachs felt a bit heavy at the moment.
Thank you for reading so far guys! As always special thank you to those who took the extra miles to support us!
Come on come on!