The fitted camouflage clothes, the black Martin boots made of special materials, and the neat buzz cut only added to his bewitching appearance, giving him a deadly, iron-blooded charm.
Those sharp phoenix eyes filled with laughter were looking at Alex Stephens and his companions. The arrogant aura he emitted while standing alone added a touch of cold charm to his sculpted features.
Everyone stared at the stunning man who didn't even bother to wear a mask, dumbfounded.
Len Hawthorne always had a wicked smile on his handsome face, which made him seem somewhat approachable. However, no one dared to take more than a quick glance at such a dangerously handsome man, let alone get close to him.
His fierce reputation was known not only outside Dark City but also by some people inside. They knew that the captain of Slaughter Squad had a surname Hawthorne and a fate filled with violence.
A Slaughter Squad team member threw a person out.
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