Head of Winston Family sneered, "Who says it's just our Winston Family fighting alone against the Slaughter Squad?"
Everyone in the field was stunned.
Someone on the side of the elders asked coldly, "What else have you prepared? Since we are facing this together, we have the right to know."
The family leader crossed his arms in front of him, elbows propped on the table, and looked at everyone.
On his face, a dark and confident smile.
"Have you heard of the western saint witch? So far, she's the most powerful witch."
At those words, everyone in the Winston Family changed color.
The family leader had such a big heart, daring to secretly consort with the western witches.
No, it was a collaboration.
Now, people in the Winston Family looked at the leader as if they were looking at a madman.
Some of the elders were angry, "You are harming the Winston Family!"
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