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Accidentally Got Married to My Enemy Accidentally Got Married to My Enemy original

Accidentally Got Married to My Enemy

Penulis: kimjagganim

© WebNovel


I felt like my heart dropped below my stomach after I heard my secretary via phone call. I was at a club with my friends from the business industry having some chats and good firing whiskey when my secretary just informed me that the one and only woman left in my life got a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital a few minutes ago. No. This couldn't be. This is the third time it happened to her and I remembered what the doctor told me that the next time it will occur again, it could be the worst nightmare I would never want to imagine. Shit! I cannot take someone important to me leaves me like this again.

I took my car keys and immediately drove off to the hospital where she was taken. My hand was shaking and trembling out of worry while I'm holding the steering wheel. I felt so nervous, and no matter how I tried to keep my tears from falling, I felt like my heart was being crushed into tiny pieces.

One more right turn and I can finally reach the hospital when I saw a few police officers executing a road checkpoint on the end street. God damn it! I'm in a hurry, and for Pete's sake, I had three glasses of whiskey earlier. I wanted to make a U-turn, but there were already packs of cars behind me.

After a few seconds, I saw a policewoman walking towards my car. She really cannot wait to catch a lawbreaker tonight, huh? My eyes widened the moment she stood up beside my car window. Fuck, I knew her! I couldn't be wrong! This was the witch who tried to lock me behind the bars last week.

Well, that was just an accident! I met her in one of the grocery malls I own in Seoul. She was doing her groceries while I was roaming around the area to have a little inspection. I was so startled to see a creepy-crawly perched on top of the pumpkin I was holding. I almost screamed and went hysteric when it latched on my hand. Aside from I hate insects because they're disgusting, I have an Entomophobia since I was a kiddo.

I was shaking my hand to keep the insect away from my skin, and all eyes in the grocery mall were looking at me. I was sure they were grinning at me deeming like I was an idiot creating a scene just because of a tiny insect. It was one of the horrible moments of my life, and it went worse when I accidentally hit a woman's ass behind me. One of my palms got wrapped around that woman's tiny left bump on her back. Mother of all angels, why my hand ended up there?

The woman screamed in horror when she realized I was holding one of her jugs. Shit! Honestly speaking, the pumpkin I was holding earlier was much way bigger than hers.

She looked at me with a shock drawn on her pale face and instantly threw a fist on my hard cheek... "Jugule!?"

"I-- I'm sorry... It was not my inten--" I apologetically said, but I wasn't able to finish my last word since she punched me again on my well-shaped long nose!

"Sorry your face!" She said, gritting her teeth.

God, I was just holding back because she's a woman. If she isn't, I would have already hit her back hard. A few securities arrived at where we stood, and when one of them was about to call me 'Depyonim' I immediately shake my head and signalled them to go back to their posts.

She's beautiful though, but her angelic and innocent features don't suit how hard she punched my face without any single grace. It hurts! I felt like my jaw got numb and my perfect nose got misaligned.

"Miss... It was an accident!" I said, almost begging her to believe me.

She crosses her arms and gazed at me with more widening eyes... "Accident? You squeezed my-- my bu-- butt!"

I felt all my nerves were rising up in my whole body... "Ya!" I shouted at her as I couldn't get hold of my anger anymore.

I wasn't able to dodge my stand when she harshly took my collar suit and dragged me outside the grocery mall. This woman is unbelievable! How could she do this to me without hearing my valid reason? What happened was purely an accident, and I swear to God, I didn't have any plans to hold a stranger's ass without permission...

The next thing I knew, we were at a police station. She's so furious at me and she wanted to charge me with sexual harassment. Well, I also wanted to charge her for physical assault. She ruined my handsome face! How dare is she?

We argued like cats and dogs inside the station and that's when I found out that she's a police officer assigned in this precinct. Wow, I thought she was a hot lady for a second, but I tried not to get swayed by her tactics.

"I said it was an accident!" I tried convincing her again.

She chuckled with a shrugged... "Accident my foot! Why would you touch someone else's butt when yours were big enough?"

My eyes widened again with her statement. She really knows now how to piss me off. I even motioned my head at my back to look at my own ass. Yeah, she's right! That's why my halmoni still calls me her 'baby booty'.

...Good thing that my lawyer arrived after an hour and we ended up dropping the charges and concluded an amicable settlement. I went home that night still mad about what happened to me with that woman. I felt insulted by that witch and I prayed and wished to God to let me never cross paths again with her.

But, damn! What is this? We met again and she's now standing beside my car. I bet this is another unlucky day of my life.

I came back to my senses when I heard her knocked on my car's window. I really want to hide my face and I don't want to see her face either. For sure, she wouldn't let me get away from her this time around.

I ended up lowering down my window, but I didn't meet her gaze. My face was stuck to the car in front of me and I never tried opening my mouth so she couldn't smell the alcohol in my system.

"May I get your ID, Sir?" She asked, lowering her head closer to my car.

My hand reach down to my pocket and took my black designer wallet. I clutched my ID and handed it to her without moving my head. I almost thank all the heavens above when I didn't hear a protest from her while she's looking at my ID, but not until I saw her walking in front of my car and opened my passenger door. What the hell? She got inside my car and she's now seated beside me!

"Wh-- What are you doing?" I uttered, stammering in disbelief.

She fastens the seatbelt to her body and crosses her arms afterwards... "Long time no see, big butty."

"M-- mo?" I chuckled beneath my breaths. "B-- big butty?"

She turned her head and looked at me with a straight face... "I'm in a hurry. Take me to Asan Medical Center... We can talk later about your violation."

"Excuse me!? I'm not your driver!" I beamed at her, holding a strong grip on my steering wheel... "and violation? Hah!"

I gulped hard when she moved closer to me. Her face was just under my jaw and I can even feel her hot breath on my skin... "Ahjussi, you reek of alcohol... Do you want me to add you another violation?"

"A-- Ahjussi?" Grr! This woman is really getting on my nerves.

Thank god she seated straight back to the seat. One of her hands went up to her forehead and went down to her short hair... "Are you deaf? Didn't you hear me say I'm in a hurry?"

I didn't know what's wrong with me, but I ended up moving the gear and stepped the gas pedal. We passed by on the checkpoint barrier without any trouble from other officers since she signalled them to let us go our way. I don't have any idea why she's going to Asan Medical Center, and I also didn't ask her. It may just be a coincidence since that's the place where I was going to go too.

We arrived at the hospital and I was still shocked since we are now walking side by side in the same hallway. I took my cellphone and checked the text message of my secretary since she told me she will send me halmoni's room number after the call.

*Vip Room 1121*

"Ouch!" I heard her squirmed when our arms hit each other in front of my halmoni's hospital room.

"Don't tell me you're going inside to this room?" I asked, hoping she will answer me she just got the wrong room number.

Her index finger went up to the number sign on the door... "I'm not blind! Can you step aside?"

I let out a deep breath and look at her obliviously. Both of my hands rested at each side of my hips. She didn't fire back again and opened the door. She got inside the room, and I followed behind her.

"Halmoni!" She worriedly shouted at the woman laying down on the hospital bed.

What? Halmoni? That's my grandmother! Why would she call my grandmother halmoni? Did they know each other? What is happening here?

My brows furrowed as I walked closer to where they are. The woman who I considered now my worst enemy took a seat beside my grandmother's bed. On the right side where the sofa was located, I saw my grandmother's secretary and another old woman smiling from ear to ear looking at my grandmother and my enemy with wistful eyes.

"Wait... What? Did you just call my grandmother halmoni?" I unbelievably asked.

The old woman who was seated on the sofa stood up and walked towards me. My feet were starting to step a little backward and I looked at her very dumbfounded. Huh? I don't know this woman. Who is she?

"Aigooo... You've grown into such a fine and handsome man, Jin Woo-yah!" Said the old woman in front of me. Her hands moved up and landed on each side of my arms.

"Did you forget her, my baby booty?" I heard my grandmother said in an almost unhearable voice.

"Huh?" I shake my head.

"She's my long lost best friend. You met her when you were around two years old!" My grandmother answered.

I giggled after hearing her... "Halmoni! How could I even remember at such a young age?"

"...wait, but why is this witch is here with us? Do you know her? She just called you halmoni!" I said, looking at my worst enemy and pointing a finger at her.

"Witch? You son of—" The woman angrily shouted at me, but she stopped mid-sentence when all of us looked at her waiting for her words to finish.

"I'm sorry..." She added, bowing down her head.

My halmoni let out a loud laugh and caressed my enemy's hair... "Do you know each other already?"

"Who is he?" My enemy asked back and looked at me with lines on her forehead.

Huh! How dare she looked at me that way! The next seconds, I felt the old woman's hand on my wrist. She dragged me closer to where my grandmother was lying...

"I'm glad you've finally met. You're each other's future." The old woman beside me said with a vivacious smile on her lips.



I and my enemy shouted at the same time. Yes, just what?

"Remember my last wish, Jin Woo-yah?" My grandmother breathed, showing her most begging face and puppy eyes.

"This is Chae Yoon. Ha Chae Yoon. Your fiancé."

"No!!!" My enemy shouted in disbelief, looking alternately at the two old women.

I ran my fingers on top of my hair. I wanted to scream. No! This isn't happening! Fuck.


Marrying my enemy? That woman? Hell, NO!

Shit! I never thought that this day would come into my life.

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