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68.75% Accelerator: The Never Ending Battle / Chapter 43: Indian Poker

Bab 43: Indian Poker

Accelerator was on a bed with a certain ringlet curls girl. This situation meant the worst for him and no matter how anyone looks at this, it was a really really bad situation. Hokaze was in a one-piece frilly purple dress that barely covered her knees with straps around her shoulder blades. She did not dress that provocatively on purpose, it was just the only nightwear she had. The both of them had their backs turned towards each other while on the bed, with Hokaze being closer to the table lamp.

And the both of them squeezed on that one small bed, however Accelerator took a small part of the bed as he let her take up most of the space. It was not because he was making fun of her weight or anything. It was for another reason.

The ghost girl was peacefully sleeping in the air right next to them. The both of them thought the other had fell asleep because they both had their eyes closed, but they knew something like this wasn't going to be very comfortable. Accelerator was only waiting for the ringlet curls girl to sleep before he made his move.

He needed to charge his battery before making any moves tomorrow because at the rate he was going, if he were fight someone at full strength he would probably have about 30 seconds to fight them. Even though he was just trying to find a body of a girl, knowing his luck, he'll probably get into a fight with someone.

So, when he thought she had slept after 30 minutes of laying on the bed, he got up, grabbed his cane and started walking to the window. The moment he climbed the window, he heard a voice just directly behind him.

"Where are you going?"


"...Okay then, be careful."

When he turned back, he saw Hokaze giving him a small but warm smile and it made him feel extremely uncomfortable. Someone like her was too kindhearted, to put the safety of a stranger first.

Accelerator didn't turn on his battery as he jumped down the building. Even though they were on the top floor, the jump wasn't really that high, he just had to use the guard of his cane to land as he placed the handle in front of his face.

He landed with a thud as the dirt around him scattered, and when it settled down, he got up from the ground and slowly made his way to the bike that he had parked earlier during the day.

While walking over, he received a text from Hokaze.

(Why didn't you tell me you were going to jump down like that?! >:(

Do you know how dangerous that could have been?)

He didn't reply her as he slid his phone back into his pocket as he clicked his tongue.

He turned on his battery as a pair of wings made from air was formed behind his back. Though it was a tedious process, it could make him go faster and was more convenient than jumping around from building to building.

He flew across School Garden, and then it only took him about 3 minutes to reach A Certain Hospital. The moment he landed on the roof, he switched off his battery as he limped all the way down to his ward.

"Doesn't seem like anyone is around."

His lights were turned off.

He opened the door while praying in his mind that no one was there as it could be extremely bad for him. For once, he was actually in the safe zone. No one was around him as he sat down on his bed, plucked out the battery and immediately struggled.

He made sure he got to the table so the likelihood of him dropping it on the floor would decrease even more. However...

His fingers lost their grip and the battery was only supposed to topple in the middle of the table but it toppled all the way to the floor and it slid underneath the bed.

One word described Accelerator's face and thought right now.


Accelerator didn't want to try anything risky or anything that might make his life more miserable, so he decided to press the call by the side of his bed.

Fortunately, the nurses were competent enough to put the call bell right at the edge of the bed and with a single press of the button, there was a distant ring coming from the lobby of the hospital.

In no time at all, one of the nurses working the night shift came to him and pulled him onto the bed. When she asked him whether he needed anything else, he had to lower his hand to point under the bed and then to his neck. It took the nurse a while to understand what he meant by those actions.

"Oh, your battery is down there."

The moment she picked it up, Accelerator pointed to the charger, and she nodded her head as she slots the battery inside it's charging port.

"Anything else you need?"

Accelerator shook his head ever so slightly and she immediately got the message.

"No problem! Remember to call us if you need anything else!"

Then she left the room as he sat there in the darkness, looking at the wall from his bed.

This life was miserable.

That's all he could think about.

---22nd September 12:03a.m.---

He called the nurse again to have his battery placed back in his choker.


"No problem, please rest well!"


The moment the nurse left the ward, Accelerator opened his window and escaped from there as he jumped out first, followed by the wings on his back.

"(Goddamn it...I wish the doctor could have extended the amount of time I have just to use this.)"

The moment he crossed the School Garden gate, he aimed for the Tokiwadai dorms and when it was in sight, he landed at the window just like a crow as he turned his battery off and touched the ground with his cane in his right hand first before stepping down.

When he got in, he immediately switched his battery off as he sat on the ground, looking at the ringlet curls girl who was already in a deep sleep state.

"(I...Do I even deserve this?)"

Accelerator looked at his left hand before clicking his tongue while scratching his head with that hand.

Whatever it was, he would take it but he still could not let that one problem within him fade away.

And he closed his eyes to sleep the pain away.

---22nd September 10:30a.m.---

Accelerator awoke to the sun shining in through the windows behind him. Fortunately for him, it was just shining past his head so he didn't get blinded by the light. But another thing caught his eyes and it was more pleasing than a naked girl this time.

In front of his feet, he saw two sandwiches inside a plastic box that just perfectly fitted its shape in a triangular pattern. It was stuffed with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and ham. But the part which pleased him the most was the black coffee sitting right next to it.

It was like a gift from the sky.

An angel had sent it there for him. It had been a while since he felt so relieved.

Below those items was a piece of paper and it read 'Why did you sleep on the floor :d Take good care of your body!! And also here's breakfast. I heard you liked black coffee so I bought it for you!'

He rolled his eyes as he flipped the paper around.

There was more writing.

'Help yourself to the bathroom, and also if you want you may use my toothbrush'

From that last sentence, he could tell that she was slightly nervous because her writing became almost scribbly.


Accelerator grabbed the cane as he stood up. Although he was shaky at first due to his butt being on the floor the whole time, he cracked his back and stretched as much as he could so that he could get the body cramps out of him. He limped into the bathroom and it was as simple as a bathroom could get. A mirror, a shower head, a toilet and blinds.

However, as nice as the bathroom was...

"I forgot to bring one more set of clothes...fuck..."

Accelerator face palmed himself as he looked on with flat eyebrows and his lips just showed no signs of hope left within his body. But he pulled himself together just to perform a simple task of bathing.

---22nd September 3:09p.m.---

Accelerator sat down on the bed as he held the memory book that Hokaze was holding last night as he was sipping on his black coffee. He tried to look through her past to see what he could find but there was really nothing he could find. It was all either pictures of her with her friends, or just Misaki.

But there was something he had been wondering about ever since he heard the term 'Queen'. What was so special about her that made her so liked? Did she manipulate their minds to make them like her? Or was it because she was simply a Level 5?

It made no sense to him why she was so popular even though she was a pain in the ass despite being a Level 5.

It just made no sense to him.

He knows that Hokaze and Misaki were friends in the past, which could carry forth into the present, but if that was the case, how were they even let into Tokiwadai? Usually once one was inside the lab being tested, they would be there for almost all of eternity, either being used as guinea pigs or having their abilities pushed past their limit.

But how were they able to escape? Was Tokiwadai part of a testing site? Were there any researchers here who were testing them? He had no clue what they were up to and when he thought about it more, he knew nothing about them. It wasn't adding up.

Had she, or they escaped the darkness of Academy City?

"(There is still more I can find out...)"

As if on cue, the door to her room was opened, and he looked at the door to find Hokaze standing there.

"Accelerator, would you like to follow me to find out something about Indian Poker?"

"What the hell is that? Sounds like some idiotic gambling game."

"Well, it's not, and you can find out something using those cards! Apparently they contain information about the urban legends of Academy City!"

"Is that so? Well, I'm not interested."

Hokaze frowned the moment he said that. So what did she do?

Just like every other mother, who forces their children to go out, she carried him in her arms as she jumped out the window without saying a word.

"In the end, I'm still being forced to go out..."

"Of course! I'm not just going to abandon you in the room."

Then the ghost girl appeared right beside them.

"You see how kind, Junko-chan is? You should be grateful that you have a wife like her!"


Both of them opened their mouths in unison, but only Hokaze responded to her ludicrous claims.

"W-What do you mean?! W-We aren't married yet, but we did do th-that thing last night...B-But we aren't married!!!"

"Heheh you can say that now, but who knows what Accelerator might do next." The ghost girl cheekily laughed as she flew at the speed they were going. Hokaze looked at Accelerator with a frown, but his facial expression remained the same, a face that implied he was uninterested in whatever they were saying as he looked ahead at Academy City.

"My heart only belongs to the Queen and no one else. You hear me?!?!"

"Oh, look who's blushing heheh."

"I'm not!"

The moment Hokaze crossed the School Garden's borders, she went towards a direction which was pointing to his previous home, the school dorm. But then she quickly made a turn, and then they were close to the windmills of District 7 then in front of a certain building where a bunch of students were living at.

When they landed, Accelerator placed his cane down and he looked at the two other people in front of him. One of them was a guy with small hairs poking down his chin. The other one was a girl who he had met much earlier during his hospital stay.

It was the Level 0 girl, and she was still in her sailor uniform, probably just got dismissed from school as well.

The girl saw him and immediately recognized him as she pointed her index finger at him.

"Oh! It's you, old man."

"For your info, I'm not old. I may be older than you, but that does not mean I'm old."

Hokaze stood there awkwardly as she butts in on their greeting.

"U-Um do the both of you know each other?"

"Yes! I saw him at the hospital nearby. He was really nice when talking to me, and even gave me courage as a Level 0!"

"Oh? Did he?"

She looked at him with quite the happy smile, a smile that mothers would give their child when she learnt that her child made some friends for once.

"Anyway, what are we here for?" Accelerator questioned as he went closer to the booth that the middle aged guy was selling. In front of him were a bunch of cards with a northern lights pattern at the bottom with 2 stars sparkling around the cards.

"Heheh, we're here to buy some cards that had some information on urban legends."

"Urban legends, huh? Well then, here are the cards for the urban legends." The middle aged man was very professional in his work as he pointed out the cards that were what the Level 0 girl was looking for.

"I have the Slaughter Maid and the Monster Athlete."

Then the Level 0 girl looked at Hokaze and she asked her, "What should we do, Hokaze-san?"

"Good question..."

"Buy them all." Accelerator came forward as he looked at the middle aged guy.

"Y-You want to buy them all?" The three of them asked.

"Yeah, do you accept credit card?"

"W-Wait, Ac-"

Accelerator didn't allow her to say his name as this girl probably knew a lot about the Level 5's names by now, so he didn't want to risk getting exposed. So he quickly cut her off.

"If we're going to find the clues we need, we might as well buy everything so we don't have to keep running back and forth."

"B-But in order to activate these, we have to sleep and then it will trigger the event sequence. I-I'm only a student!! I don't have that much time!!!"

Then Accelerator just smirked as he told her, "Well, you might be a student but I'm not."

"Y-You're really going to do this?"

"Do I have any other choice? I just want to get this investigation over and done with."

Then he walked up to the other guy.

"So, how much in total?"

"U-Umm well, 50 cards in total, and since A ranks cost about 10,000 yen, B cards costs 5,000 each, and C-card is 1,000 each, your total amounts to..."

He pulled out a calculator as he counted the cards on the floor, but it was pointless as Accelerator did the math for him.

"155,000 yen. So do you accept credit card?"

"U-Umm yeah..."

He pulled out a small device that resembled those regular machines that people could use their cards to pay with the bank logos all imprinted on top.

He simply tapped the top of the machine with his card and a small 'beep' sound could be heard which indicated the transaction went through.

"U-Um thanks for buying it for us." The Level 0 girl thanked him as she bowed her head to him, but he simply clicked his tongue.

"Anyway, we got what we need, let's head back now. Here."

Accelerator threw a bunch of random cards at her as he gave her instructions.

"If you find anything like a ghost or whatever, tell us."

"O-Oh sure. Thanks again!"

The middle aged man packed the cards inside a plastic bag so that it was easier for them to hold it.

With that, they said their goodbyes and the whole thing was settled within 5 minutes.

"T-That was fast..."

"Hurry up, let's go back."


Hokaze carried him yet again as his face showed displeasure. He was not used to being carried around like a princess, he was more used to being the one who carries people around.

"It was nice of you to buy it for us. Why did you do it? We only needed the urban legends one."

"Hey, who knows what we'll find in the cards. We can't take any chances right now. I want to end this quick."


Hokaze didn't seem happy when he said that as she wasn't smiling like always.

Accelerator on the other hand, was too deep into his mind that he did not realize it but even if he did, what could he have done?


When they reached the room, Accelerator only had one problem.

"How the hell do I even use this?"

"Hm? I thought you knew since you bought all of them without a single question."

"Just answer the damn question."

Accelerator's veins was about to burst out of his head as he held one of the cards, attempting to hold back the urge to snap it in half. In his hand, they had a feeling of something like glass and the texture of the card was smooth to the touch.

"Hmm, if I recall correctly, Ruiko-san said that all I had to do was place the card on my forehead and just fall asleep and it will play out a dream that gives you information, but I don't know the specifics."

"Heh, sleep huh? This is good. For once, I can actually have a reason to sleep."

"You're a lazy bum, you know that?" The ghost girl said as she looked at him, annoyed at what he was saying.

"Shut up. At least I don't float around doing nothing."


"Eheheh..." Hokaze awkwardly laughed as Accelerator limped to the bed and he laid down. He randomly took a card from the back and placed it on his forehead.

"Well, I'll go see how the Queen is doing. Sweet dreams."


Accelerator ignored her as he closed his eyes. The moment the door closed, he drifted into a dream.


Accelerator appeared inside a black void. There was nothing there. But one thing that caught his eye was that his cane was gone and he was standing on his own two feet.

It was a miracle.

It was a fucking miracle.

But one more thing that was apparent. Even though he felt something was on his neck, there was nothing. Not even his choker.

"Where the fuck am I?"

The white skinned boy questioned as he floated around in that dark void.

Suddenly, a background formed in front of him and he was attacked from the back.

"What the fuck?!"

He felt a hard jab at his back and he turned around, but no one was there.

When he turned back to see the background again, it was apparent to him where he was.

He was inside a dojo.

"So you want to learn the ways of Koga, don't you?"

Accelerator stood there with his face still the same as ever, plain and bored as that man appeared in front of him. His face was blurred out, but his body was like that of a bouncer inside some typical ninja outfit.


"Heheh, well I'll teach you the ways of Koga!"

"Wait, this is not it..."

Then, his body moved as if on instinct.

"But I'm not interested to learn for fuck sake!"

But that man didn't stop.

"First you have to get through this obstacle course within 5 seconds."

When Accelerator looked straight ahead at the obstacle course, he could see a 30 meter stretch of ground in front of him. By the side were dispensers that had a hole in the center. Up ahead was a wall that he assumed that he had to climb. Even up ahead, there were practice targets, and then even further up was the blurred out ninja sitting seiza style on a straw mat.

"Heh, within 5 seconds? I could go through this course within a second."

Accelerator smirked as he took one step forward and he moved one inch.

One inch only.

Just one inch.

Literally one inch.

He wasn't blasted all the way to the front as he had expected. His powers were non-existent.

He was a human being only.

"What the fuck?! Wait, you expect me to run this whole course in 5 seconds?!"

"Of course, that's the way of Koga. You have to be fast, quick and deadly."

The man appeared behind him. Accelerator may not be able to get there within a second, but that man could.

"What the fuck?! Fuck this, I'm outta here."

Accelerator closed and opened his eyes but he just looked like an idiot who just learnt what eyes were.

"Wake up goddamn it!!"

But he wouldn't. He was stuck there.


Then he was shoved from the back.

"Come on, kiddo. Don't you want to learn the ways of the Koga?"

"No, I don't! Now get me outta here, you fucking bitch!!"

Accelerator tried to punch him, but his hand collided with a piece of wood.

But he felt no damage.

When he turned around, the ninja was back at where he was sitting at.

"Fighting me without proper training is going to cost you, my dear youngling."


At that moment, rage filled Accelerator up and he became the person he once was.


Accelerator ran through the course with all the energy he had. But when he hit the pavement that had the dispensers by the side, he was shot right in the sides. But he felt no pain.

However, even though he felt no pain, he was definitely having a headache.

He was transported back to the starting line.

"Grrrrr...I'll make you pay..."

Accelerator instead of taking the quick approach, he decided to crawl instead and when the arrows were shot, they shot right past his head.

"HA! How do you like that--?!"

He was transported to the beginning.


"I said 5 seconds, kiddo. No more, no less."

"Fucking bitch..."

Accelerator ran ahead, this time on all fours like some carnivorous beast and the arrows again shot past his head. And he succeeded in reaching the wall. He jumped to try and grab the wall, but he was too short, or rather, he was lacking in the power to jump high.

And so, he was brought aback.

"Hey!! That fucking wall is too high!!"

"As a Koga, we have to learn how to scale high walls. Walls like these are easily climbed by the 5 year old kids in our village."


Accelerator had been struck by such humiliation. He had been the strongest esper until not too long ago, but now he has to suffer by being verbally abused by some ninja he doesn't even know.

This time he took his time to think about what he wanted to do.

It was practically a short course that trained his stamina and agility. But once he scaled the wall, he would have to aim at the practice targets which he assumed the gun or whatever he is supposed to use to hit them is at the station.

"Fuck...but how..."

Then he looked at his shoe, and then to the wall, and he figured out how he was supposed to get there.

"Are you ready, kiddo?"

"Hell fucking yeah I am."

Accelerator went on all fours as he dodged the arrows yet again, and then he slowly increased his central gravity as he jumped, but this time with only one foot on the wall. The friction stopped him from dropping down just for a second and he used his other feet to push himself up the wall again. Then, using his hands, he grabbed onto the wall and he pulled himself up, but not before a kunai had hit him straight in the face and he was sent back.

"Always expect the enemy to attack when you're off guard, young one."


This time, Accelerator merely clicked his tongue as he charged in yet again with the same tactics.

He dodged the arrows, climbed the wall, and when he got to the top, he saw the kunai flying in his direction. He dodged the kunai by moving his head slightly to the left and it grazed him. However, it didn't send him back. He quickly got down and in front of him was a table with the following selections.

A gun and three kunai knives.

He chose the no brainer option, the gun. He aimed it at one of the practice targets and he shot a bullet. Only for the gun to explode in his hand, sending him back to where he started.

"Always expect the enemy's gun to be rigged, you fool."

"I'll fucking show you who's the fool once I'm done with this..."

And he did it again, dodge the arrows, climb the wall, dodge the kunai, and then chose the kunai knives.

In front there were three practice targets and he just had about three kunai. He picked one up and threw it at one, and he managed to hit it accurately. Just slightly off the head, but it hit the body nonetheless. However, when he picked up the second one, he was sent back.

"Tsk tsk tsk, only aiming for one when there are two more looking at you? Fatal mistake. In the village, our 10 year old children could hit all 3 with just one."


He went again, finishing all the tasks and with the kunai knives in hand, he threw all three of them with one hand, but they all missed, which sent him back.


"They say when the mind is only focused on rage, one cannot simply focus their mind and do things accurately and as planned. Young one, take a deep breath and go again."

Having been left with no other choice, Accelerator took a deep breath as he calmed himself of all his frustrations. Leaving nothing but the task in his mind. He was slowly adapting.

"Good, now go."

Accelerator charged in, this time he didn't go on all fours, he grabbed the arrows and broke them in half, then he climbed the wall faster this time, and when the kunai was thrown, he caught it with one hand as the other pushed him up. Using that kunai, he threw at one of the practice targets as he landed and he only had to take two and with two of his hands, he hit both of the practice targets with ease.

And that was when the whole background changed. The obstacle course that was behind him faded away, and came a new background. A dojo ring.

A white line was drawn like a box around them as he held a katana in his hands. Even though it was slightly heavier than his cane, it was still no problem for him.

"So now, comes your final test. Try and kill me."

Accelerator with a wide grin and burning red eyes, spoken like a true maniac calmly said...


He charged in as he swung down the blade, but the ninja easily dodged it and countered by pointing the blade at his ribcage.

"That's one for me."

Accelerator clicked his tongue as their positions were reset back to the original positions. This time, he observed the ninja to see what moves he would make and what stance he had.

"Not going to attack? Then I'll be the one attacking!!"

The ninja went in with a horizontal slash and Accelerator blocked it but the ninja's strength was overwhelming as his blade was pushed past his neck line.

"That's one more for me."

"I'll fucking have fun killing you..."

Accelerator frowned as he glared at the ninja.

Put back into position, Accelerator swung his blade horizontally with one hand and the ninja blocked it easily as he knocked his sword away. Accelerator used his leg to kick the ninja, but he simply grabbed the strongest esper's leg as he looked down on him.

"Without confirming a hit, or even making the opponent flinch, you dare to use your body? Beginner mistake. That's one more for me."

Accelerator said nothing this time.

With everything back in place, he swung his sword yet again, this time diagonally, and their swords crossed once again. Even in a dream, he was sweating. His breathing was erratic.

"What's wrong? Tired already?"

The ninja knocked his sword away, but he held on to it and when tried to strike him on the other side, Accelerator narrowly dodged it, with a string of his hair being cut. But it was just a mere sacrifice for his attack. From below, he held his sword straight at his chest level, and poked it right through the ninja's body.


The ninja tilted his body in front as the blade went through him, but Accelerator did not stop there, he swung his blade horizontally, cutting through a thick piece of flesh from the ninja and he followed it up by slashing away his arm that was holding the blade, followed by the other one, next he cut off the ninja's leg to prevent his escape and the possibility of a counter attack, then when the ninja's body fell to the ground, he was about to commence torture when everything slowly faded into a smoke.

"Heheh, good one...I hope you have learnt a lot..."

The ninja's body slowly faded away as his let out his final groan.

Accelerator immediately laughed.

"GYAHAHAHAHHA!!! THAT'S WHAT YOU FUCKING GET YOU PIECE OF FUCKING LOWLIFE!!! What a shame I couldn't torture you, but that's what you get for underestimating me, you fucking idiot!! GYAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"


Accelerator woke up as he laughed in bed, and then he heard a small yelp from downstairs. He got up from the bed with beads of sweat trickling down his forehead, his breathing becoming rougher.


He quickly touched his neck and his leg and realized his leg was still very weak like last time, and his choker was still there.

He checked the time on his phone and realized...

"Only 15 minutes had passed?!"

Accelerator looked at his phone in disbelief. That felt like an eternity of hell to him.


Accelerator cursed as he looked at the many other cards in the plastic bag.

"(I still have many more to go...)"

Accelerator crushed that card in his hand as bits of it fell to the floor. Even though, he didn't want to litter on her floor, but he was too enraged to even think about being nice.

He took out one card and placed it on his head as he accepted his fate.

His fate to suffer.

"(I'm regretting this right now...)"


When he went in again, he was immediately greeted by a bright white light that covered his eyes. Maybe it was due to him not being able to adjust to the lighting yet that caused his eyes to narrow.

But when his eyes finally adjusted to the light, he was immediately punched in the face and he blacked out.

When he awoke, he was still seeing the bright white light. But since his eyes had adapted to the lighting already, he scanned his surroundings and he saw an octagon ring around him. In front of him was his opponent, staring at him with bloodlust.

"Oh fuck!! Not another physical one..."

His opponent charged at him and threw a right punch that immediately knocked him out. He felt the pain this time. His face felt the pain of the fist colliding with his face.

It was devastating.

When he opened his eyes again, his head was throbbing, and he had UFC gloves around his hand.

"Do I have to win this one as well?!?!"

"What do you think, chump?"

His opponent talked back.

"We're in the ring. The only thing that matters here is life and death, and I'll make sure you die!!"

He charged at Accelerator once again. Accelerator dodged his right hand as he delivered a right hand to his opponent's mid section. But his opponent shrugged him off as he delivered a right knee to his face, before slamming his face again with a low right hook.

He awoke again as he took a deep breath and readied his gloves.

"Fuck...I wish I hadn't bought all those cards now..."

His opponent was vicious as he started with the right hand, this time Accelerator stepped aside to give himself some space and think what he could do. He was physically weak so his punches could do nothing, so if he wanted to win, he had to find a way to knock his opponent out or win the judges favor.

"Fuck...here goes nothing...!"

Accelerator charged in as he threw a punch right at the opponent's head, but he simply dodged by going underneath, from above, Accelerator could see from the bottom of his eyes that his opponent was ready to deliver the hardest, strongest, uppercut he would ever take.

The pain then flowed to his chin, and to his brain as he was knocked out.


Accelerator this time tried to parry his opponent's starting right hand with his left, but his wrist only twisted as the punch went through and hit his shoulder. The opponent then strike him in the knee with his leg, followed by a turn as he threw the back of his heel at his head.


Accelerator's head twisted sideways and he lost again.

He awoke and then this time he dodged the right hand, followed by blocking the right knee, then he grabbed his opponent's leg as he pushed him to the floor with his weight supporting his shoulder. From there, he readied his gloves as he delivered blow after blow to his opponent's guard.

But suddenly, a man pulled him away. He was wearing a black and white vertically striped shirt, that was the referee.


"But I had him right there, goddamn it!"

The referee only glared at him as Accelerator backed off into his corner.

His opponent was led to the corner as well, and when the referee deemed the both of them fit to continue, the bell was rung and Accelerator approached his prey calmly. He didn't even put his guards up this time.

Accelerator was set on full out offense.

While his opponent was just set on the standards.

Besides, Accelerator couldn't even block his punches even if he wanted to. He had no way of having an absolute defense now that he had been brought to a human level.

"It would be unwise of you not to put up your guard you son of a--"

As his opponent threw a right jab, Accelerator just stepped to the right side as he threw a shot at his opponent's lower left body where his kidney was located, but his opponent managed to dodge in time, but Accelerator didn't give him a chance to run as he charged forward, punching his opponent's right sided kidney. His opponent groaned, but he threw an elbow shot on Accelerator's head, knocking him to the ground, but he didn't pass out.

Before the opponent could lock him on the ground, he quickly rolled to the side as he got up.

"(Shit...he's more durable than I thought...)"

Accelerator thought by punching the kidney, it would have the most impact to the opponent but the opponent was either a good actor, or he was just really built to be strong after all, his opponent was standing around the same height as him. It was just that he had much more muscles than him.

As they slowly went closer to each other, his opponent started to throw light kicks his way, supposedly trying to poke him, but that really gave Accelerator a lot of damage as his knees were trying very hard to support his body weight.

"(Fuck!! Why am I so goddamn weak!!)"

At the rate that Accelerator was getting 'poked' his legs would be unable to hold him any longer and he would be brought back to the beginning.

So he had to be on the offensive.

First, he tried to throw a right punch, but his opponent foresaw it as he ducked underneath, but Accelerator had learnt one more thing.

A jab.

Such a simple term, yet to Accelerator, it was a strong move.

The ability to poke while being able to safely guard yourself without committing too much strength.

That was what he had done to throw his opponent off.

His opponent misread it and tried to go for the uppercut, but Accelerator blocked it with both of his forearms, and even though his forearms hurt like hell, it was definitely not as painful as receiving the uppercut full on.

With that, the opponent's fist was 'stuck' to his forearm as he freed one of it and landed a straight punch to his opponent's jaw. His opponent fell, and that was when Accelerator continued his assault.

He started to punch his opponent in the face when he was knocked down, his opponent receiving blow after blow even when he fists didn't land correctly as they bent while punching but it was still shot after shot.

That prompted the referee to pull him off again.

And when the referee checked the condition of his opponent, he had won as the referee called for the bell.

He had really done it just with a simple move like a jab.

He laughed as he embraced his victory. A full on legitimate victory.


"Fuck yes!!!"

Accelerator woke up with a satisfied smile as his breathing became quick, trying to catch his breath from the adrenaline and fatigue he got during the fight.

"Ha...hahaha...I fucking did it."

Accelerator crushed the card in his hand as he threw it on the ground. But he still had a long way to go to be able to find any real clues. But he had learnt something from all those.

He learnt how to fight.

And this time, it only took him 10 minutes.

"Fuck!! There's still so many fucking more!"

He grabbed his cane as he went to the mini fridge to get a small can of juice to rehydrate himself. His throat was dry, and he was sweating all over.

"Shit, this is actually so fucking annoying..."

Accelerator took the next card as he placed the can of juice on the ground and laid down on the bed with the card on his forehead.


This time, he was in some place. He was in a room. With no one inside yet. But it was like any typical dorm, except it was less spacious than the one his real body was in.

Outside was a white void, and he can't help but look at himself to see what he was this time.

To his horror, it was something he had never imagined he would be wearing.


He pulled the black skirt as he looked at the white apron he was wearing. He had something on his head and it was uncovering his forehead.

He had a hairband on.

He was a fucking maid.

"W-What the fuck is this? Why am I in a maid's costume?"

Then someone barged in through the door.

"Nyaaa, I'm back~!"

His body could not control itself as he kneeled down in front of this boy.

He could not see the face of that boy because it was blurred out, but his voice was like a child.

"I'm hungry, nyah~ Can you make me something to eat, my dear little sister?"

"Go make it yourself, you fucking brat!!"

Accelerator kicked that boy's body and he was immediately sent flying.

"Owww...that was a good kick! As expected of my little sister!"

"(What the fuck? Does this fucking sicko have a siscon or something?)"

Then that boy went behind him as he gave him a small little massage on his shoulders.

"Nyaaa~~ Did you have a tiring day, my cute little sister?"

"Yeah, I'm tired of your fucking bullshit!!!! NOW GET OFF!!"

Accelerator kicked him in the stomach again, and then he grabbed his shirt as he punched him in the face.

"Nya~ I'm being abused by my little sister!!"


In that instance, he woke up.

But he did not even had to think whether he wanted to destroy that card or not. It was an immediate and definite yes, he had to fucking destroy it.

That was an absolute nightmare as he started to catch his breath again as much more sweat than ever dripped from his head.

"F-Fuck...I think that's enough for today..."

With that, he finished the rest of his juice as he laid back down on the bed, this time with no cards on his forehead. He had enough.

dontouchme dontouchme

Hello guys, it has been 2 days and I've written another chapter, this one might not be too significant, but next chapter will probably wrap things up with this arc. After that, it's probably going to be another chill chapter.

next chapter
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