Unduh Aplikasi
28.93% A True Beginning / Chapter 57: Ch.12

Bab 57: Ch.12

Katherine came back to town and started causing problems until I shoved the cure down her throat and told the others what I'd done. They hadn't realized there was actually a cure for vampirism. I told them the draw backs of vamp blood no longer helping or turning them back and that if someone bit her and drank they'd be cured while she would rapidly age and die.

Katherine of course heard me and was furious but helpless. Her daughter Nadia was in town as I'd killed the travelers and she was left only searching for her as a life's purpose. Lexi mentioned her off hand to see if she'd change somewhat while doubtful.

With my projects finally coming to fruition a month later I gave Lexi a ring asking her to marry me. She said yes before I continued and told her the ring was connected to a pocket dimension like the pack in the basement was.

I had made a matching set with three others for Faith, Alice and Buffy should we ever get back to them. With a shudder I began the second part of my plans and went to where the travelers hid Amara's stone body. When I found it I brought it back to the house before paying human contractors to dig out a lake sized pool.

I paid the handsomely and two months later it was ready. Sighing I filled the giant pool with a massive amount of holy oil and lit the furnace under it I'd installed. Living flame sprang to life like a massive wild fire.

When it was all ready Lexi bid me good luck with a kiss as I reached through Amara and yanked Enzo to this side, bringing him to life. A last gift for Bonnie as Lexi and I hoped anyway. I sent him to the armory as soon as he was here and began step two.

I began draining the other side through Amara. Witches sand spirits fought back but they had no footing in this world as I drained them of their magic and sent them to the afterlife. Other than Tyler's dad and uncle the vampires and werewolves became essence as I crushed their souls to feed my own.

Hundreds of thousands of supernatural creatures were destroyed in my efforts and while I sent the witches onwards they tended to fight back until I drained them of magic.

Days turned into weeks as I continued to drain what was essentially a planet of creatures of all energy. After the witches were gone there was nothing to slow me down as I slaughtered souls left and right taking them all in and turning them into essence while the magic holding the other side there began to fail.

By the time I finished off Amara and she too died in relief, I was so chalk full of essence and magic that when I dived into the lake sized pool of oil with an anchor around my waste, the oil immediately boiled all over as dark magic was purified out of me.

I screamed, breathing in the oil as I passed out. I can truly say I had no idea what happened next because when I came too I was little more than a foot deep in black tar like oil. The lake like pool had been somehow concentrated into pure black tar that stuck to me a little as I stood up.

I scraped it away and trudged to the edge where I sent a mental call to Lexi who came running. She handed me a towel as I scrapped off the tar like substance before stepping out and sending all inside it directly into the earth to be re absorbed by nature and put to good use.

She made me another quick oil bath and I came up clean surprisingly. I felt inside me fore the first time since I'd awoken and was amazed by what I saw. All my planets were now sun sized and there were twenty of them.

While not all sealed they were quelled by the mass of essence that was accumulated inside me. I sealed them all for now and began adjusting and combining all the essence into that spark I had left. It grew and grew until it was no longer a spark but a small fire as it were.

It was more like my essence had returned from before though not as pure as it once was. I began refining it while asking Lexi what all happened. "You were in there a full six months. Elijah called to say your advice for turning Esther into a vampire was used and worked well. Other than that Stefan and Caroline are going steady and I've been chilling in college with them to ease the boredom."

Sighing I stood and cleaned myself. I now had four sparks from my refinement, not including the original one of course. My body was being refined a bit from them but otherwise they had no current effects on me.

What I needed now was to meditate and regain control of my magic one star at a time. I'm glad I sealed them now as they'd have gone bonkers and effected the world around us in strange ways with so much.

I unsealed the first one and felt the wind a little as I reigned it in on the way back to the house. There I felt Lexi's magic out and was happy to see she'd been practicing in her boredom. Her magic was now around what mine was after my first trip to Devon.

I was proud of her as it couldn't have been easy to have accomplished so much. I called Elijah and congratulated him on their victory over Esther. He thanked me for the suggestion and gave me a sit rep of how things were now.

Other than Marcel, the vampires followed him now. The werewolves were loyal to Klaus as he'd provided them with moonlight rings. While Hayley and Elijah were together and happy. Klaus was seeing Camie a bartender slash shrink on occasions while the human faction followed her.

The witches were settling down and making good with the moonlight rings in order to not fall out of favor. Hope was healthy and happy while even Rebekah was there visiting to see her niece. Sage and Finn had blown through town a few months back and he was disgusted with their hypocrite of a mother.

Rebekah was in a human body now while her vampire body she was leaving there for them to watch over in case things go bad. She'd managed to get Bree to help her after seeking help. Bree was happy to help when she learned Rebekah was in some way related to me and Lexi.

They'd become fast friends and tore up Georgia as they kicked ass and took magic books. All in all things were looking up. The only down side is that Elijah had pissed off Davina with his take over of the vampires. She and Marcel were cooking up something and they'd managed to get ahold of some dark objects just after I'd left town.

I hung up after wishing them the best. From there I took Lexi to bed and showed her how much I missed her. When we finally got out of bed the next day she insisted we go to a homecoming event on campus. She'd been so happy that I couldn't tell her otherwise.

We went to campus where we met Ric and his new lady friend that I immediately recognized as Jo. The witch twin of Kai of the Gemini coven. When I shook her hand I told her. "I've actually met your father if it helps. I took a business trip to Oregon and met him. He had a mystical way about him."

My words struck Alaric as he asked her. "You're a witch?"

I chuckled. "Way to be obvious Ric and yes she's a witch though not a practicing one from the feel of her magic."

She frowned at me. "You can feel my magic?"

I nodded. "I'm very powerful and I can feel all magic within the state or world if I push it. Pinpointing whose a witch is hard from a world view but when I'm this close it's easy. FYI the Parker twins by the kegs are witches two and I believe they're related to you. Siblings in fact."

Her eyes shot wide and I turned to Alaric. "Good eye Ric, she's a survivor like you. A good mach if you two ever get to the first date scene."

I backed off and introduced myself. "I'm Ryan Masters, the most powerful being you're ever to meet. That is not a jest either but more importantly, I'm Ric's friend. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask. I could turn you into a very powerful witch indeed."

I held out Lexi's hand saying. "This is my beautiful fiancé Lexi Brandson. Vampire, witch and all around thief of my heart."

My words had a stunning effect on the doctor/witch and when I introduced Lexi to her she was startled out of it shaking Lexi's hand while asking. "How can you be a vampire and a witch?"

Lexi smiled easily answering. "Well, vampires have their own magic in the form of compulsion. So in theory they have magic yet they usually can express it like witches. The problem is in their minds. A sort of automatic link forms when someone becomes a vampire."

"The magic that creates and sustains them is automatically shifted and used to give them their unique gifts. Thanks to Ryan here I've been able to turn off that automatic link and access the magic that makes me what I am. There's more to it than that as I'd still be a witch even if I wasn't a vampire any longer as I've gone beyond the basic's I've mentioned and am a fully practicing witch with a great deal of power."

She seemed fascinated by Lexi's answer and Ric asked. "Does that make me a witch?"

I shook my head. "Not even remotely. Yours was a spell and sacrificial ritual based vampirism like mine. You'd have had to be witch like me before hand. When I healed you I sucked all the magic out of you and healed the wound that would've meant your death. Thus you're completely one hundred percent human. Though I'm sure I could help you tap into some magic's if your interested."

He shook his head. "No, I left the supernatural as far behind as I did to avoid being dragged back in. Heck, the only part of that life I deal with is books and the occasional drink with Damon."

Shrugging we listened to Lexi and Jo's talk on magic for awhile before separating them to get them to stop talking about magic around the locals. The college students nearby had begun paying attention and it was time to disperse that kind of talk.

Jo asked me right before we left. "What was it my father had that you wanted?"

I smiled. "An ascendant. I harvested the prison world of raw materials and minerals before taking all the magic artifacts and coming back. A group of siphon witches aren't much of a deterrent for me. They cannot harm me in the slightest unless I let them."

Jo seemed a bit awkward as I told her. "I gave your father a debt he can call in at any time to protect his coven. If you'd like I can agree to help you become strong enough to overcome your twin for the merge in exchange for using the one you hold."

She frowned. "How-"

I smirked. "Jo, I'm a thousand year old nearly all powerful witch. I can feel the magic's, all magic's nearby with a very accurate degree. I can even tell you the male twin will consume the female if they merge soon. He's stronger by a fair bit."

Jo was a bit shaken so I told her. "Think on it. If you decide to spare them the pain I can teach you and make you the strongest Gemini coven leader to ever exist. Let me know what you decide later."

I left to grab a drink with Lexi before meeting up with Damon and Elena. They were both seemingly very happy. Even Caroline and Stefan were happy talking to Elizabeth Forbes, aka the sheriff of Mystic Falls.

Lexi dragged me over to say high until I interrupted their conversation saying. "Sheriff, you smell bad."

Liz didn't like that saying. "That's a bit rude-"

I shook my head. "Not that kind of smell."

I turned to Tyler and told him. "Smell her, tell me what you smell."

He gave her a sniff before frowning. "Sickly sweet and a bit pungent."

I cursed before asking Stefan and Damon as he came over. "What do you two smell?"

They sniffed her before shaking their heads and I sighed. "Vampire senses can't pick it up then. The smell Tyler and I are picking up is cancer. Liz, I recommend you see a doctor pronto."

Damon snorted. "Why don't we just give her a bit of vampire blood and-"

I smacked him upside the head. "Vampire blood and even healing spells don't work on cancer as it's a part of the body like red blood cells. They actually have the reverse effect and tend to speed it up, killing the intended in extreme pain. Even turning her wouldn't help as the pain doesn't simply go away. Her body would become riddled with tumors until she staked herself or I staled her out of mercy. The supernatural of this world doesn't have an answer to cancer."

Caroline caught my words asking. "Then what world does?"

I smiled. "Most of you may not know this but I'm not originally from this world. I'm a reincarnated being. And through that I've my own supernatural abilities."

Shifted my arm before turning my eyes and saying. "I'm my previous world a werewolf wasn't just born, they could be turned from a bite. And that bite returned the body to it's peek condition. My bite, as the first werewolf of that world made those I bit not only extremely powerful, but also immortal. It in point of fact can cure cancer."

I turned to Liz. "Get the doctor's to check you out. If it's terminal, I'll consider giving you the bite so long as you swear to never turn another into that particular werewolf species. You'll be forced to turn on full moons and when you're particularly moody as rage and anger triggers the turn. It's much worse than even Tyler's version so I don't particularly want it to spread to this world."

Liz asked. "How strong would I become?"

I smirked. "Beating the shit out of regular vampires would be child's play but you wouldn't be as fast. It's a trade off. Strength over speed unless it's the full moon. Then it's a toss up and depends on the wolf. Some are stronger than others while some are faster or more agile. But in the end throwing squad cars would be child's play to you and no chains not spelled would hold you. There's another thing you should know as well. Super moons will affect you as will eclipses."

I gave them the full info dump as our group was gathered and fairly secluded. Even Jo and Alaric came over to hear what I had to say. When I finished Tyler asked. "I've seen you partially shift your arm but what do you look like as a full partial shift or a full shift?"

Sighing I answered him. "My full wolf form is a natural wolf but the size is immense. I'm approximately twenty two feet tall on all fours and there's absolutely no chance for you to beat me in strength or speed. In that form I'm physically stronger than anything you've ever seen. Imagine Fenrir, the son of Loki from Norse mythology and you'll have a pretty good idea why I don't shift into that form often.."

They were all shocked by my admission as I continued. "It is my dual nature that allows my blood to heal werewolf bites. A strangely good thing from coming to this world. Niklaus's blood is much the same in that regard as his blood is also a natural cure to wolf venom. So too will his child's blood be. I spoke to him recently and Hope, his little girl seems to have changed him for the better. He's still a ruthless bastard when it comes to his enemies but he doesn't have very many of those left."

Tyler frowned. "Why not? I mean he's lived for a thousand years and like you said he's a ruthless bastard-"

I looked him over sighing. "Because six months ago I did some magic and killed most of them. Nearly a thousand supernatural beings were wiped out. You were on that list Tyler but like the few Niklaus spared I chose to spare you as well knowing he'd be angry. He surprisingly wasn't though. Like I said, he's mellowed out. There were only a handful of werewolves and less than fifty witches, most of which were dark. The rest were vampires from his and Elijah's sire lines from over the years."

Tyler clenched his jaw while Stefan surprisingly asked. "Why would you do such a thing? Some of those vampires could've been good people."

I turned my gaze to him and sighed. "Because of the child. Whatever my differences with Niklaus, whatever he's done to deserve their wrath, she is innocent of all of it. And tell me one vampire hellbent on revenge that's going to care what happens to the babe after or hell, even during the attempts on him? Tell me honestly would the ripper in you blink for a minute and stop at killing a defenseless child to get back at the one who hurt you decades or even centuries ago?"

He went silent and sighed. "As I thought. So you understand why I've helped him and I'm telling you this. The list of his enemies is self updating along with a map that pinpoints their every move. And I'll warn you all now if you move against him I will act. I may not kill you but putting that child in danger will see me doing some very unpleasant things to you as our ties break."

They mostly stayed silent but Jo spoke up. "Well, I don't even know this Klaus so no trouble here."

I barked a laugh while the tension drained from the group. We went about our day while Caroline dragged her mother to the hospital for a checkup. A week later I partially shifted in front of the whole group, terrifying most of them before gently biting Liz in the side.

I was careful to dull my senses as to not taste nor smell the blood and shifted back afterwards saying. "It'll be one full day and then the bite will heal as will your entire body. Your senses will heighten beyond almost anything you'll understand. Your bite isn't lethal to vampires so Caroline will teach you calm excuses to deal with it all. I suggest finding your anchor, something that makes you feel human and focusing on that. A memory or an emotion is best. Just stay away from anger as there's really no limit to your strength. Anger and rage are where a wolfs strength naturally comes from, everything else is controlled easily."

She'd prepared as I'd asked her when she found out her condition was terminal. She took a vacation leave from work to deal with her new condition and get it under control. I'd gone so far as to help her build a mind scape for herself to make things easier.

The werewolf genes certainly were generous as she now barely looked older than Caroline. And she could bench press a car easy enough as her eyes glowed red. I had to inform her about the menstrual cycle effecting her transformation as well and helped her through the first full moon.

That had been relatively easy as she wasn't nowhere near as strong as I was and her natural instincts were to submit to me. Tyler had a weird reaction to her as he'd shifted to join us. He, in his werewolf form had tried to mount her. Seeing it as amusing I left them to it and sealed the area with a boundary spell.

Wolf mating howls rang out throughout the woods as both of them went at it. The next day was a bit awkward as I hadn't remotely tried to hide it. I'd told everyone as it was pretty damn funny.

When Caroline came and found them naked together in a pool of there well, anyway, she was a bit angry and disgusted until I'd calmed her down saying. "She May be your mother Caroline, but they're both immortal and adults. I say be happy for them as it's a rare occurrence for werewolves to find their mates so early in their new lives. Besides it's not like she could date a human without telling them. They'd be bound to notice it and we'd have an all different set of problems on our hands."

She turned her anger to me asking. "How could you let them-"

I snorted. "I'm not your mother's keeper and her wolf didn't reject his advances. I gave them privacy and made sure neither of them hurt anyone. If you're expecting me to judge her or him based on how they've come together than you should at least ask Lexi how we came to be."

I left her there stewing until Stefan cheered her up with the confirmation that Liz's cancer was indeed gone. It made hanging out with them a bit awkward for a while until Caroline got over it. For me though I'd been busy on another project as Jo had come to me with the ascendant and a deal.

I was to train her and make her strong enough to survive the merge with her twin and she'd let me take whatever I wanted from his prison world before summoning him out for the merge itself.

I'd agreed easily and gave her the full mind download as a shortcut. I'd even left the way to siphon or negate siphoning abilities in her head at the end. It would take her awhile to get up to scratch but with the self control exercises and the mound of diamonds I'd given her to drain it was only six months before she was ready.

Unfortunately the merge would have to wait as she was pregnant thanks to Ric and getting married soon. I did however get my chance and took Donovan with me to clean out the prison world. Bonnie and the rest went as well to see what it was like in a 1994 prison world.

Damon got himself a second car as he'd left his exact duplicate there. He and Stefan weren't exactly fond of the year itself. I'd left them to hop around the world drawing it of resources and magical artifacts. I'd even taken another trip to New Orleans and Malivore not to mention the armory.

I'd saved some of the magical and dark artifacts at Ric's request as I'd stripped the planet of everything. Even the worlds military strength and vehicles were taken by me. This time I'd been far more thorough as I'd returned all the houses and structures but Mystic Falls to their base materials.

I'd stored the food of the entire plant into stasis fields as I put it away as well. In the end it became a relatively cleaned planet as I'd only left the nuclear bombs. I'm not a fan and they do nothing good for nature.

It took me a week and I'd snapped Kai's neck a few times while I'd emptied it all out before we gathered in a field where I drained Amara's statue and Put up a barrier before Matt rang the bell once more. They all got to see me be consumed by hellfire as I refined my body further before absorbing hell itself once more.

My mind expanded again and I'd earned a two stars and three planets of power more. After purging the dark magic essence we left Kai there in a hollow world as I'd dropped him in the empty ocean where he'd drown until he swam back to shore near the island Silas had once been on.

I'd collected that cure as well so now I was back up to two cures for immortality.

My body was harder and more durable but only to the point I felt twilight's as before my death. I was waiting for this moment as when we returned and I settled my mind once more I was now ready for the far more powerful real hell Cade has made four thousand years ago.

I'd have no mercy on the souls there except for Matt's ancestor as he'd asked. The rest would be used to fuel my essence and will power. Not long after we returned though I received a prayer from Niklaus, Hailey and Elijah.

Lexi and I popped off to see what they needed and found Dahlia on the war path to Hope and Freya trying to help them. As soon as they saw me Niklaus asked. "How sure are you that you can beat this witch?"

I chuckled. "As sure as you're able to kill an infant in strength. It's the morals of it that would possibly stay my hand. I need no special assistance if that's what you're asking though."

He seemed to relax saying. "We've no time for morals then. She's coming for Hope."

I nodded. "Then invite her in and let her come. It's time we laid this part of our past to rest."

I walked over to Freya and she frowned as I grabbed her and released her in a quick motion. She felt what I'd done saying. "Impossible, you've severed the link between Dahlia and I, I'm finally free."

Tears came to her eyes and I rolled mine. "Thank them then. If they hadn't called I wouldn't have bothered."

I felt Lexi smack the back of my head and I corrected myself. "Never mind, my fiancé would've had me free you regardless."

I turned and took Lexi's hand before turning to the doors that blew open. Dahlia teleported in for drama. I chuckled. "Ohh, scary. A dark witch who has a bit of power."

Elijah told me. "Stop messing around."

I chuckled. "It's adorable really. Look at her. She's assessing whether or not I'm a threat to her. Awe she can't even feel my power. There's a Chinese saying that fits this moment so well."

Dahlia snorted and I grinned. "Your a frog in a well little witch. I guess it's time I brought the pain."

I blurred and grabbed her throat draining the magic out of her by force. She screamed and tried throwing curses but I absorbed them all and broke them down into magic as well. When I took the last bit of power from her I snapped her neck and lit her body on fire.

Dusting my hands off I turned to the family behind me as my eyes and hair were now black. "Relax, it's the black magic I've taken from her. It's quite potent and I can easily say she was one massacre short of making herself immortal through sheer magic power inside of her. A rare thing in this world. I'll cleanse it out of me but for now-"

I closed my eyes and locked the dark magic away. When I opened them my eyes had changed back as well as my hair. "Ahh, much better. I've sealed the dark magic away. Now, where's the little girl, I owe her a belated birthday gift and I plan to give her the hope diamond."

I flicked my wrist and it appeared in on the palm of my hand. Hayley brought her out and I smiled. "Hey there little princess. I've brought you your first offering. A peasant like myself dare not presume too awful much but when you're older perhaps you'll bestow next a gift as well. I've seen what you will become and can't wait to watch Niklaus beat away the suitors. It'll be an entertainment all it's own."

I set the diamond on a pillow and flicked my wrist once more as runes appeared on it with ease. It began pulling in magic from the world at a rapid pace. "There, now when you're old enough this will be your first talisman and training toy. You'll be a fine witch to be sure but don't rush things too much, enjoy life as you go."

The one year old giggled and touched the diamond as it sparkles with power. I sighed. "I can't claim to be your uncle but I will kick anyone's behind for the right to be your teacher. Including your furry father's."

She giggled once more and I turned to Niklaus who was smiling. "Do you have anywhere to store my gifts? A vault or room I can seal until she's old enough to appreciate them?"

He nodded and Hayley asked. "What gifts?"

I chuckled. "Well, for starters, I have a massive collection of jewelry and artwork I'll probably never appreciate. I recently raided a prison world duplicate of this world of all its resources and treasures. I'll save the magical items for when she's older and far more responsible. For now jewelry fit for princesses and queens will do along with the artwork."

Niklaus smiled and showed me to his storage room for the paintings as he stored all of the worlds most valuable paintings with his own. Then he showed me to a vault where he kept the white oak stake and silver daggers. I'd twice now raided his the daggers from prison worlds and found that while powerful they were relatively useless to me.

I stored the jewelry I intended to give her before leaving a metric ton of gold in there as well to Niklaus's surprise. They were all bricks as well. When I saw his look on the way out I told him. "Relax, they're real. I'd never give her something fake or be cheap. After all, I value her happiness as you do and maybe more because she inspires happiness in you and the rest of them."

He shook his head. "Still nowhere near as much as I do."

I shrugged. "You're her father and I should challenge that. I'm truly happy for you Niklaus."

He gave me a rare hug and I excepted it easily enough. I told him. "Be careful from now on. I'm about to do something that may put me unconscious for a while and I won't be able to help or respond."

He frowned when he released me asking. "I'd there something you need our help with?"

I shook my head with a smile. "No Niklaus. I'm intending to absorb this world's version of a hell dimension. It will be painful but the benefits will be immense. It's something I need to do and it will ensure that if you ever die you'll never be subjected to it. I know you couldn't care less but that place would take your soul in an instant and you'd suffer like few have ever known for your past deeds. This way it'll protect you even should you live until this planet collapses."

He smiled weakly as I sighed. "I don't know how long I'll be out as when I absorbed the other side it knocked me out for six months."

He frowned. "You destroyed the other side?"

I nodded. "Yes, I have. The only places now connected to this world like that is the hell realm, the ancestors her in New Orleans and the prison worlds a coven of witches created a long while back. At this rate it'll just be the ancestors and one prison world as the other will collapse once one of the witches from that same coven acts."

He sighed. "What then? Where do the souls go?"

I smiled. "Into the great beyond like they should have long ago. There are gods out there Niklaus, and they do help mortal souls sometimes. One such being is the goddess Gaia. She's the goddess of nature and as a werewolf your soul falls into her realm. Should you wish it I'm sure she'd give you a happy afterlife or even rebirth. After all, the end is always a new beginning."

I patted his arm and headed back to the others. There I stood beside Lexi after giving everyone hugs and saying our goodbyes. We teleported back home where we attended Alaric's wedding.

It was a beautiful June wedding and one that Matt ended up mentioning that Lily was in the 1903 prison world to Damon at. As you can imagine Damon was a bit upset as well as Stefan.

They both questioned me about it and I simply told them. "I've never met your mother if you'll recall, I came to town a couple years after her death. When we were there I didn't ask questions as I just knew they'd done something horrible and the Gemini coven wanted them imprisoned. I just snapped their necks and took the ascendant before leaving.no questions asked, no fuss no mess."

Damon growled. "Our mother's been trapped in a prison world for over a hundred years, I'd say that's a very big mess!"

I shrugged. "Maybe you should find out why she's there before you go demanding her release. There's Joshua Parker now, go find out and if it's not horrific I'll help you get her out. Well, if he allows it anyway. He could use that favor I owe him to make sure they never get out."

Both brothers didn't look happy by my words and I just shrugged. "You know I'm bound by my oaths as much as the next witch."

Damon snorted. "Fine, then at least give me an oath that you'll get her out."

I growled. "You know damn well it doesn't work like that. You need something to trade that interest me or benefits my magic in equal value!"

He wanted to say drain him but I sealed his mouth saying to Stefan. "Take him elsewhere before he suggests something I can't possibly refuse and winds up dead by result. He can't speak to me for the rest of the day. He should be fine otherwise."

Stefan took Damon away and I went back to Lexi while watching Jo speak to Joshua about merging with Kai to spare the twins. She had an excellent argument and even brought up my special training. Joshua looked my way and I saluted him with a glass of champagne and a smile.

He sighed and agreed for her to try after her kids were born. He came over to me and used the oath I gave him saying. "You owe our coven, you've made a bargain with Jo to make her stronger. Now I'm calling in that favor you owe us to ensure she survives it."

I growled before saying. "Done. We are even after this."

He nodded and I walked over to Jo. Raising a hand I endured her body with a planet's worth of power while doing a strengthening spell to help her body absorb the power. When I finished her eyes glowed a bright green for a minute before it faded.

I turned to the guests and erased what they saw from their minds. When I was done only those in the know remembered it. Jo asked. "What was that for?"

I snorted. "Your father called in his debt. He had me ensure your survival of the merge. I've infused your body and mind with more power than a human body can handle. If Kai tries to siphon your power his soul will be crushed under that power and before the magic fades. A simple yet powerful move."

Alaric frowned. "Won't she be killed from all that magic?"

I snorted. "Do you take me for a fool? She doesn't consciously have access to it and other than her body being as strong as a vampires it'll have no other side effects. The magic will disperse into the planet naturally after the merge. Don't worry, the kids aren't effected other than a immunity boost. They'll likely never get sick."

He frowned. "Kids? As in more than one?"

I nodded. "Twins, both girls FYI. I hate to ruin a good surprise but it was already out there."

Jo touched her stomach asking. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "And they're both siphons by the way. You'll have to prepare for their eventual needs. Try not to treat them like like Joshua treated Kai."

I turned to the man in question now. "My oath is complete. She will survive the merge now easily. Hell, she'd survive a nuke as well if it triggered the power I put inside her."

Jo frowned. "The vampire strength-"

I sighed. "It'll go away with the magic. It's temporary and will only last until the merge. The kids booster will last though. They may have an attraction to nature as a side effect but nothing to bad. A garden with flowers will keep them happy I'm sure."

I turned to Alaric. "I'm sorry I couldn't ask. It was a bargain."

He sighed. "Whatever. So long as she and the kids are safe."

I smiled and gave them their wedding present then. It was an open ended trip to Fiji with all expenses paid. Later I heard Damon and Stefan talked to Joshua about Lily and Damon ended up heading to Oregon to retrieve the ascendant.

A month later he came back with it and asked me how to work the damn thing. Sighing I told him I'd take him if he was absolutely sure about it. When he and Stefan agreed that they were sure I took them into the 1903 prison world.

There they retrieved Lily who then demanded we take the heretic's out as well. Damon turned to me saying. "It's up to you."

I shrugged and turned to Lily. "Wake them up. If they try anything they'll be too dead to matter."

She nodded and I saw Julian's corpse. With a thought I lit it aflame. Lily shrieked for me to stop but I didn't until he was ash. Turning to her and the heretic's I said coldly. "He couldn't have been brought back either way. I came across the Phoenix stone a while back and destroyed it along with his vile soul. He was evil in the worst sense of the word and I'll not let you attempt to bring such a creature back to life even without his soul."

Lily was distraught while I turned to see a woman I recognized. "It's been a while girl. Did the magic I provide you help any?"

She was stunned to see me as her body came back under her control with blood now in her system. She didn't say much but nodded instead before looking to Stefan.

I smiled before telling the Heretic's and Lily both. "I don't know and don't care why you've been imprisoned here. Think of this as early release but there's a catch. I've made an oath to ensure the Gemini coven is never harmed by any prisoner from their prison worlds. So if you lot intend otherwise let me dissuade you here and now. You'll join the vampire I just destroyed if you attempt at reprisals against them. This is not a threat, but a fact. I will be watching and I assure you-"

I grabbed them all with my telekinesis and hurt them a great deal. "You are no match for me and will be dead for your efforts."

I dropped them as lily ran at me. Growling I told Damon as I caught her by the throat. "You wanted her, if she persists she'll stay here or be dead."

I snapped her neck and threw her to him before grabbed the ascendant. "If we're leaving let's do it now. I'm bored of this world and there's nothing here for me."

They all gathered with me under the northern lights in the sky. When we were at the right spot I activated it with a bit of Bonnie's blood and magic. After we came back I tossed the ascendant to Stefan as it broke and the magic holding it together dispelled.

As it no longer housed prisoners, the prison world collapsed. I told the heretic's that Mystic Falls was a no feeding zone and that bagged blood would be provided should they require it.

Lily woke up distraught over Julian's death still but Valorie, the witch I'd helped way back when and the heretic I was most fond of told her and Stefan about the child and that Julian had beaten her for wanting to return to him. So much so that she'd been forced to use the talisman I'd provided back then to send the babe to the nearest healthy female's body.

She'd learned later that the child was born and named Enzo St John, their son and had been turned by Lily on their voyage to America. Damon frowned. "Well, far be it from me to spoil a moment like this, but I may have sort of killed him a few decades ago."

I chuckled to everyone's surprise. "True, you did but I kind of felt bad so I returned him before I destroyed the other side. He's at the armory in this world, or he was when I teleported him away after bringing him back to life. I read about a him in the files at the lab before we burned it and heard the name at the armory when I slaughtered everyone there. So I sent him there thinking he could find his answers for the pain he's suffered on our account."

I tossed Stefan a diamond full of magic. "Have one of the Heretic's do a locator spell using both of your blood. It should be fairly accurate on his location."

With that I left them there and headed back to my house.

next chapter
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