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87.64% A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC) / Chapter 78: Chapter 71

Bab 78: Chapter 71

And an interesting evening will indeed end up having.

Emphasis on I, because I'm just a clone sent out to do some early scouting while Prime and Uzume talk more details.

I'll be honest…I think this is probably the one time we clones get the good end of the deal for once!

Seriously, dealing with Uzume is a chore most of the time, and just talking and talking is so damn boring.

A little action to spice things up now and then is pretty much required, and what with my being a clone, if I somehow get caught, I won't leave anything behind when I go poof.

I specifically didn't take anything extra with me when I left, not even my sword, or a cloned copy of it, for that matter.

My job is to simply check things out, and see what's going on at the cathedral.

Maybe visit Grandpa after too. It's been a while after all.

But the main mission here is to scope out the cathedral, a place I've never even really checked out before…and why would I have?

Being a 'pagan' and all that, I imagine trying to visit a Church is sort of like intruding upon a deity's shrine, just supersized.

Something you don't do unless you want to piss off another god.

And this is probably the last god you want to piss off.

Assuming he's not, you know, already dead and…whatever is going on with him.

I let out an audible sigh as I flew through the cool evening sky.

The point is! It's just a good idea not to try messing with him, which is why I never went to a Church before.

No, the Kuoh Church doesn't count, because that one was totaled completely. I'd compare it to a broken, empty shrine.

The only reason I or I guess it's more accurate to say Prime there, is entertaining the idea of stealing from this cathedral in the first place is due to the fact it's under renovations.

If it wasn't, I wouldn't be going anywhere near it.

But, logically, and with any amount of luck, these renovations have temporarily 'broken' it as a 'shrine', meaning the big guy upstairs is effectively blind when it comes to the place and its surroundings right now.

Though there's only one real to check that.

I didn't go as fast as I could to get here, partly so I could keep a careful eye on my surroundings with my senses, and partly so because the evening sun is gorgeous up here, so by the time I arrived in Tokyo, it was well into the evening.

Despite the encroaching dark, the city remained as bustling and lit as the morning and afternoon, sat in a perpetual state of living and light.

I'd float above it all and marvel at it, but unfortunately, I had a job to do.

I make sure to get a good look at the sight though, so the image goes back to Prime.

Let's get this over with.

St. Mary's Cathedral. From what Uzume told me, or Prime before I was made, it should be somewhere near the center of the city.

Very close to the Imperial Palace.

I couldn't help but bristle at the insult.

Granted, it's not like the cathedral is right next to the Palace or anything so blatant, but it's also not a long drive away.

I'd say maybe a ten-minute drive in a car, something along those lines. Close, but oh man are they toeing the line between trolling and blatant disrespect.

As I entered the city, I could pick up the feeling of the other shrines, even those residing in and around the Imperial Palace, but I breathed a quiet sigh of relief as I couldn't feel the holy power of Mr. Doesn't-Like-His-Name anywhere within the city.

This means the sanctity of the cathedral has been at least impaired by its renovations, as it is entirely possible the power imbued within it hasn't vanished, but instead simply weakened, and I just can't sense it because all the other shrines around are overpowering it.

However, to find that out, I'm going to have to get really up close and personal.

Thankfully, I was planning to do that anyway.

I suppress my power as low as I can make it, then mask my aura and power on top of that, making me essentially all but physically invisible…and also making me drop out of the sky and land on top of a building.

That's the thing with this method of masking your presence, you need to essentially hold most if not all of your power in.

Easy for a normal human, since they don't have many natural powers beyond perhaps unique inherited powers, blessings, or maybe gears.

Not so easy when you're more than human and rely on said powers to fight.

Luckily, I can ignore that, since I'm not here to fight, and I won't 'die' if I get caught. There isn't a need to defend myself.

In this case, I'm only mildly inconvenienced, since I'm holding in everything to try not to get caught in the first place.

This means unlike my time sneaking into the Urakyoto Palace, I can't fly.

They couldn't have possessed a divine aura covering the entire area, so I was a bit more free there.

Here though? I'm going full mask, right from the start.

If I have to run and jump the rest of the way there to keep as hidden as I can, then so be it.

Besides, it's not like my physical abilities are or can be suppressed at all.

With that in mind, I bolt across the roof of whatever random building I'm on, and leap off, easily clearing the distance and landing on the next one over.

I repeat this process on autopilot, scrambling across the rooftops of Tokyo, as I search for my destination.

I make my way close to the city center, and from there, watch out for signs of construction, more specifically, a sign mentioning such an area being quarantined off for it.

It only took a moment of searching and going just a touch further out from the city's center, to find what I was looking for.

Simple signs talking about road closures, leading to an entire blocked-off circular area of the city, wherein…

I stop, staring at the cathedral from my perch atop some random building.

"...Is that a fucking Playstation 5?" I mutter, absolutely befuddled.

And, I mean, it does!

The front of the cathedral looks awfully similar to a possible future gaming console!

Not only does the front of the place look like that, but the entire building itself is also completely different from what I was expecting.

I expected a traditional Church building, maybe with some Japanese influence, sure, but a traditional Church building nonetheless.

Instead, I'm being greeted by a rather imposing mass of concrete, steel, tile, and glass shaped like a cross of all things.

Due to how late it is, I don't see any workers anywhere, but I do see their equipment surrounding the structure, congregating up on the roof.

It looks like the renovations are specifically focused up there, probably something to do with what looks like skylights running through the center.

Regardless, if it's all focused up there, then that means there should be less I have to weave through inside.

In fact, the openings up top present a pretty good opportunity to get a look inside…

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in taking a look inside just to do so at this point, besides the mission.

I've never been inside a cathedral before, much less a Japanese cathedral, so inherently I kind of want to see how they made it.

So, still not sensing the telltale power of the sensitive guy above the clouds, I take probably my biggest leap yet on this run throughout the city, right over and on top of the cathedral.

Just because I still can't sense any holy power coming from the place doesn't mean now is not the time to start slacking. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

I walk now along the roof of the cathedral, all the way down the center of the roof are skylights, stretching down and throughout the whole center of the structure, forming a smaller cross of skylights within the greater cross structure.

Or, well, it will, when the skylights are finished being built.

Right now, most of it is covered by tarps, but there are some with the skylights installed and other various parts along the roof where…something needs to be done.

I don't know for sure, I'm not an architect, but generally, when chunks of a roof are missing I can assume something probably is meant to fill in the gaps.

In any event, I carefully walk the length of the roof, searching for a place to slip on in without disturbing or causing damage, partly out of respect for the workers, and partly to not leave any possible evidence of my having snuck in.

And eventually? I find it.

At the center of the roof, there's a patch of actual solid roof, no glass, or plans for a skylight seemingly, though it connects to the skylight sections on each side.

There though is where I find my ticket in, as at the meeting point between the skylights and solid roof, the tarp covering where future skylights are destined to be is much looser, forming an opening that flaps around as the wind blows by.

I can slip in through that opening with ease.

And so, with zero hesitation, I do just that.

Though I don't fall straight into the cathedral just yet, I hang there, holding onto the solid portion of the roof, mostly inside, but just in case, I don't drop in right away.

And my unerring dedication to carefulness was rewarded…by me not immediately being caught.

"...All I'm s-saying is!" I freeze, as a squeaky stuttering older male's voice echoes throughout the building, "Shouldn't you be there? With your charges? I mean no disrespect, it's j-j-just-"

"You're worried," A much calmer, lackadaisical, and younger male voice cut through the older man's nervous-sounding chatter, "I understand, really…but you don't have to worry about them, okay? They're young, sure, but I don't think they're so immature as to start anything unwarranted."

There are people here.

And I couldn't sense them due to my holding all my power within.


Quickly, I look down, the only place where the sources of the voices could be, and find them readily.

Two men, one younger, only a few years older than myself, even sharing around the same build as myself as well, I'd estimate, and one much older and rounder. Both are almost…right beneath me.

Haha…that was stupidly close.

Okay. The young man dressed in modest priestly garments, featuring mostly gray and black clothing with the scarce gold outline here or there, and dusty blonde hair which he didn't seem to care to take care of, spiking up every which way on the top of his head the way it did.

He seemed vaguely… familiar. In a slightly dreadful way. He looked like an exorcist, that's for sure, and I suppose it wouldn't be all that odd for an exorcist to be here.

The older man mentioned the younger guy here to have charges, which if they are in Japan, I guess also isn't odd. I vaguely recall Freed's mentor taking him to Japan for his missions.

Speaking of, the older man had much more splendid attire, wearing mostly white, with red and gold trimmings and outlining, along with a fancy hat that covered up most of his head, save for the flecks of dull white and grayed hair poking out from the sides.

This older guy…I'm not entirely sure who he is.

Maybe the guy in charge of the cathedral here? This place is the seat of something right? An… archdiocese, I think Uzume had mentioned before I was sent off?

So this guy might be the archdeacon, then. Pretty sure that's how clerical ranks, anyway.

"R-Respectfully…" The old guy slowly began, walking slightly toward the younger presumed exorcist, who merely crossed his arms back, looking down at the portly older man with a gentle smile, "I…don't think that assessment is correct."

"Oh?" The exorcist raised an intrigued eyebrow, not sounding nor looking at all offended, "What makes you think that, Archdeacon?"

Ahah! So that guy is, at the very least, an Archdeacon!

The Archdeacon twitched, growing increasingly more nervous despite the exorcist's lack of any hostilities whatsoever, "It's…well, the Slash Princess," the Archdeacon nearly hissed in distress, "she isn't exactly known to be level-headed! And w-without you there, I worry she may start things with…well, Lord knows who!" He confessed with audible fear.

I slowly blinked as I processed those words.

Slash Princess?

Who in the Church has that title again?

Unlike myself, the exorcist doesn't seem phased at all and merely gives the old man an easygoing grin before stating back, "Ah, but she has her longtime partner with her, and that one incredibly kindly sister with her on top of that, and-"

This time, the old man cuts him off with a hushed yet anxious shout, "I know that! But no amount of teenage girls can control her! Only her teacher can, and she's-"

The younger man raised a hand, abruptly, yet non-threateningly, silencing the older man by sheer surprise at the act, stopping his voice which was just beginning to reach an angry crescendo.

He then places the hand on the older man's shoulder, and well and truly looks at him.

"Listen, Archdeacon. I understand- I understood the first time you brought it up, and the many times after. You've been bringing this up practically all day, haven't you?"

At that, the older man nods, slowly.

He pats his shoulder, and continues, "If you can't believe in them, then believe in me, for I believe in my fellow sisters, truly. Once our job is done in this country, we'll be on our way, and no more stress shall come to you."

The Archdeacon proceeded to mutter something so quietly I couldn't hear it, but the exorcist seemed to catch it and chuckle good-naturedly, despite the older man's rumbling.

"Now then…" the exorcist continued, "I heard Tokyo has a Sumo Club that also serves excellent food…?" and immediately began to prod for some…interesting answers.

The Archdeacon sighs, tired and exacerbated, "...All day, ever since you showed up here, you'd come to me, asking for places to eat, leave, and then come back, is that why you came here before your charges?"

The younger man's smile never wavered a single bit as he replied with a simple, "No comment."

The Archdeacon's follow-up sigh was even more painful than the last, "...Yes, indeed, there is a place like that. I shall come with you this time if you don't mind?"

"Ah? I don't mind at all! In fact, why didn't you join earlier?" The exorcist exclaims in part excitement, part quizzical.

"...I had a job to do here." The Archdeacon deadpanned as he stated right back to his face.

That, at least, made the exorcist adopt a sheepish grin as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Right, well! There's nothing like a relaxing dinner after a job well done, yes?"

"Because you'd certainly know all about that, yes?" Was the Archdeacon's rather sarcastic reply.

I didn't personally get the joke, but the exorcist certainly did, as he chuckled much louder than before, and wrapped his arm around the older man's shoulders as he started walking away, leading the archdeacon off.

Once those two leave through the double front doors, I finally breathe a sigh of relief…and let go of the little ledge I've been holding onto, falling onto the solid and now unoccupied ground below.

I land like a proper ninja should, in style, bent down with one hand on the ground…before immediately standing and cringing, thankful no one saw my moment lapse in intelligence.

Shaking my head off…that, I take a moment to get my first good look around the cathedral before I start processing everything I just heard.

And I'll admit, I had to stop myself from whistling. Despite the obvious construction that's still clearly ongoing here, this place looks almost… ethereal.

All in all, the vast majority of the space here is open, I imagine the seating and such were moved out for the renovations, as were most of the decorations, leaving a dark and debris-covered tiled floor, surrounded by these smooth curved gray stone walls.

The place is utterly massive, befitting of a cathedral in that manner, yet at the same time its lack of traditional architecture still shocks me.

If you had only seen the inside of this place I'd bet you'd think you were in a modern and oddly shaped pyramid, in fact.

That thought got a small chuckle out of me due to the irony of it all.

A cursory glance around showed me that the center of the cathedral is lined with a brilliant red carpet, leading up the stairs to the back, where the altar, choir, and all the fun church stuff is supposed to be.

Curiously, only the altar remains, and much like the rest of the architecture, even that was made differently. An altar of twisting and spiraling smooth stone.

…What are the chances they couldn't move it precisely because whatever super secret hidden stuff going on here is under it, just like the altar at the Kuoh Church?

That, I can confirm later, for now though.

First things first…if I had a nickel for every time I snuck into a Church and hid on the ceiling to catch wind of conversations, I'd have two nickels.

Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

Technically. The specifics of my first church 'stealth' mission are pretty different compared to this one, but still, broad strokes and all that.

Secondly, and going back to what they were talking about…

The Slash Princess, huh?

And her partner…?

…Isn't that Xenovia and Irina?

They're here? Somewhere in Japan? Now?

Wait, no, the old Archdeacon said he came here before his charges, right?

For the…food?

That also feels oddly familiar, but I can't quite place why that is.

You know, I was just kidding when I was talking about the Kokopuffs Arc, please, Murphy, you got to believe me!

I shook my head at that rather nasty thought and got to focus on the why.

What the hell could Xenovia, Irina, and a couple of unnamed sisters along with this one guy who's supposed to be in charge of them be doing here?

Well, he's in Tokyo, I'm not sure what their mission even is, or where it is.

It could be here because he specifically came here, but then again I can't be too sure…

There's so much context and shit I'm missing right now that it isn't even funny.

Ultimately, I'm not particularly worried about those girls. Xenovia, Irina…those two specifically couldn't even beat Kokopuffs together.

Even with help, they certainly wouldn't be able to beat me.

As in, like, me. Against Prime, they'd be fucked.

And not in the fun way Xenovia might want.

Unless that guy was some super strong exorcist, there's nothing to worry about…besides their mission.

I consider following the two, to see if I can maybe get a read on that guy's power, or overhear anything important.

After a moment's consideration, though, I swiftly decided against it.

For one, though he seemed easygoing enough, that guy didn't seem the type to let slip mission details at some restaurant randomly, especially if the mission was important, and especially not to someone he didn't know.

And if he catches wind of my true nature, and he's strong, well…I can't guarantee he won't just blast me, and then from then on it'd make everything else regarding my mission here more difficult.

No, better to let him go for now.

I kneel, putting my hand against the ground, trying to feel out for any holy spirit power with my innate sensitivity alone.

I click my tongue as I come up with a cold and dry nothing, rising back onto my feet.

I'd move the altar and check deeper right about now, but…that guy, that exorcist, this mission, and the girls from the Kokopuff Arc showing up…

That's got me nervous, and I can't quite place my finger on why.

So, I put my hands together.

I'll disperse, and send everything back to Prime me now, and let him decide from here what to do.

…Man, I don't get paid enough for this shit.

With a single sign, I cease existing.

~ A New Sun ~

I was sitting on the couch, drinking a nice cup of tea when it all hit me.

Promptly, I spat out my tea in shock.

"Paid? Paid!?" I grumbled aloud, setting down my teacup with an aggravated sigh.

Then I sat there, on the couch, head in my hands, and groaned.

Clones are lazy little shits, and me? Without proper motivation, I know I can already become a lazy little shit.

But seriously, come on now…this is taking it a step too far.

The clone me didn't put much, if any, thought into that guy.

But as soon as I got the image of him jammed into my head, it didn't take but a moment of thought to connect that image to a name.

Dulio Gesualdo. The Strongest Exorcist the Church currently has at its disposal.

Here, in Japan, with the Kokopuff Arc girls and even more besides.

Well, they aren't here yet, but they will be.

What a fucking mess.

At this point, Uzume had already gone back to bed…she got tired again during our discussion, and Rose and Kuroka got tired after they finished up and I cooked them something.

The only reason I'm still awake right now is because I was waiting for the clone to get done, but I kind of wish I just went to bed and dealt with all this shit in the morning.

I also kind of wish the clone would have checked under the cathedral like it was supposed to, but the lack of any security at all is kind of making me doubt the sword is hidden there now.

Granted, Dulio is probably enough security as is, but I doubt that's what he's there for.

He's probably just in Tokyo for the food, seems that way, based on the Archdeacon's comments.

But that leaves the mission, and…ugh.

Of all times, why is the Church doing this now? Right when I'm acting against them?

There's no way they know about my plans, so it's got to be something else.

Well, what happened recently that would prompt the Church to do…anything.

"...Fuck." I uttered in swift realization, "It's got to be related to the Spear, right?"

Unless Kokpuffs broke out of the Underworld after breaking his limits like some sort of Fallen Saiyan, becoming monstrously powerful, and then stole the Excaliburs to come all the way over here and fuck with the sisters of the Satans…

But somehow, I doubt all that.

Yet, if it is the Spear…

I rapidly tap my foot against the ground, thoughts swirling around in my hand.

Along with…something like a plan.

If a fight breaks out, and Dulio gets involved, I'm likely screwed, but if they are just here for the spear, and not for me specifically…

I can use pre-character development Xenovia to my advantage.

I'm also going to need to whip out my hammer a little sooner than I thought.

My foot stops, and I rise onto my feet, a steady grin spreading across my face.

I almost feel bad about what I'm going to have to do to the Church girls, they are some of my favorite characters after all…

But at the same time, in a situation like this? I can't afford to hold back.

I'm going to send a clone to keep an eye on Dulio, and possibly check for the sword back at the cathedral.

Then, after I clean up this tea, I need to grab the Spear and my hammer.

I'm going to need the former for…inspiration.

Karmic_Wizard Karmic_Wizard


A bit late aren't I? Eheh...yeah, my laptop finally broke down, and I just got a new one today to replace it.

Still getting used to the thing, but so far, it's sooooo much faster than my old one.

In other news, guess who found out about Dulio? And as a result, guess who gets to pay the price?

The poor Church girls. Poor things.

No sword quite yet, Dulio is just a tad bit more important, but don't worry.


In other news, Thanksgiving is coming up next week, and due to my being busy with the fam, there won't be a chapter next week. Just letting you all know ahead of time.

If I have time though, I might be able to whip up a Thanksgiving "special" chapter, but it wouldn't be very long. Prolly omake length.

So, until December you lot?

Have a wonderful start to the holidays, no matter what you celebrate.

And peace ya'll.

next chapter
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