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78.48% A Heroes Time / Chapter 62: You seriously had to take our friend

Bab 62: You seriously had to take our friend

(Every Alien Design) Comments

Editors Note: Since Cameron is technically older I had to change up the designs, not a lot, but just by a small bit to show like the omnitrix recalibrating the clothing to fit the aliens older physic. And sure I only changed the clothing since I really wasn't in that creative zone to redo the designs with better and older body types, there's also another reason, but I won't get into that. I thought changing the clothes only would be fine because UAF technically kept the same designs seeing by those aliens we saw in the intro and DiamondHead wearing new clothes. Of course there were others who had a new design.

Cameron is kinda like in the same age group as AF Ben so in this volume I'm gonna be going hard as a celebration of that.

0verspeed darted through the town, causing the people of Middleton to quickly jump out of the way. They had never seen a speed demon alien like him before.

"L day honestly, L day." muttered 0verspeed to himself with his quick soft hazy voice. "I need to be studying for the practice test, but no, I have to chase down some dumb robbers, and then I still have to go to the museum."

One of the criminals turned around to see 0verspeed gaining on them rapidly. The criminal realized that he and his friends had no chance of getting away from the alien. For them, it was now or never. With a determined look on his face, the criminal pulled his body back from the window and started shooting at the speed demon alien.

0verspeed swiftly slid beneath the gunfire before rolling to the side to come to a stop. He then sprang back up and shot forward once again. With ease, the speed demon closed the gap between himself and the criminals. He jumped onto the roof of the vehicle and made his way to the front, where he kicked down the windows.

"Shit! Shoot him!" the criminal exclaimed to his partner.

"I'm trying, but he's moving too fast," the partner replied.

"Dammit!" the criminal cried out in frustration.

The men knew they were screwed, so they didn't offer much of a struggle when 0verspeed grabbed them both and ran out of the car. He sped to the nearest police station and dropped off the two criminals there.

"If I run, I'll definitely make it to the museum, maybe I can even do my homework in the process."

Editors note - Yes there is something different.

➜ [ Middleton - Museum ]

Cameron, Damian, Abigail, and Addie stepped out of Christian's car and huddled around the museum's entrance. Christian is Maddie's older brother.

"You guys should thank Maddie for tricking me into dropping you."

Christian is a handsome 20-year-old with striking blonde hair that falls just above his shoulders  His bright blue eyes are often described as captivating and will draw anyone's attention immediately.

"That's huge!" Abigail exclaimed, staring at the concrete structure towering above her.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool that Addie's mom owns this place," Damian chimed in.

Addie shrugged nonchalantly. "It's just a museum."

Cameron couldn't help but feel impressed by the size of the renovated museum. "Dude you're only saying that because your mother works here."

Editors Note - He's not really 15 years old, he's in the year where he should be turning 15. That's why I say age 15.

"Cameron is now at age 15 still keeping in with a warm light brown skin tone. His hair, which he previously wore plat down when he was 13 years old, now forms a more circular shape around his head (as it did) and has been grown out a bit (by 3 or so inches) making it seem more puffed, the hair now supports a high faded cut on the sides. The color of his hair is now also a rich brown hue, with highlights that gleam under the light. Cameron's warm brown eyes are still his most striking feature, and they stand out even more against his brown hair."

|Cameron is wearing a white long-sleeved T-shirt with the sleeves pulled up to his elbows. He is also wearing cerulean blue jeans and black sneakers.

"Come on, let's go in," Christian said as he held the door open for the group.

"Didn't think Maddie's brother would be a gentleman." Abigail said.

They all walked into the museum, chattering excitedly and looking around at the various exhibits.

As they walked deeper into the museum, Christian abruptly stopped in his tracks. His eyes widened as he pointed to a bat flying rapidly towards them.

"Look out!" he shouted.

The group scrambled to duck and hide while the bat crashed into the wall in a fit of rage. They peeked out of their hiding spots, frozen in fear as the bat mutated and grew in size.

It was clear that the bat was now after them, and the group could feel their hearts racing as they tried to come up with a plan.

"We need to get out of here now," Abigail said, fear evident in her voice.

Christian nods agreeing with her. "Come on, I'll lead the way. Follow me," he said, grabbing Damian's hand.

Cameron pulled back and he immediately knew he needed to act fast and pull up his omnitrix. Cameron scrolled through the different alien options before finally choosing a figure of a small chubby alien.

Bubbles covered the scene ; as Cameron took a deep breath, inflating every part of his body before releasing a green energy ball that shot up into the sky. As it came back down, it burst into a shower of bubbles that covered Cameron. When the bubbles cleared, a chubby green alien stood in his place. "I guess, it's time to be a hero." The alien said with a voice that sounded as if he inflated his cheeks and started talking.

Somewhere in another room, professor Psych was on the giant bat searching the area.

"There it is!"

He jumped off the bat and broke down a glass barrier containing a small chip of something. He grabbed the chip and was about to make his way back onto the flying bat when a green alien fired a light green energy ball against the face of the bat.


"-Munch!" Munch exclaimed.

Munch ate a painting from the museum and spat it out as a green ball of energy that knocked straight into the face of the man on top of the bat.

"Wait a second." Munch noticed. "Aren't you that professor guy from that college?!"

"Good eye alien scum. Come on my little experiment let us leave this place."

The bat alien dropped the professor and headed straight toward Munch who jumped over the alien before it knocked into him.

"Darn it!" The professor typed something on a computer he had on him. Another mutant bat like creature came down and grabbed the professor. "See you!"

Munch smirked and took a bite out of a nearby ancient vase, converting it into green energy balls, and aimed them at the Bat mutant. The Bat mutant swiftly dodged the energy balls and swooped towards Munch.

The bat alien had its attention focused on Munch and tried repeatedly to attack the alien, but Munch was just far too good at dodging attacks.

"I didn't expect you for the fast type, is that a bit contradicting since you're a bat? Are bats fast?" Munch ducked under a swoop from the bat then swallowed in some paintings from behind it. "I hope this doesn't effect me when I turn back."

Munch quickly spat out the energy balls and ran towards the display of Greek sculptures, hoping that it would slow down the Bat mutant. As the Bat mutant swooped in to attack, Munch dodged the attack and crashed into the sculptures, sending them tumbling to the ground in a loud crash.

"Ouch." Munch burped a bit. "My bad."

The Bat mutant, angered by the destruction, swooped in for an attack. As it charged towards Munch, Munch took a gulp of an ancient wooden chairs, converting it into green energy balls and firing them towards the Bat mutant.

"WOW!" Munch exclaimed after avoiding a swing from the bat, "I think you're doing a bit too much there buddy."

The bat alien then tried to fly up so it could get a better advantage which didn't work well since it only damaged itself more by knocking into interior of the museum.

The bat alien released a screech before breaking through the ceiling and flying out. Munch was about to shoot out his tentacles to pull back the alien when the watch shined a green emerald flash that reverted Munch back into Cameron.

"Fuck!" Cameron exclaimed. "My mouth tastes like that bat, fuck, I hate using Munch sometimes... Now I have to wait five minutes... I wonder how much damage a mutant bat can do in five minutes."

[ Moments Later ]

ReLode pulled one of the cars towards him and then blasted it into the bat creature coursing it to release a screech that got everyone around them running.

"Okay, apparently a lot of damage." ReLode said an alien that sounds like a vibrating bucket was placed on his head.

The creature screeched at ReLode and swooped down to tackle him, but the magnetic alien was quick to dodge and then fire back with a bunch of street lights.

The bat creature screeched again as it tanked through the street lights and slammed ReLode into a building with its tail.

"Okay now I'm mad!"

ReLode manipulated a ton of metal material in the area, using it to attack the bat creature. Despite the onslaught, the creature remained unscathed and retaliated by violently swinging its tail, knocking ReLode back and forth.

With great force, the creature struck ReLode, sending him crashing into the water. The creature attempted to fly away once again, but ReLode quickly raised his hand, using his magnetic powers to launch himself towards the creature.

A small metal piece was stuck onto the back of the creature and ReLode had used that to boost himself in closer.

"There's nowhere clear of people here. I'll just have to take you down."

ReLode aimed one of his curved hands at two street lights and used their magnetic pull to launch himself toward them. He then aimed his other curved hand at the creature, pulling it towards him.

As the magnetic alien landed on the ground, he quickly built a force field that covered the area, protecting most of the people in the vicinity. The creature crashed to the ground, sending shockwaves through the bodies of those nearby.

The dust cleared away and the shield built down. The people took note that the alien was missing which was why the shield was gone.

Cameron looked ahead to see if he did the job and his heart dropped when the bat creature flew out of the dust and straight into the sky and started flying away from the city.

Cameron kicked a pebble with frustration clear in his voice. "Oh, come on!"

As Christian's car screeched to a stop in front of him, Cameron jumped back, narrowly avoiding a collision.

Abigail's head popped out of the car window. "There you are! We've been looking everywhere for you. What are you doing here?"

Cameron took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing mind. "I was trying to find that mutant bat, but then I realised I'm only human."

"And it took you that long to realize that? Here, I was thinking you were the smartest one in the group," Damien said.

"I'll take the compliment," Cameron replied.

"Excuse me, offensive much?" Abigail added.

"Get in, Cameron. We're following them. I think I might know where they're headed," Christian revealed.

"Seriously? How?" Cameron asked.

"Does it matter?"

He quickly piled into Christian's car and drove off in the direction that he suggested.

They drove for what felt like hours until they finally arrived at an abandoned garage on the outskirts of town. Christian parked the car and they all got out, ready to save Addie.

"Alright, let's split up and find him," Christian said, taking charge.

"Whoa!" Abigail stepped back, "All together? I thought you were gonna go in there alone since you're like the adult."

"And I thought he was gonna drive us here and then call for help, I didn't sign up to do hero work." Damien added.

"This is to save your friend, you're seriously going to bail on him?" Christian raised a question.

"We're only kids, we can't handle this type of stuff we didn't train for this like those superhero dudes, we could literally die."

"Heroes put their lives on the line everyday for us knowing that theirs a chance of them dying, but the reason we don't notice it is because they act coy and hold up a smile so the people around them can feel a sense of safety, some crack jokes so their minds aren't clouded by the situation." Cameron interjected in a serious tone which left everyone quiet.

"Whoa... I guess you are the smart one?"

Realising what he just said and how he said it, Cameron quickly gave a goofy laugh while scratching the back of his head. "At least that's what I heard from this newspaper article I read this one time." He said.

Abigail's eyebrows fell low, "Seriously?"

Christian's car started up and before they knew it he raced toward the garage and smashed right through it breaking it down with a whip of dust following behind and a slight green flash.

"What the hell?!" Professor Psych exclaimed. "Can you not see I am in the middle of an evil scheme?!"

"You messed with the wrong people when you took one of my sisters friends jackass." Christian stated.

"Oooh? Are you going to do something about it? I'm curious... Very curious to see what you're gonna do about it... Jackass."

The mutant bat crashed through the place and stared at Christian and the teens. The teens huddled behind Christian for safety while he stepped forward.

Christian looked around and saw an old baseball bat lying near him. He quickly grabbed it with a firm grip and waited for the bat to come closer.

"You guys go ahead and free Addie, I'll handle this thing."

"Um..." Abigail and Damien were both a bit frightened to move.

As the bat swooped down, Christian met it with a powerful swing of the baseball bat. But the bat was quick, and it dodged the attack, stabbing at Christian with its claws.

A strong burst of water pushed the mutated bat into the wall of the structure.

"You called?" H2hydr0 asked the group confidently in his rumbling bubbly voice that sounded like it came from an intercom.

"None of us called!" Christian exclaimed, "Get out of here, I had this under control."

"Sure looks like it, buddy." H2hydr0 gave a sarcastic comment. "Explains why you're on your knees right now bleeding."

The water-based alien spun around, creating a whirling vortex of water that hit the bat with such force that it shook the very structure. But the mutant creature was surprisingly quick and agile, dodging the attack with ease.

"Not much under control, but you can see I'm doing a way better job than you buddy, I suggest you help free your friend from those pods before shit becomes real dicey."

The bat lunged again, using its razor-sharp talons to try and claw at H2hydr0.

H2hydr0 countered with a sudden burst of water that shot out of his gauntlets, the mutant was taken aback by the sudden attack, H2hydr0 took advantage of the opportunity and cupped his hands together releasing an explosion of water to the face of the mutant.

Christian made his way through the battlefield covering his face from the water then leaped into the sky landing with an incredible kick into the face of the professor Psych who was pushed against a pod.

"H-how impressive. Never expected a human to be capable of such attributes."

"Free him!" Christian shot a fist toward Psych who jumped out the way in time forcing Christians fist to puncture through the pod. He winced in pain, "Shit!"

With a roar, the bat broke forward and went on to attack H2hydr0 who shot up into the sky and then blasted down four pistols of water into the face of the bat before landing behind it and rushing forward through the structure with a wave of water.

"Did you see that?" H2hydr0 turned to the two teens who looked a bit frightened, and chuckled a bit, "I made him wet. It's funny because my powers are water based."

The two teens looked at one another utterly confused.

"Wow, you guys are really no fun." He commented which literally confused the teens more.

Professor Psych jumped onto the back of the mutant and it quickly flew off. H2hydr0 ran toward the broken wall and was set on chasing them when he remembered the timeout sequence so he just ran toward a good hiding spot.

➜ Moments Later

Christian's car pulled up at Addie's house where he dropped both Cameron and Addie.

"You sure you don't want to do any explaining?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah... I had a rough day today, you know with the whole punching a glass pod thing."

"Yeah alright, say hi to Maddie for us."

"Of course just um where were you when we were saving Addie? For some reason you just disappeared."

"Who do you think called the alien."

"I knew it!- next time warn me before you go calling those guys, we have to be careful of them, okay?"

"Um, sure, okay."

Christian started his car and drove off.

"I think I might be traumatised." Addie said.

Cameron threw his arm around Addie's shoulder, and patted his friend by the stomach, "Nah, you'll get over it buddy, you'll get over it."

Meanwhile while Christian was driving his car he looked at the rear view mirror gazing at his own reflection with a sneer.

"Fine ... I'll fix you ... "

A moment silence was in the air until, a singular word sounded as the rear view mirror cracked. "Good."

Editors Note - Cameron is wearing the same white long-sleeved T-shirt he usually wears with the black top, but the black top doesn't fit him anymore since he's grown. (If you payed attention to the times I mentioned his clothes you will know what I mean) The long-sleeved shirt still fits him because Cameron's mother had bought it in a larger size in order to avoid having to constantly buy him new clothes. He is also wearing cerulean blue jeans and black sneakers.

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