Tyler has spent the last 16 years in Forks Washington. He originally stayed behind because that's where he and Bella were born, but after Renée and Charlie split up he was left with Charlie in Forks while Bella went off to California.
He didn't mind Forks, but it was a bit dull. He had made friends with some of the Quileute tribe boy's. He was friends with Jacob Black and Sam Uley to name a few.
The Cullens had shown up two years ago. That had been an interesting meeting. Perhaps the mind block was genetic or something, because every time he caught Edward looking at him he seemed puzzled. The vampires had appeared one day and just stayed in their isolated group.
But that wasn't the unusual thing. The unusual thing was that today he had a thing in his face. It appeared to be a system.
[Name: Tyler Swan
Race: Human
Level: 1
Next Level: 0%
Titles: The Gamer]
[HP: 90 Regen: 9/min
MP: 100 Regen: 10/min]
[Stat Points:0
This had appeared when he had awoken today on his 16th birthday. He was a little baffled as to why it had appeared. He decided that it must have appeared because of the age he reached, sort of like the reward for reaching maturity or something.
He assumed that meant he was correct. Tyler found it more interesting that he was capable of increasing stats via training or wise decisions. That meant that he didn't need to figure out how to level up. He had a guess on how to level up. In the world of Twilight there were monsters or just really strong variations of humans, vampires and shapeshifters. He really hoped that defeating them wasn't the only way because if he went that route he'd anger people for nothing more than levels.
Not to mention that he'd probably be torn to pieces with how weak he is now compared to them.
Bella would be coming in two months, so Tyler decided that he'd try to get decently strong by then, enough to protect himself and his sister from the events of the Twilight saga.
Tyler started off by analyzing his stats. He assumed 10 was the average for most people. The 9 in vitality worried him a bit but he assumed that it was because of the lack of sunlight in Forks, everyone was vitamin D deficient. He had a decent idea on how to train each of his stats. For intelligence he'd have to study and for strength lift weights. Dexterity he might have to work on his flexibility and stuff like parkour or quick movements like sprints. Wisdom he guessed was by making wise decisions. Vitality was probably endurance and overall health so he'd have to do cardio to get that up. Luck he had no idea. Would he have to gamble or something? He'd just deal with that later. He didn't want to rely on something insubstantial like luck anyway.
So the first order of business was to go on a morning run. He got up, got dressed and headed out into his living room.
Tyler has grown up well. He was about 6'3" and had a decent amount of muscle. He had short brown hair and dark almost black eyes. Like most everyone in Forks he had pale skin. Overall he was developing into a handsome young man as his mother called him whenever they saw each other.
Charlie had already gone off to work at the station and wouldn't be back until later tonight. He went of running into the woods. He went to the woods as they had an environment that would let him perform various training actions that would let him train up his physical stats.
He'd been running fast for a few minutes now. His lungs were dying and he was questioning his judgement. Then it happened.
[Vitality+1: Due to pushing yourself through endurance focused activities]
Tyler plopped to the ground. Not caring about the scratches he acquired. He breathed in and out, slowly recovering the energy he'd lost. Tyler noticed that he seemed to recover a little faster than he was used to.
Tyler began thinking on the next thing to do. This time he would raise his strength. He looked around the super green forest of Forks and saw a log not to far away. He walked towards it and picked it up or he at least tried to. The log was way too heavy. This, Tyler decided, was the log that would get his strength up.
He reached down and grabbed the bottom of the log. He strained to get it up as hard as he could. Tyler's face turned red, his eyes bulged and eventually with a sharp crack the log lifted.
[Strength+2: For performing a feat of strength]
Tyler once again collapsed. This time in pain and soreness. The log had a root stuck in the ground which is what made it so hard to lift. After he recovered he noticed that his muscles were slightly swollen compared to before. It seemed that his muscles had expanded slightly to reflect the increase in strength.
Tyler groaned as he realized he still had one more thing he had to work on. Dexterity.
He still wasn't sure how this would work. He was going to try to parkour through the forest. Tyler shook off his hesitation and charged through a clump of trees.
He had decided that the best way was to do things by reflex which meant he would have to react as things came at him. His first try he dodged between two trees and was unprepared for what lay behind them, another tree.
He slammed into it and got rattled . Shakily he stood to his feet and tried again. After a few tries his reflexes seemed to have improved slightly. He did this for the rest of the afternoon. He managed to get 3 dexterity added on.
He went home and began his intelligence gathering. He searched out articles online and studied them. After 1 hr it paid off.
[Intelligence+1: Due to studying]
He smiled and studied until Charlie came home a few hours later.
"Are you heading for bed?" Charlie asked.
"Yes, I'm tired today. I started to workout in the woods." Tyler replies.
" Ok, good night." Charlie called.
As Tyler lay awake in bed he pondered what it meant to have this system and whether it had any limits at all. As he drifted off his final thought was 'why me?'
[Name: Tyler Swan
Race: Human
Level: 1
Experience: 0%
Titles: The Gamer]
[HP: 100 Regen: 10/min
MP: 120 Regen: 11/min]
[Stat Points:0
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