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In a common room, a 29-year-old young man was fucking a young woman from behind while she rested her hands on the bed and moaned with each thrust inside her pussy. 

She had light brown hair and deep blue eyes, and her curvaceous body would take anyone's breath away who saw her. 

- Stronger, that 

The young man didn't look bad; in fact, he was average, a 6/10, but his dick was the ideal size and his technique was good. 

He continued to fuck her from behind while giving the girl a few slaps on the ass, when suddenly she squirted and collapsed onto the bed as her legs went weak. 

- Give me... some time... please 

- No 

- Wait… HAaaa~ HAaaa~ 

He laid her back on the bed and continued fucking her for another 10 minutes before finally cumming, making her squirt once again, and reaching her fourth orgasm. 

Removing his dick with the condom still attached to it, the young man went to the bathroom to take a shower. And when he came back, he found the young woman lying on his bed as she gathered the strength to get up. 

- You were incredible as always, Arthur 

- The money is on the table, Eliza, there's no need to play games. 

Arthur replied as he sat down in front of the computer and started to work. He was a full-time programmer for a small company and worked daily from Monday to Friday, doing odd jobs on the weekend if needed. 

- Boring, you know you're my favorite client. The only one who manages to make me break character. 

- If you say 

- Alright, I'm leaving. Suck it.

Elise picked up her clothes and the money on the table next to the bed and left. A short time later, Arthur heard the sound of the door opening and closing before finally sighing in relief that the girl had left 

Due to problems with a controlling mother and a father who abandoned him at an early age. Arthur didn't have much contact with other people beyond the environments in which he was forced, such as school, work and supermarket checkouts. 

As a result, he was never in a relationship, and as a result, he ended up sinking into one of the worst evils of the 21st century, pornography, and the only sexual contact he had was with prostitutes. 

His poor family life, difficulty making friends, and addiction to pornography made him withdraw. 

Finishing his work and turning off the computer, he got up and lay down on the bed, which still smelled like Eliza and him having wild sex. He has lived alone since he started working as a programmer. He liked this lack of contact with people, of course, he knew that this was wrong and that it could lead to a deep depression, but he didn't care. 

Thinking of some random things, Arthur went to sleep. The next day, after taking a good, cold shower, he went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat but was disappointed to see that there was nothing in the refrigerator. 

- Huff, Shit 

Taking the keys, he locked the doors before going to a nearby market to buy some supplies. He felt the sun hit his face when he left the residential building, and he stood there for a few seconds, enjoying the feeling, when suddenly a voice called him. 

 - Arthur, good morning. 

 - Luke, hi. 

 - Did you watch that anime I told you about? 

 - Yes, I really can't believe that an anime about bodybuilding would be fun. 

 - It's not, hahaha, damn Sora stop brushing against others, sorry, Arthur. 

 - No problem. Hey, hey, what about Alicia? 

 - Dude, I won't even tell you, the bitch wants more money. 

 - For real? But the pension you pay is already enough. 

 - I know, but that woman is a fucking leech. 

 - You want me to look through her things. 

 - No, leave it alone, I'll solve this myself 

 - You know. 

 - Well, let me go, I have time with Peter today. 

 - See you later, Lucas.

- Even Arthur. 

 Seeing his neighbor enter the building with his little dog, Arthur gave a small smile and left. Arthur liked Lucas, he was a nice guy who didn't get too involved in his neighbors' lives and who didn't say much, which was good. Arthur was always restrained, but when he discussed a subject that he had control over, even just a little, he talked about it a little too much.

And this scared him because he was afraid of ending up saying something he didn't want to say or getting confused and looking like an idiot, and this phobia only became worse over time. 

 Furthermore, because he had few people to talk to, Arthur got a little irritated when he was in a conversation and his voice was "muted". It was as if he didn't want to be there, but now that he was, he wanted to be the center of everyone's attention and be the voice of reason. 

 Lucas was one of the few who still had some kind of normal conversation about some problems, discussed some films and series he watched, and seemed not to be bothered by this somewhat contrasting trait of his. In fact, he even helped him try to change this problem, although with little success. 

 He had a problem called Peter with his last girlfriend, who was a slut and kept cheating on him, she was also a fucking leech, and it was lucky that he got rid of her at little cost, thanks to the evidence that Arthur got about his multiple betrayals. Unfortunately, he was very busy, and so he couldn't take custody of his son, but he was still a good father and very present in the 4-year-old boy's life. 

 While he was choosing a radio. Arthur began to think about his life choices over the course of nearly 30 years.

Arthur recognized his defects like no one else, he was impulsive, selfish, narcissistic and somewhat childish. Like any other human, Arthur also had his prejudices, not against people of color or different ethnicities or religions, but against anyone he considered inferior to him. It was a confusing thing that even he couldn't explain, but it made sense in his mind. 

 Furthermore, as he did not have a father figure present for most of his life, Arthur relied on the personalities of fictional characters to shape his own personality, which ended up increasing his level of social distancing, 

 Arthur never saw himself as a good person in the first place, he was someone who gave in to his selfish impulses, and although he listened to advice, most of the time he ignored it. He also tried to keep everything under his control at all times, he thought that this was the only way he could survive. 

 But even though that was so, Arthur tended to be truly honest with whoever he deemed worthy, so only a few people in the world could say they really knew him, and his mother was not among them.

A short time later, Arthur parked the car, entered the market and began to get everything he needed. As he walked through the halls, Arthur looked at the couples that passed him and felt uncomfortable. 

 He wanted something like this, but he was afraid. Arthur saw what his mother became after his father left. She became controlling, deciding every step he took, and your life was no longer yours, it was terrible.

For this reason, Arthur found refuge and peace outside of reality, and it was only when he left home and began working as a programmer that he found himself free. But unfortunately, it was too late, years of control and escape had created in him a personality too withdrawn to become romantically involved with any girl, so he consoled himself with quick access to sex through pornography and prostitutes. 

Suddenly, his cell phone rang, snapping him out of his reverie. Looking at the identifier, he smiled briefly when he saw the name on the screen. 

- Hi Lisa 

- Arthur, I have news. Do you have any time now?

- Sure, I'm listening. 

 - So... I'm getting married 

 - What? Seriously? Did he finally make the request?

 - Yeah, yesterday 

 - That's amazing, congratulations! And how did she react to the news? 

 - She wasn't very happy, but screw her. 

 - Yup 

 - What are you doing now? 

 - Shopping, then work 

 - Cool, so will you come see me this weekend? 

 - Of course 

 - See you then 

 - Bye, Lisa. 

Arthur sighed slightly at the call. Lisa was his younger sister, but unlike him, she always went head-to-head with her mother and didn't cower in front of her. Which was funny. 

For not having strong control over your sister, her mother began to control him completely, and Arthur simply let that happen.

Her sister was a dentist and was now 20 years old, and her boyfriend, now fiancé, was a veterinarian, whom she met at a party and who, although he was a good person, was not to her mother's liking. 

 Thinking about the disgusted face of that manipulative old woman, Arthur smiled as he finished doing his shopping. 

 Going up to the counter, he found Eliza serving customers with a smile on her face. Unlike other prostitutes, Eliza was actually a nice girl. Once, she said that he was her only client, and he obviously didn't believe it.

Arthur wasn't going to lie to himself, he did feel some affection for the girl, but that was it. He considered her inferior to him because of her profession and viewed himself as better than her. 

The fact that she became a prostitute was due to the health problems of her little sister, who ended up having an accident. Arthur was surprised at first because he thought she was someone he would never have the slightest chance with, but after discovering that he could afford her, his feeling of inferiority towards her disappeared, and he started to show his true nature and desire for her control. 

- Welcome. 

- Hi 

- Hi 

- ...

- It's US$127.32, payment?

- Money

- Of course, always money

- ... 

- Here is your change.

- Thanks 

Arthur hated the moments when he needed to talk to Eliza outside of his paid time, his introverted self took control of him and he became awkward. 

Taking his things to the car, Arthur took out his cell phone and sent a message to Elise, arranging a meeting for after work to which she responded that she would be there. 

Arthur smiled seeing that he still had some control over the girl. He knew how disturbing his mentality was, but still he couldn't control himself. Thinking of the beautiful body that would soon be in his bed, Arthur smiled before leaving the parking lot, only to have his car hit by a speeding truck.

In a gray desert place, Arthur found himself standing staring into nothingness, he knew he was dead. He didn't feel anything, pain, anger, fear there was nothing just peace. 

- It's the first time...that I feel so good. 

 - It's a good feeling, isn't it? 

- Where? 

- Don't worry about looking for me, you can't see me. 

- Who is? 

- I am what you call the world. Or maybe the universe, or maybe God, or maybe truth, or maybe everything, or maybe one… And I am you too. 

- What the fuck...a plagiarist? 

- HAHAHA, you recognized it in.

Seeing the figure appearing in front of him, Arthur took a step back before looking at him. He had red hair and heterochromic eyes, the right one was blue and the left one was gold. 

- Who are you? 

- I am a sentient being from the 7th dimension, I would say my name, but you would not be able to understand. 

- What you want? 

- You see, little one, I am one of those responsible for maintaining the balance of the borders between the worlds, but lately I have been feeling, what is the word, bored. So after talking to a few others they said to me "why don't you take a soul and throw it into another world and see what happens" 

- What? 

- And that's what I did, now we're in the world of death where... 

- Wait, WAIT. Did you kill me? 

- Hmm? Yes, any problem? 

- Why... 

- Did you pay attention to what I said little one? I'm bored and I was recommended to take a soul and send her it to another world. 

- Just for this reason... 

- Well, don't be like that. You will have the chance to reincarnate in another world and have great adventures. 

- I don't want. 

Hearing Arthur's words, the entity that until then was smiling fell silent and looked directly at him. Arthur was paralyzed with fear, but stood firm, staring into the eyes of the entity in front of him. 

- HAHAHAHA, you're funny, even though you're scared to death you still have some courage to look into my eyes. Well, I already killed you and brought you to this space. Your reincarnation has also already been organized, which means that you cannot return to the path to your judgment, not even I can change that and if you try to return your soul will become a wandering spirit living in eternal suffering. 

- That... 

- But as I said, I liked your courage so I will grant you this: I (%#$&!*$*%#@, swear by my name, given to me by the real one, that if you amuse me in the next world, when If you die, I will grant you any wish. Of course, if you try to end your life, this agreement will not be valid. 

- Anything? 

- Yup 

- Even go back to my former world? 

- Yup 

- I accept. 

A light shone and formed a scroll, with the names of the entity and Arthur written on it before it then floated away. 

- Now, before I forget. The new world I'm going to send you to is a little dangerous so I'll give you this 

The entity touched Arthur's temple and spoke. 

- I'm giving you the talent, wisdom, and knowledge of Edward and Alphonse Elric, but not their practice. In addition I am giving you two gifts. Arthur Riley Hope your life is fun. See you later 

Arthur vanished into a black vortex before he had time to say anything. Seeing him disappear, the entity gave a small smile before also disappearing. 

- I hope this is really fun, my vacation will only last for another 200 years and I want to take a nap before I go back to work. 


July 25, 1980, Balham, London 

In front of a 19th century Victorian house, a baby began to cry, attracting the attention of the residents of the residence. After a few seconds, a mature and charming woman opened the doors and saw the poor baby crying at the door. 

- Shi, Shi, Shi, it's okay, it's okay, no need to cry anymore, you're safe now my little one. 

She said as she took him in her arms and began to rock him with soft murmurs and checked his clothes to see if there was anything. Till she finally found a name 

- Simon Morgan, your name really is pretty my little Simon. Let's go in and eat something without crying, okay? Your new brothers are sleeping and you don't want to wake them up, do you?

And so the new life of Arthur Riley, now Simon Morgan, in this strange new world began


This is a fresh start and this time I'm going to do it right. 

I hope you enjoyed the protagonist's past, although with few details, you can be sure that he will have serious problems, and although my consultant says he is a villain, I don't see him like that but rather as... an anti-villain ?... I think. 

There will be several things added to the story and as I intend to work better on the world and the use of alchemy as well as the protagonist's personality and behavior, the chapters will probably no longer be daily, but will maintain a constant week of 3 to 4 chapters, with possible extra chapters. . 

For now, I would like, once again, to thank everyone who supported the previous work even though it is not even close to a pleasant thing with a very fast progression in the story and little character development and objectives. 

And before I forget The childhood arc before Hogwarts will have longer chapters to allow it to progress faster, but after that the chapters became smaller, I will try to keep the chapters long, but I will not make guarantees.

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