/ Eastern Fantasy / Legend of Swordsman

Legend of Swordsman

Legend of Swordsman

Eastern Fantasy 21 Bab/Minggu Ini adalah tingkat rilis yang terealisasi rata-rata selama 30 hari terakhir. Jadwal penerjemah saat ini adalah 21Bab/Minggu 6,098 Bab 20.8M Dilihat
Penulis: Mr. MoneyPenerjemah: LarbrestudioEditor: Larbrestudio
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4.34 (612 peringkat)

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Jian Wushuang was reborn in adversity. In order to get his revenge, he began to cultivate Heavenly Creation Skill. With the help of the Heaven defying cultivation method, Jian Wushuang gradually grew into a peerless genius from an ordinary practitioner. With a sword in hand, no one is his match. Using his extraordinary Sword Principle, he killed all his opponents and eventually became number one Sword Master from time immemorial.


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    Status Power Mingguan

    Rank -- Peringkat Power
    Stone -- Power stone

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    Tulis ulasan

    Before you go on a three paragraph rant about how I'm an uncultured swine who can't understand this "complex" fast-paced novel please be patient with me, or don't, either way, it doesn't make a difference. This novel is a pretty much-overdone cliche of the vicious cycle of "revenge" with a sprinkle of poor writing. Put down your torches let me elaborate. Pitchfork down? ok so essentially, the basic introduction of the plot is the overdone checklist of cliches, a beautiful unrivaled girl who no other can rival? check. Betrayal of a said beautiful girl or literally anyone close to him? check. What's this he's also trash but somehow the reason he's trash is cuz of a thing no one else has and now he's gonna prove the haters wrong? check. Merit is to be made that cliches were created because they work and blah blah blah, please shut up the only reasons cliches work is because it panders towards a certain demographic and said demographics are also the types to forgive this godawful terrible blight on storytelling. The concept is the only thing supporting this work, like for Allah's sake the characters are so god damn one dimensional, not a single one person has a fucking personality, not a one, and no calling someone trash over and over again or being slapped in the face does not count as them having a personality. That my friend is just a face slap, gosh i think the author of this work only creates characters to face slap and boy, do they get face slapped quite a fair bit. TLDR; Cliche Tropes overused, a boring world(like seriously all i know about this world is that a lot of sects exist and that they have an epic gladiator arena) and poor character development. I would rather read those CEO novels instead as they are forced to actually make the readers engage and care for their characters.

    Lihat 153 balasan

    This story is about a MC who is talented with the sword but is not able to cultivate which leads to him being labeled as trash (similar to BTTH). The MC overcomes this obstacle and obtains a heavenly cultivation method which allows him to raise his cultivation in a short time and in a sense, is reborned (this is not a transmigration story, which is refreshing). This story is fast paced. The plot goes from betrayal to cultivation breakthrough and power up very fast. The fight scenes are also short, often ending in one sword move. So far, there is a little bit of face slapping, otherwise, the plot seems to point to a bloody revenge early storyline.

    Lihat 34 balasan

    Haven't read a single chapter yet but I'm excited for this novel hopefully it isn't harem and the villain a dumb potato :(, last I hope plot won't repeat itself like the rest of the cultivation novels :), thank you very much I like this novel...

    Lihat 57 balasan

    Translation quality is good and it would be a fairly good novel if it wasn't for the fact that the plot has been reused more times than is actually countable. The characters are basically brain-dead and each obstacle is as easy to overcome as the last.

    Lihat 13 balasan

    I saw many negative reviews by people who haven’t even tried the novel yet. I don’t know the reason for giving biased review without even reading the novel. I think the plot till now is pretty well thought out. So far the translation is good, story progresses at a steady pace without making reading uncomfortable. Comparing it to the few other cultivation novels it might not be the best as of now but I expect it to well above average. I must say I enjoyed the initial 100 chapter release. With 27 chapter per week it is worth a read.

    Lihat 6 balasan

    I'll try to keep this as spoiler free as possible by talking in generalities. I've read quite a few chapters at this point, and I'll probably keep reading the novel in the future mostly because I like protagonists with swords. You might be wondering why I've rated it so low if I'm going to keep reading it though. So, let's talk about the cons of this story. To say it is cliche is an understatement. Cliche 1: Fallen clans. Those once great clans that the MC relies on the heritage of to overcome. Yup, there is not one but two of them in this story. Both the mother and the father are from once powerful existences though the father's clan is much more so. Cliche 2: Mysterious object. The story starts with one in the MC's body that causes him issues, but it ultimately rewards him with OP abilities. Cliche 3: The fallen genius. The MC is an unparalleled genius until they find he can't cultivate properly due to cliche 2, but don't worry that cliche also fixes this problem. Cliche 4: Betrayal of a loved one. Oh, it's not enough that he is a fallen genius from two once great clans. He needs a manipulative love interest who betrays him to really top it off. Cliche 5: OP friends. The MC will constantly randomly bump into and makes friends with people who have secretly amazing backgrounds. Get assigned to a place to live. All the other members have crazy backgrounds. Run into someone who is being chased? That person has an even crazier background. Cliche 6: The arrogant MC. Really, no matter how arrogant you think MC are you are probably underestimating this MC's arrogance. He has powerful friends to protect him, and he won't use their protection because he thinks that highly of himself. He will openly declare war on anyone regardless of how much more powerful that group or organization is and manage to hide from them just long enough to become strong enough to take his revenge. And he really can't lay low at all. His arrogance won't let him. Perhaps the only character more arrogant than the MC is the MC's father. Cliche 7: The area of death. Because you need an area the spells death of anyone who enters except for the MC who turns it into a chance to get stronger. It also conveniently lets him escape from getting killed. Cliche 8: Foolish enemies. His enemies will constantly send people at roughly his level or a little higher to kill him so he has a chance of escape. They never really go all out and there always seems to be a bigger organization behind them pulling the strings. And you've probably guessed it already, but these enemies are the most two dimensional of characters because who needs depth of character or interesting motivation when cliched characterizations will do. They'll be dead soon enough anyway right? Honestly, I could go on, but you probably get the idea. It's not a very well written story. There is nothing particularly new or interesting about the cultivation method or the world building. It is a generic cultivation setting. The characters (MC included) are very two dimensional. They are really paper thin in design, and there is nothing unique or interesting about their characterizations. This is a glorified wish fulfillment type of story that brings nothing new to the table.

    Lihat 4 balasan

    So i read this story and i really liked it a little. Qi novel tags check Unique Cultivation Technique (check) Sword Cultivator (check) Follows the Hardest way of Sword (check) Ends up face-smacking others who ridiculed him for choosing hardest way(check) Fast Cultivation (check) High AF comprehension (check) Harem(no idea at-least not in the first 400-500 chaps it is not has one candidate for possible love) Crippled Genius Father in distress (Check) Revenge (Check) .. . After so many checks one can tell how typical the story is BUT STILL LOVE it. Author's writing style is pretty solid. .. . Finally the long awaited spoiler.. . When making Milkshake try using frozen milk instead of adding crushed ice(if you do) it makes it Icy but not watery.

    Membuka SPOILER
    Lihat 7 balasan
    LV 5 Badge

    Bruh. Literally the author goddamn throws it straight at you no description at all just straight up throws a scene immediately at the first chapter. We all know that the mc will be talented but this though. I was expecting a sword path novel like Dominating Sword Immortal but thats just wishful thinking I guess. The rival is a 16 year old thats already past the Qi Condensation Realm and she's as strong as maybe Mid Reality Condensation or whatever the **** that 2nd realm is from DSI. Total horse **** as we'd know that the first places are always some backwater villages or some **** and not the capital so this is way too overbounds and also the pavilions and **** aint even ranked dude just described wtf this **** sucks dick bro

    Lihat 12 balasan
    LV 5 Badge

    This novel is a potato if you threw it into a bunch of other potato novels you would not know which novel was which. What do we do to potatos we smash eat then **** them out. At least its better than corn level i dont even remember to review them i just assume people read them for no other reason than casually eating popcorn becuase your bored out of your mind or dont want to try and make a hole in a wall with your head.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    1 star because author is a lying son of a fish who cheated readers. Actually many of the authors are. So if there is somehow a chance by seeing the low ratings they would change their way. First Mc was cheated like a fool by a girl. Then he took a blood oath like he would never be such a foolish horny fuk again. but not even a year has past he is being fuked by girls here and there and he is literary jerking off with parasite in his dik which has no balls for girl. His balls applicable only to boys.

    Membuka SPOILER
    Lihat 1 balasan
    LV 10 Badge

    Props to the author simply for the fact that the mc killed some dude for pills; this king hasn't seen this level of ruthlessness since the days of this king's youth (oh how this king misses you Martial God Asura)

    Membuka SPOILER
    Lihat 0 balasan

    I love this novel. Sure its the typical run-of-the-mill wuxia but it has its own beauty...is what i thought until i got to the 900's after which i was thoroughly disappointed...the story is still great but the translations are beyond awful! Half the time im correcting the mistakes and rereading it just to keep going

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Honestly, the story is so contrived and boring. God damn, this is one of the hardest reads I've ever encountered. Where has the quality of novels gone. Beginning was just so generic; and I don't even dislike generic themes, as long as it's done right. This was not done right, and I'm speculating it never will. I'm not gonna fault the translator without knowing the source material, because as I said; it is hard to read. Seems to be stable updates, good work on 100 chapter initial release; dedication dude (Don't know if this was translated on other site, but ah well). Whatever, continue the project and see where it takes you. Maybe the novel undergoes some sorta genesis and goes god level.

    Membuka SPOILER
    Lihat 0 balasan

    I Like this novel it really good 👍 but the written ✍ of the words are not really good like Empress Leng in some chapters you wrote Emperor Leng you make me confused 😖 in your address of some people but i like this novel alot it nice 👍 💯😘💖

    Lihat 0 balasan

    This novel is incredible when it's beginning. But as time goes on it gets boring, it's kind of a 'dragon ball'. It's the same formula. The father was kidnapped, get stronger and save him, the mother was kidnapped (and most probably raped), get stronger and save her. What is the next? The uncle? Grandma? It only revolves around powerful enemies and how to defeat them. It has almost no exploitation of the world, of the peoples, ... abandoned !!!

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Translation: 5 Excellent, and not just because of this site. Will be looking at other works by this translator. Updates: 5 Hey, 100 uploads within hours of each other? Lets pile the pressure and see whether this rate will be maintained. If not...we can always do another review...this one with less stars...[yeah, I'm talking to your mr Translator] Story Dev'p: 3 Story officially - for me that is - picks up right around chapter 41. The rest is the usual "trash young master with stupendous comprehension but incapable of cultivating due to some unknown reason but right about the time some internal conflict with the clan arises his issue is resolved etc etc". Then of course, there is the ubiquitous 'clan extermination to give MC motivation' and escape into the wilds etc etc As of the 41st chapter, I like the twist. Usually you have the MC's clan wiped out before he engages in retaliation. Here, he has no direct relationship with the clan he was ordered to destroy save for the obvious link they [destroyed clan] had with his own enemies. Most authors like justifying the MCs actions [save for that psychotic in Reverend Insanity] so it was refreshing to see him as the aggressor in this instance Xcter design: 4 Talks to himself sometimes [I think...skimmed thru most of the first forty chapters]. He has something of a personality though; didn't get foolishly angry at someone's challenge, bows his head, isn't immediately compelled to overcome every other genius...All in all, not too bad World Background: 4 Initially gave it a 4 but dropped it back down to 3 then raised it to 4 once again. Reason? Got confused with cultivation levels. No real description of people or the world [though this could be because I skimmed thru the opening chapters but that is the author's fault] It still gets a 4 because of the explanation for comprehension levels. I truly despise meatheads and this novel is keeping far from that bad business of some cultivator only piling up mass so that they can drive their spear with greater force [looking at you Dong Bo Xue Ying and Ling Ming and Ancient Strengthening and the rest of you sorry lot]

    Lihat 6 balasan

    You are so poor in story writing.. You keep on repeating one fact over and over again.. In a chapter only 2 - 3 character dialog.. I hate what u are doing to the character plot. Pls be creative.. I score you 1/10

    Lihat 0 balasan

    I liked it at like 1-5 chapters but when i cam to fighting and smart desicions MC fucking do some stupid things,is that even smart? And wtf is with this rating? 4.4 stars? And 400+ raters? I call bull****!!!!

    Lihat 0 balasan
    LV 6 Badge

    Okay heres my 2 cents on this LN after pushing my way through reading pass the 800 chapters mark. A word of warning to those new readers on this LN.DONT SPEND YOUR SS ON THIS MEDIOCRE LN!!Its not worth it!! (Search for it for free rather paying ss for it. Why? Cuz the translator keep doing mistakes and didnt even bother to proof read, somewhat suddenly the mc i.q suddenly began to downgrade even after hundreds of years of life experiance, the visible force plot on this LN and some other stuff. ) Those ss we get and pay are used for deserving quality LN not some mediocre LN like this. In addition to the translator who doesnt care for his/her work quality.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    This novel its good it defenitly a 4 star novel and i love it ao much that i dont studies for my exam and thats really bad i hope my exam no bad

    Lihat 4 balasan
    Terbaru dirilis:
    Chapter 6098: Reincarnation Sword 4 hours ago

    Jilid 2

    1. 32
      Sword-killing Movement 5 years ago
    2. 33
      Confusion 5 years ago
    3. 34
      "Scarlet" Kill Command 5 years ago
    4. 35
      Follow me 5 years ago
    5. 36
      Blood Feather Tower 5 years ago
    6. 37
      Tragic 5 years ago
    7. 38
      A Blood Feud 5 years ago
    8. 39
      Inescapable Net 5 years ago
    9. 40
      The Dark Forest 5 years ago
    10. 41
      The Sword Essence 5 years ago
    11. 42
      Sword Essence of Gale 5 years ago
    12. 43
      Incredible Comprehension 5 years ago
    13. 44
      Bloody-Moon Devil Wolf 5 years ago
    14. 45
      Gold-Dragon Palace 5 years ago
    15. 46
      Dongfang Yu 5 years ago
    16. 47
      Dragon Palace 5 years ago
    17. 48
      The Golden Dragon Ambassador 5 years ago
    18. 49
      Extermination 5 years ago
    19. 50
      Slaughter 5 years ago
    20. 51
      The First Interspatial Ring 5 years ago
    21. 52
      Stealing Benefits from Others 5 years ago
    22. 53
      Jian Wushuang Showing His Strength 5 years ago
    23. 54
      Haunting like a Ghost 5 years ago
    24. 55
      Breakthrough into the Ultimate Spiritual Sea! 5 years ago
    25. 56
      Death to Those Who Stop Me 5 years ago
    26. 57
      Swordsman, Outburst of Power! 5 years ago
    27. 58
      Contemptible Scoundrel 5 years ago
    28. 59
      Invitation 5 years ago
    29. 60
      Ye Rufeng 5 years ago
    30. 61
      Going Through the Dragon Gate 5 years ago
    31. 62
      Peerless Genius Yang Zaixuan 5 years ago
    32. 63
      The Fourth Level 5 years ago
    33. 64
      Ranked at The Bottom 5 years ago
    34. 65
      Four Matchless Heroes 5 years ago
    35. 66
      Secret Land of Heaven and Earth 5 years ago
    36. 67
      The Secret Pavilion 5 years ago
    37. 68
      Battle for Points 5 years ago
    38. 69
      The First Win 5 years ago
    39. 70
      Do Not Reject Anyone 5 years ago
    40. 71
      11-match Winning Streak 5 years ago
    41. 72
      Scheduling a battle 5 years ago
    42. 73
      Sword Skills Being Obtained 5 years ago
    43. 74
      Three Months 5 years ago
    44. 75
      Battle for Massive Points! 5 years ago
    45. 76
      Formless Sword Ripple 5 years ago
    46. 77
      Profound Gold Core Realm 5 years ago
    47. 78
      Impudence! 5 years ago
    48. 79
      Su Lie 5 years ago
    49. 80
      The Earthly Dragon List 5 years ago
    50. 81
      Mission Assigned 5 years ago
    51. 82
      Meeting with Ye Rufeng Again 5 years ago
    52. 83
      Ye Mei 5 years ago
    53. 84
      Innumerable Huge Mountains 5 years ago
    54. 85
      The Accident 5 years ago
    55. 86
      Jian Wushuang's Strength 5 years ago
    56. 87
      The Observed Prey 5 years ago
    57. 88
      Human or Ghost? 5 years ago
    58. 89
      Slaughter 5 years ago
    59. 90
      Dark Silver Guard 5 years ago
    60. 91
      Who Is the Prey? 5 years ago
    61. 92
      The Mutation of Sword Soul 5 years ago
    62. 93
      Abyss 5 years ago
    63. 94
      Crisis! 5 years ago
    64. 95
      Stage Three Task 5 years ago
    65. 96
      The Target Appears 5 years ago
    66. 97
      Exchange 5 years ago
    67. 98
      Excoriation 5 years ago
    68. 99
      Bold Jian Wushuang 5 years ago
    69. 100
      Going Through the Dragon Gate Pass Again 5 years ago
    70. 101
      Shocking The Dragon Palace 5 years ago
    71. 102
      A Big Explosion 5 years ago
    72. 103
      Bright Future 5 years ago
    73. 104
      Supreme Gold Core Realm 5 years ago
    74. 105
      Su Rou's Request 5 years ago
    75. 106
      A Gathering of Experts 5 years ago
    76. 107
      Fighting Someone on the Earthly Dragon List 5 years ago
    77. 108
      The Black Water Lotus Blooms 5 years ago
    78. 109
      Heated Battle 5 years ago
    79. 110
      Sword Shadows and Blade Lights Collide 5 years ago
    80. 111
      Jian Wushuang VS Xiao Mang 5 years ago
    81. 112
      End of the Battle 5 years ago
    82. 113
      Spotlight 5 years ago
    83. 114
      Victory and Defeat 5 years ago
    84. 115
      Blood Feather Tower Arrives! 5 years ago
    85. 116
      A Perfect Assassination! 5 years ago
    86. 117
      Blood Shadow Team 5 years ago
    87. 118
      Exerting the Utmost Strength 5 years ago
    88. 119
      Boom! Boom! Boom! 5 years ago
    89. 120
      The Line Between Death and Life 5 years ago
    90. 121
      The Roar From The Abyss 5 years ago
    91. 122
      Insane Retaliation 5 years ago
    92. 123
      Ancestor's Land? 5 years ago
    93. 124
      The Sword Tomb 5 years ago
    94. 125
      The Sword Tomb Guard 5 years ago
    95. 126
      Increase The Difficulty 5 years ago
    96. 127
      Ceasing 5 years ago
    97. 128
      Two Years 5 years ago
    98. 129
      Back to Tianyan Province 5 years ago
    99. 130
      Inside the Celestial Immortal Residence 5 years ago
    100. 131
      Three Xu Brothers 5 years ago
    101. 132
      You bothered me 5 years ago
    102. 133
      Jian Wushuang? 5 years ago
    103. 134
      Clearwater Stronghold 5 years ago
    104. 135
      Attacking and Killing in the Heavy Rain (Part One) 5 years ago
    105. 136
      Attacking and Killing in the Heavy Rain (Part Two) 5 years ago
    106. 137
      Attacking and Killing in the Heavy Rain (Part Three) 5 years ago
    107. 138
      The Leech 5 years ago
    108. 139
      It was still raining... 5 years ago
    109. 140
      Death 5 years ago
    110. 141
      Ouyang Haoyue 5 years ago
    111. 142
      My Name Is Jian Wushuang 5 years ago

    Jilid 4

    1. 175
      Nine Emperors Sect 5 years ago
    2. 176
      Taking Action 5 years ago
    3. 177
      Attack and Kill 5 years ago
    4. 178
      Six Purple-masked Killers 5 years ago
    5. 179
      The Strong Rescue 5 years ago
    6. 180
      The Meeting 5 years ago
    7. 181
      Spirit Locking Spell 5 years ago
    8. 182
      Jian Nantian 5 years ago
    9. 183
      Two Months 5 years ago
    10. 184
      The Hunt Begins 5 years ago
    11. 185
      The Rampant Bandit 5 years ago
    12. 186
      Could he be cooler? 5 years ago
    13. 187
      Tang Wuji 5 years ago
    14. 188
      Provocation 5 years ago
    15. 189
      Sky Valley 5 years ago
    16. 190
      1388 Points 5 years ago
    17. 191
      The Rankings 5 years ago
    18. 192
      Two Monsters 5 years ago
    19. 193
      The Final Battle Begins 5 years ago
    20. 194
      Encounter 5 years ago
    21. 195
      Frontal Defeat 5 years ago
    22. 196
      The Cosmos Empire 5 years ago
    23. 197
      A Fierce Fight 5 years ago
    24. 198
      First on the Bounty List, Yang Tian 5 years ago
    25. 199
      Attacked Again 5 years ago
    26. 200
      Escape! 5 years ago
    27. 201
      Be My Protector 5 years ago
    28. 202
      Fight to the Death 5 years ago
    29. 203
      Breakthrough! Four Sword Essences Were Combined! Exceptional Gold Core Realm! 5 years ago
    30. 204
      All of You Have to Die! 5 years ago
    31. 205
      Invincibility 5 years ago
    32. 206
      Real Exceptional Genius 5 years ago
    33. 207
      Catastrophe 5 years ago
    34. 208
      Purple Fire Body Shaping Elixir 5 years ago
    35. 209
      A Battle Rose Again 5 years ago
    36. 210
      What an Extraordinary Surprise! 5 years ago
    37. 211
      Give me an explanation! 5 years ago
    38. 212
      Fighting against Grayrobe 5 years ago
    39. 213
      Shameless 5 years ago
    40. 214
      Elevate Strength Again? 5 years ago
    41. 215
      You Must Die! 5 years ago
    42. 216
      Wang Yuan's Identity 5 years ago
    43. 217
      Things Have Come to A Close 5 years ago
    44. 218
      Lord of Nanyang, Holy Emperor Palace! 5 years ago
    45. 219
      The Wine Master 5 years ago
    46. 220
      Back to the Ancestor's Land 5 years ago
    47. 221
      Demonic Puppet 5 years ago
    48. 222
      Kill! 5 years ago
    49. 223
      The Illusory Realm of Slaughter (Part One) 5 years ago
    50. 224
      The Illusory Realm of Slaughter (Part Two) 5 years ago
    51. 225
      The Illusory Realm of Slaughter (Part Three) 5 years ago
    52. 226
      The Bloodline of Sword Ancestor 5 years ago
    53. 227
      Three Opportunities 5 years ago
    54. 228
      The Rainstorm Palace 5 years ago
    55. 229
      Purple Crystal Lake 5 years ago
    56. 230
      Scary Improvement, Peak of the Yin Void Realm! 5 years ago
    57. 231
      Weapons Divided Into Three Grades 5 years ago
    58. 232
      Yin and Yang Breaking 5 years ago
    59. 233
      Pavilion of Raindrops 5 years ago
    60. 234
      I Will Help You 5 years ago
    61. 235
      He Moved? 5 years ago
    62. 236
      Getting Into Action 5 years ago
    63. 237
      Kill 5 years ago
    64. 238
      Ku Ya 5 years ago
    65. 239
      Hundred Beasts Essence Realm 5 years ago
    66. 240
      The Unparalleled Sword 5 years ago
    67. 241
      The Nine Emperors Sect is Finished! 5 years ago
    68. 242
      The Furious Blood Feather Tower 5 years ago
    69. 243
      Bombshell 5 years ago
    70. 244
      Unprecedented and Unparalleled Arrogance 5 years ago
    71. 245
      Breakthrough to the Yang Void Realm! 5 years ago
    72. 246
      On the Heartless Island 5 years ago
    73. 247
      Qi Luosheng 5 years ago
    74. 248
      Jian Wushuang Showed Up! 5 years ago
    75. 249
      Making a Path by Splitting the Mountains and Lakes! 5 years ago
    76. 250
      The Fierce Battle Begins! 5 years ago
    77. 251
      The Starlight Sword Array 5 years ago
    78. 252
      Displayed The Movements 5 years ago
    79. 253
      The Might of the Three Fingers 5 years ago
    80. 254
      Devourment of Heaven and Earth, Soul-Devouring Secret Skill! 5 years ago
    81. 255
      Half a palm! 5 years ago
    82. 256
      A fight with Two Experts of the Saint Realm 5 years ago
    83. 257
      10 Minutes 5 years ago
    84. 258
      A Sword To The South! 5 years ago
    85. 259
      The Blood Feather Tower, Vanished! 5 years ago
    86. 260
      The Exceptional Father and Son 5 years ago
    87. 261
      I Just Need Five Years! 5 years ago
    88. 262
      Tang of the East 5 years ago

    Jilid 5

    1. 263
      A Spar 5 years ago
    2. 264
      Throw him out 5 years ago
    3. 265
      An Apology 5 years ago
    4. 266
      Questioning 5 years ago
    5. 267
      Potential! 5 years ago
    6. 268
      Let the Games Begin 5 years ago
    7. 269
      Chen Feng 5 years ago
    8. 270
      Jian Wushuang Displays His Moves! 5 years ago
    9. 271
      Shocking Everyone 5 years ago
    10. 272
      Making Unfounded Charges 5 years ago
    11. 273
      The Bounty 5 years ago
    12. 274
      The Kingdom of Death 5 years ago
    13. 275
      The Bloodmoon Hotel 5 years ago
    14. 276
      You Will Die 5 years ago
    15. 277
      The Killing Begins 5 years ago
    16. 278
      An Invitation 5 years ago
    17. 279
      The Heartless Sect 5 years ago
    18. 280
      Bloody Blade Team 5 years ago
    19. 281
      Bloody Blade Team, Set off! 5 years ago
    20. 282
      Blocking him 5 years ago
    21. 283
      Leave This Man to Me! 5 years ago
    22. 284
      Fool 5 years ago
    23. 285
      Challenging the Protector 5 years ago
    24. 286
      A Twist 5 years ago
    25. 287
      Sword Tide 5 years ago
    26. 288
      The Outbreak of the Decisive Battle 5 years ago
    27. 289
      Xue Ying 5 years ago
    28. 290
      Fight with a Half-saint Expert 5 years ago
    29. 291
      Slaughter 5 years ago
    30. 292
      The First Protector 5 years ago
    31. 293
      In One Year 5 years ago
    32. 294
      The Unexpected Trouble 5 years ago
    33. 295
      Sister? 5 years ago
    34. 296
      First on the Bloodmoon List, Leng Rushuang 5 years ago
    35. 297
      Swordsman, Come Accept Your Death! 5 years ago
    36. 298
      Fight to the Death! 5 years ago
    37. 299
      Sensation! 5 years ago
    38. 300
      The Final Fight! 5 years ago
    39. 301
      A Fierce Fight 5 years ago
    40. 302
      Sword Sea 5 years ago
    41. 303
      New Lord of Skywave Prefecture 5 years ago
    42. 304
      Tan Feng 5 years ago
    43. 305
      Refuse 5 years ago
    44. 306
      A Desperate Escape 5 years ago
    45. 307
      Jian Wushuang Was Killed? 5 years ago
    46. 308
      The Decisive Jian Wushuang 5 years ago
    47. 309
      Nature Residence 5 years ago
    48. 310
      The Incredible Melody 5 years ago
    49. 311
      Upgrade, A First-grade Magic Weapon! 5 years ago
    50. 312
      Asura Secret Skill 5 years ago
    51. 313
      It's Time for Revenge! 5 years ago
    52. 314
      Fighting Against Tan Feng Once More 5 years ago
    53. 315
      Impossible!!! 5 years ago
    54. 316
      Divine Wood of Gale and Thunderbolt 5 years ago
    55. 317
      Senior, Is It You? 5 years ago
    56. 318
      Wrath of Gale and Thunderbolt 5 years ago
    57. 319
      The Reunion of Brothers 5 years ago
    58. 320
      Destroy! Kill! Eliminate! 5 years ago
    59. 321
      The Six Experts of the Saint Realm 5 years ago
    60. 322
      Overawe 5 years ago
    61. 323
      Ice Nether Valley 5 years ago
    62. 324
      The Tricolor Hyaline Vine 5 years ago
    63. 325
      Conflict 5 years ago
    64. 326
      The Treasure Auction 5 years ago
    65. 327
      I Will Give You A Chance 5 years ago
    66. 328
      The Wedding Ceremony 5 years ago
    67. 329
      Blocking the Glazed Carriage 5 years ago
    68. 330
      A Bitter Scold! 5 years ago
    69. 331
      A Magisterial Entrance 5 years ago
    70. 332
      Go Berserk, Blood-Red Pupils! 5 years ago
    71. 333
      Start of a Huge Battle! 5 years ago
    72. 334
      I Leave This Person to You, Fourth Sister! 5 years ago
    73. 335
      Departing Unhurt 5 years ago
    74. 336
      Attack of Holy Emperor Palace 5 years ago
    75. 337
      A Monstrous Battle Intent 5 years ago
    76. 338
      A Frightening Speed like a Fish in Water! 5 years ago
    77. 339
      Bridge of Helplessness, Surge Forth! 5 years ago
    78. 340
      Chopping Up Seven Saints in Succession 5 years ago
    79. 341
      Blood Soul Mark 5 years ago
    80. 342
      The Four Holy Masters 5 years ago
    81. 343
      Which Holy Master? 5 years ago
    82. 344
      Three-day Drunk 5 years ago
    83. 345
      Preparations 5 years ago
    84. 346
      Five Killing Moves (Part One) 5 years ago
    85. 347
      Five Killing Moves (Part Two) 5 years ago
    86. 348
      Five Killing Moves (Part Three) 5 years ago
    87. 349
      An Unexpected Surprise! 5 years ago
    88. 350
      The Gray Waterdrop Transforms! 5 years ago
    89. 351
      Venerable Master! 5 years ago
    90. 352
      Jian Wushuang, the Supreme Existence! 5 years ago
    91. 353
      Master Jiu Xiu 5 years ago
    92. 354
      Sword Scar 5 years ago
    93. 355
      Double First-grade Sword Souls! 5 years ago
    94. 356
      Heart-killing 5 years ago
    95. 357
      Multifarious Sword Skills 5 years ago
    96. 358
      Blood Puppet 5 years ago
    97. 359
      The Selection of Disciples 5 years ago
    98. 360
      The Arrival of Jian Wushuang 5 years ago
    99. 361
      Challenging the Holy Steps 5 years ago
    100. 362
      Breaking the Array! 5 years ago
    101. 363
      Slaughter Experts of the Saint Realm 5 years ago
    102. 364
      A Close Fight 5 years ago
    103. 365
      Defeat of the Four Holy Masters 5 years ago
    104. 366
      The Last Line of Defense 5 years ago
    105. 367
      Fighting Jiu Xiu 5 years ago
    106. 368
      The Divine Land 5 years ago
    107. 369
      I Wait For You! 5 years ago
    108. 370
      Meeting Leng Rushuang Again 5 years ago
    109. 371
      Icy Heart Poison 5 years ago
    110. 372
      Setting off to Divine Land! 5 years ago

    Jilid 6

    1. 373
      Jiuqu Waters 5 years ago
    2. 374
      The Lin Family of the Iron Saber Territory 5 years ago
    3. 375
      Nine Realms and 81 Domains 5 years ago
    4. 376
      The Fallen Genius 5 years ago
    5. 377
      Let's Compete! 5 years ago
    6. 378
      Accepting a Disciple 5 years ago
    7. 379
      The Lin Family's Hunt 5 years ago
    8. 380
      Who Are You Talking To? 5 years ago
    9. 381
      He Is Lin Lan's Master! 5 years ago
    10. 382
      I Don't Want to Marry Him! 5 years ago
    11. 383
      Visiting the Luo Family! 5 years ago
    12. 384
      Breaking off The Engagement 5 years ago
    13. 385
      Lei Dao 5 years ago
    14. 386
      Three Ultimate Stages of the Saint Realm 5 years ago
    15. 387
      Iron Saber Lord 5 years ago
    16. 388
      The 13th Commander 5 years ago
    17. 389
      Demon Heart Canyon 5 years ago
    18. 390
      Challenge 5 years ago
    19. 391
      Commanders' Fight 5 years ago
    20. 392
      The Cave Mansion Opens 5 years ago
    21. 393
      A Fight in Front of the Cave Mansion 5 years ago
    22. 394
      Bluestone Corridor 5 years ago
    23. 395
      The Blood Gems 5 years ago
    24. 396
      The Fight for the Blood Gems 5 years ago
    25. 397
      Survival Instinct 5 years ago
    26. 398
      It's All Because of this Swordsman! 5 years ago
    27. 399
      Distribution 5 years ago
    28. 400
      A Summons 5 years ago
    29. 401
      A Quota for the Expedition 5 years ago
    30. 402
      Flaming Battlefield! 5 years ago
    31. 403
      "Great Demon" Di Jing! 5 years ago
    32. 404
      The Treasure Vault 5 years ago
    33. 405
      The Outer Area 5 years ago
    34. 406
      The First Fight 5 years ago
    35. 407
      Swordsman's Realm 5 years ago
    36. 408
      The Same Ending? 5 years ago
    37. 409
      Jian Wushuang, Erupt! 5 years ago
    38. 410
      Solitary Travel 5 years ago
    39. 411
      The Inner Area 5 years ago
    40. 412
      The First Battle in Inner Area 5 years ago
    41. 413
      Xue Luo 5 years ago
    42. 414
      The Horrifying Blood Puppet 5 years ago
    43. 415
      Winning Fame 5 years ago
    44. 416
      Origin Mark 5 years ago
    45. 417
      Triple Shift 5 years ago
    46. 418
      The Bone King's Invitation 5 years ago
    47. 419
      Occupation 5 years ago
    48. 420
      Jiushe Cave Mansion 5 years ago
    49. 421
      Breaking Array 5 years ago
    50. 422
      Two Days! 5 years ago
    51. 423
      Touched 5 years ago
    52. 424
      Desperation! 5 years ago
    53. 425
      A Fierce Battle 5 years ago
    54. 426
      A Frightful Sword Move! 5 years ago
    55. 427
      Deng Huo's Arrival 5 years ago
    56. 428
      Fight With a Heaven-defying Expert! 5 years ago
    57. 429
      Fight! Fight! 5 years ago
    58. 430
      Explode, Three Blood Gems! 5 years ago
    59. 431
      Chase and Kill! 5 years ago
    60. 432
      Deng Huo, You Cannot Escape! 5 years ago
    61. 433
      There Is No Next Time! 5 years ago
    62. 434
      Made a Killing! 5 years ago
    63. 435
      Famous for the Fight 5 years ago
    64. 436
      Special Reward 5 years ago
    65. 437
      Beimo Cave Mansion 5 years ago
    66. 438
      Lord Level Puppet Fighter 5 years ago
    67. 439
      The Dragon King Bow 5 years ago
    68. 440
      Universal Thunderbolt Pool 5 years ago
    69. 441
      Cottage World 5 years ago
    70. 442
      Slumber 5 years ago
    71. 443
      Might be a Marquis's Cave Mansion 5 years ago
    72. 444
      Four Marks 5 years ago
    73. 445
      A Feast for Experts 5 years ago
    74. 446
      Wu Ming 5 years ago
    75. 447
      Blood Fire Ring 5 years ago
    76. 448
      Help Me, Swordsman! 5 years ago
    77. 449
      An Encounter 5 years ago
    78. 450
      The Encounter in an Unknown Area 5 years ago
    79. 451
      Battling a Lord 5 years ago
    80. 452
      The Gold-armored Puppet 5 years ago
    81. 453
      Encountering an Acquaintance 5 years ago
    82. 454
      A Dao Weapon 5 years ago
    83. 455
      The Fighting Between the Lords 5 years ago
    84. 456
      Jian Wushuang Displays His Moves Again 5 years ago
    85. 457
      An Exceptional Saint Realm Expert 5 years ago
    86. 458
      Black Yuan Lord 5 years ago
    87. 459
      Something Unforeseen 5 years ago
    88. 460
      Palace 5 years ago
    89. 461
      Do it, kill Swordsman! 5 years ago
    90. 462
      Fury 5 years ago
    91. 463
      Kill! 5 years ago
    92. 464
      Myriad Islands Lord's trump card 5 years ago
    93. 465
      Dragon King Arrow, Shoot to kill! 5 years ago
    94. 466
      An Unexpected Accident 5 years ago
    95. 467
      War God Di Jing under the Command of Emperor Xiao! 5 years ago
    96. 468
      Puppet Master 5 years ago
    97. 469
      Six-Story Pagoda 5 years ago
    98. 470
      Disaster 5 years ago
    99. 471
      The New Lord Arrives 5 years ago
    100. 472
      Blood Sword Lord 5 years ago
    101. 473
      The Dragon Blood Gem Mine 5 years ago
    102. 474
      The World Scroll 5 years ago
    103. 475
      The Heart-killing Sword 5 years ago
    104. 476
      A Trip to Sword-suppression Valley 5 years ago
    105. 477
      The Barrier 5 years ago
    106. 478
      Three Sword Souls 5 years ago
    107. 479
      A Fascinating Blow 5 years ago
    108. 480
      Father and Son 5 years ago
    109. 481
      The Sword Principle Meeting Begins 5 years ago
    110. 482
      The Impact of the Sword Essence 5 years ago
    111. 483
      Thousand Sword Salute 5 years ago
    112. 484
      Holy Sh*t, Three Sword Souls Joined as One! 5 years ago
    113. 485
      A Thousand Sword Applause for the Most Powerful Sword Soul! 5 years ago
    114. 486
      The Heart-Killing Sword Submits of Its Own Accord 5 years ago
    115. 487
      Killing Intent 5 years ago
    116. 488
      Outside the Sword-suppression Valley 5 years ago
    117. 489
      Killed on the Spot 5 years ago
    118. 490
      Enemies Arrive 5 years ago
    119. 491
      Finally Unbearable 5 years ago
    120. 492
      Illusory Sword Principle 5 years ago
    121. 493
      Counterattack 5 years ago
    122. 494
      Blind Emperor 5 years ago
    123. 495
      Cause of Death 5 years ago
    124. 496
      Crazy Messaging 5 years ago
    125. 497
      Enemy of the Whole World 5 years ago
    126. 498
      Being a Joke? 5 years ago
    127. 499
      A Bell 5 years ago
    128. 500
      The Path of No Return 5 years ago
    129. 501
      Wait for Me! 5 years ago

    Jilid 7

    1. 502
      The Wu Yan Tribe 5 years ago
    2. 503
      A Girl of Unusual Strength 5 years ago
    3. 504
      The Monster Continent! 5 years ago
    4. 505
      A Demonic Beast 5 years ago
    5. 506
      The Divine General Arrives 5 years ago
    6. 507
      Bone Fusion Technique 5 years ago
    7. 508
      Catch him! 5 years ago
    8. 509
      Sparring with Qing Huo 5 years ago
    9. 510
      Admiration 5 years ago
    10. 511
      Twelve Levels of Bone Fusion! 5 years ago
    11. 512
      Heaven Wing City 5 years ago
    12. 513
      Saint Castle 5 years ago
    13. 514
      The Assessment 5 years ago
    14. 515
      Emperor Fengxiao 5 years ago
    15. 516
      Second-grade Divine General 5 years ago
    16. 517
      A Gift From Emperor Fengxiao 5 years ago
    17. 518
      Blood Kylin Leather Armor 5 years ago
    18. 519
      Falling Out with Jian Wushuang 5 years ago
    19. 520
      Earth Core Palace Token 5 years ago
    20. 521
      Holy Place and Earth Core Palace 5 years ago
    21. 522
      The Fourth Level 5 years ago
    22. 523
      Three Methods 5 years ago
    23. 524
      East Camp 5 years ago
    24. 525
      Guarding the Sky Solitude Mountains 5 years ago
    25. 526
      Give an inch but take a mile 5 years ago
    26. 527
      Sheer Shadow 5 years ago
    27. 528
      The Harvest 5 years ago
    28. 529
      An Explanation 5 years ago
    29. 530
      Absolute Advantage! 5 years ago
    30. 531
      A Cornered Beast Will Always Bite 5 years ago
    31. 532
      Demonic Beasts Attack 5 years ago
    32. 533
      Endless Demonic Beasts 5 years ago
    33. 534
      The Breaches 5 years ago
    34. 535
      Rescue 5 years ago
    35. 536
      Outrage 5 years ago
    36. 537
      Outburst! 5 years ago
    37. 538
      Jian Wushuang, You did not Save My Life! 5 years ago
    38. 539
      The Tragic Result 5 years ago
    39. 540
      Emperor Golden Snake 5 years ago
    40. 541
      Fighting with Emperor Golden Snake 5 years ago
    41. 542
      To Save or Not to Save? 5 years ago
    42. 543
      A Life-Death Duel 5 years ago
    43. 544
      So Incredible 5 years ago
    44. 545
      An Outsider 5 years ago
    45. 546
      Approved? 5 years ago
    46. 547
      Attainments 5 years ago
    47. 548
      Soul Fruit 5 years ago
    48. 549
      A Life-Death Duel in the Bloodshed Valley 5 years ago
    49. 550
      The Duel Begins! 5 years ago
    50. 551
      Peak Battle Strength! 5 years ago
    51. 552
      Overwhelming Superiority In Strength! 5 years ago
    52. 553
      Triple Phantom Saber Move 5 years ago
    53. 554
      The Last Step! 5 years ago
    54. 555
      Shock! 5 years ago
    55. 556
      Perfect Slaughter Dao 5 years ago
    56. 557
      Sword Emperor 5 years ago
    57. 558
      A Mysterious Compass 5 years ago
    58. 559
      Emperor's Order 5 years ago
    59. 560
      Bad Blood? 5 years ago
    60. 561
      The 10th Level 5 years ago
    61. 562
      Exiting the Holy Place 5 years ago
    62. 563
      Trap! 5 years ago
    63. 564
      Monster King 5 years ago
    64. 565
      The Evacuation! 5 years ago
    65. 566
      Temple Master Iceberg's Killing Intent 5 years ago
    66. 567
      Returning to the Wu Yan Tribe 5 years ago
    67. 568
      Farewell 5 years ago
    68. 569
      Temple Master Black Spirit 5 years ago
    69. 570
      A Token 5 years ago
    70. 571
      A Broken Finger 5 years ago
    71. 572
      Immortality 5 years ago
    72. 573
      The Crystal-armored Monster Clan, One of the Three Overlord Clans! 5 years ago
    73. 574
      Truth 5 years ago
    74. 575
      Enhanced Magic Thunderbolt 5 years ago
    75. 576
      Nine Origin Marks 5 years ago
    76. 577
      Flying to the Ninth Heaven 5 years ago
    77. 578
      Jian Wushuang's Reply 5 years ago
    78. 579
      I'll Give You Three Moves! 5 years ago
    79. 580
      A Battle with Crystal-armored Monster Emperor 5 years ago
    80. 581
      The Strongest Killing Move! 5 years ago
    81. 582
      Win or Lose 5 years ago
    82. 583
      Bone Dragon Clan and Second Brother? 5 years ago
    83. 584
      Killing Temple Master Iceberg 5 years ago
    84. 585
      Emperor Xiao! 5 years ago
    85. 586
      The second gray stone bead! 5 years ago
    86. 587
      Firmament Territory Feast 5 years ago
    87. 588
      Back to Nanyang 5 years ago
    88. 589
      Jian Wushuang, where are you! 5 years ago
    89. 590
      Return 5 years ago
    90. 591
      Blood Bladesman 5 years ago
    91. 592
      Blood Bladesman's Killing Move 5 years ago
    92. 593
      Returning to the Ancestor's Land 5 years ago
    93. 594
      The Last Test! 5 years ago
    94. 595
      Marquis Lanyue 5 years ago
    95. 596
      Zizhong 5 years ago
    96. 597
      The Bone Fusion Technique 5 years ago
    97. 598
      Holy Ancestor Feast 5 years ago
    98. 599
      Jian Wushuang's Revenge 5 years ago
    99. 600
      Sweeping Away the Enemies 5 years ago
    100. 601
      Leaving? 5 years ago
    101. 602
      Bone Dragon Emperor 5 years ago
    102. 603
      Fourteen People Killed One By One! 5 years ago
    103. 604
      The Strongest Expert In The Ancient World! 5 years ago
    104. 605
      Dark Emperor 5 years ago
    105. 606
      Secret Skill 5 years ago
    106. 607
      Su Ming's Survival 5 years ago
    107. 608
      Universal Thunder Sect 5 years ago
    108. 609
      Heaven-defying Four Steps 5 years ago
    109. 610
      Nine Levels of Dao! 5 years ago
    110. 611
      Comprehension of World Dao 5 years ago
    111. 612
      Three Years 5 years ago
    112. 613
      Comprehension of the First Occult Level 5 years ago
    113. 614
      One Step towards Heaven 5 years ago
    114. 615
      To The Eternal World! 5 years ago

    Jilid 8

    1. 616
      The Eternal World 5 years ago
    2. 617
      A Sea of Geniuses 5 years ago
    3. 618
      Excitement! 5 years ago
    4. 619
      Battle of the geniuses 5 years ago
    5. 620
      Round One Rules! 5 years ago
    6. 621
      Killing with abandon 5 years ago
    7. 622
      Xue Feng 5 years ago
    8. 623
      I'm Feng 5 years ago
    9. 624
      Round One, Over! 5 years ago
    10. 625
      Unfair? 5 years ago
    11. 626
      The Three Magnates 5 years ago
    12. 627
      Skyward Pavillion 5 years ago
    13. 628
      An Invitation 5 years ago
    14. 629
      The Second Round of the Genius Battle 5 years ago
    15. 630
      Qianqiu Wuhen! 5 years ago
    16. 631
      Jian Wushuang Makes His Move! 5 years ago
    17. 632
      Barely 5 years ago
    18. 633
      Xuan Yi's Token! 5 years ago
    19. 634
      Enlightenment Mountain 5 years ago
    20. 635
      Round Three, Arena Battle! 5 years ago
    21. 636
      Jian Wushuang and Chu Yang 5 years ago
    22. 637
      Ouyang Xuan 5 years ago
    23. 638
      Liu Yun's 13 Sword Moves 5 years ago
    24. 639
      Erupt, World Dao 5 years ago
    25. 640
      The Top 20 Geniuses 5 years ago
    26. 641
      Feng and Qianqiu Wuhen! 5 years ago
    27. 642
      The Strongest Genius, Gong Chao! 5 years ago
    28. 643
      Jian Wushuang Versus Gong Chao 5 years ago
    29. 644
      Yin-Yang Dao! 5 years ago
    30. 645
      Two Versus One! 5 years ago
    31. 646
      Victory! 5 years ago
    32. 647
      The Arena Battle Ends 5 years ago
    33. 648
      The Fourth Round of Genius Battles 5 years ago
    34. 649
      Cultivation Age 5 years ago
    35. 650
      Jian Wushuang's Cultivation Time 5 years ago
    36. 651
      Jian Wushuang Is A Peerless Super Genius! 5 years ago
    37. 652
      To Renege on His Own Words 5 years ago
    38. 653
      Xuan Yi's Sword! 5 years ago
    39. 654
      A Man Can't Be Offended! 5 years ago
    40. 655
      The Ending 5 years ago
    41. 656
      Three Palaces in the Ancient Sect (Part One) 5 years ago
    42. 657
      Three Palaces in the Ancient Sect (Part Two) 5 years ago
    43. 658
      Sword Palace 5 years ago
    44. 659
      Three Sword Scars 5 years ago
    45. 660
      Numerous Geniuses 5 years ago
    46. 661
      Rejection 5 years ago
    47. 662
      Jian Wushuang's Pride 5 years ago
    48. 663
      Comprehension 5 years ago
    49. 664
      Three Sword Movements 5 years ago
    50. 665
      Acknowledging Xuan Yi as Master 5 years ago
    51. 666
      Nine-World Picture, Slaughter Book, and Dao Origin Fruit 5 years ago
    52. 667
      Two Years 5 years ago
    53. 668
      The Competition Begins 5 years ago
    54. 669
      Ninth Heaven Road 5 years ago
    55. 670
      Jian Wushuang's Swordsmanship 5 years ago
    56. 671
      Violet Devastation Sword Skill 5 years ago
    57. 672
      Peak Battle Strength! 5 years ago
    58. 673
      Jian Wushuang's Limit! 5 years ago
    59. 674
      Condensing Sword Heart 5 years ago
    60. 675
      Sword Heart 5 years ago
    61. 676
      Dumbstruck 5 years ago
    62. 677
      Personal Disciple 5 years ago
    63. 678
      Vibration 5 years ago
    64. 679
      Kill! 5 years ago
    65. 680
      Sword Mountain 5 years ago
    66. 681
      Univeral Dao Scripture 5 years ago
    67. 682
      Prove Yourself 5 years ago
    68. 683
      Emperor Sword 5 years ago
    69. 684
      Dan Yang City 5 years ago
    70. 685
      Savior 5 years ago
    71. 686
      Fighting Against an Advanced Divine Realm Expert 5 years ago
    72. 687
      Slaughter 5 years ago
    73. 688
      Exchanging Divine Gems 5 years ago
    74. 689
      Sneak Attack 5 years ago
    75. 690
      Hu Hu's Real Strength 5 years ago
    76. 691
      Fighting 5 years ago
    77. 692
      Annihilation Sword Move 5 years ago
    78. 693
      Mission Complete 5 years ago
    79. 694
      Xuan Yi's Exhortations 5 years ago
    80. 695
      Demon God Clan 5 years ago
    81. 696
      A Powerful Gathering 5 years ago
    82. 697
      A Reunion with Gong Chao 5 years ago
    83. 698
      Concealment 5 years ago
    84. 699
      The Fifth Level of Occult 5 years ago
    85. 700
      Child 5 years ago
    86. 701
      Clansman? 5 years ago
    87. 702
      Soul Aura 5 years ago
    88. 703
      Help 5 years ago
    89. 704
      Jian Wushuang Joins In 5 years ago
    90. 705
      Hidden Strength!!! 5 years ago
    91. 706
      Blood Mark? 5 years ago
    92. 707
      Wu Dao 5 years ago
    93. 708
      Two Versus Two 5 years ago
    94. 709
      Trap! Trap! 5 years ago
    95. 710
      Gold-armored Demon God 5 years ago
    96. 711
      Dramatic Change 5 years ago
    97. 712
      Dragon Blood Secret Skill! 5 years ago
    98. 713
      Jet-black Arrow 5 years ago
    99. 714
      The Ten-day Deadline Was Up! 5 years ago
    100. 715
      Life and Death 5 years ago
    101. 716
      Xuan Yi's Anger (Part 1) 5 years ago
    102. 717
      Xuan Yi's Anger (Part 2) 5 years ago
    103. 718
      Xuan Yi's Anger (Part 3) 5 years ago
    104. 719
      Pure Soul Aura 5 years ago
    105. 720
      The Descendant of the Militant Warrior 5 years ago
    106. 721
      The Strength of the Ancient God Clan 5 years ago
    107. 722
      Challenging 5 years ago
    108. 723
      Gu Changfeng 5 years ago
    109. 724
      Star-River 5 years ago
    110. 725
      Level Three 5 years ago
    111. 726
      Underground Palace 5 years ago
    112. 727
      Battling Techniques 5 years ago
    113. 728
      Launching Challenges Frenetically 5 years ago
    114. 729
      Traveling to Gain Experience 5 years ago
    115. 730
      The Second Level of the Sword Heart 5 years ago
    116. 731
      The Militant Warrior, Jiu You! 5 years ago
    117. 732
      Fighting Jiu You 5 years ago
    118. 733
      The Baptismal Pool 5 years ago
    119. 734
      The Ancient God Baptism 5 years ago
    120. 735
      The Metamorphosis! 5 years ago
    121. 736
      Against Nature Twice—the Deification Realm! 5 years ago
    122. 737
      Ancient God Palace 5 years ago
    123. 738
      Imperial Kinsmen! 5 years ago
    124. 739
      Secret 5 years ago
    125. 740
      The Three Secret Skills of the Ancient God Clan 5 years ago
    126. 741
      Dedicated Meditation 5 years ago
    127. 742
      100 Years Arrives 5 years ago
    128. 743
      The Eternal Zone Reopens 5 years ago

    Jilid 9

    1. 744
      Arrival 5 years ago
    2. 745
      I Will Deal with the Three Guys! 5 years ago
    3. 746
      Six Steps of the Eternal Realm 5 years ago
    4. 747
      The Mind-controlling Secret Skill 5 years ago
    5. 748
      An Acquaintance 5 years ago
    6. 749
      The Scarlet Eye 5 years ago
    7. 750
      Secret Assembly Sites 5 years ago
    8. 751
      Waiting for Hares to Crash into A Tree Stump 5 years ago
    9. 752
      Emergency Assistance 5 years ago
    10. 753
      An Outburst of the Strongest Battle Strength 5 years ago
    11. 754
      Yun Fan 5 years ago
    12. 755
      The Revenge of the Cloud Sea Asgard 5 years ago
    13. 756
      A Reunion 5 years ago
    14. 757
      Traces 5 years ago
    15. 758
      Returning a Favor 5 years ago
    16. 759
      Jian Wushuang? 5 years ago
    17. 760
      The Ancient God Token 5 years ago
    18. 761
      Assembly Sites 5 years ago
    19. 762
      The Massacre 5 years ago
    20. 763
      Leaving the Zone 5 years ago
    21. 764
      Jian Wushuang Returns 5 years ago
    22. 765
      No Consequence Will Fall on You 5 years ago
    23. 766
      I Give You A Chance 5 years ago
    24. 767
      Jian Wushuang VS Yun Fan 5 years ago
    25. 768
      The Gold-armored Ancient God Jian Wushuang 5 years ago
    26. 769
      A Fierce Battle! 5 years ago
    27. 770
      The Best Move 5 years ago
    28. 771
      Yun Fan Lost? 5 years ago
    29. 772
      Join Hands 5 years ago
    30. 773
      One Versus Three 5 years ago
    31. 774
      Shameless! 5 years ago
    32. 775
      The Third Move 5 years ago
    33. 776
      The Red Shade Sword Move 5 years ago
    34. 777
      Cloud Sea Asgard, Tian Yunzi! 5 years ago
    35. 778
      The Strongest Move! 5 years ago
    36. 779
      Power to Break Barriers! 5 years ago
    37. 780
      The Wilted Leaf 5 years ago
    38. 781
      The Arrival of Teacher! 5 years ago
    39. 782
      A Gathering 5 years ago
    40. 783
      The Return! 5 years ago
    41. 784
      Three Senior Brothers 5 years ago
    42. 785
      The Blood Saber! 5 years ago
    43. 786
      A Sky-high Compensation! 5 years ago
    44. 787
      Hearts are Bleeding! 5 years ago
    45. 788
      It's Settled 5 years ago
    46. 789
      Gifts Presented at the First Meeting 5 years ago
    47. 790
      The Star Map 5 years ago
    48. 791
      The Prosperous Tang 5 years ago
    49. 792
      Master's Gifts (Section A) 5 years ago
    50. 793
      Master's Gifts (Section B) 5 years ago
    51. 794
      Before the Departure 5 years ago
    52. 795
      The Universal Thunder Sect 5 years ago
    53. 796
      Honing Skills On the Way 5 years ago
    54. 797
      Cercis Island 5 years ago
    55. 798
      Blood Battle Arena 5 years ago
    56. 799
      10 Consecutive Victories 5 years ago
    57. 800
      An Assassination 5 years ago
    58. 801
      The Assassination Attempt 5 years ago
    59. 802
      To Find Him! 5 years ago
    60. 803
      Lei Xin 5 years ago
    61. 804
      Commander Yang 5 years ago
    62. 805
      Level Three 5 years ago
    63. 806
      Suppression 5 years ago
    64. 807
      An Eternal Realm Puppet Fighter 5 years ago
    65. 808
      Fighting against Lei Xin again 5 years ago
    66. 809
      Blood Mountain Sword's Power 5 years ago
    67. 810
      The Pavilion Master 5 years ago
    68. 811
      Punishment from the Heavenly Cloud Pavilion Master 5 years ago
    69. 812
      An Invitation from the Governor 5 years ago
    70. 813
      The Xia Clan 5 years ago
    71. 814
      Lin Wan's Request 5 years ago
    72. 815
      The Husband of the Princess from the Tang of the East? 5 years ago
    73. 816
      The Number One Divine Realm Expert Xia Yan 5 years ago
    74. 817
      Jian Wushuang Takes Action 5 years ago
    75. 818
      Get Lost! 5 years ago
    76. 819
      The Number One Divine Realm Expert Isn't That Formidable 5 years ago
    77. 820
      Hatred 5 years ago
    78. 821
      Leave the Cercis Island 5 years ago
    79. 822
      The Retaliation 5 years ago
    80. 823
      Fight with Six Steps of the Eternal Realm Experts! 5 years ago
    81. 824
      The First Streak of Sword Essence! 5 years ago
    82. 825
      Fury 5 years ago
    83. 826
      Divergent Blood Stones 5 years ago
    84. 827
      Blood Hades Prefecture 5 years ago
    85. 828
      Preliminary 5 years ago
    86. 829
      The Second Round of the Selection 5 years ago
    87. 830
      A Wild Battle 5 years ago
    88. 831
      To Be One of the Royal Guard 5 years ago
    89. 832
      Blood Eagle Guard 5 years ago
    90. 833
      The Duel! 5 years ago
    91. 834
      Eight Million Divine Gems 5 years ago
    92. 835
      I Lost 5 years ago
    93. 836
      Asura 5 years ago
    94. 837
      Breaking Through the Military Pagoda 5 years ago
    95. 838
      Investigation 5 years ago
    96. 839
      Blood Eagle Armor 5 years ago
    97. 840
      Yin-Yang Mirror 5 years ago
    98. 841
      The Divine Sea 5 years ago
    99. 842
      Soaring Strength 5 years ago
    100. 843
      The Death Level Task 5 years ago
    101. 844
      Promotion! 5 years ago
    102. 845
      The Three-clawed Blood Eagle Guard 5 years ago
    103. 846
      Emergency Meeting 5 years ago
    104. 847
      Hell Level! 5 years ago
    105. 848
      Zi Diao 5 years ago
    106. 849
      Lost! 5 years ago
    107. 850
      Four 5 years ago
    108. 851
      Empress Leng! 5 years ago
    109. 852
      The Dragon-phoenix Fruit 5 years ago
    110. 853
      Stellar Fog Sea 5 years ago
    111. 854
      Reunion 5 years ago
    112. 855
      I Have To Get It! 5 years ago

    Jilid 10

    1. 856
      Silver City Auction 5 years ago
    2. 857
      The Last Treasure 5 years ago
    3. 858
      Ninth-heaven Sword Formation 5 years ago
    4. 859
      A Generous Gift 5 years ago
    5. 860
      Blood-Sky Sword 5 years ago
    6. 861
      Setting out 5 years ago
    7. 862
      In the Fog Sea 5 years ago
    8. 863
      Humanoid Weapons! 5 years ago
    9. 864
      Kill 5 years ago
    10. 865
      The Encounter 5 years ago
    11. 866
      The Dramatic Change 5 years ago
    12. 867
      Trying Their Best 5 years ago
    13. 868
      A Newcomer? 5 years ago
    14. 869
      Star Island 5 years ago
    15. 870
      The Prison 5 years ago
    16. 871
      Lord Spirit Sound 5 years ago
    17. 872
      Inverse Cultivation 5 years ago
    18. 873
      Blood Demon 5 years ago
    19. 874
      Opportunity 5 years ago
    20. 875
      Star Jade Wall 5 years ago
    21. 876
      The Most Powerful Nine Secret Skills 5 years ago
    22. 877
      Divine Yin Thunder 5 years ago
    23. 878
      Sword Heart, the Fifth Level 5 years ago
    24. 879
      She's My Friend 5 years ago
    25. 880
      Tian Quan 5 years ago
    26. 881
      Scheduling Battles 5 years ago
    27. 882
      A Trap? 5 years ago
    28. 883
      Level Two 5 years ago
    29. 884
      Oh no! 5 years ago
    30. 885
      Alone on the Top 5 years ago
    31. 886
      The Number One King, Zi Dong! 5 years ago
    32. 887
      Zi Dong's Evaluation 5 years ago
    33. 888
      The Cultivation Age on Star Island 5 years ago
    34. 889
      The Shock 5 years ago
    35. 890
      Challenging Level Three! 5 years ago
    36. 891
      The Seventh Step 5 years ago
    37. 892
      Lineage of Stars 5 years ago
    38. 893
      The One-meter Sword 5 years ago
    39. 894
      The Bodhi Fruit 5 years ago
    40. 895
      Island? 5 years ago
    41. 896
      I Am Gu King! 5 years ago
    42. 897
      Consciousness 5 years ago
    43. 898
      Plenilune Centipede 5 years ago
    44. 899
      Before Departing 5 years ago
    45. 900
      The Kong Ming Dao Master 5 years ago
    46. 901
      The Agreement 5 years ago
    47. 902
      Plenilune 5 years ago
    48. 903
      The Blood Clothing Sect 5 years ago
    49. 904
      Lift a Finger 5 years ago
    50. 905
      Accident 5 years ago
    51. 906
      The Answer! 5 years ago
    52. 907
      One People 5 years ago
    53. 908
      The Third Step, Everlasting Realm! 5 years ago
    54. 909
      The Arrival of Di Jing 5 years ago
    55. 910
      The Third Treasure 5 years ago
    56. 911
      Mountain River Map 5 years ago
    57. 912
      Before the Storm 5 years ago
    58. 913
      Taken Aback 5 years ago
    59. 914
      Xia Mang 5 years ago
    60. 915
      Tit for Tat 5 years ago
    61. 916
      It has begun 5 years ago
    62. 917
      Xia Clan's Wedding Gift 5 years ago
    63. 918
      I Have Three Wedding Gifts Too 5 years ago
    64. 919
      The Battle Has Started! 5 years ago
    65. 920
      The Splendid Magic Weapon Pavilion! 5 years ago
    66. 921
      Crush at Wedding Gifts! 5 years ago
    67. 922
      A Competition of Strength 5 years ago
    68. 923
      Life or Death 5 years ago
    69. 924
      Jian Wushuang Against Xia Mang 5 years ago
    70. 925
      Double! 5 years ago
    71. 926
      The Battle of the Dao Masters 5 years ago
    72. 927
      You're Still a Joke as a Dao Master! 5 years ago
    73. 928
      Number One of the Eternal World 5 years ago
    74. 929
      The Result 5 years ago
    75. 930
      I'd Love To 5 years ago
    76. 931
      I'll Break Your Arm 5 years ago
    77. 932
      Emperor Xiao and Emperor Leng 5 years ago
    78. 933
      The War Breaks Out 5 years ago
    79. 934
      Instant Extermination in a One-versus-three Battle 5 years ago
    80. 935
      The Seal Was Broken 5 years ago
    81. 936
      Primordial Great Sin 5 years ago
    82. 937
      National Master 5 years ago
    83. 938
      Stronger? 5 years ago
    84. 939
      Critical Help! 5 years ago
    85. 940
      The Calamitous Stomp! 5 years ago
    86. 941
      Master of the Ancient Sect! 5 years ago
    87. 942
      Blood-killing Plate Armor 5 years ago
    88. 943
      Immortal Army 5 years ago
    89. 944
      Ancient God's Wrath and Plenilune's Roar 5 years ago
    90. 945
      Overturning the Situation! 5 years ago
    91. 946
      The Decrepit Old Man 5 years ago
    92. 947
      Celestial Master 5 years ago
    93. 948
      Seething in Anger 5 years ago
    94. 949
      The Outbreak of Thirty Percent of the Blood Essence! 5 years ago
    95. 950
      Power to Shatter the World 5 years ago
    96. 951
      Alive 5 years ago
    97. 952
      Refuse To Yield 5 years ago
    98. 953
      The Thirty-Six Diabolic Pillars 5 years ago
    99. 954
      Life-devouring Formation 5 years ago
    100. 955
      Furor 5 years ago
    101. 956
      Ten Percent Chance of Success 5 years ago
    102. 957
      Earth-shattering Roar 5 years ago
    103. 958
      Mountain and Rivers as the Palm; Nine Continents as the Seal 5 years ago
    104. 959
      That's Impossible!!! 5 years ago
    105. 960
      The End of the Battle 5 years ago
    106. 961
      Regained Consciousness 5 years ago
    107. 962
      The Eternal Chaotic World 5 years ago
    108. 963
      Send a Message to Say Hi 5 years ago
    109. 964
      Changes in Tang of the East (Part One) 5 years ago
    110. 965
      Changes in Tang of the East (Part Two) 5 years ago
    111. 966
      A Thousand Years, Three-star Ancient God! 5 years ago
    112. 967
      Dao Yuanzi's Treasure 5 years ago
    113. 968
      Chaos Gold Bead 5 years ago
    114. 969
      The Strongest Sword Principle 5 years ago
    115. 970
      Dao Master Gu Ji 5 years ago
    116. 971
      The Return 5 years ago

    Jilid 11

    1. 972
      Slaughter 5 years ago
    2. 973
      Give Me a Reason! 5 years ago
    3. 974
      The Fear of the Three Big Countries 5 years ago
    4. 975
      The Arrival of Master Ku 5 years ago
    5. 976
      Fifteen Minutes 5 years ago
    6. 977
      Fighting Master Ku 5 years ago
    7. 978
      Unbeatable 5 years ago
    8. 979
      The Gloves are off! 5 years ago
    9. 980
      Menace from Jian Wushuang 5 years ago
    10. 981
      The Golden-Robed Elder 5 years ago
    11. 982
      Heir to Emperor Qing 5 years ago
    12. 983
      The Secret of Inverse Cultivators 5 years ago
    13. 984
      Wedding Ceremony 5 years ago
    14. 985
      See You in the Next Life! 5 years ago
    15. 986
      Out 5 years ago
    16. 987
      Wait for Me! 5 years ago
    17. 988
      The Samsara Continent 5 years ago
    18. 989
      Reincarnator 5 years ago
    19. 990
      The Bloody Moon 5 years ago
    20. 991
      The Bystander 5 years ago
    21. 992
      An Eye for An Eye! 5 years ago
    22. 993
      Tribal Heterogeneity 5 years ago
    23. 994
      The Dragon Heart Elixir 5 years ago
    24. 995
      The Sale 5 years ago
    25. 996
      The Dragon Wing Governor 5 years ago
    26. 997
      The Slave 5 years ago
    27. 998
      The Rock Demon Clan 5 years ago
    28. 999
      Mr Jin Yu 5 years ago
    29. 1000
      The Chaos Gem 5 years ago
    30. 1001
      The Outcome 5 years ago
    31. 1002
      Marked 5 years ago
    32. 1003
      The Sky-devouring Clan 5 years ago
    33. 1004
      Jin Yu's Doom 5 years ago
    34. 1005
      'That' Population 5 years ago
    35. 1006
      Consider Yourself Fortunate 5 years ago
    36. 1007
      The First Sword Principle 5 years ago
    37. 1008
      Turbulence 5 years ago
    38. 1009
      God Hong 5 years ago
    39. 1010
      The Legacy of the Sword Emperor 5 years ago
    40. 1011
      Aurora Sword Principle 5 years ago
    41. 1012
      Incident 5 years ago
    42. 1013
      Death Shadow 5 years ago
    43. 1014
      A Move? 5 years ago
    44. 1015
      You Again! 5 years ago
    45. 1016
      Fight with Di Yan Again 5 years ago
    46. 1017
      Retreat 5 years ago
    47. 1018
      Someone from Samsara Temple 4 years ago
    48. 1019
      Dragon-trapping Array 4 years ago
    49. 1020
      Dao Master Dreamless 4 years ago
    50. 1021
      The Scarlet Yang Sword Principle 4 years ago
    51. 1022
      There is No Escape! 4 years ago
    52. 1023
      Kill Them All 4 years ago
    53. 1024
      Empyrean Patriarch 4 years ago
    54. 1025
      Green Fire Palace 4 years ago
    55. 1026
      Wrath 4 years ago
    56. 1027
      Friendly Relations 4 years ago
    57. 1028
      Generosity 4 years ago
    58. 1029
      Divine Monster Territory 4 years ago
    59. 1030
      Hope 4 years ago
    60. 1031
      It's Him 4 years ago
    61. 1032
      Ancient Monster Clan & Dao Master Nine Sword! 4 years ago
    62. 1033
      The Blood Saber Organization 4 years ago
    63. 1034
      Making a Move 4 years ago
    64. 1035
      Long Time No See 4 years ago
    65. 1036
      Those Words at that Time 4 years ago
    66. 1037
      Suppression 4 years ago
    67. 1038
      I've Earned, I've Earned! 4 years ago
    68. 1039
      Shaking with Rage 4 years ago
    69. 1040
      It's Worth a Risk! 4 years ago
    70. 1041
      Bash My Way Through! 4 years ago
    71. 1042
      Fleeing for My Life! 4 years ago
    72. 1043
      Great Commotion 4 years ago
    73. 1044
      Unleashing Full Speed 4 years ago
    74. 1045
      Black-robed Girl 4 years ago
    75. 1046
      Asura Lord 4 years ago
    76. 1047
      Bet! 4 years ago
    77. 1048
      Three Moves 4 years ago
    78. 1049
      Writing off at One Stroke 4 years ago
    79. 1050
      The Dust Has Settled 4 years ago
    80. 1051
      Blood Asura Clan 4 years ago
    81. 1052
      Special Person 4 years ago
    82. 1053
      120 Years 4 years ago
    83. 1054
      The Summons 4 years ago
    84. 1055
      Blinding Speed 4 years ago
    85. 1056
      Terror 4 years ago
    86. 1057
      The Indigo-robed Man 4 years ago
    87. 1058
      The Heaven-ceasing Peak 4 years ago
    88. 1059
      A Shocking Invitation 4 years ago
    89. 1060
      Tit for Tat 4 years ago
    90. 1061
      Celestial Master Lei Yi 4 years ago
    91. 1062
      Defeated 4 years ago
    92. 1063
      Supervisor 4 years ago
    93. 1064
      Since He Wants You Dead, You Should Die! 4 years ago
    94. 1065
      Father and Son 4 years ago
    95. 1066
      Breaking into the Heaven-Ceasing Mountain a Month Later 4 years ago
    96. 1067
      Constitution of Sword Spirit 4 years ago
    97. 1068
      Holy Master of the Exceptional Realm 4 years ago
    98. 1069
      The Blue-robed Woman 4 years ago
    99. 1070
      Arrival 4 years ago
    100. 1071
      The Battle Formation of Ancient Gods 4 years ago
    101. 1072
      The Dominance of Bloodlines 4 years ago
    102. 1073
      Battle of Ancient Gods 4 years ago
    103. 1074
      Two Original Bodies Show up Together 4 years ago
    104. 1075
      Defeat! 4 years ago
    105. 1076
      Hero of the Battle! 4 years ago
    106. 1077
      Draw the Sword! 4 years ago
    107. 1078
      Trump card 4 years ago
    108. 1079
      Dream-chasing! 4 years ago
    109. 1080
      Hysterical 4 years ago
    110. 1081
      Meeting in the Soul-crushing Pagoda 4 years ago
    111. 1082
      Five People in the Void 4 years ago
    112. 1083
      Took a Stand 4 years ago
    113. 1084
      Invitation 4 years ago

    Jilid 12

    1. 1085
      One Hundred and Thirty-Nine 4 years ago
    2. 1086
      Eyebrows 4 years ago
    3. 1087
      The Secret of the Green Fire World (Ⅰ) 4 years ago
    4. 1088
      The Secret of the Green Fire World (Ⅱ) 4 years ago
    5. 1089
      Fire Point Exchange Office 4 years ago
    6. 1090
      Soul-leading Incense 4 years ago
    7. 1091
      Fast and Slow, Yin and Yang! 4 years ago
    8. 1092
      Sudden Changes! 4 years ago
    9. 1093
      Dead! 4 years ago
    10. 1094
      I'll Take Full Responsibility! 4 years ago
    11. 1095
      Golden Image 4 years ago
    12. 1096
      Confident Enough! 4 years ago
    13. 1097
      Ancient God Power 4 years ago
    14. 1098
      Hit the Road 4 years ago
    15. 1099
      Golden-armored Man Underneath the Stone Pillar 4 years ago
    16. 1100
      First Battle! 4 years ago
    17. 1101
      One of Ours 4 years ago
    18. 1102
      Aren't Welcome 4 years ago
    19. 1103
      Strike! 4 years ago
    20. 1104
      Chaos Divine Thunder 4 years ago
    21. 1105
      Getting the Axe 4 years ago
    22. 1106
      Sinkhole 4 years ago
    23. 1107
      Blood Coldwind 4 years ago
    24. 1108
      An Order! 4 years ago
    25. 1109
      Forced to Retreat! 4 years ago
    26. 1110
      Life Elixirs 4 years ago
    27. 1111
      Acquaintances 4 years ago
    28. 1112
      Second Battle! 4 years ago
    29. 1113
      Seventeen Years 4 years ago
    30. 1114
      A Huge Commotion 4 years ago
    31. 1115
      Birth 4 years ago
    32. 1116
      Chaos! 4 years ago
    33. 1117
      Massacre! 4 years ago
    34. 1118
      Massacre for Military Glory 4 years ago
    35. 1119
      Nirvana Elixir 4 years ago
    36. 1120
      Three Elixirs! 4 years ago
    37. 1121
      Selfish? 4 years ago
    38. 1122
      Jian Wushuang's Madness 4 years ago
    39. 1123
      Helpless! 4 years ago
    40. 1124
      Heaven Shadow King 4 years ago
    41. 1125
      Sword Emperor Arrives! 4 years ago
    42. 1126
      Dan Xin 4 years ago
    43. 1127
      Lunatic! 4 years ago
    44. 1128
      Put the Shoe on the Right Foot 4 years ago
    45. 1129
      The Potential to Be A 'Leader' 4 years ago
    46. 1130
      The Blaze Quicksand Gourd 4 years ago
    47. 1131
      Announcing the Result 4 years ago
    48. 1132
      Battle Invitation! 4 years ago
    49. 1133
      Inside Oblivion Palace 4 years ago
    50. 1134
      Blaze Quicksand Displays its Might 4 years ago
    51. 1135
      Gain the Upper Hand? 4 years ago
    52. 1136
      Golden Axe 4 years ago
    53. 1137
      Quicksand Realm 4 years ago
    54. 1138
      A Tall Tree 4 years ago
    55. 1139
      Coalescence! 4 years ago
    56. 1140
      Breakthrough! 4 years ago
    57. 1141
      Fourth Step in Defying Natural Order: Eternal Supremo! 4 years ago
    58. 1142
      Strength of Soul 4 years ago
    59. 1143
      Everything Is Ready 4 years ago
    60. 1144
      Seven Stars Pagoda 4 years ago
    61. 1145
      Three Universe Masters 4 years ago
    62. 1146
      A Fierce Battle 4 years ago
    63. 1147
      Going All-Out 4 years ago
    64. 1148
      That Person 4 years ago
    65. 1149
      A Red-Haired Youth 4 years ago
    66. 1150
      Red Snow King 4 years ago
    67. 1151
      Determination 4 years ago
    68. 1152
      Inside the Chillywind Valley (Part One) 4 years ago
    69. 1153
      Chillywind Valley (Part 2) 4 years ago
    70. 1154
      The Shock of the Palace Masters 4 years ago
    71. 1155
      The Odd Thing 4 years ago
    72. 1156
      The Death 4 years ago
    73. 1157
      Secret Land 4 years ago
    74. 1158
      Trap 4 years ago
    75. 1159
      Returning to Firmament Territory 4 years ago
    76. 1160
      Visiting Xuan Yi 4 years ago
    77. 1161
      Returning to the Ancient World 4 years ago
    78. 1162
      Jian Xiaoyao of Sword Marquis Mansion! 4 years ago
    79. 1163
      Blind Old Man 4 years ago
    80. 1164
      One Strike 4 years ago
    81. 1165
      Old Acquaintances 4 years ago
    82. 1166
      Wushuang Sword Pavilion 4 years ago
    83. 1167
      Queen Lanyue 4 years ago
    84. 1168
      I Am Her Master 4 years ago
    85. 1169
      Fear! 4 years ago
    86. 1170
      Helpless Ape Holy Master 4 years ago
    87. 1171
      Return to Star Island 4 years ago
    88. 1172
      Hope! 4 years ago
    89. 1173
      The Ultimate Test 4 years ago
    90. 1174
      Failure! 4 years ago
    91. 1175
      Observing the Star Jade Walls Again 4 years ago
    92. 1176
      Spacetime! 4 years ago
    93. 1177
      Progress 4 years ago
    94. 1178
      White-robed "Jue Ying" 4 years ago
    95. 1179
      One Thousand and Five Hundred Years! 4 years ago
    96. 1180
      The Swordsmanship Named "Dawn Light" 4 years ago
    97. 1181
      Disciple of the Star Palace 4 years ago
    98. 1182
      Secret Skill of the Stars 4 years ago
    99. 1183
      Swift Return! 4 years ago
    100. 1184
      Change in Situation 4 years ago
    101. 1185
      Pre-emptive Strike 4 years ago
    102. 1186
      Peak Universe Master? 4 years ago
    103. 1187
      Restriction Removing Pearl! 4 years ago
    104. 1188
      Outbreak of War!! 4 years ago
    105. 1189
      Jian Wushuang Strikes! 4 years ago
    106. 1190
      Utter Defeat! 4 years ago
    107. 1191
      Luring the Soul 4 years ago
    108. 1192
      Battle! 4 years ago
    109. 1193
      I Take You in as My Personal Disciple 4 years ago
    110. 1194
      Reincarnation of the Extinguished Consciousness 4 years ago
    111. 1195
      Eighty Years! 4 years ago
    112. 1196
      The Announcement of the Great War 4 years ago
    113. 1197
      The Scene 4 years ago
    114. 1198
      The Sixth Palace Master! 4 years ago
    115. 1199
      The Trump Cards of Green Fire Palace! 4 years ago
    116. 1200
      The Battle Fortress! 4 years ago
    117. 1201
      Preparing for the War! 4 years ago
    118. 1202
      Brothers Reunited 4 years ago
    119. 1203
      Celestial Elixir 4 years ago
    120. 1204
      A Big Surprise! 4 years ago
    121. 1205
      Stage Two 4 years ago
    122. 1206
      The Arrival 4 years ago
    123. 1207
      Challenge 4 years ago
    124. 1208
      Long Xu King! 4 years ago
    125. 1209
      Do the best 4 years ago
    126. 1210
      Victory! 4 years ago
    127. 1211
      The Great War Begins! 4 years ago
    128. 1212
      A Sharp Warning! 4 years ago
    129. 1213
      Horrible Jian Wushuang! 4 years ago
    130. 1214
      Tragic 4 years ago
    131. 1215
      Broke Out! 4 years ago
    132. 1216
      The First Triumph 4 years ago
    133. 1217
      Casualties 4 years ago
    134. 1218
      Secret Weapon? 4 years ago
    135. 1219
      The Spiraling Vortex 4 years ago
    136. 1220
      The Terrible Thrust 4 years ago
    137. 1221
      The Grand Formation of the Enduring Samsara 4 years ago
    138. 1222
      An Solution 4 years ago
    139. 1223
      Instructions 4 years ago
    140. 1224
      The Quadruple Supreme Sword Formation 4 years ago
    141. 1225
      The Fire Puppet! 4 years ago
    142. 1226
      Fighting! 4 years ago
    143. 1227
      The Turning Tide! 4 years ago
    144. 1228
      The Fall of the Sunrise Sword Emperor 4 years ago
    145. 1229
      Desperate! 4 years ago
    146. 1230
      Master Arrives! 4 years ago
    147. 1231
      Break the Formation in Restrictions! 4 years ago
    148. 1232
      Big Move (Part One) 4 years ago
    149. 1233
      Big Move (Part Two) 4 years ago
    150. 1234
      The Ultimate Battle! 4 years ago
    151. 1235
      Blood Fire Elixir! 4 years ago
    152. 1236
      Fight to the Death! 4 years ago
    153. 1237
      Combine Three Strongest Sword Principles! 4 years ago
    154. 1238
      Leave Early! 4 years ago
    155. 1239
      Fury Makes You Lose It! 4 years ago
    156. 1240
      One Stroke That Could Crumble the World! 4 years ago
    157. 1241
      Jian Wushuang and the Jin Kingdom Monarch 4 years ago
    158. 1242
      Universe God 4 years ago
    159. 1243
      Summit Battle! 4 years ago
    160. 1244
      Nirvana! 4 years ago
    161. 1245
      Trump Card of the Monarch 4 years ago
    162. 1246
      Ten Breaths 4 years ago
    163. 1247
      The Jin Kingdom Monarch, Prepare to Die!! 4 years ago
    164. 1248
      Departure 4 years ago
    165. 1249
      Back in Chillywind Valley 4 years ago
    166. 1250
      The Holy Prefecture 4 years ago

    Jilid 13

    1. 1251
      Leaving the Green Fire World 4 years ago
    2. 1252
      The Fifth Step 4 years ago
    3. 1253
      The Dayu World, The Snow Kingdom 4 years ago
    4. 1254
      One King and Three Hegemons! 4 years ago
    5. 1255
      Invincible Universe Master 4 years ago
    6. 1256
      Personally Verify 4 years ago
    7. 1257
      Universe God Chen 4 years ago
    8. 1258
      The Seventh Divine General 4 years ago
    9. 1259
      Extermination Mission! 4 years ago
    10. 1260
      Jian Wushuang, Your Turn to Shine 4 years ago
    11. 1261
      Action 4 years ago
    12. 1262
      Three Months 4 years ago
    13. 1263
      The Last City 4 years ago
    14. 1264
      Universe God? 4 years ago
    15. 1265
      Jian Wushuang's Disappointment! 4 years ago
    16. 1266
      A New Mission! 4 years ago
    17. 1267
      The First Divine General! 4 years ago
    18. 1268
      The Leopard-print Island 4 years ago
    19. 1269
      A Secret Chamber 4 years ago
    20. 1270
      Chant of Disturbance 4 years ago
    21. 1271
      The Arrival of the Enemies! 4 years ago
    22. 1272
      Thunder-defeating Sound! 4 years ago
    23. 1273
      Mr. Zhuge! 4 years ago
    24. 1274
      Go All Out! 4 years ago
    25. 1275
      One More Move! 4 years ago
    26. 1276
      Kill on the Spot! 4 years ago
    27. 1277
      Shock 4 years ago
    28. 1278
      Fusion Requirement 4 years ago
    29. 1279
      Sneak Attack! 4 years ago
    30. 1280
      The Golden-sun Sect Master 4 years ago
    31. 1281
      Lord Summon 4 years ago
    32. 1282
      A Fight With Universe God Chen 4 years ago
    33. 1283
      A Great Favor 4 years ago
    34. 1284
      The Present 4 years ago
    35. 1285
      Exchange 4 years ago
    36. 1286
      I'm ready! 4 years ago
    37. 1287
      Eighty Years! 4 years ago
    38. 1288
      Tribulation Passing Pinnacle! 4 years ago
    39. 1289
      The Power Of God Test! 4 years ago
    40. 1290
      Qing Yang’s Here! 4 years ago
    41. 1291
      Class! 4 years ago
    42. 1292
      The Little Scattered Stars Game 4 years ago
    43. 1293
      Resolved 4 years ago
    44. 1294
      Compete! 4 years ago
    45. 1295
      Result 4 years ago
    46. 1296
      Chu Xiao Versus Qing Yang! 4 years ago
    47. 1297
      Day Dreaming! 4 years ago
    48. 1298
      Agreed 4 years ago
    49. 1299
      Seclusion 4 years ago
    50. 1300
      Integration of Swordsmanship, Tremendous Improvement In Power! 4 years ago
    51. 1301
      The Final Battle Day! 4 years ago
    52. 1302
      A Pitched Battle! 4 years ago
    53. 1303
      Three Extra Moves! 4 years ago
    54. 1304
      All Out! 4 years ago
    55. 1305
      Life and Death! 4 years ago
    56. 1306
      You Ask For It!! 4 years ago
    57. 1307
      Omen! 4 years ago
    58. 1308
      The Descending Test! 4 years ago
    59. 1309
      Defense Secret Skills! 4 years ago
    60. 1310
      Lineage of Scarlet 4 years ago
    61. 1311
      Interpreting 4 years ago
    62. 1312
      Scarlet Kingdom! 4 years ago
    63. 1313
      Everything Is Ready! 4 years ago
    64. 1314
      The Arrival of Inverse Cultivation Test and The First Divine Thunder 4 years ago
    65. 1315
      Fought Hard Against Three Sacred Thunders! 4 years ago
    66. 1316
      Breakthrough With Power, Deal With Another Three Strikes! 4 years ago
    67. 1317
      Spared No Efforts! 4 years ago
    68. 1318
      The Last Bolt of Lightning! 4 years ago
    69. 1319
      Nine Sacred Thunders And Three Tests All At Once! 4 years ago
    70. 1320
      Alive or Dead? 4 years ago
    71. 1321
      The Sacred Lights Came! 4 years ago
    72. 1322
      Transformation! 4 years ago
    73. 1323
      The Only Opportunities! 4 years ago
    74. 1324
      An Explosive Roar! 4 years ago
    75. 1325
      Jian Wushuang’s Power Soared! 4 years ago
    76. 1326
      Come To A Close! 4 years ago
    77. 1327
      Refused! 4 years ago
    78. 1328
      Depart to Snow Dojo! 4 years ago
    79. 1329
      Master of Silence Gloriette in the Snow Dojo! 4 years ago
    80. 1330
      Snow Tower 4 years ago
    81. 1331
      The Last Permission for the Battle! 4 years ago
    82. 1332
      Jian Wushuang Versus Dong Ao 4 years ago
    83. 1333
      The Ranked Battle Began! 4 years ago
    84. 1334
      One Win And One Defeat! 4 years ago
    85. 1335
      The Poor Confused Guy! 4 years ago
    86. 1336
      Finally Made It! 4 years ago
    87. 1337
      Jian Wushuang’s Divine Power Exploded! 4 years ago
    88. 1338
      Triumph in Ranking Battle! 4 years ago
    89. 1339
      Tian Yuan Mystery Land 4 years ago
    90. 1340
      Cultivation Under Assault of Consciousness 4 years ago
    91. 1341
      A Woman in a Robe 4 years ago
    92. 1342
      Secret Skill of Tian Yuan 4 years ago
    93. 1343
      The Ancient Star Sea 4 years ago
    94. 1344
      Duan Lingfeng 4 years ago
    95. 1345
      A Fierce Battle Full with Swords and Blood 4 years ago
    96. 1346
      The Real Genius! 4 years ago
    97. 1347
      A Formidable Enemy! 4 years ago
    98. 1348
      Duan Lingfeng’s Choice 4 years ago
    99. 1349
      Amazing Duan Lingfeng 4 years ago
    100. 1350
      Exterminate! 4 years ago
    101. 1351
      Jian Wushuang and Duan Lingfeng left 4 years ago
    102. 1352
      Arrival 4 years ago
    103. 1353
      Sending a message 4 years ago
    104. 1354
      Fairies Meeting 4 years ago
    105. 1355
      Two Wushuangs! 4 years ago
    106. 1356
      Challenge! 4 years ago
    107. 1357
      Every sect was excited about Jian Wushuang! 4 years ago
    108. 1358
      Lei Chao 4 years ago
    109. 1359
      Thunder Fire Sect 4 years ago
    110. 1360
      Thunder Measure! 4 years ago
    111. 1361
      A Fierce Fight 4 years ago
    112. 1362
      Revealed! 4 years ago
    113. 1363
      The Galaxy 4 years ago

    Jilid 14

    1. 1364
      The Second Heaven 4 years ago
    2. 1365
      Disciple from the Star Palace 4 years ago
    3. 1366
      Sword Star 4 years ago
    4. 1367
      Star Tower 4 years ago
    5. 1368
      Reset Palace 4 years ago
    6. 1369
      Catch the Meta Beast 4 years ago
    7. 1370
      Too Weak! 4 years ago
    8. 1371
      Luo Quan challenged Jian Wushuang 4 years ago
    9. 1372
      Battle 4 years ago
    10. 1373
      Unfair! 4 years ago
    11. 1374
      Unfortunate Experience in the Milky Way 4 years ago
    12. 1375
      Give a lesson to Qu Yang 4 years ago
    13. 1376
      Five Beast Soul Manipulation Knack 4 years ago
    14. 1377
      Tian Ling Mystery Land 4 years ago
    15. 1378
      Soul Master! 4 years ago
    16. 1379
      Xue Feng's Team Got Into Trouble 4 years ago
    17. 1380
      Three-starred Soul Master! 4 years ago
    18. 1381
      Hatred 4 years ago
    19. 1382
      Soul Master Hall 4 years ago
    20. 1383
      Guest! 4 years ago
    21. 1384
      Examination! 4 years ago
    22. 1385
      Soul Island 4 years ago
    23. 1386
      Peak Three-Starred Soul Master! 4 years ago
    24. 1387
      Bei Xiu 4 years ago
    25. 1388
      Huo Yi's Request 4 years ago
    26. 1389
      Deserted Region 4 years ago
    27. 1390
      Scheme 4 years ago
    28. 1391
      The Strongest Technique 4 years ago
    29. 1392
      Kill! 4 years ago
    30. 1393
      Leave 4 years ago
    31. 1394
      On Tai Yuan Star 4 years ago
    32. 1395
      Lesson! 4 years ago
    33. 1396
      Eighteen Asura Hell 4 years ago
    34. 1397
      Long Gang Mystery Land 4 years ago
    35. 1398
      Challenging Illusionary Mind Sea 4 years ago
    36. 1399
      The Battle Began 4 years ago
    37. 1400
      Ling Feibai 4 years ago
    38. 1401
      Supreme Tower! 4 years ago
    39. 1402
      I refuse to accept! 4 years ago
    40. 1403
      First Battle! 4 years ago
    41. 1404
      Amaze The World With A Single Brilliant Feat! 4 years ago
    42. 1405
      Rotation Battle! 4 years ago
    43. 1406
      Eight Wins Out Of Eight! 4 years ago
    44. 1407
      The Battle Between The Strongest Two 4 years ago
    45. 1408
      Gold Divine Ape 4 years ago
    46. 1409
      Jian Wushuang Did All He Could 4 years ago
    47. 1410
      Victory Or Defeat! 4 years ago
    48. 1411
      A Sudden Change 4 years ago
    49. 1412
      State of Mind 4 years ago
    50. 1413
      Dark Phoenix Pavilion 4 years ago
    51. 1414
      Challenge 4 years ago
    52. 1415
      Mind Cliff 4 years ago
    53. 1416
      The Four Hundredth Step 4 years ago
    54. 1417
      The First Level Of The Mind Status! 4 years ago
    55. 1418
      The Inverse Cultivation Test Is Here, A Baby! 4 years ago
    56. 1419
      Nine Lives Reincarnation Test 4 years ago
    57. 1420
      Life and Death 4 years ago
    58. 1421
      Finally Passed The Test! 4 years ago
    59. 1422
      Universe God In The Second Heaven! 4 years ago
    60. 1423
      The Four Supreme Doctrine, Nine Divine God Doctrine! 4 years ago
    61. 1424
      Reincarnation Doctrine! 4 years ago
    62. 1425
      Four Secret Skills of Lineage of Star 4 years ago
    63. 1426
      Star Pavilion 4 years ago
    64. 1427
      Auction 4 years ago
    65. 1428
      The Painting of Understanding Sword via Reincarnation 4 years ago
    66. 1429
      Got It 4 years ago
    67. 1430
      Battle 4 years ago
    68. 1431
      Universe God Ranking List 4 years ago
    69. 1432
      Task Assigned! 4 years ago
    70. 1433
      Ancient Moon Island 4 years ago
    71. 1434
      Massacre 4 years ago
    72. 1435
      The Second Part of The Task 4 years ago
    73. 1436
      Hong Ri Mercenary Group 4 years ago
    74. 1437
      Hei Longshan 4 years ago
    75. 1438
      Hunt! 4 years ago
    76. 1439
      The Ten Kings 4 years ago
    77. 1440
      Whoever Blocks Me Will Die! 4 years ago
    78. 1441
      Collapse 4 years ago
    79. 1442
      Fighting Power Like One on Universe God Ranking List 4 years ago
    80. 1443
      They're Here! 4 years ago
    81. 1444
      Universe God Ranking List, Zhao Han! 4 years ago
    82. 1445
      Jian Wushuang Versus Zhao Han 4 years ago
    83. 1446
      Myriad Beasts Idol 4 years ago
    84. 1447
      The Second Part Of The Task Completed 4 years ago
    85. 1448
      Sky Sword Mountain 4 years ago
    86. 1449
      Nine Sword Mountains 4 years ago
    87. 1450
      Universe God Mo Yan 4 years ago
    88. 1451
      Sudden Change 4 years ago
    89. 1452
      Sky Sword Prison 4 years ago
    90. 1453
      Experts In The Prison 4 years ago
    91. 1454
      Four Levels 4 years ago
    92. 1455
      Jian Wushuang's Strength 4 years ago
    93. 1456
      Misfortune 4 years ago
    94. 1457
      Lesson 4 years ago
    95. 1458
      Training 4 years ago
    96. 1459
      Universe God Long Xiu 4 years ago
    97. 1460
      The Only Weakness 4 years ago
    98. 1461
      Flowing Light Shadow 4 years ago
    99. 1462
      Succeeding in Unique Skill 4 years ago
    100. 1463
      Invitation 4 years ago
    101. 1464
      Jian Wushuang's Plan 4 years ago
    102. 1465
      Blood Emperor Is Here! 4 years ago
    103. 1466
      Living In Seclusion! 4 years ago
    104. 1467
      Heartless 4 years ago
    105. 1468
      Expose 4 years ago
    106. 1469
      Consciousness Prison 4 years ago
    107. 1470
      This Technique 4 years ago
    108. 1471
      Fiery King! 4 years ago
    109. 1472
      Hopeless 4 years ago
    110. 1473
      Three Thousand Years 4 years ago
    111. 1474
      Visiting Darkness Mountain Again 4 years ago
    112. 1475
      Real God Huo Yuan 4 years ago
    113. 1476
      Massacre Began 4 years ago
    114. 1477
      Insane Massacre 4 years ago
    115. 1478
      Fighting Against Blood Emperor Again! 4 years ago
    116. 1479
      Unable To Do Anything 4 years ago
    117. 1480
      Jian Wushuang On The First Level 4 years ago
    118. 1481
      Leaving 4 years ago
    119. 1482
      Jian Wushuang's Request 4 years ago
    120. 1483
      Receiving His Awards 4 years ago
    121. 1484
      Blood Feather Reincarnation Armor 4 years ago

    Jilid 15

    1. 1485
      Challenging The Star Tower Again 4 years ago
    2. 1486
      Look For Someone 4 years ago
    3. 1487
      The Fight For Prestige 4 years ago
    4. 1488
      Jian Wushuang's Arrival 4 years ago
    5. 1489
      Ling Dan 4 years ago
    6. 1490
      Defeat 4 years ago
    7. 1491
      Fighting A Real God! 4 years ago
    8. 1492
      His Name Is Well Know In The Universe! 4 years ago
    9. 1493
      Number Twenty Of The Universe God Ranking List! 4 years ago
    10. 1494
      Not In The Least Bit Suspenseful 4 years ago
    11. 1495
      The Mysterious White Fruit 4 years ago
    12. 1496
      Emergency Summon 4 years ago
    13. 1497
      Wu Bei's Cave 4 years ago
    14. 1498
      Grand Banquet 4 years ago
    15. 1499
      Iron Wing Beast 4 years ago
    16. 1500
      The First White Blaze Fruit 4 years ago
    17. 1501
      The Owner Of The Sky Sword Mountain's Message 4 years ago
    18. 1502
      The Second Iron Wing Beast 4 years ago
    19. 1503
      Fight! 4 years ago
    20. 1504
      Mighty Uproar 4 years ago
    21. 1505
      Rescue 4 years ago
    22. 1506
      Soft Persimmon 4 years ago
    23. 1507
      Universe God Xiong Fu! 4 years ago
    24. 1508
      Fight A Pitched Battle 4 years ago
    25. 1509
      A Taste Of His Own Medicine 4 years ago
    26. 1510
      Top Five? 4 years ago
    27. 1511
      Dim Shadow 4 years ago
    28. 1512
      New Universe God Ranking List 4 years ago
    29. 1513
      The Second Level Of The Cave 4 years ago
    30. 1514
      Huge Movement 4 years ago
    31. 1515
      Crazy Fight For The White Blaze Fruits 4 years ago
    32. 1516
      Xin Zhu 4 years ago
    33. 1517
      Favorite Person 4 years ago
    34. 1518
      White-robed Swordsman 4 years ago
    35. 1519
      One Against Two 4 years ago
    36. 1520
      Retreat 4 years ago
    37. 1521
      Satisfied 4 years ago
    38. 1522
      Zi Dongwang Who Was Unwilling To Accept Defeat 4 years ago
    39. 1523
      Real God Level! 4 years ago
    40. 1524
      Duan Lingfeng, All Out! 4 years ago
    41. 1525
      Jian Wushuang's Battle 4 years ago
    42. 1526
      Terrifying Consciousness Attack 4 years ago
    43. 1527
      God Destroying King 4 years ago
    44. 1528
      The Strongest Team, Battle Of The Pinnacle! 4 years ago
    45. 1529
      Defeat The God Destroying King! 4 years ago
    46. 1530
      The Second And The Third! 4 years ago
    47. 1531
      The Third Level Of The Cave 4 years ago
    48. 1532
      Three Tests, Three Chances! 4 years ago
    49. 1533
      Scattered Stars Game With A Thousand Moves 4 years ago
    50. 1534
      Zi Dongwang Who Prided Himself 4 years ago
    51. 1535
      The Winner 4 years ago
    52. 1536
      Strength Oriented (Explosion Began!) 4 years ago
    53. 1537
      Last Chance! 4 years ago
    54. 1538
      Void Corridor 4 years ago
    55. 1539
      Six People 4 years ago
    56. 1540
      One Hundred And Eight Thousand Years 4 years ago
    57. 1541
      Jian Wushuang and Real God Wu Bei 4 years ago
    58. 1542
      Superior? 4 years ago
    59. 1543
      The Arrival Of The Palace Master 4 years ago
    60. 1544
      Deal 4 years ago
    61. 1545
      Things Have Settled Down 4 years ago
    62. 1546
      There's News 4 years ago
    63. 1547
      Real God Jiu Gong 4 years ago
    64. 1548
      Blood Demon World 4 years ago
    65. 1549
      Elder Xue Yang 4 years ago
    66. 1550
      Three Stages of Real God 4 years ago
    67. 1551
      Leng Zunzhu 4 years ago
    68. 1552
      Barge In 4 years ago
    69. 1553
      Red Stone Prison 4 years ago
    70. 1554
      His Highness Mu Hong 4 years ago
    71. 1555
      A Great Change 4 years ago
    72. 1556
      The Third Inverse Cultivation Test Is Here! 4 years ago
    73. 1557
      Very Close 4 years ago
    74. 1558
      Grey-Haired, Jian Wushuang! 4 years ago
    75. 1559
      A Shocking Transformation 4 years ago
    76. 1560
      Senior Wushuang? 4 years ago
    77. 1561
      The Collapse Of The Sacred Altar And Falling To Rock Bottom 4 years ago
    78. 1562
      Qing Tian Mystery Land 4 years ago
    79. 1563
      A Celestial Being Descends 4 years ago
    80. 1564
      Mounted Gangster 4 years ago
    81. 1565
      Powerless 4 years ago
    82. 1566
      Spear Demon, Chen Hu! 4 years ago
    83. 1567
      The Old Floor Sweeper 4 years ago
    84. 1568
      Pointers 4 years ago
    85. 1569
      Follow One's Mind And Nature, Mind Of The Universe! 4 years ago
    86. 1570
      Turn Into A Stone Block For Twenty-One Thousand Years! 4 years ago
    87. 1571
      A Stranded Dragon Rises To The Sky! 4 years ago
    88. 1572
      Brother In Danger 4 years ago
    89. 1573
      Four Symbol Mansion 4 years ago
    90. 1574
      Jian Wushuang Is Here 4 years ago
    91. 1575
      One Stroke! 4 years ago
    92. 1576
      Hello, Duan Lingfeng 4 years ago
    93. 1577
      Narrowing Down The Search Area 4 years ago
    94. 1578
      Found! 4 years ago
    95. 1579
      Four Void Real Gods! 4 years ago
    96. 1580
      Butcher A Large Number 4 years ago
    97. 1581
      Real God Xue Wu 4 years ago
    98. 1582
      Fighting Against An Eternal Real God 4 years ago
    99. 1583
      Jian Wushuang's Strongest Ability 4 years ago
    100. 1584
      One Against Two 4 years ago
    101. 1585
      Real God Duan Lingfeng! 4 years ago
    102. 1586
      Identity Exposed? 4 years ago
    103. 1587
      Inverse Cultivator? 4 years ago
    104. 1588
      All Parties Shocked 4 years ago
    105. 1589
      New Deacon 4 years ago

    Jilid 16

    1. 1590
      Threshold of Real God 4 years ago
    2. 1591
      The Second Volume Of Xuan Mie Golden Body 4 years ago
    3. 1592
      Helpless 4 years ago
    4. 1593
      Soaring Heaven King Palace 4 years ago
    5. 1594
      Real God Shi Jue 4 years ago
    6. 1595
      An Unforeseen Situation 4 years ago
    7. 1596
      Hunt! 4 years ago
    8. 1597
      One Against One 4 years ago
    9. 1598
      Kill! 4 years ago
    10. 1599
      Token Of The Fairy Palace's Legacy 4 years ago
    11. 1600
      Sanctuary Alliance, Fairy Palace! 4 years ago
    12. 1601
      Jian Wushuang’s Treatment 4 years ago
    13. 1602
      Thunderbolt Island 4 years ago
    14. 1603
      Opportunities Everywhere 4 years ago
    15. 1604
      Reincarnation Fairy Palace 4 years ago
    16. 1605
      Real God Tian Ming 4 years ago
    17. 1606
      Not Interested 4 years ago
    18. 1607
      The Strange Old Man 4 years ago
    19. 1608
      Unique Skill, Myriad Waves! 4 years ago
    20. 1609
      Getting A Disciple 4 years ago
    21. 1610
      Advanced By Leaps And Bounds 4 years ago
    22. 1611
      Betting On A Match! 4 years ago
    23. 1612
      Defeat 4 years ago
    24. 1613
      The Monster King 4 years ago
    25. 1614
      Ancient God Sanctuary 4 years ago
    26. 1615
      Nine Great King Cities 4 years ago
    27. 1616
      Gu Jian 4 years ago
    28. 1617
      Three Secret Skills, Four Unique Skills! 4 years ago
    29. 1618
      Beating The Drum 24 Times 4 years ago
    30. 1619
      Undying Demon Ape 4 years ago
    31. 1620
      Pass The Test 4 years ago
    32. 1621
      Not Acknowledged 4 years ago
    33. 1622
      Star Moon Tower 4 years ago
    34. 1623
      Challenge! 4 years ago
    35. 1624
      The Second One In History 4 years ago
    36. 1625
      Challenge To The End! 4 years ago
    37. 1626
      Unique Skills Of Ancient Gods 4 years ago
    38. 1627
      The Final Trump Card 4 years ago
    39. 1628
      Level Six, Pass! 4 years ago
    40. 1629
      Inheritance 4 years ago
    41. 1630
      King Gu Tong 4 years ago
    42. 1631
      Old Friend 4 years ago
    43. 1632
      Seeing King Gu Tong 4 years ago
    44. 1633
      A Big Secret 4 years ago
    45. 1634
      Asura Tribe 4 years ago
    46. 1635
      One Faceoff 4 years ago
    47. 1636
      Brothers 4 years ago
    48. 1637
      Lovesick 4 years ago
    49. 1638
      Breakthrough, Ultimate Real God! 4 years ago
    50. 1639
      Transformation Phase, Deep Sleep! 4 years ago
    51. 1640
      Challenging The Seventh Level! 4 years ago
    52. 1641
      The Last Secret Skill 4 years ago
    53. 1642
      Returning To Thunderbolt Island 4 years ago
    54. 1643
      Just A Little Bit More 4 years ago
    55. 1644
      Real God Xian Feng 4 years ago
    56. 1645
      Fighting The Monster King Again 4 years ago
    57. 1646
      The Fifth Level 4 years ago
    58. 1647
      Sanctuary Mountain 4 years ago
    59. 1648
      The Right To Stay Permanently 4 years ago
    60. 1649
      The Eighth Lair 4 years ago
    61. 1650
      Star Demon 4 years ago
    62. 1651
      Inner Layer 4 years ago
    63. 1652
      The Purpose of Demon Spirit 4 years ago
    64. 1653
      Jian Wushuang's Frenzy Of Delight 4 years ago
    65. 1654
      Three-Horned Star Demon 4 years ago
    66. 1655
      Extermination 4 years ago
    67. 1656
      Greedy 4 years ago
    68. 1657
      Being Killed Instead 4 years ago
    69. 1658
      Three Droplets 4 years ago
    70. 1659
      Real God Peng Huo 4 years ago
    71. 1660
      Peng Huo's Invitation 4 years ago
    72. 1661
      Friendly 4 years ago
    73. 1662
      Targeted 4 years ago
    74. 1663
      Zi Ye's Arrival 4 years ago
    75. 1664
      Close Combat 4 years ago
    76. 1665
      Completely Shedding All Pretense Of Cordiality! 4 years ago
    77. 1666
      The Dark Region 4 years ago
    78. 1667
      Die Together 4 years ago
    79. 1668
      Desperate Situation 4 years ago
    80. 1669
      Unexpected Rescue From A Desperate Situation 4 years ago
    81. 1670
      Coffin 4 years ago
    82. 1671
      Ancient Past 4 years ago
    83. 1672
      Seven Star Picture, Eta Ursae Majoris! 4 years ago
    84. 1673
      A Presumptuous Request 4 years ago
    85. 1674
      Hunting Plan! 4 years ago
    86. 1675
      Stage Two Ultimate Real God! 4 years ago
    87. 1676
      Soul Attack Divine Weapon 4 years ago
    88. 1677
      Familiarization Training 4 years ago
    89. 1678
      Hong Jun Golden Sword 4 years ago
    90. 1679
      Massacre! 4 years ago
    91. 1680
      Leave 4 years ago
    92. 1681
      Jian Wushuang and Soaring Heaven King Palace 4 years ago
    93. 1682
      Show Dignity 4 years ago
    94. 1683
      Great Movement 4 years ago
    95. 1684
      Formation 4 years ago
    96. 1685
      Ten Real Gods 4 years ago
    97. 1686
      Rage! 4 years ago
    98. 1687
      Arrival! 4 years ago
    99. 1688
      One Versus Two 4 years ago
    100. 1689
      A Big Defeat! 4 years ago
    101. 1690
      Sir God Qian Lan 4 years ago
    102. 1691
      Almighty 4 years ago
    103. 1692
      Present Dominance 4 years ago
    104. 1693
      Suppression 4 years ago
    105. 1694
      Terms And Conditions 4 years ago
    106. 1695
      The Trade In The Thunderbolt Island 4 years ago

    Jilid 17

    1. 1696
      First Place On Real God Ranking List 4 years ago
    2. 1697
      Returning To The Lineage Of Star 4 years ago
    3. 1698
      Hall Master 4 years ago
    4. 1699
      A Man In A Responsible Position 4 years ago
    5. 1700
      Divine Pond of Absolute Beginning 4 years ago
    6. 1701
      Playing Tricks 4 years ago
    7. 1702
      Can't Enter 4 years ago
    8. 1703
      Huge Price 4 years ago
    9. 1704
      Sir God Luo Sha's Enmity 4 years ago
    10. 1705
      Power of Absolute Beginning 4 years ago
    11. 1706
      Sudden Change 4 years ago
    12. 1707
      Meeting His Highness Mu Hong Again 4 years ago
    13. 1708
      God Destroying Pearl 4 years ago
    14. 1709
      Kill! 4 years ago
    15. 1710
      Damaged 4 years ago
    16. 1711
      Fly Into A Rage 4 years ago
    17. 1712
      Taiqing Ancient Panacea 4 years ago
    18. 1713
      You Ming Pub 4 years ago
    19. 1714
      Alike? 4 years ago
    20. 1715
      Ling Family 4 years ago
    21. 1716
      Team Up? 4 years ago
    22. 1717
      He Xiu Shows Himself 4 years ago
    23. 1718
      Mad He Xiu 4 years ago
    24. 1719
      The Only Condition 4 years ago
    25. 1720
      I Promise You 4 years ago
    26. 1721
      An Almighty's Anger 4 years ago
    27. 1722
      Jian Wushuang and Sir God Liu Yin 4 years ago
    28. 1723
      Leaving Leisurely 4 years ago
    29. 1724
      Registered Disciple 4 years ago
    30. 1725
      Blood Cloud Palace 4 years ago
    31. 1726
      The First Era 4 years ago
    32. 1727
      Made A Move 4 years ago
    33. 1728
      Parting Hatred Island 4 years ago
    34. 1729
      Jian Wushuang's Maid 4 years ago
    35. 1730
      Ask for help 4 years ago
    36. 1731
      The Fish Has Taken The Bait 4 years ago
    37. 1732
      Triangle Island 4 years ago
    38. 1733
      Between Life And Death 4 years ago
    39. 1734
      Coming After Me! 4 years ago
    40. 1735
      Furious!!! 4 years ago
    41. 1736
      Soul Control 4 years ago
    42. 1737
      Battling Five Sir Gods! 4 years ago
    43. 1738
      The Killing Formation Of Nine Cuts 4 years ago
    44. 1739
      Give It His All 4 years ago
    45. 1740
      Devil Nine Cuts 4 years ago
    46. 1741
      The Fourth Wave Of Attack!!! 4 years ago
    47. 1742
      Emperor God Xue Gu 4 years ago
    48. 1743
      A Fight To The Death 4 years ago
    49. 1744
      Life And Death In A Split Second 4 years ago
    50. 1745
      Very Dissatisfied 4 years ago
    51. 1746
      Armageddon 4 years ago
    52. 1747
      The Power Of A Throw 4 years ago
    53. 1748
      Enemies On A Narrow Road 4 years ago
    54. 1749
      Endless Trouble In The Future 4 years ago
    55. 1750
      Palace Master Escorted 4 years ago
    56. 1751
      Seclusion 4 years ago
    57. 1752
      Removal 4 years ago
    58. 1753
      The Seventh Level 4 years ago
    59. 1754
      The Third Stage Of Ultimate Real God 4 years ago
    60. 1755
      Come Out Of Seclusion 4 years ago
    61. 1756
      The Strongest Man, Emperor Bai! 4 years ago
    62. 1757
      Demanding The Payment Of A Debt 4 years ago
    63. 1758
      Treasure Auction 4 years ago
    64. 1759
      Fearlessness 4 years ago
    65. 1760
      Old Monster Chi Xing 4 years ago
    66. 1761
      Killed With A Flip Of His Palm 4 years ago
    67. 1762
      Big Trouble 4 years ago
    68. 1763
      Soaring Heaven Mansion 4 years ago
    69. 1764
      Deliver Himself To Their Doorstep 4 years ago
    70. 1765
      Flowers Bloom And Fade 4 years ago
    71. 1766
      Thunderous Rout! 4 years ago
    72. 1767
      The Arrival Of An Emperor God 4 years ago
    73. 1768
      Versus Emperor God Tian Xiao 4 years ago
    74. 1769
      Scheme 4 years ago
    75. 1770
      Shake His Sleeves And Leave 4 years ago
    76. 1771
      Shocking The World! 4 years ago
    77. 1772
      Heaven and Earth Supremes! 4 years ago
    78. 1773
      Ranking 4 years ago
    79. 1774
      Never-Ending Massacre 4 years ago
    80. 1775
      Recall 4 years ago
    81. 1776
      Appointment 4 years ago
    82. 1777
      Unable To Do Anything 4 years ago
    83. 1778
      Decision 4 years ago
    84. 1779
      Ancient Mystery Land 4 years ago
    85. 1780
      Great Opportunity 4 years ago
    86. 1781
      Going Back To Take A Look 4 years ago
    87. 1782
      Descend, Snow Kingdom! 4 years ago
    88. 1783
      Little kid? 4 years ago
    89. 1784
      Favor 4 years ago
    90. 1785
      The Snow Dojo's Disciple 4 years ago
    91. 1786
      Tian Jue City 4 years ago
    92. 1787
      Master, Mister! 4 years ago
    93. 1788
      Disciple, Maidservant 4 years ago
    94. 1789
      The Frightening Spacetime Storm 4 years ago
    95. 1790
      Home 4 years ago
    96. 1791
      Your Son Has Returned 4 years ago
    97. 1792
      Shocking Change 4 years ago
    98. 1793
      Thirteen Devil Bloods 4 years ago
    99. 1794
      Devil Church 4 years ago
    100. 1795
      Ruthless Massacre 4 years ago
    101. 1796
      Devil Church's Lair 4 years ago
    102. 1797
      The Mastermind 4 years ago
    103. 1798
      Dao Yuanzi! 4 years ago
    104. 1799
      Frightening Abilities 4 years ago
    105. 1800
      Ancient Expert 4 years ago
    106. 1801
      Give Me A Reason 4 years ago
    107. 1802
      Legend 4 years ago
    108. 1803
      Reformation 4 years ago
    109. 1804
      Whose Head 4 years ago
    110. 1805
      The Secrets of the Ancient Times 4 years ago
    111. 1806
      Ancient Behind-The-Scene Stories (Part 2) 4 years ago
    112. 1807
      Wushuang City 4 years ago
    113. 1808
      Crimson Lightning Region 4 years ago
    114. 1809
      Dao Soldiers 4 years ago
    115. 1810
      Wu Hun 4 years ago
    116. 1811
      Immemorial Celestial Body 4 years ago
    117. 1812
      Bloodline Inheritance 4 years ago
    118. 1813
      Sword Slave 4 years ago
    119. 1814
      Communication 4 years ago
    120. 1815
      Chillywind Valley 4 years ago
    121. 1816
      Strange Person 4 years ago
    122. 1817
      Passed Away! 4 years ago

    Jilid 18

    1. 1818
      Travel Back Quickly! 4 years ago
    2. 1819
      Lineage of Star's Danger 4 years ago
    3. 1820
      New Palace Master 4 years ago
    4. 1821
      Universe Galaxy 4 years ago
    5. 1822
      Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures! 4 years ago
    6. 1823
      Extermination 4 years ago
    7. 1824
      Spare My Life 4 years ago
    8. 1825
      Target, Emperor God! 4 years ago
    9. 1826
      Emperor God Fan Yuan 4 years ago
    10. 1827
      One Realm Pearl 4 years ago
    11. 1828
      Impressive Bad Name 4 years ago
    12. 1829
      Deluge Fortress 4 years ago
    13. 1830
      Self Defense 4 years ago
    14. 1831
      Jian Wushuang's Reply 4 years ago
    15. 1832
      Emperor God Liu Guang 4 years ago
    16. 1833
      Assistance 4 years ago
    17. 1834
      To Deluge Fortress 4 years ago
    18. 1835
      Welcome Gift 4 years ago
    19. 1836
      War Exploded 4 years ago
    20. 1837
      Breaking A Piece of Dead Wood 4 years ago
    21. 1838
      The Last Person 4 years ago
    22. 1839
      Soul Burn 4 years ago
    23. 1840
      The Last Counterattack 4 years ago
    24. 1841
      Abysmal Saint Master 4 years ago
    25. 1842
      Rope In 4 years ago
    26. 1843
      Extremely Rich 4 years ago
    27. 1844
      Changes In Ranking 4 years ago
    28. 1845
      Sect Master!!! 4 years ago
    29. 1846
      Massacre In The Past (Part 1) 4 years ago
    30. 1847
      Massacre In The Past (Part Two) 4 years ago
    31. 1848
      Weak Point 4 years ago
    32. 1849
      Substance-Like Soul 4 years ago
    33. 1850
      Died? 4 years ago
    34. 1851
      A Tossed Stone Raises A Thousand Ripples 4 years ago
    35. 1852
      Visit 4 years ago
    36. 1853
      Testing Out 4 years ago
    37. 1854
      Jian Wushuang's Strength 4 years ago
    38. 1855
      The First To Do It 4 years ago
    39. 1856
      Abysmal Palace 4 years ago
    40. 1857
      Meeting Enemies Head-On 4 years ago
    41. 1858
      Funny Excuse 4 years ago
    42. 1859
      Using Your Blood To Warn The World! 4 years ago
    43. 1860
      Level Eight 4 years ago
    44. 1861
      Jian Wushuang, Greatest Fighting Capabilities! 4 years ago
    45. 1862
      Suppress! 4 years ago
    46. 1863
      Completely Defeated 4 years ago
    47. 1864
      Suffer A Crushing Hefty Defeat 4 years ago
    48. 1865
      Great Present 4 years ago
    49. 1866
      Sword Emperor Dugu 4 years ago
    50. 1867
      Frightening Everyone 4 years ago
    51. 1868
      Calm 4 years ago
    52. 1869
      Emperor Sword Sect 4 years ago
    53. 1870
      Deliberately Made Things Difficult! 4 years ago
    54. 1871
      Fall Out 4 years ago
    55. 1872
      One Person Suppressing One Sect (Part 1) 4 years ago
    56. 1873
      One Person Suppressing One Sect (Part Two) 4 years ago
    57. 1874
      Drowning Disaster 4 years ago
    58. 1875
      Luo Xianzi 4 years ago
    59. 1876
      Emperor Sword Palace Opened 4 years ago
    60. 1877
      Nine Emperor Swords 4 years ago
    61. 1878
      Broken Sword 4 years ago
    62. 1879
      Emperor Sword Principle! 4 years ago
    63. 1880
      Owner Recognition! 4 years ago
    64. 1881
      Rejected 4 years ago
    65. 1882
      Jealous 4 years ago
    66. 1883
      Boatman In Black 4 years ago
    67. 1884
      Disperse 4 years ago
    68. 1885
      One Hit 4 years ago
    69. 1886
      Two Hundred Years 4 years ago
    70. 1887
      Time Limit Is Up 4 years ago
    71. 1888
      Great Shock 4 years ago
    72. 1889
      Let Imagination Run Wild 4 years ago
    73. 1890
      Give Way 4 years ago
    74. 1891
      Purple Moon Lake 4 years ago
    75. 1892
      Greetings, Great Emperor 4 years ago
    76. 1893
      Star Extermination Alliance 4 years ago
    77. 1894
      Barren 4 years ago
    78. 1895
      Soldiers At The City Wall 4 years ago
    79. 1896
      Everyone Has To Die! 4 years ago
    80. 1897
      Fierce Battle! 4 years ago
    81. 1898
      Retreat! 4 years ago
    82. 1899
      Show The White Feather 4 years ago
    83. 1900
      Indestructible Galaxy Formation 4 years ago
    84. 1901
      Bear Patiently 4 years ago
    85. 1902
      Three Alliances 4 years ago
    86. 1903
      The Birth of The Strongest Trump Card 4 years ago
    87. 1904
      Going To Attack 4 years ago
    88. 1905
      True Power 4 years ago
    89. 1906
      Galaxy Giant 4 years ago
    90. 1907
      Trap! 4 years ago
    91. 1908
      Fierce Battle! 4 years ago
    92. 1909
      Nine-province Seal Show Off! 4 years ago
    93. 1910
      Suppressing Three People Alone 4 years ago
    94. 1911
      The Powerful Emperor God Tian Ling 4 years ago
    95. 1912
      Jian Yi Took Action 4 years ago
    96. 1913
      Secret Skill of Real Dragon 4 years ago
    97. 1914
      Massacre! 4 years ago
    98. 1915
      Dumbstruck 4 years ago
    99. 1916
      Three Alliances Are All Here 4 years ago
    100. 1917
      Fighting Alone 4 years ago
    101. 1918
      The Power of One Stroke 4 years ago
    102. 1919
      Another Incident 4 years ago
    103. 1920
      Great Emperor's Arrival 4 years ago
    104. 1921
      Nowhere To Escape 4 years ago
    105. 1922
      Fought And Never Regret! 4 years ago
    106. 1923
      It's Him! 4 years ago
    107. 1924
      One Glance, One Stroke! 4 years ago
    108. 1925
      Take A Stroke Of My Sword 4 years ago
    109. 1926
      Emperor Thirteen 4 years ago
    110. 1927
      Jian Wushuang and Emperor Bai 4 years ago
    111. 1928
      Emperor Bai's Condition 4 years ago
    112. 1929
      Friendly? 4 years ago
    113. 1930
      In Peace 4 years ago
    114. 1931
      All Parties Surged 4 years ago
    115. 1932
      The Number One Force in Sanctuary Alliance 4 years ago
    116. 1933
      The Promise 4 years ago
    117. 1934
      Spacetime Gap 4 years ago

    Jilid 19

    1. 1935
      Hitch A Ride 4 years ago
    2. 1936
      The Luo Royal Family 4 years ago
    3. 1937
      Recommendation 4 years ago
    4. 1938
      The Cruor Formation 4 years ago
    5. 1939
      Abnormal 4 years ago
    6. 1940
      Duan Lingfeng's Arrival 4 years ago
    7. 1941
      Barging Into Soul Snatching Palace 4 years ago
    8. 1942
      The Seventh Palace Master! 4 years ago
    9. 1943
      Unaware Of The Oriole Behind 4 years ago
    10. 1944
      Holocaust Sect Master? 4 years ago
    11. 1945
      Taking In A Disciple 4 years ago
    12. 1946
      Twelve Thousand Years 4 years ago
    13. 1947
      Cultivator? 4 years ago
    14. 1948
      Emperor God Xie Xin Rejoiced With Wild Excitement 4 years ago
    15. 1949
      Outsider 4 years ago
    16. 1950
      Wushuang City Master Arrived 4 years ago
    17. 1951
      Misunderstanding 4 years ago
    18. 1952
      Killing 4 years ago
    19. 1953
      Five Fire Godly Spirit Mirror 4 years ago
    20. 1954
      Sir God Xue Dao 4 years ago
    21. 1955
      Spread! 4 years ago
    22. 1956
      Enthusiastic, Madness! (Part 1) 4 years ago
    23. 1957
      Enthusiastic, Madness! (Part 2) 4 years ago
    24. 1958
      Exposed 4 years ago
    25. 1959
      All Experts Descended 4 years ago
    26. 1960
      Thunderous Extermination 4 years ago
    27. 1961
      Instigation 4 years ago
    28. 1962
      Great Emperor Colored Glaze! 4 years ago
    29. 1963
      Old Woman 4 years ago
    30. 1964
      Versus Great Emperor Colored Glaze 4 years ago
    31. 1965
      Retreat! 4 years ago
    32. 1966
      Three Great Emperors 4 years ago
    33. 1967
      Known To All 4 years ago
    34. 1968
      Force! 4 years ago
    35. 1969
      Fight A Pitch Battle! 4 years ago
    36. 1970
      Do You Need Help? 4 years ago
    37. 1971
      Powerful Assistant 4 years ago
    38. 1972
      Hometown? 4 years ago
    39. 1973
      All Parties Arrived 4 years ago
    40. 1974
      Bloodline Is Of Paramount 4 years ago
    41. 1975
      Astonished 4 years ago
    42. 1976
      Grand Formation, Spacetime Storm! 4 years ago
    43. 1977
      Fight To Death But Not Give In! 4 years ago
    44. 1978
      Sit Down And Discuss 4 years ago
    45. 1979
      Condition 4 years ago
    46. 1980
      Give An Inch, Take A Mile 4 years ago
    47. 1981
      Give Way! 4 years ago
    48. 1982
      The Origins of Star Foggy Sea 4 years ago
    49. 1983
      Turning Point 4 years ago
    50. 1984
      Breakthrough 4 years ago
    51. 1985
      Chaotic Supreme 4 years ago
    52. 1986
      Unrivaled! Unmatched!!! 4 years ago
    53. 1987
      Exit Seclusion 4 years ago
    54. 1988
      Losers Are Always In The Wrong 4 years ago
    55. 1989
      Sword Geek 4 years ago
    56. 1990
      Jiu Jue Sword Mansion 4 years ago
    57. 1991
      Sword Emperor's Arrival 4 years ago
    58. 1992
      The Early Bird Catches The Worm 4 years ago
    59. 1993
      Master Wu! 4 years ago
    60. 1994
      Face Off! 4 years ago
    61. 1995
      Sword Stele! 4 years ago
    62. 1996
      Incomplete Sword Principle 4 years ago
    63. 1997
      Sword Principle Xuan Luo 4 years ago
    64. 1998
      Challenge Yan Zun! 4 years ago
    65. 1999
      Trampled! 4 years ago
    66. 2000
      Demon King Came Into The World 4 years ago
    67. 2001
      White Hair Grey Eyes 4 years ago
    68. 2002
      It 4 years ago
    69. 2003
      Supreme Meeting 4 years ago
    70. 2004
      Dark Millstone 4 years ago
    71. 2005
      Expert Troop 4 years ago
    72. 2006
      Jian Wushuang’s Value 4 years ago
    73. 2007
      Seven Treasure Divine Elixir 4 years ago
    74. 2008
      Barge In 4 years ago
    75. 2009
      Three-Emperors World 4 years ago
    76. 2010
      The Master of Silver-Winged God Mansion! 4 years ago
    77. 2011
      Interrogation 4 years ago
    78. 2012
      Arrival 4 years ago
    79. 2013
      Hong Jun Golden Sword’s Impact 4 years ago
    80. 2014
      Let Me Deal With Them 4 years ago
    81. 2015
      One Versus Six 4 years ago
    82. 2016
      Unkillable! 4 years ago
    83. 2017
      The Terrifying Jian Wushuang 4 years ago
    84. 2018
      Escaped 4 years ago
    85. 2019
      Suppress 4 years ago
    86. 2020
      In Imperial City 4 years ago
    87. 2021
      The Bar Fight 4 years ago
    88. 2022
      Put On A Full Show 4 years ago
    89. 2023
      Ranking Competition 4 years ago
    90. 2024
      Brutal 4 years ago
    91. 2025
      Torture 4 years ago
    92. 2026
      Lin Tianhao 4 years ago
    93. 2027
      Supreme Emperor Stone 4 years ago
    94. 2028
      Source of Energy 4 years ago
    95. 2029
      Finally Succeed 4 years ago
    96. 2030
      The Ceremony Began 4 years ago
    97. 2031
      Take Action! 4 years ago
    98. 2032
      Drastic Change! 4 years ago
    99. 2033
      Trap! 4 years ago
    100. 2034
      Escape! 4 years ago
    101. 2035
      It'd Be Impossible to Escape! 4 years ago
    102. 2036
      Life and Death Battle! 4 years ago
    103. 2037
      Hopeless Situation 4 years ago
    104. 2038
      Finally Dead! 4 years ago
    105. 2039
      Failed 4 years ago
    106. 2040
      Won The Bet 4 years ago
    107. 2041
      One Who Survives A Great Disaster Is Destined To Good Fortune For Ever After 4 years ago
    108. 2042
      The Second Stage of Chaotic Supreme! 4 years ago
    109. 2043
      Double Agent? 4 years ago
    110. 2044
      Demolish 4 years ago
    111. 2045
      Anger 4 years ago
    112. 2046
      Vented Anger 4 years ago
    113. 2047
      Take Action Personally 4 years ago
    114. 2048
      Demon King Chen Yu 4 years ago
    115. 2049
      Demon King's Power 4 years ago
    116. 2050
      Yellow Sand Realm 4 years ago
    117. 2051
      Pick Up 4 years ago
    118. 2052
      Emperor Bai Came! 4 years ago
    119. 2053
      Left Three-Emperors World 4 years ago
    120. 2054
      The Suspect 4 years ago
    121. 2055
      Seventy Percent Winning Chance! 4 years ago
    122. 2056
      Origins 4 years ago
    123. 2057
      Investigation Result 4 years ago
    124. 2058
      Anger!!! 4 years ago
    125. 2059
      Irrefutable Evidence 4 years ago
    126. 2060
      Strike like Thunder! 4 years ago
    127. 2061
      Great Emperor Zi Xu 4 years ago
    128. 2062
      Slain 4 years ago
    129. 2063
      Stage division 4 years ago
    130. 2064
      The Fourth Stage 4 years ago
    131. 2065
      Fighting at the Ancient God Clan 4 years ago
    132. 2066
      The Godly Spirit's Metamorphosis 4 years ago
    133. 2067
      Returning to Ancient God Sanctuary! 4 years ago
    134. 2068
      Kill Him On-the-Spot! 4 years ago
    135. 2069
      Invitation! 4 years ago
    136. 2070
      Within Luo King City 4 years ago
    137. 2071
      Alone 4 years ago
    138. 2072
      King Chen Xing 4 years ago
    139. 2073
      Get Down!! 4 years ago
    140. 2074
      Outrageously Unreasonable 4 years ago
    141. 2075
      Ancient Emperor"s Grave 4 years ago
    142. 2076
      The Nine War Spirits 4 years ago
    143. 2077
      Last Line of Defense 4 years ago
    144. 2078
      The Black-armoured General 4 years ago
    145. 2079
      Ancient God Emperor 4 years ago
    146. 2080
      Soul Memory, Confirmed!! 4 years ago
    147. 2081
      A Big Coincidence 4 years ago
    148. 2082
      Submission! 4 years ago
    149. 2083
      Invitation 4 years ago
    150. 2084
      The Succession Ceremony 4 years ago
    151. 2085
      The Tribes Unite 4 years ago
    152. 2086
      Special Tribes Alliance 4 years ago
    153. 2087
      Leader of the Alliance 4 years ago
    154. 2088
      Ba Su 4 years ago
    155. 2089
      A Pitched Battle 4 years ago
    156. 2090
      Defeat! 4 years ago
    157. 2091
      Alliance Chief! 4 years ago
    158. 2092
      All In 4 years ago
    159. 2093
      Chaos 4 years ago
    160. 2094
      The Black Dragon Clan 4 years ago
    161. 2095
      Black Water Dragon Clan's Crisis 4 years ago
    162. 2096
      Emotions 4 years ago
    163. 2097
      Reinforcements! 4 years ago
    164. 2098
      Five War Spirits 4 years ago
    165. 2099
      Defeat 4 years ago
    166. 2100
      Uprooted 4 years ago
    167. 2101
      The Holy Object 4 years ago
    168. 2102
      Soul Swallowing Pearl 4 years ago
    169. 2103
      The Strongest Soul Treasure 4 years ago
    170. 2104
      Nine Skills 4 years ago
    171. 2105
      Cultivation 4 years ago
    172. 2106
      Soul Attack 4 years ago
    173. 2107
      Interest in Jian Wushuang 4 years ago
    174. 2108
      Confirmation 4 years ago
    175. 2109
      Emperor God Jue Xian 4 years ago
    176. 2110
      Conditions 4 years ago
    177. 2111
      Heaven Repairing Palace 4 years ago
    178. 2112
      Returning the Favour 4 years ago
    179. 2113
      Emperor God Liu Guang's Surprise 4 years ago
    180. 2114
      Three Divine Lights 4 years ago
    181. 2115
      Unhindered   4 years ago
    182. 2116
      Day of Activation 4 years ago
    183. 2117
      Entering the Heaven Repairing Palace 4 years ago
    184. 2118
      Altars 4 years ago
    185. 2119
      Purple Exotic Beast 4 years ago
    186. 2120
      Incoming Enemy! 4 years ago
    187. 2121
      Crumbling 4 years ago
    188. 2122
      Jian Wushuang's Retaliation 4 years ago
    189. 2123
      Battle against Demon King Chen Yu 4 years ago
    190. 2124
      The Final Hope 4 years ago
    191. 2125
      The Two Men who Broke Through 4 years ago
    192. 2126
      Desperate Measures 4 years ago
    193. 2127
      The Salty Demon King Chen Yu 4 years ago
    194. 2128
      Double Loss 4 years ago
    195. 2129
      Five Great Emperors 4 years ago
    196. 2130
      Forestalling 4 years ago
    197. 2131
      The Second Scroll, Complete! 4 years ago
    198. 2132
      Setting Out 4 years ago
    199. 2133
      Revisiting Three Emperors World 4 years ago
    200. 2134
      Old Monster Hong Chen 4 years ago
    201. 2135
      Shocking the Three Emperors World 4 years ago
    202. 2136
      Baited 4 years ago
    203. 2137
      Judgement 4 years ago
    204. 2138
      No Choice Left 4 years ago
    205. 2139
      Sixteen Great Emperors 4 years ago
    206. 2140
      Unstoppable (Part 1) 4 years ago
    207. 2141
      Unstoppable (Part 2) 4 years ago
    208. 2142
      Seeking Reinforcements 4 years ago
    209. 2143
      Meeting Ba Su Again 4 years ago
    210. 2144
      Frenzied Ba Su 4 years ago
    211. 2145
      Not Enough! 4 years ago
    212. 2146
      Poised to Attack 4 years ago
    213. 2147
      Void Token 4 years ago
    214. 2148
      The Sudden Decisive Battle 4 years ago
    215. 2149
      All the Trump Cards 4 years ago
    216. 2150
      Overwhelming Superiority 4 years ago
    217. 2151
      Kaiser Blood's Arrival 4 years ago
    218. 2152
      Victory! 4 years ago
    219. 2153
      Sweeping Three Emperors World 4 years ago
    220. 2154
      That Move 4 years ago
    221. 2155
      Blaton Search 4 years ago
    222. 2156
      Ancient Blood Forbidden Ground 4 years ago
    223. 2157
      Ambushed 4 years ago
    224. 2158
      Ancient Blood Beast 4 years ago
    225. 2159
      Killing Spree 4 years ago
    226. 2160
      Emperor Beast 4 years ago
    227. 2161
      Ancient Blood Tribe 4 years ago
    228. 2162
      Compromise 4 years ago
    229. 2163
      Blood Emperor Sanctuary Grounds 4 years ago
    230. 2164
      Final Battle! 4 years ago
    231. 2165
      Something's Not Right 4 years ago
    232. 2166
      Demon 4 years ago
    233. 2167
      Self-Explosion 4 years ago
    234. 2168
      Tragic Death of experts! 4 years ago
    235. 2169
      Opposing Blood! 4 years ago
    236. 2170
      Golden Armour 4 years ago
    237. 2171
      Rematch With Demon King Chen Yu 4 years ago
    238. 2172
      Golden Light Scripture 4 years ago
    239. 2173
      Blood Red 4 years ago
    240. 2174
      Frenzy under the Crimson Light 4 years ago
    241. 2175
      Hell on Earth! 4 years ago
    242. 2176
      A Little More! 4 years ago
    243. 2177
      Blood Emperor 4 years ago
    244. 2178
      Chaotic Divine Demon 4 years ago
    245. 2179
      Power Suffocates 4 years ago
    246. 2180
      Emperor Bai and the Blood Emperor 4 years ago
    247. 2181
      Unstoppable! 4 years ago
    248. 2182
      Arrival of Emperor Thirteen. 4 years ago
    249. 2183
      Leader of the Seven Stars. 4 years ago
    250. 2184
      Half-Step Divine Demon 4 years ago
    251. 2185
      Blood Essence! 3 years ago
    252. 2186
      Thousand Times the Fighting Power! 3 years ago
    253. 2187
      Unworthy Opponent. 3 years ago
    254. 2188
      Mountain River Map, Out! 3 years ago
    255. 2189
      Nine Province Seal! 3 years ago
    256. 2190
      Goodbye 3 years ago
    257. 2191
      Last Hit 3 years ago
    258. 2192
      A figure 3 years ago
    259. 2193
      Finally killed! 3 years ago
    260. 2194
      Victory 3 years ago
    261. 2195
      Deep Slumber 3 years ago
    262. 2196
      You Are Too Controlling! 3 years ago
    263. 2197
      Old Monsters in Deep Slumber 3 years ago
    264. 2198
      Days of Slumber 3 years ago
    265. 2199
      Awaken 3 years ago
    266. 2200
      Master Wang 3 years ago
    267. 2201
      Jian Wushuang’s Awakening 3 years ago
    268. 2202
      Time for a change 3 years ago
    269. 2203
      The Emperor Bai in the Past 3 years ago
    270. 2204
      The Secret to Inverse Cultivation 3 years ago
    271. 2205
      There can only be one 3 years ago
    272. 2206
      Inside the Head 3 years ago
    273. 2207
      Ancient Display 3 years ago
    274. 2208
      Heaven Suppressing Monument! 3 years ago
    275. 2209
      Breakthrough 3 years ago
    276. 2210
      Sword Doctrine Trial Tower 3 years ago
    277. 2211
      Amateur 3 years ago
    278. 2212
      Sword Doctrine 3 years ago
    279. 2213
      Fighting Power Skyrocketed 3 years ago
    280. 2214
      The Changes in the Lineage of Stars. 3 years ago
    281. 2215
      Palace Master 3 years ago
    282. 2216
      Abnormality 3 years ago
    283. 2217
      Real Martial Arts Divine Church 3 years ago
    284. 2218
      The Bait 3 years ago
    285. 2219
      Reinforcements 3 years ago
    286. 2220
      Blood Slave 3 years ago
    287. 2221
      The Backing of Real Martial Arts Divine Church 3 years ago
    288. 2222
      Xie Yu 3 years ago
    289. 2223
      Thunder-like Suppression 3 years ago
    290. 2224
      Apologising 3 years ago
    291. 2225
      It Begins 3 years ago
    292. 2226
      Execution 3 years ago
    293. 2227
      Control 3 years ago
    294. 2228
      Jian Er 3 years ago
    295. 2229
      Seven Star Divine Realm 3 years ago
    296. 2230
      Too? 3 years ago
    297. 2231
      Black Water Dragon 3 years ago
    298. 2232
      Why the First Era Collapsed (Part I) 3 years ago
    299. 2233
      Why the First Era Collapsed (Part II) 3 years ago
    300. 2234
      Three-way Split Up 3 years ago
    301. 2235
      Reappearance 3 years ago
    302. 2236
      Emperor Bai Makes his Move 3 years ago
    303. 2237
      Punisher God! 3 years ago
    304. 2238
      Slaying the Dragon 3 years ago
    305. 2239
      Left in Hatred 3 years ago
    306. 2240
      Revenge 3 years ago
    307. 2241
      Gathering the Assistants 3 years ago
    308. 2242
      Body of Undying. 3 years ago
    309. 2243
      Fear 3 years ago
    310. 2244
      Direct Attack 3 years ago
    311. 2245
      Leave them to Me 3 years ago
    312. 2246
      Threaten 3 years ago
    313. 2247
      Underestimate 3 years ago
    314. 2248
      Attack 3 years ago
    315. 2249
      Massacre 3 years ago
    316. 2250
      Stay 3 years ago
    317. 2251
      Slaughter 3 years ago
    318. 2252
      All Out 3 years ago
    319. 2253
      Ultimate Kill! 3 years ago
    320. 2254
      The Great Shake 3 years ago
    321. 2255
      Can't Do It 3 years ago
    322. 2256
      From Two Different Worlds 3 years ago
    323. 2257
      Reincarnation Pearl 3 years ago
    324. 2258
      Samsara 3 years ago
    325. 2259
      The Only Chance 3 years ago
    326. 2260
      Family 3 years ago
    327. 2261
      Everything Changed 3 years ago
    328. 2262
      Set Off 3 years ago
    329. 2263
      Heaven’s Horizon 3 years ago
    330. 2264
      Leng Ruxue’s Appearance 3 years ago
    331. 2265
      Bing Shan 3 years ago
    332. 2266
      The Extreme Blade Doctrine 3 years ago
    333. 2267
      Wounded 3 years ago
    334. 2268
      Reincarnation 3 years ago
    335. 2269
      Public Wrath 3 years ago
    336. 2270
      Chaotic Warfare 3 years ago
    337. 2271
      Revenge Kill 3 years ago
    338. 2272
      Invincible! 3 years ago
    339. 2273
      Saint Soul, Elder Shehua 3 years ago
    340. 2274
      Solo Confrontation 3 years ago
    341. 2275
      Jian Wushuang and Leng Ruxue 3 years ago
    342. 2276
      Poison Girl 3 years ago
    343. 2277
      Golden Flame 3 years ago
    344. 2278
      Descension 3 years ago
    345. 2279
      Master of the Holy Land 3 years ago
    346. 2280
      The Area Filled With Black Mist 3 years ago
    347. 2281
      Insanity! 3 years ago
    348. 2282
      Soul! 3 years ago
    349. 2283
      Annihilation 3 years ago
    350. 2284
      Reincarnation Passage 3 years ago
    351. 2285
      Spacetime Reversal 3 years ago
    352. 2286
      Awaken (Part 1) 3 years ago
    353. 2287
      Awaken (Part 2) 3 years ago
    354. 2288
      Help Me 3 years ago
    355. 2289
      Escort to Samsara 3 years ago
    356. 2290
      Legend 3 years ago

    Jilid 20

    1. 2291
      Incineration Moon City, Nine Years of Snow 3 years ago
    2. 2292
      Taoist Priest Xuan Shen 3 years ago
    3. 2293
      Sword from the Heavens, Jian Wushuang! 3 years ago
    4. 2294
      The Reason behind Everything (Part I) 3 years ago
    5. 2295
      The Reason behind Everything (Part II) 3 years ago
    6. 2296
      The Reason behind Everything (Part III) 3 years ago
    7. 2297
      Wait for Me! 3 years ago
    8. 2298
      Perfect Chaotic Lifeform 3 years ago
    9. 2299
      Different 3 years ago
    10. 2300
      Learning the Sword 3 years ago
    11. 2301
      Disappointment 3 years ago
    12. 2302
      I Am Not Going 3 years ago
    13. 2303
      Lin Family 3 years ago
    14. 2304
      Duel 3 years ago
    15. 2305
      The Fight 3 years ago
    16. 2306
      A Duel with Sword Skill 3 years ago
    17. 2307
      Initial Success in the Sword Doctrine Realm 3 years ago
    18. 2308
      Enter the Lin Mansion 3 years ago
    19. 2309
      Guidance 3 years ago
    20. 2310
      Snow Cleave 3 years ago
    21. 2311
      Taunting 3 years ago
    22. 2312
      Sounding Out 3 years ago
    23. 2313
      Using The Finger As A Sword 3 years ago
    24. 2314
      Crush 3 years ago
    25. 2315
      Lin Mansion 3 years ago
    26. 2316
      Eliminating Early 3 years ago
    27. 2317
      Targeted 3 years ago
    28. 2318
      Ambush 3 years ago
    29. 2319
      One Strike 3 years ago
    30. 2320
      Water Fairy Island 3 years ago
    31. 2321
      Execution! 3 years ago
    32. 2322
      His Words 3 years ago
    33. 2323
      We've Failed 3 years ago
    34. 2324
      Returning to Incineration Moon City 3 years ago
    35. 2325
      Chaotic Realm 3 years ago
    36. 2326
      Five Great Secret Skills (Part I) 3 years ago
    37. 2327
      Five Great Secret Skills (Part II) 3 years ago
    38. 2328
      About to Start! 3 years ago
    39. 2329
      Lin Tao, Thunder Sound Sect 3 years ago
    40. 2330
      Humility 3 years ago
    41. 2331
      In Ten Days 3 years ago
    42. 2332
      I Won’t Allow It 3 years ago
    43. 2333
      Attack! 3 years ago
    44. 2334
      Injured 3 years ago
    45. 2335
      Jian Wushuang Attacked 3 years ago
    46. 2336
      The Most Powerful Sword Cultivator In Anjiu Prefecture 3 years ago
    47. 2337
      Shocked 3 years ago
    48. 2338
      1 vs 3 3 years ago
    49. 2339
      False Reincarnation Cleave! 3 years ago
    50. 2340
      Defeat! 3 years ago
    51. 2341
      Center of Attention 3 years ago
    52. 2342
      Gratitude 3 years ago
    53. 2343
      The Invitation From The Thunder Sound Sect 3 years ago
    54. 2344
      Jian Wushuang Isn't Ordinary 3 years ago
    55. 2345
      Luo Xinqin's Conjecture 3 years ago
    56. 2346
      Hatred 3 years ago
    57. 2347
      Secret Skills Mastered 3 years ago
    58. 2348
      Come Out And Die 3 years ago
    59. 2349
      Jian Wushuang And Xiang Yi 3 years ago
    60. 2350
      Hong Jun Divine Rod 3 years ago
    61. 2351
      Restraint 3 years ago
    62. 2352
      Increase In Cultivation Realm 3 years ago
    63. 2353
      One Close, One Far 3 years ago
    64. 2354
      Punisher God 3 years ago
    65. 2355
      Clean Sweep 3 years ago
    66. 2356
      Experts From The Water Fairy Island 3 years ago
    67. 2357
      Commandery Governor 3 years ago
    68. 2358
      Great Compassion Sect, Brahman Sword Fairy! 3 years ago
    69. 2359
      Competition of Invites 3 years ago
    70. 2360
      Jian Wushuang’s Choice 3 years ago
    71. 2361
      The Decision of the Zhuge Family 3 years ago
    72. 2362
      Paid a Visit to Apologize 3 years ago
    73. 2363
      Set Off for Water Fairy Island 3 years ago
    74. 2364
      Outer Disciple 3 years ago
    75. 2365
      Ming Long 3 years ago
    76. 2366
      Elder Token 3 years ago
    77. 2367
      Apprehension 3 years ago
    78. 2368
      The Special Outer Disciple 3 years ago
    79. 2369
      The Selection 3 years ago
    80. 2370
      Pointers (1) 3 years ago
    81. 2371
      Pointers (2) 3 years ago
    82. 2372
      Pavilion of Divine Mystery 3 years ago
    83. 2373
      Mission Assigned 3 years ago
    84. 2374
      Luogu Territory 3 years ago
    85. 2375
      Hundred Flowers Tower 3 years ago
    86. 2376
      Drunk in the Heart 3 years ago
    87. 2377
      Miss Xiao 3 years ago
    88. 2378
      The Formidable One 3 years ago
    89. 2379
      Not An Easy One 3 years ago
    90. 2380
      A Formal Visit 3 years ago
    91. 2381
      Fourth-Grade Craft Master 3 years ago
    92. 2382
      Got It 3 years ago
    93. 2383
      Mu Clan 3 years ago
    94. 2384
      Huge Changes 3 years ago
    95. 2385
      Have Mercy! 3 years ago
    96. 2386
      Kill Them All 3 years ago
    97. 2387
      Bai Tao of Nine Stars Palace 3 years ago
    98. 2388
      Suicide 3 years ago
    99. 2389
      Jian Wushuang and Miss Xiao (1) 3 years ago
    100. 2390
      Jian Wushuang and Miss Xiao (2) 3 years ago
    101. 2391
      Jian Wushuang and Miss Xiao (3) 3 years ago
    102. 2392
      Admonishment 3 years ago
    103. 2393
      The Only Possibility 3 years ago
    104. 2394
      The Fall of Mu Clan 3 years ago
    105. 2395
      Nomination 3 years ago
    106. 2396
      Special Quota 3 years ago
    107. 2397
      Saint’s Tomb 3 years ago
    108. 2398
      Four Opportunities 3 years ago
    109. 2399
      A Month Later 3 years ago
    110. 2400
      The Geniuses Gathered 3 years ago
    111. 2401
      Entering The Saint’s Tomb 3 years ago
    112. 2402
      Purple Amulet 3 years ago
    113. 2403
      Joining Forces 3 years ago
    114. 2404
      Battle Trooper 3 years ago
    115. 2405
      The Repel 3 years ago
    116. 2406
      Coerce 3 years ago
    117. 2407
      The Ice Queen 3 years ago
    118. 2408
      Tough 3 years ago
    119. 2409
      Big Sister 3 years ago
    120. 2410
      Safety Token 3 years ago
    121. 2411
      Nine Bridge of Trials 3 years ago
    122. 2412
      The Sword Principle Trial 3 years ago
    123. 2413
      Crimson Stone Saint 3 years ago
    124. 2414
      Complete Sword Principle 3 years ago
    125. 2415
      Trial Passed 3 years ago
    126. 2416
      The Collapse of Trial Bridge 3 years ago
    127. 2417
      Sword Principle Insights 3 years ago
    128. 2418
      Purple Blood Sword Principle 3 years ago
    129. 2419
      Dissatisfied 3 years ago
    130. 2420
      Found Him 3 years ago
    131. 2421
      Pang Tao’s Visit 3 years ago
    132. 2422
      Extremely Sure 3 years ago
    133. 2423
      Everything About Jian Wushuang (1) 3 years ago
    134. 2424
      Everything About Jian Wushuang (2) 3 years ago
    135. 2425
      Why Do You Deserve It? 3 years ago
    136. 2426
      The Big Fight 3 years ago
    137. 2427
      Long Zishan 3 years ago
    138. 2428
      News Spreading 3 years ago
    139. 2429
      Joining Hands 3 years ago
    140. 2430
      The Frenzy Began 3 years ago
    141. 2431
      The Seize 3 years ago
    142. 2432
      Purple Light Phantom 3 years ago
    143. 2433
      Fearful 3 years ago
    144. 2434
      Three Tokens 3 years ago
    145. 2435
      Besieged 3 years ago
    146. 2436
      You’ve Pissed Me Off 3 years ago
    147. 2437
      Massacre 3 years ago
    148. 2438
      Big Trouble 3 years ago
    149. 2439
      Fury 3 years ago
    150. 2440
      Resolution 3 years ago
    151. 2441
      The Target of All 3 years ago
    152. 2442
      Staying in Inner Area 3 years ago
    153. 2443
      Highly-Priced Bounty 3 years ago
    154. 2444
      The Reign of Terror (1) 3 years ago
    155. 2445
      The Reign of Terror (2) 3 years ago
    156. 2446
      Trapped 3 years ago
    157. 2447
      War! 3 years ago
    158. 2448
      Subdued 3 years ago
    159. 2449
      Hidden Cards 3 years ago
    160. 2450
      Heaven and Earth Aligns 3 years ago
    161. 2451
      The Siege 3 years ago
    162. 2452
      Stamina 3 years ago
    163. 2453
      The Ultimate Strike of Death 3 years ago
    164. 2454
      Huge Freak 3 years ago
    165. 2455
      Golden Prison 3 years ago
    166. 2456
      Who Dared to Fight 3 years ago
    167. 2457
      Elder Wujian’s Rage 3 years ago
    168. 2458
      Drawing The Line 3 years ago
    169. 2459
      Recruit Disciples 3 years ago
    170. 2460
      Refuse 3 years ago
    171. 2461
      Fengtian Scroll 3 years ago
    172. 2462
      Deducement 3 years ago
    173. 2463
      Divine Power Ocean 3 years ago
    174. 2464
      Breakthrough! 3 years ago
    175. 2465
      Evolution of Heaven and Earth 3 years ago
    176. 2466
      It Was Born! 3 years ago
    177. 2467
      Knelt Down 3 years ago
    178. 2468
      The Most Perfect Creature 3 years ago
    179. 2469
      Jian Wushuang and Crimson Stone Saint 3 years ago
    180. 2470
      Striking A Deal 3 years ago
    181. 2471
      Engulfed 3 years ago
    182. 2472
      Leaving Saint’s Tomb 3 years ago
    183. 2473
      Tu Qiancheng 3 years ago
    184. 2474
      First-Ranked Genius? 3 years ago
    185. 2475
      The Battle Strength of an Ultimate God! 3 years ago
    186. 2476
      Fan Jianxian 3 years ago
    187. 2477
      A Competition of Speed 3 years ago
    188. 2478
      Sword World 3 years ago
    189. 2479
      Shell 3 years ago
    190. 2480
      Defeated! 3 years ago
    191. 2481
      The Three Supreme Elders 3 years ago
    192. 2482
      Fighting Against Three Ultimate Gods 3 years ago
    193. 2483
      Destroyed 3 years ago
    194. 2484
      Destroyed (2) 3 years ago
    195. 2485
      Hundred and Thousand Fold Payback! 3 years ago
    196. 2486
      Explanation 3 years ago
    197. 2487
      Going Home 3 years ago
    198. 2488
      The Lord Pays a Visit 3 years ago
    199. 2489
      Three Palm Strikes! 3 years ago
    200. 2490
      Sit and Talk 3 years ago
    201. 2491
      Conditions 3 years ago
    202. 2492
      The Dust Settled 3 years ago

    Jilid 21

    1. 2493
      Territory Lord 3 years ago
    2. 2494
      Strange Old Feng 3 years ago
    3. 2495
      Crazy Old Man 3 years ago
    4. 2496
      Doing it the Hard Way 3 years ago
    5. 2497
      Thousand Feet Divine God 3 years ago
    6. 2498
      Compromised 3 years ago
    7. 2499
      Killed 3 years ago
    8. 2500
      Cultivate Life Armor 3 years ago
    9. 2501
      Life Armor Completed 3 years ago
    10. 2502
      Golden Glaze Life Armor 3 years ago
    11. 2503
      Nine Sparkle Star Armor Secret Skill 3 years ago
    12. 2504
      An Important Guest 3 years ago
    13. 2505
      Xuan Shen’s Advice (1) 3 years ago
    14. 2506
      Xuan Shen’s Advice (2) 3 years ago
    15. 2507
      Thunderous Star Beast 3 years ago
    16. 2508
      The Escort Team 3 years ago
    17. 2509
      Dark Thunder Territory 3 years ago
    18. 2510
      The Robbery 3 years ago
    19. 2511
      The Captain’s True Colors 3 years ago
    20. 2512
      Xiao Tiexin 3 years ago
    21. 2513
      The Demonic Moon Prefecture 3 years ago
    22. 2514
      Reality 3 years ago
    23. 2515
      Xiao Clan’s Survivor 3 years ago
    24. 2516
      Making a Deal 3 years ago
    25. 2517
      Eleven Apparitions! 3 years ago
    26. 2518
      Defeated 3 years ago
    27. 2519
      Precious Treasure 3 years ago
    28. 2520
      Cultivation 3 years ago
    29. 2521
      First-Class Divine Demon 3 years ago
    30. 2522
      Major Upheaval 3 years ago
    31. 2523
      Demonic Moon Prefecture Destroyed 3 years ago
    32. 2524
      Nine Thousand Primordial Stones 3 years ago
    33. 2525
      Furious 3 years ago
    34. 2526
      In For The Kill 3 years ago
    35. 2527
      Fusion Attack Techniques 3 years ago
    36. 2528
      Infernal Heart Prefecture Governor 3 years ago
    37. 2529
      Crushed 3 years ago
    38. 2530
      Full Retreat 3 years ago
    39. 2531
      Following You 3 years ago
    40. 2532
      North Darkstar Continent 3 years ago
    41. 2533
      Structure 3 years ago
    42. 2534
      A Special Gamble 3 years ago
    43. 2535
      Gladiatorial Arena 3 years ago
    44. 2536
      Selecting Blood Gladiator 3 years ago
    45. 2537
      Three Consecutive Wins 3 years ago
    46. 2538
      Murderous Intention 3 years ago
    47. 2539
      Dragon Phoenix Pavilion 3 years ago
    48. 2540
      Ancient Witch 3 years ago
    49. 2541
      Won! 3 years ago
    50. 2542
      Ignorant 3 years ago
    51. 2543
      Failure 3 years ago
    52. 2544
      The Golden-Robed Man 3 years ago
    53. 2545
      Peak Divine Demon 3 years ago
    54. 2546
      Demanding An Explanation 3 years ago
    55. 2547
      Daylight Robbery 3 years ago
    56. 2548
      Ye Clan Leader 3 years ago
    57. 2549
      The Brazen Jian Yi 3 years ago
    58. 2550
      Lavish Gifts 3 years ago
    59. 2551
      Situ Clan 3 years ago
    60. 2552
      Forming Alliances 3 years ago
    61. 2553
      Seclusion 3 years ago
    62. 2554
      Challenging the Territorial Lord 3 years ago
    63. 2555
      Pei Qi and San Shouwang 3 years ago
    64. 2556
      Battle of the Earth Ultimate Gods (1) 3 years ago
    65. 2557
      Battle of the Earth Ultimate Gods (2) 3 years ago
    66. 2558
      Hiding His Abilities 3 years ago
    67. 2559
      Ultimate God Realm 3 years ago
    68. 2560
      Visit from an Old Friend 3 years ago
    69. 2561
      Second Battle with the Governor! 3 years ago
    70. 2562
      Earth Ultimate God’s Battle Power 3 years ago
    71. 2563
      Nine Days 3 years ago
    72. 2564
      Sword Principle Training 3 years ago
    73. 2565
      Established Sword World 3 years ago
    74. 2566
      Overpower! 3 years ago
    75. 2567
      Take Action 3 years ago
    76. 2568
      Killing San Shouwang 3 years ago
    77. 2569
      Bet for High Stakes 3 years ago
    78. 2570
      Let’s Do It 3 years ago
    79. 2571
      Prized Treasure 3 years ago
    80. 2572
      In the Combat Ring 3 years ago
    81. 2573
      A Battle with San Shouwang 3 years ago
    82. 2574
      The Real Strength 3 years ago
    83. 2575
      High-Level Earth Ultimate God 3 years ago
    84. 2576
      Crushed 3 years ago
    85. 2577
      Prized Possession 3 years ago
    86. 2578
      San Shouwang Is Dead 3 years ago
    87. 2579
      Star Picking Pavilion 3 years ago
    88. 2580
      Shi Clan’s Backing 3 years ago
    89. 2581
      Destroy The Heavenly Beast 3 years ago
    90. 2582
      The Inspector 3 years ago
    91. 2583
      Lesson Learned 3 years ago
    92. 2584
      Levy 3 years ago
    93. 2585
      New Territorial Lord 3 years ago
    94. 2586
      The Top High-level Ultimate God 3 years ago
    95. 2587
      The Change In The Wilderness 3 years ago
    96. 2588
      Soul Expert 3 years ago
    97. 2589
      Have A Death Wish? 3 years ago
    98. 2590
      Zhong Hun 3 years ago
    99. 2591
      Oppression of the World 3 years ago
    100. 2592
      Wiping Out the Soul 3 years ago
    101. 2593
      Kill 3 years ago
    102. 2594
      Witchcraft and Wizardry Sect 3 years ago
    103. 2595
      Visitors 3 years ago
    104. 2596
      Divine Elixir Pill 3 years ago
    105. 2597
      Peak Ultimate God 3 years ago
    106. 2598
      Auction 3 years ago
    107. 2599
      The Price of the Treasures 3 years ago
    108. 2600
      Young Palace Master of the Nanwu Palace 3 years ago
    109. 2601
      The Auction Begins 3 years ago
    110. 2602
      The First Piece of Treasure 3 years ago
    111. 2603
      Transmigration Sword Formation 3 years ago
    112. 2604
      The First Four Stages 3 years ago
    113. 2605
      Golden Rock 3 years ago
    114. 2606
      Space-time Fluctuation 3 years ago
    115. 2607
      Stars of the Auction 3 years ago
    116. 2608
      Auctioning The Stately Painting 3 years ago
    117. 2609
      Senior Meng 3 years ago
    118. 2610
      Huangji Golden Pill 3 years ago
    119. 2611
      Big Problem 3 years ago
    120. 2612
      Battle Begins 3 years ago
    121. 2613
      Let’s Do It! 3 years ago
    122. 2614
      Life Conquers All! 3 years ago
    123. 2615
      Finally Got It 3 years ago
    124. 2616
      Third Heaven 3 years ago
    125. 2617
      Thousand Treasures Grand World 3 years ago
    126. 2618
      Heaven’s Edge 3 years ago
    127. 2619
      Infernal Crimson 3 years ago
    128. 2620
      Golden Chief Yuan Lei 3 years ago
    129. 2621
      Battle Against a Heaven Ultimate God 3 years ago
    130. 2622
      The Battle 3 years ago
    131. 2623
      World Transformation 3 years ago
    132. 2624
      The Strongest Battle Power! 3 years ago
    133. 2625
      Bombardment! 3 years ago
    134. 2626
      Keeping Low-key 3 years ago
    135. 2627
      Blood Gem 3 years ago
    136. 2628
      Territorial Lord Returns 3 years ago
    137. 2629
      The Embarrassed Green Flame Territorial Lord 3 years ago
    138. 2630
      A Visitor from the Crimson Stone Fort 3 years ago
    139. 2631
      One Against Four 3 years ago
    140. 2632
      Condition 3 years ago
    141. 2633
      Earth Ultimate God 3 years ago
    142. 2634
      Royal Blood Gem 3 years ago
    143. 2635
      Greed 3 years ago
    144. 2636
      An Uninvited Visit 3 years ago
    145. 2637
      Battling Qing Ze 3 years ago
    146. 2638
      The Scorpion King’s Invitation 3 years ago
    147. 2639
      Sacred Palace 3 years ago
    148. 2640
      Masterstroke 3 years ago
    149. 2641
      Murderous Motive 3 years ago
    150. 2642
      Upheaval!! 3 years ago
    151. 2643
      Kill Them All 3 years ago
    152. 2644
      Three Great Heaven Ultimate Gods 3 years ago
    153. 2645
      Crisis! 3 years ago
    154. 2646
      I’ll Help you 3 years ago
    155. 2647
      Escape! 3 years ago
    156. 2648
      Furious! 3 years ago
    157. 2649
      Escaped 3 years ago
    158. 2650
      One Hundred Million Bounty on His Head 3 years ago
    159. 2651
      In Disguise 3 years ago
    160. 2652
      Life Liquid 3 years ago
    161. 2653
      High-level Earth Ultimate God 3 years ago
    162. 2654
      Profound Sword World 3 years ago
    163. 2655
      Seven Major Factions 3 years ago
    164. 2656
      Before the Sacred Palace 3 years ago
    165. 2657
      Sacred Heaven Road 3 years ago
    166. 2658
      Sacred Palace Keeper 3 years ago
    167. 2659
      Yin Su’er 3 years ago
    168. 2660
      Sacred Palace Disciple 3 years ago
    169. 2661
      Space-time Beast 3 years ago
    170. 2662
      Second Stage, Space-time Strangulation! 3 years ago
    171. 2663
      Space-time Blade 3 years ago
    172. 2664
      Be Mine! 3 years ago
    173. 2665
      Space-time Divine Technique 3 years ago
    174. 2666
      A Finger Pointing Heavenly Technique 3 years ago
    175. 2667
      Someone Familiar 3 years ago
    176. 2668
      The Stakes 3 years ago
    177. 2669
      Winning 3 years ago
    178. 2670
      Ravaged 3 years ago
    179. 2671
      Wu Xin 3 years ago
    180. 2672
      Another Bet? 3 years ago
    181. 2673
      All Out 3 years ago
    182. 2674
      Won! 3 years ago
    183. 2675
      Muddy the Waters 3 years ago
    184. 2676
      Dragon Divine Sect 3 years ago
    185. 2677
      No Chance to Survive Even Though Surrendered! 3 years ago
    186. 2678
      Purple Beast Alliance 3 years ago
    187. 2679
      One Slash Kill! 3 years ago
    188. 2680
      Surrender 3 years ago
    189. 2681
      Sword Alliance 3 years ago
    190. 2682
      Forming An Army 3 years ago
    191. 2683
      A Few Tens To A Hundred Billion 3 years ago
    192. 2684
      Master Mo 3 years ago
    193. 2685
      Chief Steward 3 years ago
    194. 2686
      Divine Sword Official Army 3 years ago
    195. 2687
      The Three Zhao Brothers 3 years ago
    196. 2688
      Seven Absolute City 3 years ago
    197. 2689
      Battling The Seven Absolute Palace Master 3 years ago
    198. 2690
      Enchanted 3 years ago
    199. 2691
      As Easy As Breaking A Dead Branch Off A Tree 3 years ago
    200. 2692
      Support Of A Powerful Clan 3 years ago
    201. 2693
      A Treacherous Dinner 3 years ago
    202. 2694
      Alliance 3 years ago
    203. 2695
      True Intentions Unveiled 3 years ago
    204. 2696
      The Star Fort’s Fo Wu 3 years ago
    205. 2697
      The Fight With Fo Wu 3 years ago
    206. 2698
      Sweep Everything With One Move! 3 years ago
    207. 2699
      Time For Our Talk 3 years ago
    208. 2700
      Subdued 3 years ago
    209. 2701
      Second-rated Force 3 years ago
    210. 2702
      Look for A Helper 3 years ago
    211. 2703
      Heaven Ultimate God Breakthrough! 3 years ago
    212. 2704
      The Attack 3 years ago
    213. 2705
      Star Fort Master 3 years ago
    214. 2706
      Jian Wushuang Out from Seclusion 3 years ago
    215. 2707
      Battling A Grand Ultimate God 3 years ago
    216. 2708
      The Vanquisher 3 years ago
    217. 2709
      Star Armor Domain 3 years ago
    218. 2710
      Invitation to Join the Alliance 3 years ago
    219. 2711
      The First Elder 3 years ago
    220. 2712
      A Big Surprise 3 years ago
    221. 2713
      Famous Across Danyang 3 years ago
    222. 2714
      A Visit 3 years ago
    223. 2715
      Token of the Secret Realm 3 years ago
    224. 2716
      Got It 3 years ago
    225. 2717
      Gather 3 years ago
    226. 2718
      Six People 3 years ago
    227. 2719
      Enter the Secret Realm 3 years ago
    228. 2720
      Principle Spirits 3 years ago
    229. 2721
      Golden Principle Spirit 3 years ago
    230. 2722
      Badly Wounded 3 years ago
    231. 2723
      Six Interspatial Rings 3 years ago
    232. 2724
      Cemetery 3 years ago
    233. 2725
      Corpse Puppet 3 years ago
    234. 2726
      One More 3 years ago
    235. 2727
      Run! 3 years ago
    236. 2728
      Easily Killed 3 years ago
    237. 2729
      The First To Fall 3 years ago
    238. 2730
      The Power of Consciousness 3 years ago
    239. 2731
      The Secret Realm’s Spirit 3 years ago
    240. 2732
      One More Opportunity 3 years ago
    241. 2733
      The Search! 3 years ago
    242. 2734
      In Saber Master’s Hand 3 years ago
    243. 2735
      Oppression 3 years ago
    244. 2736
      A Fierce Battle 3 years ago
    245. 2737
      Holy Treasure Purple Bell 3 years ago
    246. 2738
      Swept Away 3 years ago
    247. 2739
      Deeply Hidden 3 years ago
    248. 2740
      Devilish Wind King’s Backing 3 years ago
    249. 2741
      Finally Made A Move! 3 years ago
    250. 2742
      The Most Well-Hidden Person 3 years ago
    251. 2743
      Jian Wushuang Versus Saber Master 3 years ago
    252. 2744
      One More Trick Up the Sleeves 3 years ago
    253. 2745
      Finally Killed 3 years ago
    254. 2746
      Leaving The Secret Realm 3 years ago
    255. 2747
      Organizing Treasures 3 years ago
    256. 2748
      A Windfall 3 years ago
    257. 2749
      Meeting Yin Su’er 3 years ago
    258. 2750
      Handling the Treasures 3 years ago
    259. 2751
      A Gift 3 years ago
    260. 2752
      The Namelist of Experts 3 years ago
    261. 2753
      Winning Over Experts (1) 3 years ago
    262. 2754
      Winning Over Experts (2) 3 years ago
    263. 2755
      About To Take Action 3 years ago
    264. 2756
      Destroy The Heavenly Blood Alliance! 3 years ago
    265. 2757
      Nobody Will Rescue You 3 years ago
    266. 2758
      The Fury Divine Demon Sect 3 years ago
    267. 2759
      War! 3 years ago
    268. 2760
      Outstanding Combat Power 3 years ago
    269. 2761
      Counting On You 3 years ago
    270. 2762
      Domain Oppression, Wipeout! 3 years ago
    271. 2763
      Vanquished 3 years ago
    272. 2764
      Nanwu Palace Master 3 years ago
    273. 2765
      Almighty Rise 3 years ago
    274. 2766
      A Great Shock! 3 years ago
    275. 2767
      Outer Realm 3 years ago
    276. 2768
      Silent Acquiescence 3 years ago
    277. 2769
      Got the Divine Elixir Pills 3 years ago
    278. 2770
      Twenty Five Years 3 years ago
    279. 2771
      Man in Blood-colored Robe 3 years ago
    280. 2772
      Blood Thunder King 3 years ago
    281. 2773
      Join Hands 3 years ago
    282. 2774
      A Point of No Return 3 years ago
    283. 2775
      Depart 3 years ago
    284. 2776
      The Beginning of The Great Battle 3 years ago
    285. 2777
      Took Action 3 years ago
    286. 2778
      Blood Thunder King’s Glee 3 years ago
    287. 2779
      What Are You Doing, Alliance Master Su Han? 3 years ago
    288. 2780
      Jian Yi!!! 3 years ago
    289. 2781
      Heavenly Modest Palace 3 years ago
    290. 2782
      Fierce Battle! 3 years ago
    291. 2783
      Horrendous Killing 3 years ago
    292. 2784
      Beheaded! 3 years ago
    293. 2785
      Blood Thunder King Died! 3 years ago
    294. 2786
      Another Unforeseen Event! 3 years ago
    295. 2787
      Unite Against Foreign Forces 3 years ago
    296. 2788
      Backup 3 years ago
    297. 2789
      Jian Wushuang and the Eastern God 3 years ago
    298. 2790
      Strength? 3 years ago
    299. 2791
      Sneak Attack 3 years ago
    300. 2792
      Ba Xiong 3 years ago
    301. 2793
      Leave It to Me! 3 years ago
    302. 2794
      No. 1 Expert of Danyang 3 years ago
    303. 2795
      World of Sword Principle 3 years ago
    304. 2796
      Killing Move 3 years ago
    305. 2797
      God Seal’s Might 3 years ago
    306. 2798
      So That Was The End? 3 years ago
    307. 2799
      The Thousand Square-shaped Ray 3 years ago
    308. 2800
      Ultimate Technique! 3 years ago
    309. 2801
      Turning The Tide! 3 years ago
    310. 2802
      The Dust Has Settled 3 years ago
    311. 2803
      Aftermath of Battle 3 years ago
    312. 2804
      Settling Scores in the Autumn! 3 years ago
    313. 2805
      Compromise! 3 years ago
    314. 2806
      Distribution 3 years ago
    315. 2807
      One Mountain Can Not Accommodate Two Tigers 3 years ago
    316. 2808
      The Cold Man 3 years ago
    317. 2809
      Marquis of Three Yin 3 years ago
    318. 2810
      Invincible Divine Master 3 years ago
    319. 2811
      Blood Solidification 3 years ago
    320. 2812
      Nothing Could Be Done 3 years ago
    321. 2813
      Determined 3 years ago
    322. 2814
      Heavenly Void Army 3 years ago
    323. 2815
      Sending the Buddha to the West 3 years ago
    324. 2816
      The Test 3 years ago
    325. 2817
      Death? 3 years ago
    326. 2818
      The Anomaly! 3 years ago
    327. 2819
      Corpse Puppet Army 3 years ago
    328. 2820
      Saint Ascension Elixir 3 years ago
    329. 2821
      The Hell Blood Divine Sword, a Top-Tier Heavenly Treasure 3 years ago
    330. 2822
      The Third Level of the Samsara Sword Formation 3 years ago
    331. 2823
      Had Arrived! 3 years ago
    332. 2824
      Great Disparity in Strength 3 years ago
    333. 2825
      In Front of the Battle 3 years ago
    334. 2826
      Another Battle With the Marquis of Three Yin 3 years ago
    335. 2827
      Drunken Samsara 3 years ago
    336. 2828
      Hidden Loss 2 years ago
    337. 2829
      The Slaughter Has Begun! 2 years ago
    338. 2830
      The Corpse Puppet Army Was Dispatched 2 years ago
    339. 2831
      Wins! 2 years ago
    340. 2832
      Yin Su'er’s Ecstasy! 2 years ago
    341. 2833
      Sword Alliance’s Position 2 years ago
    342. 2834
      300,000 2 years ago
    343. 2835
      One Emperor Four Pavilions 2 years ago
    344. 2836
      Departure, Dragon-Phoenix Sacred City 2 years ago
    345. 2837
      Requesting to See Lord Mo 2 years ago
    346. 2838
      10,000 Kilograms of Blood Wilderness Emperor Essence 2 years ago
    347. 2839
      The Lowest Threshold 2 years ago
    348. 2840
      Shock 2 years ago
    349. 2841
      Blood Essence of a Special Life Form 2 years ago
    350. 2842
      Lord Mo’s Excitement 2 years ago
    351. 2843
      Holy Heaven Furnace and Earth Flame 2 years ago
    352. 2844
      Opening of the Holy Heavenly Furnace 2 years ago
    353. 2845
      Four Sided Vibration 2 years ago
    354. 2846
      Hungry? 2 years ago
    355. 2847
      Was Done! 2 years ago
    356. 2848
      Eighth-Grade 2 years ago
    357. 2849
      Potential 2 years ago
    358. 2850
      Conditions 2 years ago
    359. 2851
      Troublesome 2 years ago
    360. 2852
      Little Phoenix 2 years ago
    361. 2853
      Dragon-Phoenix List 2 years ago
    362. 2854
      Supreme Sword Intent 2 years ago
    363. 2855
      The Great Divine Master 2 years ago
    364. 2856
      Outside the Dragon-Phoenix Pavilion 2 years ago
    365. 2857
      Chu Shi 2 years ago
    366. 2858
      Was Breathtakingly Beautiful 2 years ago
    367. 2859
      See You Again 2 years ago
    368. 2860
      Ranked Third on the Dragon-Phoenix List 2 years ago
    369. 2861
      Netherworld Fire Phoenix 2 years ago
    370. 2862
      Who Are You 2 years ago
    371. 2863
      Past Life and Present Life 2 years ago
    372. 2864
      Arrived 2 years ago
    373. 2865
      Had Underestimated Him 2 years ago
    374. 2866
      Black Blood Emperor 2 years ago
    375. 2867
      Fierce Battle 2 years ago
    376. 2868
      Killing on the Spot! 2 years ago
    377. 2869
      Young Master Qu’s Trump Card 2 years ago
    378. 2870
      Killing Young Master Qu 2 years ago
    379. 2871
      Fury 2 years ago
    380. 2872
      Beginning the Refinement 2 years ago
    381. 2873
      The Peak of the Third-Grade 2 years ago
    382. 2874
      Nine Universe Blood Light River 2 years ago
    383. 2875
      Realm Lord Tian Qu 2 years ago
    384. 2876
      The Power of the Realm 2 years ago
    385. 2877
      Joining Hands 2 years ago
    386. 2878
      Pressure 2 years ago
    387. 2879
      Cloud-Patterned Armor 2 years ago
    388. 2880
      Waiting 2 years ago
    389. 2881
      Was Out! 2 years ago
    390. 2882
      The Three Immortal Saints 2 years ago
    391. 2883
      One-on-One Battle Against the Three Saints 2 years ago
    392. 2884
      Guiding Sword Essence 2 years ago
    393. 2885
      Fight With All Your Might 2 years ago
    394. 2886
      Ultimate Move 2 years ago
    395. 2887
      The Window Paper Was Broken 2 years ago
    396. 2888
      Breakthrough, Second Level of Sword Principle! 2 years ago
    397. 2889
      Instant Kill 2 years ago
    398. 2890
      World Shock (Part One) 2 years ago
    399. 2891
      World Shock (2) 2 years ago
    400. 2892
      Farewell to Chu Shi 2 years ago
    401. 2893
      Transfer 2 years ago
    402. 2894
      Make Way 2 years ago
    403. 2895
      Bow Your Head 2 years ago
    404. 2896
      Jian Yi Arrived 2 years ago
    405. 2897
      Bone Emperor Invites You 2 years ago
    406. 2898
      Bone Emperor 2 years ago
    407. 2899
      Purpose 2 years ago
    408. 2900
      Rewards 2 years ago
    409. 2901
      Three Heaven-Sealing Paintings 2 years ago
    410. 2902
      Divine Palace of Heaven and Earth 2 years ago
    411. 2903
      Storm 2 years ago
    412. 2904
      Paying a Visit 2 years ago
    413. 2905
      Goodbye, Leng Rushuang 2 years ago
    414. 2906
      It Was Too Late 2 years ago
    415. 2907
      Suppression 2 years ago
    416. 2908
      Supreme Emotion Valley 2 years ago
    417. 2909
      Decision 2 years ago
    418. 2910
      Gold-Dragon and Blood-Phoenix 2 years ago
    419. 2911
      Dragons and Phoenixes 2 years ago
    420. 2912
      Saint Hong 2 years ago
    421. 2913
      The World of Ice and Snow 2 years ago
    422. 2914
      Could Not Be Stopped 2 years ago
    423. 2915
      Is Here 2 years ago
    424. 2916
      Kill Him! 2 years ago
    425. 2917
      Unkillable! 2 years ago
    426. 2918
      The Most Powerful Trump Card, Was Unleashed! 2 years ago
    427. 2919
      Heaven-Cleaving Skill, Heaven-Cleaving Sword 2 years ago
    428. 2920
      Consciousness Doppelganger 2 years ago
    429. 2921
      The Heavenly Dao Has Descended! 2 years ago
    430. 2922
      Go! 2 years ago
    431. 2923
      The Sage Realm Master Has Arrived 2 years ago
    432. 2924
      Escape 2 years ago
    433. 2925
      Empty Buildings 2 years ago
    434. 2926
      The Dust Has Settled 2 years ago

    Jilid 22

    1. 2927
      Inkstone Realm 2 years ago
    2. 2928
      Inquiry 2 years ago
    3. 2929
      Xue Dong King 2 years ago
    4. 2930
      Forced Entry 2 years ago
    5. 2931
      Jian Wushuang and Xue Dong King 2 years ago
    6. 2932
      Approval 2 years ago
    7. 2933
      Secret Lair 2 years ago
    8. 2934
      Sword Heavenly Marquis 2 years ago
    9. 2935
      Three-Star Mission 2 years ago
    10. 2936
      Gathering 2 years ago
    11. 2937
      Black Dragon Mountain 2 years ago
    12. 2938
      The Pursuit 2 years ago
    13. 2939
      List of Names 2 years ago
    14. 2940
      Slaughter 2 years ago
    15. 2941
      Hunters and Prey 2 years ago
    16. 2942
      Jian Wushuang’s Goal 2 years ago
    17. 2943
      Top False Saint 2 years ago
    18. 2944
      Special Events 2 years ago
    19. 2945
      Beheading 2 years ago
    20. 2946
      Primal Chaos Palace 2 years ago
    21. 2947
      Lord Long Yun 2 years ago
    22. 2948
      Rejection 2 years ago
    23. 2949
      Secret Domain 2 years ago
    24. 2950
      Three Sages of the Shadow 2 years ago
    25. 2951
      Looking Down on Me? 2 years ago
    26. 2952
      Discovery 2 years ago
    27. 2953
      Star Sea Saint 2 years ago
    28. 2954
      The True Sage Has Arrived 2 years ago
    29. 2955
      Peak Stage One 2 years ago
    30. 2956
      A Head-on Battle 2 years ago
    31. 2957
      Earth, Boom! 2 years ago
    32. 2958
      Forced to Retreat 2 years ago
    33. 2959
      Maturity 2 years ago
    34. 2960
      Lord Tianshuo 2 years ago
    35. 2961
      A Huge Sum of Money 2 years ago
    36. 2962
      Divine Power Fruit 2 years ago
    37. 2963
      Supreme Divine Master 2 years ago
    38. 2964
      Strength Skyrocketed 2 years ago
    39. 2965
      Promotion Mission 2 years ago
    40. 2966
      Earth-Level Members 2 years ago
    41. 2967
      Destruction Beast God Statue 2 years ago
    42. 2968
      80 Years 2 years ago
    43. 2969
      Xue Dong King’s Good Friend 2 years ago
    44. 2970
      Three Moves 2 years ago
    45. 2971
      Dragon Flame World 2 years ago
    46. 2972
      Kill the Dragon Flame Beast 2 years ago
    47. 2973
      True Saint Battle Strength 2 years ago
    48. 2974
      The Second Phase of the Mission 2 years ago
    49. 2975
      His Highness 2 years ago
    50. 2976
      Easily Killed 2 years ago
    51. 2977
      Slaughter 2 years ago
    52. 2978
      Concealing One’s Aura? 2 years ago
    53. 2979
      Second Level True Saint 2 years ago
    54. 2980
      Fierce Battle 2 years ago
    55. 2981
      Heaven and Earth Palace, Qian Chen 2 years ago
    56. 2982
      Was He Really a Divine Master? 2 years ago
    57. 2983
      Higher-Ups 2 years ago
    58. 2984
      I Will Go There Personally 2 years ago
    59. 2985
      Different Time and Space 2 years ago
    60. 2986
      Embryonic Form of Swordsmanship 2 years ago
    61. 2987
      ‘Gold-Splitting Secret Manual' 2 years ago
    62. 2988
      What a Pity! What a Pity! 2 years ago
    63. 2989
      Godless Sea Area 2 years ago
    64. 2990
      Blood Blade Island 2 years ago
    65. 2991
      Kill Without Mercy 2 years ago
    66. 2992
      Sweep! 2 years ago
    67. 2993
      Peak Level One, Four of Them! 2 years ago
    68. 2994
      Destroy 2 years ago
    69. 2995
      Heaven Level Members 2 years ago
    70. 2996
      Cultivation Time 2 years ago
    71. 2997
      Heaven Rank Two-Star Mission 2 years ago
    72. 2998
      Magic Note Divine Kingdom 2 years ago
    73. 2999
      ‘God-Burning’ Venom 2 years ago
    74. 3000
      Holy Master Huocang 2 years ago
    75. 3001
      Night Vision, Star Dream! 2 years ago
    76. 3002
      The King Was Furious 2 years ago
    77. 3003
      Pursuit! 2 years ago
    78. 3004
      Interception 2 years ago
    79. 3005
      Find a Way to Escape 2 years ago
    80. 3006
      Golden Mountain Sect 2 years ago
    81. 3007
      Golden Cicada Shedding Its Shell! 2 years ago
    82. 3008
      Dragon-Imprisoning Compass 2 years ago
    83. 3009
      Seal 2 years ago
    84. 3010
      Underground 2 years ago
    85. 3011
      Attack 2 years ago
    86. 3012
      Breakthrough, Immortal Saint! 2 years ago
    87. 3013
      Changes 2 years ago
    88. 3014
      Secret Technique Upgrade 2 years ago
    89. 3015
      It Was Time for Him to Reveal Himself 2 years ago
    90. 3016
      It Was Him! 2 years ago
    91. 3017
      All the Strong Forces Have Arrived 2 years ago
    92. 3018
      Gold King 2 years ago
    93. 3019
      No Pressure 2 years ago
    94. 3020
      Swarmed Forward 2 years ago
    95. 3021
      Slaughter 2 years ago
    96. 3022
      Arrived 2 years ago
    97. 3023
      Magic Note King 2 years ago
    98. 3024
      Rank Four True Saint 2 years ago
    99. 3025
      Something Was Not Right 2 years ago
    100. 3026
      Upgrade 2 years ago
    101. 3027
      Xi Xiang 2 years ago
    102. 3028
      They Deserved to Die 2 years ago
    103. 3029
      Threats 2 years ago
    104. 3030
      Countermeasures 2 years ago
    105. 3031
      Submit 2 years ago
    106. 3032
      Mission Accomplished 2 years ago
    107. 3033
      Return to the Nine Realms of the Golden Crow 2 years ago
    108. 3034
      Entered the Secret Manual Again 2 years ago
    109. 3035
      The Probability Was Low 2 years ago
    110. 3036
      Di Mountain 2 years ago
    111. 3037
      The Mountaintop 2 years ago
    112. 3038
      One Finger Oblivion! 2 years ago
    113. 3039
      The Third Stage of the Space-Time Principles 2 years ago
    114. 3040
      Another Challenge at Di Mountain 2 years ago
    115. 3041
      Passed 2 years ago
    116. 3042
      Xue Bei 2 years ago
    117. 3043
      Four Opportunities (First Half) 2 years ago
    118. 3044
      Four Chances (Second Part) 2 years ago
    119. 3045
      Four Opportunities (Third Part) 2 years ago
    120. 3046
      Bodhi World 2 years ago
    121. 3047
      Good Fortune 2 years ago
    122. 3048
      ‘The Peerless Sword Technique’ 2 years ago
    123. 3049
      Exhortation 2 years ago
    124. 3050
      Will 2 years ago

    Jilid 23

    1. 3051
      Received 2 years ago
    2. 3052
      Three Paths 2 years ago
    3. 3053
      The Region of Bones 2 years ago
    4. 3054
      Retreat 2 years ago
    5. 3055
      Three People 2 years ago
    6. 3056
      Blood Crow Organization 2 years ago
    7. 3057
      Passing By 2 years ago
    8. 3058
      Memory Erasure 2 years ago
    9. 3059
      One Against Three! 2 years ago
    10. 3060
      Monsters Among Monsters 2 years ago
    11. 3061
      How Could It Be Possible? 2 years ago
    12. 3062
      Making an Exception 2 years ago
    13. 3063
      First Heaven 2 years ago
    14. 3064
      The Junior Divine Sect 2 years ago
    15. 3065
      Senior Brother Baixiao 2 years ago
    16. 3066
      Swordsmanship 2 years ago
    17. 3067
      The Moment of Life and Death 2 years ago
    18. 3068
      Master Has Arrived 2 years ago
    19. 3069
      Clamp 2 years ago
    20. 3070
      Dao Palace’s Invitation 2 years ago
    21. 3071
      The Order 2 years ago
    22. 3072
      Heaven-cleaving Mystic Realm 2 years ago
    23. 3073
      Two Possibilities 2 years ago
    24. 3074
      The Emperor’s Life Avatar 2 years ago
    25. 3075
      Peak Rank Four 2 years ago
    26. 3076
      The Genius Feast 2 years ago
    27. 3077
      Ten-Star Pagoda 2 years ago
    28. 3078
      Speed and Movement Skills 2 years ago
    29. 3079
      Duan Yu 2 years ago
    30. 3080
      Ended 2 years ago
    31. 3081
      Duan Yu’s Visit 2 years ago
    32. 3082
      Xiong Tao 2 years ago
    33. 3083
      Special Life Form 2 years ago
    34. 3084
      Full Power 2 years ago
    35. 3085
      Emperor Blood Kill 2 years ago
    36. 3086
      Drastic Changes 2 years ago
    37. 3087
      Peak Rank Four 2 years ago
    38. 3088
      Blood Asura 2 years ago
    39. 3089
      Inviting Lord Long Xing 2 years ago
    40. 3090
      Soul Annihilation 2 years ago
    41. 3091
      Left Alone 2 years ago
    42. 3092
      Sorcerer God 2 years ago
    43. 3093
      A Strand of Black Hair 2 years ago
    44. 3094
      Heaven-Cleaving Star 2 years ago
    45. 3095
      Challenge 2 years ago
    46. 3096
      Was Unstoppable 2 years ago
    47. 3097
      Mystic Realm Opened 2 years ago
    48. 3098
      Golden Words 2 years ago
    49. 3099
      Strength Soared! 2 years ago
    50. 3100
      Black Divine Pillar 2 years ago
    51. 3101
      Inquiry 2 years ago
    52. 3102
      Three Palace Masters 2 years ago
    53. 3103
      Easy Mission 2 years ago
    54. 3104
      Prince Qing 2 years ago
    55. 3105
      Holy Feather Sect 2 years ago
    56. 3106
      Interception 2 years ago
    57. 3107
      Proper Training 2 years ago
    58. 3108
      Silver Demon 2 years ago
    59. 3109
      They Were All Killed 2 years ago
    60. 3110
      Not Dead? 2 years ago
    61. 3111
      Holy Feather Sect 2 years ago
    62. 3112
      Sky Puppet Formation 2 years ago
    63. 3113
      Mr. Heavenly Sword Marquis? 2 years ago
    64. 3114
      Personal Disciple 2 years ago
    65. 3115
      Raging Anger 2 years ago
    66. 3116
      Help 2 years ago
    67. 3117
      Arrived 2 years ago
    68. 3118
      Purple Sky Pavilion 2 years ago
    69. 3119
      The Great War Had Begun 2 years ago
    70. 3120
      The Situation of the Battle Had Changed 2 years ago
    71. 3121
      Attack 2 years ago
    72. 3122
      Earth-Shattering! 2 years ago
    73. 3123
      Chu Yixiao 2 years ago
    74. 3124
      Fury 2 years ago
    75. 3125
      God-Slaying Nail 2 years ago
    76. 3126
      Killing Intent 2 years ago
    77. 3127
      Rank Six! 2 years ago
    78. 3128
      The Outcome Was Set 2 years ago
    79. 3129
      Left Alone 2 years ago
    80. 3130
      Mind Wizard 2 years ago
    81. 3131
      Seal 2 years ago
    82. 3132
      Exchange 2 years ago
    83. 3133
      Cultivation 2 years ago
    84. 3134
      Breakthrough 2 years ago
    85. 3135
      The Mission 2 years ago
    86. 3136
      Dao Dragon 2 years ago
    87. 3137
      Was Out 2 years ago
    88. 3138
      One Heavy Blow 2 years ago
    89. 3139
      Dark Dragon Spike 2 years ago
    90. 3140
      Sweep 2 years ago
    91. 3141
      Kill Them All 2 years ago
    92. 3142
      Heart-Killing Sorcery 2 years ago
    93. 3143
      The Voodoo World 2 years ago
    94. 3144
      Kill! 2 years ago
    95. 3145
      The Fight Began 2 years ago
    96. 3146
      Prey That Has Been Targeted 2 years ago
    97. 3147
      Fighting a Rank Seven True Saint! 2 years ago
    98. 3148
      Hidden Cards 2 years ago
    99. 3149
      The Path of Hell 2 years ago
    100. 3150
      Was Sensational 2 years ago
    101. 3151
      Recognition 2 years ago
    102. 3152
      Hall Master’s Accident 2 years ago
    103. 3153
      Requests to See the Palace Master 2 years ago
    104. 3154
      Made an Exception Once Again 2 years ago
    105. 3155
      Gift 2 years ago
    106. 3156
      The Prophet 2 years ago
    107. 3157
      Mountain Thunder Castle 2 years ago
    108. 3158
      Came for Me 2 years ago
    109. 3159
      There Was Nowhere to Run 2 years ago
    110. 3160
      Could Not Be Suppressed 2 years ago
    111. 3161
      Boundless Divine Power 2 years ago
    112. 3162
      Temporal Temple, Ba Cang! 2 years ago
    113. 3163
      Return to the Temporal Temple 2 years ago

    Jilid 24

    1. 3164
      Hidden Special Time and Space 2 years ago
    2. 3165
      Principles of Fate 2 years ago
    3. 3166
      Space-Time Island 2 years ago
    4. 3167
      Space-Time Gold Stone 2 years ago
    5. 3168
      Personal Verification 2 years ago
    6. 3169
      Divine Seat 2 years ago
    7. 3170
      Space-Time Beast God 2 years ago
    8. 3171
      True Martial Mystic Realm 2 years ago
    9. 3172
      Left Behind by the Principles Master 2 years ago
    10. 3173
      Space-Time Tower 2 years ago
    11. 3174
      Divine Power 2 years ago
    12. 3175
      Secret Skill Pavilion 2 years ago
    13. 3176
      Space-Time Teleportation 2 years ago
    14. 3177
      Looking Forward to It 2 years ago
    15. 3178
      290 Years 2 years ago
    16. 3179
      Blood Wave Realm 2 years ago
    17. 3180
      13 Axes 2 years ago
    18. 3181
      Tranquil Cloud King 2 years ago
    19. 3182
      Easy Kill 2 years ago
    20. 3183
      Gathering 2 years ago
    21. 3184
      Killing His Way to the Door 2 years ago
    22. 3185
      Blood Eagle 2 years ago
    23. 3186
      Attack Together 2 years ago
    24. 3187
      Demon Slaughtering Array 2 years ago
    25. 3188
      Disappeared 2 years ago
    26. 3189
      There Was Only One Person Left 2 years ago
    27. 3190
      Extermination 2 years ago
    28. 3191
      13 Axes, All Destroyed! 2 years ago
    29. 3192
      Shadowless Escape Art 2 years ago
    30. 3193
      Carefree Mansion 2 years ago
    31. 3194
      Unwilling Duan Lang 2 years ago
    32. 3195
      Challenge 2 years ago
    33. 3196
      Bai Xing Asks About Crimes 2 years ago
    34. 3197
      Jian Wushuang and Duan Lang 2 years ago
    35. 3198
      Shocking 2 years ago
    36. 3199
      Black Demon Secret Technique 2 years ago
    37. 3200
      Black Devil Domain 2 years ago
    38. 3201
      Admitting Defeat 2 years ago
    39. 3202
      Thank You 2 years ago
    40. 3203
      Opportunities in the Blood Wave Realm 2 years ago
    41. 3204
      Desire 2 years ago
    42. 3205
      The Bloody Sword Skill 2 years ago
    43. 3206
      Heading to the Blood Wave Realm 2 years ago
    44. 3207
      True Saint Ranking 2 years ago
    45. 3208
      Entering 2 years ago
    46. 3209
      Inside the Blood Wave Realm 2 years ago
    47. 3210
      Attack 2 years ago
    48. 3211
      Killing a Person 2 years ago
    49. 3212
      Heavenly Sword Marquis? 2 years ago
    50. 3213
      Orders 2 years ago
    51. 3214
      Everything Was Ready 2 years ago
    52. 3215
      Ambush 2 years ago
    53. 3216
      The Ultimate Axe 2 years ago
    54. 3217
      Disappeared Without a Trace 2 years ago
    55. 3218
      Retreat 2 years ago
    56. 3219
      Fusion of Principles 2 years ago
    57. 3220
      Central Region 2 years ago
    58. 3221
      Challenging Di Hao 2 years ago
    59. 3222
      Inviting People 2 years ago
    60. 3223
      Proposed 2 years ago
    61. 3224
      Golden Array 2 years ago
    62. 3225
      Death 2 years ago
    63. 3226
      Di Hao and Light King 2 years ago
    64. 3227
      Ending One’s Own Life 2 years ago
    65. 3228
      The Battle Between Trapped Beasts 2 years ago
    66. 3229
      The Lonely Hell 2 years ago
    67. 3230
      Endless Divine Power 2 years ago
    68. 3231
      Nemesis 2 years ago
    69. 3232
      Risk Your Life 2 years ago
    70. 3233
      Magic Tricks? 2 years ago
    71. 3234
      Had Been Played 2 years ago
    72. 3235
      With Great Pleasure 2 years ago
    73. 3236
      Survival First 2 years ago
    74. 3237
      Had Begun 2 years ago
    75. 3238
      Enemies Have a Narrow Road 2 years ago
    76. 3239
      Drop of Blood 2 years ago
    77. 3240
      Kill 2 years ago
    78. 3241
      Was Born 2 years ago
    79. 3242
      Obtained 2 years ago
    80. 3243
      Revenge 2 years ago
    81. 3244
      Golden-Eyed Saint 2 years ago
    82. 3245
      Frontal Assassination 2 years ago
    83. 3246
      Fleeing in a Sorry State 2 years ago
    84. 3247
      The Target 2 years ago
    85. 3248
      Kill Lan Ying 2 years ago
    86. 3249
      Must Die! 2 years ago
    87. 3250
      Perfect Level? 2 years ago
    88. 3251
      Avoid 2 years ago
    89. 3252
      Madness 2 years ago
    90. 3253
      Beware of Heavenly Marquis Sword! 2 years ago
    91. 3254
      Assassination in a Chaotic Battle 2 years ago
    92. 3255
      The Battle Had Ended 2 years ago
    93. 3256
      First Assassination 2 years ago
    94. 3257
      Return the Favor 2 years ago
    95. 3258
      The Nine Temples Saintess 2 years ago
    96. 3259
      The Eighth Blood Wave Token 2 years ago
    97. 3260
      Underworld Emperor, Iron Tower 2 years ago
    98. 3261
      Precious Treasure 2 years ago
    99. 3262
      The People Who Stood in the Way 2 years ago
    100. 3263
      Killing the Nine Temples Saintess 2 years ago
    101. 3264
      Favors From the Underworld Emperor 2 years ago
    102. 3265
      Agreed 2 years ago
    103. 3266
      Sensational! 2 years ago
    104. 3267
      New Rankings 2 years ago
    105. 3268
      Three First Places 2 years ago
    106. 3269
      Was Over 2 years ago
    107. 3270
      They Met the Light King Again 2 years ago
    108. 3271
      Jackpot 2 years ago
    109. 3272
      Crushing 2 years ago
    110. 3273
      Blood Wave Temple Opens 2 years ago
    111. 3274
      Cunning 2 years ago
    112. 3275
      It Wasn’t Her 2 years ago
    113. 3276
      Summon 2 years ago
    114. 3277
      Divine Palace of Life 2 years ago
    115. 3278
      Added 2 years ago
    116. 3279
      Divine Power of Life 2 years ago
    117. 3280
      Gray Star 2 years ago
    118. 3281
      Complete Heavenly Dao 2 years ago
    119. 3282
      He Could Not Make a Breakthrough 2 years ago
    120. 3283
      Breakthrough After Breakthrough 2 years ago
    121. 3284
      Had Been Completed 2 years ago
    122. 3285
      Power of Two Wills 2 years ago
    123. 3286
      No Breakthrough? 2 years ago
    124. 3287
      Jian Wushuang and Silver Wolf 2 years ago
    125. 3288
      The Master of Principles, Silver Wolf! 2 years ago
    126. 3289
      He Was Not a Principles Master, but He Was Better Than a Principles Master! 2 years ago
    127. 3290
      Did He Just Lose? 2 years ago
    128. 3291
      Inescapable Net 2 years ago
    129. 3292
      Surging Undercurrent (Part One) 2 years ago
    130. 3293
      Surging Undercurrent (Part Two) 2 years ago
    131. 3294
      Leaving the Blood Wave Realm 2 years ago
    132. 3295
      Space-Time Imprisonment 2 years ago
    133. 3296
      Void God! 2 years ago
    134. 3297
      Sixth Stage Void Realm 2 years ago
    135. 3298
      Battle, Begin! 2 years ago
    136. 3299
      Earth-Shattering Battle (Part One) 2 years ago
    137. 3300
      Earth-Shaking Battle (Part Two) 2 years ago
    138. 3301
      World-Shaking Battle (Part Three) 2 years ago
    139. 3302
      Earth-Shattering Battle (Part 4) 2 years ago
    140. 3303
      Earth-Shattering Battle (Part Five) 2 years ago
    141. 3304
      World-Shaking Battle (Part Six) 2 years ago
    142. 3305
      World-Shaking Battle (Part Seven) 2 years ago
    143. 3306
      Earth-Shattering Battle (Part Eight) 2 years ago
    144. 3307
      Earth-Shattering Battle (Part Nine) 2 years ago
    145. 3308
      Earth-Shattering Battle (Part Ten) 2 years ago
    146. 3309
      The Four Ancient Immortals 2 years ago
    147. 3310
      Arrived in Person 2 years ago
    148. 3311
      God Puppet 2 years ago
    149. 3312
      Another One Arrived 2 years ago
    150. 3313
      Bamboo Leaf 2 years ago
    151. 3314
      Consciousness Doppelganger 2 years ago
    152. 3315
      Unforeseen Circumstances 2 years ago
    153. 3316
      The Power of a Sword 2 years ago
    154. 3317
      Other Fortuitous Encounters? 2 years ago
    155. 3318
      Battle Flame Saint Master 2 years ago
    156. 3319
      Supreme Seal 2 years ago
    157. 3320
      Hungry Ghost Dao 2 years ago
    158. 3321
      Yimo 2 years ago
    159. 3322
      Sorcerer God 2 years ago
    160. 3323
      Nine Dragons Killing the Heavens 2 years ago
    161. 3324
      Fight to the Death 2 years ago
    162. 3325
      Heavy Injuries 2 years ago
    163. 3326
      The Palace Lord Had Arrived 2 years ago
    164. 3327
      The Dust Has Settled 2 years ago

    Jilid 25

    1. 3328
      Ruler of Chaos 2 years ago
    2. 3329
      Charm 2 years ago
    3. 3330
      Origin of the Great War 2 years ago
    4. 3331
      External Threats 2 years ago
    5. 3332
      The Temple of Principles 2 years ago
    6. 3333
      Affinity Test 2 years ago
    7. 3334
      The Fusion Process 2 years ago
    8. 3335
      Space-Time Conversion 2 years ago
    9. 3336
      300 Years 2 years ago
    10. 3337
      Swordsmanship and Divine Arts 2 years ago
    11. 3338
      Inspector 2 years ago
    12. 3339
      He Was Flattered 2 years ago
    13. 3340
      Patrol Squad 2 years ago
    14. 3341
      Principles Fusion 2 years ago
    15. 3342
      Master True Eyes 2 years ago
    16. 3343
      Suppression 2 years ago
    17. 3344
      Gives You a Chance 2 years ago
    18. 3345
      Power Suppression 2 years ago
    19. 3346
      Defeated 2 years ago
    20. 3347
      Faith 2 years ago
    21. 3348
      Mission 2 years ago
    22. 3349
      Amethyst Fog Sea 2 years ago
    23. 3350
      Acquaintances 2 years ago
    24. 3351
      Attack 2 years ago
    25. 3352
      Marquis Xiaoyao Arrives 2 years ago
    26. 3353
      Negotiations 2 years ago
    27. 3354
      Battle Marquis Xiaoyao 2 years ago
    28. 3355
      Heart Penetration 2 years ago
    29. 3356
      Was Defeated! 2 years ago
    30. 3357
      Entering the Secret Realm of Heaven and Earth 2 years ago
    31. 3358
      Searching 2 years ago
    32. 3359
      Gray Shadow 2 years ago
    33. 3360
      Space-Time Prison 2 years ago
    34. 3361
      The Legacy 2 years ago
    35. 3362
      Demon Master Chen Huo 2 years ago
    36. 3363
      Genius Elder 2 years ago
    37. 3364
      Persuasion (Part One) 2 years ago
    38. 3365
      Persuasion (Part Two) 2 years ago
    39. 3366
      Persuasion (Part Three) 2 years ago
    40. 3367
      Guard 2 years ago
    41. 3368
      Looking for Someone 2 years ago
    42. 3369
      Was Finally Here 2 years ago
    43. 3370
      Closed the Door and Disappeared 2 years ago
    44. 3371
      Force Them to Come Out 2 years ago
    45. 3372
      Acquaintances 2 years ago
    46. 3373
      Suppression 2 years ago
    47. 3374
      Face-To-Face 2 years ago
    48. 3375
      Master Gorsch 2 years ago
    49. 3376
      Urgent 2 years ago
    50. 3377
      Rage 2 years ago
    51. 3378
      Fierce Battle 2 years ago
    52. 3379
      Dilemma 2 years ago
    53. 3380
      The Old Lord 2 years ago
    54. 3381
      Threats 2 years ago
    55. 3382
      Compromise 2 years ago
    56. 3383
      The Best of Both Worlds 2 years ago
    57. 3384
      Soul Peeling 2 years ago
    58. 3385
      The Enemy of the Supreme Emotion-Forgetting Valley 2 years ago
    59. 3386
      Risks 2 years ago
    60. 3387
      Agreed 2 years ago
    61. 3388
      Samsara Sect 2 years ago
    62. 3389
      Do You Remember Dujiu? 2 years ago
    63. 3390
      Overpowering the Samsara Sect 2 years ago
    64. 3391
      In the Samsara Sect 2 years ago
    65. 3392
      Revenge 2 years ago
    66. 3393
      Do Not Provoke 2 years ago
    67. 3394
      The Power of Death and the Power of Life 2 years ago
    68. 3395
      The Big Secret 2 years ago
    69. 3396
      The Rules of Reincarnation 2 years ago
    70. 3397
      Another Enemy? 2 years ago
    71. 3398
      The Ninth Ancestor 2 years ago
    72. 3399
      Divine Ancestor Daoist Sect 2 years ago
    73. 3400
      The Bloodline of the Blood Ancestor 2 years ago
    74. 3401
      Trouble 2 years ago
    75. 3402
      Spirit Ancestor 2 years ago
    76. 3403
      Conditions 2 years ago
    77. 3404
      Scheming 2 years ago
    78. 3405
      Hundred Battle Platform 2 years ago
    79. 3406
      The Successor of the Xue Bei 2 years ago
    80. 3407
      Opponents 2 years ago
    81. 3408
      On the Hundred Battle Arena 2 years ago
    82. 3409
      Participants 2 years ago
    83. 3410
      Fight Xuan Master 2 years ago
    84. 3411
      Binding 2 years ago
    85. 3412
      Grievance 2 years ago
    86. 3413
      Draw 2 years ago
    87. 3414
      Was Defeated in an Instant 2 years ago
    88. 3415
      Serene Ancestor 2 years ago
    89. 3416
      He Was Ashamed of His Inferiority 2 years ago
    90. 3417
      Third Heaven 2 years ago
    91. 3418
      Heavenly Sword Marquis Arrived 2 years ago
    92. 3419
      Naturally Terminated Meridians 2 years ago
    93. 3420
      The Youth Zhao Mang 2 years ago
    94. 3421
      Saint Qingyan 2 years ago
    95. 3422
      Execution 2 years ago
    96. 3423
      Was Like Squashing an Ant 2 years ago
    97. 3424
      In-Name Disciple 2 years ago
    98. 3425
      Came Knocking on the Door 2 years ago
    99. 3426
      Defeated With a Flip of the Hand 2 years ago
    100. 3427
      Forgiveness 2 years ago
    101. 3428
      Settling Down 2 years ago
    102. 3429
      Nine Volumes of Annihilation 2 years ago
    103. 3430
      Changing Fate 2 years ago
    104. 3431
      The Power of the Will of the Heavenly Dao 2 years ago
    105. 3432
      Yu Hua Sect 2 years ago
    106. 3433
      People Who Block the Way 2 years ago
    107. 3434
      One Man Against a Wall 2 years ago
    108. 3435
      Azure Demon Divine Hall 2 years ago
    109. 3436
      Azure Demon 2 years ago
    110. 3437
      Plan 2 years ago
    111. 3438
      Swarmed Forward 2 years ago
    112. 3439
      New Life 2 years ago
    113. 3440
      Location 2 years ago
    114. 3441
      Piahuo City 2 years ago
    115. 3442
      Beheading 2 years ago
    116. 3443
      Third Brother? 2 years ago
    117. 3444
      Reunion 2 years ago
    118. 3445
      Decadence 2 years ago
    119. 3446
      Marriage Proposal 2 years ago
    120. 3447
      Offense 2 years ago
    121. 3448
      Rejection 2 years ago
    122. 3449
      Attack the Magic Array 2 years ago
    123. 3450
      Bow Your Head 2 years ago
    124. 3451
      Divine Moon Palace 2 years ago
    125. 3452
      Alliance? 2 years ago
    126. 3453
      Goodbye, Xiao’er 2 years ago
    127. 3454
      Xiao’er’s Origin 2 years ago
    128. 3455
      Nine-Life Charming Heaven Skill! 2 years ago
    129. 3456
      Xiao'er’s Hatred 2 years ago
    130. 3457
      The Alliance Was Reached 2 years ago
    131. 3458
      The Plan 2 years ago
    132. 3459
      Breaking the Formation 2 years ago
    133. 3460
      Defeat the Scarlet Gold Clan 2 years ago
    134. 3461
      All Under Control 2 years ago
    135. 3462
      Shook the Demon Realm 2 years ago
    136. 3463
      Six Realms of the Void, Three? 2 years ago
    137. 3464
      Star Palace 2 years ago
    138. 3465
      Marquis Duan Yu 2 years ago
    139. 3466
      The Army Arrived 2 years ago
    140. 3467
      Attracting Attention 2 years ago
    141. 3468
      The Bloodline of the Emperor Phoenix 2 years ago
    142. 3469
      Was Even More Qualified 2 years ago
    143. 3470
      Suppression 2 years ago
    144. 3471
      Destroying the Dead 2 years ago
    145. 3472
      Da Yu 2 years ago
    146. 3473
      Space-Time Illusion Kill 2 years ago
    147. 3474
      Demon Master Chenhuo and Da Ying 2 years ago
    148. 3475
      Dragon God Annihilation 2 years ago
    149. 3476
      The Clan-Guarding Treasure 2 years ago
    150. 3477
      Chenhuo, Danger! 2 years ago
    151. 3478
      Da Ying Was Defeated 2 years ago
    152. 3479
      It Was Possible 2 years ago
    153. 3480
      Netherjade Five Kill Array 2 years ago
    154. 3481
      Tricky 2 years ago
    155. 3482
      Severe Soul Injury? 2 years ago
    156. 3483
      Requesting for More Help 2 years ago
    157. 3484
      Elder Dark Bone Arrived 2 years ago
    158. 3485
      Life Fall King 2 years ago
    159. 3486
      Sparring 2 years ago
    160. 3487
      Was Easily Deciphered 2 years ago
    161. 3488
      He Had Lived for Far Too Long 2 years ago
    162. 3489
      Spirit Ancestor’s Shock 2 years ago
    163. 3490
      Target: The Blood Clan! 2 years ago
    164. 3491
      Array Defense 2 years ago
    165. 3492
      Charge Into the Blood Clan 2 years ago
    166. 3493
      Yama 2 years ago
    167. 3494
      Fantasy Secret Skill 2 years ago
    168. 3495
      Fantasy Alliance, Cang Heaven World! 2 years ago
    169. 3496
      Sorcerer God 2 years ago
    170. 3497
      The Final Kill 2 years ago
    171. 3498
      Left 2 years ago
    172. 3499
      20,000 Years 2 years ago
    173. 3500
      Lowest Risk 2 years ago
    174. 3501
      Unfamiliar 2 years ago
    175. 3502
      Divestiture 2 years ago
    176. 3503
      Purple Blood Sect 2 years ago
    177. 3504
      Blood Origin Domain 2 years ago
    178. 3505
      The Furious Demon Master Chenhuo 2 years ago
    179. 3506
      Martial Uncle Chenhuo 2 years ago
    180. 3507
      Slaughter 2 years ago
    181. 3508
      Terror 2 years ago
    182. 3509
      Conditions 2 years ago
    183. 3510
      Reconstruction 2 years ago
    184. 3511
      Human Illusion Level 2 years ago
    185. 3512
      Unshakable 2 years ago
    186. 3513
      Outside the World 2 years ago
    187. 3514
      World Star 2 years ago
    188. 3515
      Chaos Cycle 2 years ago
    189. 3516
      Inside the Star Palace 2 years ago
    190. 3517
      Number 400? 2 years ago
    191. 3518
      Desolation Emperor 2 years ago
    192. 3519
      Chopping Down Trees 2 years ago
    193. 3520
      The Ultimate Divine Fruit of Destruction 2 years ago
    194. 3521
      600 Years 2 years ago
    195. 3522
      The Three Battlefields 2 years ago
    196. 3523
      Blood Crystal Armor 2 years ago
    197. 3524
      Devil Smoke Valley 2 years ago
    198. 3525
      Heavy Master 2 years ago
    199. 3526
      Traps 2 years ago
    200. 3527
      The Person Who Came to Save You 2 years ago
    201. 3528
      Flying Type True Treasure 2 years ago
    202. 3529
      Fighting God Fei Master 2 years ago
    203. 3530
      Retreat Unscathed 2 years ago
    204. 3531
      Shame 2 years ago
    205. 3532
      Poluo God 2 years ago
    206. 3533
      Was Born 2 years ago
    207. 3534
      Battle 2 years ago
    208. 3535
      Suppression 2 years ago
    209. 3536
      Thunder Pool 2 years ago
    210. 3537
      Awe 2 years ago
    211. 3538
      Distribution 2 years ago
    212. 3539
      Adventuring Alone 2 years ago
    213. 3540
      The Name Blood Sword 2 years ago
    214. 3541
      Master Dragonhawk 2 years ago
    215. 3542
      Killing Move 2 years ago
    216. 3543
      Absolute Shadow 2 years ago
    217. 3544
      Appeared Three Times 2 years ago
    218. 3545
      Asking for Information 2 years ago
    219. 3546
      Blazing Sea 2 years ago
    220. 3547
      Cutter Board 2 years ago
    221. 3548
      First Battle 2 years ago
    222. 3549
      Red Nether Master 2 years ago
    223. 3550
      He Fled in a Sorry State 2 years ago
    224. 3551
      Xue Kong 2 years ago
    225. 3552
      Unforeseen Circumstances 2 years ago
    226. 3553
      Silver Axe 2 years ago
    227. 3554
      Killing the Monster 2 years ago
    228. 3555
      Shocking 2 years ago
    229. 3556
      Shi Yan and Red Eye 2 years ago
    230. 3557
      The Terrifying Duo 2 years ago
    231. 3558
      Target: Red Eye! 2 years ago
    232. 3559
      Severe Injury to Red Eye 2 years ago
    233. 3560
      Unexplored Area 2 years ago
    234. 3561
      Special Time and Space 2 years ago
    235. 3562
      The Corpse on the High Platform 2 years ago
    236. 3563
      Star Thunder Ruler 2 years ago
    237. 3564
      Pathetic, Pitiful, Hateful! 2 years ago
    238. 3565
      Human-Shaped Statues 2 years ago
    239. 3566
      Two Consciousnesses 2 years ago
    240. 3567
      Evolution of Sword Techniques 2 years ago
    241. 3568
      The Most Powerful Ultimate Skill, Starfire Burning Sun! 2 years ago
    242. 3569
      Six Human-Shaped Sculptures 2 years ago
    243. 3570
      Death? 2 years ago
    244. 3571
      Sword Principle, Narrow! 2 years ago
    245. 3572
      Three People Arrived 2 years ago
    246. 3573
      Universe Origin of Sword Principle 2 years ago
    247. 3574
      Unbelievable 2 years ago
    248. 3575
      Level Seven Secret Skill 2 years ago
    249. 3576
      Golden War God 2 years ago
    250. 3577
      Supreme Lingyun 2 years ago
    251. 3578
      Internal Star Secret Skill 2 years ago
    252. 3579
      Supreme Imperishable Body 2 years ago
    253. 3580
      Blood Demon Cave Armor 2 years ago
    254. 3581
      Was Out 2 years ago
    255. 3582
      Greed 2 years ago
    256. 3583
      Jian Wushuang’s Terrifying Strength 2 years ago
    257. 3584
      News of His Survival 2 years ago
    258. 3585
      All Parties Were Shaken 2 years ago
    259. 3586
      The Target of Public Criticism 2 years ago
    260. 3587
      The First Expert Was at the Pinnacle of the Six Realm 2 years ago
    261. 3588
      Blood Saber Emperor 2 years ago
    262. 3589
      Five People 2 years ago
    263. 3590
      The Five Pinnacle of the Six Realm Experts 2 years ago
    264. 3591
      Crushing 2 years ago
    265. 3592
      The Strongest! 2 years ago
    266. 3593
      Leaving 2 years ago
    267. 3594
      Famous Throughout the World 2 years ago
    268. 3595
      News 2 years ago
    269. 3596
      Blood Slaughter Emperor 2 years ago
    270. 3597
      The Crisis Had Arrived 2 years ago
    271. 3598
      The Great Enemy 2 years ago
    272. 3599
      Strength of a Ruler 2 years ago
    273. 3600
      Traces of Time and Space 2 years ago
    274. 3601
      Escape 2 years ago
    275. 3602
      Return to Star Palace 2 years ago
    276. 3603
      Final Secret (Part One) 2 years ago
    277. 3604
      The Final Secret (Part Two) 2 years ago
    278. 3605
      The Final Secret (Part Three) 2 years ago
    279. 3606
      Indirect Help 2 years ago
    280. 3607
      Requirements 2 years ago
    281. 3608
      The Supreme Treasure? 2 years ago
    282. 3609
      I Won’t Let You Down 2 years ago
    283. 3610
      Fawning 2 years ago
    284. 3611
      The Results of the Investigation 2 years ago
    285. 3612
      Netherfire Blood Crystal 2 years ago
    286. 3613
      No Feeling 2 years ago
    287. 3614
      The Divine Body Was Comparable to a Supreme Treasure 2 years ago
    288. 3615
      Walk Horizontally 2 years ago
    289. 3616
      The Heaven-Suppressing Tablet 2 years ago
    290. 3617
      3,000 Years of Closed-Door Cultivation 2 years ago
    291. 3618
      Breakthrough 2 years ago
    292. 3619
      Divine Might Unrivalled 2 years ago
    293. 3620
      Triple! 2 years ago
    294. 3621
      Blood Sword Ruler? 2 years ago
    295. 3622
      Trouble 2 years ago
    296. 3623
      Going to the North Sea Palace 2 years ago
    297. 3624
      In the North Sea Palace 2 years ago
    298. 3625
      Sky Roc Ruler 2 years ago
    299. 3626
      Narrow-Minded 2 years ago
    300. 3627
      Giving You a Chance 2 years ago
    301. 3628
      One Breath 2 years ago
    302. 3629
      “Ruler”? 2 years ago
    303. 3630
      One Must Accept One’s Loss 2 years ago
    304. 3631
      River Styx 2 years ago
    305. 3632
      Saint Star 2 years ago
    306. 3633
      Get Lost! 2 years ago
    307. 3634
      Saint Star Master 2 years ago
    308. 3635
      Advanced Ruler! 2 years ago
    309. 3636
      Bullying the Weak and Fearing the Strong 2 years ago
    310. 3637
      Had Been Used 2 years ago
    311. 3638
      Glazed Doppelganger 2 years ago
    312. 3639
      Was a Huge Disappointment 2 years ago
    313. 3640
      Return to the Divine Beginning Realm 2 years ago
    314. 3641
      Protection 2 years ago
    315. 3642
      The Fourth Heaven 2 years ago
    316. 3643
      Seal 2 years ago
    317. 3644
      Awakened Remnant Soul 2 years ago
    318. 3645
      Small Astral World 2 years ago
    319. 3646
      Refine? 2 years ago
    320. 3647
      Arrived in the Demon Realm 2 years ago
    321. 3648
      Young Master Sha 2 years ago
    322. 3649
      The Woman He Took a Fancy To 2 years ago
    323. 3650
      Beheading Sha 2 years ago
    324. 3651
      The Furious Demon Master Sha Sea 2 years ago
    325. 3652
      Certain Death 2 years ago
    326. 3653
      Dominating Battle Prowess 2 years ago
    327. 3654
      Ready to Make a Move? 2 years ago
    328. 3655
      Return to the Endless Territories 2 years ago
    329. 3656
      Entering the Secret Realm of the North Blood 2 years ago
    330. 3657
      Farewell to Xue Bei 2 years ago
    331. 3658
      Refining the Xue Bei Secret Realm 2 years ago
    332. 3659
      Docile 2 years ago
    333. 3660
      The Arrival of the Universal Principles 2 years ago
    334. 3661
      Bestow 2 years ago
    335. 3662
      The Original Universe 2 years ago
    336. 3663
      Hometown, Green Fire World! 2 years ago
    337. 3664
      Brother and Sister 2 years ago
    338. 3665
      Ye Chen 2 years ago
    339. 3666
      Back 2 years ago
    340. 3667
      Leave No One Alive 2 years ago
    341. 3668
      Wushuang City Lord 2 years ago
    342. 3669
      Ye Chen’s Constitution 2 years ago
    343. 3670
      The Restrictions Are Lifted 2 years ago
    344. 3671
      One Stroke 2 years ago
    345. 3672
      Discussion 2 years ago
    346. 3673
      Questions 2 years ago
    347. 3674
      I Am the Heavenly Dao 2 years ago
    348. 3675
      Wake Up 2 years ago
    349. 3676
      Xuan Yan 2 years ago
    350. 3677
      Shock and Awe 2 years ago
    351. 3678
      Ten Years 2 years ago
    352. 3679
      Space-Time Reversal 2 years ago
    353. 3680
      Brothers Gather 2 years ago
    354. 3681
      In-Name Disciple 2 years ago
    355. 3682
      Death Penalty 2 years ago
    356. 3683
      Everything Is Ready! 2 years ago
    357. 3684
      The Gathering of the Strong 2 years ago
    358. 3685
      Impenetrable 2 years ago
    359. 3686
      Battle, Begin! 2 years ago
    360. 3687
      The Three Rulers 2 years ago
    361. 3688
      Fierce Battle 2 years ago
    362. 3689
      The Power of a Sword 2 years ago
    363. 3690
      Thunderbolt Kill 2 years ago
    364. 3691
      Black Divine Spear 2 years ago
    365. 3692
      Kill Them All 2 years ago
    366. 3693
      Giant Green Hand 2 years ago
    367. 3694
      Two Days and Three Nights 2 years ago
    368. 3695
      The Three Saint Realms Were Completely Destroyed! 2 years ago
    369. 3696
      Dividing the Spoils of War 2 years ago
    370. 3697
      The Mysterious Sorcerer God’s Sect 2 years ago
    371. 3698
      Number One in the Divine Beginning Realm 2 years ago
    372. 3699
      Challenge 2 years ago
    373. 3700
      Settling Down 2 years ago
    374. 3701
      Secret Patterns 2 years ago
    375. 3702
      Jian Wushuang and Di Shisan 2 years ago
    376. 3703
      Probing 2 years ago
    377. 3704
      Swordsmanship System 2 years ago
    378. 3705
      The Winner Is Decided? 2 years ago
    379. 3706
      Falling Into the Underworld 2 years ago
    380. 3707
      Victory or Defeat 2 years ago
    381. 3708
      Red Cloud Mist Tide 2 years ago
    382. 3709
      Excitement 2 years ago
    383. 3710
      Red Cloud World 2 years ago
    384. 3711
      Rumors 2 years ago
    385. 3712
      Outside Crimson Stone Mountain 2 years ago
    386. 3713
      Rulers Are as Common as Clouds 2 years ago
    387. 3714
      Scattered 2 years ago
    388. 3715
      Was Easily Obtained 2 years ago
    389. 3716
      Nine Emperor Pavilion 2 years ago
    390. 3717
      Ci Hong Master 2 years ago
    391. 3718
      Who Should I Give It To? 2 years ago
    392. 3719
      Someone Wants to See Me? 2 years ago
    393. 3720
      Jian Wushuang and the Blood Saber Emperor 2 years ago
    394. 3721
      Baby-Like 2 years ago
    395. 3722
      Sword Stone 2 years ago
    396. 3723
      Comprehension 2 years ago
    397. 3724
      Asking For Help 2 years ago
    398. 3725
      Cleansing Fire Formation 2 years ago
    399. 3726
      The Troublesome Elder Dark Bone 2 years ago
    400. 3727
      Blood Sword Master Arrives 2 years ago
    401. 3728
      Overbearing 2 years ago
    402. 3729
      Battle Pupil Master 2 years ago
    403. 3730
      Vomiting Blood 2 years ago
    404. 3731
      Was Completely Suppressed 2 years ago
    405. 3732
      Escaped? 2 years ago
    406. 3733
      Was Sensational 2 years ago
    407. 3734
      Perfection 2 years ago
    408. 3735
      The Strongest Flight Type 2 years ago
    409. 3736
      Tyrant Axe 2 years ago
    410. 3737
      Fight 2 years ago
    411. 3738
      Sword Rain 2 years ago
    412. 3739
      Suppression Formation 2 years ago
    413. 3740
      One Against Two 2 years ago
    414. 3741
      Master Qing 2 years ago
    415. 3742
      Three Spears 2 years ago
    416. 3743
      Jian Wushuang’s Protective Ability 2 years ago
    417. 3744
      Earth Protection 2 years ago
    418. 3745
      Acknowledgment 2 years ago
    419. 3746
      Celestial Light Wings (Part One) 2 years ago
    420. 3747
      Celestial Light Wings (Part Two) 2 years ago
    421. 3748
      There Were Six 2 years ago
    422. 3749
      Hunting Plan 2 years ago
    423. 3750
      The Target, Pupil Master! 2 years ago
    424. 3751
      Approaching 2 years ago
    425. 3752
      Was Set Up 2 years ago
    426. 3753
      The True Intention 2 years ago
    427. 3754
      Suppression of the Realm 2 years ago
    428. 3755
      Danger 2 years ago
    429. 3756
      Devil Flame Body 2 years ago
    430. 3757
      Competition of Consumption? 2 years ago
    431. 3758
      The Strongest Trump Card 2 years ago
    432. 3759
      Final Kill 2 years ago
    433. 3760
      Ruler Hong 2 years ago
    434. 3761
      The Strangest Part 2 years ago
    435. 3762
      Precious Gourd 2 years ago
    436. 3763
      Awakening 2 years ago
    437. 3764
      Begging for Mercy 2 years ago
    438. 3765
      The Devil Flame of Domination 2 years ago
    439. 3766
      Ruler Level 2 years ago
    440. 3767
      Gold-Devouring Clan 2 years ago
    441. 3768
      Devil Flame’s Plan 2 years ago
    442. 3769
      Supreme Treasure Armor 2 years ago
    443. 3770
      Challenge 2 years ago
    444. 3771
      Battle Strength of a Superior Ruler 2 years ago
    445. 3772
      Heaven-Treading Mountain 2 years ago
    446. 3773
      Foot of the Mountain 2 years ago
    447. 3774
      Waves of Power 2 years ago
    448. 3775
      The White-Bearded Elder 2 years ago
    449. 3776
      Nine Levels of the Volcano 2 years ago
    450. 3777
      There Was Still a Test? 2 years ago
    451. 3778
      Three People 2 years ago
    452. 3779
      Snow-White Ape-Man 2 years ago
    453. 3780
      Three-Eye Demon Race 2 years ago
    454. 3781
      One Possibility? 2 years ago
    455. 3782
      Had Withstood It 2 years ago
    456. 3783
      Passed 2 years ago
    457. 3784
      Second Heaven 2 years ago
    458. 3785
      Patriarch Red Cloud 2 years ago
    459. 3786
      The Heart of the Astral World 2 years ago
    460. 3787
      The Principles Supreme Treasure 2 years ago
    461. 3788
      Ordinary and Supreme 2 years ago
    462. 3789
      Inner Disciple’s Request 2 years ago
    463. 3790
      Secret Skill, Dragon Extermination 2 years ago
    464. 3791
      Choice 2 years ago
    465. 3792
      Opportunities on the Island 2 years ago
    466. 3793
      Wu God 2 years ago
    467. 3794
      Breaking Through Heaven-Treading Mountain 2 years ago
    468. 3795
      Had He Reached the Peak? 2 years ago
    469. 3796
      10,000 Years 2 years ago

    Jilid 26

    1. 3797
      Treasure Selection 2 years ago
    2. 3798
      Shadow Demon Armor 2 years ago
    3. 3799
      Left 2 years ago
    4. 3800
      Back to the Star Palace 2 years ago
    5. 3801
      Surprise 2 years ago
    6. 3802
      Decision 2 years ago
    7. 3803
      There Was No Other Choice 2 years ago
    8. 3804
      The Origin of the Heaven Suppression Tablet 2 years ago
    9. 3805
      Divine Power Control 2 years ago
    10. 3806
      Dark Magic Region 2 years ago
    11. 3807
      Ruler Wu Yin 2 years ago
    12. 3808
      Courage 2 years ago
    13. 3809
      Known Dangers 2 years ago
    14. 3810
      Dark Red Monster 2 years ago
    15. 3811
      Can’t Be Killed? 2 years ago
    16. 3812
      Immortal Ghost 2 years ago
    17. 3813
      Opportunity 2 years ago
    18. 3814
      End the Battle Quickly 2 years ago
    19. 3815
      Danger Zone 2 years ago
    20. 3816
      Life Core Fragment 2 years ago
    21. 3817
      Forced Entry 2 years ago
    22. 3818
      Hazy 2 years ago
    23. 3819
      Triple Obstacles 2 years ago
    24. 3820
      Escape 2 years ago
    25. 3821
      Just a Little Bit More! 2 years ago
    26. 3822
      One More Time? 2 years ago
    27. 3823
      General-Level Monsters 2 years ago
    28. 3824
      Slaughter Crazily (Part One) 2 years ago
    29. 3825
      Slaughter Crazily (Part Two) 2 years ago
    30. 3826
      There Was Nowhere to Run 2 years ago
    31. 3827
      The Only Chance of Survival 2 years ago
    32. 3828
      The Great Killing Weapon 2 years ago
    33. 3829
      Disaster 2 years ago
    34. 3830
      It Was Time to Return 2 years ago
    35. 3831
      Did He Come Out Alive? 2 years ago
    36. 3832
      Enter the Red Cloud World 2 years ago
    37. 3833
      The Test of the Second Heaven 2 years ago
    38. 3834
      104 Items 2 years ago
    39. 3835
      Divine Sword Wu Qi 2 years ago
    40. 3836
      Triple Dao Realm 2 years ago
    41. 3837
      Extremely Useful 2 years ago
    42. 3838
      Absorbing the Heart of the Astral World 2 years ago
    43. 3839
      See You 2 years ago
    44. 3840
      Lovers Finally Get Married 2 years ago
    45. 3841
      Demon Sovereign of the Ancient Night 2 years ago
    46. 3842
      800 Years 2 years ago
    47. 3843
      Eternal Dark Prison 2 years ago
    48. 3844
      Fish That Escaped the Net 2 years ago
    49. 3845
      Star River Master 2 years ago
    50. 3846
      The Change of the Star Field 2 years ago
    51. 3847
      Another Big Surprise 2 years ago
    52. 3848
      Travel 2 years ago
    53. 3849
      The Storm in the Sword Mansion 2 years ago
    54. 3850
      Greetings 2 years ago
    55. 3851
      Kneel 2 years ago
    56. 3852
      There Was an Accident 2 years ago
    57. 3853
      Star Palace Crisis 2 years ago
    58. 3854
      He Would Go Personally 2 years ago
    59. 3855
      Blood Sword’s Visit 2 years ago
    60. 3856
      Another Battle With Sky Master 2 years ago
    61. 3857
      The Peak of the Second Level 2 years ago
    62. 3858
      Battle With Demon Monarch Ancient Night 2 years ago
    63. 3859
      The Power of the Divine Sword 2 years ago
    64. 3860
      Another One 2 years ago
    65. 3861
      The Strongest Trump Card 2 years ago
    66. 3862
      Stop 2 years ago
    67. 3863
      Conditions 2 years ago
    68. 3864
      Eternal Dark Prison 2 years ago
    69. 3865
      Dark Zone 9 2 years ago
    70. 3866
      Si Yi 2 years ago
    71. 3867
      Stay 2 years ago
    72. 3868
      He Would Rather Die Than Submit 2 years ago
    73. 3869
      The Third-Level Ruler 2 years ago
    74. 3870
      Deer Bug Demon Ancestor 2 years ago
    75. 3871
      Sword Skill Wave Light 2 years ago
    76. 3872
      Exhortation 2 years ago
    77. 3873
      Thousand-edge Demon Monarch’s Excitement 2 years ago
    78. 3874
      Enlightenment 2 years ago
    79. 3875
      Fusion of the Earth! 2 years ago
    80. 3876
      Swordsmanship Improvement 2 years ago
    81. 3877
      Face-To-Face Combat 2 years ago
    82. 3878
      Finally, There Was News! 2 years ago
    83. 3879
      Thousand-edge Demon Monarch Arrived 2 years ago
    84. 3880
      It Was Impossible to Escape 2 years ago
    85. 3881
      Heaven-Punishing Sword 1 years ago
    86. 3882
      Couldn’t Be Broken? 1 years ago
    87. 3883
      There Was Nothing He Could Do 1 years ago
    88. 3884
      Invite Someone 1 years ago
    89. 3885
      600 Years 1 years ago
    90. 3886
      Thousand Kills Emperor Lord 1 years ago
    91. 3887
      Earth Guard Sword Formation 1 years ago
    92. 3888
      Injured? 1 years ago
    93. 3889
      Stop 1 years ago
    94. 3890
      Thousand-Edge, You Harmed Me! 1 years ago
    95. 3891
      Surrender or Death 1 years ago
    96. 3892
      Two Slaves 1 years ago
    97. 3893
      Three Ways to Fight Against Devil Cloud Star Lord 1 years ago
    98. 3894
      Sword Formation Improvement 1 years ago
    99. 3895
      Kindness 1 years ago
    100. 3896
      Adventuring Alone 1 years ago
    101. 3897
      Consecutive Kills 1 years ago
    102. 3898
      Black Bird 1 years ago
    103. 3899
      Cat and Mouse 1 years ago
    104. 3900
      Emperor Sha 1 years ago
    105. 3901
      The Lord Invites You 1 years ago
    106. 3902
      One Against Three 1 years ago
    107. 3903
      Return Empty-Handed 1 years ago
    108. 3904
      Demon Dragon Castle 1 years ago
    109. 3905
      Personally Attacking 1 years ago
    110. 3906
      Star Demon’s Patrol 1 years ago
    111. 3907
      Demon Dragon Lord Arrived 1 years ago
    112. 3908
      Battle Strength of the Emperor 1 years ago
    113. 3909
      Powerful Demon Dragon Lord 1 years ago
    114. 3910
      Suppression With a Flip of the Hand 1 years ago
    115. 3911
      Five Principles Supreme Treasures 1 years ago
    116. 3912
      News 1 years ago
    117. 3913
      The Mysterious Star Demon Ancestor 1 years ago
    118. 3914
      Setting up a Trap 1 years ago
    119. 3915
      Silent 1 years ago
    120. 3916
      Suppressing Star Demon 1 years ago
    121. 3917
      Special Power 1 years ago
    122. 3918
      Unforeseen Circumstances 1 years ago
    123. 3919
      Universe Boat 1 years ago
    124. 3920
      Old Scorpion 1 years ago
    125. 3921
      Three Heaven Suppression Tablets 1 years ago
    126. 3922
      Doubts 1 years ago
    127. 3923
      Divine Devil Heaven Suppression Formation 1 years ago
    128. 3924
      Thoughts 1 years ago
    129. 3925
      The Power of the Sword Formation Would Be Greatly Increased! 1 years ago
    130. 3926
      41 People 1 years ago
    131. 3927
      Had Finally Come Out 1 years ago
    132. 3928
      Changes 1 years ago
    133. 3929
      Within 1,000 Years 1 years ago
    134. 3930
      A Batch of Rulers 1 years ago
    135. 3931
      The Plan 1 years ago
    136. 3932
      Open Recruitment 1 years ago
    137. 3933
      Boiling! 1 years ago
    138. 3934
      The Pavilion Master Welcomes You 1 years ago
    139. 3935
      Was Too Low-Level 1 years ago
    140. 3936
      Universe Origin Stone 1 years ago
    141. 3937
      In Exchange 1 years ago
    142. 3938
      War Saber 1 years ago
    143. 3939
      The Nine Emperor List 1 years ago
    144. 3940
      Merit 1 years ago
    145. 3941
      Concerns 1 years ago
    146. 3942
      Emperor Golden Snake 1 years ago
    147. 3943
      The Bitterness of the Wind Devil 1 years ago
    148. 3944
      Bamboo Leaf, Blood Elixir! 1 years ago
    149. 3945
      Immortal Dipper Battle Formation 1 years ago
    150. 3946
      Temporal Tower 1 years ago
    151. 3947
      400,000 Years 1 years ago
    152. 3948
      The Third Level of the Supreme Immortal Celestial Body 1 years ago
    153. 3949
      Dealing With Devil Cloud Star Master 1 years ago
    154. 3950
      Spending Time With His Family 1 years ago
    155. 3951
      Arrival 1 years ago
    156. 3952
      Life and Death 1 years ago
    157. 3953
      He Must Win 1 years ago
    158. 3954
      On the Eve of the Great Battle (First Part) 1 years ago
    159. 3955
      The Eve of the Great Battle (Part Two) 1 years ago
    160. 3956
      Had Arrived 1 years ago
    161. 3957
      Confrontation 1 years ago
    162. 3958
      Fourth Divine General 1 years ago
    163. 3959
      The Great Battle Had Finally Erupted! 1 years ago
    164. 3960
      Armies Colliding 1 years ago
    165. 3961
      Crushing Everything in Its Path 1 years ago
    166. 3962
      Won by Half 1 years ago
    167. 3963
      Devil Cloud Star Master Made His Move 1 years ago
    168. 3964
      Devil Flame and Devil Cloud Star Master 1 years ago
    169. 3965
      Golden Swallow Flash 1 years ago
    170. 3966
      The True Strength of the Star Master 1 years ago
    171. 3967
      Jian Wushuang Made His Move 1 years ago
    172. 3968
      Triple Killer Move (Part One) 1 years ago
    173. 3969
      Triple Killer Move (Part Two) 1 years ago
    174. 3970
      Triple Killer Move (Part Three) 1 years ago
    175. 3971
      Was He Dead or Not? 1 years ago
    176. 3972
      Desperation 1 years ago
    177. 3973
      Shocking Change! 1 years ago
    178. 3974
      Soul-Devouring 1 years ago
    179. 3975
      True Identity! 1 years ago
    180. 3976
      Cause and Effect 1 years ago
    181. 3977
      Soul Extraction 1 years ago
    182. 3978
      Escaping Back to the Divine Beginning Realm 1 years ago
    183. 3979
      Devouring 1 years ago
    184. 3980
      The Last Hope 1 years ago
    185. 3981
      Take the Blood Pill 1 years ago
    186. 3982
      Primordial Spirit Treasure Pill 1 years ago
    187. 3983
      Teaching in Enlightenment 1 years ago
    188. 3984
      The Laws of the Universe, Descended Again! 1 years ago
    189. 3985
      The Laws of the Universe, Descended Again! 1 years ago
    190. 3986
      Nirvana 1 years ago
    191. 3987
      Had Won! 1 years ago
    192. 3988
      Celebration Feast! 1 years ago
    193. 3989
      Hesitation 1 years ago
    194. 3990
      The True Method of Protection 1 years ago
    195. 3991
      Freedom 1 years ago
    196. 3992
      Eternal Island 1 years ago
    197. 3993
      36,000 Years 1 years ago
    198. 3994
      Excitement 1 years ago
    199. 3995
      Decision 1 years ago
    200. 3996
      Exploring the Universe! 1 years ago

    Jilid 27

    1. 3997
      Drifting 1 years ago
    2. 3998
      Galaxy 1 years ago
    3. 3999
      Space Pirates 1 years ago
    4. 4000
      Husband and Wife 1 years ago
    5. 4001
      Ancient Yuan Star 1 years ago
    6. 4002
      Unreconciled 1 years ago
    7. 4003
      Killer Coming up to You 1 years ago
    8. 4004
      Was Instantly Destroyed! 1 years ago
    9. 4005
      Borrowing the Universe Passage 1 years ago
    10. 4006
      Give Me an Explanation 1 years ago
    11. 4007
      The Great Leader 1 years ago
    12. 4008
      One Person Suppressed 1 years ago
    13. 4009
      Suffer Serious Injury 1 years ago
    14. 4010
      Recognition 1 years ago
    15. 4011
      Nihility Star 1 years ago
    16. 4012
      The Three Leaders 1 years ago
    17. 4013
      One Against Three 1 years ago
    18. 4014
      Two Dead and One Injured 1 years ago
    19. 4015
      Revenge! 1 years ago
    20. 4016
      Mr. Nine Whiskers 1 years ago
    21. 4017
      Ascetic Cultivator 1 years ago
    22. 4018
      Battle Nine Whiskers 1 years ago
    23. 4019
      True Strength 1 years ago
    24. 4020
      Killing Move! 1 years ago
    25. 4021
      The Third One 1 years ago
    26. 4022
      Red Mist 1 years ago
    27. 4023
      Shock and Anger! 1 years ago
    28. 4024
      Beheading 1 years ago
    29. 4025
      Was Published 1 years ago
    30. 4026
      Arrived at the Purple Micro Star Field 1 years ago
    31. 4027
      Ballmer 1 years ago
    32. 4028
      Venom 1 years ago
    33. 4029
      Poison Ruler 1 years ago
    34. 4030
      Refining Conditions 1 years ago
    35. 4031
      Sorceress 1 years ago
    36. 4032
      Wrong Person 1 years ago
    37. 4033
      Had Been Successfully Refined 1 years ago
    38. 4034
      The Genius Banquet 1 years ago
    39. 4035
      Old Friend 1 years ago
    40. 4036
      Tyrannical Strength 1 years ago
    41. 4037
      Battle of Predestination 1 years ago
    42. 4038
      The Body of Woe Poison 1 years ago
    43. 4039
      Victory or Defeat 1 years ago
    44. 4040
      Thunder Star Lord 1 years ago
    45. 4041
      Thunder Star War God 1 years ago
    46. 4042
      Could No Longer Be Resolved 1 years ago
    47. 4043
      Death 1 years ago
    48. 4044
      Thunder Star Lord’s Wealth 1 years ago
    49. 4045
      The Price 1 years ago
    50. 4046
      18,000 Years 1 years ago
    51. 4047
      The Principle Sea 1 years ago
    52. 4048
      Challenge! 1 years ago
    53. 4049
      The Fifth Level of the Principle Sea 1 years ago
    54. 4050
      Guidance 1 years ago
    55. 4051
      Golden Feather Star Lord 1 years ago
    56. 4052
      Rejection 1 years ago
    57. 4053
      Di Huo’s Challenge 1 years ago
    58. 4054
      Meaning 1 years ago
    59. 4055
      Expensive 1 years ago
    60. 4056
      Lord Xiao 1 years ago
    61. 4057
      A Big Favor 1 years ago
    62. 4058
      The Purple-Blood Secret Manual 1 years ago
    63. 4059
      Slaughter 1 years ago
    64. 4060
      Darkness 1 years ago
    65. 4061
      The Third Level 1 years ago
    66. 4062
      Arrived in the Nine Luminaries Galaxy 1 years ago
    67. 4063
      The Bounty Was Gone 1 years ago
    68. 4064
      Intelligence 1 years ago
    69. 4065
      Target, Emperor Rain! 1 years ago
    70. 4066
      The Furious Emperor Rain Ruler 1 years ago
    71. 4067
      The Ruler Behind Them 1 years ago
    72. 4068
      Suppression 1 years ago
    73. 4069
      First Elder of the Thunder God Palace 1 years ago
    74. 4070
      Ultimate Ruler 1 years ago
    75. 4071
      The Fourth Level of the Supreme Immortal Celestial Body 1 years ago
    76. 4072
      Stand By 1 years ago
    77. 4073
      Everything Was Ready 1 years ago
    78. 4074
      Chips 1 years ago
    79. 4075
      Thunder God Palace Was Furious 1 years ago
    80. 4076
      The Negotiations Had Come to an End 1 years ago
    81. 4077
      The Battle Against the Ultimate Ruler 1 years ago
    82. 4078
      Thunder God Palace Master Made His Move 1 years ago
    83. 4079
      No Injuries? 1 years ago
    84. 4080
      Jian Wushuang’s Killer Move! 1 years ago
    85. 4081
      Blackmail 1 years ago
    86. 4082
      Begging for Death 1 years ago
    87. 4083
      Ah Ba 1 years ago
    88. 4084
      Snatching People 1 years ago
    89. 4085
      Handmaiden 1 years ago
    90. 4086
      Drastic Changes 1 years ago
    91. 4087
      The Disaster of the Nine Luminaries Great Star Area 1 years ago
    92. 4088
      Crisis! 1 years ago
    93. 4089
      Collision 1 years ago
    94. 4090
      Human Face 1 years ago
    95. 4091
      The Great Escape 1 years ago
    96. 4092
      Escape 1 years ago
    97. 4093
      Someone Came 1 years ago
    98. 4094
      Sensing 1 years ago
    99. 4095
      Ruler Heart Slayer 1 years ago
    100. 4096
      Saved 1 years ago
    101. 4097
      Cosmos Temple 1 years ago
    102. 4098
      Comparable to a Supreme-Being? 1 years ago
    103. 4099
      Mortal Enemy 1 years ago
    104. 4100
      Not Reconciled 1 years ago
    105. 4101
      Settling Down 1 years ago

    Jilid 28

    1. 4102
      Never Give Up 1 years ago
    2. 4103
      Deep Within the Universe 1 years ago
    3. 4104
      Receiving 1 years ago
    4. 4105
      The Wealth of a Supreme-Being 1 years ago
    5. 4106
      Flame Mountain 1 years ago
    6. 4107
      Life Test 1 years ago
    7. 4108
      Red Light Filled the Sky 1 years ago
    8. 4109
      Greeting Gift 1 years ago
    9. 4110
      Exploiting the Innate Advantage 1 years ago
    10. 4111
      Looking Forward to It 1 years ago
    11. 4112
      Competition 1 years ago
    12. 4113
      Nirvana Pool of Life 1 years ago
    13. 4114
      The Divine Body Expanded Rapidly 1 years ago
    14. 4115
      68,000 Miles 1 years ago
    15. 4116
      The Baptism Was Over 1 years ago
    16. 4117
      Strength of Divine Power 1 years ago
    17. 4118
      Danger 1 years ago
    18. 4119
      Divine Power Test 1 years ago
    19. 4120
      13,500 Times 1 years ago
    20. 4121
      Ninth Kalpa King 1 years ago
    21. 4122
      Accepting the Challenge 1 years ago
    22. 4123
      In Front of the Trial Field 1 years ago
    23. 4124
      Jackpot 1 years ago
    24. 4125
      Battle 1 years ago
    25. 4126
      Fierce Battle 1 years ago
    26. 4127
      Nine-Volume Secret Skill 1 years ago
    27. 4128
      Disappointed? 1 years ago
    28. 4129
      Surprise 1 years ago
    29. 4130
      One Thought Divine Kingdom 1 years ago
    30. 4131
      Life Shock 1 years ago
    31. 4132
      The Dust Had Settled 1 years ago
    32. 4133
      Enlightenment River 1 years ago
    33. 4134
      Lord River Spirit 1 years ago
    34. 4135
      The Fourth-Level Ruler 1 years ago
    35. 4136
      Ruins 1 years ago
    36. 4137
      The Leader 1 years ago
    37. 4138
      Superior-Grade Principle Supreme Treasure Armor 1 years ago
    38. 4139
      The Seventh Person 1 years ago
    39. 4140
      Arrived 1 years ago
    40. 4141
      Those Who Seek Death 1 years ago
    41. 4142
      Tarot Divine Sword 1 years ago
    42. 4143
      Conflict! 1 years ago
    43. 4144
      Interception 1 years ago
    44. 4145
      The Elixir is Born 1 years ago
    45. 4146
      The Ninth Kalpa King’s Desire 1 years ago
    46. 4147
      The Bird That Stands Out 1 years ago
    47. 4148
      Qing Xuzi 1 years ago
    48. 4149
      Help for Help 1 years ago
    49. 4150
      Showing His Face 1 years ago
    50. 4151
      Taking Action 1 years ago
    51. 4152
      Battling Qing Xuzi 1 years ago
    52. 4153
      I Have a Sword, Watch Carefully! 1 years ago
    53. 4154
      Acquired 1 years ago
    54. 4155
      Harvest 1 years ago
    55. 4156
      Another Attack 1 years ago
    56. 4157
      Fight to the Death! 1 years ago
    57. 4158
      Chase After 1 years ago
    58. 4159
      A Surprise 1 years ago
    59. 4160
      Spatial Rift 1 years ago
    60. 4161
      The Second Level of the Tarot Ruins 1 years ago
    61. 4162
      King Zhufeng? 1 years ago
    62. 4163
      Drastic Changes 1 years ago
    63. 4164
      Taken Over? 1 years ago
    64. 4165
      Dormant 1 years ago
    65. 4166
      He's Out 1 years ago
    66. 4167
      Recapturing 1 years ago
    67. 4168
      The Divine Sword 1 years ago
    68. 4169
      Fear! 1 years ago
    69. 4170
      Killing 1 years ago
    70. 4171
      The Eternal Night 1 years ago
    71. 4172
      One Sword to Form a Country 1 years ago
    72. 4173
      Five Camps 1 years ago
    73. 4174
      Mockery 1 years ago
    74. 4175
      A Palm Strike 1 years ago
    75. 4176
      Water Sorcerer Ruler 1 years ago
    76. 4177
      Covering the Aura 1 years ago
    77. 4178
      Jian Wushuang? 1 years ago
    78. 4179
      An Explanation 1 years ago
    79. 4180
      The Final Battle 1 years ago
    80. 4181
      Alliance 1 years ago
    81. 4182
      A Trap? 1 years ago
    82. 4183
      One Against a Hundred (Part One) 1 years ago
    83. 4184
      One Against a Hundred (Part 2) 1 years ago
    84. 4185
      Killing Ruler Horned Flame 1 years ago
    85. 4186
      Besieging and Killing the Ninth Kalpa King 1 years ago
    86. 4187
      The Third Prince 1 years ago
    87. 4188
      Sundering Stars 1 years ago
    88. 4189
      Sword Technique, Eternal Night! 1 years ago
    89. 4190
      Deprivation 1 years ago
    90. 4191
      Kill All 1 years ago
    91. 4192
      The Dust Settles 1 years ago
    92. 4193
      Leaving 1 years ago
    93. 4194
      The Supreme Martial Artist Arrives 1 years ago
    94. 4195
      An Honored Guest Visits 1 years ago
    95. 4196
      An Inquiry 1 years ago
    96. 4197
      Blast It Out 1 years ago
    97. 4198
      Meeting the River Spirit Again 1 years ago
    98. 4199
      The Undercurrent Surges 1 years ago
    99. 4200
      Demonic Wind Ruler 1 years ago
    100. 4201
      A Fifth-Stage Ruler 1 years ago
    101. 4202
      The Lord 1 years ago
    102. 4203
      Breaking Through to the Supreme-Being Realm? 1 years ago
    103. 4204
      Forbidden 1 years ago
    104. 4205
      Set Off 1 years ago
    105. 4206
      Rogue Cultivator Alliance 1 years ago
    106. 4207
      Breaking Into the City 1 years ago
    107. 4208
      Defeating the Enemy With a Single Finger 1 years ago
    108. 4209
      Wu Hai 1 years ago
    109. 4210
      Divine Lord Mu Chong 1 years ago
    110. 4211
      I’ve Overestimated You 1 years ago
    111. 4212
      Ruler Bone Armor 1 years ago
    112. 4213
      Bone Devil 1 years ago
    113. 4214
      The Bug 1 years ago
    114. 4215
      The Master of Blood Sword City 1 years ago
    115. 4216
      The Fifth City 1 years ago
    116. 4217
      The Divine Lord Invites You 1 years ago
    117. 4218
      Committing Suicide 1 years ago
    118. 4219
      Breaking 24 With a Single Sword 1 years ago
    119. 4220
      Yin and Yang 1 years ago
    120. 4221
      The Master, Heavenly Snake Playboy 1 years ago
    121. 4222
      The Sixth City 1 years ago
    122. 4223
      Help! 1 years ago
    123. 4224
      The Heavenly Snake Tribe 1 years ago
    124. 4225
      The Reward 1 years ago
    125. 4226
      Browsing the Ancient 1 years ago
    126. 4227
      The Night Banquet 1 years ago
    127. 4228
      The Arrival 1 years ago
    128. 4229
      Three Days Later 1 years ago
    129. 4230
      Snake Slaying (Part One) 1 years ago
    130. 4231
      Snake Slaying (Part two) 1 years ago
    131. 4232
      Snake Slaying (Part Three) 1 years ago
    132. 4233
      Snake Slaying (Part Four) 1 years ago
    133. 4234
      Snake Slaying (Part Five) 1 years ago
    134. 4235
      Snake slaying (Part Six) 1 years ago
    135. 4236
      Snake Slaying (Part Seven) 1 years ago
    136. 4237
      Snake Slaying (Part Eight) 1 years ago
    137. 4238
      Recovery 1 years ago
    138. 4239
      The Nine Magnates 1 years ago
    139. 4240
      Dragon Cage 1 years ago
    140. 4241
      God Refining Tower 1 years ago
    141. 4242
      Challenging the Tower 1 years ago
    142. 4243
      An Expert of the Sword 1 years ago
    143. 4244
      Sword Principle of Gale 1 years ago
    144. 4245
      Feeling the Power of God 1 years ago
    145. 4246
      Fei Hong (Part One) 1 years ago
    146. 4247
      Fei Hong (Part Two) 1 years ago
    147. 4248
      A New Legend 1 years ago
    148. 4249
      The Arrival of the Caged Dragon 1 years ago
    149. 4250
      Ruler Mountain Shaker 1 years ago
    150. 4251
      Fighting for the God Sealing Tablet 1 years ago
    151. 4252
      The Killing 1 years ago
    152. 4253
      Killing With a Single Sword 1 years ago
    153. 4254
      Hidden Seal 1 years ago
    154. 4255
      Unparalleled 1 years ago
    155. 4256
      Jian Wushuang Takes Action 1 years ago
    156. 4257
      Three Swords Out, Seal Gu 1 years ago
    157. 4258
      Meeting the Overlord 1 years ago
    158. 4259
      The Seventh Commander's Blood Sword! 1 years ago
    159. 4260
      Bestowing 1 years ago
    160. 4261
      The Tenth City 1 years ago
    161. 4262
      A Battle Bet 1 years ago
    162. 4263
      Closed-Door Cultivation for 60 Years 1 years ago
    163. 4264
      Setting off to Fifteen Cities 1 years ago
    164. 4265
      The Gathering of the Rulers 1 years ago
    165. 4266
      The Curtains of the Battle Open! 1 years ago
    166. 4267
      The Battle of All Sides 1 years ago
    167. 4268
      Moluo's Fury 1 years ago
    168. 4269
      Obtaining the God Sealing Tablet! 1 years ago
    169. 4270
      The Arrival of Qiu Long 1 years ago
    170. 4271
      Exchanging Blows 1 years ago
    171. 4272
      Fighting Four Invincible Rulers! 1 years ago
    172. 4273
      One Versus Four! 1 years ago
    173. 4274
      The Reappearance of the Divine Body 1 years ago
    174. 4275
      Crushing Everything 1 years ago
    175. 4276
      The Eternal Night 1 years ago
    176. 4277
      Great Emperor Jin Wu 1 years ago
    177. 4278
      Jian Wushuang’s Death (Part One) 1 years ago
    178. 4279
      Jian Wushuang’s Death (Part Two) 1 years ago
    179. 4280
      Jian Wushuang’s Death (Part Three) 1 years ago
    180. 4281
      Heart Observation 1 years ago
    181. 4282
      Comprehension 1 years ago
    182. 4283
      The Undercurrent Surges 1 years ago
    183. 4284
      The Breakthrough Begins 1 years ago
    184. 4285
      The Battle of All Sides 1 years ago
    185. 4286
      Ultimate Ruler, Complete! 1 years ago
    186. 4287
      The Tenth City, the Storm Rises 1 years ago
    187. 4288
      Jian Wushuang Comes Out of Seclusion! 1 years ago
    188. 4289
      Instant Kill With One Sword 1 years ago
    189. 4290
      The Universe Shakes 1 years ago
    190. 4291
      Killing All Enemies in the World With a Single Sword 1 years ago
    191. 4292
      A Sword Light That Could Freeze 18 Cities 1 years ago
    192. 4293
      Dragon Slaying (Part One) 1 years ago
    193. 4294
      Dragon Slaying (Part Two) 1 years ago
    194. 4295
      Dragon Slaying (Part Three) 1 years ago
    195. 4296
      Dragon Slaying (Part Four) 1 years ago
    196. 4297
      Destroying a City With a Single Sword Strike! 1 years ago
    197. 4298
      Qiulong Dies 1 years ago
    198. 4299
      The Number One Expert on the Ancient Path of Stars 1 years ago
    199. 4300
      The Ancient Bronze Cauldron 1 years ago
    200. 4301
      Re-Establishing Sword Alliance 1 years ago
    201. 4302
      Meeting Lord Blue Again 1 years ago
    202. 4303
      Entry Qualification in Hand 1 years ago
    203. 4304
      Preparing to Leave 1 years ago
    204. 4305
      Leaving 1 years ago

    Jilid 29

    1. 4306
      Falling Into a Dangerous Situation 1 years ago
    2. 4307
      Desperate Situation 1 years ago
    3. 4308
      Counter-Attack 1 years ago
    4. 4309
      Fear 1 years ago
    5. 4310
      The Appearance of the Tarot Divine Sword! 1 years ago
    6. 4311
      The Might of the Tarot Divine Sword 1 years ago
    7. 4312
      The Universe Is Boiling 1 years ago
    8. 4313
      Fighting Four Great Supremes Alone! 1 years ago
    9. 4314
      Killing a Supreme Martial Artist Again! 1 years ago
    10. 4315
      Xue Bo's Arrival 1 years ago
    11. 4316
      I Have Arrived! 1 years ago
    12. 4317
      Battle of the Gods (1) 1 years ago
    13. 4318
      Battle of the Gods (2) 1 years ago
    14. 4319
      Gai Fu Takes Action 1 years ago
    15. 4320
      The Universe Is Shaking 1 years ago
    16. 4321
      The Attitude 1 years ago
    17. 4322
      The Undercurrent Surges 1 years ago
    18. 4323
      The Start of the War 1 years ago
    19. 4324
      The Arrival of the Allied Forces 1 years ago
    20. 4325
      Hand Over Jian Wushuang! 1 years ago
    21. 4326
      Duel! 1 years ago
    22. 4327
      The Battle 1 years ago
    23. 4328
      Starry Sky Sword Art! 1 years ago
    24. 4329
      The Nine-Tribulation King Has Arrived! 1 years ago
    25. 4330
      Declaration of War! 1 years ago
    26. 4331
      The Birth of the Dragon Clan! 1 years ago
    27. 4332
      I Am Willing to Die For Jian Wushuang! 1 years ago
    28. 4333
      Meeting Again 1 years ago
    29. 4334
      Five Elements Star Domain 1 years ago
    30. 4335
      I’ll Only Give You One Chance 1 years ago
    31. 4336
      The Battle 1 years ago
    32. 4337
      Five-Element Chaotic Qi 1 years ago
    33. 4338
      Five-Element Divine Lord 1 years ago
    34. 4339
      The Excited Ancient Bronze Cauldron 1 years ago
    35. 4340
      Found! 1 years ago
    36. 4341
      Innate Yi Wood Qi! 1 years ago
    37. 4342
      Rushing to the Divine Life Palace 1 years ago
    38. 4343
      The Fiery Sun Star Area 1 years ago
    39. 4344
      Obtaining Xiantian Fourth Fire Qi Again 1 years ago
    40. 4345
      Massacre 1 years ago
    41. 4346
      Spirit Bristle Holy Land 1 years ago
    42. 4347
      Elder of Shu Mountain 1 years ago
    43. 4348
      The Curtains of the Great Battle Draw Down 1 years ago
    44. 4349
      I Am Ashamed 1 years ago
    45. 4350
      Devouring 1 years ago
    46. 4351
      Exit Seclusion! 1 years ago
    47. 4352
      Spirit Bristle Divine Lord 1 years ago
    48. 4353
      Smashing People With a Cauldron 1 years ago
    49. 4354
      Collecting the Five Elements 1 years ago
    50. 4355
      Comprehending the Great Dao! 1 years ago
    51. 4356
      The Completion of the Great Dao 1 years ago
    52. 4357
      The Immortal Caresses My Head 1 years ago
    53. 4358
      Planet Tianhuang 1 years ago
    54. 4359
      The Three Great Clans 1 years ago
    55. 4360
      Young Master Qing Mu 1 years ago
    56. 4361
      Jian Wushuang Takes Action 1 years ago
    57. 4362
      Defeating the Enemy With a Flick of the Finger 1 years ago
    58. 4363
      The Supreme Martial Artist Takes Action 1 years ago
    59. 4364
      The Three Great Supremes! (Part One) 1 years ago
    60. 4365
      The Three Great Supremes! (Part Two) 1 years ago
    61. 4366
      The Ancient Bronze Cauldron Shows Its Ferocity 1 years ago
    62. 4367
      Exposed 1 years ago
    63. 4368
      Chase After 1 years ago
    64. 4369
      Fighting Three Supreme Martial Artists Alone 1 years ago
    65. 4370
      Splitting the Path of Life and Death With a Single Sword 1 years ago
    66. 4371
      Great Enemy 1 years ago
    67. 4372
      An All-Out Attack 1 years ago
    68. 4373
      The Blood Curse 1 years ago
    69. 4374
      Awakening! 1 years ago
    70. 4375
      Massacre! 1 years ago
    71. 4376
      The Universe Is in Shock 1 years ago
    72. 4377
      The Various Races Take Action 1 years ago
    73. 4378
      The Attack of a Strong Enemy 1 years ago
    74. 4379
      The Fine Line Between Life and Death 1 years ago
    75. 4380
      The Dragon Clan Is Nothing More Than This 1 years ago
    76. 4381
      Tragic 1 years ago
    77. 4382
      The Grand Gathering of All Races in the Universe Begins! 1 years ago
    78. 4383
      I’ll Give You a Chance 1 years ago
    79. 4384
      Borrowing Power From the Good Wind 1 years ago
    80. 4385
      Send Me Up to the Clouds! 1 years ago
    81. 4386
      Chaotic Domineering Body! 1 years ago
    82. 4387
      The Gathering of Ten Thousand Races 1 years ago
    83. 4388
      Meeting Old Friends 1 years ago
    84. 4389
      Tian Luo Zi 1 years ago
    85. 4390
      The Cosmos God 1 years ago
    86. 4391
      The Competition 1 years ago
    87. 4392
      79.83 Million Years 1 years ago
    88. 4393
      Shocking Everyone 1 years ago
    89. 4394
      Setting up the World 1 years ago
    90. 4395
      The Dao That I Understand 1 years ago
    91. 4396
      Listening to the Teachings of the Emperor 1 years ago
    92. 4397
      The Arrival of the Supreme Lightning Tribulation 1 years ago
    93. 4398
      If the Heavens Go Against Me, It Will Die 1 years ago
    94. 4399
      Five Elements Divine Thunder! 1 years ago
    95. 4400
      Primal Chaos Lightning Tribulation 1 years ago
    96. 4401
      Mutual Destruction 1 years ago
    97. 4402
      Living and Dying Together 1 years ago
    98. 4403
      The Return 1 years ago
    99. 4404
      Sweeping Across the Entire Scene 1 years ago
    100. 4405
      The Arrival of Sword Union 1 years ago
    101. 4406
      The Last Divine Lightning 1 years ago
    102. 4407
      The Ultimate Sublimation 1 years ago
    103. 4408
      Finally Becoming a Supreme Martial Artist 1 years ago
    104. 4409
      The Grand Banquet 1 years ago
    105. 4410
      Extreme Great Ancestral Weapon 1 years ago
    106. 4411
      Ten Thousand Years in the Snap of a Finger 1 years ago
    107. 4412
      Exiting Seclusion 1 years ago
    108. 4413
      Battle! 1 years ago
    109. 4414
      Chase After 1 years ago
    110. 4415
      Blood Devil 1 years ago
    111. 4416
      Crushing Everything Like Rotten Wood 1 years ago
    112. 4417
      Beheading 1 years ago
    113. 4418
      The Universe Shakes 1 years ago
    114. 4419
      The Great Sun Divine Kingdom 1 years ago
    115. 4420
      Jian Wushuang Is Here to Attend the Ceremony 1 years ago
    116. 4421
      Three-Foot Swords Hanging All Over the City 1 years ago
    117. 4422
      Vulnerable to a Single Blow 1 years ago
    118. 4423
      Give Me Some Face 1 years ago
    119. 4424
      Battling Jade Cauldron 1 years ago
    120. 4425
      Qian Ji Fu 1 years ago
    121. 4426
      Evening 1 years ago
    122. 4427
      The Four Seasons 1 years ago
    123. 4428
      Killing a Half-Step to Unrivaled Expert 1 years ago
    124. 4429
      One Sword to Banish the Mortal World 1 years ago
    125. 4430
      Shocking 1 years ago
    126. 4431
      Committing Suicide 1 years ago
    127. 4432
      The Decisive Battle 1 years ago
    128. 4433
      The Focus of Thousands 1 years ago
    129. 4434
      A Competition! 1 years ago
    130. 4435
      A Dangerous Situation 1 years ago
    131. 4436
      The Reappearance of the Four Seasons! 1 years ago
    132. 4437
      I Am the Frost Monarch, I Am the Tarot! 1 years ago
    133. 4438
      Tarot Descends! 1 years ago
    134. 4439
      Crushing With a Single Sword 1 years ago
    135. 4440
      Great Void Divine Emperor 1 years ago
    136. 4441
      The Shock 1 years ago
    137. 4442
      Epic 1 years ago
    138. 4443
      Supreme Tarot's Death 1 years ago
    139. 4444
      Chaos at the Offworld Battlefield 1 years ago
    140. 4445
      Mystic Sun Port 1 years ago
    141. 4446
      Departure! 1 years ago
    142. 4447
      Crossing 1 years ago
    143. 4448
      Meeting Cosmos God Again 1 years ago
    144. 4449
      Supreme Blacksource 1 years ago
    145. 4450
      The Outbreak of War! 1 years ago
    146. 4451
      Battling the Eight-Part Generals 1 years ago
    147. 4452
      Baidu 1 years ago
    148. 4453
      Void Explosion 1 years ago
    149. 4454
      Closing in Step by Step 1 years ago
    150. 4455
      The Descent of Void God 1 years ago
    151. 4456
      The Arrival of Cosmos God 1 years ago
    152. 4457
      Defeating the Enemy 1 years ago
    153. 4458
      The Return 1 years ago
    154. 4459
      Battling Wang Liu 1 years ago
    155. 4460
      Curse of the Snake God 1 years ago
    156. 4461
      The Seal 1 years ago
    157. 4462
      Isolated 1 years ago
    158. 4463
      Five Thousand Years of War 1 years ago
    159. 4464
      Heading to the Void Universe 1 years ago
    160. 4465
      Arriving at the Void Universe 1 years ago
    161. 4466
      The God Refining Sect 1 years ago
    162. 4467
      Joining the God Refining Sect 1 years ago
    163. 4468
      The Assessment of the God Refining Sect 1 years ago
    164. 4469
      The Assessment 1 years ago
    165. 4470
      Exposed 1 years ago
    166. 4471
      Joining the God Refining Sect 1 years ago
    167. 4472
      Coffin Mountain 1 years ago
    168. 4473
      Choosing the Divine Corpse 1 years ago
    169. 4474
      Reaching the Top 1 years ago
    170. 4475
      The Black Iron Coffin in the Air 1 years ago
    171. 4476
      Supreme Tarot! 1 years ago
    172. 4477
      The Corpse Cave 1 years ago
    173. 4478
      Probing 1 years ago
    174. 4479
      The Battle Between Factions 1 years ago
    175. 4480
      Five Branch Disciples 1 years ago
    176. 4481
      Void Energy Transformation 1 years ago
    177. 4482
      Successful Conversion 1 years ago
    178. 4483
      God Refinement Sect Master 1 years ago
    179. 4484
      Grand Elder Pan Shan 1 years ago
    180. 4485
      A Breakthrough 1 years ago
    181. 4486
      The Curtain Rises, the Wind and Clouds Move 1 years ago
    182. 4487
      Refining 1 years ago
    183. 4488
      The End of the Great Competition 1 years ago
    184. 4489
      Watch Him Rise From the Top 1 years ago
    185. 4490
      At the Heart of the Storm 1 years ago
    186. 4491
      Get Burned 1 years ago
    187. 4492
      Taking Action 1 years ago
    188. 4493
      Defeating the Enemy With a Single Finger 1 years ago
    189. 4494
      The Land of Gods 1 years ago
    190. 4495
      The Identity of Elder Pan Shan 1 years ago
    191. 4496
      The Awakening 1 years ago
    192. 4497
      Eliminating Hidden Dangers 1 years ago
    193. 4498
      Set Off to the Land of Gods 1 years ago
    194. 4499
      Supreme Gongyang 1 years ago
    195. 4500
      Old Enemies in Person 1 years ago
    196. 4501
      The Undercurrent Surges 1 years ago
    197. 4502
      A Storm Rises 1 years ago
    198. 4503
      People Die, Lights Go Out 1 years ago
    199. 4504
      The Palace Master of the Divine Palace of Life 1 years ago
    200. 4505
      Call Me Senior Brother 1 years ago
    201. 4506
      Taking Over the Sect Master 1 years ago
    202. 4507
      The Battle of Old Enemies 1 years ago
    203. 4508
      Bombarding Indiscriminately and Destroying Everything 1 years ago
    204. 4509
      The Appearance of Great Void Divine Emperor 1 years ago
    205. 4510
      One Sword to Decide the Universe! 1 years ago
    206. 4511
      Leaving 1 years ago
    207. 4512
      Die From Talking Too Much 1 years ago
    208. 4513
      Belated Awareness 1 years ago
    209. 4514
      Young Master Wushuang 1 years ago
    210. 4515
      The Return 1 years ago
    211. 4516
      Suspicion 1 years ago
    212. 4517
      Intelligence 1 years ago
    213. 4518
      Void God Emissary 1 years ago
    214. 4519
      Dark Yin Palace 1 years ago
    215. 4520
      The Palace Master of Dark Yin Palace 1 years ago
    216. 4521
      The Sky Glory Holy Son 1 years ago
    217. 4522
      Kneel Down! 1 years ago
    218. 4523
      Single-Handedly Defeating the Saint 1 years ago
    219. 4524
      Dark Yin Palace Master Takes Action 1 years ago
    220. 4525
      I Am the Sect Master of the God Refining Sect 1 years ago
    221. 4526
      The Catastrophe Is About to Rise 1 years ago
    222. 4527
      Upgrade 1 years ago
    223. 4528
      The Map of the Void Forbidden Land 1 years ago
    224. 4529
      Void God Descends, a World of Great Struggle! 1 years ago
    225. 4530
      The Return 1 years ago
    226. 4531
      Fengtian Flag 1 years ago
    227. 4532
      Southern Ocean Immortal Island, Fengtian Patriarch 1 years ago
    228. 4533
      When the Nest Is Overturned, No Eggs Will Be Left Intact 1 years ago
    229. 4534
      I Would Rather Die Singing in the Rain Than Live Under Someone Else’s Roof 1 years ago
    230. 4535
      Chess Match 1 years ago
    231. 4536
      The Fengtian Flag in Hand 1 years ago
    232. 4537
      Leaving the Mountain! 1 years ago
    233. 4538
      The End of the Catastrophe 1 years ago
    234. 4539
      Danger 1 years ago
    235. 4540
      Crisis Resolved, the Tarot Divine Corpse Makes a Breakthrough 1 years ago
    236. 4541
      Opening the Curtain 1 years ago
    237. 4542
      The Great Era Is About to Start, Undercurrents Surging 1 years ago
    238. 4543
      The Almighty Awakens 1 years ago
    239. 4544
      Rising Together 1 years ago
    240. 4545
      Left Ear 1 years ago
    241. 4546
      The Wind Rises 1 years ago
    242. 4547
      Entering the Arena 1 years ago
    243. 4548
      Setting up an Array 1 years ago
    244. 4549
      The Fate Energy of the Universe 1 years ago
    245. 4550
      The Completion of the Fengtian Array Formation 1 years ago
    246. 4551
      The Outbreak of a Battle 1 years ago
    247. 4552
      Each Displaying Their Own Abilities 1 years ago
    248. 4553
      The Invincible Hell King 1 years ago
    249. 4554
      Taking on the Hell King 1 years ago
    250. 4555
      After Killing Hell King, Devour Is Ready to Take Action 1 years ago
    251. 4556
      Golden Card, Dimension-Reduction Attack! 1 years ago
    252. 4557
      Supreme Master Gai Fu Appears 1 years ago
    253. 4558
      I Have No Regrets! 1 years ago
    254. 4559
      Supreme Master Gai Fu Falls 1 years ago
    255. 4560
      Travelling 3,000 Miles with One Move, Leading a Million Troops with One Sword 1 years ago
    256. 4561
      The Passageway Is Completely Opened 1 years ago
    257. 4562
      The Only Way Is to Die Fighting 1 years ago
    258. 4563
      Leaving 1 years ago
    259. 4564
      Rebellious 1 years ago
    260. 4565
      The Arrival of the Fengtian Patriarch 1 years ago
    261. 4566
      The Outbreak of Battle 1 years ago
    262. 4567
      Drastic Changes (1) 1 years ago
    263. 4568
      Drastic Changes (2) 1 years ago
    264. 4569
      From Now On, We’ll Take Over This War 1 years ago
    265. 4570
      The Divine Power Universe Has Fallen! 1 years ago
    266. 4571
      Sorrowful 1 years ago
    267. 4572
      Fleeing 1 years ago
    268. 4573
      Arriving at the Divine Palace of Life 1 years ago
    269. 4574
      Do You Dare to Disobey? 1 years ago
    270. 4575
      The Preparations Are Ready 1 years ago
    271. 4576
      Moving Away 1 years ago
    272. 4577
      Choosing the Forbidden Zone, the Refugees Come To Surrender 1 years ago
    273. 4578
      Noisy 1 years ago
    274. 4579
      Arriving at the Nine Forbidden Zones 1 years ago
    275. 4580
      Battling Ba Huang 1 years ago
    276. 4581
      Entering the Land of Sorrows 1 years ago
    277. 4582
      A Strange Game. It Seems to Be Crying and Laughing at the Same Time 1 years ago
    278. 4583
      The God Is Dead, the Devil Is Destroyed 1 years ago
    279. 4584
      Before the Destruction 1 years ago
    280. 4585
      The Old Man Shi Ting 1 years ago
    281. 4586
      Shattering Ten Thousand Daos 1 years ago
    282. 4587
      Seeking the Dao 1 years ago
    283. 4588
      Comprehending the Sword 1 years ago
    284. 4589
      Unparalleled Sword Dao, Boundless Sword Strike 1 years ago
    285. 4590
      Waves and Clouds 1 years ago
    286. 4591
      Supreme! Supreme! 1 years ago
    287. 4592
      Breakthrough to the Half Invincible Supreme Realm! 1 years ago
    288. 4593
      One Move to Break the Invincible Supreme (1) 1 years ago
    289. 4594
      One Move to Break the Invincible Supreme (2) 1 years ago
    290. 4595
      One Move to Break the Invincible Supreme (3) 1 years ago
    291. 4596
      Ancestral Technique, Transcendence Heavenly Gate 1 years ago
    292. 4597
      Entering Danger Alone 1 years ago
    293. 4598
      Land of Gods 1 years ago
    294. 4599
      Extreme Darkness Heavenly Gate 1 years ago
    295. 4600
      An Old Friend (1) 1 years ago
    296. 4601
      An Old Friend (2) 1 years ago
    297. 4602
      The Mysterious Ranger 1 years ago
    298. 4603
      Dying Snake God 1 years ago
    299. 4604
      Polar Sea 1 years ago
    300. 4605
      Lost in Polar Sea 1 years ago
    301. 4606
      Snake God, Void God! 1 years ago
    302. 4607
      Old Master (1) 1 years ago
    303. 4608
      Old Master (2) 1 years ago
    304. 4609
      An Ancestor Realm Existence 1 years ago
    305. 4610
      Returning to the Divine Power Universe 1 years ago
    306. 4611
      Assemble (1) 1 years ago
    307. 4612
      Assemble (2) 1 years ago
    308. 4613
      Humiliation 1 years ago
    309. 4614
      To the Dragon Clan 1 years ago
    310. 4615
      Break Through the Dragon Clan’s Forbidden Land 1 years ago
    311. 4616
      Curse Long Chen to Death 1 years ago
    312. 4617
      Ancestor-Level Fate Energy 1 years ago
    313. 4618
      Phoenix Clan 1 years ago
    314. 4619
      Bet 1 years ago
    315. 4620
      Suppression 1 years ago
    316. 4621
      The Cold Qilin Clan 1 years ago
    317. 4622
      Another Wave (1) 1 years ago
    318. 4623
      Another Wave (2) 1 years ago
    319. 4624
      Elegy of Heaven and Earth 1 years ago
    320. 4625
      Dragon and Phoenix Rescue 1 years ago
    321. 4626
      Wordless Monument 1 years ago
    322. 4627
      Drastic Changes in the Qilin Clan 1 years ago
    323. 4628
      Shattering the Extreme Point 1 years ago
    324. 4629
      Battling the Ancestral Bone Dragon 1 years ago
    325. 4630
      Reuniting 1 years ago
    326. 4631
      The Descent of Void God 1 years ago
    327. 4632
      The Real Great Catastrophe War (1) 1 years ago
    328. 4633
      The Real Great Catastrophe War (2) 1 years ago
    329. 4634
      Prologue 1 years ago
    330. 4635
      Invincible Supreme 1 years ago
    331. 4636
      Dueling to Stop Conflict (1) 1 years ago
    332. 4637
      Dueling to Stop Conflict (2) 1 years ago
    333. 4638
      The Great Catastrophe Begins! 1 years ago
    334. 4639
      Bloody Battle 1 years ago
    335. 4640
      Battle to the Death 1 years ago
    336. 4641
      Eliminating Devour One 1 years ago
    337. 4642
      The Battle Situation Took a Sharp Turn 1 years ago
    338. 4643
      The Divine Power Universe Was Defeated! 1 years ago
    339. 4644
      Cangwu Platform 1 years ago
    340. 4645
      Cause and Effect 1 years ago
    341. 4646
      Three Wishes 1 years ago
    342. 4647
      Half-Ancestor Dao 1 years ago
    343. 4648
      Make a Comeback 1 years ago
    344. 4649
      Shock 1 years ago
    345. 4650
      The Death of Void God, the World Becomes Clear 1 years ago
    346. 4651
      Space-Time Turbulence 1 years ago
    347. 4652
      Lu Ding Claims to Be the Lord 1 years ago
    348. 4653
      Furnace 1 years ago
    349. 4654
      The Demoness of Da Qian (1) 1 years ago
    350. 4655
      The Demoness of Da Qian (2) 1 years ago
    351. 4656
      The Demoness of Da Qian (3) 1 years ago
    352. 4657
      Meeting Cosmos God Again 1 years ago
    353. 4658
      Becoming an Ancestor Realm Expert While Lying Down 1 years ago
    354. 4659
      Great Void Divine Emperor Had Died 1 years ago
    355. 4660
      All the Supreme Martial Artists Gather 1 years ago
    356. 4661
      Wushuang 1 years ago
    357. 4662
      Suppressing the Ancient Era, Ascending to Become Cosmos God (1) 1 years ago
    358. 4663
      Suppressing the Ancient Era, Ascending to Become Cosmos God (2) 1 years ago
    359. 4664
      A Tiny Start, Finally the Great Dao 1 years ago
    360. 4665
      The Reason for the Clay Idol 1 years ago
    361. 4666
      Frost Crow Lady 1 years ago
    362. 4667
      Coffin-Carrying Cultivator 1 years ago
    363. 4668
      The Appearance of the Clay Idol 1 years ago
    364. 4669
      I Am the Great Dao, Who Can Kill Me? 1 years ago
    365. 4670
      A Million Years Later 1 years ago
    366. 4671
      Dao Yan 1 years ago
    367. 4672
      Settling the Score 1 years ago
    368. 4673
      Besieging and Killing Devouring Emperor (1) 1 years ago
    369. 4674
      Besieging and Killing Devouring Emperor (2) 1 years ago
    370. 4675
      Immortal From Above the Heavens, Ding Baiyi (1) 1 years ago
    371. 4676
      Immortal From Above the Heavens, Ding Baiyi (2) 1 years ago
    372. 4677
      The Ultimate Level of the Great Dao, the Great Yan Domain! 1 years ago
    373. 4678
      Leaving and Discussing the Sword Dao (1) 1 years ago
    374. 4679
      Leaving and Discussing the Sword Dao (2) 1 years ago
    375. 4680
      Old Master Disappeared 1 years ago
    376. 4681
      Changing the Laws 1 years ago
    377. 4682
      I Want to Enter the Great Yan Domain 1 years ago
    378. 4683
      Yan Immortal 1 years ago
    379. 4684
      A Pot of Wine in the Mortal World 1 years ago
    380. 4685
      Great Yan Domain 1 years ago
    381. 4686
      The Prisoner 1 years ago
    382. 4687
      Slaying Yan Immortal (1) 1 years ago
    383. 4688
      Slaying Yan Immortal (2) 1 years ago
    384. 4689
      The Young Emperor (1) 1 years ago
    385. 4690
      The Young Emperor (2) 1 years ago
    386. 4691
      Heaven of Ten Thousand Eyes 1 years ago
    387. 4692
      The Great Emperor of the Past 1 years ago
    388. 4693
      The Three Lively Emperors (1) 1 years ago
    389. 4694
      The Three Lively Emperors (2) 1 years ago
    390. 4695
      The Three Lively Emperors (3) 1 years ago
    391. 4696
      The Undercurrent Surges 1 years ago
    392. 4697
      The Great Voyage 1 years ago
    393. 4698
      The Vast Mirage (1) 1 years ago
    394. 4699
      The Vast Mirage (2) 1 years ago
    395. 4700
      The Vast Mirage (3) 1 years ago
    396. 4701
      The Broken Stone Bead 1 years ago
    397. 4702
      Zheng Ying 1 years ago
    398. 4703
      Whirling Heaven 1 years ago
    399. 4704
      Whirling Patriarch 1 years ago
    400. 4705
      Eight-Armed Buddha Image 1 years ago
    401. 4706
      Help From the Emperors 1 years ago
    402. 4707
      Breaking the Eight Arms Buddha 1 years ago
    403. 4708
      Heaven-Patterned Bone Armor 1 years ago
    404. 4709
      Battle to the Death in Tian City 1 years ago
    405. 4710
      Chen Qing 1 years ago
    406. 4711
      Sealing With the Array 1 years ago
    407. 4712
      Returning to the Six Heavens 1 years ago
    408. 4713
      Destroying Jingchuan 1 years ago
    409. 4714
      Prince Jiu 1 years ago
    410. 4715
      The World Tree 1 years ago
    411. 4716
      About the Realm 1 years ago
    412. 4717
      The Sword Integration Is Refined 1 years ago
    413. 4718
      Exchanging Pointers 1 years ago
    414. 4719
      The Glory of the Three Swords Moves 1 years ago
    415. 4720
      With the Emperor as a Guarantor, Everything Is in Sight 1 years ago
    416. 4721
      The Eve of the Banquet 1 years ago
    417. 4722
      You Still Dare to Intercept 1 years ago
    418. 4723
      Graceful 1 years ago
    419. 4724
      Entering the Heavenly Court 1 years ago
    420. 4725
      Ascending to the Heavenly Court 1 years ago
    421. 4726
      There’s No Room for Discussion When Kicking You 1 years ago
    422. 4727
      Uncle Yu 1 years ago
    423. 4728
      Emperor Zhen Wuyang 1 years ago
    424. 4729
      Chen Qing's Mischief 1 years ago
    425. 4730
      The Seven Sons Fighting for the Peach 1 years ago
    426. 4731
      A Slight Display of Cooking Skills 1 years ago
    427. 4732
      The First Battle in the Heavenly Realm 1 years ago
    428. 4733
      The Heavenly Court Must Not Be Stained With Blood 1 years ago
    429. 4734
      The Battle Between Two Princes 1 years ago
    430. 4735
      One After Another 1 years ago
    431. 4736
      Immortal Style 1 years ago
    432. 4737
      Greed 1 years ago
    433. 4738
      Uprooting the Celestial Mountain 1 years ago
    434. 4739
      Great Battle 1 years ago
    435. 4740
      Sneak Attack and Serious Injury 1 years ago
    436. 4741
      The Mysterious Stone Bead 1 years ago
    437. 4742
      The Ancient Secret 1 years ago
    438. 4743
      A Little Mountain and River 1 years ago
    439. 4744
      The Final Victory 1 years ago
    440. 4745
      Face the Wall and Be Punished 1 years ago
    441. 4746
      The Wind-Listening Platform 1 years ago
    442. 4747
      I’ll Take You to a Good Place 1 years ago
    443. 4748
      Sword Heaven 1 years ago
    444. 4749
      Ding Beichun in His Prime of Sword-Forging 1 years ago
    445. 4750
      A Brief Confrontation 1 years ago
    446. 4751
      The Tarot Divine Sword Is Destroyed 1 years ago
    447. 4752
      Heavenly Dao Library 1 years ago
    448. 4753
      Seeing the Heaven-Patterned Bone Armor Again 1 years ago
    449. 4754
      The Northern Heaven Celestial Prefecture 1 years ago
    450. 4755
      The Heavy Snow and the Strong Wind, the Vast Heaven and Earth 1 years ago
    451. 4756
      Serve the Wine 1 years ago
    452. 4757
      Chewed Wine 1 years ago
    453. 4758
      Bizarre Promotion 1 years ago
    454. 4759
      The Seven Swordsmen 1 years ago
    455. 4760
      Night 1 years ago
    456. 4761
      Lady Yin Ling 1 years ago
    457. 4762
      Killing Intent at the Banquet 1 years ago
    458. 4763
      Seven Swords Chaotic Court 1 years ago
    459. 4764
      The Battle of Grand Yan Immortals 1 years ago
    460. 4765
      Nine-Tailed True Crow 1 years ago
    461. 4766
      Di Qing 1 years ago
    462. 4767
      Great Battle 1 years ago
    463. 4768
      Vanquishing Immortal Source With a Finger 1 years ago
    464. 4769
      Meeting Zheng Ying Again 1 years ago
    465. 4770
      Perished 1 years ago
    466. 4771
      The Arrival of Uncle Yu 1 years ago
    467. 4772
      Sand Demon Cave 1 years ago
    468. 4773
      Hanging on the City Wall 1 years ago
    469. 4774
      Entering the Evil City 1 years ago
    470. 4775
      Beating Up Cui Jing 1 years ago
    471. 4776
      Playing Around 1 years ago
    472. 4777
      The Bitter Lotus Dao 1 years ago
    473. 4778
      Contaminated by Karma 1 years ago
    474. 4779
      Suppressing the City 1 years ago
    475. 4780
      Formless Great Power 1 years ago
    476. 4781
      A Myriad of Changes in an Instant 1 years ago
    477. 4782
      Bitter Words 1 years ago
    478. 4783
      Power Struggle 1 years ago
    479. 4784
      Inner Demon 1 years ago
    480. 4785
      Imprisonment 1 years ago
    481. 4786
      Searching for Konglun 1 years ago
    482. 4787
      Under the Abyss 1 years ago
    483. 4788
      Gifting the Life Source Ring Bead 1 years ago
    484. 4789
      Sha Qing 1 years ago
    485. 4790
      The So-Called Heaven-Reaching Buddhist Realm 1 years ago
    486. 4791
      Meeting Grand Yan Immortals Again 1 years ago
    487. 4792
      The Destruction of the Sand Demon Cave 1 years ago
    488. 4793
      Can You Be My Mount? 1 years ago
    489. 4794
      Sneak Attack From Behind 1 years ago
    490. 4795
      Mistakenly Entering an Ancient Mystery Domain 1 years ago
    491. 4796
      The Shattered Heavenly Court in the Past 1 years ago
    492. 4797
      The Three Heavenly Court Warriors 1 years ago
    493. 4798
      The Emperor Has Passed Away 1 years ago
    494. 4799
      Di Qing in Danger 1 years ago
    495. 4800
      Reunion of Old Friends and Old Acquaintances 1 years ago
    496. 4801
      Liu Ya Heavenly Emperor Runes 1 years ago
    497. 4802
      An Enemy Sneaks In 1 years ago
    498. 4803
      42 Friends 1 years ago
    499. 4804
      Meeting Prince Yu Again 1 years ago
    500. 4805
      Di Qing's Request 1 years ago
    501. 4806
      A Thousand Things 1 years ago
    502. 4807
      Chase 1 years ago
    503. 4808
      Young Man 1 years ago
    504. 4809
      Imparting the Sword Dao 1 years ago
    505. 4810
      Returning to Little Lonely Heaven 1 years ago
    506. 4811
      The Secret of the Past 1 years ago
    507. 4812
      Comprehending the Liu Ya Heavenly Emperor Runes 1 years ago
    508. 4813
      Opening an Auction House 1 years ago
    509. 4814
      Demons Snatching the Bride 1 years ago
    510. 4815
      Nightmare Demon Lord 1 years ago
    511. 4816
      Xi Qingchi 1 years ago
    512. 4817
      Going to Upper Desolate 1 years ago
    513. 4818
      Strange Movement 1 years ago
    514. 4819
      The Imprisoned Great Yan Immortal 1 years ago
    515. 4820
      18 Observers 1 years ago
    516. 4821
      Fusang Waterway 1 years ago
    517. 4822
      The Lucky Daoist 1 years ago
    518. 4823
      The One Being Chased 1 years ago
    519. 4824
      Sneaking Into Great Mi Heaven 1 years ago
    520. 4825
      Dream-Eating Tapir Devouring Spirits 1 years ago
    521. 4826
      Netherworld Old Daoist 1 years ago
    522. 4827
      The Netherworld Dharma Formation 1 years ago
    523. 4828
      Small Heavenly Abode 1 years ago
    524. 4829
      Wei Liujia of Dagu Mountain 1 years ago
    525. 4830
      Wei Liujia's Court Tribute 1 years ago
    526. 4831
      Heading to the Heavenly Palace 1 years ago
    527. 4832
      Head Held High 1 years ago
    528. 4833
      Fighting to Present the Treasures 1 years ago
    529. 4834
      Flaunting Wealth 1 years ago
    530. 4835
      Blessing of the Heavenly Palace 1 years ago
    531. 4836
      Entering the Heavenly Prison 1 years ago
    532. 4837
      Another Confrontation 1 years ago
    533. 4838
      The Hundred-Headed Strange Child 1 years ago
    534. 4839
      Killing the Enemy 1 years ago
    535. 4840
      Bizarre and Absurd 1 years ago
    536. 4841
      Seeing Through 1 years ago
    537. 4842
      One Battle 1 years ago
    538. 4843
      Changfu Is at the Foot of Changfu Mountain 1 years ago
    539. 4844
      A Life for a Life 1 years ago
    540. 4845
      Rebuilding the Immortal Body 1 years ago
    541. 4846
      Li Shichun 1 years ago
    542. 4847
      I’ll Give You an Immortal Root 1 years ago
    543. 4848
      Return 1 years ago
    544. 4849
      Dinner Banquet 1 years ago
    545. 4850
      All Deserve to Die 1 years ago
    546. 4851
      Eternal Wushuang Auction House 1 years ago
    547. 4852
      The Mysterious Jade Head 1 years ago
    548. 4853
      Competing for Bids 1 years ago
    549. 4854
      The Zhang Family of the Celestial Region 1 years ago
    550. 4855
      Cutting off Zhang Chen 1 years ago
    551. 4856
      I’m Going to Shangyang From the Eastern Capital 1 years ago
    552. 4857
      The Envoy From the Celestial Region 1 years ago
    553. 4858
      The Temporary Heavenly Official 1 years ago
    554. 4859
      Fighting Celestial Region’s Heavenly Sect 1 years ago
    555. 4860
      The Fish Dies and the Net Breaks 1 years ago
    556. 4861
      Selfless True Shadow 1 years ago
    557. 4862
      Annihilate the Celestial Region 1 years ago
    558. 4863
      Changes in the Black Mountains 1 years ago
    559. 4864
      Black Abyss Prison 1 years ago
    560. 4865
      The Source of Darkness 1 years ago
    561. 4866
      The Black Bead 1 years ago
    562. 4867
      The Eve Before Leaving 1 years ago
    563. 4868
      Heading to the Heavenly Court Again 1 years ago
    564. 4869
      Undercurrent 1 years ago
    565. 4870
      The Black Ocean Treasure 1 years ago
    566. 4871
      Obtaining the Inheritance 1 years ago
    567. 4872
      Sir Yuan 1 years ago
    568. 4873
      I Have a Deal to Make 1 years ago
    569. 4874
      The Decisive Battle 1 years ago
    570. 4875
      Fall In Six Days 1 years ago
    571. 4876
      I Want You Dead 1 years ago
    572. 4877
      The Great Heavenly Official Jian 1 years ago
    573. 4878
      The Dao of Slaughter 1 years ago
    574. 4879
      The Immortal Trapping Array 1 years ago
    575. 4880
      Battle Against Great Yan Immortal 1 years ago
    576. 4881
      Chang Duoling, the Immortal Lord of the Nine Heavens 1 years ago
    577. 4882
      Power Struggle 1 years ago
    578. 4883
      Advancing to Three Revolutions 1 years ago
    579. 4884
      A Grand Battle 1 years ago
    580. 4885
      Jian Wushuang Dies 1 years ago
    581. 4886
      Comprehending the Sword Intent of the Lake Style 1 years ago
    582. 4887
      Only One Step Away From Sword Immortal 1 years ago
    583. 4888
      World Tree Building a Heavenly Region 1 years ago
    584. 4889
      Discussing the Way of the Sword in the Dao Field 1 years ago
    585. 4890
      Flowing Cloud Grass Sword (1) 1 years ago
    586. 4891
      Flowing Cloud Grass Sword (2) 1 years ago
    587. 4892
      Beating up the Bald Man 1 years ago
    588. 4893
      The Moonless and Windy Night 1 years ago
    589. 4894
      Prince Qian Arrives 1 years ago
    590. 4895
      Armadillo Bull 1 years ago
    591. 4896
      The Battle Begins 1 years ago
    592. 4897
      Destroying the Immortal Array Formation 1 years ago
    593. 4898
      Death Sentence Heavenly Dao 1 years ago
    594. 4899
      I Am Above the Heavenly Dao 1 years ago
    595. 4900
      The Immortal Array Formation Will Be Destroyed in the Six Heavens Realm 1 years ago
    596. 4901
      Everyone Joins the Battle 1 years ago
    597. 4902
      Protector Feng Shan 1 years ago
    598. 4903
      Accidentally Entering the Death Immortal Heavenly Region (1) 1 years ago
    599. 4904
      Accidentally Entering the Death Immortal Heavenly Region (2) 1 years ago
    600. 4905
      The Death Immortal 1 years ago
    601. 4906
      There’s Someone in the Cave 1 years ago
    602. 4907
      The Terrifying Cultivation Path 1 years ago
    603. 4908
      The Dao Field Under the Abyss 1 years ago
    604. 4909
      Undying You Yun 1 years ago
    605. 4910
      Reversal Death Scripture 1 years ago
    606. 4911
      Pure Suffering 1 years ago
    607. 4912
      Xu Jin’s Flowing Cloud Grass Sword Style 1 years ago
    608. 4913
      The Arrival of the Heavenly Official 1 years ago
    609. 4914
      Reappearance of the Lake-Style Sword Intent 1 years ago
    610. 4915
      400 Immortals With One Sword Strike 1 years ago
    611. 4916
      Fighting a Grand Yan Immortal Again 1 years ago
    612. 4917
      Great Battle 1 years ago
    613. 4918
      Ambush 1 years ago
    614. 4919
      The Prince Arrives Personally 1 years ago
    615. 4920
      Fighting Again 1 years ago
    616. 4921
      Blue Feather Bell 1 years ago
    617. 4922
      The True Shadow of the Emperor Arrives 1 years ago
    618. 4923
      Confusing 1 years ago
    619. 4924
      Returning to the Battlefield 1 years ago
    620. 4925
      Killing Prince Yu 1 years ago
    621. 4926
      The Arrival of the Emperor 1 years ago
    622. 4927
      Sealed and Grounded 1 years ago
    623. 4928
      Exiled to the Endless Sea 1 years ago
    624. 4929
      Unable to Break Through Again 1 years ago
    625. 4930
      Entering the Endless Sea 1 years ago
    626. 4931
      Ranch of the Exiled (1) 1 years ago
    627. 4932
      Ranch of the Exiled (2) 1 years ago
    628. 4933
      Ranch of the Exiled (3) 1 years ago
    629. 4934
      The Old Shepherd 1 years ago
    630. 4935
      Four Grand Yan Immortals 1 years ago
    631. 4936
      Slash One, Slash Two 1 years ago
    632. 4937
      All Fallen 1 years ago
    633. 4938
      Fighting the Ten Great Yan Immortals 1 years ago
    634. 4939
      Heavily Injured and Dying 1 years ago
    635. 4940
      Bian Ziyuan 1 years ago
    636. 4941
      An Unforeseen Change 1 years ago
    637. 4942
      Imperial City 1 years ago
    638. 4943
      The Son of the Emperor 1 years ago
    639. 4944
      The Fight in the Giant Hall 1 years ago
    640. 4945
      Countless Immortal Bones, the Blood River 1 years ago
    641. 4946
      Kill a Path of Blood 1 years ago
    642. 4947
      Pot-Bellied Buddha 1 years ago
    643. 4948
      Sword Dao Emperor 1 years ago
    644. 4949
      I Come From the Heaven-Reaching Buddhist Realm 1 years ago
    645. 4950
      Army of Death Immortals 1 years ago
    646. 4951
      Swordsman 1 years ago
    647. 4952
      Jiang Li and Yan Fan (1) 1 years ago
    648. 4953
      Jiang Li and Yan Fan (2) 1 years ago
    649. 4954
      A Battle With a Sword Immortal 1 years ago
    650. 4955
      Do You Want to Become a Disciple? 1 years ago
    651. 4956
      Ruins of the Ancient Heavenly Court 1 years ago
    652. 4957
      Emperor Zhen Wu 1 years ago
    653. 4958
      Leaving the White Bone Path 1 years ago
    654. 4959
      Caught in a Bloody Battle 1 years ago
    655. 4960
      Battling in the Heavenly Hall 1 years ago
    656. 4961
      Three Great Daos, Transcending Self 1 years ago
    657. 4962
      Defeating Bian Ziyuan 1 years ago
    658. 4963
      Sword Immortal Appears 1 years ago
    659. 4964
      The Change of the Black Bead 1 years ago
    660. 4965
      The Might of the Black Bead 1 years ago
    661. 4966
      New Masters Accompanying 1 years ago
    662. 4967
      Your Vision Is Too Narrow 1 years ago
    663. 4968
      Gui Yue Immortal Palace 1 years ago
    664. 4969
      Old Friend 1 years ago
    665. 4970
      Disciple Against Disciple 1 years ago
    666. 4971
      The Bet Between Sword Immortals 1 years ago
    667. 4972
      The Sword Strike Shook the Immortal Palace 1 years ago
    668. 4973
      Chaos Origin Sealess Fruit 1 years ago
    669. 4974
      Chaotic Origin Sealess Domain 1 years ago
    670. 4975
      Immortal Remains Land 1 years ago
    671. 4976
      Di Qing's Whereabouts 1 years ago
    672. 4977
      Jiang Youxing 1 years ago
    673. 4978
      All-Encompassing Illusionary Realm 1 years ago
    674. 4979
      Stealing the Dao Fruit 1 years ago
    675. 4980
      Fu Yao 1 years ago
    676. 4981
      Prisoner 1 years ago
    677. 4982
      The City of Exile 1 years ago
    678. 4983
      Pursuit 12 months ago
    679. 4984
      Wushuang Sword Strike 12 months ago
    680. 4985
      The Black Cloud Controlling the Fate of an Emperor 12 months ago
    681. 4986
      All Things Are Suffering 12 months ago
    682. 4987
      Battle 12 months ago
    683. 4988
      I'm Here 12 months ago
    684. 4989
      The Battle of Emperor-To-Be 12 months ago
    685. 4990
      The Fall 12 months ago
    686. 4991
      The Emperor's Fury 12 months ago
    687. 4992
      Destroying Everything 12 months ago
    688. 4993
      Emperor! Emperor! 12 months ago
    689. 4994
      Pulling Out the Emperor's Bone 12 months ago
    690. 4995
      Emperor-To-Be Self-Destruct 12 months ago
    691. 4996
      Divine Thought Revival 12 months ago
    692. 4997
      Great Chaos 12 months ago
    693. 4998
      Super Heavenly Continent 11 months ago
    694. 4999
      Third and Fifth Heaven 11 months ago
    695. 5000
      Yu Yao 11 months ago
    696. 5001
      The Sword Immortals from Ten Hua Years Ago 11 months ago
    697. 5002
      The Immortals Lords Are Working Together 11 months ago
    698. 5003
      Galaxia Immortal Array 11 months ago
    699. 5004
      The Change of the Immortal Array 11 months ago
    700. 5005
      Burying Themselves in the Core of the Array 11 months ago
    701. 5006
      The Change of Yu Yao 11 months ago
    702. 5007
      Emperor-To-Be Yu Yao 11 months ago
    703. 5008
      The Death of Dao 11 months ago
    704. 5009
      Black Cloud, Black Cloud 11 months ago
    705. 5010
      Meeting on a Narrow Road 11 months ago
    706. 5011
      Battle Between Emperors 11 months ago
    707. 5012
      Nightmare Reappears 11 months ago
    708. 5013
      The Returning Sword Strike 11 months ago
    709. 5014
      The Arrival of the Emperor 11 months ago
    710. 5015
      Destroying Yu Yao With a Single Sword Strike 11 months ago
    711. 5016
      Another Emperor Bone 11 months ago
    712. 5017
      The True Liu Ya Heavenly Emperor Runes 11 months ago
    713. 5018
      The Final Battle at the Heavenly Gates 11 months ago
    714. 5019
      The Giant Beast and the Old Shepherd 11 months ago
    715. 5020
      Heavenly Gate Shattered 11 months ago
    716. 5021
      Yu Chang Appears 11 months ago
    717. 5022
      Continue the Battle From Ten Hua Years Ago 11 months ago
    718. 5023
      Six Sun True Emperor's Eyes 11 months ago
    719. 5024
      Yu Chang Is Also an Emperor 11 months ago
    720. 5025
      Leaving 11 months ago
    721. 5026
      Little World Mountain 11 months ago
    722. 5027
      Physique of Endurance 11 months ago
    723. 5028
      The Sky Filled With Giants 11 months ago
    724. 5029
      Ten Thousand Years in a Flash 11 months ago
    725. 5030
      Qing Shan Is Not as Good as Jian Wushuang 11 months ago
    726. 5031
      Outstanding 11 months ago
    727. 5032
      Desolation 11 months ago
    728. 5033
      Battle in the Desolation 11 months ago
    729. 5034
      Defeat 11 months ago
    730. 5035
      Annihilation 11 months ago
    731. 5036
      Sealed Indefinitely 11 months ago
    732. 5037
      Chang Ling 11 months ago
    733. 5038
      Meeting the Young Emperor 11 months ago
    734. 5039
      Strong Feelings 11 months ago
    735. 5040
      Entering Desolation 11 months ago
    736. 5041
      The Beast in the Prison 11 months ago
    737. 5042
      Boy With the Green Bull 11 months ago
    738. 5043
      Crossing the Heavenly River 11 months ago
    739. 5044
      Canghai Bracelet 11 months ago
    740. 5045
      Wandering for Ten Thousand Years 11 months ago
    741. 5046
      Eternal Wushuang 11 months ago
    742. 5047
      An Unbelievable Price 11 months ago
    743. 5048
      Tit-For-Tat 11 months ago
    744. 5049
      The Master Behind the Scenes 11 months ago
    745. 5050
      Slaughter in the Void 11 months ago
    746. 5051
      Reunion 11 months ago
    747. 5052
      The Night Will Come 11 months ago
    748. 5053
      Blood 11 months ago
    749. 5054
      Strange Change 11 months ago
    750. 5055
      Blood Mirror World 11 months ago
    751. 5056
      Sword Against Mirror 11 months ago
    752. 5057
      Directly Entering Shangjun Sect 11 months ago
    753. 5058
      Gathering of the Elders 11 months ago
    754. 5059
      Breaking the Sect With a Single Sword Strike 11 months ago
    755. 5060
      The True Eye Appears 11 months ago
    756. 5061
      Killing 11 months ago
    757. 5062
      Two Jian Wushuang 11 months ago
    758. 5063
      Prism Mirror True Eyes 11 months ago
    759. 5064
      The Arrival of Uncle Yu 11 months ago
    760. 5065
      Opportunity to Transcend to the Grand Yan Immortal Cultivation Realm 11 months ago
    761. 5066
      The Heaven-Patterned Bone Armor 11 months ago
    762. 5067
      Preparing Before Leaving 11 months ago
    763. 5068
      Concealed Kill 11 months ago
    764. 5069
      A Man with a Passionate Heart 11 months ago
    765. 5070
      Entering the Dust 11 months ago
    766. 5071
      The Sloppy Old Daoist 11 months ago
    767. 5072
      Birth 11 months ago
    768. 5073
      Pre-Ambush 11 months ago
    769. 5074
      Twenty Quasi-Grand Yan Immortals 11 months ago
    770. 5075
      The Reappearance of Changfu 11 months ago
    771. 5076
      Accidental Encounter 11 months ago
    772. 5077
      Sword and Mountain 11 months ago
    773. 5078
      Sword Tomb 11 months ago
    774. 5079
      Yu 11 months ago
    775. 5080
      The Immortal Guarding the Pass 11 months ago
    776. 5081
      Meeting the Divine Craftsman 11 months ago
    777. 5082
      Destined by the Heavenly Dao 11 months ago
    778. 5083
      Decipher the Heaven-Patterned Bone Armor 11 months ago
    779. 5084
      A Strange Arrival 11 months ago
    780. 5085
      Black Robe! Black Robe! 11 months ago
    781. 5086
      Great Supreme 11 months ago
    782. 5087
      Chaos 11 months ago
    783. 5088
      The Supreme Battle (1) 10 months ago
    784. 5089
      The Supreme Battle (2) 10 months ago
    785. 5090
      Resurrection After Annihilation 10 months ago
    786. 5091
      Strike While the Opponent Was Vulnerable 10 months ago
    787. 5092
      Sword Spirit 10 months ago
    788. 5093
      Crushing 10 months ago
    789. 5094
      Indestructible 10 months ago
    790. 5095
      Guardian of the Secret Text 10 months ago
    791. 5096
      People From the Heavenly Court 10 months ago
    792. 5097
      Take Them All Away 10 months ago
    793. 5098
      Gathering in the Heavenly Court 10 months ago
    794. 5099
      What’s His Origin? 10 months ago
    795. 5100
      You Don’t Belong to This Era 10 months ago
    796. 5101
      Bricklaying in the Great Desolate Wilderness (1) 10 months ago
    797. 5102
      Bricklaying in the Great Desolate Wilderness (2) 10 months ago
    798. 5103
      Start Bricklaying 10 months ago
    799. 5104
      Repairing the Boundary Barrier 10 months ago
    800. 5105
      Digging Out a Disaster 10 months ago
    801. 5106
      The Enemy of the Past 10 months ago
    802. 5107
      Battling in the Great Desolate Wilderness 10 months ago
    803. 5108
      Young Samanera 10 months ago
    804. 5109
      The Monks Enter the Border 10 months ago
    805. 5110
      Bloody Battle in the Great Desolate Wilderness (1) 10 months ago
    806. 5111
      Bloody Battle in the Great Desolate Wilderness (2) 10 months ago
    807. 5112
      Remnant Glimmer of Light 10 months ago
    808. 5113
      Eliminating a Rank Revolutions Warrior 10 months ago
    809. 5114
      The Great Army of the Past 10 months ago
    810. 5115
      This Is Great Freedom 10 months ago
    811. 5116
      Battle of Breakout (1) 10 months ago
    812. 5117
      Battle of Breakout (2) 10 months ago
    813. 5118
      Battle of Breakout (3) 10 months ago
    814. 5119
      Stone Axe 10 months ago
    815. 5120
      Breaking Through the Cage 10 months ago
    816. 5121
      Breakthrough 10 months ago
    817. 5122
      Splitting Sky 10 months ago
    818. 5123
      Leaving 10 months ago
    819. 5124
      Feast 10 months ago
    820. 5125
      Mastery of the Ultimate Dao 10 months ago
    821. 5126
      Return to the Battlefield 10 months ago
    822. 5127
      The Power of Thought 10 months ago
    823. 5128
      One Thought Universe 10 months ago
    824. 5129
      Prototype 10 months ago
    825. 5130
      Zhen Wuyang Arrives 10 months ago
    826. 5131
      Qishen 10 months ago
    827. 5132
      Various Forces 10 months ago
    828. 5133
      The Emperors' Strength 10 months ago
    829. 5134
      Vitality 10 months ago
    830. 5135
      Entering the Dao 10 months ago
    831. 5136
      Leaping Through Cultivation Levels in OneStep 10 months ago
    832. 5137
      Controller of the Great Desolate 10 months ago
    833. 5138
      Ancient Era's Secret Text 10 months ago
    834. 5139
      Three Great Daos 10 months ago
    835. 5140
      Leave the Rest to Me 10 months ago
    836. 5141
      The Emperors Appear 10 months ago
    837. 5142
      Another Heartwood 10 months ago
    838. 5143
      Fighting Against Foreign Enemies Together 10 months ago
    839. 5144
      Discussion 10 months ago
    840. 5145
      Battle of the Emperors 10 months ago
    841. 5146
      Emperor's Fall 10 months ago
    842. 5147
      Talk? 10 months ago
    843. 5148
      Daogong, You Are as Stupid as Before 10 months ago
    844. 5149
      The Extraordinary Phenomenon, Emperor’s Fall 10 months ago
    845. 5150
      Eternal Tower 10 months ago
    846. 5151
      Growing Sprites 10 months ago
    847. 5152
      Spirit Guardian 10 months ago
    848. 5153
      Together 10 months ago
    849. 5154
      You Don’t Even Care About Your Face 10 months ago
    850. 5155
      Cunning Chishui 10 months ago
    851. 5156
      Take Sides 10 months ago
    852. 5157
      The Fall of Daogong 10 months ago
    853. 5158
      Looking at the History of the Extinction of the Ancient Era 10 months ago
    854. 5159
      Universe Deity-Demon List 10 months ago
    855. 5160
      Ranking 10 months ago
    856. 5161
      A Big Deal 10 months ago
    857. 5162
      Dao Merge 10 months ago
    858. 5163
      Devour the Void 10 months ago
    859. 5164
      Millions in One Leap 10 months ago
    860. 5165
      To Die and Then to Live 10 months ago
    861. 5166
      Standing on the Wrong Side 10 months ago
    862. 5167
      A Storm Is Brewing 10 months ago
    863. 5168
      The Trial Begins 10 months ago
    864. 5169
      Cruel Rules 10 months ago
    865. 5170
      But You’ve Been Hooked 10 months ago
    866. 5171
      Transcendent Innate Treasure 10 months ago
    867. 5172
      Luo Hao, the Prince of the Daluo Realm 10 months ago
    868. 5173
      Brother Wushuang, It’s Too Much! 10 months ago
    869. 5174
      God-Emperor Mo Long 10 months ago
    870. 5175
      Delaying Each Other 10 months ago
    871. 5176
      Give Me Face 10 months ago
    872. 5177
      Which Family Doesn’t Have an Emperor Stage Expert? 10 months ago
    873. 5178
      You’re Being Very Disrespectful 9 months ago
    874. 5179
      Fated to Be an Emperor 9 months ago
    875. 5180
      Bait Succeed 9 months ago
    876. 5181
      Once and for All 9 months ago
    877. 5182
      Luo Hao's End 9 months ago
    878. 5183
      Fall In Madness 9 months ago
    879. 5184
      What Else Would We Do 9 months ago
    880. 5185
      Do You Think You Can Do Whatever You Want Just Because You Have Many Treasures? 9 months ago
    881. 5186
      Blood Jade Palace 9 months ago
    882. 5187
      Mi Luo 9 months ago
    883. 5188
      15 Million 9 months ago
    884. 5189
      The Wind Blows 9 months ago
    885. 5190
      Devour 9 months ago
    886. 5191
      Forbidden Demon Lord and Qishen 9 months ago
    887. 5192
      Swear 9 months ago
    888. 5193
      Eye of the Beast God 9 months ago
    889. 5194
      Ranking 9 months ago
    890. 5195
      Transcendent Immortal Formation 9 months ago
    891. 5196
      Feather Continent 9 months ago
    892. 5197
      Dao Lord 9 months ago
    893. 5198
      Dao Lord Wan Xing 9 months ago
    894. 5199
      Monster Monk 9 months ago
    895. 5200
      Ren Yinjiu 9 months ago
    896. 5201
      The End of Nine Revolutions 9 months ago
    897. 5202
      Interception 9 months ago
    898. 5203
      Be Exposed 9 months ago
    899. 5204
      I Have to Pay Back 9 months ago
    900. 5205
      No Fighting Spirit 9 months ago
    901. 5206
      Origin Source Change 9 months ago
    902. 5207
      Change in the Original Planet 9 months ago
    903. 5208
      You Can Live! 9 months ago
    904. 5209
      Universe Secret Technique 9 months ago
    905. 5210
      Shang 9 months ago
    906. 5211
      One Man Shaking Ten Thousand Immortals 9 months ago
    907. 5212
      My Son’s Ranking Is a Little Low 9 months ago
    908. 5213
      Evil Existence 9 months ago
    909. 5214
      Not Very Close 9 months ago
    910. 5215
      Chishui’s Doubts 9 months ago
    911. 5216
      Unlucky Wu Zuo 9 months ago
    912. 5217
      I’m Tianji, My Opportunities Are Limitless 9 months ago
    913. 5218
      Tianji’s Manifestation 9 months ago
    914. 5219
      Red Girl 9 months ago
    915. 5220
      Meet Again 9 months ago
    916. 5221
      Bride Theft 9 months ago
    917. 5222
      Deadly Trap 9 months ago
    918. 5223
      Remembrance 9 months ago
    919. 5224
      Five Against One Is Bullying 9 months ago
    920. 5225
      Ice Crystal Phoenix 9 months ago
    921. 5226
      The Mighty Hu Qing 9 months ago
    922. 5227
      Karmic Lines 9 months ago
    923. 5228
      The Aura of an Emperor? 9 months ago
    924. 5229
      Key 9 months ago
    925. 5230
      Universe Treasure 9 months ago
    926. 5231
      Stop! 9 months ago
    927. 5232
      The Power of Profound Techniques 9 months ago
    928. 5233
      Congratulations 9 months ago
    929. 5234
      He’s a Nine Revolutions? 9 months ago
    930. 5235
      Qiuhuang City 9 months ago
    931. 5236
      Succeeded 9 months ago
    932. 5237
      Cage 9 months ago
    933. 5238
      A Cowardly Act 9 months ago
    934. 5239
      Inheritance Trial 9 months ago
    935. 5240
      The Haggard God-Emperor Mo Long 9 months ago
    936. 5241
      The Battle for Position 9 months ago
    937. 5242
      Killing All With One Hit 9 months ago
    938. 5243
      Give Way? 9 months ago
    939. 5244
      One Breath, Ten Million 9 months ago
    940. 5245
      Perfect Record 9 months ago
    941. 5246
      Treasure Hall 9 months ago
    942. 5247
      A Suitable Treasure 9 months ago
    943. 5248
      Spatial Treasure 9 months ago
    944. 5249
      Beast God Weapons 9 months ago
    945. 5250
      Madness 9 months ago
    946. 5251
      Why Bother? 9 months ago
    947. 5252
      Breaking a Million With a Single Sword Strike 9 months ago
    948. 5253
      The Eightfold Cloud Dragon Seal Is Gone? 9 months ago
    949. 5254
      One of the Emperors, I’m the Fastest 9 months ago
    950. 5255
      The Limits of the Physical Body 9 months ago
    951. 5256
      Extreme Combat Ability 9 months ago
    952. 5257
      The Secret of the Beast God Weapons 9 months ago
    953. 5258
      I Have No Reason Not to Fight 9 months ago
    954. 5259
      Si Tian’s Unwillingness 9 months ago
    955. 5260
      The Chosen One 9 months ago
    956. 5261
      Heavenly Emperor Wan Xing’s True Combat Strength 9 months ago
    957. 5262
      Going and Staying 9 months ago
    958. 5263
      A-Rank 9 months ago
    959. 5264
      This Is a Rebellion 9 months ago
    960. 5265
      Tragic 9 months ago
    961. 5266
      Surrounded by Demons 9 months ago
    962. 5267
      Who Is in Favor, and Who Is Against? 9 months ago
    963. 5268
      Migration 8 months ago
    964. 5269
      Mo Long Has Fallen 8 months ago
    965. 5270
      One Thought Universe, Explode! 8 months ago
    966. 5271
      Was Being Weak a Sin? 8 months ago
    967. 5272
      The Weak Have No Right to Choose 8 months ago
    968. 5273
      Ancient Recipe 8 months ago
    969. 5274
      Abyss Flower 8 months ago
    970. 5275
      Ten Thousand Years 8 months ago
    971. 5276
      Been Discovered 8 months ago
    972. 5277
      Shan Jun 8 months ago
    973. 5278
      Recover the Divine Body 8 months ago
    974. 5279
      10,000-Fold Divine Body 8 months ago
    975. 5280
      Fish Meat’s Buff 8 months ago
    976. 5281
      The Strength of One Bull 8 months ago
    977. 5282
      Golden Patterns 8 months ago
    978. 5283
      Fighting Tiger King! 8 months ago
    979. 5284
      First Refinement 8 months ago
    980. 5285
      Rebuilding the Body 8 months ago
    981. 5286
      Offeror 8 months ago
    982. 5287
      Dragon-Lock Veins 8 months ago
    983. 5288
      Sixth Refinement Completed 8 months ago
    984. 5289
      At the Fifth Layer 8 months ago
    985. 5290
      Each Calculating 8 months ago
    986. 5291
      Reverse 8 months ago
    987. 5292
      Keep Refining 8 months ago
    988. 5293
      Breakthrough!!! 8 months ago
    989. 5294
      Imprison 8 months ago
    990. 5295
      Power of All Things 8 months ago
    991. 5296
      Time Origin Source 8 months ago
    992. 5297
      Heaven's Punishment Sword Strike 8 months ago
    993. 5298
      The Second Prison 8 months ago
    994. 5299
      Yuanyang Lake 8 months ago
    995. 5300
      Northern Region 8 months ago
    996. 5301
      End of Life 8 months ago
    997. 5302
      One Eye 8 months ago
    998. 5303
      Tenth Refinement 8 months ago
    999. 5304
      Day After Tomorrow 8 months ago
    1000. 5305
      Ancient Sects 8 months ago
    1001. 5306
      Godstone 8 months ago
    1002. 5307
      Master Lie Huo 8 months ago
    1003. 5308
      Shangqing Palace 8 months ago
    1004. 5309
      Time, fate 8 months ago
    1005. 5310
      Grave God Mountain 8 months ago
    1006. 5311
      Reverse Time and Space 8 months ago
    1007. 5312
      Watching the Tide 8 months ago
    1008. 5313
      Take the Sword 8 months ago
    1009. 5314
      Tianmo Sect 8 months ago
    1010. 5315
      Reward 8 months ago
    1011. 5316
      Extinct Treasure 8 months ago
    1012. 5317
      Six-Armed Heavenly Demon 8 months ago
    1013. 5318
      Elder Jiu Jian’s Determination 8 months ago
    1014. 5319
      Dream Sword Fairy 8 months ago
    1015. 5320
      Bai Junwang 8 months ago
    1016. 5321
      The Father Is Noble Because of His Son 8 months ago
    1017. 5322
      A Promise? 8 months ago
    1018. 5323
      Tansformation Path 8 months ago
    1019. 5324
      Shocking Change! 8 months ago
    1020. 5325
      Quickly Return 8 months ago
    1021. 5326
      Fleeing 8 months ago
    1022. 5327
      The Elder Palace Is Mobilized 8 months ago
    1023. 5328
      Guangmu Tianzun 8 months ago
    1024. 5329
      Out of the Mountain 8 months ago
    1025. 5330
      You Think I’m Scared 8 months ago
    1026. 5331
      Entering Beishan City 8 months ago
    1027. 5332
      Teleportation Formation Sealed 8 months ago
    1028. 5333
      Kill the Emperor 8 months ago
    1029. 5334
      Shocking Battle 8 months ago
    1030. 5335
      Take My Punch 8 months ago
    1031. 5336
      Domain of Extreme Cold 8 months ago
    1032. 5337
      Conflict 8 months ago
    1033. 5338
      Future 8 months ago
    1034. 5339
      Election 8 months ago
    1035. 5340
      Chess Player 8 months ago
    1036. 5341
      Ending 8 months ago
    1037. 5342
      New Beginning 8 months ago
    1038. 5343
      Little Girl 8 months ago
    1039. 5344
      The Treasure Has Arrived 8 months ago
    1040. 5345
      Firefox Palace 8 months ago
    1041. 5346
      It Was Actually Him! 8 months ago
    1042. 5347
      Jiang Shang 8 months ago
    1043. 5348
      Eavesdrop 8 months ago
    1044. 5349
      Kill the Emperor 8 months ago
    1045. 5350
      I Bet Five Million 8 months ago
    1046. 5351
      Conspiracy? 8 months ago
    1047. 5352
      Limitless! 8 months ago
    1048. 5353
      You're Not Him 8 months ago
    1049. 5354
      Xuanyuan Five Tigers 8 months ago
    1050. 5355
      100 Million 8 months ago
    1051. 5356
      Too Rich 8 months ago
    1052. 5357
      The Xuanyuan Family’s Treasure Vault 8 months ago
    1053. 5358
      Recruit People at Sky-High Prices 8 months ago
    1054. 5359
      Brother's Aura 8 months ago
    1055. 5360
      Huge Wealth 8 months ago
    1056. 5361
      Discussion 8 months ago
    1057. 5362
      National Warfare? 8 months ago
    1058. 5363
      Auction Began 8 months ago
    1059. 5364
      The Complete Heavenly Demonic Power 8 months ago
    1060. 5365
      Nine Levels of the Divine Body 7 months ago
    1061. 5366
      Spirit of Grass and Wood 7 months ago
    1062. 5367
      Spiritual Sense? 7 months ago
    1063. 5368
      Long Yi Moves Out 7 months ago
    1064. 5369
      The Price of the Boundless Ice Corpse 7 months ago
    1065. 5370
      Wind Beast God 7 months ago
    1066. 5371
      Forced to Sell One’s Body 7 months ago
    1067. 5372
      Extreme Dao Breakthrough 7 months ago
    1068. 5373
      Is the Map Genuine? 7 months ago
    1069. 5374
      Wuliang Buddha's Strength 7 months ago
    1070. 5375
      The Quota for the Forest of Eternal Secrets 7 months ago
    1071. 5376
      Long Yi Descends 7 months ago
    1072. 5377
      The Nalan Family Is Gone 7 months ago
    1073. 5378
      Gold Beast God! 7 months ago
    1074. 5379
      Looking Back, I’ve Reached the Peak 7 months ago
    1075. 5380
      Ancestral Temple 7 months ago
    1076. 5381
      Death Crisis 7 months ago
    1077. 5382
      Break Through Again 7 months ago
    1078. 5383
      Yang Sanmu 7 months ago
    1079. 5384
      Dog Emperor 7 months ago
    1080. 5385
      Shen Ling and Zhen Ling 7 months ago
    1081. 5386
      Departure 7 months ago
    1082. 5387
      Grand Elder 7 months ago
    1083. 5388
      Change 7 months ago
    1084. 5389
      Battle Formation 7 months ago
    1085. 5390
      Void Crawler 7 months ago
    1086. 5391
      Black Hole 7 months ago
    1087. 5392
      The Army Converged 7 months ago
    1088. 5393
      Poison Pill 7 months ago
    1089. 5394
      Redwood Island 7 months ago
    1090. 5395
      Swirling Sea 7 months ago
    1091. 5396
      Layout 7 months ago
    1092. 5397
      Stellar Pavilion 7 months ago
    1093. 5398
      The Cave Abode 7 months ago
    1094. 5399
      Open the Bronze Door 7 months ago
    1095. 5400
      I’ll Give You 7 months ago
    1096. 5401
      Fourth Prince 7 months ago
    1097. 5402
      Ultimate Supreme Technique 7 months ago
    1098. 5403
      Bloodfall Crystal 7 months ago
    1099. 5404
      Entering the Body 7 months ago
    1100. 5405
      Despair 7 months ago
    1101. 5406
      Emperor Slaughter 7 months ago
    1102. 5407
      Exposed 7 months ago
    1103. 5408
      You Go First 7 months ago
    1104. 5409
      Please 7 months ago
    1105. 5410
      Cut and Thrust 7 months ago
    1106. 5411
      Turtle Spirit Island Lord, Gui Ling 7 months ago
    1107. 5412
      Useless Zhen Wuyang 7 months ago
    1108. 5413
      His Own Nephew? 7 months ago
    1109. 5414
      Battling a Tier 5 Emperor 7 months ago
    1110. 5415
      Suppress, Seal 7 months ago
    1111. 5416
      Friendship 7 months ago
    1112. 5417
      Key 7 months ago
    1113. 5418
      Underwater Beast 7 months ago
    1114. 5419
      You Really Think You’re Human 7 months ago
    1115. 5420
      Show Their Divine Techniques 7 months ago
    1116. 5421
      Law Enforcement Hall Situ Nan 7 months ago
    1117. 5422
      Hu Qing's Chance Encounter 7 months ago
    1118. 5423
      Ancient Battlefield 7 months ago
    1119. 5424
      Risk It All 7 months ago
    1120. 5425
      Tricked 7 months ago
    1121. 5426
      Abandoned Chess Pieces 7 months ago
    1122. 5427
      Dao Merge 7 months ago
    1123. 5428
      Hu Qing's Dao 7 months ago
    1124. 5429
      Zhen Ling's Scheme 7 months ago
    1125. 5430
      Guardians 7 months ago
    1126. 5431
      Slaughter 7 months ago
    1127. 5432
      Stone Steps 7 months ago
    1128. 5433
      Eternal Transformation Pavilion 7 months ago
    1129. 5434
      Chess Game 7 months ago
    1130. 5435
      I Want All of It 7 months ago
    1131. 5436
      Transformation Paths 7 months ago
    1132. 5437
      100,000 Years 7 months ago
    1133. 5438
      Murals 7 months ago
    1134. 5439
      Predicting the Future 7 months ago
    1135. 5440
      Meet Again 7 months ago
    1136. 5441
      Resurrection 7 months ago
    1137. 5442
      Crossing Realms? 7 months ago
    1138. 5443
      War God Gao Da 7 months ago
    1139. 5444
      Fighting a Universe Master 7 months ago
    1140. 5445
      Time Acceleration 7 months ago
    1141. 5446
      You Won 7 months ago
    1142. 5447
      Meeting Xuan Yi Again! 7 months ago
    1143. 5448
      Hundred Weeping Vine 7 months ago
    1144. 5449
      Change 7 months ago
    1145. 5450
      Jueyun Sword 7 months ago
    1146. 5451
      Zheng Ling Finishing Up 7 months ago
    1147. 5452
      Returning to the Heavenly Realm 7 months ago
    1148. 5453
      Guangmu's Recruitment 7 months ago
    1149. 5454
      Luxury 7 months ago
    1150. 5455
      Palace Master Lu Hua 6 months ago
    1151. 5456
      Factionalism 6 months ago
    1152. 5457
      A Suitable Treasure Land 6 months ago
    1153. 5458
      Ten Million Inheritors 6 months ago
    1154. 5459
      Luxury Cave Abode 6 months ago
    1155. 5460
      A Waste 6 months ago
    1156. 5461
      Seclusion 6 months ago
    1157. 5462
      Out of Seclusion 6 months ago
    1158. 5463
      The Master of the Broken Sword 6 months ago
    1159. 5464
      Reached the Top 6 months ago
    1160. 5465
      Divine General 6 months ago
    1161. 5466
      Silver-Armored Guard 6 months ago
    1162. 5467
      Origin Source Recognition 6 months ago
    1163. 5468
      Easily Breaking the Enemy 6 months ago
    1164. 5469
      Lost 6 months ago
    1165. 5470
      Legend 6 months ago
    1166. 5471
      Soul Crossing 6 months ago
    1167. 5472
      Dao Marks 6 months ago
    1168. 5473
      Blood Demon 6 months ago
    1169. 5474
      Golden Bridge of Freedom 6 months ago
    1170. 5475
      Rescued by Someone 6 months ago
    1171. 5476
      The Crooked Tree on the Mountain of Coal 6 months ago
    1172. 5477
      Dine and Dash 6 months ago
    1173. 5478
      Gambling Den 6 months ago
    1174. 5479
      Top Girl 6 months ago
    1175. 5480
      Wanted 6 months ago
    1176. 5481
      This World Is Vast 6 months ago
    1177. 5482
      Leaving 6 months ago
    1178. 5483
      Insult 6 months ago
    1179. 5484
      Calculations 6 months ago
    1180. 5485
      Universe Crystal 6 months ago
    1181. 5486
      Dark King's Dao Image 6 months ago
    1182. 5487
      Dilemma 6 months ago
    1183. 5488
      The Cruel Path 6 months ago
    1184. 5489
      This Is Discrimination 6 months ago
    1185. 5490
      He Had Seen That Scene Before 6 months ago
    1186. 5491
      Broken Mental State 6 months ago
    1187. 5492
      Magma Beast 6 months ago
    1188. 5493
      Praising Each Other 6 months ago
    1189. 5494
      The Gentle Divine General Moyin 6 months ago
    1190. 5495
      Compensation 6 months ago
    1191. 5496
      His Divine Body Reached 50,000-Fold 6 months ago
    1192. 5497
      Awkward 6 months ago
    1193. 5498
      Sarcasm 6 months ago
    1194. 5499
      Beiwang Tower 6 months ago
    1195. 5500
      Wu Zuo's Embarrassment 6 months ago
    1196. 5501
      Ten Percent More? 6 months ago
    1197. 5502
      Shen Ling's Identity 6 months ago
    1198. 5503
      Perfect Plan 6 months ago
    1199. 5504
      Beiwang Tower 6 months ago
    1200. 5505
      I’m Really Going to Be Rich 6 months ago
    1201. 5506
      What Wu Zuo Said Was True 6 months ago
    1202. 5507
      Unprecedented 6 months ago
    1203. 5508
      Latter Is True 6 months ago
    1204. 5509
      Master of All Things 6 months ago
    1205. 5510
      The Power of Life 6 months ago
    1206. 5511
      Zhen Ling Shouldn’t Play Any Tricks 6 months ago
    1207. 5512
      Lu Hua's Struggle 6 months ago
    1208. 5513
      Switched Sides 6 months ago
    1209. 5514
      Within 10,000 Years 6 months ago
    1210. 5515
      Origin Source of All Things 6 months ago
    1211. 5516
      Fimisa 6 months ago
    1212. 5517
      Heart Power 6 months ago
    1213. 5518
      Waiting Anxiously 6 months ago
    1214. 5519
      Set a Plan 6 months ago
    1215. 5520
      Longevity Hall 6 months ago
    1216. 5521
      Devouring the Divine Body 6 months ago
    1217. 5522
      Free Divine Body 6 months ago
    1218. 5523
      Kneel Down 6 months ago
    1219. 5524
      I Really Didn’t Do Anything 6 months ago
    1220. 5525
      Suppress Jian Wushuang 6 months ago
    1221. 5526
      Eternal Calamity Sword Technique, Annihilation 6 months ago
    1222. 5527
      Prison Break 6 months ago
    1223. 5528
      The Big Wedding 6 months ago
    1224. 5529
      Destroy! 6 months ago
    1225. 5530
      Kill Tie San 6 months ago
    1226. 5531
      Bounty Again 6 months ago
    1227. 5532
      Pattern Is Too Small 6 months ago
    1228. 5533
      Have You Ever Been Afraid? 6 months ago
    1229. 5534
      Embark 6 months ago
    1230. 5535
      Qingniao Hall 6 months ago
    1231. 5536
      Deep Wilderness 6 months ago
    1232. 5537
      Demonic Dao Cultivator 6 months ago
    1233. 5538
      The Requirements for Supreme-Peak 6 months ago
    1234. 5539
      Ancient Desolate Dragon 6 months ago
    1235. 5540
      Candle Dragon Bloodline 6 months ago
    1236. 5541
      They’re Being Targeted 6 months ago
    1237. 5542
      Identity 6 months ago
    1238. 5543
      Mine 6 months ago
    1239. 5544
      Iron Blood Suppression 6 months ago
    1240. 5545
      Xiao Family 5 months ago
    1241. 5546
      Poor Man 5 months ago
    1242. 5547
      Wu Shan 5 months ago
    1243. 5548
      Bottom Line 5 months ago
    1244. 5549
      Betrayal 5 months ago
    1245. 5550
      Mysterious Army 5 months ago
    1246. 5551
      Soul Body Experts 5 months ago
    1247. 5552
      Father and Daughter Reuniting 5 months ago
    1248. 5553
      Starry Sky Lineage 5 months ago
    1249. 5554
      Don’t Do Anything, We’re on the Same Side! 5 months ago
    1250. 5555
      Giant God Clan 5 months ago
    1251. 5556
      Set Up a Major Array 5 months ago
    1252. 5557
      The Entanglement of Zhen Ling 5 months ago
    1253. 5558
      Special Life Forms of the God's Tomb 5 months ago
    1254. 5559
      Imprisoned Special Life Forms 5 months ago
    1255. 5560
      Puzzled 5 months ago
    1256. 5561
      The Strongest Race in the Starry Sky 5 months ago
    1257. 5562
      Usurper? 5 months ago
    1258. 5563
      Tribulation Realm 5 months ago
    1259. 5564
      Zhuang Zhong 5 months ago
    1260. 5565
      Main Character 5 months ago
    1261. 5566
      Spies 5 months ago
    1262. 5567
      Actively Promoting Peace 5 months ago
    1263. 5568
      Not Fighting Anymore 5 months ago
    1264. 5569
      Witness 5 months ago
    1265. 5570
      Gu Jun 5 months ago
    1266. 5571
      Terrifying Long Yi 5 months ago
    1267. 5572
      Hu Qing's Strength 5 months ago
    1268. 5573
      Let Him Go 5 months ago
    1269. 5574
      Long Yi Is No Match 5 months ago
    1270. 5575
      Escape 5 months ago
    1271. 5576
      Two Requirements 5 months ago
    1272. 5577
      Human Secret Realm 5 months ago
    1273. 5578
      Sealgate Mountain 5 months ago
    1274. 5579
      Sad Wandering Cultivator 5 months ago
    1275. 5580
      Appearing 5 months ago
    1276. 5581
      Accept Disciples 5 months ago
    1277. 5582
      Causality Lines 5 months ago
    1278. 5583
      Lost Memories 5 months ago
    1279. 5584
      Trace 5 months ago
    1280. 5585
      Death Comes 5 months ago
    1281. 5586
      Cruel 5 months ago
    1282. 5587
      Mie Sheng 5 months ago
    1283. 5588
      True Meaning of Time 5 months ago
    1284. 5589
      I’m Actually a Chess Piece Too 5 months ago
    1285. 5590
      The Meaning of the Dao Merge 5 months ago
    1286. 5591
      The Power of Time 5 months ago
    1287. 5592
      Visitors 5 months ago
    1288. 5593
      To the Great Xia 5 months ago
    1289. 5594
      Terrifying Broly 5 months ago
    1290. 5595
      Heart Blood 5 months ago
    1291. 5596
      Turtle Shell 5 months ago
    1292. 5597
      Peak State 5 months ago
    1293. 5598
      Power of the Starry Sky 5 months ago
    1294. 5599
      Desperate Struggle 5 months ago
    1295. 5600
      The Mighty Broly 5 months ago
    1296. 5601
      All Living Beings Are Chess Pieces 5 months ago
    1297. 5602
      Death Comes 5 months ago
    1298. 5603
      The Tenacity of Life 5 months ago
    1299. 5604
      Return to the Heavenly Realm 5 months ago
    1300. 5605
      Challenging the Beiwang Tower Again 5 months ago
    1301. 5606
      Break! 5 months ago
    1302. 5607
      Invincible Dao Lord 5 months ago
    1303. 5608
      Temple of World Annihilation 5 months ago
    1304. 5609
      Westbound 5 months ago
    1305. 5610
      Qianxing Buddha 5 months ago
    1306. 5611
      Seeing Gong Miaoyi Again 5 months ago
    1307. 5612
      Changes 5 months ago
    1308. 5613
      Future World 5 months ago
    1309. 5614
      No Regrets 5 months ago
    1310. 5615
      Heart Demon 5 months ago
    1311. 5616
      Perfected Dao Heart 5 months ago
    1312. 5617
      Shuttle Time 5 months ago
    1313. 5618
      The Era of High Heavens 5 months ago
    1314. 5619
      Chaotic Star Era 5 months ago
    1315. 5620
      Desolate Emperor, Huang 5 months ago
    1316. 5621
      Dong Jun 5 months ago
    1317. 5622
      Planning for the Future 5 months ago
    1318. 5623
      Mie Sheng's Scheme 5 months ago
    1319. 5624
      Leave 5 months ago
    1320. 5625
      Guti Tree Heart 5 months ago
    1321. 5626
      To the God’s Tomb 5 months ago
    1322. 5627
      Inheritors! 5 months ago
    1323. 5628
      Ji Wushuang 5 months ago
    1324. 5629
      If You Want It, Just Take It! 5 months ago
    1325. 5630
      Undercurrent 5 months ago
    1326. 5631
      Arriving at Grave God Mountain 5 months ago
    1327. 5632
      The First Inheritor 5 months ago
    1328. 5633
      Glory Days 5 months ago
    1329. 5634
      A Secret 5 months ago
    1330. 5635
      Maybe I’m Wrong 4 months ago
    1331. 5636
      Binding 4 months ago
    1332. 5637
      Dao Merge (1) 4 months ago
    1333. 5638
      Dao Merge (2) 4 months ago
    1334. 5639
      Dao Merge (3) 4 months ago
    1335. 5640
      Dao Merge (4) 4 months ago
    1336. 5641
      Ending 4 months ago
    1337. 5642
      The Inheritor of the Grave God Mountain 4 months ago
    1338. 5643
      Open up an Abode 4 months ago
    1339. 5644
      Kill Desolate Beasts 4 months ago
    1340. 5645
      Frost Demon Clan 4 months ago
    1341. 5646
      Gu Sha 4 months ago
    1342. 5647
      Bear Witness! 4 months ago
    1343. 5648
      Hurry Through 4 months ago
    1344. 5649
      Candidates 4 months ago
    1345. 5650
      Culprit 4 months ago
    1346. 5651
      300 Years 4 months ago
    1347. 5652
      Fan Feng 4 months ago
    1348. 5653
      Peeping Into the Cave 4 months ago
    1349. 5654
      Golden Skeleton 4 months ago
    1350. 5655
      Mie Sheng, Dong Jun 4 months ago
    1351. 5656
      The Terror of Divine Power 4 months ago
    1352. 5657
      The Power of the Starry Sky 4 months ago
    1353. 5658
      The Gravestone of Qishen 4 months ago
    1354. 5659
      Parting 4 months ago
    1355. 5660
      Celestial Maiden 4 months ago
    1356. 5661
      Yue Kingdom, Wu Family 4 months ago
    1357. 5662
      Yuchi Mingfeng 4 months ago
    1358. 5663
      Karmic Guidance 4 months ago
    1359. 5664
      Powerful Soul 4 months ago
    1360. 5665
      Reincarnation 4 months ago
    1361. 5666
      Ancestral Patriarch of the Wu Family 4 months ago
    1362. 5667
      Ancient Moon, Jian Wushuang 4 months ago
    1363. 5668
      Ancient Wood Spacetime 4 months ago
    1364. 5669
      Wanliu 4 months ago
    1365. 5670
      You Are an Emperor? 4 months ago
    1366. 5671
      Qingyun Sect 4 months ago
    1367. 5672
      Hundred Flowers Mountain 4 months ago
    1368. 5673
      Harvesting 4 months ago
    1369. 5674
      Mysterious Girl 4 months ago
    1370. 5675
      You’ve Angered Me! 4 months ago
    1371. 5676
      Starry Sky Sword Intent 4 months ago
    1372. 5677
      Pang De 4 months ago
    1373. 5678
      Birthday 4 months ago
    1374. 5679
      The Grand Princess‘ Secret 4 months ago
    1375. 5680
      Gift 4 months ago
    1376. 5681
      Holy Assembly Quota 4 months ago
    1377. 5682
      Clever Name 4 months ago
    1378. 5683
      Ended 4 months ago
    1379. 5684
      The Loss of Vitality 4 months ago
    1380. 5685
      Shi Jiu 4 months ago
    1381. 5686
      It’s Not Up to You 4 months ago
    1382. 5687
      Shi Jiu's Strength 4 months ago
    1383. 5688
      There’s Still a Chance 4 months ago
    1384. 5689
      Jian Wushuang Steps Onto the Stage 4 months ago
    1385. 5690
      Peak Duel (1) 4 months ago
    1386. 5691
      Peak Duel (2) 4 months ago
    1387. 5692
      Peak Duel (3) 4 months ago
    1388. 5693
      Peak Duel (4) 4 months ago
    1389. 5694
      Peak Duel (5) 4 months ago
    1390. 5695
      Peak Duel (6) 4 months ago
    1391. 5696
      Ended 4 months ago
    1392. 5697
      Make Complaints 4 months ago
    1393. 5698
      Propose 4 months ago
    1394. 5699
      Inquiry 4 months ago
    1395. 5700
      Tracking 4 months ago
    1396. 5701
      Being Remembered 4 months ago
    1397. 5702
      Babidi 4 months ago
    1398. 5703
      Set Up 4 months ago
    1399. 5704
      Profound Plan 4 months ago
    1400. 5705
      Are You Threatening Me? 4 months ago
    1401. 5706
      Five Tribulation Realm Expert, Dylan 4 months ago
    1402. 5707
      Blue Jian Wushuang 4 months ago
    1403. 5708
      Babidi's Plan 4 months ago
    1404. 5709
      Despair and Death 4 months ago
    1405. 5710
      The Power of Life Was Exposed 4 months ago
    1406. 5711
      Fear in the Heart 4 months ago
    1407. 5712
      Hu Qing's Illusion 4 months ago
    1408. 5713
      Hu Qing Killed Jiang Shang? 4 months ago
    1409. 5714
      Destined Duel 4 months ago
    1410. 5715
      Sword and Shield 4 months ago
    1411. 5716
      The Ancients Had No Road 4 months ago
    1412. 5717
      Giant God Egg 4 months ago
    1413. 5718
      Yongheng Blood Sacrifice 4 months ago
    1414. 5719
      The Mysterious Man Behind Wu LI 4 months ago
    1415. 5720
      Mouth Is Full 4 months ago
    1416. 5721
      Hun Tian’s Terror 4 months ago
    1417. 5722
      Die Together 4 months ago
    1418. 5723
      Chi Jiuxiao 4 months ago
    1419. 5724
      Hidden 4 months ago
    1420. 5725
      The Last Practice 3 months ago
    1421. 5726
      Peak of Divine Power 3 months ago
    1422. 5727
      Dong Jun’s Strength 3 months ago
    1423. 5728
      The Chess Piece “Zibai” 3 months ago
    1424. 5729
      Recalling the Past 3 months ago
    1425. 5730
      Eldest Prince Lu Chen 3 months ago
    1426. 5731
      Extremely Reserved 3 months ago
    1427. 5732
      Break the Enemy in One Move 3 months ago
    1428. 5733
      Bridal Escort Team 3 months ago
    1429. 5734
      Fan Feng Attacks 3 months ago
    1430. 5735
      Proud Fan Tianfeng 3 months ago
    1431. 5736
      Defeating Fan Tianfeng 3 months ago
    1432. 5737
      What Are You Doing? 3 months ago
    1433. 5738
      Chen Family 3 months ago
    1434. 5739
      The Chen Family Fell 3 months ago
    1435. 5740
      Marquis 3 months ago
    1436. 5741
      The Matter Between the Empress and the Country Ruler 3 months ago
    1437. 5742
      Daughter Kingdom 3 months ago
    1438. 5743
      Origin Stone Mountain 3 months ago
    1439. 5744
      New Discoveries 3 months ago
    1440. 5745
      Strange Life 3 months ago
    1441. 5746
      Double Divine Power 3 months ago
    1442. 5747
      Dark Heaven Expert 3 months ago
    1443. 5748
      Big Shot 3 months ago
    1444. 5749
      The Ruler of Daughter Kingdom 3 months ago
    1445. 5750
      The Gentle Ruler 3 months ago
    1446. 5751
      Opportunity 3 months ago
    1447. 5752
      Pointing 3 months ago
    1448. 5753
      A Flower Withers, a Flower Blooms 3 months ago
    1449. 5754
      Mistake 3 months ago
    1450. 5755
      Super Dylan 3 months ago
    1451. 5756
      Marquis to the Rescue 3 months ago
    1452. 5757
      Black Heaven, Ye Clan’s “Ye Yunxiao” 3 months ago
    1453. 5758
      Fallen Xue Dao 3 months ago
    1454. 5759
      General's Armor 3 months ago
    1455. 5760
      Pink Meatball 3 months ago
    1456. 5761
      Sword Immortal Tonghe 3 months ago
    1457. 5762
      Dark Brilliance Crystal 3 months ago
    1458. 5763
      Li Ming'er 3 months ago
    1459. 5764
      Fan Tianfeng? 3 months ago
    1460. 5765
      Never Forgotten 3 months ago
    1461. 5766
      You Should Cherish It! 3 months ago
    1462. 5767
      You Can’t Live off Women 3 months ago
    1463. 5768
      Puppets 3 months ago
    1464. 5769
      Battle of Limits (1) 3 months ago
    1465. 5770
      Battle of Limits (2) 3 months ago
    1466. 5771
      Battle of Limits (3) 3 months ago
    1467. 5772
      Battle of Limits (4) 3 months ago
    1468. 5773
      Battle of Limits (5) 3 months ago
    1469. 5774
      Battle of Limits (6) 3 months ago
    1470. 5775
      Hunting Time 3 months ago
    1471. 5776
      Primordial Stones 3 months ago
    1472. 5777
      Supreme Law Rules 3 months ago
    1473. 5778
      Monster's Growth 3 months ago
    1474. 5779
      Mysterious Auction 3 months ago
    1475. 5780
      No Need To Work Too Hard 3 months ago
    1476. 5781
      Sky Lantern 3 months ago
    1477. 5782
      Worldly Desires 3 months ago
    1478. 5783
      Shy in the Pocket 3 months ago
    1479. 5784
      Nine Tribulations Tower 3 months ago
    1480. 5785
      Shi Xiu’s Tyrannical Ways 3 months ago
    1481. 5786
      Auction of Life Power 3 months ago
    1482. 5787
      Fan Tianfeng's Price 3 months ago
    1483. 5788
      Seize 3 months ago
    1484. 5789
      Ancient Monastery 3 months ago
    1485. 5790
      Yuan Blank (1) 3 months ago
    1486. 5791
      Yuan Blank (2) 3 months ago
    1487. 5792
      Yuan Blank (3) 3 months ago
    1488. 5793
      His Best Work 3 months ago
    1489. 5794
      Disappeared 3 months ago
    1490. 5795
      Refining the Ancient Monastery Jade Urn 3 months ago
    1491. 5796
      Entering the Nine Tribulations Tower 3 months ago
    1492. 5797
      Can't Touch? 3 months ago
    1493. 5798
      Dual Sword Slash 3 months ago
    1494. 5799
      Weiss 3 months ago
    1495. 5800
      Sacred Assembly Arrives 3 months ago
    1496. 5801
      Division of Teams 3 months ago
    1497. 5802
      Sixteen Kingdoms and Secret Realms 3 months ago
    1498. 5803
      Ancient Wood Holy Land 3 months ago
    1499. 5804
      The Four Great Candidates 3 months ago
    1500. 5805
      Soul Shocking Vine 3 months ago
    1501. 5806
      Celestial Wolf Tribe Expert 3 months ago
    1502. 5807
      One Slash at the Throat 3 months ago
    1503. 5808
      Special Mission 3 months ago
    1504. 5809
      Despair 3 months ago
    1505. 5810
      Pre-Scouting Map 3 months ago
    1506. 5811
      Celestial Wolf Under the Demonic Moon 3 months ago
    1507. 5812
      Needle Against Awn 3 months ago
    1508. 5813
      Three Quake Universe 3 months ago
    1509. 5814
      Ancient River 3 months ago
    1510. 5815
      Run, Run, Run! 3 months ago
    1511. 5816
      Infighting 3 months ago
    1512. 5817
      Pushing the Blame 3 months ago
    1513. 5818
      Conversion Pill 3 months ago
    1514. 5819
      Successive Deaths 3 months ago
    1515. 5820
      Personally Taking Action 3 months ago
    1516. 5821
      Pathetic and Lamentable 2 months ago
    1517. 5822
      Conversion Pill 2 months ago
    1518. 5823
      Deep Gully at the Bottom of the River 2 months ago
    1519. 5824
      Kababon 2 months ago
    1520. 5825
      King of the River 2 months ago
    1521. 5826
      I Am Hu Biao 2 months ago
    1522. 5827
      Joining 2 months ago
    1523. 5828
      Sudden Rage 2 months ago
    1524. 5829
      I’ll Let You Walk Aboard 2 months ago
    1525. 5830
      Kababon's Senior Brother 2 months ago
    1526. 5831
      Personal Battle 2 months ago
    1527. 5832
      The past of Kababon 2 months ago
    1528. 5833
      Blessed Land 2 months ago
    1529. 5834
      Storm 2 months ago
    1530. 5835
      Special Treasure 2 months ago
    1531. 5836
      Changing Face 2 months ago
    1532. 5837
      Shi Kingdom's Experts Arrive 2 months ago
    1533. 5838
      Last-Hit Expert, Kababon 2 months ago
    1534. 5839
      Killing Intent Rising 2 months ago
    1535. 5840
      Fallen Kababon 2 months ago
    1536. 5841
      Super Eternal Ancient Transformation 2 months ago
    1537. 5842
      Identity Theft 2 months ago
    1538. 5843
      Let Go 2 months ago
    1539. 5844
      Mysterious Treant 2 months ago
    1540. 5845
      Jiang Shang, the Celestial Maiden? 2 months ago
    1541. 5846
      Wu Li Exits Seclusion 2 months ago
    1542. 5847
      The Core Secret of the Blessed Land 2 months ago
    1543. 5848
      Perfect Universe! 2 months ago
    1544. 5849
      The End of the Shi Kingdom 2 months ago
    1545. 5850
      Dragon God Continent 2 months ago
    1546. 5851
      Polunga Clan 2 months ago
    1547. 5852
      Group Mission 2 months ago
    1548. 5853
      Dragon Ball 2 months ago
    1549. 5854
      A Small Punishment 2 months ago
    1550. 5855
      Are You Afraid? 2 months ago
    1551. 5856
      The Strongest Swordsman of the Human Race! 2 months ago
    1552. 5857
      Heading to the Holy Land 2 months ago
    1553. 5858
      Win-Win Plan 2 months ago
    1554. 5859
      Hate Iron For Not Being Steel 2 months ago
    1555. 5860
      Taking the Initiative to Stay 2 months ago
    1556. 5861
      Lord of Hengmu 2 months ago
    1557. 5862
      Enemy Attack 2 months ago
    1558. 5863
      Betrayed 2 months ago
    1559. 5864
      Transformation of All Things 2 months ago
    1560. 5865
      Kill 2 months ago
    1561. 5866
      Miserable 2 months ago
    1562. 5867
      Fierce Battle 2 months ago
    1563. 5868
      Dead? 2 months ago
    1564. 5869
      Joining Forces 2 months ago
    1565. 5870
      Trump Card Revealed 2 months ago
    1566. 5871
      Leave It to Me! 2 months ago
    1567. 5872
      Tier 2 Gula 2 months ago
    1568. 5873
      Stimulating Potential 2 months ago
    1569. 5874
      Exposing the Power of Life 2 months ago
    1570. 5875
      Shocking All Sides 2 months ago
    1571. 5876
      I Must Win This Time 2 months ago
    1572. 5877
      Breaking through to the Tribulation Realm 2 months ago
    1573. 5878
      Tribulation 2 months ago
    1574. 5879
      Fortunately, I Have You 2 months ago
    1575. 5880
      I Can Win 2 months ago
    1576. 5881
      No Pressure 2 months ago
    1577. 5882
      I Can Summon the Ninth Calamity for You 2 months ago
    1578. 5883
      Universe Formation 2 months ago
    1579. 5884
      Intense Battle 2 months ago
    1580. 5885
      Li Sheng's Shock 2 months ago
    1581. 5886
      The Strong Usually Appear Last 2 months ago
    1582. 5887
      Can’t Even Withstand a Single Blow 2 months ago
    1583. 5888
      Gula's End 2 months ago
    1584. 5889
      Entrusting 2 months ago
    1585. 5890
      Doomsday of the Ancient Wood Sect 2 months ago
    1586. 5891
      Path of God 2 months ago
    1587. 5892
      Commanding the Law Rules 2 months ago
    1588. 5893
      Where Did the Power of Life Go? 2 months ago
    1589. 5894
      Falling Out 2 months ago
    1590. 5895
      Divine Wood King 2 months ago
    1591. 5896
      Two Choices 2 months ago
    1592. 5897
      Wu Li's Father 2 months ago
    1593. 5898
      Dao Guardian 2 months ago
    1594. 5899
      Embarrassed Jian Wushuang 2 months ago
    1595. 5900
      Weiss Appears 2 months ago
    1596. 5901
      The Path to Godhood 2 months ago
    1597. 5902
      This Damned Pressure 2 months ago
    1598. 5903
      Babidi's Extravagance 2 months ago
    1599. 5904
      Oracle's Position 2 months ago
    1600. 5905
      Forging a God 2 months ago
    1601. 5906
      One Sword Strike, Reincarnation 2 months ago
    1602. 5907
      Wu Zuo and Realm King! 2 months ago
    1603. 5908
      Weiss' Promise 2 months ago
    1604. 5909
      The Origin 2 months ago
    1605. 5910
      Entering the Wanliu Universe 2 months ago
    1606. 5911
      Divine Life Power 2 months ago
    1607. 5912
      Higher Heaven? 2 months ago
    1608. 5913
      Celestial God 2 months ago
    1609. 5914
      Realm Monument 2 months ago
    1610. 5915
      Monkey Head Mushroom 2 months ago
    1611. 5916
      Thinking Too Far Ahead 2 months ago
    1612. 5917
      Path of the Celestial Maiden 2 months ago
    1613. 5918
      The Movement of Divine Power 1 months ago
    1614. 5919
      Working Together Again 1 months ago
    1615. 5920
      Two-Man Team 1 months ago
    1616. 5921
      City of the Sky 1 months ago
    1617. 5922
      Chi Tenggui 1 months ago
    1618. 5923
      I'll Block It! 1 months ago
    1619. 5924
      Overlapping Portrait 1 months ago
    1620. 5925
      Projection 1 months ago
    1621. 5926
      Nameless, Born of Heaven and Earth 1 months ago
    1622. 5927
      Star Spirit 1 months ago
    1623. 5928
      Big Deal 1 months ago
    1624. 5929
      Activating the Grand Array 1 months ago
    1625. 5930
      Life Force Depleted? 1 months ago
    1626. 5931
      This Is the Battlefield 1 months ago
    1627. 5932
      Zhen Wu Dynasty 1 months ago
    1628. 5933
      Long Time No See 1 months ago
    1629. 5934
      How Can I Forget? 1 months ago
    1630. 5935
      Immortal Divine Temple 1 months ago
    1631. 5936
      Those Years! 1 months ago
    1632. 5937
      Family! 1 months ago
    1633. 5938
      I Want to Leave Something Behind 1 months ago
    1634. 5939
      Entrance to Universe Sea 1 months ago
    1635. 5940
      Universe Supertravel 1 months ago
    1636. 5941
      Three Great Divine Spirits 1 months ago
    1637. 5942
      Stay 1 months ago
    1638. 5943
      Southern Saint King 1 months ago
    1639. 5944
      The Ninth Tribulation Realm Is Not Equal to Eternity 1 months ago
    1640. 5945
      Entering Universe Sea 1 months ago
    1641. 5946
      Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm! 1 months ago
    1642. 5947
      Urgent Travel 1 months ago
    1643. 5948
      Meeting 1 months ago
    1644. 5949
      Never 1 months ago
    1645. 5950
      The Battle of Universe Sea (1) 1 months ago
    1646. 5951
      The Battle of Universe Sea (2) 1 months ago
    1647. 5952
      The Battle of Universe Sea (3) 1 months ago
    1648. 5953
      The Immortal Divine Temple Descends 1 months ago
    1649. 5954
      I See the End of the Road 1 months ago
    1650. 5955
      My Heart Is Dead for the Polunga Clan 1 months ago
    1651. 5956
      Disband? 1 months ago
    1652. 5957
      Immortal! 1 months ago
    1653. 5958
      "Momentum" 1 months ago
    1654. 5959
      Breaking the Cauldron and Going All Out 1 months ago
    1655. 5960
      Plan to Win First Place! 1 months ago
    1656. 5961
      The Careless Babidi! 1 months ago
    1657. 5962
      Entering the Trap Alone! 1 months ago
    1658. 5963
      Be More Dignified! 1 months ago
    1659. 5964
      Light of God 1 months ago
    1660. 5965
      Withering 1 months ago
    1661. 5966
      You’re Thinking Too Much! 1 months ago
    1662. 5967
      Realm King's Coronation 1 months ago
    1663. 5968
      Descent of Terror 1 months ago
    1664. 5969
      I’ve Long Known That You’re Not Human! 1 months ago
    1665. 5970
      Erasing Everything! 1 months ago
    1666. 5971
      Numb Zhen Ling 1 months ago
    1667. 5972
      God King 1 months ago
    1668. 5973
      Turning to Ashes 1 months ago
    1669. 5974
      Sparring 1 months ago
    1670. 5975
      It’s You Who Won 1 months ago
    1671. 5976
      Dongsheng and Wanyan 1 months ago
    1672. 5977
      Descending to Qianshui City 1 months ago
    1673. 5978
      Seventh Tribulation Realm? 1 months ago
    1674. 5979
      Poor Man 1 months ago
    1675. 5980
      The Joy of Reunion 1 months ago
    1676. 5981
      Blood Demon Temple Master 1 months ago
    1677. 5982
      Do You Know Who I Am? 1 months ago
    1678. 5983
      Ordinary 1 months ago
    1679. 5984
      Sword Slash Storm 1 months ago
    1680. 5985
      Blood-Colored Power 1 months ago
    1681. 5986
      Uncle Master? 1 months ago
    1682. 5987
      Honored Guest 1 months ago
    1683. 5988
      Seventy Percent? 1 months ago
    1684. 5989
      This Won’t Do! 1 months ago
    1685. 5990
      The Truth 1 months ago
    1686. 5991
      Lord Guangying 1 months ago
    1687. 5992
      Old Friend 1 months ago
    1688. 5993
      Water Can Carry a Boat, but It Can Also Capsize It! 1 months ago
    1689. 5994
      You Can’t Judge with Your Eyes! 1 months ago
    1690. 5995
      Split Up 1 months ago
    1691. 5996
      Collapse 1 months ago
    1692. 5997
      Blood Origin Source 1 months ago
    1693. 5998
      Babata 1 months ago
    1694. 5999
      Black Radiance Essence 1 months ago
    1695. 6000
      Jian Wushuang’s Trump Cards 1 months ago
    1696. 6001
      Water Moon Cave 1 months ago
    1697. 6002
      Master Tongtong? 1 months ago
    1698. 6003
      My Heart Has Not Changed! 1 months ago
    1699. 6004
      Breaking the Illusion 1 months ago
    1700. 6005
      Incarnation of the Nether Hell 1 months ago
    1701. 6006
      Infinite Tribulation 1 months ago
    1702. 6007
      30 Billion 1 months ago
    1703. 6008
      Exhausted 1 months ago
    1704. 6009
      Wu Zuo Asks for Help! 29 days ago
    1705. 6010
      Ye Clan 29 days ago
    1706. 6011
      Going to the Daughter Kingdom Again 29 days ago
    1707. 6012
      The Real Murderer Who Destroyed Yue Kingdom 28 days ago
    1708. 6013
      Long Time No See 28 days ago
    1709. 6014
      I Will Do My Best 28 days ago
    1710. 6015
      Ye Wudao 27 days ago
    1711. 6016
      Raising the Flag 27 days ago
    1712. 6017
      Do You Dare to Come to the Void? 27 days ago
    1713. 6018
      Hu Qing's Horror! 26 days ago
    1714. 6019
      Ye Lingxiao's Fall 26 days ago
    1715. 6020
      Future Self 26 days ago
    1716. 6021
      The Soft-Hearted Hu Qing 25 days ago
    1717. 6022
      Sending Xilu Away 25 days ago
    1718. 6023
      "Zamasu?" 25 days ago
    1719. 6024
      Taixu Secret Realm 24 days ago
    1720. 6025
      The Age of Sorrow 24 days ago
    1721. 6026
      Xilu’s Special Ability 24 days ago
    1722. 6027
      Realm King God! 23 days ago
    1723. 6028
      The Purest Divine Power! 23 days ago
    1724. 6029
      Golden Divine Power 23 days ago
    1725. 6030
      I’m Not Dead Yet! 22 days ago
    1726. 6031
      Even Eternals Can Be Defeated 22 days ago
    1727. 6032
      Abyssal Spacetime 22 days ago
    1728. 6033
      Looking for Ye Lingxiao 21 days ago
    1729. 6034
      You'd Better Not Do It! 21 days ago
    1730. 6035
      Gu Xiao'er 21 days ago
    1731. 6036
      Twist 20 days ago
    1732. 6037
      Irrelevant? 20 days ago
    1733. 6038
      Shen Ta's Plan 20 days ago
    1734. 6039
      Lost Memories 19 days ago
    1735. 6040
      "Forget It" 19 days ago
    1736. 6041
      Arrogant Pyramid 19 days ago
    1737. 6042
      Scorched Earth! 18 days ago
    1738. 6043
      What’s Left after Devouring 18 days ago
    1739. 6044
      Heaven's Will 18 days ago
    1740. 6045
      The Real Use of the Chessboard 17 days ago
    1741. 6046
      Entering Nianshen Secret Realm 17 days ago
    1742. 6047
      One Incense to Burn, That’s All the Time I Need 17 days ago
    1743. 6048
      Boundless Nianshen Secret Realm 16 days ago
    1744. 6049
      Crossing the Nianshen Secret Realm 16 days ago
    1745. 6050
      I’m Not Dead Yet! 16 days ago
    1746. 6051
      Juyang, from the Giant God Clan! 15 days ago
    1747. 6052
      Meeting an Old Friend in a Foreign Land 15 days ago
    1748. 6053
      The Sword Raises 15 days ago
    1749. 6054
      Using Dao Techniques to Practice Buddhism 14 days ago
    1750. 6055
      Universe God 14 days ago
    1751. 6056
      My Name Is Berut 14 days ago
    1752. 6057
      The Proudest Sword Strike 13 days ago
    1753. 6058
      The Elder Brother of Realm King 13 days ago
    1754. 6059
      Helper Arrives 13 days ago
    1755. 6060
      Stuffing Him to Death 12 days ago
    1756. 6061
      The Limit of a Cultivator 12 days ago
    1757. 6062
      Extreme Light Tower 12 days ago
    1758. 6063
      The Source of the Northern Spacetime 11 days ago
    1759. 6064
      Great Realm King vs Zamasu 11 days ago
    1760. 6065
      You Must Die Today! 11 days ago
    1761. 6066
      Unwillingness 10 days ago
    1762. 6067
      Unfortunately, Not Today! 10 days ago
    1763. 6068
      Meeting an Old Friend 10 days ago
    1764. 6069
      Beast God Weapon 9 days ago
    1765. 6070
      The Mask of Greed “Tie Mian” 9 days ago

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    Unduh aplikasi dan menjadi pembaca istimewa hari ini! Mari kita intip bab-bab yang ada di stok penulis kami!

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