/ Action / 90,000 Years of Longevity

90,000 Years of Longevity Orisinil

90,000 Years of Longevity

Action 537 Bab 1.9M Dilihat

4.42 (53 peringkat)

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He once separated heaven and earth with Pangu, created humans with Nüwa, and explained Buddhism with Tathagata.

Once filled the sea with Jingwei, saved Chenxiang’s mother with Chenxiang, and tasted poison with Shen Nong.

The Taoist Trinity was his disciple, the Jade Emperor worshipped him as the godfather, and Jesus and Odin respected him as the ancestor.

He was drunk with the Dragon King for three days and three nights, and he also witnessed the graceful beauty of Chang'e flying to the moon.

He once saw the stone popped out the Monkey King, and also once burned the Book of Life and Death.

He was a man, a god, wind, rain, and a demon. He knew the past life and knew the future...

In this way, Ye Bei lived for 90,000 years! Looking for the mystery of longevity in the endless years...

Alert: This is a slow-paced story, so don’t complain after you read it...

Remember, this is a work of fiction that will contain some history of the world, some exaggerations and more things, I'm not trying to praise anyone or hate anything, this story develops by itself, just ultimately, don't take any offense!!!

Other work: Supreme Demon God

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Special Tag: # Reiki Recovery #MC Strong from the Start #Overpowered MC #Cold MC #Mysterious MC #Past Plays quite a Big Role #Cultivation+Martial Arts+Magic&Sword


  1. Schai28
    Schai28 Berpartisipasi 6411
  2. Caferkiwi
    Caferkiwi Berpartisipasi 5368
  3. Farhaan94
    Farhaan94 Berpartisipasi 5103


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    Synopsis’s Glossary: - Pangu: creator of the universe in Chinese mythology. - Nüwa: creator of humans in Chinese mythology. - Tathagata: Buddha’s name for himself. - Jingwei: A mythical bird, the reincarnation of drowned daughter Nüwa of Fiery Emperor. - Chenxiang: A boy whose mother is a goddess and a mortal father, you can watch an animation called “Lotus Lantern” and will know the story. - Taoist Trinity: Also called “Three Pure Ones” or Sanqing, the three highest Gods in the Taoist pantheon. - Jade Emperor: One representation of the first god in Daoist theology, he’s the assistant of Yuanshi Heavenly Emperor, one of the Three Pure Ones. - Jesus Odin: you know him. - Chang’e: Goddess of Moon. - Monkey King: Sun Wu Kong. - Book of Life and Death: A treasure which can decide the life and death of everyone, excluded Immortals in Chinese Mythology.

    Lihat 28 balasan

    I'm really enjoying the story so far. This is one of the novels that i will check for chapters multiple times a day. I hope to see it get a lot more recognition as it is a very solid and interesting tale.

    Lihat 3 balasan
    LV 14 Badge

    it's like these stories want to keep sucking China's d.ick like all the country's attacked China to plunder them then one dude from China who is an old toast ended it with one simple trick and the amount of of times it says how great China is actually scarry like do people in China just get fed propaganda

    Lihat 16 balasan

    I hope this novel will enter the top ranking fasttttt, OP MC, and it looks like there's no harem too, what else do you want to expect from this? Btw, how did I find this novel? Lol, I was just scrolling casually in my boredom, then I unexpectedly found it.

    Membuka SPOILER
    Lihat 14 balasan
    LV 10 Badge

    Great Potential yet Sub Par Execution (Skip to the bottom for TL;DR) So far I have read upwards to chapter 75 and all I have to say is this story has potential. The story revolves around the main MC Ye Bei who is an immortal that has outlived many historical figures and gods. It is also mentioned quite frequently that he has been secretly guiding humanity for 90,000 years. The premise is quite intriguing if you are into massively overpowered mc’s, but where the story starts falling apart is as follows: 1. The objective of the MC is massively confusing! There are no clear end goal. From wanting to visit old “friends”, eating their cooking (apparently he teaches all his friends to cook his favorite meals), to being omnipotent/omnipresent but cannot fathom the secrets of immortality yet seeks to know more, to finally wanting to find a girl which he claimed he doesn’t care for and someone named the Old Deceased (whom is hinted at being the girl at times then a man at others). 2. The author tries extremely hard to make the mc more mysterious but it simply ends up in a conflict. One minute the mc wants to punish traitors but when his desciple wishes to help, he gets angry and wants to do nothing about it and just explore the world. Things as simple as having dinner is strethed to 2-3 chapters having to explain the nuances of his every action, words, and their meanings. 3. The name bombs are ridiculous! Every action the mc does leads to a flashback of him either teaching/guiding a historical figure or simply letting them put their names on his work. From painting, playing chess, to something as simple as grinding ink. Reading this feels more like reading a history text book. 4. This point also ties to the writting quality and grammar. The story has a lot of grammar mistakes. Some are so bad that they change the narrative of the story being told leading you to be confused in the following chapters. They are not only easy to miss but annoying to have to think about what the author meant once you find them. 5. This final point ties with the third and fourth points. The large amount of name dropping and sub par writing quality creates confusion in the sense that character names change frequently and out of the blue! Every character tied to the mc has their real name, pen names, nicknames, and names the mc just spontaneously makes up for them. One major example is Wang Xiu who also goes by Winter Jasmine then out of nowhere it changes to Ying Chun. It is as if the author feels that he must inform us of every characters name, surname, nationality, and pennames! Should you stop reading for some time and return without briefing yourself on their many names; its easy to get confused about who is who. TL;DR - This story is quite slow and has objectives all over the place. It tries to much to build mystery and a sense of omnipotence. Paired with mediocre grammar and a large amount of name dropping, its the perfect mixture to confuse the unsuspecting reader. Did I mention that it is painfully slow? Be warned, something as simple as eating or painting can and will take up 2-3 chapters. I would like to thank everyone that has read this far. I would like to state that this review is my personal opinion gathered from the first 75 chapters. Enjoy your day and give the novel a try; after all, it has a lot of potential.

    Membuka SPOILER
    Lihat 0 balasan

    The writing quality is very good there’s nothing bad I can say about it the problem is that the story develops to slowly if there even is one the main character is going back and visiting all his old companions but because they’re in the story for so short it’s hard to get to know them or even there story it is a good read if you have a lot of time but if you want action or something with more substance you can skip this one I’m on 50 And I will drop this book but all in all it is a good read

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Definitely better writing quality than SUUSB. I can't even put it into word it's like a professional author wrote this. This is amazing, you should read it. The culture, references and mythology is pretty accurate the only people I found was with the unrealistic economics not even countries can move 33 Trillion dollars in a day it is literally impossible.

    Lihat 4 balasan
    LV 14 Badge

    I just realized I never reviewed this novel after I have been keeping up with the updates for so long. This novel is really amazing, the story is great, the main character is great, the writing quality and the speed of release is great. This story is reminiscent of Emperor’s domination which I also loved.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    Interesting at first but it doesn't really go anywhere. Author is too caught up trying to make the MC profound and mysterious that the same tropes are repeated over and over again. It just feels shallow and fake instead. No clue why so many people think this is good but different strokes for different folks I guess.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    One Of the best novel that i read, My preferences of novel is one with an op mc, so this fit's perfect with my preferences, But the storyline kinda repeat itself, you can improve on that :D

    Lihat 0 balasan

    One thing i can only say. Perfection. This story is good, the MC is so mysterious that I felt like i'm inside the world and that the MC is a real immortal, it's like the author actually experienced 90,000 years of life personally. this novel is unlike any other novel, the plot gives me the slowly building up anticipation and the MC's personality is out of this world, not like an immortal but IS an immortal, we don't need to worship him or respect him. Because he doesn't care. I wish i met the old immortal so that i can experience firsthand what an immortal is like.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    I am your senior.. I recomended this novel to u guys.. . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ... . ....,..............mmmm.................. ......mmmmmm......

    Lihat 0 balasan
    LV 10 Badge

    Must read. 90.000 year cultivation is better than other million year cultivation novel, the MC is mature and speak less. He like painting, thats why the novel took a lot of chapter just to describe little on going event.

    Lihat 0 balasan
    LV 14 Badge

    Still waiting and hoping that the author continues this novel. It is amazing and there are barely any other novels on this site that are on the same level. This novel is superior to the other ones the author is writing and currently releasing. I do not understand why he stopped writing this one.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Lol my current reading status is at chapter 440, paying absolutely nothing and using no fast passes because of webnovel free reading days. let me say this... This book is awesome. There are the flashbacks and snippets of history, the so-called longevity, and people related to it (other protagonists- really wide world), and the mc who's searching for longevity is the most op in the entire universe. It inserts reality with fantasy and mythology, in a modern world, so it is very interesting. If you are the author, i'm sorry for not paying for these chapters to support you, im just a 13 year old who has no money, but a lot of time. This is a must-recommend novel.

    Lihat 2 balasan

    Awesome story... I love everything about it... Well written, the background is amazing and can be understood even if you're not Chinese. Of course, the profound stuff will just sound like nonsense to us, Americans, but it's bearable nonetheless. The only two faults with this novel are the fact that it has too many Chinese references that non-Chinese people will never understand. For lack of a better way of describing it, this is the type of novel where a river is never just a river, it is a dragon circling the heavens in a ying-yang sign of blah blah blah... Doesn't make sense to me... The next issue is the fact that 50 chapters in and only about four days have passed throughout the story... the story is so slow... and when I mean slow, I don't mean slow in progress... I mean slow because the author spends half the chapter talking about all this Chinese stuff that we will never understand anyway. This novel is amazing, there is no doubt about that, but this isn't written for everyone... just a very targeted audience of Chinese readers in my opinion.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    the writer of this novel is amazing wow it's enjoyable I wish i can read the whole book but have no coins but I love it it's great thanks you

    Lihat 2 balasan

    The story moves like a snail crawls, extremely slowly,however I really like the quotes at the end of the chapters. Also, author, please get an editor

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Not bad. I can only rate 2.8 or 3 star. Novels are meant to be read so, can't help rate it. Fantasy is good and especially he existed since the creation of all in myth. This kind of novel is my cup of tea and it is like tasting your favorite tea but the flavor is changed.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    The writing quality is very great, there are only a few mistakes here and there. As for the Udate Stability, that’s one of the best. I gave him 5 stars. I don’t know what to say with story development, well, maybe things’ a bit slow. As for the characters, the MC is kinda go with flow. World Background? I can foresee that it’s not small. Overall, the author deleted previous reviews lol. Well, I saw that the previous reviews were indeed unreasonable, the two guys did not give honest reviews based on the quality of the novel at all. Anyway, this is my new acc, farming exp xD

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