Even now, Bai Xiaochun wasn't sure exactly where the turtle-wok came from. He only had some guesses, and no real proof.
However, there was one thing he was certain of, and that was that from the moment he had acquired the wok from the Ovens, he had never encountered anything as sturdy.
No divine ability, no magical technique, no level of fleshly body power, no magical items could destroy it. Of that much he was convinced.
In the face of the seemingly endless tide of deadly leaves, Bai Xiaochun's heart pounded with fear, and yet, not despair. Howling, he produced his turtle-wok, and then dropped to the ground with the wok on top of him.
"It's a good thing I'm skinny again, otherwise I would be in quite a pickle." As he sighed and settled down under the wok, the spirit automaton stood on the tree, watching. When he saw what was happening, his initial reaction was that of shock, but then he started howling with laughter.
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